This book belongs to
purchased with the aid of
The MacDonald-Stewart Foundation
The Canada Council
Edited with constant reference to the Thesaurus of Gesenhis as completed Vtj E. Rodiger, and
with authorized use of the latest German editions of Gesenius's
Handworierhuch iiber das Alie Testament
R. DRIVES, D.D., Litt.D. and CHARLES A. BRIGGS, D.D., D.Litt.
London Edinburgh Glasgow New York
Toronto Melbourne Capetown Bombay
Calcutta Madras
THE need of a new Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament has
been so long felt that no elaborate explanation of the appearance of the
present work seems called for. Wilhelm Gesenius, the father of modern Hebrew
Lexicography, died in 1842. His Lexicon Manuale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum
in V.T. Libros, representing a much riper stage of his lexicographical work than
his earlier Hebrew dictionaries, was published in 1833, and the corresponding
issue of his Hebrdisches und Chalddisches Handworterbuch iiber das Alte Testament,
upon which the later German editions more or less directly depend, appeared in
1834. The Thesaurus philologicus Griticus Linguae Hebraeae et Chaldaeae Veteris
Testamenti, begun by Gesenius some years earlier, and not completed at his death,
was substantially finished by Roediger in 1853, although the concluding part,
containing Indices, Additions, and Corrections, was not published until 1858.
The results of Gesenius's most advanced work were promptly put before English-
speaking students. In 1824 appeared Gibbs's translation of the Neues Hebraisch-
deutsches Handworterbuch, issued by Gesenius in 1815, and in 1836 Edward
Robinson published his translation of the Latin work of 1833. This broad-minded,
sound, and faithful scholar added to the successive editions of the book in its
English form the newest materials and conclusions in the field of Hebrew
word-study, receiving large and valuable contributions in manuscript from Gesenius
himself, and, after the latter's death, carefully incorporating into his translation
the substance of the Thesaurus, as its fasciculi appeared.
But the last revision of Robinson's Gesenius was made in 1854, and Robinson
died in 1863. The last English edition of Gesenius, prepared by Tregelles, and
likewise including additions from the Thesaurus, dates as far back as 1859.
In the meantime Semitic studies have been pursued on all hands with energy
and success. The language and text of the Old Testament have been subjected
to a minute and searching inquiry before unknown. The languages cognate
with Hebrew have claimed the attention of specialists in nearly all civilized
countries. Wide fields of research have been opened, the very existence of
which was a surprise, and have invited explorers. Arabic, ancient and modern,
Ethiopic, with its allied dialects, Aramaic, in its various literatures and localities,
have all yielded new treasures ; while the discovery and decipherment of
inscriptions from Babylonia and Assyria, Phoenicia, Northern Africa, Southern
Arabia, and other old abodes of Semitic peoples, have contributed to a far more
comprehensive and accurate knowledge of the Hebrew vocabulary in its sources
and its usage than was possible forty or fifty years ago. In Germany an attempt
has been made to keep pace with advancing knowledge by frequent editions of the
Handworterbuch, as well as by the brilliant and suggestive, though unequal,
Worterbuch of Siegfried and Stade (in 1892-3), but in England and America
there has not been heretofore even so much as a serious attempt.
The present Editors consider themselves fortunate in thus having the oppor-
tunity afforded by an evident demand. Arrangements have been made whereby
the rights connected with ' Robinson's Gesenius ' are carried over to the present
work, and exclusive authority to use the most recent German editions has been
secured1. They have felt, however, that the task which they had undertaken
could not be rightly discharged by merely adding new knowledge to the old,
or by substituting more recent opinions for others grown obsolete, or by any
other form of superficial revision. At an early stage of the work they reached
the conviction that their first and perhaps chief duty was to make a fresh and,
as far as possible, exhaustive study of the Old Testament materials, determine the
actual uses of words by detailed examination of every passage, comparing, at
the same time, their employment in the related languages, and thus fix their proper
meanings in Hebrew.
In the matter of etymologies they have endeavoured to carry out the method
of sound philology, making it their aim to exclude arbitrary and fanciful con-
jectures, and in cases of uncertainty to afford the student the meaDs of judging
of the materials on which a decision depends. They could not have been
satisfied to pursue the course chosen by Professors Siegfried and Stade in
excluding the etymological feature almost entirely from their lexicon. This
method deprives the student of all knowledge as to the extra-Biblical history
and relationship of his words, and of the stimulus to study the cognato lan-
guages, and lessens his opportunity of growing familiar with the modes of
word-formation. It greatly simplifies, of course, the task of the lexicographer.
The Editors acknowledge, at once, that their labours would have ended
much sooner if they had not included the etymology of words, and they are
sensible of the exposure to criticism at a thousand points which results from
their undertaking to do so. They have cheerfully assumed this burden, and
are ready to accept this criticism, from which they hope to learn much. Here,
if anywhere, it is certain that results must, in many cases, long remain provisional.
They have preferred to make what contribution they could to the final settlement
of these difficult questions. For like reasons they have been unwilling to follow
Buhl in excluding the explanation of the meaning of proper names, hazardous as
such explanations often are.
' The eleventh German edition appeared in j any degree from personal investigation of the
1890, the year before the First Part of the present entire material. The Editors have, however,
Lexicon was issued, under the editorship of Pro-
fessors Miihlau and Volck, of Dorpat, who had
prepared the eighth, ninth, and tenth also. The
twelfth edition, in 1895, marked an era in tho
history of this useful dictionary, for with it began
the careful editorship of Professor Frants Buhl,
of Copenhagen, then at Leipzig, who issued the
thirteenth edition, also, in 1899, and, after a very
thorough revision, the fourteenth in 1905. None
of these editions had the exact scope of the present
work, and none of them absolved the Editors in
derived much benefit from the German work,
and especially from the contributions to it of
Professor Buhl and his co-labourers, Professors
Socin and Zimmern. Unfortunately the present
Lexicon — with the exception of the Appendix —
was almost entirely in type when the fourteenth
edition appeared, and adequate use of its new
material, especially its extensive references to
current philological literature must be reserved
for a later opportunity.
That the Editors have made use of the Thesaurus of Gesenius on every
page, with increasing admiration for the tireless diligence, philological insight,
and strong good sense of this great Lexicographer, and recognition of Robinson's
wisdom in allowing him to speak directly to English students by the admirable
translation and editorship of the Lexicon Manuale, need not be further emphasized.
They have also made free reference to Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar, in the
successive editions prepared by Professor Kautzsch, follower of Gesenius at Halle,
and, since 1898, to the excellent English translation of this book made by Messrs.
Collins and Cowley, which appeared in that year. The grammars of Ewald,
Olshausen, Bbttcher, Stade, August Miiller, and Konig, the Syntax of A. B. Davidson,
and other grammatical works have been cited as occasion required. Noldeke's
contributions to Hebrew Lexicography and Grammar have been constantly used,
with the works of Lagarde and Barth on the formation of nouns, of Gerber on
denominative verbs, and many which cannot be catalogued here. All the critical
commentaries, and a great number and variety of textual, topographical, and
geographical works, with monographs and articles bearing on every possible
aspect of Old Testament language, have been examined.
The published materials for the study of the languages cognate with Hebrew
have reached such proportions as to tax even the most industrious in any
extended comparison of kindred words. For the Arabic, constant use has been
made of the dictionaries of Lane, Freytag, Dozy, Wahrmund, the Beirut Fathers,
and others besides. The Editors have found themselves sharing with peculiar
keenness in the unavailing regret of scholars that Mr. Lane's magnificent plan
of complete Arabic lexicography was not destined to be realized. Frankel's
Aramdische Frerndiuorter im Arabischen has been constantly used. For the vast
and increasing storehouse of Assyrian— as yet most imperfectly explored — the
dictionaries of Delitzsch, and, as far as the times of its appearance allowed,
Muss-Arnolt have been employed, as well as Meissner's Supplement, and many
special vocabularies. Paul Haupt, Bezold, Guyard, Strassmaier, Zimmern, Jensen,
Winckler, Scheil, Sayce, King, Johns, R. F. Harper, and many writers in the
Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie, the Beitrage zur Assyriologie und Semitischen Sprach-
wissenschaft, and other publications, have been laid under contribution. A place
of honour must here be given to Eberhard Schrader, the founder of Assyriology
in Germany, whose fruitful work has been prematurely cut short by impaired
health, and the Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek begun by him is mentioned here
many times. Winckler is of course recognized as the chief editor of the inscriptions
from Tel el-Amarna. For Syriac, the Thesaurus of R. Payne Smith and the
Lexicon of Brockelmann have been always at hand, with Castell accessible in case
of need. Constant reference has been made to Noldeke's Syrische Grammatik
(now, fortunately, translated), as well as his older works, the Neu-Syrische
Gmmmatik, and the priceless Manddische Grammatik. Duval and Nestle also
have been laid under contribution. The Aramaic of the Targums and other Jewish-
Aramaic documents, as well as the post-Biblical Hebrew have been examined
in the dictionaries of Buxtorf, J. Levy, Jastrow, and Dalman, the collections of
Bacher, the grammars of Strack, Marti, and Dalman, the editions of Lagarde,
Berliner, and Merx, as well as the older publications. The Christian Aramaic of
Palestine has been studied in the treatment of Schwally and Schulthess. In the
Aramaic Appendix frequent references have been made not only to the grammars
of Kautzsch and Dalman, but also to Krauss's Griechiscke u. Lateinische Lehnworter
im Talmud, and especially to the independent and valuable pamphlets of
Scheftelowitz ; Arisckes im Alten Testament I and II. The Hebrew text of
Ecclesiasticus has been used in the primary editions of Schechter, of Neubauer
and Cowley, of Schechter and Taylor, of E. N. Adler, G. Margoliouth, I. LeVi
and Gaster, as well as in the more compact editions of Strack and Levi, and
the admirable facsimile issued by the Clarendon Press. Dillmann has been the
main authority for Ethiopic, with resort, from time to time, to Pratorius and
Charles. North-Semitic inscriptions have yielded their material through the
Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, the Repertoire d"£pigraphie Semitique, the
collections of de Vogue", Euting, and others, and, especially in recent years, by
the aid of the Handbooks of Lidzbarski and G. A. Cooke, and the Glossary of
S. A. Cook. The important Aramaic texts from Egypt, of the fifth century b. c.
which have been just published by Cowley and Sayce, have also been utilized for
the Aramaic Lexicon. The lexical matter of Southern Arabia has been gathered
from the Corpus, from the inscriptions published by Osiander, M. Levy, Halevy,
Mordtmann, D. H. Miiller (including the discoveries of Langer), Glaser, and others.
Egyptian parallels have been adduced mainly from Wiedemann, Bondi, Erman,
Steindorff and Spiegelberg, with occasional reference to Lepsius, Brugsch and Ebers.
In all these departments, where active work is going on, fugitive materials have
of course been found in many places, often scattered and sometimes remote.
It has been the purpose to recognize good textual emendations, but not to
swell the list by conjectures which appeared to lack a sound basis. There is still
much to do in textual criticism, and much which has been done since the printing
of this Lexicon began would receive recognition if extensive revision were now
possible. Among the critical discussion of the Hebrew texts which have been
frequently used are those of Geiger, Graetz, Wellhausen (Samuel, Minor Prophets),
Perles, Oort, Cornill (Ezelciel, Jeremiah), Beer (Job), Driver (Samuel), Burney
(Kings), the several Parts of the Polychrome Bible, the Notes by translators in
Kautzsch's Altes Testament, as well as those found in the Commentaries (especially
the two recently completed series published under the editorship of Nowack and
Marti, respectively, and the Old Testament volumes of the International Critical
Commentary, edited by Professors Briggs and Driver), and in many periodicals.
As to the arrangement of the work, the Editors decided at an early stage
of their preparations to follow the Thesaurus, and the principal dictionaries of
other Semitic languages, in classifying words according to their stems, and not
to adopt the purely alphabetical order which has been common in Hebrew
dictionaries. The relation of Semitic derivatives to the stems is such as to
make this method of grouping them an obvious demand from the scientific
point of view. It is true that practical objections to it may be offered, but
these do not appear convincing. One is that it compels the Editor to seem to
decide, by placing each word under a given stem, some questions of etymology
which in his own mind are still open. The number of such cases, however, is
comparatively small, and the uncertainty can always be expressed by a word
of caution. And even if the objection were much more important it would be
better to assume the burden of it, in order to give students of Hebrew, from
the outset, the immense advantage of familiarity with the structure and formative
laws of the Hebrew vocabulary in their daily work. Another objection in-
cidental to this arrangement is thought to be the increased difficulty of reference.
This difficulty will diminish rapidly as students advance in knowledge, and by
the practice of setting words formed by prefix or affix — or otherwise hard for
the beginner to trace — a second time in their alphabetical place, with cross-
references, it is hoped to do away with the difficulty almost entirely.
The Aramaic of the Bible has been separated from the Hebrew, and placed
by itself at the end of the book, as a separate and subordinate element of the
language of the Old Testament. This is a change from that older practice which,
since it was adopted here, has been made also by Siegfried and Stade, and by Buhl,
and which the Editors believe will commend itself on grounds of evident propriety.
The question of adding an English-Hebrew Index has been carefully con-
sidered. With reluctance it has been decided, for practical reasons, not to do
so. The original limits proposed for the Lexicon have already been far exceeded,
and the additional time, space, and cost which an Index would require have
presented a barrier which the Editors could not see their way to remove.
The work of preparing the Lexicon has been divided as follows : — The articles
written by Professor Driver include all pronouns, prepositions, adverbs, con-
junctions, interjections, and other particles, together with some nouns whose
principal use (with or without a preposition) is adverbial ; also some entire
stems of which only one derivative is used adverbially : e. g. I. Tt3, TV2 (not ?y!?3),
W, I. bbl, DND, yri; but in the case of 0oi\ 1M, *&, i. "nj>, b$o and by (sub nby),
DV> "Wa W (sub my), among others, Professor Driver's responsibility does not go
beyond the particular words. Under ftiB he is responsible for the treatment of
'JB with prepositions prefixed. He has prepared a few other articles, as well ;
e.g. tyx, II. vo, bin, r\w\ njehn, Ten, ino, bj?o, inh. In addition to articles for
which he is exclusively responsible, he has read all the proofs, and made many
The following articles have been prepared by Professor Briggs l ; they are in
the main terms important to Old Testament Religion, Theology, and Psychology,
and words related to these : —
JH3K, pK, I. bnK, 3IK, II. H1K, I. i>lK, I. fW, TNt, ^J, Dy6k, rfb$, II. r6t?,
I. }DK, nBN, II. pK, TIN, njfo, Wftt, 1SW (but nofBfc); PN3, T3, i. 13, Kn3, "TO,
I. TO3, p3 (not [fflj, PS), "133, ^3, HD3, byi, B''p3, I. *03, n^3, 113, i. T3, TI3,
1 Except where words are pointed, or special
restrictions made, it is generally to be understood
that Professor Briggs is responsible for all words
belonging to the stem whose letters are given.
Proper names, and much of the etymological
material, especially in the last two-thirds of the
book, form a standing exception, nor is Professor
Briggs responsible for any part of the Biblical
-lira, tai; me, J, ins, naj, naa, h:, rta, ^a (not ^?|), "BR; W, H; WW (incl. mn*) ;
nai, I. nit, nst, I. rot, nyr, P"iT; ssn, Din, I. ntn, Hon, hti, nan, in. ^n, ji. abn,
I. jsn (not roan), Lion, ron, j»sn, ppn, inn, i. mn, i. epn, seta, j^n; -ino, aio,
noo ; I. i»»o, nr, ats', t&, nD\ iy\ nap, an», rrv, ye», ntr ; naa, jna, riDa, boa,
ova, I. nsa, ana, yna, rna ; n,s6, aai>, j"i>, noi> ; i. dkd, mo, i. nno, nrao, ^>yo,
nso, nisp, mo, ntro, I. hro; dxj, xa:, ana, ma, I. bra, era, ribs, I. n,DJ, b>bs,
I. nxj, ^S3, i. nxa, rips, ops ; nto, nbo, rbo ; nay, nw, n. my, m. hy, W,
nbv (not ^yp, ^5?), my, ^oy, in. njy, iny; 1. -ins, ma, n^es, &b, I. nos, ytfa;
sax, pnx, nix; ehp, i>np, 1. nop, n. nj*g, Mjp, 1. nsp, ddp, i. ejsp ; am, ran, jrn,
I. orn, 1. yy~i, nxn, jwh; jd'b'; ^iNt?, natf, mb5, rue*, ne/, 1. soe>, yie*, nne*, ■«)»,
pe*, take*, dbb>, -pe*, niB'; Don, ayn, nyn.
Professor Brown is responsible for all articles and parts of articles not included
in the above statements, as well as for the arrangement of the book and the
general editorial oversight.
The work has consumed a much longer time than was anticipated at the
outset. Twenty-three years have passed since it was undertaken, and nearly
fifteen since the issue of the First Part, in June, 1891. Several causes have
prevented an earlier completion of it. Not only have the Editors been engaged
in the active duties of their professorships, to which they were obliged to
subordinate even so important a work as this, but they have more than once
encountered serious interruptions from unforeseen circumstances of a personal
nature. But, above all, the task itself has proved a greater one than they supposed
it to be. The field has been large, the questions have been many, and often
difficult, the consideration of usage, involved, as it is, with that of textual change
and of fresh proposals in exegesis, has required an enormous amount of time ;
the study of etymologies is involved with masses of new material, rapidly
increasing and as yet imperfectly published and digested ; the critical discussion of
the many related topics is of great extent and scattered through many books and
periodicals. Even tentative conclusions can be reached often only through
a careful weighing of facts yielded by prolonged investigation. And so the process
has gone on year after year. The Editors are quite aware that the patience of
purchasers has been put to a severe test. They would be glad to think that they
may find in the result a partial compensation.
They know, indeed, that this result is far from perfect. Their most earnest
care has not been able to exclude errors ; the First Part, in particular, was printed
under unfavourable conditions, and the years since the earlier Parts were issued
have brought new knowledge at many points. It was not possible, nor would it
have been just to owners of these Parts, to make considerable changes in the
plates. Such changes have been limited, almost wholly, to obvious misprints,
and occasional errors in citation. A selected, and restricted, list of some of the
more important ' Addenda et Corrigenda ' is appended to the volume. The
Editors venture to hope that in the future they may be able to utilize the
additional material which is now in their hands.
A list of abbreviations was issued with Part I. This has been now revised
and enlarged, and it is hoped that by its aid the abbreviations made necessary
by the fullness of reference, on the one hand, and the requirements of space, on
the other, will be quite intelligible.
Thanks are due to many scholars who have shown an interest in the work,
and have contributed to its value by their suggestions. Prominent amonw these
are Professor Hermann L. Strack, D.D., of Berlin ; Professor George F. Moore, D.D.,
of Harvard University ; and, for the Biblical Aramaic, Stanley A. Cook, Esq., of
Cambridge, who has kindly read the proofs of the Aramaic Appendix, and
made various additions and improvements. Dr. Eberhard Nestle, of Maulbronn,
Professors Theodor Nbldeke, of Strassburg, Henry Preserved Smith, D.D., of
Amherst, Mass., Thomas Kelly Cheyne, D.D., of Oxford, Richard J. H. Gottheil,
Ph.D., of Columbia University, New York, A. F. Kirkpatrick, D.D., and William
Emery Barnes, D.D., of Cambridge, T. W. Davies, of the University College of
North Wales, and Max Margolis, of the University of California, as well as
Mr. H. W. Sheppard, of Bromley, Kent, and others, have laid the Editors under
obligation by sending important comments, or lists of corrections. Any further
communications which may advance the cause of Hebrew scholarship, and promote
a more thorough comprehension of the Old Testament Scriptures by supplying
material for a possible future edition of the Lexicon, will be cordially welcomed.
It is impossible to bring this Preface to a close without especial reference
to the relations between the Editors and their Publishers, in America and in
England. The new Hebrew Lexicon owes its origin to Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin
and Company, of Boston, Mass., holders of the copyright of ' Robinson's Gesenius,'
and long its publishers. The present editors were authorized by them to undertake
the work as a revision of that book. The late Mr. Henry 0. Houghton, senior
member of the firm, gave the project his especial attention, devoting much time
to personal conference with the American editors, and making a visit to Oxford
for a discussion of the matter with Professor Driver, and with the Delegates of
the Clarendon Press, whose co-operation he secured. It is a matter of deep regret
that his life was not spared to see the completion of an enterprise in which he
took so sympathetic an interest. We desire to record our appreciation of that
interest, and of the considerate patience with which he — and the other members
'of this publishing-house both before and since his death — -have met the delays
in finishing the work.
We are under similar obligations to the Delegates of the Clarendon Press.
Since assuming a share in this enterprise they have shown unfailing regard for
it as a serious contribution to Hebrew learning. The Editors have many courtesies
to acknowledge from successive Secretaries of the Clarendon Press, the late Master
of Pembroke, Professor Bartholomew Price, D.D., P. Lyttleton Gell, Esq., and
C. Cannan, Esq.
We desire to express our thanks to the printers, to whose painstaking care
in the composition— made complicated and difficult by the great variety of type,
including half a dozen founts of foreign characters— in the correcting and in
the press-work, the excellent appearance of the page is due ; to Horace Hart, M. A.,
under whose direction they have worked ; and not least to J. C. Pembrey, M. A.,
chief Oriental proof-reader, whose sharp eye little escapes, and whose personal
enthusiasm is always concentrated upon the book in hand.
The merits of the work — if it have them — are dependent to a large degree on
the hearty co-operation of all these, whose service we gratefully acknowledge.
In thus sending out into the world a book to which have gone many years
of life and much persistent effort, our most earnest wish is that it shall be of
real use to students, as a key with which they may unlock for themselves the
rich treasure-house of the Old Testament.
March, 1906.
A = Alexandrine MS. of Septua-
ABA = Abhandlungen d. Berliner
Akademie d. Wissen-
abs, —absolute.
abstr. = abstract.
Ac = Academy (London).
ace. = accusative (direct obj.
ace. cogn. = ace. of cognate meaning
with verb.
ace. pers. = ace. of person.
ace. rei = ace. of thing.
ace. to = according to.
act. m active.
adj, — adjective.
adv. = adverb.
AE — Aben Ezra.
AGG — Abhandlungen d. Gottinger
Gesellsch. d. Wissen-
AGI "-Assyrian & English Glos-
sary, Johns Hopkins Uni-
AJPh — American Journal of Philo-
A JSL — American Journal of Se-
mitic Languages.
Ak. — Akkadian.
al. —et aliter, and elsewhere;
also el alii, and others.
Albr = K. Albrecht.
alttest(am) . = alttestamentliche(r,s).
alw. = always.
Am = Amos.
Am. J.Sem.Lang. = A JSL, q. v.
AmRV = American RV.
Andr = Andreas. Andr31 — Id., in
Marti's Aram.Grammatik.
Aq =Aquila.
AR — Andover Review.
Ar. — Arabic.
Aram. = Aramaic, Aramaism.
Arch. = Archaeology.
ARSK = A. R. S. Kennedy.
As. — Assyrian.
Asrb. — Assurbanipal.
Asm. = Assurnasirpal.
A.T. = Altes Testament.
Ath. — Athenaeum (London).
A v. — Avesta, Avestan.
AV = Authorized Version.
AW =Abu'lWalid.
A&W = Abel & Winckler, Keil-
schrifttexte, Glossary.
AZ = Agyptische Zeitschrift.
B = Vatican MS. of Septuagint.
Ba =J.Barth. BaErkl- "•■'"• = /</.,
Erklarung des Jesaias ;
BaES = 7<2.,Etymologische
Studien; BaNB = /</., No-
Ba ~K. C. Biihr.
Bab. —Babylonian.
Bacher = W. Bacher. BacherTennln<>1-
— Id. , Alteste Terminolo-
gie der jiidischen Schrift-
Bachm = J. Bachmann.
Bad = K. Badeker. BadE* = Ba-
deker's Egypt ; Badr*'-=
Badeker' s Palestine.
Bae -F. Baethgen. Bae^1-, or
BaeSem.Bel._Beitrjige zur
Semitischen Religionsge-
Baen = B. Baentsch.
Bahr =K. C. Bahr. Bahrs»ml> =
Bahr, Symbolik des Mosai-
schen Cultus.
BAL =C. Bezold, Babylonisch-As-
syrische Literatur.
B.Aram. — Biblical Aramaic.
BarHeb(r) — Bar Hebraeus.
BAS =»Beitrage zur Assyriologie
u. Suiriit. Sprachwissen-
schaft, edd. 1)1. & Hpt.
Bau(d) = W. von Baudissin. BauKel
— id., Studien zur Se-
mitischen Religionsge-
schichte ; BauI'rl"t- = Id.,
Geschichte des Alttes-
tamentlichen Priester-
Bd. -Bad, q.v.
BD = Baer&Delitzsch,Heb.Text.
Be — E. Bertheau.
beg. m beginning.
Behrm — G. Behrmann.
Belsh. — Belshazzar.
Benn - W. H. Bennett.
Benz — J. Benzinger. BenzArcll =
Id., Hebriiische Archae-
Berggren = J. Berggren, Guide Fran-
cais-Arabe Vulgaire.
BerlinerTOnk- — A. Berliner, Targum
of Onkelos.
Berthol = A. Bertholet.
BeRy = Bertheau's Cumin, ed. by
Bev = A. A. Bevan.
Bez -C. Bezold.
BH -Biblical Hebrew.
Bi =G. BickelL
Bl -F. Bleek.
Bla -J. S. Black.
Bloch<G'-' = A. Bloch, Phbnirisches
Bmg — A. J. Baumgartner.
Bo -S. Bochart. BoHtor01- - Id.,
B6 = F. Bottcher. Bo », or Bb '• »
= Id., Lehrbuch d. Hebr.
Sprache j Bo*. »r "*•— Id.,
lese; Bb'-'-W., De In-
feris ; BoI"r°b- = Id., Pro-
ben alttest. Schrifterkla-
Bondi-J. H. Bondi, Hebr. Lebn-
worter in Hieroglyphi-
schen .... Texten.
BOR ■» Babylonian & Oriental Re-
Br = C. A. Briggs. Br°«"- ln"- =
Id., General Introduction
to the Study of Holy
Scripture; BrH«- = Id.,
Higher Criticism of the
Hexateuch ; Br"p •= Id.,
Messianic Prophecy.
Braundl! v««- s»«rd. = j, Braunius,
Vestitus Sacerdotum He-
Brd =C. Bredenkamp.
Brock — C. Brockelmann, esp. Id.,
Lexicon Syriacum.
Bu =K. Budde. Bu8* - Id.,
Richter u. Samuel ; Bu
Cr»- - Id., Die biblische
Buhl — Frants Buhl, esp. as editor
of eds.12-14 of Gesenius's
Handwbrterbuchiiber das
A. T.; Buhl^w.) _/<*.,
Geographie des Alten
Palastina ; Buhl""""- -
Id., Geschichte der Edo-
Bur = C. F. Burney.
Burckh — J. L. Burckhardt, esp. Id.,
Travels in Syria, etc.
Bux = J. Buxtorf.
Bz =C. Bezold.
c. = circa, about; also cum with.
Ca = C. P. Caspari.
Calv —John Calvin.
Cappad. = Cappadocia.
Castell = Edward Castell.
Castle -Castell.
caus. = causative.
CeigHHrok^o. Celsius, Hierobo-
cf. — confer, compare.
I Ch, 2 Ch -- i i .' Chronicles.
Champoll— J. F. Champollion.
Che = T. K. Cheyne. CheFouod,l^,
= 7rf., Founders of Old
Testament Criticism ; Che
Hpt.'s Sacred Books of
the O. T. ('Polychrome
Bible '), Eng. Trans., and
Heb. Text; Che1""1'--
Che°p = 7rf., Origin and
Religious Contents of the
ChGn — G. Smith's Chald. Genesis,
Germ. ed.
Chron — Chronicles ; also Chronicon
(e.g., EusebChro1'-).
Chr-Pal. = Christian -Palestinian
Cilic. — Cilician (Aramaic).
CIS — Corpus Inscript. Semitica-
CIGann — Clermont-Ganneau.
Co = C. H. Cornill.
coll. —collective.
Comm.a Commentary, Commen.
taries, Commentators.
comp. — compare, compares, com-
concr. = concrete.
conj. — conjecture (s); also conjunc-
consec. — consecutive.
constr. m construction.
contr. — contract, contracted.
Cook -Stanley A. Cook.
Cooke -G. A. Cooke.
COT — The Cuneiform Inscr. & the
Old Test. (Eng. Trans, of
KATJ, by O. H. White-
Cowley — A. E. Cowley.
cp. — compare.
cpd. = compound, compounded.
CR — Comptes Rend us.
cstr. —construct.
Ct - Canticles —Song of Solomon.
Cuche— Id., Dictionnaire Arabe-
D = Deuteronomist in Dt., in
other books Deuteronomic
author or redactor.
D (in BAram. Appendix) -G. Dal-
man, usu. Id., Ara-
Worterbuch; D» = Id.,
Grammatik des Jiidisch-
Aramaiscben (2nd ed.,
Da -A. B. Davidson. Da8'nt =
Id., Hebrew Syntax.
Dalm -G. Dalman. DalmWB = 7rf.,
Aramaisches - Neuhebrai-
sches Worterbuch.
= Daniel.
— Dictionary of the Bible, ed.
J. Hastings.
— Franz Delitzsch. Decompi.
v*r- = Id., Complutensi-
sche Varianten zum alt-
testamentlichen Texte ;
J)eHL 1111,1 Kohelelh ,_ Jrf
Comm. iiber das Hohelied
und Koheleth.
=dele, strike out (also delet,
Derenb = (usu.) H. Derenbourg ;
sts. J. Derenbourg; De-
renbKtujM „ Id> feudes
sur l'Epigraphie du Ye'-
DeW = W. M. L. De Wette.
DHM=D. H. Miiller. DHMB8 =
Id., Burgen u. Schlbsser
Sad - Arabiens ; DHM
Epigr. DenVm. (Ar., or aus Aliens.)
— Id., Epigraphische
Denkmaler, or Epigr.
Denkm. aus Arabien, or
Epigr. Denkm. aus Abes-
sinien ; DHMH°tmU!- = Id.,
Inschriften des Hof-
museums; DHM*1*1!^
Id., Inschriften von Send-
schirli; DHM81»d-= Id.,
Sudarabische Studien ;
DHMSmb . I(Lj Sab
Alterthiimer in d. Kon.
Museen zu Berlin.
Di —A. Dillmann.
Dict.Bib. — Smith, Dictionary of the
Dietr - F. E. C. Dietrich, esp. Id.,
Abhandlungen fiir semit.
Diod = Diodorus Siculus.
Dioscor — Dioscorides ; DioscorDe
M»t.r.M«i. „ Id> De Ma.
teria Medica.
div. — divinum, divinitatu.
Dl = Friedrich Delitzsch. Dl* =
Id., Assyrian Grammar ;
Dl" - Id., Hebrew &
Assyrian ; DIHwb = jj h
Assyrisches Handworter-
buch; D1K = Id., Sprache
d. Kossiier ; D1L = Id.,
Assyrische Lesesttlcke ;
Dlr»"> = 7rf., Wo lag das
Paradies 1 DlPr<°» = Id.,
Prolegomena ; Dl8 — Id. ,
Assyrische Studien ; Dlw
= Id„ Assyrisches Wor-
Deutsche Literatur- Zeit-
Dn = Daniel.
Door - A. van Doorninck.
DoughtyA"»>»«=C. M. Doughty,
Travels in Arabia De-
Dozy -R, Dozy, (usu.) Suppl. aux
Diet. Arabes.
DPV = Deutscher PalUstina-Ve-
Dr -S. R. Driver. Dr» = Id,,
Hebrew Tenses ; DrImr- —
Id., Introduction to Lite-
rature of 0. T. ; DrPMl' =
Id., Psalter; DrSm, or8»m
— /</., Text of Samuel.
Dr-Wh- Driver and White, Le-
viticus (Hpt.).
Dt — Deuteronomy.
Du =B. Duhm.
dub. — dubious, doubtful.
Dvd —David.
DWAk-Denkschriften der Wiener
Akademie d. Wiss.
Dy —J. Dyserinck.
E -Elohist.
Eb = G. Ebers. Eh**" - Id.,
Aegypten u. d. Biicher
Mosis;EbG8 = 7d.,Durch
Gosen zum Sinai.
EB(i)- Encyclopaedia Biblica, edd.
Black and Cheyne.
Ec = Ecclesias tes.
Ecclus — Ecclesiasticus; Ecclus, Ox-
ford ed., = Heb. Frag-
ments of Ecclesiasticus.
edd. Neubauer and
Eg. -Egyptian,
elsewh. — elsewhere.
EMey - Eduard Meyer, EMey
Entstebung « ]d., Entste-
hung des Judenthums,
— Id., Entstehung J., etc.
Enc.Brit. — Encyclopaedia Brit-
tanica, 9th ed.
Ency(cl).Bib. = EB(i), q. v.
Eng.Tr(ans). = English Translation.
Ephr. = Ephraimitic source.
Ephr(em) — Ephrem Syrus.
Esar. — Esarhaddon.
Esdr. = Esdras.
esp. — especially.
Est -Esther.
E.T. -Eng. Trans.
Eth. -Ethiopic.
Eut = J.Euting.EutK«7d.,Samm-
lung Karthag. Inschrif-
ten; EutN«» = /tf., Naba-
tiiische Inschriften; Eut
"'•"Id., Sinaitische In-
E.V. = English Version(s).
Ew =H. Ewald. Ew» = /<*., Heb.
Gram.; Ew0'""1-) = Id.,
Geschichte d. Volkes Is-
rael; EwH = 7d., History
of Isr. (Eng. Trans, of
EwG(e»ch.)). EwJBW or
Ew"">">-=7<,., Jahrb. d.
bibl. Wissenschaft ; Ew
BTh-7rf., BiblischeTheo-
logie; EwAn,-7rf., An-
Ex = Exodus.
exc. = except.
exil. —exile.
Ez = Ezekiel.
Ezr - Ezra.
i.,f. —feminine.
f, or ff= and following.
F.B. - F. Brown.
fern. — feminine, feminae.
FFP - Flora and Fauna of Palestine
Fi — Frederick Field, esp. Id.,
Origeni8 Hexaplorum quae
fig. — figurative.
fin. - finite, finitivum.
FJB =F. J. Bliss.
Fl -H.L.Fleischer. F1K,-Schr-
Id., Kleine Schriften.
Flora = Post, Flora of Syria,
fr. — from.
Fr -S. Frensdorff. FrMM -/</.,
Massora Magna.
Fra — S. Friinkel, and (usu.) Id.,
Aramiiische Fremdwbrter
im Arabischen.
Frankenb(erg) =W. Frankenberg.
Frankenb8!" = Id.,Comm.
Spriiche (ed. Nowack).
Frey — G.W.Frey tag, Lex. Arab. ;
J-reyProv.Ar.( or Frov.^/^^
Arabum Proverbia.
fs. — feminine singular.
Fu = J. Fiirst.
(5) — Greek Version of the LXX.
®L = LXX of Lucian
GACooke = (usu.)G.A.Cooke,North
Semitic Inscriptions ; —
Gal -Galilee.
Gann — Clermont-Ganneau.
GASm— George Adam Smith. GA
Sm8<«°«r> = /</., Historical
Geography of the Holy
Gei -A. Geiger. Gein^hr- = Id.,
Urschrift u. Ubersetz-
ungen der Bibel ; Gei
N«h»el. Schr. „ Jrf-> Nac),_
gelassene Schriften.
gent. =gentis, of a people, gen-
geogr. = geography.
Gerber<v«"- "*■">"'■> = W. T. Gerber,
Verba Denominativa.
Ges = W. Gesenius. Ges* = Id.,
Heb. Gram. ed. by
Kautzsch; Geslb« = Id.,
Lehrgebaude d. Heb.
Gesch. — Geschichte.
Gf =K. H. Graf.
GFM=G. F. Moore.
GGA — Gbttingsche Gelehrte An-
GGAbh. = Giitt.Gel. Abhandlungen.
GGN -Gbtt. Nachrichten.
Gie = F. Giesebrecht.
Gi(nsb) = C. D. Ginsburg.
Gl(as)=E. Glaser; Gl"81 = Id.,
Mittheilungen Qber Sab.
Inschriften ; Gl8""" = Id.,
Skizze der Geschichte u.
Geographie Arabiens.
Gloss. , gl. — glossary,rarely — a gloss.
Gn = Genesis.
Gr =H. Gratz.
Gray -G.B.Gray. GrayPr°<>- K-=W.,
Hebrew Proper Names.
Gu — H. Guthe, rarely Stan.
Guyard. Gu' — Guyard,
Notes de lexicogr. assy-
Guerin — V. Guerin, Description
geographique de la Pales-
Guidi — Ignazio Guidi; Guidi0*"*
**» = Id., Delia Sede
Primitiva dei Popoli
Gunk =H. Gunkel. Gunk801"** =
Id., Schopfung u. Chaos.
Guy — Stan. Guyard.
Q — Hebrew(ConsonantalText).
H = Code of Holiness.
Haev = Haevernick.
Hal -J. Hale'vy. HalM - Id.,
Melanges ; HalDB = Id.,
Documents Religieux ;
HalMA = Id., Mission Ar-
che"ol. dans le Yemen ;
Hal*8, or »■ s^. = Id.,
Etudes Sabeennes.
Hamm = Hammurabi, esp. Id.,
Code of Laws.
Hartmpl>"""-1>l"il"««> - M. Hart-
mann, Pluriliteralbild-
ungen in den semitischen
Hast = James Hastings. Hast(ings)
db; orDict. Bib. m Dictionary
of the Bible, ed. James
Hb =Habakkuk.
Hbr = Hebraica.
HDerenb = H. Derenbourg.
Heb. — Hebrew.
He(ngst) — E. Hengstenberg.
Herod(ot.) = Herodotus.
Hex — Hexateuch.
Hg -Haggai.
Hi = F. Hitzig.
Hilg -A. Hilgenfeld.
Hilpr =H. V. Hilprecht.
Hirz m L. Hirzel.
Ho = Hosea.
Hoffm = G. Hoffmann.
Hollenb = W. A. Hollenberg.
Holz =H. Holzinger.
Horn =F. Hommel. HomAA, or
A. u. A ()r Aufsfitze = /,/
Aufsatze u. Abhandlun-
gen ; Homchr, or chiwttonu
or SQdir. ChreiL,,/^ gud-
arabische Chrestomathie ;
HomNS — Id., Namen
der Saugethiere.
Houb = C. F. Houbigant.
HP = Holmes & Parsons, Septua-
HPS =H. P. Smith.
Hpt =Paul Haupt. Hpt° = Id.,
Akkadische __ Sprache ;
HptD— id., Uber einen
Dialekt der Sumerischen
Sprache [GGN. 1880,
Nr. 17] ; HptK = Id., E.
vowel ; HptF = itf.,Sumer.
Familiengesetze ; HptL-
Id., Beitrage z. Aon.
Lautlehre ; Hpt" - Id.,
Nimrodepos ; Hptp,<>1, **•
0r" «■/</., Prolegomena to
an Assyrian Grammar;
Hpt8 . Id., Sintfluthbe-
richt ; HptT -Jd, ASKT,
Akkad. & Sum. Keil-
schrifttexte ; Hpt, or ui«
(Cheat*,ftc.) usu. -Sacred
Books of the O. T , ed.
Hpt (Polychrome Bible).
HSch = H. Schultz.
Hultsch = F. Hultsch, Griechische
u. Rbmische Metrologie.
Hup = H.Hupfeld. Hup^jHupB"*"",
Hup-Now = Id., Psal-
men, edd. Riehm, No-
Idiot. — Idioticon.
Impf. — Imperfect.
Imv. =■ Imperative.
ind. — indirect.
indef. = indefinite.
Inf. —Infinitive.
infr., en/r. - infra, below.
Inschr. = Inschrift, Inschriften.
inscr. — inscription(s) ; Inscr. of
Carpentr.—Inscription of
intr(ans). = intransitive,
i.q. — id quod, i. e. the same with.
Is = Isaiah.
J — Jehovist.
JA = Journ. of the Royal Asiatic
Jacob = G . J acob. JacobAr<,b-> Dlch'"
"Id., Studien in Arab.
Dichtern; Id.™*- ulHa =
Id., Leben der vorisla-
mischen Beduinen.
J. Aram. — Jewish-Aramaic (Ju-
JAs —Journal Asiatique.
Jastr = Marcus Jastrow, Diet, of
Targumim, Talmud, etc.;
also Morris Jastrow, Jr. ;
Jastr""1- *•>»■ m M. Jastrow,
Jr., Religion of Baby-
lonia and Assyria.
jAT.ImLichtd.AO = A. Jeremias, Das
Alte Testament im Licht
des Alten Orients.
Jb =Job.
JBL —Journal of Biblical Litera-
JBTh = Jahrbiicher f. deutsche
JDMich=J. D. Michaelis.
Je —Jeremiah.
Jen -P.Jensen. JenCMm°'- = Id.,
Cosmologie der Baby-
Jer —Jerome; also Jerusalem.
Jerem = A. Jeremias.
Jerus. — Jerusalem.
Jes — Jesaias.
JHC -Johns Hopkins Univ. Circu-
JHMich-J. H. Michaelis.
•1LZ — Jenaer Lit.-Zeitung.
Jo — Joel.
Jon — Jonah.
Jog — Joshua.
Jos*0', Jos^ — Fl. Josephus, An-
tiquities, or Bell. Jud.
Joseph = F1. Josephus (sts.).
JosKi — Joseph Kimchi.
JPh(il). -Journal of Philology
JPTh - Jahrbiicher fur Prot. Theol.
JQ m Jewish Quarterly.
Jr —A. Jeremias, Leben naeh
dem Tode.
JThS -Journal of Theological
Jn —Judges.
Jud. - Judaea, Judsean.
Jud. Zeitsclir. — Monatsschrift fiir
Gesch. u. Wiss. des J u-
juss. =jussive.
K — E. Kautzsch (in B. Aram.
Appendix). K* = Id.,
Gramm. d. bibl. Aram. ;
KA'*m- — Id ., Aramaismen
im A.T.
i K , 2K = 1 & 2 Kings.
Kara. al-Kamus (Arab. Diet.), by
KAT-E. Schrader, Keilinschr. u.
d.Alte Testament. KAT3
-Id., 3rd ed. by H.
Winckler and H. Zim-
Kau = E. Kautzsch; Kau* = Id.,
Gram. d. bibl. Aram.;
KauAram(aismen)(lm AT) = J£
Ar*""-; KauAT = Die Hei-
ligen Schriften d. Alten
Testaments, ed. Kau. ;
Kau™ - Id., Mittheil-
ungen u. Kachrichten d.
DPV, 1904 ; "" (SoK»u,
Kay -W.Kay.
KB -E. Schrader, Keilinschriftl.
Ke -C.F.Keil.
Kenn — B. Kennicott.
Kennedy = (usu.) A. R. S. Kennedy.
KG — E. Schrader, Die Kei linschr.
und die Geschichtsfor-
kg. -king.
Kgs. =King8.
Ki — David Kimchi (Qamchi).
Kiep(ert)-H. Kiepert.
Kirkp-A. F. Kirkpatrick.
Kit -R.Kittel.KitD1 = Di,Jesaia,
ed. Kit; KitG«*MorHi«.)
= Kit, Geschichte der
Hebraer (or Eng. Trans.).
Kit-Di-KitD'-Dillmann's Comm.
(Isaiah), ed. by Kit.
Klo -A. Klostermann. KI8 = Die
Bficher Sam. u. d.
Krap — A. Kamphausen.
Kn -A. Knobel.
Knud tzonAM- <**— - J. A. Knudtzon,
Assyrische Gebete an den
Ko -E. Konig. Ko'.'1-1"- Jd.,
Heb. Gram.; Kb8*"--
Kii"1; Kb*- Id., Heb.
Gram.; KbE""- = .M.,Ein-
leitung in d. A.T.
Koh -A. Kohler.
Kohut-Mejnorial = Studies in Me-
moryof A. Kohut; Kohut-
Studies — id.
KostersHer"«1 = W. H. Kosters, Het
Herstel van Israel in het
Perzische Tijdvak.
Kp — A. F. Kirkpatrick.
Krae = 1!. Kraetzschmar.
Krauss = S. Krauss, esp. Id., Griech-
ische und Lateinische
Lehnwbrter im Talmud,
Kremer = A. Kremer. Kramer8""'-
= Id., Beitrage.
Krochm — A. Krochmal.
KSGW = KbnigL Sachs. Ak. d.
Kt -Knhibh.
Kue — A. Kuenen. KueGe*-Abh =
Jd.,Gesammelte Abhand-
La — Lamentations.
Lag — P. de Lagarde. LagA«*th,I1«-
— Id., Agathangelus ;
LagArm. Stud^ or AS m J^.,
Armenische Studien ; Lag
™ = Id., Bildung d. No-
mina ; Lag", oru"th> — Id.,
Mittheilungen ; LagNovl
*»»..p<».„ Id., Novi Psal-
terii Specim. ; Lag0"0"1-—
Id., Onomastica Sacra ;
Lag0r = Id., Orientalia ;
LagPer"-8tud. = Id., Per-
sische Studien; LagSe —
Id., Semitica ; Lag8', or
Bjmim.)^J(it Symmicta,
Landberg = C. Landberg. Land-
bergProv. „ j(i ; pr0verbe8
et Dictons.
Lane =E. W.Lane; usu. Id., Arabic
Dictionary. Lane<*,od-)
Eejpt. ^ Itf.,Modern Egyp-
Lay — A. H. Layard.
I.e. — in loco citato.
LCB — Litterarisches Centralblatt.
Ldzb — M. Lidzbarski; usu. Id.,
Nordsemitische Inschrif-
Len — F. Lenormant. LenBe«lnnln«,
— Id., Beginnings of His-
tory (Eng. Traps, of Ori-
gines de l'Histoire, I).
Len0r"«>~K., Les Ori-
gines de 1'HiBtoire.
(v.)Leng — C. von Lengerke.
Levy —Jacob Levy.
LeWy(Sem.) Fremdir(Orter) _ JJ_ Lewy,
Semitische Fremdwbrter
im Griechischen.
Lihy. — Lihyanian (language).
LindbergVer«,s«m-Gr»m- = Lindberg,
Vergleichende semitische
Linn — C. Linnaeus (Carl von
I .'.tt.ni - l-'.iiiin l.ittmann.
Lo — R. Lowth.
loc. —local, locality.
Loft - W. K. Loftus, esp. Loft08 -
/'/.,( 'haklaea and Susiana.
LOPh — Literaturblatt fiir Orienta-
lische Philologie.
Low — J. Low, Aramaische Pflan-
Lu — Martin Luther.
Luz(z) — S. D. Luzzatto.
Lv = Leviticus.
Lyon — D. G. Lyon.
Lzb — M. Lidzbarski (v. Ldzb.).
Lz^EpWem). = Id., Ephe-
meris fiir semitische Epi-
M, Ml — (in BAram. Appendix)
K. Marti, Gram. d. bibl.
m.,m. —masculine.
M-A =W. Muss-Arnolt. M-A0D-
Id., Compendious Assyr.
Mai =Malachi.
Mand. = Mandean.
Marquart — J. Marquart. Marquart
Id., Fundament. ^/^ Jj-Un.
damente israelitischer u.
jiidischer Geschichte.
Marti -K. Marti.
Ma?(s) — Masora.
MBAk = Monatsbericht d. Berliner
Akad. d. Wissenschaften.
MDPV- Mittheilungen d. Deut-
schen Palastina-Vereins.
Me — A. Merx.
Meierw»™'WB = E. Meier, Hebriii-
sches Wurzelwbrterbuch.
Meinh — J. Meinhold.
Meissn = B. Meisgner. Meissn8u',i>u
— Id., Supplement zum
Assyr. Worterb.
Mem. — Survey of W. Palestine,
metaph. m metaphor, metaphorically.
Mey — E. Meyer. MeyK-JU<1-, or
Entstehung or Enst. J. or Ent-
stehung d. Jud. or Judenth(um)
= Id., Die Entstehung
des Judenthums.
MGWJ = Monatsschr., q. v.
MI — Mesha-Inscription.
Mi = Micah.
Mich = J. D. Michaelis.
Min. =Minaean.
Mish(n). — Mishna.
mng. —meaning.
Mo = F. E. Movers.
Monatsschr. — Monatsschrift fiir Ge-
schichte u. Wissen. d.
Mordt(m) — J. H. Mordtmann.
MordtmHlm- IllK,>r- — Id.,
Hirnjarisehe Inschriften.
nipl. — masculine plural.
ms. — masculine singular.
MT = Massoretic Text.
Mull =A. MOller.
Muss-Arn = W. Muss-Arnolt.
MV11<!0*8> = Gesenius, Handwiir-
terbuch iiber das A.T.,
edd. F. Miihlau & W.
MVAG, or M VG = Mittheilungen d.
Vorderasiatischen Gesell-
n. = nomen, noun.
Na =Nahum.
Nab. =Nabataean.
Nag =C. W. E. Nagelsbach.
Nasar = Lexid. cod. Nasaraei, ed.
M. Norberg.
NBab. — New Babylonian.
Nbr —A. Neubauer.
Ne = Nehemiah (rarely — E.
Neb — Nebuchadnezzar.
Nes — E. Nestle. Nes* = Id., Syriac
Gram.; Nes'1 = Eigenna-
men; NesUtr*- = Jd.,Mar-
ginalien u. Materialieu.
NH — New (Late) Hebrew.
N HWB - Levy, Neuhebr. Worterb.
NKZ — Neue kirchliche Zeitschrift.
No = T. Noldeke. No' = Id. , Sy rische
Grammatik ; N6Mri,«,t,
or Bsw=/d., Beitrage z.
semitischen Sprachwis-
senschaft ; NbM — Id.,
Mandaische Grammatik ;
NbNS=rcJ., Neu-Syriache
Grammatik; N6u,>tmuch-
= Id., Untersuchungen
zur Kritik des A.T.; No
Zur Gram. d. class. Ar. _ J^t
Zur Grammatik des clas-
sischen Arab, (in Denk-
schriften der Wiener
Akademie, 1896).
no. = number.
nom. —nomen, noun.
nom. coll = nom. collectivum, col-
lective noun.
nom. unit = nom. unitatis, noun of
singular or individual
Nor — E. Norris, Assyrian Dic-
NorbergLe,ld' = Nasar, q.v.
Norzi — J. S. ben Abraham Norzi.
Now — W. Nowack. NowArch- =
Id., Hebraische Archao-
n.pr. = nomen proprimn, proper
n.pr.loc. = ». pr. loci, proper name
of place.
Nu — Numbers.
Ob -Obadiah.
obj. = object.
OBaktr. = Old Baktriau.
Oehl =Oehler.
oft. m often.
OH — Old Hebrew (Inscriptions).
Olran. = Old Iranian.
01 =J. Olshausen. 01* - Id.,
Heb. Gram.
OLZ -Orientaliscbe Literaturzeit-
Onk —Targum of Onkelos.
Oort =H. Oort.
op. cit. — in opere citnto.
0P(ers.)-01d Persian. OP also
(in Che0') = Origin of Psalter,
opp. — opposite, an opposed to, or
contrasted with.
Opp(ert) — Jules Oppert.
Or(elli) = C. vonOrelli.
Os — E. Osiander.
OT = Old Testament.
Ot =S. Ottli.
P — Priests' Code or Narrative.
Pal (est).— Palestine, Palestinian,etc.
Pal(m). — Palmy rene.
PAOS— Proceedingsof the American
Oriental Society.
Pap. = Papyrus.
part. = particle.
pass. = passive.
PB «= Proceedings of Soc. of Bib.
Pe — J. J. S. Perowne.
PEF = Pal. Explor. Fund, usu. Id.,
Quart. Statem'nt. PEF
Mem. _ Mem., q.v.
Pei =F. E. Peiser.
Perles = F. Perles. Perles<A"*'> - Id.,
pers. — person, penonae.
Pers. = Persian.
PESoc — American Palestine Explor.
Pf. - Perfect.
Ph. — Phenician.
Phi = F. Philippi.
Pietschm — R. Pietschmann (also
Pietschmrh0l>'lz), or GMCh-
*»■) - (usu.) Id., Ge-
schichte Phoniziens.
Pinsk — S. Pinsker.
pi. — plural.
PlinH!i = Pliny, Hist. Nat.
POS —Proceedings Am. Orient.
Post =G. E. Post. PostFlOT» = 7d.,
Flora of Syria.
postB — post-Biblical.
postex — post-exilic.
post-pos. ■= post-positive.
Pr = Proverbs.
Pra(t) = F. Pratorius. PraAmhs''r-
Id., AmharischeSprache;
Pra(t) Seue w™i' = Id.,
Neue Beitriige zur Er-
klarung der Hi m jarischen
PRE = Herzog'sProt.Real-Encycl.
Presb.Rev. = Presbyterian Review
(New York).
Prol = Prolegomena.
PS = R. Payne Smith, Thesaurus
Ps = Psalms, Psalmen.
Ps.-J— Targum of Pseudo- Jona-
\p = Psalm.
pt(cp). - participle.
Ptol - Ptolemy (usu.
punct. — punctuation.
— Qoran.
— question.
= quod ride.
= Redactor (e. g. in Hexa-
teuch). RD — Deuterono-
mic redactor.
t R, :
R, 3 R, 4 R, 5 R - Cuneiform
Inscr. of Western Asia
(H. Rawlinson).
— Revue Arche'ologique.
m read.
= reading.
— Revue d'Assyriologie.
= E. Renan.
Reckend = S. Reckendorf.
— reflexive.
— Revue des Etudes Juives.
-H. Reland.
— Repertoire d'Epigraphie
Rev.Bib. — Revue Biblique.
-E. Riehm. R,»WB-Hand-
wiirterb. d. bibl. Alterth.
— E. Rodiger.
-E. Robinson. RobBR-M.,
Biblical Researches.
Rob-Ges. — Gesenius, Hebrew and
English Lexicon, trans-
lated by E. Robinson.
-T. Roorda.
Rosenm = E. F. C. Rosenmuller.
Rothst-W. Rothstein.
RP«« = Records of Past, 2nd (ist)
= W. Robertson Smith. RS
owe m j,i-t 0i,j Testament
in Jewish Church ; RS
rroph. m 7,/.( Prophets of
Israel; RSK=Id., Kin-
ship & Marriage in Early
Arabia jRS8"™- Id., Re-
ligion of Semites.
— Recueil de Travaux.
— Revised Version.
= Revised Version margin.
— Bibl. RealwoYterbuch, ed.
-V. RysseL
@ -Syriac Version. @J«n» =
Chr-Pal. Evang. (La-
iS, 2S — 1 & 2 Samuel.
Saad = Arabic Version of Saadya.
Sab. — Sabean.
SabDenkm ■ Sabaische Denkmaler,
edd. Mordtmann& Miiller.
SAC -Stanley A. Cook ; esp. Id*
Aramaic Glossary.
Sam. — Samaria, Samaritan (rarely
= Samuel).
Sarg — Sargon.
SahoSpr — Saho Sprache.
SASm-S. A. Smith.
Say = A. H. Sayce. SayM°"»"'K'>t'
— Id., Higher Criticism
and the Monuments ; Say
«*»-H, Keligion of
SBAk — Sitzungsberich t d. Berl.
Akademie der Wissen-
S-Cp*p-=A. H. Sayce and A. E.
Cowley, Aram. Papyri.
Sch =F. W. Schultz.
Scheft = Scheftelowitz, usu. = Scheft,
Arisches im A.T. ; Scheft
MGWJ = 7(f.j MonaUschrift
fur Gesch. u. Wiss. d.
Jud. (1903) ; also pub.
separately (Scheft").
SchenkelBL - D. Schenkel, Bibel-
Scbl(ottm) = C. Schlottmann.
Schr = E. Schrader.
Schrod, Schroed = P. Schroder, esp.
/</., Phonizische Sprache.
Schu m A. Schultens.
Schii =E. Schiirer, Gesch. des jiidi-
tchen Volkes im Zeitalter
Jesu Christi.
Schulth = F. Schulthess. Schulth
Uom.Wur«. = 7(;-) Homony-
mische Wurzeln im Svri-
schen; Schulth1-"- = Id.,
Lexicon d. Chr. Pal.
Schw = F. Schwally. Schw(ally )"'«■
= Id., Idioticon d. Chr.
Seetzen88'"" = Seetzen, Eeisen durch
seld. = seldom, rare.
Sen = Sennacherib.
Sendsch. — Sendschirli (Zinjirli).
sf. = suffix, or with suffix,
sg. = singular.
Shim -■- Shalmaneser II.
SI =Siloam Inscription,
si vera L = ri vera lectio.
Siegf = C.Siegfried,
aim. = simile.
SK = Studien u. Kritiken.
Skr. m Sanskrit.
8m = R.Smend (rarely = Samuel).
SmB.i. o«ch. . Smend, Alt-
testamentliche Religions-
geschichte ; Sin1-1""1 — Id.,
Listen der Biicher Esra
u. Nehemia.
So(c) =A. Socin.
Spi = W. Spitta. Spit = Gram. d.
arab. Vulg. Dial.
Spieg =F. Spiegel ; SpiegAPK-7rf.,
Altpersische Keilinschrif-
Spiegelb — W. Spiegelberg.
Spr = Sprache, or Spruche.
sq. •» followed by.
88 -=C. Siegfried u. B. Stade,
Hebraisches Wcirterbuch.
it. ■ ttatut, state, stative.
St =H. Steiner.
Stn = B. Stade; Sta» = M, Heb.
Gram.; Sta0***-' = Id.,
Geschichte des Volkes
Steind = G. Steindorff.
Steuern = C. Steuernagel.
Str =H. L. Strack. Str* - Id.,
Gram. d. bibl. Aram.
Strassm = foil.
Strm = J.Strassmaier. StrmAV=7rf.,
Alphabet. Verzeichniss.
sts. = sometimes.
Stu =G. Studer.
Stud.Bib. = Studia Biblica.
subst. = substantive.
Sum(er). ^Sumerian.
su pi-., tupr. = supra, above.
Surenh = W. Surenhusius, Mishna.
Survey, Surveywp = Survey of
Western Palestine (PEF);
Survey8-1" = Id. of Eastern
Symm = Symmachus.
Syr. = Syriac.
% •= Targum.
t. (following a number) ■= times.
TA. =Tel el-Amarna; also Taj-
al-'Ariis (Arab. Diet.).
Talm = Talmud.
Tariff=Palmyrene Tariff Inscrip-
TB, TBA - Transactions of the
Society of Biblical Archae-
TelAm. = TA, q.v.
Tg - Targum TgJer ^ Targum of
Jerusalem, etc.
Th(e) =0. Thenius.
Theophr=Theophrastus; Theophr
Hist.pi.rn. mj&f Historia
de Plantis.
Thes = W. Gesenius, Thesaurus
Linguae Hebraeae.
ThesAad- m Id., Additions by E.
ThT -Theologisch Tijdschrift,
ThLB =Theol. Literaturblatt.
ThLZ = Theol. Literaturzeitung.
Tiele = C. P. Tiele.
Tiph. — Tiphel (rare conjugation).
To =Tobler.
TP =Tiglath-Pileser.
Tpg. = Topography.
Tr = Transactions.
tr. = translate (translated, trans-
lation) ; rarely — transi-
trans(it). = transitive.
Tristr-H. B. Tristram. TristrNHB
— id!., Natural History of
the Bible ; Tristr™"' - Id.,
Fauna and Flora of Pales-
tine (Survey, Memoira).
TSBA = TB, q.v.
TSWt=Theol. Studien aus Wurt-
TTijdschr=ThT, q.v.
Tu =F. Tuch.
txt. — text.
txt.err. = textual error.
Univ.Pa.Exp. = Bab. Exped. of the
Univ. of Pennsylvania,
usu. —usual, usually.
S3 = Vulgate.
v = verse ; v. = vide, see.
van d. H. = E. van der Hooght, Heb.
text of O.T.
var. «* variant reading.
VB = Variorum Bible.
vb. =verb.
vdVelde = C. W. M. van de Velde,
esp. Id., Reis door Syrie
en Palestina; E.T., Nar-
rative of a Journey
through Syria and Pales-
tine; vdVeldeMeln(olr) =
Id., Memoir to accom-
pany Map of Holy Land
constructed by C. W. M.
van de Velde.
vid. "vide, see.
vir. =viri, of a man.
Vog =C. J. M. de Vogue', Syrie
Centrale. Vogp>lm- = Id.
VogelstL*"d"lrth!<:h- = H. Vogelstein,
Landwirthschaft in Pa-
lastina zur Zeit der
VOJ = Vienna Oriental Journal
( = Wiener Zeitschrift fur
die Kunde des Morgen-
Vrss =01d Versions.
Vulg.Ar. m Vulgar Arabic.
Vullers = J. A. Vullers, Lexicon
W =W. Wright. WAG - Id.,
ArabicGram.; WfiG,orco =
Id., Coinp. Si 'ii lit. Gram.
Wahrm = A. Wahrmund, esp. Id.,
Arab. Handworterbuch.
WAW = W. Aldis Wright.
wd. — word, also would.
We =J. Wellhausen. We8-'*
= /((., Bleek's Einleitung
ind. A.T.; WeCo"»>- = M,
Composition des Hexa-
teuchs ; Wede «">«• = Id.,
De gentibus et familiis
Iudaeis ; WeHeld- (or- Arab-
Heidenthum) _ /<J-( J{egte
Arabischen Heidenthums
( — WeSklzMn lv. 2nd ed.-) . yfe
Mi»t. = /d.,Historyof Isi-ael
(trans, by Black) ; WePro1-
— Id., Prolegomena zur
Geschichte Israels; We
skl2"" = /a\, Skizzen und
Weissb = F. H. Weissbach.
Wetzst= J. G. Wetzstein.
wi. —with, construed with.
Wied = A. Wiedemann. Wied6,mml
Id., Sammlung Alt-
agyptische Worter.
Wild(eb)=G. Wildeboer.
Wilkinson<A"c-)E«yP'- = J. G.Wilkin-
son, Ancient Egyptians.
WisdLt«* Wisdom Literature.
Wkl -H. Winckler.
TOM-W. Max MiMer. WMM
As. u. EurfopJ, or Asien. = Jrf^
Asien u. Europa.
Wr =C. H. H. Wright.
Wii =A. Wiinsche.
WZKM = VOJ,q.v.
Xen(opb). = Xenophon.
Z = Zeitschrift.
ZA = Zeitschr. fiir Assyriologie.
ZAW = Z. f. alttest. Wissenschaft.
Zc = Zechariah.
Zehnpf=R. Zehnpfund.
ZEthnol. = Zeitschrift fur Ethno-
Zim = H. Zimmeru. ZimBP = Id.,
Babylonische Busspsal-
Zinj. = Inscriptions of Zinjirli (N.
ZK m Z. fiir Keilsehriftforschung.
ZKM = Z. f. Kunde d. Morgen-
ZKW, or ZKWL - Z. f. kirchl.
Wiss. und kirchl. Le-
ZLuth.Tb. - Z. fiir Lutherische
ZMG --Z. d. deutsch. Morgenland.
Zii - 0. Zockler.
Zp = Zephaniah.
ZPV =Z. d. deutsch. Pal. -Vereins.
ZVolkerpsych. = Z. fiir Vblker-
ZVVTh., or ZWiss.Th. = Z. fur
Wissenschaftliche Theo-
< over a letter, indicates the ac-
cented (tone-)syllable.
f prefixed, or added, or both, indi-
cates 'All passages cited.'
> indicates that the preceding is
to be preferred to the fol-
■< indicates that the following is
to be preferred to the pre-
|| parallel, of words (synonymous or
contrasted) ; also of passages ;
sometimes = ' see parallel, or
' so also in parallel.'
= equivalent, equals.
+ plus, denotes often that other
passages, etc., might be cited.
So also where the forms of
verbs, nouns, and adjectives
are illustrated by citations,
near the beginning of articles ;
while ' etc' in such connexions
commonly indicates that other
forms of the word occur, which
it has not been thought worth
while to cite.
[ ] indicates that the form, etc.,
enclosed, is not actually found,
or that the Hebrew offers no
positive proof; e.g. n. [m.]
denotes that the noun is pre-
sumably masculine, though the
gender is not clearly exhibited
in Hebrew.
V ■ root or stem.
'= sign of abbreviation (in Hebrew
'K often -DYPK, Elohim.
1J1 - "IDiJI = et caetera (in Hebrew
'•> = Yahweh.
A beneath a Hebrew word repre-
sents any accent that occasions
vowel change.
Note. Scripture citations in small
superior letters and figures,
following n.m. or n.f., refer to
some pasBage where the gender
is exhibited. Small inferior
figures following Hebrew words,
names of conjugations, etc.,
denote the (approximate) num-
ber of occurrences of such
words, conjugations, etc
N, Aleph, first letter ; in post B Heb.= nu-
meral i (and so in marg. of printed MT) ; &
=; i ooo ; no evidence of this usage in OT times.
IN v. II. 03*.
22K (fresh, bright, As. abdbu Dlw, AG1.)
T[2Nj n. [m.] freshness, fresh green
(LagBN207 Inf. ibb; thence concr., cf. Ar. ZA;
above stem&mng. better than V3JN (spring) cf.
As. inbu, fruit, Aram. KM* (q. v.) DlHA65-FrU1)
13X3 yij> while yet in its freshness (i.e. tfw,
reed) Jb 812; concr., pi. green shoots bnjin ''SKS
Ct e'^lpD^fenn w:n jaan nrnan).
tS^M n.m.Lv214 coll. (LagBN207 Inf.) 1.
fresh, young ears of barley Ex 931 ; indef. Lv
214 stea "b% 'k mth Dniaa nroip. 2. cnn
3,?^,'7 month of ear-forming, or of growing
green, Abib, month of Exodus & passover,
Ex 134 231S 3418-18 (JE), Dt i6]1 (1st month
=c. April = i'B'Nnn "m anhn (q.v.) in p; v.
Di Ex i22;=postexilic JD'O q.v.)
7?2aN v. L/r3s sub II. nns.
tttrUQN n. pr. m. (Pers. cf. K0J3) eunuch
of Ahasuerus Est i10.
t*7SK vb. perish (MI-QK, As.abdtu D1WI84
Aram. T^K, *£/).— Qal P/ 'N Nu2i30+;
n» yj, io^+^ + Ez 63 ® Co) etc.; Imp/. "K}#
Jb'33 Je49; "W# Jb2o' + 2t.; 3&."Wlfrl Dt 223
+ 4 t.; ■J3»«»Jb8,,+3t.; TO* Ju 5sl+3 t.;
irg* Jb 49 + ; 3 fpi. nrf3tfni 1 s 9s ; jngkn Dt 429
+ ; 13W Jni639; rnnw Jon i" etc.; Jnf.abs.
i3X Dt 426 + 2 1. ; cstr. -nN Dt 720 Pr i r10; fj^M
DtT2820;\13!<Dt2822; Daiix J0S2313; D-DNOb12
Pr2828; i>V.:i3iXDt265+7t.; cstr."nN Dt3228
(bef. 5?? v. Di Bo*378); etc. 1. perish, die,
of individuals (mostly late) Nu 1 7" (|| JU &
(v28) DID), (also Dt 26°? cf. infr.) Jon I6-14 Jb
31" cf. 2913 Pr 31s Est 414"16 Mi 4' Je 4015
cf. Is 571 Pr 1 110 2828 Ec715 f 1 1992 ; emphasis
on mortality Jb 420 1// 1464 Ec 9'; Saul &
Jonath., under fig. of weapons 2 Si"; lion
Jb 411; caravan Jb 618 (cf. Di); cf. H!??T?
T?n 'N Mi 72, njyo *£o fcl Zc 915 ; perish,
be exterminated (judgment for sin), of Israel
Lv2638 Dt8]9-1921' 2820-22 3o'8-18 Je 2 710-16 cf.
621, Ob12 cf. 1/, 8o17 Is 2713; other nations Dt
720 Je 1015 5118 + 212 io16 83" cf. 9* Am i8
Is 4 111 6o12 cf. Jon 39 v. also Ex io7 Nu 2i29-80
(JE) Je 4816; house of Ahab 2 K 9s; wicked
in general Ju531 Jb 4s cf.v7, f 37s0 4911 68s
(|| sim. of melting wax), 73" 9210; also Pr
i99 2i18; 'n m$ jb 207; cf. '« vyf) ^
V' i6; sq. ?*!)$?? ?2?? (of annihilation of Isr.)
Dt 426-26 1 117' Jos 2313-16 (D) ; sq. ijnfCJ iflHD (of
Korah's company) Nu 1633 (JE); perish, be
ruined, destroyed, of inanimate things, e.g.
land Je 9" (|p?"1'?5 MQf}) cf. 48s; harvest Jo
i11; Jonah's gourd Jon 4'°; riches Je 48s6
Ec513; vessel V'3ll3j houses Am 3" (so oft.
As. Dlw); city Ez 2617 (but del. © Co); cf.
bamoth Ez 63 © Co; heavens & earth 1^ 10 2".
2. tig. perish, vanish, subj. memory Jb 18" yj/
97; name yjr 416 (i.e. be forgotten); vigour
Jb 302; wisdom Is 29"; cf. rfSj 13K Dt 3228;
njraN je 728 (flnrna?); jirnEz 1222; ni' Jb 3s
(i.e. be blotted out); 2? Je 4* (i.e. courage
fail); m|SI? + 9» Pr io28 n7 Ez 196 3711 Jb
813; so '"1JS?1? ty 11210 (i.e. comes to naught);
nSnin pr iV, 8q. f? + agent La 318; nxj; + rnta
sq. |D + persons negligent Je 1818 Ez 72r>, cf. Je
497; esp. "JD Di3>? 'N (i.e. they could not
escape) Am.214 Je2536 Jbn20 V'1425. 3. be
lost, strayed, asses 1 S 93-20; sheep Je 506 Ez
34416 ^11 91'6 (fig. of erring men); perh. Dt 26s.
Pi. caus. of Qal.— Pf. "ON 2 K 2i3+ 2 t.;
sf. TJ3N1 Co Ez28" cf. infr.; W?N Je 157;
'rnaNi Ez 6' (® Co V13K1) etc.; Impf. "W* Ec
918; "WP\ Ec f Zp 2";' 1 s. sf. 113S1 Ez 28"
(for '3NKJ Ew"1' 01'79* Ko I338 ties'68*1; but
Co 3 ins.; v. also Co 3814); p3Nr> Dt 122
etc.; Inf. abs. 13X Dt i22+3t.; cstr. id. Ez
22n + etc. ; Ft. DH3ND Je 23'. 1. cause to
perish, destroy, kill, obj. pers. (mostly late)
2 K ii1 Est 3» 47 85 924; || jin 98-12; || nn +
TOttVi 3" 7* 8"; || DOH 924; cf.^ 11995; obj.
niC*33 Ez 22" (del. © Co); in judgment, subj.
'♦ V S7; cf. Pr 1s2; sq. ^ino Ez 28'6; obj. a
people 2 K 13' 2 K io,8=Is 3719; Jb 1213; in
judgment Dt n4 Je 1217 157 Zp 213 ^ 90 cf.
21"; obj. inanimate things esp. idols, bamoth
etc., Nu. 3362-62 (J) Dt 12" 2 K 213 Ez 6s
(but cf. © Co supr.); bars of Zion La 29 (||"|3?').
2. fig. cause to vanish, blot out, do away with
names of idols Dt 123; voice of Babylon Je
51"; memory of dead Is 2614; substance Pr
29'; understanding Ec 77; good ('"1310 q.v.)
Ec918. 3. cause to stray, lose; obj. Isr. under
fig. of flock Je 23' (lirsO); abs. Ec36 (||B>j33).
Hiph. Pf. T3»ni Nu 2419; «"J3Kn Jb 14"
etc.; Impf. Hfak Je 46s (Ges''*8-*1"). /«/.
c*<i\ T3JHJ 2 K 10" 4- etc.; Pt. T3ND Dt 820.
1. destroy, put to death, in judgment, (subj. '»)
obj. pers. Lv 23s0 (sq. ney a^pp ■ || rns v29);
Je4938(sq.DB*D); Ob8 (sq. tfrtK?) ; obj. nation,
Ammon Ez257(sq. niXlNH-JD;' || rn3), cf. v16;
Canaanites Dt 820 (sq. D3"J9D) ; Canaan =s
Philistines Zp 2" (|| J"n3);'esp. Isr. Dt 2851-63
(II TV?*), cf. Js 77; also abs. Je 187 (|| trtn#
^J);=iM ( + Dnn^)==3I28 ( + pnnj«); ani-
mals Ez 32" (sq. &T\ B»o i?yp); cf. Dt 7'°; +
i4312(ll n,PVn); (human subj.), obj. servants of
Baal 2 K io19, obj. nation Dtg3, cf. Nu 2419 (E;
sq- """yP); 2K242; cf. Je 468; obj. inanimate,
chariots Mis9; idols Ez3013 (del. BCo). 2.
fig.,obj. name of kings Dt724(sq.D)EE>n nnnp);
hope Jb 1419; voice of mirth etc. Je 2510 (cf.
51" Pi. supr.)
"*"13« n.[m.] destruction, 'NHJ| Nu 24s0-24
(JE; on form with abstract sense v. BaNB149).
Ti"H^ n-f' a lost thing— abs. exc. Dt2 23
cstr. rn3K— Ex 228; with NXD Lv S22-23; with
"T3N + xxo Dt223;— (m3NTPr 272° Kt cf.
^3t< infr.)
n^3«, "ton cf. fmn infr.
D"?^' & I"*?? (cstr.) n.[m.] destruction
(Syr. UiW) Est 9B ('Nl yvn 3-irrrop), 8"; (on
form v. BeRy; 01»a6bl Ba"'849487).
of) Destruction, Kuin, 'Abaddon (cf. JJ W®
Jb2822etc.)— !il3K Jb266( + 4t.); abbrev.m3N
Kt V13K Qr tPr 2 720.— Place of ruin in She'61
for lost or ruined dead, as development of
earlier distinction of condition in She'61 (v.
WWfty Only in WisdLt ; Jb 3112; || htttf Jb
26" Pr 1511 2720; || n» Jb 28"; ||-Qp + 8812.
' nJN vb. be willing, consent (cf. As.
abitu, command, Dlw, Eth. hM\ refuse, Ar. ^\,
id., Nejd 6e willing S0I>«jMS'>>ai:1CB18a>.si7\
Qal (c. tfr, te exc. Is i19 Jb 399; in Hex. rare
6 only JED, incl.Lv2 621); Pf. fUN Exio27 +
«K Ju i925 + 7 1.; N13N Is 2812(Sta*3lTl1-2; Ko1-414);
7w»p/. n3N,Dt29w+2t.j 2ms.juss. K3hPri'°
(Sttt-»i«..-»to. Ko1'676') etc.; i><. D\?NEz37;— be
willing, sq. Inf. with t> Ex io27+ 29t. ; without
7 Dt 230+ 8 t.; subj. 'i Dt io'° 23° 2919 Jos 2410
2 K 819 1323 244 2Ch2i7; human subj. Gn 24fi-8
Ju 1910 2 S 221 1325 I429-29 2316-17=i Ch n18-19
1 Ch 19"; in bad sense Ex 10" Dt 230 257 Ju.
1925 2013 2 S i314-10; esp. of perverse Isr. Lv
2621 Dt i26 1 S 159 Is 2812 309 4224 Ez 3" 208;
subj. animal, D,-!Jb 39°; abs. (no Inf.) 2 S 1217
1 K 208 2260; cf. Pr 635, of jealous man; bad
sense Ju 11" Is 3016; good sense 1 S 2217
26233i4=i Ch io4 2S610 Pr i10; + vb. fin. Is
i>9 (Dfi?CB*lttNn DK); consent, yield to, sq. <h
Dt 1 39 (good sense); sq. i^8i12; sq/nsg^ Pr
i30; sq.acc. 'rinsiPl v26 (all in bad sense)."
'P''?^? adj- in want, needy, poor, — so,
alw. abs.,' Dt is4+ 40 1.; ^S3N Ex 23s DU511;
D^K Am 4J+ i4t.; '*0K (^3K) Ex 23n Is
2919; n^3Sf 13215— (Hex. only JED; mostly
poet., 2 3t. V') needy, chiefly poor (in material
things); as adj. Dt is7-7-9; 2414 f 10916 (both
|| *m; elsewhere subst.; + 49s (IpW); Dt
i54al; subj. to oppression & abuse Am 26 512
(both ||P^V) 4' 88 (all || h) Is 327; Am 84 Ez
1649 1812 22s9 V, 3714 Jb244-14 Pr3o14— cf. V
io916 supr.— (all || '#) Jes28 (|| Din;) 234 ; cared
for by good Jb 2916 3025 ( || Di,"nB'P) 3 119 ^ 1 1 29
Est922; Pri4s,(ll^)3i!!0Je22"(||'Jy); care
of them enjoined, negatively Ex 23"; — cf. Dt
2414 supr. — positively Ex 2311 Dt 1511 Pr 31*
(both || *#)— c« Dt is7-7-9 supr.— V. 824 ( || ty ;
cared for by God Je 2013 ^ 10741 13216 Jb 51S;
1 S 28=^ n37Is 1430 (all ||?9)* 3519 14013
(both || »JJ), cf. Davidic king + 7212 ( || 'JV)=v4
'?? **? (II id-)> v"-13 ( || !t>; needing help, deli-
verance from trouble, esp. as delivered by
God f 919 128 4o18= 706 7421 861 10922 Is 29"
41" (all ||'?y) Is 254 (||h) f 6934 10931.
TrOi'O^ n.f. caper-berry (as stimulating
desire) Ec 125 (v. UFM JBL18M'Mtt; so ® 93,
Mish. nW2K, cf. NHWB; v. also <3 ; i.e.
capparis spinosa, cf. Ri1IWB j so Thes, Ew De,
etc.; but Wetzst in De (Germ. ed. 1875)
proposes i"^?^ (as fern, of \V2H) the poor soul
in sense = nji'axn iraxo cf. Symm ©, where
double translation).
TrDN n.[m.] reed, papyrus (etymology
uncertain; = Ar. Jtff, As. abu Dlw, AGl) ni>3N
n?N Jb 926 (craft made of reeds, light & swift,
Heliod.Aetl"opX-,60)=N«",^3 Is i8a.
II. J"7Q^ (perh. at least formally justified
as stem of 3N (cstr. UK), so Thes (cf. infr.), but
existence & mng. wholly dub.; as real V Ba
zmg M87. got A. oill23<:; ace. toDF" 22n3K As. aba =
decide, 2K = Jie who decides; Thes (so RobGes
NtizMU„,,37 & cf- gtan<» ,lL) makes 3x nom prim
bilit., imitating infant's speech cf. irumras, pap-
pa,papa(ct'.Ewima); alsoAs.6a6 JenZA1886 •4M).
IN ii.m. father (Ph. 3N, As. abu, Ar. 4A
Sab.atTciS'*-1-"'1-2 al., Eth. frfl: Aram. K3K,
U>^)— abs. 2« Gn4419 + 47t.; cstr.3K Gni?4-5
(cf. in DiTUK ib. & elsewh. in n.pr. On Hal's
prop. -ON v. DH13N) ; UK (cf. Ge"90-35'90) Gn420
+ ; sf.,?«Gni9M + (Mi^K); T^Gn^' + j
V3* Gn 2M + ; W3K Ju 1 410 + 6 1. ; pi. ni3N Ex
1 2s + ; cstr. ni3K Ex 626 + 7 1. ; sf. *tfO* (VjbH ,
T^aK.) Gn 479 + 1 5 t. ; D.Tni3K 1 Ch 4S» + 3 2 1.
(late) ; ante* Ex 45+ 106 1. etc. ;— 1. father
of individual' Gn 224 (+ ON) „«.».»» I9>Uta
+ oft. (mostly JED); of father as commanding
Gn 5o16 (J) Je 35" Pr 620 (cf. Gn i819 J 28'-°
PiSif iK 21); instructing nDID Pr I8 41
(cf. Dt85); specif, as begetter, genitor Pr 23s2
Zc 13s-3 ( + DK) Is 4510; cf. Gn 494 (J) Lv
l87.8.n (P). rebuking Gn 3710; loving Gn 37*
4420(JE; cf. 222 2528 37s 2S141); pitying
yjr 10313 (in sim. cf. 2 S 186); blessing Gn 27*'
(JE cf. 27' also 281 P + ); as glad Pr io1 1520
cf.293; grieving Gn3736(JE;cf.2Si222 I91-2')
etc. Also as obj. of honour, obedience, love
Ex 20,2(E)=Dt 5"'; Ex 2i15-17 (E) Dt 2i18-19
Gn 287 (P) 1 K 1920 (all + DN), so1-5 (J) Mai
i6 etc. Hence metaph. of intimate connection
Jb 1 71* io corruption I cry, My father art thou
( || ran}| <nhKl_ n*). 2. of God as father of Ids
people (v. RSSen"'2), who constituted, controls,
guides and lovingly watches over it: Dt 32s
Je 34'19 319 Is 631016 647 Mai i6 210 (cf. Ex 4s2
i94(JE)Dt32n Ho 111); cf. Je227(ofidolatr.
Isr.) fjm^ m ]2hla raw '39 yybr tjncfcj
esp. God as father of Davidic line 2 S j" |
8927;/ ofneedy(Me)f 68° (cf. 10313) (in n.pr.,
/. ofindivid., cf. infr.) 3. liead of household,
3 WoM
family or clan ; UK nu as abode Gn 38>M1 Lv
22" + ;= family Gn 2440 flpfinDBto) 41" 46"
+ cf. Nu i8lJ Jos 212-18 620; esp. techn. of divi-
sions of Isr. T)Sns,wh 3K tn Nu 3M-8" = a
father's house, i. e. a family or clan ; more oft.
pi. (DHUK, ma») nUK nu = fathers' houses=
families, clans (cf. Di on Ex 614) Ex 614 128 Nu
i2'18" (oft. in Nu) Jos 141 1981 2iM 221414
(always P in Hex.); also 1 Ch 513-u + oft. in
Ch ; cf. D^n ni3K *&n (='N nU '->) Ex 6M
cf. 1K81 iCh64 7n + oft. Ch Ezr Ne. 4.
ancestor (a) of individual; grandfather (in-
stead of precise term) Gn 2813 32'° (J ; where
used by Jacob of Abr. & then of Isaac) ;
greatgr. 1K1513; great-greatgr. iKi5netc;
oft, pi. (= fathers, forefatJiers) Gni51546'4
(JE) 1 K 194 2 13-4 2 K 19" 20,7+ ; particu-
larly mUK Qy 335? 1 K I21 210 1121 2240 + ;
joined with 'ax Dy Xff\ 1 K 1431 is24 22"
2 K 824 1538 cf. v7, 1620 + (all of kings of
Judah); intens., TnaK niaKi TnaK Ex io6 cf.
Dn 1124; (b) of people Gn 10" (J) i74-5 (P)
i937-38 (J) 369-43 (P) Dt 26" Is 512 43" (where
rahCtl "|UK thy first fatlter, v. Che) cf. also
Ez i63-45+ oft.; pi. Ex 313-1'-" (E) Dt i8 Jos i6
Ju 21 1 S i26 + ; 1 S 1215 **"■ rd. 033^031
® We Dr. 5. originator or patron of a class,
profession, or art Gn 420-21. 6. fig. of pro-
ducer, generator Jb 3828 3K "IDE& B".n ( || "US
: ip-^ T^i.l). 7. fig. of benevolence & pro-
tection Jb 2916 CJiUX^ 133X Sf, cf. 3118; of
Eliakim Is 2221; perk also of gracious Mess,
king iy '3M Is 9" everlasting fattier (GeEw De
Che Brd Di) — others dixider of spoil (Abarb Hi
KnKueBr"p). 8. term of respect & honour
(Abbas, Pater, Papa, Pojie); appl. to master
2K513; priest Jui710 i8'9; prophet 2K21"2
521 I3i4.n cf go. counsellor Gn458(E; cf .itvripov
narpos © add. Est 3"; ranarpi 1 Mac 1 132); king
1 S 2412; artificer 2Ch21!416. 9. specif.,
rider, chief (Ute) iCh224-42-42 etc. (cf. Ew!273b).
tjinSjr'QN n.pr.m. a hero of David 2 S
2331 rd! bvnH so © i Chn", cf. Dr» (We'
^JCna« (v. sub btWH) ; otherwise Klo8.
"f"7lSI,3S! n.pr.m. (El is (my) father, cf.in'3N
& Ph. 5>jn3N (fem.), also i'yaUN; & by2i2X our
father etc.; Abi-ba'al KAT2366; v. ES8""43.
No2""™'*0 makes UK here, & in TfO* etc.,
cstr. but this seems unlikely ; cf. also 3N^N
etc.; views differ much ns to these n.pr. and
uniform interpr. is impossible. Cf. in gen. 01
»2771). 1. Saul's grandfather 1 S 9' 14s1. 2.
= foregoing, 1 Ch 11".
TF|DN,,3N n.pr.m. (my father 1ms ga-
thered) son (descendant) of Korah Ex 6-4,
Sam. t]DUN, so *|D\3K iCh68-M 919 (cf. Nes*"186).
'7^2^ n.pr.f. (my father is joy (?) orig.
bilH I (^3X?) cf. MT infr. & NoZMGl883'K,7Al"n2).
1. wife of Nabal, then of David i S 2 51423-39-
«0.« 27S 3o6 2 g 2» j Ch3l. =|,^X j g 253.36
^3K v18, Saf?K v"2. &» 2S 3s. 2. sister of
David 1 Ch 216'17 = PJ'3X 2 S 1 7".
TJ'1I,I1N n.pp.m. (my father is judge) a
prince of Benj. Nu 1" z22 760-155 io24.
' JJTON n.pr.m. (my father took know-
ledge) asonof MidianGn254 1 Chi33. Cf. Sab.
JIT3K, HalMA,92'2°2! also 3«jrT>, DHMZMa ^ ■*.
TlPP^iS* n.pr.m. & f. ( Yah(u) is (my) father)
—so tVch i320-21 = D»T3K fi K 1431 rS'-"-8
(© 'A;3.oti, 'A/3w); =,|2N fa K 182 (® "A/Sou,
•A/30u5); = n>3N 1 S 82+22 t.— 1. king of
Judah, son & successor of Rehoboam 1 K
1431 i5M-M 1 Ch 310 2 Ch n20,22 1216 13W.M.U.
i7.i9.2o.-2i.22.ra_ 2_ 2nd gon of Samuel 1 S 82 1 Ch
6". 3. son of Jerob. I 1 K 141. 4. son of
Becher, a Benjainite 1 Ch 7*. 5. head of a
priestly house 1 Ch 2410. 6. id. Ne io8 124,17.
7. wife of Hezion 1 Ch 224. 8. mother of
Hezekiah 2 K 182 2 Ch 291.
Nli~P3S_$ n.pr.m. (he is father) a son of
Aaron Ex 623 241-9 28' Lv io'+ 7t.
Tn^rPIlN n.pr.m. (my father is majesty,
cf. "rin.TWB^son of Bela,aBenjamite 1 Ch 8s.
T7?|T2N n.pr.m. & f. (my father is
might, Sab. b'rati HalMA234)— prob. = ^WON
2 Ch ii18, iWQK 1 Ch 229 — 1. a Levite Nu
326. 2. aGadite'i Ch 514. 3. father of Esther
Est 21S 92». 4. wife of Abishur 1 Ch 22». 5.
wife of Rehoboam 2 Ch 1 118.
TQIJa^iK n.pr.m. (my father is good-
ness) son of Shaharaim, a Benjamite r Ch 81'.
' -tt'ON n.pr.f. (my fatlver is (the) dew)
a wife of David 2 S 34 1 Ch 3".
t^NO'ClS! n.pr.m. (a father is El; South-
Arab, name) son of Joktan Gn io28 1 Ch i22.
Cf. Sab. nnfiycnN, Abmi 'Attar a father is
'Attar ([vxft] v. T^fS) Hal" * DHMZMQI8831S.
"^E'QN n.pr.m. (Melek ( = Malik, Mo-
lech)* is father)— TfopiX Gn 20,8+— 1. king
of Gerar Gn 202-3-4 + , 2i22-25-25+, 26'-8+ (24 1.
Gn). +2. king of Gath ^ 341 err. for B^K,
cf. 1 S 211"; — a better known Philist. name
substituted for a less known (Hup3). > Others
(Thes 01 De MV) think a title of Philist. kings,
cf. Pharaoh. 3. son of Gideon Ju 831 9'-3-4 + ,
io1 (40 1. Ju), 2S1121. f4. priest, son of
Abiathar 1 Ch i8,e err. for ^g&Wi q-v. (Sab.
also n.pr.f. Osiander2"01805-209).'
T^I^^N n.pr.m. (my father is noble)
1. a man of Gibeah in whose house the ark
tarried 1S71 2S63-3-4 1 Ch 137. 2. a son of
Jesse 1 S 168 1713; 1 K 4" (J perh. otherwise
unknown ; Klo prop. 3 "^IS). 3. a son of
Saul 1 S3i! iCh 833939io2. '
TOJM^N n.pr.m. (my fatlwr is delight)
father of Barak Ju 46-12 51-12.
"^"QN n.pr.m. (my father is Ner, or is a
lamp cf. 2S21"; ace. to LagBN75=i,5tf (=f?)
+ lJ = son of Ner; cf. @ 'Afcwtjp) — so
only 1 S 1460, elsewh. "IJ3K — cousin of Saul,
and captain of his host 1 S i4''0-51 1 7s5.5j.55 _j_
52 t. 1 & 2 S + 1 K 26-32 1 Ch 2623 2721.
T~ljtl''QN n.pr.m. (my father is Jielp) —
= "WNNu2630 — 1. a Manassite, called 'son'
of GileadNu 2630 (cf. Di) Jos 172 Ju 634 82; and
son of Gil.'s sister r Ch 718. 2. a Benjamite,
a warrior of David 2 S 2327 1 Ch ii28 2712.
t"ntj>n "ON adj.gent. Abiezrite Ju61124
8»_*-^K nu 26so
TD"VritS! n.pr.m. (((he) Exalted One is (my)
faiher\v. Bae^1 156) cf. As. Aburamu(1) KAT2 479
cf. DP' »-91- >•**). 1. a Reubenite, son of Eliab
Nu I6112-24-25-27-27 269 Dt 1 16 f 10617. 2. son of
Hiel the Bethelite 1 K 1634. Cf.also following.
D*J3$? n.pr.m. (id., Thes al. exalted fattier)
Abram Gn ii2627+57 t. Gn (to i76)+i Chi27
Nep7; = DrrOK Abraham Gni76-915+ 172 t.
OT. (Dn"OK connected Gn 1 75 by word-play with
On of jl»n; really = max— Dn= Dm which
however is not found in Heb. — cf. Di > Hal
EEJ 1887' 17: f who prop. D?ia Dn "QK cf. Gn 49s4
with Is 4 121; so that Dn "13$ chief of multi-
tude is the new name of Gn i75(Dn) JtVOT\).
"Qt2)"ON n.pr.f. (my father is a wanderer
(MB*)?) a handmaid of David 1 K i3-16 2,7-21-!2.
TyfllraN n.pr.m. (my father is rescue, oi-
ls opulence (cf. J?w rich Jb 3419; also JW Jb
36'9? butv.W); LagBN76 thinks fr. }3K( = J?)
+ yiB* cf. © 'A/Sfo-o-ovf 1 Ch 84) 1. a' son of
Phinehas 1 Ch 530-31 636 Ezr 75. 2. a Benjamite,
son of Bela 1 Ch 84.
T^WOH n.pr.m. (my father is a wall, Sab.
•W3K HalMA,48'cf.As. AbudHru DlPr292) son of
Shammai 1 Ch 228-29.
'1jE,,3N n.pr.m. (my father is Jesse; LagBNra
thinks fr.'|3K (=#) + 'E* cf. ® 'Aj3f <raa[t] I S 260)
— 'k i S 266-°+ 17 t. 1 & 2 S=»BOK 2 S io,0 +
5 1. 1 Ch. — grandson of Jesse ; son of Zeruiah &
brother of Joab 1 S 26G-''-7-8-9 2 S 218-M+206
(where id. 3NV <S Th We Dr) + 13 1 2 S+ 207
(where insert *&M ® We Dr) + 5 t. 1 Ch.
01 . 2T2N n.pr.m. (my father is peace ;
ace. to Lag™ 1%= f3K ( ?3) + D'W, cf. ® A/3«r<raXa>/*)
— 'N 1 1 K i52-'° = Di^'3S 2 S 33 + , 2 Ch 1 120-21,
tiJiBbK 2 S i3,4+ — 1.' Eehob.'s father-in-law
ti K is2-10 2 Chi i20-21. 8. 3rd son of Dvd 2 S33
1 31 + 90 1. 2 S (insert 2 S 1 f © Th We cf. Dr ;
del. v38 Dr cf. We), + ti K i6 27-2' 1 Ch 32 V 31-
""I.TV2N n.pr.m. (the Great One is father (?)
so BaEeU66, cf. Sab.-ini) a priest, son of Ahimelech
1 s 222°-21-22 236-9 3o7-7 2 S 8" (rd. iterarp 7ac
so @WeDr)+22t. 2 S 1 K 1 Ch.
^2?ON Kt 2 s 2518 v. byqq sub 11. ran.
+ MjKinterj. exclam.ofpain, Oh! Pr 23s9
(IMS woe!). Prob. akin to Syr. U£o/ a/as
. . . ! PS M (AW Ges less prob. as a subst. need
from H3K, cf. |*3K).
1"QN (DP»fc«.""comp. As. [aM*«], *or-
wiewi, but dub.)
[JITON] n.f. cstr. 3"in nrDN Ez 2 1" ; Dl, as
above, slaughter; but prob. error for nrOC (v.
ri30) Ges Co ; @ o-^dyiu poix(f>aia?, cf. $.
D^ITIMN v. nu3.
■un v. wa.
■ T
vjM v. -n^ sub II. nw.
"•"l^n "OH v. ir^ax Sub 11. nat.
iTOH v. in;3N: sub n. nan.
OT?y v- ^35| sub II. H2N.
JYOM, rul'QN v. I. rux.
D*3H v. WJ3K sub II. rOK.
f^HN v. IPS^S sub II. H3K.
t["l2K] vb. turn (I) (cf. As. abdku Dlw
=1JBH ; Thes MV al. compare -pn) Hitlip.
}33K~»1 la g17? roll, roll up, as volume of smoke
(of Isr. under fig. of thickets of forest) v. De &
cf. ^annn ju 7s.
tl. 72R,9 vb. mourn (As. [abdlu] v. Dl')
— Qal iy. ^3S Is 2 47 + 2 1. etc . 7m;>/ 3 fs. ^>3Xn
Ho 43 + 3 t. — mourn, lament (poet. & higher
style); abs., human subj. Jo i9 Am 8" 9" Is 198
(II ttm) cf. Jb 1422 (subj. WW); sq. <jy Ho 10s;
more oft. fig., inanim. subjugates Is3M; land244
339 Ho 43 Jo i10 Je 428 (sq. by) 124 23'° cf. 1 2"
(sq. by), WW 14s; pastures Am 1* Hithp.
—Pf h*™ 1 S 15s5; Impf. b$&fi Ez 71"7;
^3Kn»lGn37M+3t.etc; Imv.h.'hyt.nn 2S148;
Pt. ?3«n» i S l61+2t. etc.; — mourn (mostly
prose) esp. for dead, sq. by Gn 37" 2 S 13" 142
192 (|| H33) 2 Ch 3524, cf. also Is 66'° (over
Jerusalem); abs. 1 Ch 72J ; cf. 2 S 142 play the
mourner (where indie, by dress); over un-
worthy Saul sq. ?K iSi535i6'; over sin sq. by
Ezr io6 cf. (abs.) Ne 89 ; judgment of '1 Ex 33*
abs. (indie, by dress), Nu 1 4s9 Ez 7" (del. B Co);
sq. '3 1 S 619; calamity Ne i4 Ez 712 cf. Dn io2.
Hipb. Pf. "nb^n Ez 3i'5; Impf. JX$$ La 28;
— cause to mourn; Ez 3 116 abs. MT, but ABCo
obj. Dliin sq. by, caused the deep to mourn over;
La 28 obj-. wall etc. ; (both these fig., cf. Qal).
t73M n.m. 0n60" mourning— abs. Gn 5010
+ 17 t.; cstr. 2 7<1 + 3t.; Ijbs Is 6o2°; D^>3«
Je 3113— for dead, cstr. Gn 27" Dt 34" (g*M)
so WP 'K sim. for grievous mourning Am
8'°, id. metaph. Je 626 (|| Dnnen ISpD); Gn
5o"-n Je 167 cf. 2 S 193 'x ncp Ez 241' (v. Co)
sq. ? Gn 5o,0(v. also 11. ?3K ad fin.); for calamity,
Est 43 922 (|| fej; contr. 310 Di») Jb 30s' (|| &
D,33) Is 6o206 13 (where appar.= mourning garb,
sq. n^nn nogt?,v.also Bi Che on tact; || n?3 nn;
contr. flfy 19^); Je3i,3(|| pW?), Las15(|| bine),
Am 516(|| nSDD); cf. nj£ nta| '« Mi i8;=time,
period of mourning 2 S n7; '" n'3 Ec 72 (||'3.
nnE*D,_v4 (ynriDB' '3); 'S nja garments of
mourning 2 S 1 42.
D"n?Q 'TIN v. t3 ^3K sub II. bs.
' fl. '5^ adJ- mourning— 's Gn 37s8 Est
612; cstr.-^S V 35u; Q,r3? Jb 29" Is 612 etc.;
— for dead Gn 37s5, calamity Est 612, cf. fig.
La i4 (pred., inanim. subj.), elsewhere as subst.
mourner; sg. •^3^li (cstr.) for dead (|| "Hp); pi.
Jb 29" abs.; for calamity Is 5718 6i2-"' (where
mourners for Zion, or of Zion, v. Di).
II. 7^^ (perh. JjI grow green, cf. ^al
grass/ Lag"1*45 prop. Jj\ withstand, hence ?3X
as withstanding scorching sun (protected by
trees, springs, etc.), hence also (Lag) Jj I camel).
tn. VnS* n.f. 1. meadow(?) 1 S 61S MT but
rd. f3S cf! vl4ls ®S¥e Dr. 2. n.pr.loc. city
in N. Isr. 2 S 2o'8, near Beth Maacah v,4=
H3J?D 1V3 i>3N v"1 (so also v14 Ew Th We Klo Dr),
i K 1520 2 K is29; = DT> 'K 2 Ch 164 (= Abil el
Kamli, wheat-meadow NW. of Dan & S. of Mu-
tulleh RobBBII,'*n). 3. W^Hj b« n.pr.loo.( =
acaeia-nieadotv) in lowlands of Moab Nu 33";
=D't?B»Nu 251 Mi 66 (=Tel Kefrein (?) Tristr
& MerrillPK8oc"hS,",,1,"!°t'w). 4. D'HIS i>3K
n.pr.loc. ( = vineyard-meadow) in Amnion Ju
1 1° (v. Euseb. *A/3<Xa/«rfA»»'). 5. n^iPID i>3K
n.pr.loc. ( = dance-meadow) Ju )" 1 K 412;
Klisha's birthplace 1 9" (v. Euseb. 'Afif\naf\ai).
6. D?"ttrt3 73K n.pr.loc. ( = m«a<ioM) of Egypt,
i.e. fertile as Egypt ?) E. of Jordan Gn 50"
(where interpr. as if "0 ?3K, so © 33; v. Di).
' 72hf adv. 1. in older Heb. with an
asseverative force, verily, of a truth Gn 4221
2 S 14" 1 K 1* 2 K 4U, with a slight advers.
force, nay, but Gn 1 719(P). 2. in late Heb. as a
decided adversative, howbeit, but -Dn io7,21
Ezr io13 2 Ch i4 193 3317 (cf. Ar. £ofa truth,
sometimes, from the context, nay ratlter Qor
2»2.»4.110.1; _143 ,5S g^g \
III. /Zl^ (cf- Ar. JjI able to manage camels,
fr. Jjjl, coll., Sab. !>3K camel DHMZMQU8S'829).
'/^iN n.pr.nx. (? camel-driver), overseer
of David's camels 1 Ch 2 7s0.
^ns, ^TlN v. fe>.
■ \ T
R**m nf- °° ** (m.1817,40?) stone (As. abnu,
= the sharp, projecting ? v. Dlw-PrlC7; Ph. pM ;
Aram.?3K, )i3()''; EthX-fTi; Sab.[o]33N DHM
'n""*"1)- 'Sabs. Gn2822 + ; |3K n3 + ; cstr.
4924 + ; rf. ta» 2 K 3"; D^3$ Gn 3i46+, etc.;
— a stone (large or small). 1. in natural state,
used as pillow Gn 2811-'8 (E); seat Ex 1712 (E);
cover of well Gn 292-s-3-8-10 (J) ; causing one to
stumble Is 81*; marring good ground 2 K 319-25;
hand-missile Ex 2118 (JE) Nu 3517-23 (P) 2 S
i6"-13, esp. in judicial stoning, with vb. D2T Lv
202-27 242S Nu i4l» 15s6-36 Jos 72"(all P), so'also
Dt 2121 2 Ch 2421 Ez 16" 23"; cf. 1 K i218=
2 Ch io'8; with vb. S?p Dt 13" 1 7" 2 221-24 1 K
2 11'; also Jos 72r,b (JE or D) ; sling-stones Ju
20" 1 S 1 7«>-«-«-»° 2 Ch 26i4 . hurled by engines
2 Ch 2616 ; set up for inscribing law Dt 27s-4-8
Jos 8s2 (all D) ; as memorial Jos 4s-»-«-7-*-»-!»-«
(JED) 1 S 712; as sacred pillar (n3S10) Gn 2818
3514 (anointed with oil), 2 822 ( = i>N)V3) cf/K (HfS)
btn'B': Gn 4924 (v. Di); as witness 31" cf. Jos
24m:27 (all JE); pi. gathered into heap (bi)
over dead, Jos 72" (v. Di) 829 cf. io18-27 (JE) 2 S
1817; ?? on which meal was eaten, in a compact
Gn 3 146-46 (JE); built into altar Ex 2025 Dt 27s-6
(JED) Jos 8"iKi 8'1-3238; cf. 2 K 23" ® Klo (for
man) \ of figured stone (forbidden) JTSflO K
Lv 261 (H); rbm 'N where ark rested 1 S
6u-ll> also v18 (MT 5>3N q.v.) ; (v. for other note-
worthy stones 9. infr.) 2. stone, as mate-
rial, of tablets Ex 2412 3118 341 (pi.) v 4-4 (JE)
Dt 4,s 5'9 98-10-11 io1-8; of vessels, hence prob.
Ex 719 (P; 'x=vessels of stone || D'VJ?) v. Di;
idols (|| fg) Dt 428 28s6-64 2916 2 K i918=Is 37";
also Je 39Ez 2032; pavement 2 K 16"; edifice
1 K 67 cf. Gn 113; also 2 S 511 2 K 1213 1 Ch
2216; oft.pl. of (worked) stones Lv j4«-«-«-«.«
(P; in wall of house) 2 K 22° + , cf. of city-
wall Ne 336; of (ruined) city 1 K 15" Ne 334;
tomb Is 1419; rTnjV D'33N (costly building-
stones) 1 K 531 79-10-'1 (v. also sub 3) ; "NOK
&V = marble (v. ®) 1 Ch 29s; ITU <J3*M
hewn stones 1 K 531 1 Ch 2 22 Ez 4042 (for altar-
tables),— cf. rma; 3xn» 'K 2 K 12'3 22' 2 Ch
3411 ; foundation-stone, corner-stone Is 28'°
Je 5120 Jb 38s yjr 11822; cap-stone, completing
the building, npH-\n Iffl Zc 47 (but v. H39 tfNi
yjr 11822 as above), Zc 39 upon one stone seven
eyes, prob. refers to this cap- or head-stone ; the
eyes are symbol of God's watchfulness; perhaps
explaining cup-stones found in Orient, v. Guthe
2PV1890.129. stone.cuttert'» nrin 2S 511 iCh 2215;
Iffl '3?h 2 K 1213 cf. 1 Ch 2 22. 3. precious
stone, gen. with modifying word IT1P 'K coll. 2 S
1230 1 K io2 + oft. (v. 2); Dnt5>n K'Gn 212 (J)
cf. Ex 257 289 359-27 396 (P) 1 Ch 29"; D**^ 'K
Ex 257 35s-27 cf. 1 Ch 292; T3D 'K Ez i26"io';
rrnjat 133s is 5412; pan '« ;&.-, npp-ii tpe rntc
1 Ch 292'; ID 'N Pr 1 78;' on Efc »i3* {stones of fire)
Ez 2814-16 as precious stones= As. aban isdti (?)
v. D1F*118 & W4°; but Sm al. thunderbolts; also
without distinctive modifier Ex 257 35s; 'K Ehn
engraver in stone Ex 2 8" cf. 3 1 r> 3 533 (P). t4.
stones containing metal, = ore, Dt 89 (v. Di)
Jb 28s cf. v8. +5. a weight, as orig. stone (v.
Pr 27s cf. Eng. weight s<<me = i4lb) D,3~,:!3K
Pr 1611 (cf. As. D1W38); ^fj 'K 2 S 1426 (i.'e.
ace. to royal standard; cf.COT0n23'w) ; 'SO 'K
Dt 25" Pr 2o10-2s (i.e. different weights, for
dishonest use); nonp p.3K D'3 Mi 6"; just
weights raf-,a?< Lv 1936; npy^'K ft iir;
hence also heavy mass of metal (lead) Zc 58.
|6. plummet Is 3411 (stones of devastation, or
em]>tiness, cf. on sense 2 K 2113 Am 77,8) ; also
made of metal y'ttn 'SH Zc 410 (conversely
plummet ft: plumbum). t7. objectslike stones;
partic. hail, explicitly, TJ31!1 'J58 Jos io11 cf. Is
3080; VHlftQ 'K Ez i3"-18 38"; but also O^K
pN 7
n^'n? Jos 10" (E) (cf. As. D1W88); lime-stones
"U^SaX Is 2 "]'. 8. in sim. (mostly poet.) of sink-
ing in water Ex i56=Ne 9"; motionlessness
EX1516; strength Jb612; firmness^16; solidity
(of iee) 3830; in prose, of commonness 1 K io"
2 Ch ils; also metaph. of one in fear 1 825" (i.e.
petrified with terror, cf. Ex 1516 supr.); tW 3?
= perverse, hard heart Ezn1' 36s6; "1J?.",?.3S
Zc 918 (of ransomed Isr.) — 'N personif. Hb 2"
cf. v19; cf. Ez 13" (v. 7 supr.) +9. In topogr.
terms (nearly=n.pr.); JH3 |38 J0 156 18'7;
T8?n '« 1 S 51 cf. 712, also 41 '(We Ur) ; 'Kn
%n 1 S 2019, rd. &$n 33-lNn v. © here & v41
(We Dr Klo); rtnin 'k'i K i» (where We
mammon comp ^i-. Zuhal= Saturn).
t[p«] n.[m.] wheel, disc— Du. ttpffl—
1. potter's wheel Je 183 (two discs revolving
one above the other; name from likeness to
mill-stones ; v. AW18). 2. TBT^ Ex I* prob.
= sella parturientis,=-8i<f>poi Xo^fialoi bearing-
stool, midwife's stool (fr. likeness to potter's
wbeel; on custom of labor upon stool v. Ploss
Da, weib.2-ded.il, 35. 179 etc. & Qesnola Coll. fr. Cyprus,
Metrop. Mus., N. York, No. 614, terra cotta
fig. fr. 4th or 5th cent. B.C.; Descriptive Atlas
of Cesn. Coll.,',,,-,"L3",-UB; cf. W. H. W[ard]
l'ESoc.2nd Statement 1873, p. 76\
n:n« Kt 2 K 512 v. njDN.
n:nN v. t333.
"PI v. -i:i,3N sub II. H3N.
t[D2K] vb. feed, fatten (Mish. id.; 1 As.
[abdsu] Dlw") Qal Ft. pass, fattened, DWK of
ox Pr 15"; Bpa* of fowl r K 53.
TD^N n.m. rrl4,4 crib (=feeding-trough, on
form v. Ges484*12B-) of ass Is i3 (cstr.); oxen Pr
i44(abs.); lEJP^JJJ P^'DX Jb 39s (of wild-ox).
t[u^QSn] n.[m.] granary (=place of fod-
der; 1 As.'bit abdsdti Dlww) pi. sf. rpKlNO Je
ninjnN v. jna.
TOJtf (meaning unknown).
t[Y^N] n.pr.loc. city in Issachar, f3N
Jos i9'20-
tplN n.pr.m. judge of Isr. Ju 12s-'0 (Lag
0>ij89ili9|s J3(j$), ® 'Miiacrav, <B yC^O-
p2N (At. J3\ run away (cf. Lag™61)).
tp^« n.m. Ez2U0 dust— '« Dt 2824+3 t. ;
cstr.p'aKNai3; sf.Di>3K;Ez2610— dust 0 fleeing,
flying; syn.1Sy=oft. dustlyingonor composing
ground) Ex 9" Ez2610 Dt2824 (|psy) Is5M (|| P?)
29* (llfto); fig. of clouds under Yahweh's feet
+ [HjTlN or n^lN] n.f. prob. coll., cstr. np_3K
??i"1 Ct 36 powders of merclutnt = scent-pow-
ders. (On formation cf. Lag"""".)
TjpnNj vb. denom. Niph. wrestle (=get
dusty,clK6Vis, koWo), v. also BbP*,t**'1* paWlO
Q5\??"5 "l?5!3=«< at their feet; others, e.g. Di,
comp. pan), ay pggj Gn 32s5; Inf. sf. ipavna
nv v26.
"Oitf (cf. As. abdru, be firm, strong Dlw).
' "^N n.[m.] pinions (fr. strength, poet. &
fig., pi. in sense) as of dove ^55'; eagle Is 40";
'Nn 7|"1K of king of Babyl. under fig. of eagle Ez
1 7s (|| D?B33n 7C\i of broad, overshadowing
1 rnSN n.f. pinion (nom. unit., poet.) of
ostrich Jb 3913; ""^aN of eagle, sim. for '» Dt
32"; metaph. of '< ' + 91*; nVrt-QK of dove
^68"; (all||*)J3).
T[~QN] vb. denom. Hiph. fly (=move
pinions)] of hawk |T"9!£ Jb 3929-
1 [l>,-^l adj. strong ; alw. = subst. the
Strong, old name for God (poet.); only cstr. in
3pjr Tax Gn 4924 & thence ^ 1 32s-5 Is 49s6 6o16;
*y&&l 'X Is 124 (cf. Che crit. n.)— BaNB61 assigns
this cstr. to "^3X.
t'Y'SSl adj. mighty, valiant— 'x Jb 34s0
+ Isio,sKt(Qr"V33); cstr. id. iS 21s; piOTW
Jb 2422 + ; — mighty (alw.=subst. & poet. exc.
1 S 2 is). 1. men Ju 522 Jb 24>2(=violent) 3420
Je 4615 1 S 2 18 (rd. DTjn "« Or Dr, cf. 2217; but
Lagrrobebii>ei o*vjjn |>»ai( v. Id.BSi5; Klo iia?), La
I16; ab '"VaX stout of heart Is 4612 ( = obstinate)
t/c766. 2. angels ^^(cf. 10320). 3. animals;
bull, sim. of king of Assyr. Is lo'3(rd. "*?*? & ▼•
Di); elsewh.pl.; metaph. for enemies i^a »V3R
^2213(||D,_|3); for princes^ 68s1; forEdomites
Is 347; hence even as sacrif. ^ 5013 (|| CTiny);
of horses Je8lc 47s 5011.
OiTON v. D13K sub II. H3X-
t t : - T :
+ "7T"m^ proclaimed before Joseph Gn 4 1 **
(mng. dub.; many Egypt, deriv. proposed; e.g.
a-bor-k, Copt. =proslrate thyself/ BenfeyVerhd-
«g.spr.z.sem.s<Bf. aprek,—head bowed ! Chabas1"1,
— buta=y, v.alsoWiedemannAlw«WMttrlss-8; ap-
rex-u, head of the wise, HarkavyB",'«Zel,schr-Ifa';
ab-rek, rejoice thou! CookSpe*,',r'5C<,mn,G°*dloCK"1
»•*"; Lepage Renouf"8*1""1888'6'^^)-^, %
command is our desire, i.e. we are at thy
service ; Say **'• B*b- 1S3 As. abrikku = Ak. abrik,
vizier (unpub. tabl.), v. already DP11"134"-1-1112
who cp. As. abarakku = title, perh. grand
vizier; against DI, v. COT & No2"01880' 7M).
0"pN, t'3N v. DT3X, ^3« sub II. na*
oiVcnN, a'VcrnN v. di^3« sub n. rax.
KJK (cf. Ar. y /Zee Frey).
t fcON 11. pr .m. (fugitive ?) father of a hero
of David 2 S 23" (ins. also 1 Ch n13 Dr8m).
U.2N, (lUN Nu 24T) n.pr.m. (violentl As.
agdgu T>X") king of Amalek iSis8-9-80-32-32-32-38,
also Nu 24' (E), as symbol of might; (Is 'N
then title ? v. Di).
?;^ adj.gent. of Haman (=Amalekite?
so Jew. trad. & cf. Jos.*""-11-66) Est 31-10 83-6 9".
im (bind, so Talm. "12$, Aram. 13N).
t,T13N n.f. band (Mishn. fWUK cf. NHWB).
1. pi. cstr. ntito ni^JX bands, thongs (fastening
ox-bow) metaph. of fetters of slavery Is 58".
2. 3te« ffn^J &MjiC;j of hyssop Ex 12s2. 3. 'n
abs. band of men (cf. ?3n. Eng. band) 2 S 226.
4. vnjx vault of the heavens (as fitted together,
constructed, cf. Ar. SU-1) Am 9*.
triaN n.[m.J nuts (coll.) (NH id., KTiSBK,
Ar. J£i, Eth. 7a*"H: Aram. <a^, KJUK; cf.
Pers.j^Vwhence prob. TUN as loan-word) Ct6u.
7J^ (Hoffm,Ilob&5 comp. Ar. J^l m^,
Eth. X7A>: a certain one (name withheld), etc.)
72N n.[m.] usually trans, drop, ?t3"\75S
dew-drops Jb 38s8 (|| "W?D) so Vrss De Di ; Hoffm
' Riickstande,' ' Ansammlungen,' i. e. collec-
tions, stores, reserve-supply.
TD^73W n.pr.loc. town in Moab Is 158;
(meaning?); ?cf. AlyaXtifi (Euseb.) 9 m. S. of
Areopolis; v. LagOnom.228.9s, «i.2,p.2«
DJi^f (troubled, sad, As. agdmu Dlw cf. Ar.
1>.I loatlie ; also iiil marshy jungle; v. D3Jj).
T3JN n.[m.] troubled pool (Aram, id.,
Jjo^/, As. agammu Dlw) — 'n abs. Is 35'; cstr.
4i,8+2t.;D,S3KEx8,+ 2t.;,,D|iKI8i42»; DrTOJK
Ex 719 — 1. troubled or muddy (gloomy) pools or
marshes, pi. D^D 's Is 1423. 2. any pool, pond ,
sg. D^O K Is 4 118 ^io7M 1 148; pi. without D?D
Ex 7 19 81 (P) Is 4 2 16. 3. swamp-reed, rush ( =
pOJS) Je5I3'.
t[D3N] adj. sad (cf. Mish.) ^-"OaK Is 19'°.
tpjN, ]'iQriN n.[m.] rush, bulrush. 1.
used as cord or line Jb 4026 (of twisted rushes,
or spun of rush-fibre, cf. Di ad loc); as fuel
4112; sim. of bending head Is 58". 2. metaph.
of the lowly, insignif. (|| HB3) Is 913 1 916.
\^H (prob. circular, round, cf. Ar. a2.L\ ball
of cheek & v. Talm. I?,iN curved rim of a vessel).
[jiH^tj n.[m.] bowl,basin(Talm. J31K, Aram.
S33X, U4^'; Ar. ajI^.1 , vessel in which clothes
are washed ; As. .(pi.) agandteJDY"). 1. basins
used in ritual^>ttf>Ex 24s (E). 2. "inert J3K,
sim. of curves of body Ut 7". 3. metaph. of
family of Eliakim. ni32Kn t'b3 = basin-vessels
Is 2 224 ( = bowl-shaped vessels Che) opp. v|
Dublin ; both || JE>i?n ^3.
*"pX (As. stem of agappu, wing, cf. Dlw).
* [n^J n.[m.] band, army (loan-word, orig.
wing of army; As. agappu, Aram. e)JN, wing.
Others, fr. t|M, Sta*2*")— All Ez. & all vl. (or
&«.t)T|2^ EZ389 394; VB3X i2»4-3t.; n»a;s
38" (all c.~?3exc. 38s2) — 6ancZ», armies of king
of Judah Ez 1 214 1 721 ; hordes (RV) of Gog 38s-22
39"; specif, of "103 38°; of nO"uta {6.
fl. [")Ji*] vb. gather (food)— only Qal—
■?/• ""3$. of ant Pr 6s (obj. klND) ; 7m;,/ 2ms.
13£9 of Isr. Dt 28s9 (obj. = grapes, not expr.) ;
Pt. Y*M ">3« subst. one who gathers (abs.) Pr. 1 o5.
II. *TJN (pay, hire, Arjil, Aram.13K, j^/",
As. o^Srw DF, Palm. "ON Reck 2MG I888' *«).
T"ft3M n.pr.m. (perh. hireling, Ar. JLs.1,
Aram. NTJX, |{^' v. ps, As. a^Jrw, cf. Hpt
EA81.124. others gatherer, fr. 1. ux) son of n|£(
an author of proverbs Pr 301.
t[nnia«] n.f. payment, ^03 ITjbK 1 S 2s6.
Tj~n3S n.f. letter, letter-missive (late,])rob.
loan-word, As. egirtu DP) — abs. Ne 28+ 2t.;
cstr. Est 929; pi. D'njN abs. 20130' + 3t.; cstr.
Ne 29; DH'nnaK Ne 6"— letter, esp. royal letter
2 Ch 3o'-6'Ne 27-8-9; but also others Ne65-17-19 Es
qM.29 (J] lap vv2o.3o . other gyn_ 2PI30, jmfl q.v.)
Vb-um v. hm
t : — :
^JN v. ejna.
in, rfffm, ni-tN ▼. m
i[2'liS] vl>. grieve; Hiph. Inf. 3Ht£( =
3HK[6 Ges*53-3-"7) to cause to grieve I S 2s3. (But
Dr prop, 3*1$ fr. 3H q.y.)
i7N3"TN n.pr.m. 3rd son of Ishmael (cf.
Ar. CjS\ invite, discipline ?) Gn 2513 1 Ch
1 129 (As. Idiba'il etc., name of north. Ar. tribe
DF*301; cf. Min»an blK DHM in MV).
*7"7K 0 cfl Ar- ■>' strength).
n^N n.pr.m. a chief Israelite Ezr 81717.
TIN n.pr.m. v. Tin.
N^THN n.pr.m. 5th son of Haman Est 9s
(Pers'.l). '
I. Q*7^ (cf. As. [addmu] make, jrroduce (?)
T)l W u Pr 104\
□~JN 6C0 n.m. Gn *•"■ man, mankind (Ph. Dix,
Sab. «?., CIS1'1,1'4 al.; cf. As. admu, young (of
bird) Dlw, but No25"51886-722 identif. with Ar. Aj\
coll. creatures) — Sg. abs. exc. cstr. Pr 612 cf.
Thes; ('K(n) *2| oft. =pl. of 'x Gn 1 iB+ 39t., cf.
tfil nto Gn62-4)— 1. a Wara(=Ger. Mensch)=
Jmman'being Gn a"-7-7-8-16-''-'^, i612 (2ft. J)
binan 'xn jos 14'5 (E); i^s '« Pr 612 (|| Jin *H
cf. 1 S 25" & v. ^jr!>3);= any one Lv I2 Nu 9s-7
Jb 2029 2713 Pr 1520 2i16-20 2430 Ec f° + oft.
WisdLt, Je 26 425 Ne 2", cf. 'N Bta Nu i9,1-13+ ;
seld. wan opp. woman Gn 22"2-23-26 3«"M»«
Ec 728. 2. coll. maw, mankind Gn I26 96-«-«-« +
(P28t.)6I-M-7(JE 24t.)Dt432(D6t.)(on 28
7" cf. 1 Chi 7" v. DrSm); distinctly = men +
women Gn I27 51 Nu 5s; given as name Gn 52;
but= warriors Is 2 26 'N 331 (|| D'ST©); || beasts
(41 1.) n»il3 Gn 67 7" (J ?) Ex 813'14 9910 (P) 9'9-
tUt , 212 , 32.13.,5 (gJJ J) + . kte proph Je 2 j6 3 j27
503 5162 Ez i4»Jw»-« 2513 298-u 32" (del. Co)
3611 Jon 38 Zp i3 Hg iu Zc288'°; ||"V?3 Ez415;
|| fs's, Dnbn, '3 NU3128; HtU + nDnsrrba? v3<>
cf. Jon 37 ;' || fljn Gn 95 (P) cf. Ez 'i™-™-*\ &
descript. of D^n? Ez io8-14-21 cf. 41"; || trees
Dt 20,9(rd.D-lKn v. Di); opp. God 1 S 1529 16"
Is 3 13 Ez 282-9 1 Ch 2 1" 291 2 Ch 618 Mai 38 cf.
Ex 332» Dt 521; so '«-?a Nu 2319 (|| B*k) Ez
2i.3.6.s (gyt gz> ajw addressed to proph.); '33
'Nfl 1 S 2619; made in God's image Gn i26-27 9°
cf. Ec 729; as feeble, earthly, mortal Nu i629-29
Ps 827 1443-4 Jb 57 I41-10 cf. 25" ('N-J3) Ec 125;
as sinful 1 K 846 2 Ch 636 Je io14 cf. Nu 5s Jb
3 133 Ho 67; of men in general, other men (opp.
to particular ones) Ju 1617 (cf. *H$ "in* v7-11)
i87-28 + 73" Je 3229 + ; || t^KIs 2'-11-'17 5"""cf. Ez
2342 (del. Co Vrss); 'K \)3 2 S 714 (|| D'tMK) pr
84 (|| W*K); + 49» 62"» (both || e"¥ '?3) = men
of low opp. men of high degree — so 'oft. Ph.
and =vassal Sab. DHM2*01875-080"-*16 • 'K B'BJ coll
Nu ai"..*.- x Ch gn Ei5 27.» +3> n;pp-m;
Adam, first man (without art., cf. job 1 Ch 211
over ag. 'frn Jb i6 etc.) Gn 426 (J)' 5>-3-«-» (P)
1 Chi1. (Gn2*»3"-21rd.'t6v.Di.) +4. n.
pr.loc.city in Jordan valley (as builtl) Jos 31'.
7V?1^. 224 n-f- Sround> land (as tilled, Ger.
6e6aw<? DF'^but Fleisch. (MerxArch"I'a»f)
comp. Ar. iLol, skin, as smoothly covering
& close-fitting; -/DT cf. Ar. °S sroear (spread
over surface); cf.alsoNo23""886'737) — 'n GniM+ ;
cstr. np"|S Gn 4720+ ; sf. VlcnN Jb 3i38+ 2 t!
etcj^niClN ^4912 — 1. srroM«<i(astilled,yield-
ing sustenance) Gn 26-9 317-23 42-3-12 529 821 1 9s5 4 7s3
Ex 3426 (all J); Ex 2319(E) Dt 71S 11" 265-10-15
284.11.18.S3.42.51 3Q9 2 g ^,10 Jg j7 2g24 3Q23.2S.24 Jg
720 1442533 Hg i" Mal3" yfr 8311 10535 Pr 12"
2819 1 Ch 2726 Ne io36-38 cf. fig. Jb 5" (|| lay) ;
personif. 3138 Jo i10; also 'Nn B»'N Gn 920 (J)
tiller, husbandman; meton. 'X 3nk 2 Ch 2610
i.e. lover of husbandry (or do these point to
earlier meaning tillagel cf. DP'105)'** n3jf e»K
Zc 135. t2, jptec« of ground, landed property
Gn 4718. (ftU J) ^ ^ ^ +3>
earth as material substance ; of wh. man is made
Gn 27 ('Nrrft? nay); so animals v19 ("KnTP);
altar Ex 2024; earthen vessels 'N 'bnn Is 45';
on head, sign of woe 1 S 412 2 S i2 1532; of
contrition Ne9J (cf. 1SN, 13y); 'SH ruyo 1 K
746 cf. 2 Ch 417 (firmness of earth, firm earth,
clay- ground, for casting -moulds; or clay-
moulds (Be)? or is this n.pr.1 Klo prop. niyB3
i""?7?*'1 in the red cave); mule- loads of 2K517;
in it" lie the dead -OSTncnK 'J.?*'? Dn 122 cf.
Gn 319-23 i\r 1464. 4. ground as earth's visible
surface ; 'Nil DD1 Gn I25 620 (both P) Ho 22" cf.
Gn 7892 (J ?) Lv 2o26 (P) Dt 418 Ez 3820; also
Gn 410 (J) Is 242' Am 36 Zp i2-3; as wet with
dew 2 S 1712; rain 1 K'171' 181; cf. personif.
ffVTQ 'Nil nnsa Nu i630(P) (|| ps v32), vid.
v31; of partic. place, spot Clp 'N Ex 3s esp. as
abode of man Gn4n Ex io6 Dt 4WM 1 21 1 S 2031
2S147; oft. '«n V.S Gn2641461-774ffl88-13 Ex
32123316 Nui23 Dt'6ls76 (all J, D) 1 S2o,5 +
9 1. 5. land, territory, country ( es jix) Gn 4 7 19
(J) Lv 2024 (J 1— 1| px) cstr. bef. n.pr. tTSp? '&
Gn 472026; irjWJ '« Is 1917; ^'f! UEsxi**
16 t. Ez ; esp. of land as promised or given by
*• to his people=Canaan Gn 2815 Ex 2012 Nu
1 1» 32" (all J ?) Dt 5'6+ i6t, Dt, Jos; 1 K 8" M
+ , Je 16" 24'° 25s 351' Ez 28s5 2 Ch 62531 720
338; cf. also Dt i219 2123 29" 2 K if3 Is 6" 716
14' + , Ez 341327 + , Ne 9s5 (TOOK* '«),— in all c.
4it.; + Jo 2s,(personif.); ehi?n'NZc216(cf.sub
4 supr.); hence also as Yahweh's land Dt3243
Is 1 4s Zc 9" 2 Ch 720. t6. whole earth, inhabited
earth (seld. ; cf. also 'Nn '?B sub 4 supr.) Gn 1 2s
2814 (both J cf. }HN 1818 2218 264) Dt 142 Am 32
Is 24". +7. n.pr.loc. city in Naphtali (as
built cf. D"JN il^ed-Ddmel) W. of L. Gennes.
Jos 19s* v. Di.
TfTC^N n.pr.loc. city in Vale of Siddim
2j53n *Jp"1N n.pr.loc. pass in Naphtali,
Jos 19° v. 3pJ. ,
II. D*7N (}'^> $ tawny, Eth. k£cn>:
(only in derivatives), As. addmu 1 Dlw ; cf.
t[Di1N, D"1N] vb. be red (on format, cf.
LagBNS"*120)— Qal Pf 3 pi. »$ ruddy, of Na-
zirites La 4'; Pu. Pt. reddened, dyed red,
DIND Na 2* (of shield), DW of rams' skins
Ex «6»a6M357-* 36,93934 (all P)'. Hithp. Imp/,
redden, grow or look red, D^NJV Pr 2 331 (of wine) ;
Hiph. l<mpf emit {show) redness (cf. Lag1"1120)
vbSns ions: Is i18 (of sins) i.e. be glaring, fla-
grant (cf. also v15).
ta'n« adj.red-'x Is632 Zci8+Gn 2530-30,
v.infr.; tflN Ct510; f.nEHN Nu i92,pl.D'SnN 2 K
3M + 2 1. ; — ruddy, red, of man Ct 510; horse Zc
,8.8 (|| pnfef cf. As. D1W87) 62 (|| 1'n^); heifer Nu
192; water 2 K 3" (D13 'N); cf. as subst. red,
rednesson garmentls632; tilt<n = the (red) lentils
Gn 2530-30, but rd. D'lNH v. infr. ; cf. also njjjjp.
' CHN n.[f.] earnelian (fr. redness/ © <rap-
8w»; on format, cf. Lag8-"1144) Ex 28" 3910 (P) Ez
TDiTN n.[m.]nameofacondiment (Ar. lll\
v. Anderson in Di; cf. As. adumatul DI*) 'Nn
Gn 2530-30 (J; so rd. for 1*1 MT; v. Di).
DV7M (fDIN Ez 25") n.pr.nx. 1. Edom
(name of a god? v. StaGam ES8""48; vid. n.pr.
Q-ltniy, but Bae8*110 thinks dial. var. of V$f,
D11N '33= D"JN »J3)ssE«ao, elderson of Isaac Gn
2 5s0 (J) (where etym.=raZ, cf. v25 (E 1) & sub
tjtorjf) 361*1* (P). 2. coll. (m. but f. Mai i4)
Edomites, Idumeans as descend, of Esau Gn
36,M (P) ; also 1 S 1 447 + 3 1 1. + 2 S 81S (for MT
DIN; @@, v. 1 Chi812 ^6o2, WeDr); perh.
also v12 (®@ 1 Ch 18"; MT DIN but v. We Dr);
also 2Cli202(v. Be); 'N=king of Edom Nu
10mjoji. poet >$ v,3 V!377 'K na La 421iB-
3. /and of Edom, Idumaea (/. Ez 32s9 3515 and
36') S. & SE. of Pal. Gn 36324i, + 32 t. (incl. m'C
'N Gn 324; 'N jnN Gn 361,U7!!1-31 Nu 2023 214 3337
+ ); — uncertain whether 2 or 3 are Ex 1515
Nu 20" 2418+ 9 t. (chiefly in 'N T]b» etc.)
t">pn« adj. gent. Edomite Dt 23s 1 S 218
2a9.i8.« j KlIw ^ g3*. D'.p'nN 2 Ch 2514 2817;
so 2K166 (Qr; Kt DWIN, v. DIN); D»D'lN
iK 1117; /. nWlN. 1K111.
Td^TO'JS adj. reddish (cf. As. ada(m)mu-
mul DY"} of leprous sores Lv 1342 (D]T") v49
(D'T-^/rtD-ronNv24'43; n»Vv19;/pZ.n'EnKnN if,
T,3it3T?HI adj. red, ruddy, of Esau as new-
born babe Gn 25s5 (whence name Edom ace.
to E J cf. Di); of youth 1 S 1612 1742 0?b"lN).
O^Tp'IN n-pr.loc. v. flJJJO sub rby.
TUPiTyi^ n.pr.m. a prince of Persia &
Media Est 1 14 (cf. Pers. admdta, unrestrained).
fjjijj (mug. disputed; (1) cf. As. [adannu\
firm, strong ; adv. adanniS, strongly, exceedingly
Dlw>(2) Fii. (a) make firm, fasten (cf. ^xz)
whence flN ; (b) determine, command, rule,
whence fH$ ; (3) Thes Add., MV al. (a) intr.
be under, low, inferior (cf. pn, ^U), whence JIN;
(6) tr. put under command, rule over (cf. J"!)
whence fHN; v. also (4) LagM'-102, [1TW fr. ^jl).
[]"1&] n.m. E*2C-19 base, pedestal— JTN Ex
387; pi.D'3";N:Ex261!l + ; cstr. TlNCt5ls + , etc.
1 . pedestals of fine gold, on wh. pillars of rnarble
were set Ct 515. ^.pedestals of the earth on wh.
its pillars were placed Jb 38s (|| corner-stone).
3. (metal) pedestals, bases, or sockets in wh.
tenons of planks & pillars of tabernacle were
set up ; two for each plank & one for each pillar
Ex 26191919+52t. in Ex 26.27.35-40 Nu 3.4
(all P) ; cf. © Sm Co for 'enN Ez 4 122, of altar.
fTTfH n.m. ""^ lord (Ph. pN)— 'N *i25 +
cstr. fHQ Jos 311 + ; pi. D'JhN Is 2 613 + ; cstr. »rt|
Dtio17 + ; sf.W3.1N 1 S 25"+ etc.; (TIN, *t%
'j'lN are variations of Mass. pointing to distin-
guish divine reference fr. human. PL, with few
exc. an intens. pi. of rank ; word takes sf. as pi.
in all other pers. ; so doubtless here. Orig.
reading prob. in all cases TlN (v. Dalman
D.rOottMn.-eAdoD.j. LagBN188 makes 'JIN an Aram.
format.) ; 'JIN now found in J 5 1 1. ; in E
•tGn 3135 3219 4210 Ex 216; in P tGn 2361116
Nu 36"; often S & K; in Chr only in sources,
iCh2i3-3-"3(=2S24322) aCha"6*; Is & Je
only in hist, parts Is 368912 Je 3720 38°; elsewli.
tDni,0io,61719i28 Zci94"1364 V^iio1 Ju 418
613 Ru213; 'JIK '? tEx41013 Jos 7s (J) Ju615
138 is referred "to God, but '?n« '3 tGn4320
4418 Nu 12" (J) 1 S i26 25" 1 K 31726 ref. to
human superiors. There is uncertainty as to
»VlK Gn 183 1918; 'S'lK 192)— tl. sg. lord,
master (1) ref. to men : (a) supt. of household,
or of affairs Gn 45s-9 (E)=* 10521; (6) master
yjr 125; (c) king Je 2218 34'; (2) ref. to God,
nW fnsn the Lord Yahweh (v. TW) Ex 2317
3423 (Cov't codes) ; YWT^ P1* Lord °f the
whole earth Jos 31M3 ( J) ^ gf Zc 4" 65 Mi 413;
niX3X * 'KH, earlier Is i24 31 io33 194 f$W Is
1016 in common MT; not Massora, doubtless
scrib. error); TW Mai 31; J^IK i/<- 1 147. 2. pi.
Zorc/s, kings Dt io17=i/' 1363; Is 2613; elsewh.
intens. pi. of rank, lord, master, (1) ref. to men :
(a) proprietor of hill Samaria ti K 1624; (b)
master Gn 4o7(E) Ex 2i4-4-6-8-32 (Cov't code) Gn
249+ (J, nt.) Dt2316 Jui91I12+i3t. S&K;
Jb 319 V 1 23s Pr 2513 2718 30'° Is 242 Am 41 Zp
i» Mai i6-6; (c) husband Ju 1926'27 ^4512; (i)
prophet 2 K 23516; (e) governor Ne 3s ; (/) prince
Gn 4210-3033 (E) 448 (J) 1 S 2910; (g) king Gn 401
(E) Ju 325 + 40 1. S&K; Ch only in sources
iChi2>9cf. 1S294; 2Chi36I8l6=iK2217; Is
i9422183612374-6Je274; (2) ref. to God Mai i6;
D'?™? *rtj Lord of lords Dt io17=-f 1363;
VJ^tf 135*147* Ne8'°; Vffl*"> VS^Neio30;
'' ^I!?'"1? Is 5 122 (prob. = </;y husband, Yahweh);
WIN Hoi 2 15 (possibly error for^H). 3. sf. 1 s.
'i'lK ('i'lK) ( 1 ) ref. to men : my lord, my master,
(a) master Ex 2 15 (Cov't code) Gn 2412 + , 44s (J,
20 1.) 1 S 301315 2 K 53-s°-!B6,s; (b) husband Gn
i812 (J); (c) prophet 1 K 18713 2 K 219 41628 65
85; (rf) |>r«ne« Gn 4210 (E), 2 36"15 (P), 4320 4418
+ , 4718, + (J, 1 2 t,); Ju 418; (e) king 1 S 2212 +
(S & K 75 t.); (f) father Gn 31s5 (E); (a) Moses
Ex S222 Nun28i2113226-27 (J); 3622 (P) ; (h)
priest 1 S i16-26-26; (i) theophanic angel Jos 514
Ju 613; (j) captain 2S11"; (A) general re-
cognition of superiority Gn 2418 325 + ; 338+ ;
447 + (J,i3t.), Ku213iS2524 + (i5t.);(2)ref.
to God: 'i'-lK a. my Lord Gn 204 (1 E) Ex 1517
(Sam. m.T) elsewhere in Hex, J ; Gn 1 83'?'-27-30-31-
32 I9S.18(?) Ex 410.13522 ^9 Nu ^17 Jog f. alS0 Ju
615 138; not S ; i K 2 26 2 K 1923; not Chron.
exc. memorials Ezr io3 (ref. to Ezra) Ne 1" 48;
WisdLt only Jb 28s8 (doubtless scrib. error for
nln'ofmanyMSS.); not Ho; Is372438,416(hist.
part); exil.Is 4914(cf.5i22); Mii2^i62 + (47t-,
chiefly this sense, exc. sub b.; cf. 'j'lW wK my
11 VT»jim
LordandmyGod^zs0; (writers that use DVpK
seld. use 'J1"1*?); b. Adonay n.pr. of God, paral-
lel with Yahweh, substit. for it oft. by scrib.
error, & eventually supplanting it. In earlier
Is 317 4- ( 1 9 t. seeming to belong here), Am 77,8 9'
Ez 182529 33'7M2i14 (prob. * "pH as in usual
phrase); Zc94Mal i1214Lai14 + (i"4t.) f 243713
78B9017 (?niiT) no5 (Dalman puts most of these
sub (a); — many cases are doubtful); 1 K 310"
(Mass. "JINforrWTcf.Dalm. 2 K7«;Dalm. rightly
questions ; he rds. TW), The phrases 'n?!* 'jhK
f 3816 8612, Adonay my God; D'nl'Nn tfi'tt Dn
93, V*fa '* 9915, &3 'K Dn94 favour taking's
Dn i297-8 (nWt) v1617-191919 as the divine name.
4. mrv »ft{ (a) my Lord Yahweh (v. m.T) Gn
i528(JE) Jos 77(J,® om.'")Dt 3s4 9s6 JU622 1628
2S7(6t.) iK226853; prob. Am37-872-4S98 Jei'410
1413 321725 Ez4148' 96n132049373 (K'JK^yT
"•) i3923492424 2824; 2 916 inappropriate in mouth
of God ; del. ^ (Co) or rd. 0?$* * (Dalm.) ;
Mi iJ Zp i7 Ob ■ Zc 914 V 7 16-1* 73"; (b) appar.
n.pr. Adonay Yahweh Is 25s Je4426; exil. Is
4O10 + (iot., but 6 iul rd. tW, ®); (c) uncer-
tain whether (a) or (6) in proph. formula 10X
'•> 'K Is 77 2816 3015 49s2 5 14 6513 Je 720 Am i8 3"
53 76 Ob ' Ez (13 it.); "• 'K DM Is 56s Je a22 Am
3i34583.9.ii £z(8ot.); " ITW Ez63253364;
"> 'N VBfi Am 42 68; " 'N ^Knii H3 Am 71'4 8'.
5. ,:l1S'nin'' YahwehmyLord f 6821 1092' 1408
1 4 18 Hb39. 6. niS35f mn» tfl« (a) my iord
Yahweh S. (v. JT.K3S)T^ 697 Am 9s Is io23 22612
28s2 cf. 'S ntom «rtf^J « FaAweA, the God of
Hosts my Lord Am 5" ; (b) a divine name,
Adonay, Yahweh S. Je 46'0105o25; (c) uncer-
tain are 'S "> 'K nox H3 Is io24 2214"; '* DW
'2f^Is315 Je219495503'.
TpN n.pr.loc. in Babylonia Ezr 2W (v.
3113 n.pr.)
t'p1« t'd. Ne 761.
tpn-1:"!^ n.pr.m. (or title) king of Can.
city Bezek Ju i7; without Maqq. v66.
tp"l2_>,3"T^ n.pr.m. Canaan, king of Jeru-
salem Jos io13 (Lord of righteousness ; my
Lord is righteous, or my Lord is Sidiq — divine
name— cf. Py ^9, Wft», Ph. 'byn:it< etc.)
Vi;a"W (n3*TW) n.pr.nt. (my Lord is
Yahweh, cf. Ph. |DeWlN, ^V3nN, B>»C31K etc.,
in As. Aduniba'al Schi*8"172) 1. fourth son
of David 1 K i8+ lit., 213+ 5 t. ( = n;?'lK 2S 34
1 K i5-718 2s8 1 Ch 32). 2. a Levite ta Ch 1 78.
3. a chief of the people tNe io17 ( = D^« 7"
Ezr 213 cf. 813).
'□j^lN n.pr.xn. (nil/ Lord has arisen)
head of a family Ezr 213 813 Ne718 (IHjriK Ne
TD'I'O'TN n.pr.xn. (my Lord is exalted)
official of Solom. 1 K 4" 5s8; so also 2 S 2024
1 K 1 218 © We DrSm.
• 0"^"7N (contr. or corrupt,cf. foregoing) same
official, under David 2 S 2024, & Kehob. 1K12'1
(=DTin 2Chio18).
t[T7K] vb. (poet.) wide, great, (thence)
high, noble (? As. addru DPV)— Niph. Pt.
majestic, glorious, of **, "VIW Ex 1 511 ; cstr.
T^ v6 (v. Di); Hiph. Imrf.t^lfc make glori-
ous the teaching Is 42s' ('< subj.)
TlTM n.[xa.] 1. glory, magnificence (As.
aduru, adiru) ironic, of price of shepherd
(symbol.) Zc u13. 2. mantle, cloak (as wick)
Mi 28 ( || nobb), but rd. n-HK (n lost bef. foil,
n), so WRS*01"'427.
tD'HVlN n.pr.loc. (too Mfe?) city in Judah
2 Ch II* (cf. 'A&<opa, Aapa, Jos.*"1-""-10-1^1'-5-3);
now DUra, W. of Hebron, Kob.BB"-215.
TTTO n.pr.m. (noble t). 1. son of Bela,
grandson of Benjm. 1 Ch 83 (perh. error — cf.
Be— for Y$ q-v- Nu 2640 Gn 4621). 2. city in
Judah Jos 153 (nfft); ="VWI 1SH (q.v.) Nu 344.
tVW adj. majestic— 'K ^ 82+ 5 f. lT^U
Ez 1 78? (v. infr.) etc. — 1. majestic (wide, lofty)
of waters of sea Ex 1510 ifr 034; a ship Is 33";
a tree Ez 1 7ffl ; a vine Ez 1 78 (ftyiK JB3 , so Fii ; or
'N n. abstr. v. sub ITJ^J infr.); also fig. of kings
fff 13618; nations EZ3218; gods 1 S 4s; of' ^
934?6»; of name of '*• + 8210. 2. subst. ma-
jestic one, of nobles, chieftains, etc., Ju 51325 Na
2« 318 Je 143 25s4 (fNSn »nnt* fig. so) 3S-3« 3021 Zc
iij 2 Ch 2320 Ne 36 io30; of "> Is io343321; of
servants of '' yjfib3 (— priests 1 cf. 1 Ch 24s &
v. Che).
uVTOM n.f. glory, cloak — '« abs. Jos 7s4;
JTVm Ez'178; cstr. Gn 25*+ 4*.; ton^ 1 K 1913
+ 3 1. ; DrrnM Zc 1 13 — 1. glory, magnificence,
of vine Ez 1 7" (so Thes M V, but < adj.f. fr. "H"J
q.v.), of shepherds Zc 1 13 (or sub 2). 2. w<m-
*/«, cfoaA (wide garment) of hair yiv Gn 2 525
Zc 134 (as proph. mantle, so perh. 1 13 of shep-
herds= false proph.) cf. of Elijah 1 K 191319 2 K
2s.i>..4. but n?to -ly^ n^« (fine mantle of ghi.
nar = Babylonian man tie — doubtlesscostly)Jos
J*" (J) & (late) 'n alone Jon 36.
t"HN n.pr.lm.] 12th (Babylonian) month =
Feb.-Mar. (late Heb. loan-word, = Bab. A(d)-
daruv.VV"™-'*- AW9S, meaning dub. perh.addru,
be darkened, eclipsed, but v. DlWl>190) Est 3713
8i9 9i..s.i7.i..2i . cf palm> Nab.ms Vog8 EutNlb24.
^T?^_"!^ n.pr.xn. (Adar is prince, As.
Adar-malik(T) v. KAT2284, cf. ABK140; or A. is
Counsellor, Decider, cf. D1K62'; otherwise Sayce
KelB*b-7; on Bab. god Adar v. SchrK8awia8°'19(
Dl*52', but Sayce8818*"181'; JenKo457f al. rd. As.
name Ninib; on Carth. ^^^«3n, v. BaeBelM) 1.
a god of Sepharvaim 2 K1731. 2. parricidal
son of Sennacherib 2 K 1937 Is 37s8.
^~P** ▼> tn^niM sub pis.
)i3-n« v. paam.
V")*?*? v. $rn.
ti4*^4^ only irc/ abs. B*1K v. Eni.
nnK216vb. love-QalP/. 3HK Gn 2 7s + 7 1. ;
anN Gn2714; 3nat Gn373+3l; 1=nK Dtis16;
3 f8. nans ct i7 + , etc. ; Jmpf. angj (air) pr 3'2
+ ; 1 s.'ariN pr 817 (cf. Ewil32d Ges"*1); 3HN1
Mai i2; vonk} Hon1; Dank Ho 1 4s; Banta
\^II9167; 2mpi.ianNn Pri22(cf.KoIp-394Ges*63B'2);
«nsn Zc 817; parttjn ,/, 43; /TOW. -3ns Ho 31;
nariK Pr46; lariK ^'3I« Am515; U(jg Zc 819;
/w/. cstr. a'ns Ec 38; nanx Dt iqM+ ,* nana Mi
68 + etc. ; cf. also sub n. nariK infr. ; Pt. ink
(arj1*) Dt io18+ 26t. ; f. cstr. ronKHos1 isprob.
active cf. Ba1^174"; sf. *ank Is 4i8etc; f. nana
Gn2528; Wank Ho io11 etc.; A;«M.3TONe
1326; n3ins"Dt2i161516.— 'we (mostly c. ace,
sq. ? + obj. Lv 1 918-34 2 Ch 1 92 (late), sq. 3 Ec 59;
abs. Ec 38 & v. infr.), (affection both pure & im-
pure, divine & human); — 1. human love to
human object; abs., opp. hate Kp.B' Ec 3s; of love
to son Gn2 222528373-44420 (JE) Pr 1324; so
also 2 S 1321 @ Ew Th We,cf. Dr, of Dvd's loving
Amnon; never to parent, but mother-in-law
Ru 415; of man's love to woman ; wife Gn 24s7
292030 (cf. v'8)32 (JE), also Dt 2 1 151516 Ju 1 416 1 S
i6 2Ch 1121 Est217 H031 Ec99; but also Gn
343(J) Jui64is 2S131415 (where of carnal
desire) 1 K 1 11 cf. v2 Ho 31; jn 'K loving a para-
mour, v. BaSB176 ; woman's love to man 1 S 1 820
(so v28 MT, but rd. tak im Sffi! '^ ,=1 © We
Dr) Ct i3-4-7 31-23-4 (5 1. subj. "B'bV) ;' cf. aiso fig. of
adulterous Judah Je 22S Is 57s Ez 1637; of love
ofslavetomasterEx2i6(JE) Dt 1516; inferior
to superior 1 S 1 8B cf. v16; love to neighbour
Lv 1918 (lie? 15p.p JjianNI), partic. to stranger
nna 13
Lv 1934 (both P), Dt io18-19; love of friend to
friend 1 S 1621 1813 201717 Jb 1919 Pr 171 cf. 2 8
19" 2 Ch 192; v. also Pr 9s 1613 cf. 1512; v. esp.
Pt. infr. 2. less oft. of appetite, obj. food, Gn
2749H(JE); drink Ho 31 Pr2i17; husbandry
2 Ch 2610; cf. fig. of Ephraim Ho io" sq. inf.;
length of life ^3413; of cupidity H091 Is i23
Ec 59-9; of love of sleep Pr 2o'3cf. fig. of sluggish
watchmen (sq.inf.)Is 5610; also c. obj. abstr. wis-
dom (personif.), knowledge, righteousness, etc.
Pr 46 8'721 121 2 2ll293 Am 515 Mi 68 (inf. || infini-
tives) Zc 819, cf.Pr. 1 98 Wipj anx ab np; obj. folly,
evil, etc., Mi f 4s f ii* 5256 10917 Pr i22 8X
171919, cf. 1821 Zc817, cf. f? 'K Am45 Je53, sq.
Inf. Ho 128 Je I410,esp.of idolatry Ho418(where
del. 13n cf. Ko * "■ K5) Je 82. 3. love to God Ex
206 (JE) elsewhere Hex onlyDt510 65 79+9t.
Dt+ Jos 22s 23"; also Ju 531 i K 33 Ne i5 Dn 94;
esp. in (late) V^i24 1161 14520, but usually sq.
name, law, etc. of '* 1^ 512 26s 4017 69s7 705 9710
1 ig47+ 1 1 1. i// 1 19 ; cf. Is 56s; cf. also of love
to Jerusalem Is 66'° ^ 1226. 4. esp. Pt. ank
= (a) lover, La I2 (fig. of Jerus.) ; (b) friend
Hiram of David 1 K 515, cf. Je 2046 Est 51014
613 f 3812(||y]) so 8819, & Pr 1420; also 1824 27s;
Abr. of God Is 418 2 Ch 207. 5. of divine
love (a) to individual men Dt 4" 2 S 1 zu Pr 312
159 jr 146s Ne 1326; (b) to people Israel, etc.
Et7813236 Ko^g1'!!1!^ lKlO92Ch21098
IS434 48'4 Je3i3 Mai i2-2-2 f4f; to Jerusalem
i/r 7808 87s; (c) to righteousness, etc. f n' 33s
37s5 45s 99* Is 618 Mai 2". t ITiph. Pt. pi.
D,2nNJn 2 S i23 lovely, loveable of Saul & Jonath.
(|| DO^sn). tpi. pL pi.sf. -oriNp (n-) Ho 27 +
3 t-; ^?n«D (•]£-) je 2 22°4- 6 t.'; rnaqKD Ho 29
+ 4 t. 1. friends Zc 136; 2. lovers in fig. of
adulter. Isr. Ho 27-9121415 Ez 23"; Judah Je 2 22022
3014 La i19 Ez 16333637 2322.
T[inNj n.[m.] love only pi. D^riK, loves,
amours; bad sense Ho 89, but 'K rP'K loving
hind Pr 519 (fig. of wife || [0 rhy).
+[nnN] n.[m.] id.=loved object, sf. D3i]K
H0910 (=nra=b$B v. Hi Now) i.e. the idol
worshipped; pl. = amours (carnal sense) Pr 718.
t nnnN n.f. love(=Inf.of artK q.v.) — abs.
'K Pno12+i8t.; cstr. n?ns Je22+3t; sf.
"nanx ^ 10945; ^nans 2 S i26; to?™? Is 63s
ZP 317; itnanK pr 5»; 'Dnans Ec 96— tow, esp.
WisdLt & late. 1. human (to human obj.) abs.
Ec916 (both Unw'B') so Pr io12 1517 cf. 27s; v.
also 179; of man toward man \fr 10946; love for
one's self (iB'Bi) 1 S 2017; between man &
woman Ct 2" 58 86«; Pr 519 cf. also 2 S i26
(QW3 'K) ; personif. Ct. 27 35 77 84 ; cf. fig.
use310; of mere sexual desire 2 S 13"; fig. of
Jerusalem's love to '•> Je 2J (1yM>? '«), & 0f
love of adulter. Jerus. v33. 2. God's love to
his people Ho n4 ('N rTinajJ) Je 31s Is 63*
IHK (=~ir\Xl v.Thes.)
Tins n.pr.m. son of Simeon Gn 4610 Ex 6".
T~nnN n.pr.m. 1. a Benjamite, son of
Gera, deliverer of Isr. fr. Moab jU3'»->«.a>.so.si.j3.j»
41. 2. a Benjamite, son of Bilhan (= fore-
going?) 1 Ch710.
tnnK(5°T, A«;)inteq.alas ! Jui i35 2K310
6515; with b Jo i15 Di'b nriK alas for the day!
for etc. In the combination rriiT 'riK nriK Jos
77 Ju 6s2 Je i6 410 1413 3217 Ez 414 V 1 i13 2V5.
T ^HS n.pr.loc. town or district in Baby-
lonia, by which a stream is designated Ezr 8",SI,
also the stream v21 ('k -\n:n), v31 ('« "«JJ).
adv. where P = *K, n»K.
So © 8 33 X AW in Ho 13'°, & © <S (cf. 1 Cor
1555) AW in Ho 13". Taken by many of the
older interpreters, and even by Ges in 1314,
as 1 s. impf. apoc. of F1V1 I would be : but
this is less suited to the context, and the jus-
sive form is an objection, being unusual with
the 1 ps.
I. /fHf (settle down(1),Ar.JS\bein!iabited,
cf. As. dlu, settlement, city, ma'dlu, ma'dltu, bed;
TTM 313 n.m.G" 13'3 tent (cf. As. dlu, supr., Ar.
Jj»1, fellow-dwellers, family, Sab. bnN DHMZMG
less. S4i al#> aiso-;n n.pr. saD- & ph v. ax^nx)—
abs.'x Gn 4™ + ; cstr. id. Ex 2843 + ; %:K (fl
loc.) Gn i86+; sf. ^nx Jb 294 + ; 1^,? f 615;
ri^W Gn 921 + 3 t. (v. Dr8"""); pi. D^nx
Gn i36+ (Ges*283); B^a Ju 8" + ; cstr.
'hj9tftti6*+ ; sf. ^nfc Je 420; T^« Nu 245 4-;
D?vnN Jos 2284-, etc. — 1. tent of nomad Gt
i5' Je'63 4929; 'K aB1'* dwWer m <m<s Gn 420 25s7
(J); mpp »£»« iente o/ca«fe 2 Ch 1414; of sol-
dier 1 Sa 1754 cf. Dr, Je 3710; 1 K 8M T^«h
!>K^E>», exclam.,to <% tents, Israel! 1 K 1 21616 cf.
2 Ch io16 2 S 201 (but cf. Dr, 1 S 1 7M) ; of plea-
sure-tent on house-top 2 S i622(=bridal-tent,
bridal pavilion, cf. nan f 1 95 Jo 216 v. BS K",sh">
168). 2. dwelling, habitation; ^ 91'° ^JJ'4^
Aom« (lit. to f/ty <«?«<*, pi.) Ju 199 (after 1?n); 'tt
'IT? habitation of my house ijr 1323 cf. Dn n45;
"in 'K habitat, or palace of David where throne
erected Is i65; P'¥ ra '8 h. of daughter of Zion
{=Jerusalem) La 24; 3p£ ytlX Je 3018 Mala"
(II ja-iD); rnji; 's zc i2? (ii in wo); b*#-j '8
h, of wicked Jb 8B, cf. Ven/n* 8411, onefc'K
Pr 14"; inb- '« Jb 15s4; trpns '8 ,/, n815;
0118 'K=Edom itself, ^837 cf. TJ? '« V' 1205
JBna '8 Hb 37. 3. the sacred tent used in
worsmp of God ; Sl8n the tent; tfO '8 to<
0/ meeting of God with his people (tent of
congregation or assembly Ges MV al.) Ace. to
E Moses so called the tent which he used to
pitch without the camp, afar off, into which he
used to enter, & where God spake with him
face to face, Ex 337-11 Nu 12s'0 Dt3i1416; J
seems to have same conception of an 'O '8 out-
side the camp, Nu 1 i24-26; D has no allusion to
such a tent; P mentions it 131 t. as 'B '8;
19 1. as bnkn (cf. Ez 411) & IVnpn '8, tent of the
testimony Nu 9'* 1 722-23 1 82 (as containing ark
& tables of the testimony) cf. 2CI1246; this
tent sometimes confounded with the [32*1? but
distinguishedin'D'K [3^0 Ex 3 9s2 402-6-29, of. iCh
617; bnky fse'an NU325; ^n?"n?1 f?E'sn-n8
Ex 35"; tent was of three layers of skins,
goatskin3, ramskins, & tacfiash skins, each layer
of eleven pieces stretched in form of a tent,
covering & protecting the fS^O, wh. was in form
of parallelopip. (Ex 26). An IJ^O ?H8 was at
Shilo 1 S 2s2 (om. ® ; v. Dr) cf. + 7860, called
«1DV '8 v67. The Mosaic '» '8 was later at
Gibeon 2 Ch i36'3 ; courses of ministry ar-
ranged for service at 'O '8 I Ch 617 23s2 cf.
1 Ch 9" ('8n), v21-23 ('8H rV3) ; David erected an
bn* for ark on Mt. Zion 2 S 617 1 Ch 151 161
2'Ch i4; Joab fled for refuge to tW '« 1 K
228"30; sacred oil brought fr. '8n iKi"; the
Ijrto '8 was taken up into temple 1 K 84=
2 Ch 56 ; "> had not previously dwelt in a
n?3, but had gone ^N'^X bnitV fr. tent to tent,
fr. one to another, 1 Ch 17','cf. 2 S 76; niiT '8
(|| "!? & BHp in) ig refuge & dwelling-place of
righteous, ^15' 27s'6 616 (cf. ^ 901).
T[7nNj vb.denom. tent, move tent fr.
place to pkee (cf. As. d'ilu(1) DlWNo-4* AG1) ^8>1
Gn 1 31218 (J), cf. bm 38* (v. by*) ; Pi. Impf. br\:
(contr. for b\\W) pitch one's tent like nomad
18 13s0-
Tn7nN n.Dr.f. Ohfila (for rlSlX slve who lias
t t: t " \ : T
a tent, tent-woman, i.e. worshipper at tent-
shrine, v. Sm) of Samaria, adulteress with
Assyria Ez 2 3<-«-»-«.
tzN'^v'N n.pr.m. Oholiab (Father's tent,
14 IN
cf. Ph. ^>jnbnx, "frnbnx ; Sab. -innj6n8, !>xi>nx)
chief assistant of Bezalel in construction of
tabernacle, etc. Ex 316 35s4 3612 ^8a.
trQ^nN n.pr.f. Oh61iba (=n3"^n« tent
t • t: t *
in her =(in meaning) ^J!? cf. Sm) of Jerusalem
as adulterous wife of"1 Ez 234-411-22-3644.
tnCl^TTT^ n.pr. Ohdlibama (tent of the
high place) 'l. f. wife of Esau Gn 362"418!B.
2. m. an Edomite chief Gn 3641 1 Ch i52.
tn.[ 7nK]vb.Hipb..beclear,shine,Impf.
3 ms. ^n8:: (subj. moon rrv) Jb 25s (|| »! subj.
MSO, cf.also H3P v4) (=b^, fr. §W; (by text,
error?) cf. Di so © > =1. bm Ko1'373, after Ki).
fill. [ /JIN] «•&*•] oclorif. tree, aloe (?)
(? loan-word from Skr. aguru, agaru, dial.
aghil, cf. Wilson **•*«»•• M. Miiller in Pusey
Dn 2d ed. p. w7 f. aloexylon agallochum(c{. Sigismund
Aromata.LdPLisM.p.ssr MVcite Kondracki "M'"*""""-
d.Aloe,DorpatlS74 & BaerK«ienm.293f^. 0faeTS a/„g sllc.
cotrina (SchenkelBL, cf. Di ad Nu 24s); "Wetzst
in Dec'2d,,dle7 brings under I. bna ; he proposes
cardamum, Ar. JJLa fr. ^jljt\ — little tents, from
three-cornered shape of capsules) 1. pi.
Dvn8 trees planted by ') Nu 24" (|| Dni8) perh.
error for 0^8 cf. Di. 2. aloes, as sweet-
smelling ; perfume for bed, Dy?8. Pr 71'
(|| lb, |i»3p/) ; for garments ni!?ri8 f 45* (|| lb,
n'lV'Sp ); of bride, under fig. of odorif. tree Ct 414
(|| -to, owa ffcy^l).
IhnSt n.pr.m. Aaron, elder brother of
Moses Ex 77; the priest Ex 31 10 + ; mentioned
Ex414i520i7102412829 + (ii5t.Ex);Lv812-23 +
(80t.Lv); Nu2024r3339+(ioit.Nu); 1 Ch s29
+ ; Mi64 (only here in proph.) ^7721io526;
called jn'sn Ex 3110 3519 3941 Lv 7M+ , v. ^ 996
vjnba '81 neb ; also ?n'3n 1W* Ex 3821 Nu
332 + (all P)called IWT WIV ^ io616; oft. named
with his sons Lv 2310 62 + ; '8 '33 in strict
sense Ex 2 S1-4-4^ oft. ; D^nbn '8 '33 Lvi5 +
Nu 33 io8 Jos 21" 1 Ch642; of temple-priests
in gen'l, as descendants of A., 2 Ch 2618 2921
3119 3514-14> v. also 13910 & cf. '8-[3 |n3n Ne io39;
so '8 TV3 ^ 1 I5101S 1 183 13519; Pn« alone ( =
'81T3) iChia^cf. 2717.
iftf 320 G' ' °1'' *a,*!)' ooiij ■ or (wnether aut °r
vel). 1. Gn 2449 3143 Ex 4" Ct 29 Lv 1324 Nu
S^ + oft. (esp. in laws); sometimes imply-
ing a preference, nearly = or rather Gn 24s5
"titty ta DW a few days or ten Ju 18" 1 S 29s.
Prefixed to the first as well as to the second
alternative (rare) either (whether) .. .or Lv 51
i349M;=or, if not Ez 21" (si vera 1.) Ke Mai
217Jbi63 22". 2. introducing a sentence, esp.
a particular case under a general principle, or
= or if Ex 21" '31 W fS-ta or if he gore a
son, etc. v36 Lv 4s3-28 (v. Di) 521-22 2549b Nu 514
2 S 1 813 or if I had dealt falsely against his
life, then, etc., Ez 1 41719 or if I send, etc. 3. if
perchance, 1 S 2010 if perchance thy father
answer thee with something hard, Lv 2641. 4.
once, with the juss. (as in Ar. with the sub-
junct. v. Dri,75) = except: Is 27* I would burn
them together, MyjO? ptJT IN or else let him
take hold ( = except he take hold) of my strong-
hold, etc.
T^^IN n.pr.m. a Judsean {will of God,
cf . II. Tm ; or contr. fr. btf«X: cf. 1jr« ?) Ezr 1 0s4.
^1^ (meaning? Thes comp. Ar. CJ\ return,
C&>\ water-carrier ; but cf. Lag8"90). MVcomp.
32X (with conjectural sense) to get meaning
have a hollow sound. Deriv. and signif. totally
2iN n.m. JbS2,ra skin-bottle, necromancer,
etc.— abs. 'N Lv 2027 + 8 1.; pi. rfi3N Lv lo31 +
7 t. — 1. skin-bottle, only pi. CP'in JTOK new
(vnne-) skins Jb 3219. 2. necromancer, in phr.
VSFI? IN 31N necrom. or wizardLv 2027(H; usually
tr. 'a man also or woman that hath a familiar
spirit or that is a wizard' EV; but better
a man or a woman, if there should be among
them, a necromancer or wizard; no suff. reason
for exceptional use of phrase here); ^SW 'K
Dt 1811 2 Ch 336=2 K 216 (where D\Jjm '«);
D"?jrf m niaxn Lv 1931 206 (H) 1 S 28" 2 K
2 324 Is 819 (where repres. as chirping & mutter-
ing, in practice of their art of seeking dead
for instruction, prob. ventriloquism, & so ©)
193. 3. ghost,Is294"iaV?!|^i|t'H??::^3,Tl?1
'l!?^'7!1 'W3r?x and thy voice shall be as a ghost
fr. the ground and fr. the dust thy speech shall
chirp (so Ge MV Ew De Che al., but chirp-
ing might be of necromancer, as 819). 4. ne-
cromancy a*fN"TI2jn HW! a woman who was
mistress of necromancy 1 S 28"; (>ItSJPhll,'mf
makes 2m primarily a subterranean spirit, and
signif. 2 only an abbrev.of 'xn^yaetc); aiN3DDp
divine by necromancy 1 8 28s, which seems to be
interpr. of I Ch io13 't<3 ?NB> inquire by necro-
mancy. (In these three exx. 3^N is usually
interpreted as ghost or familiar spirit con-
ceived as dwelling in necromancer; but this
apparently not the ancient conception.)
TJ"QN n.pr.loc. (water-skins) station of
Isr. in wildern. Nu2i" 34*; not yet determ.,
prob. on eastern skirts of Idumsea not far from
Moab ; ace. to Wetzst in Dec,1M Wiba, llSl in
the Arabah, but identif. not prob. ; cf. Di on
Nu 2 110.
TM (be curved, bent, also trans, burden,
oppress, cf. Ar. j.lV
TTIN n.m. brand, fire-brand (orig. perh.
bent stick used to stir fire) nsn&B hp 'N
Am 411 = B'ND 'D 'N Zc 32, pi. &!&¥$ W*fm tfafl
Is 74, stumps of smoking firebrands.
t[i k I iH] n.f. cause (perh. orig. circum-
stance, cf. Sab. 11N enclosing walC\ — only pi.
rniNGn2i"-r;n,nNNui21-r; (8t.-f.2S1318
vid.infra); 'rfhKJos 146; I'nVlNib.; — cause,al\r.
with by, & cstr., exc. Je 3", where sq. IB'K; 'K~by
because of Gn 2i1,2S Ex 188 Nu 12' 1324 Ju 67
Je 3s ;= concerning (on occasion of) Gn 26B
Jos 1466; in 2 S I316rd., for Dhiriw, "3 'PIN W
®L It. We Dr.
1"TN n.m.Jb18-12 distress, calamity (under
wh. one bends, cf. Ar. JJ I burdening) — 'n Jb 2 i m
+ ;cstr.id.Jb3i23+;,TN2S2219=V'i81'etc.;—
distress, calamity(poet. chiefly WisdLt & late);
Pr 175 2710. 1. national calam. of Isr. (apos-
tate) Je 1817 Ez 35s Ob 1313-13; of Egypt Je4621;
Moab 4816; Edom (ifc^ '«) 498; Hazor v35.
2. of righteous sufferer 2 S 2 219= f 1 819 cf. b$ '«
i.e. from God Jb 3123 & DTK rfimN 3012 their
calamitous jiaths (sf. ref. to bereavement, pain,
etc.) 3. oft. of wicked Jbi812 2117 313 Pr i26-27
(wisd. mocks at; || ID?) 615 24s2; also'K D*.' Dt
32s5 Jb 2130 (cf. supr. 2 S 2219=V' 1819 Pr 2710
Je 1817 4621 Ob *3-1313 where || ms DV 12N DV
v1214, cf. rtim DV v15).
TIN n.m. mist (deriv. dub.; Ar. j|=6e
strong; jUI that which affords protection,
shade; otherwise Dlwiai) Gn 2"; VlN Jb 36s7.
I. ^71^ *• A''- (Jjl betake oneself to a place for
dwelling, etc.; 2. id., be tenderly inclined.
fi. '♦H n.m.I,206(tf.u-23'2) coast, region
(contr. fr. 'Wf so 01 ,uab; place whither one be-
takes oneself for resting, etc., orig. fr. mariner's
standpoint) — 'K abs. Is 206+; cstr. Je 474;
(Jb 2 230 v. sub IV. * cf. Di) pi. Q^N V 7 » 10 + ; W
Ez 2618 (Co D"N) \'N Gn 10s + ;— coast, border,
region (mostly late), of Philistia & Phenicia
with adjacent country Is 206 23s-6; so of Caph-
tor (= Crete) Je 47*; DK\ -gya -itt>K *n 'a!>D
Je 25s5; elswh. pi., coasts of Chittim Je 210 Ez
2 7s, of Elishah v7; different countries (on or in
sea) v3-1"6 261518-18 (last del.Cocf. ©) cf. 306, so
also Ertan ".« Gn io5 (P); partic. &? *Ksx
coast-lands & islands Is 11" 2415, || PT!?I? Est
io1; v. (without Djri) Dn 1 118, & ^ 7210; so oft.
Is5 incl. inhabitants, 4115 42410 (D!Tae»1 D«N
|| u6e» Djn) v'^q1 516 59,86o9 66l9'cf.Je3i10
f 971', Zp 211 (D^ian »K); islands, distinctly
(taken up by * as little things) Is 4015; coasts,
banks, i.e. habitable lands Is 4213 (|| rfriru).
t~tf2JTN n.pr.m. ((t"s) land of ■palms] Thes)
youngest (4th) son of Aaron Ex 6s3 281 3821
Lv io6"16 Nu 35-4 4s8'33 78 2660 (all P) 1 Ch 5s9
^ Ezr g2
■f [rnW] vb. incline, desire (cf. Stem 2) .
Pi. -P/^X f 13213; HfflK Mi 71 + , etc. j Impf.
3 fs. •"KM? Dt i220+4t. — desire subj. usually
6*33, obj. fruit Mi 71 (in metaph.) ; flesh (to eat)
1 S 2", cf. Dt 1220 (sq. inf. IpB i>b$6) ; food &
drink Dt 1 4M ; of king desiring rule, ?ba FI3?J?1
I^.M n;W-irK 2 S 321 1 K 1 137; obj. evil (jn)
Pr 2110; once obj. * Is 26' rW>3 ^TWK »e>'fij j 0f
God bKl nniK iB'B:! Jb 2313; as desiring Zion
for dwelling-place (late, only cases without CB3)
^i321314; Hithp. Pf. nwin Pr2i26; WKnn
Je 17'6; ««nn Nun4; DlVWini Nu3410; /wys/.
njgBi; Ec 62; fVKlVl 2 S2316;' apoc. 1KJV1 ^45'2,
HWW 1 Ch n17, etc.— P«. fs. riwip pr i3«; mpi.
D'lKnp Am 518 Nu 1 134 — dm're, long for, lust
after, of bodily appetites; for dainty food Nu 1 14
(E; sq. aec. cogn.) = ^io614, Nu n34 (E) ; sq. 3
Pr233-6cf.Ec62(sq.acc.),v.alsoPr 134 (abs.,subj.
^53); abs. of extreme thirst 2S2315=i Ch n17;
of king desiring the beauty ('tV.) of princess
V' 451! (sor ace.) ; of covetous man Pr 2 126 (sq.
ace. cogn.); obj. Ijn TODt 513(|p»n) ; gq.inf.
Pr 2 41 (of desiring evil companionship); obj.
** D'' Am518 (ace; of presumptuous, reckless
longing) cf. Je 1716. (Nu 3478 for WnPl— Pi. of
n"n — Di prop. 5_6*riri, & queries whether this &
QD,"^J/'!' v10 are not fr. iTM, = desire for your-
[IS] n.m. cstr. *IK, Kt Pr 3 14 desire, so Thes
MV; but <Qr,Kq. v.
t [nW] n.f. desire— cstr. rrtK Dt 1 2I5+ 5t.;
sf. WN Ho io10 — desire, will, usually sq. B'BJ;
of natural human desire (morally indiff.), for
meat Dt I21'20-21; of longing for sanctuary 186;
of royal good pleasure 1 S 2320; without E'S?.,
of wild-ass Je 2s4; of divine will Ho io10.
16 niM
T1'1N n.pr.m. (desirel) one of five chiefs
of Midian Nu 318 Jos 1321.
t[^ND] n.[m.] desire pL cstr. yen «WjD
tntMfl n.f. desire — abs. Gn36 + ; cstr.JIWl
■fy io3 + etc; — desire, wish Pr 131219 181; of
physical appetite, longing for dainty food <>?NP
t\ Jb 3320; distinctly good sense ^ io17 3810 Pr
1 Is3 1 9K (? cf. infr.) Is 26s (B^Tl «f}3J^ *JpE>b) ;
bad sense, lust, appetite, covetousness ^ io3 (Tl
V^B3)i 1210; Pr2i2526 (as ace. cogn.); particularly
of longing for dainties of Egypt Nu 1 14 yjr 10614
(both ace. cogn.) 7830 & in n.pr. given to place
where it occurred niKRil niiap (q.v.) Nu 1 I34'35
331617 Dt922. 2. thing desired, in good sense
Pr 1 o24; bad sense ^ 7 8s19 so fa? Tl i/r 2 1 3 ; thing
desirable (to senses) Gn 3* (E??'l5?!' Tl); perhaps
also Pr 1922 the ornament of a man is his kind-
ness (Ea Ki, etc. but cf. supr.)
til. L'llNJ vb. sign, mark, describe
with a mark (so Ges (who compares nxn,
nin) DP116""**-') only Hithp. Pf onwin
D|? mark you out, measure, Nu 3410 (P), so
Vrss (cf. D?7 INnn v7'8; v. however Di, & sub
1. PIW).
MH n.m. „ E*4-8 (f. •"»24' 17) sign (Ar. i$, pi.
& Aram. «nx, JL?')— 'K Gn 415 + ; cstr.912 + ; pi.
niniK Ex 49 + etc. — 1. sign, pledge, token Gn415
(J); DON niS true token Jos 212 (J); of blood of
passover Ex 1 213(P) ; naiDp JliK token for good ^
8617; pledges, assurances of travellers Jbai29.
2. signs, omens promised by prophets as
pledges of certain predicted events 1 S io79
-fv1 where 'tt ins. © 33, vid. We Dr; esp.
phr. j> nisn m Ex 312 i S 2s4 1410 2 K 1929 Je
4429 is7"14; prob. also Is 44s5 (of false proph.).
3. sign, symbol of prophets Is 818 cf. Ez 43.
4. signs, miracles, as pledges or attestations
of divine presence & interposition Ex 4s8-9 (J)
73(P) 819 (J) ^ 749 2 K 1929 2089=Is 3730 387!B;
c. Hf| Ex 41730 Nu 141122 Jos 2417 (all JE) Dt
n3 Ju 617; c. n;s Ex 4s8 (J); c. JVtf io1 (J);
c. D,8' Ex io2(J) V' 7843 Is 6619; risiani ni«n (v.
DBiD) Dt 133 cf. 2840 Is 203; 'D M 'k Dti32;
D^BiBI rrtrtH Dt 4M 719 26s 29s Je3221; c. [OJ
Dt 612 Ne 910; c. DT Je 3220 V 10527; c. n^
Dt 3411 \^ 1359. 5. signs, memorials, stones
fr. Jordan Jos 4" (J); metal of censers Nu 173
(P); Aaron's rod Nu 1725 (P); D^iy 'N Is 5513
prob. also Ez 148 (|| ^^D); signs on hands, etc.,
Ex I3»w (J)=Dt 69 ii19, prob. belong here;
also memorial pillar in Egypt Is 1920. 6. sign,
pledge of covenant, rp"l2n 'K (v. n,-U) e.g. rain-
bow, of Noachian covenant Gn gMni' (p) ; cir-
cumcision, of Abrahamic covenant Gn 17" (P) ;
the sabbath Ex 3i13,7(P); Ez 201220. T. en-
signs, standards Nu 22 (P) ^ 74*. 8. si<jrn«,
tokens of changes of weather & times Gn I14 (P;
of heavenly luminaries) D^Pt?? ^iniS Je io2
(changes of the heavens as omens to frighten
the nations) cf. ^ 65".
nllN n.pr.m. a Judsean, Ne 3s5.
-pl^ interj. (onomatop.; cf. .o'/, «o) woe !
an impassioned expression of grief and de-
spair: usually with dative y 'ta Is 65 woe
to me ! for I am undone, eo 2416 Je io19 1510;
fc$ IK woe to us ! 1 S 47-8 Je 413 64; y" W""!**
Je 431 453; *& HP1** La 516. With the 2nd cr
3rd ps. often implying a denunciation ; lP",il"
axiD Nuzi" (=Je4846) Je 1327 Ez 16s3 re-
peated $ ,!IK ^N; Is 39 DE'wb % v" Ho 713 912
(|| D?? lb*). With a voc. (or implicit accus.) Ez
24«-» OT0W -VJ) <iK; absol. Nu 24* Used as a
subst. Pr 2329 ^ *pj> (|| 'tat* n?b).
tiTiH =,is^i2o5,-> ffte.
T ' .V T J
III. niN (/o cry <ix , /toio/ cf. Ar. ?T, <o cry »T
to be assumed prob. as source of two foil, words).
+11. [SN] n.m. jackal (howler, for ""IN v.
Ba*8188, cf. Ar. J$ £\ , whence -^'fcoS)— pi.
D«K, Is 1322 3414 Je 5039 (inhabitant of desert,
+ 1. !"PNt n.f. hawk, falcon, kite (peril, fr.
cry ; cf. Ar. «jf _>, a kind of hawk) Lv 1 1 " Dt 1 413
generic, cf. Wy? & Di; Jb287 (keen-sighted).
tn. rrsS! n.pr.m. (falcon) 1. a Horite Gn
36-4 1 ChTi40. 2. fatherofEizpah 2S372i81011.
tTJlhp h*)Vl n.pr.m. (Bab. Avel (Amel)
Maruduk, man of Merodacli) son & successor
of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, B.C. 562-
60, 2 K 25s7 (v. COT)= Je 5231.
I- TlK (be foolish, cf. $>N\ & Ar. jT grov)
thick (of fluids)).
I?v*lt) adj. foolish— 'x Jb 52+; pi. By^
^ io717 + , etc.;— /oofeA, Pr 29" ('K B*K) Ho 97
(pred. of prophet); cf. Is 35s, elsewhere n.m.
fool (always morally bad), who despises wisdom
& discipline Pr i7 155; mocks at guilt 149; is
quarrelsome 203; licentious 7s2 ; it is folly &
useless to instruct him 1622 2"jn (19 1. Pr); cf.
also Je 4s2 Jb 523 Is 19" V 10717.
17 V-K
tvW adj. id. Zen".
ri7W26 n.f. folly.— abs. Pri2n+; cstr.
I48+; AWfc* f 38', etc.;— folly, special pro-
duct of By^pf (v. ^D3) Pr 1 2° + (1 2 1.) ; c. D'KHB
Pri418; c. D"blS only i6!,27J! for alliteration.
It is bound up in mind of boy, to be removed
only by rod of discipline Pr 22"; 'x personif.
tears down house built by D'tW ntoan Pr 141;
it is contrasted witli n:iaijl pr I4» ig".
II- 7")K, 7"^ (be in front of, precede,
lead; v.Thes No"8*1"*™'™* "«•"'», who comp.
Ar. jjf for jj'T, Targ. vbm; cf. Sab. bltt DHM
Epigr.Denkm.S3.Sl. y Qn tjJe other hand LftgOr II. p. S-,
*'■»•><»& sub I . r^xinfr.)
+ 1. [71N]n.[m.] body, beUy; sf. D^IX (in
contempt) ^7 3" (lit. their front, prominent part).
til. [71S] n.[m.] leading man, noble; pi.
cstr. ryPJ y* 2 K 2415 Kt (Qr •& v. in. |>x]).
ti. O^IN n.m.,K7'8porch(cf.DVs)— 'N abs.
1 K 63 + ; 01?* Ez 404849 ; cstr. D^K iKf+;D^
Ez 407 + (marg. D;>X 1 K 77>«i); pi. Cstr. 'B^K
Ez 4 115 (Co sg. c. sf.; in Ez Co rds. everywhere
D^X vid. oW infr.)— porcA (only K Ch Ez &
Jo). 1. in Solomon's temple 1 K j" 2 Ch 29',
IW 'x v17; 812 (altar in front of); m,T 'x 158
(id.), cf. naisn pai a^sn pj Ez 816 & Jo 217;
^nn'« iK721; rvan'xv12; 'Knn^an iCh28".
2. in Sol.'s palace 1 K 7s-8; DHieyn 'X 1 K 7"
cf. v6; KB?n "« 77 = BBtp'tpn 'X v7. 3.' in temple
of Ezek.'s vision, partic. "WlI 'K Ez 40'8 (del.
Co vid. © @ «8) «*»»•<• 44» 46s-8; "ran 'x 4048
cf. v48-49 412520; nsnn *qJ>k Ez4iB Co sg.
pynn lD^Xl v. B^8.-(m. Dbw, adv., v. p. 19.)
11. D 7W n.pr.m. only geneal. 1. 1 Ch
71617. 2. iChS39-40.
1. ^N n.m. Gn ffi- 13 ram (as leader of flock,
NHeb. & Aram, id., As. ailu Dlw, Ph. >«, = ?:«
rather than b% cf. CIS1' P!!S1)— ^ (^S) Gn 159
+ ; cstr. W Ex2922 + ; pi. By** (dS"S, D^X)
Gn3215 + ; cstr. »7« Gn 31 » Is 607.— raw, 1.
used as food Gn3i38(E) Dt3214 (cf. ram of
sacrifice, infr. e.g. Ex 2 932 cf. Lv831); as yielding
wool 2K34; as tribute 2Chi7u; as merchan-
dise EZ2721; as gift Gn3216(E); in sim. of
leaping, skipping ^i^4 ('K3 "i?! ^"\r\n) v6;
in Dn.'s vision, ram with two horns symbol,
kings of Media and Persia Dn 83-4-6-77-7-720; fig.
of rich and powerful in Isr. Ez 3417. 2. slain
in ceremony of ratification of covenant betw. **•
& Abr. Gni59(J); in Abr.'s sacrif. Gn221313
(E); Balaam'ssacrif. Nu23'+5t. Nu23(JE);
so in ritual (P), (a) in consecration ceremony
of Aaron & his sons Ex 29'+ 15 t. Ex 29 ('N
D'K j>0 v22 cf. v26-2731) Lv 8s + 8 1. Lv 8 (D^Von 'K
v22-29 nbVn T< v18); (b) in guilt-offering (B'fK)
Lv 5's"18-* i92>» cf. Ezr 10" & nn??n 'S Nu
58; (c) burnt-offering (njfr) Lv 92 & Nu 15611
& Ez 464S-6'7-11, on day of atonement Lv 1 636,
Pentecost 2318; (d) peace-offering (D'Opi;') Lv
94-18"; beginning of month Nu28111214 cf. 29s-3;
passover v19'20 cf. Ez 45s3'24; day of firstfruits
v27-28; in 7th month 29s + 18 t, N1129; (e) in
law of Nazarite Nu 6141719; (/) in consecration
of altar of tabernacle Nu 715+25 t. Nu7, cf.
consecr. of Ezek.'s temple-altar Ez 4323'25; (g)
more generally iSiS^Isi11 Mi67 Jb428^ 661S,
also Is 34* 607; at bringing ark to Jerus. I Ch
1526; other occasions 29s' 2 Ch 139 2921,2"2 Ezr
8s5; cf.fig. Jesi^Ezsg18. 3. DWND D^'X flVy
rams' skins dyed red, of covering of tabernacle
Ex 25s 2614 357:a 3619 cf. 39s4 (all P).
11. /"'N n.[m.] projecting pillar or pilas-
ter—'K abs. 1 K 631 (but v. infr.) cstr. id. Ez
4014 (but del. Co) 16(Co better l^K); ^N 413,
bt* 4048; pi. D'h? 40" + ; D^K 4010; sf. l^X Kt
409 + 7 t.; btt Kt 4029 + 2 1. Qr (in all) tfa, vbt*;
i"1'?0\??? 4016; — -pilaster or projection in wall
at each side of entrance (cf. BbProben-3°2:NX927), in
Sol.'s temple 1 K 631 (BbNXaa rds. D^K), in
Ezek.'s temple Ez 40910 + 1 4 1. Ez 40.41 + 40"'
Ew Hi Co D^N cf. ®B; 4038 rd. D^N so Sm
Cocf. ©; 4o14bCodel. 'N.
till. [/^?] n.m. leader, chief (=ram,
as leader of flock t cf. Di Ex 1 5" 01 » 142 ' LagBV 17°
& v. Ez 3417)— cstr. b$ EZ31"; pi. cstr. ^N
Ex i515 Ez i713+ 2 K 2415 Qr (Kt »S« v. Sx);
^ Ez 3 221 (del. Co, v. ©).— leader, chief 3*tiO 'K
Exi5,s;n«? '« EZ1713 2K2415 Qr; ttfl 'K
Ez3i" (D'i'S J04117 v. sub rbn; perh. DH^K
Ez 3 114 but cf. infr. iv. b'K & also ?K Note 1).
tiv. [?^N ?] n.m. terebinth (prob. as pro-
minent, lofty tree, v. Di Gn 126 146) — cstr.
W only n.pr. DN? W vid. infr.; pi. 079 Is
1"; Q'iw Is 57' cstr. \!*K Is 6i»; sf. DH^J Ez
31" (>del. Co vid. 93 51).— terebinth (cf. n^S);
as marking idol-shrines Is i29 57* (so Che Di
etc. > gods); fig. of ransomed ones of Zion
P"!*1? \?*8; perh. of haughty ones Ez 3114.
18 pS«
TpSD ^N n.pr.loc. (terebinth (or palml
v. Di) of Paran\ town & harbour at head
of ^Elanitic Gulf Gn 146 (v. Di); = r6« 36";
n^'K Dt 28 2 K 1422 166; W'K 1 K 926 2 K 168;
close to Ezion Geber (v. 133 ffff).
tJD^M], alw. aVN n.pr.loc. (= place of
terebinths or other great trees, v. Di Gn 146
& Ex 1527 (12 fountains & 70 palms)) 2nd sta-
tion of Isr. in desert after passing sea Ex 1611
Nu 33910; noiJ»K Ex 1527 Nu 339; prob.=Wady
Gharandel cf. EobBE 1I0o-1(>5.
ti. n^Wn.f. terebinth ( = n^K (?) v. iv.
^X > StaGesch' *■* wh. derives fr. ?N = divine ; but
cf. ib. on lack of clear distinction betw. H?N, p?K
& timy- Gn 354 + 1 5t. + nW Gn 4921 (for MT
n?*R v. infr.) — terebinth=Pistacia terebinlhus,
Linn., a deciduous tree with pinnate leaves &
red berries; occasional in Palestine; grows to
great age ; always of single tree ; near Shechem
Gn 354 (E) cf. t"^« Jos 2426 (E, rd. r6t? ?),
Ophrah Ju61119; in Jabesh 1 Ch io12; tree in
which Absalom was caught 2 S 1 89-91014; v. also
1 K 1314; expressly of idol-shrine Ho 413 (|| pN,
iiyyp) Ez 613; as fading, withering, sim.of Judah
Is 1s0; as hewn down, sim.id. 613 (|| p"N); fig. of
Naphtali nnbw n^S Gn4921 (@ Ew 01 Di>
MT n?JK hind q.v.) a slender terebinth, v. Di
& cf. 11. n?X; in topogr. designat. 'Sn pOj; 1 S
I72192i10(v. PW).
tn. n,5^ n.pr.m. (terebinth, cf. Gn 4921
sub 1. n^N) 1. a chief of Edom Gn 36"= 1 Ch
1 62 ( = nb'K n.pr.loc. ? v. Di). 2. son of Baasha j
reigned two years in Isr. 1 K 1 66-81314. 3. father
of Hoshea who was last king of Isr. 2 K 1 530
171 1819. 4. a son of Caleb 1 Ch 41515. 5. a
son of Uzzi 1 Ch 9s.
tl.^V«n.[f.]terebinth(=nbs)— 'Kcstr.Gn
1 26 + 4 1.; pi. cstr. '?. vN Gn 1 318 + 3 1. — terebinth
(or other tall tree, cf. infr. on 1 S io3 JU45),
marking shrine, & hence used in topogr. de-
signations; rrrtO 'K (teacJier's terebinth) Gn 126
(v.Di) so Dtn30; D'3?iVO 'K (conjurors' tereb.)
Ju 937; distinguished by owner or ruler KIOD 'K
Gn 1318 1413 181; by neighbouring town D'Jjn^l)
Ju 4"; cf. D'MJfSa 'K Jos 1 9s3 (edd. p^, but
v.NorziBaerDi);' £33 K3 Ti>X 3X» 'N Ju g" (cf.
r6s Gn 354); "fan '« 1 S io3 rd. rtfO] '« (& cf.
nw3 f^K Gn358, & rnfcn ion JU46) cf. EwGeKh-
"'• 81Th Di Gn 358 (v. also sub !^«).
(Am 19
tn. p^N n.pr.m. (=id. cf. n^n.pr.) 1. a
sonofZebuiunGn4614Nu2626. 2. jS«Gn2634;
pb'K 362 a Hittite, father-in-law of Esau. 3.
jip'X Ju I211'2 a judge of Isr., of tribe of Zeb.
4. n.pr.loc. | v'?? Jos 1 9" a town of Dan ; so 1 K
49 (where rd. f\ H'M 'K Th Klo).
t^N adj.gent. of |^J 1. (as n. coll.)
Nu 26M.
'ri7,W n.pr.loc. {lofty tree(s coll.?) i.e.
palms? cf. Di Gn 146) town & harbour, N.E.
arm of Red Sea, hence called J31anitic Gulf
( = Gulf of Akaba, fr. neighbouring fortress)
Dt 28 2K1422 1666 (perh. later designat. for
fuller pXS b'X q.v.) = © At\av, Al\a6, Gr. Alkava,
etc.; =nb« (1 Gn 3641 v. Di), nO-X infr.
TfrtT^M n.pr.loc. id. {grove of lofty trees
(palms?))" iK 9s6 2K166 2 Ch 8" 262 (cf.
flKS b'N, D^S).
[ET^N] n.m. porch (rnDPlX, q.v.; only Ez,
Where Co always for D^K, cf. © alXafi ; BbsX929
makes DP'X vestibule, D7IX porclh) — Dp'X rd.
for Ct"W Ez 4037 (so Sm Co); sf. ID^K KtEz
40™ * + 4t. (Qr VB^'K) + 4 115 Co (for MT ^K);
ID^X Kt Ez 4o2, + 6t. (Qr «£?»).— Co all
sg.:— pi. niB^S Ez 40,e (Co sg.) v30 (del. Co cf.
MSS. of £, B etc., also Ew Hi Sm).— porch,
of Ezek.'s temple Ez 401621 + 1 3 t.
T7sSt n. m. i (f. ^ 42s) hart, stag, deer
(Aram, id., JL/', Ar. jjt#f As. aiVw Dlw, but dub.,
v.Hpt8*81-1™, Eth. miH: = leader't cf>«) — 'N
abs. Dt 1 2 15 -f- 6 1. ; pi . D*^ Ct 29 + 3 1 . ;— Aari,
sta<7, n llowed as food Dt 1 2 *" 1 S22 (all || »3f) ; 1 f
(|| '3S, TWTi: etc.); eaten in Sol.'s household
1 K 53 (|| as Dt 145); sim. of leaping Is 35s; id.
'Xil nsj? Ct 2917 814 (all || "?S); as in search of
pasture, sim. of princes of Judah Lai6; as
longing for water, sim. of longing for '' !//• 42s.
+n7^{S! n.f. hind, doe — 'x abs. Gn4921 (but
rd.nW v.infr.); r£»X Je 145; cstr.n^X 1^22* Pr
519; pi. rrfyx f 29' + 4t.; cstr. ni^K Ct2735—
hind, doe, as calving Jb39' ('K tyh |^f rn*J
1&D) cf. f299 'K ^T ** ^P; in adjuration
rnfrn 'X3 "is niK32r3 ct 27 3s; in sim. »3^P ?wd
'X3 f !8:34=2 S2234 cf. 'X3 ""« t*$ Hb319'i.e.
surefooted, secure, cf. W'lTW- Vfy ^8] * 1834
2 S 22s4; so Hb319 but vb. "??1T; metaph. of
Naphtali Gn 4921 nn.^'K, but rd. n^X, cf. sub
1. i"yN; in name of a melody ■>//• 221 ing>ri n?>X~;>y
cf. De, & for hind as fig. of dawn Yom."\
tp7}N n.pr.loc. (Z>e*r-field) Aijalon
'X Josio'2-r8t.; ™5>X 1 S 14s1— 1. city in
Dan Jos 19" 21* (Levit. city) Ju i"; 1 S 14"
doubtless same; so 1 Ch 6M (where Dan om.);
app. later in Benj. 1 Ch813 2 Ch u102818 (v.
Be) ; ?v'X pDJ? Jos io12 almost certainly named
from same ; = Epiph. 'ioXu, mod. Jdlo RobBR " •*,
Survey"119. 2. city in Zebulun Ju 12'2.
fl. [\?W] n.pr.fl. TJlai, Eulaeus (As.Uldi,
cf. DlraS29 Gr. EiXaut) only ^X, river of Elam
Dn 8216; = (at least in lower part) mod. KarAn
(old Pasiligris) v. Dlr»n™8M29; in upper part
perh. also = mod. ZTerMaA( = Choaspes), which
was formerly connected with Karun not far
from Susa (Loftus *•"• * »»■""*«• w" Schaff-Herz.
111. 2178. art. Shuth<„>\
II. ^7M* and (Gn 2439) ^N adv. (perh.
from IX & ^ = \b, X1?, as in vfyk, = or not ?) 1 .
peradventure, perhaps ; usually expressing a
hope, as Gni62 Nu 22611 23' 1 S 66 Je 20'0; but
also a fear or doubt, as Gn 2712 Jb i5, sq. JO Gn
24s-39; in mockery Is 47" Je 518. 2. followed
by another clause dowdf'rar, it expresses vir-
tually the protasis = if per adventure Gn 182428
(cf. v29-32) H087 the blade shall yield no
meal; *1$Q; Dnj nfc»JC *jw if perchance it yield,
strangers shall swallow it up. 3. in Nu 22s5
yv (q.v.) must be read; unless she had turned
aside from me, surely, etc.
1. & 11. 0 ?W n.m. & n.pr.m. v. sub II. blN.
tin. D7^N and (Jb 1710, perhaps for sake
of assonance with following D?3) o?K adv. but,
but indeed, a strong adversative Jb 25 5" 133
(where © excellently oi pijv Bi aWd). More
usually with ), dSwO Gn 2819 (cf. Ju 1829) 48"
howbeit his younger brother shall be greater
than he, Ex 916 but in very deed, Nu 1421 (cf.
iS2o32534) 1K2023 Mic38 JblUII6I27I34
I. "pjtf (cf. Ar.,T,T(med. 1^) be fatigued, tired,
J' weariness, sorrow, trouble).
p N n.m. Jb *• 6 trouble, sorrow, wickedness
— abs. Nu 2321 + ; sf. 'jS* Gn 3518etc; jrf. D^S
Ho 94 — 1. trouble, sorrow ^IS'fl son of my
trouble or sorrow Gn 3518 (E); 1?V? !J« "W •*
Nu 23s' (song of Balaam), he doth not behold
trouble in Jacob (|| he doth not see misery —
c 2
b0V—m Isr.); oft. || ^>», * ?15 (UT^ n?? /o
A« travaikth with trouble RTgg iSfl ^"?V n"!71>
yea /j« /ia/A conceived misery Sf brougld forth a
lie), prob. th:nce Jb 1535 (JIN *fy b»V rhn)=
Is 594; cf. [}NJ ^V * 107 55" 9010 Jb 48 56 !■ IO'
(v. b0V); also fj.?-1^ rb\$ yr\S\ Pr 22s </«? sower
of iniquity shall reap trouble; in this sense
elsewh. only Dt 2614 Pr 1 221 Je 415 Hb 37 Am 55,
pl.intens. rj'3'N 0iJ7 bread of trouble, sorrow, or
mourning Ho oA 2. idolatry Ho 1 212 Is 41s9;
">VDn D'B^n* JIN stubbornness is idolatry & (tlm
use of) teraphim 1 S 1523 (poet, source); IV?
f1« Ho 415 (for ^N n*! because Bethel, house of
God, is given over to idolatry) so also 5" 10'
cf. 'N rta Ho io8; 'N nyipa Am i5 (Baalbek);
'N nina rd. tH JN=On, Heliopolis Ez 3017;—
abstr. for concr.=iefo/s Is663. 3. trouble of
iniquity, wickedness, JJN 'OO Jb 2215; 'K *^8
3436=7nem of trouble, troublers, wicked men; cf.
'N B»N Pr 612 Is 557; JIN \h>3 workers of trouble,
evil-doers, workers of iniquity Jb 313 348,22 ^5
+ (16 t. chiefly late f) Pr io292i15Is3i2 H068;
JIN rtaBTID thoughts of trouble, wicked imagina-
tions Pr618Is597 Je414; oft. of words & thoughts
Jbn» + (5t.) V365+(9t.)Pri74i928302,)Is
2920326589596 Ezn2 Mi2' Hb i3 Zc io2; &
rWSJfl JIN 73W Is 113 1 cannot bear iniquity with
the solemn meeting (RV & most mod.; AV it
is iniquity, even the solemn meeting).
to^Nn n.[m.] toil Ez 2412 DNJ>n 'n she
hath wearied (me or herself) with toil (but Co
del. as dittogr. cf. ®).
II. Pi$ (cf- Ar. Jjl (med. .) be at rest, at ease,
enjoy life of plenty ; ^s\ one enjoying a life of
ease, freedom from toil Sf trouble).
ti. |iN n.m. vigour, wealth — abs. Ho 129,
sf.,?iIKGn493 + etc.; pl.D,?ilN^78514- . 1. manly
vigour DENTIN miff WN3 Ho 124 (of Jacob) ;
J*iN JVS'NI beginning of manly vigour Gn 49s (of
Reuben,first-born of Jacob); Dt2i17^i0536(first-
lx>rn of Egyptians), so 7851, D'tfN n'SPtn where
'N is assim. to OH?1?, or intens. pi. 2. strength
of man Jb 18712; behemoth Jb4010; pl.intens.
D'J^N BID Is 4026 because of the abundance of
great strength (of God) ; of man D^N J'N Is 4029
one not having strength; D'O'lN Jl^nta Pr 1 1' hope
in strength (not the hope of iniquity RV, or of
unjust men AV). 3. wealth Jb 2010 Ho 129
•6 'N TINXO (
tn. pN n.pr.m. {vigour) a chief of tribe of
Reuben Nu 161.
'li'lN n.pr.loc. (vigorous, for JU1n) city in
Benjamin Ezr 2s3 Ne 7* 1 135 1 Ch 812; valley of
same name Ne 62; prob. Kefr 'And, NW. of
Lydda, Survey11'251.
TO^N n.pr.m. (vigorous). 1. chief of
Horites Gn 36s3 1 Ch i40. 2. chief of tribe
of Judah 1 Ch 226-28.
TplN n.pr.m. (vigorous) son of Judah
Gn384-89 461212 Nu 261919 1 Ch 23.
yifr$ n.pr.loc. v. JN.
nV31« 2 Ch 818 Kt v. ♦*$ sub H2N.
TTSW (n.pr.loc. unknown & dub.) whence
camegold/KD ant Je io9; 'N Qn| Dn io5; so Thes
1K1018 tBIO 3ntT(1D1»='ND);"but © odKipos, &
2 Ch917 "too, whence MV Klo make IBID Hoph.
Pt. fr. ns q'v. Klo rds. "VBta (q.v.) for 131N Je
io9 Dn io5, in view of "TO* Dn| Is 1312.
"VDiN n.pr. Ophir— 'N iKio"+; m/BiN
9i» + lEnN fGn 1 o29 ; T'BN f 1 K 1 o11— 1 .n.pr.m.
nth son of Joktan Gn io29(J)=i Ch i23; ©
Oicpeip, 'Q<peip, name of an Arabian tribe, vid.
Gn io30 & Di. 2. n.pr.loc. (land or city S. or
SE. fr. Palestine, exact position unknown, cf.
infr. ; © ^iixpijpa, 2a<peipa, 2ov<petp, etc.; Jb 2816
'Q<pap AC, cf. 1 K 2 249 A 'QfpcipSe, B om.) place
whither Sol.'s ships went fr. Ezion Geber, bring-
ing thence gold 1 K 928— cf. 2 249— 2 Ch 818; gold,
almug- (sandal- 1) wood & gems 1 o1111, cf. 2 Ch 910;
prob. iKio22 ref. to same ships; they came once
in three years with gold, silver, ivory, apes &
peacocks (all fr. Ophir?); 2 Ch 921 makes these
ships go to Tarshish (but on Tarshish-ships, i. e.
large, sea-going vessels, merchantmen,v. 1K22"
& sub e^BHfl). 3. characteristic of fine gold
(poet. & late) '* 3?] 1 CI1294; 'N D~3 Is 1312
Jb 2816 ^ 4510. 4. hence for fine gold itself
Jb 2 224 (|P?3)._(lf 2 = 1, then southern,
prob. south-eastern, Arabia (cf. Di Gn io29)
furnished the gold ; and other articles, which
point farther E. (e.g. to India, toward which the
words D'Bip apesSc D"?^ peacocks seem to lead),
were either brought to Ophir by traders, & so
found there by Sol.'s men, or were found else-
where by the latter, whose cruise may have
taken them beyond Ophir, the name of Ophir
alone, as source of gold-supply, being pre-
served. If (less likely) 1 & 2 are not the
same, the only data for determining loc. of 2
are the articles brought, & one may look toward
India, Ceylon or other islands, or even lower
Africa. Particular theories have as yet no
adequate support ; e. g. (a) old city Supara, or
Uppara, in the region of Goa, Malabar coast
(cf. © supr. 2, but also 1 ; form with 2 said on
Copt, authority to denote India, v. Jablonskii
Op™,.«Lt,W.torLS7. cf a)g0 JosA-t.»m.6.4. jn that
case its use by © may indicate a theory of the
location of Ophir); (6) peninsula Malacca ; (c)
island Sumatra; (d) Sofdla, with city Zim-
babye (SE. Africa); (e) west coast of Arabia
(where gold & silver formerly found), etc. On
these & other theories, v. Di Gn io29 RiHWB,
Herzog, Smith15
cf. Gla
vb. press, be pressed, make haste
-Qal Pf. yt* Jos io13 if0; 'JjlSS Je 1716 Pt.
ft Pr l92+3t. Pr; D'SK Ex 5'13;— 1. jyress,
hasten (trans, but obj. not expr.) Ex 513 (E).
2. (intr.) be pressed, confined, narrow Jos 1715
QMS?""1? ij5 r? *?• 3- hasten, make haste, sq.
^4- Inf. Jos io13 Ni3^> fX t6 (J, of sun); Pr 2820
Tty$ '*; sq. !«? Je 1716 nj?"i» 'X tb ; sq. 3 (of
particular in wh. one hastens) Pr 192 (Dv3"?3);
2920 (Dmna); cf. also Pr 2 15 -iiDnp!> -]« yx-b?).
Hiph. Impf. W<KJ! Gni915; WWJ Is 2 24—
Aewtoi. (tr.) sq. 3 Gn 19" (J); sq. b + Inf. 'Kn_!>K
%™) Is 2 24. (May be Qal Impf., & vb. '"V.)
[ nhfr] 43 vb. be or become light (cf. Ar. , l\
enkindle, Aram. (Nasar.) »o< Aph. illumine, &
deriv. in As.)— Qal Pf. "** Gn 443+ ; *& 1 S
1429; Impf. 3 fpl. njTkm 1 S 1427 Qr; Pt. "lis
Pr 418 (Ges572"-1); 7mv. fs. *f* Is 601 Pr 418;—
become light, shine of sun (esp. in early morn.)
Gn 443(J) 1 S 2910 Pr 4"* Is 601; of eyes (owing
to refreshment) 1 S i427<«"29. Nipt. Impf.
"IN?.1 2 S 232; Inf. "t*h Jb 3330; POitO 1// 76s—
become lighted up of day-break 2 S 232; by light
of life, revival Jb 3330; by light of glory, en-
veloped in light ^r 76s. Hiph. Pf. 1'Nni Ex2537,
etc.; /to/)/. W Jb4i24 + ; 1iONu625 + ; 1^-
^n8!7+,etc.; 7mv.lNn^8o20+,'1T^V'3iir
+ ; Inf. "WOT Gn i15+ ; />«. "««? Pr 2913; n^KD
■^ 199; JTTVKJp Is 2711 — 1. (five light, of sun,
moon & stars Gn i1517(P), of moon Is 6019; of
pillar of fire (eq.b) Ex 1321 1420 (both JE) + 10539
Ne 91219; of sacred lamp Ex 25s7 Nu82(both P) ;
fig. of the words of God ^ 1 1 9130. 2. light up, cause
to shine, shine, sq. ace. P3f? Cpl? WKn light-
nings lighted up tlie world ^ 7 719 974 ; abs. H¥ t
*n33D n^Kn Ez 43s; the earth shined toith his
glorij (of theophany); of leviathan, which makes
path shine behind him 3b 42^; "W D*I nty
night shineth as day \jr I3912- 3. light a lamp
1//1829; wood Is 27"; altar(-fire) Mai i10. 4.
lighten, of the eyes, &?]) 'WW, subj. '\ his law,
etc. Pr 2913 ^ 1 34 199 Ezr 9s. 5. make shine,
of face of God T^V »H " "HR Fa/(u*A ma/fce At«
/ace */u'ne «pon <Aee Nu 62S (priest's blessing),
reappearing f 3 1 17(sq. "^J), 67s (sq.TIK), So4-"20;
1 1 9135 (sq. 3), Dn 917 cf. f 47 ; without D'3B (Sq. b)
yfri 1827; once, of faceof man,Ec8'TWI DIKnDsn
V3B </(e wisdom of a man lighteth up his face.
TiNmn.m.°«»(f.J»"w»' "flight (As. urn
= tfru. UF)— abs. Gn i3+; cstr. Ju i6s + ;
sf. nta f 271, etc.; ;;/. D^K f 1367;— 1. %A<
as diffused in nature, light of day Gn i3-4' (P)
Jb 39 3819 4- . 2. morning light, dawn, ">p3H 11K
light of the morn. Ju 1 62 1 S 1 4M 25s4-36 '2817"
2 K 79 Mi 21; 133 'K 2 S 234 (poem of David);
'Kn-iy ju i9M (cf. T?3rny v25); ii»6 Jb 2414;
Di>n n^RJB n$> Tllinrpp fr. dawn till mid-day,
Ne 83 cf.'Pr 418. 3. light of the heavenly lu-
minal ies; nibn 'K, || nenn '« moonlight &
sunlight Is 3026; "liK '3313 stars of light + 1 48s;
"lis ,-}iS<D luminaries of light Ez 32s; D,*)iN =
DniND ^ 1367; so liK"\^J! m sunshine Is 184;
the sun itself Jb 3126. 4. daylight D'VBn "ViK
/i^//i ofthewicked Jb3815 (their work-day being
the night); IIS tip a day of light Am 89 ( = a
clear, sunshiny day). 5. lightning Jb 36s3
373"15 cf. Hb 3n. 6. UgU of lamp Pr 139 Je
2510; of crocodile's hot breath Jb4i10. 7.
light of life DWJ '« Jb 3330 ^ 5614; cf. tm Jb
316-20. 8. %A( of prosperity Jb 2228 3026 f 9711
La32. 9. light of instruction ~h& rnini nist? 13
Pr 623 the commandment is a fomp and instruc-
tion a light; so the Messian. servant is D^3 "ntt
Is426496; cf. D'Sy '« IS514; the advent of
Mess, is shining of great light Is 911. 10. light
of face D'JS liK:= bright, cheerful face (of men)
Jb 29s4; betokening king's favour Pr 1615 (cf.
DS'S * f 3811); of God = his shining, enlight-
ening, favouring face V' 47 444 89" 11.
Yah weh is PS^fe^ 'K Is io17, as source of enlight-
enment & prosperity; light & salvation ^-27';
light to guide Mi 78 cf. ^ 433; everlasting light
of Zion, instead of sun & moon Is 6o19a); house
of Jacob is to walk in his light Is 25.
+1. tTVINii.f. light (late, Mish. z'd.,cf.Aram.
KrnW evening-light, mcon-light, star-light, etc.)
1. light (opp. nyrn) f 13912. 2. light of joy
& happiness Es 816;'pl. intens. niliK light of
life Is 2619 (light that quickens dead bodies as
dew the plants Ew Hi De Che Di RVm; vid.
Bri«r303 cf D«n lis ; but Ki Ges MV Bo RV
transl. Jurbs).
til. [rPiW] n.f. herb (so Mish., Ges cf. )»n,
Ar. .\y\ = lights & flowers, & Sam. IK^NBH of
Gn 1" 12) only pi. niliS lierbs 2 K 4M (cf. Is 26'*
supr. sub 1. !rJ<|N).
1 1 . "VI N n.m. flame. My')? ~®Q *3? u-alk in
tJie flame of your fire Is 50", & so fire itself,
whose light & flame were seen 4416 4714 — exil.
Is. + 31* &Ez5s(CoC:S).
ta'nN n.[m.]pl. region of light, East Is
2 4ls(soGesMVEwDeDiEV; LoHiKnCherd.
O^ti — coasts, so Cdd. ©; — © mostly om. 23 in
doctrina, thinking of Urim, vid. Br"1"297).
toTlN n.m. Urim (pl.intens., mostlyc.art.
the Urim, and mostly joined with tJ'BH q.v.) I'BH
tpnpn With T"|1«1 Dt 338 thy Thummim and thy
Urim has tlie man of thy favour, i.e. the Levite
tested at Massah&Meribah; V>®m\ DniRn were
putintothe CBB^n f^'n of the high priestEx 2830
Lv 88(P); this J?'n(q.v.)wasa little bag or pouch
worn on breast of high priest, to hold the Urim
<fc Thummim; the name BBPBn Tl was given
because of decisions made by that which was
within it ; thus, Eleazar was to inquire of ** for
Joshua ffTWil BS'f03 Nu 27s1 (P); Saul prayed
TTWH nan, opp. Wp!J n3n, 1S1441 ©, so We Dr
(MT om. former, and rds. D'pn in latter) ; *
did not answer Saul B*"!*?, or by dreams or
prophets 1 S 28"; postex. Jews reserved diffi-
cult questions until there stood up a priest
D'enitt Dn«6 Ezr 213 Ne?65 (here alone without
art.) These passages give little information ;
© SijXoxm rai aKi)6tia, 23 doctrina et Veritas, Sym
(JHoTHTnoi km T«Xt uTijTtr ; Jos-*-"'"1-8,9 thinks of the
twelve gems of face of bag as giving decision
by shining; Philov"-Mosl" thinks of two small
images ('N & 'n), prob. embroidered in the cloth
of the bag,likeoracle-imagesof Egypt (DiodI,48,TO
Aelian^11""-14'34); Ew0""011-"'-309' ^"o-295, of two
stones of different colours for sacred lot, on this
v. Dr 1S1441 where © OPf* & 0*95 as obj. of
give, Sos = nan; cf. &W\ v42, 1$* v41 (used of
taking by lot 'i o20 Is 71416); v. also We & RS0""0
L~*'N4; Bahrs'mbollk, of one thing within bag, a
sacred pledge to high priest of the enlighten-
ment & perfection he would receive fr. '< when
called to make sacred decisions; KaK,M4 sees
the sacred pledge in the twelve sacred gems
themselves, that stimulate piiestto self-sacrifice
& perfect sanctification.
+11. "V1N n.pr.m. {flame} father of one of
David's heroes 1 Ch 1 135 (in. "IW n.pr.loc. v.
< "H^N n.pr.m. {fiery, or contr. for npiK)
1. prince of Judah Ex3i2 3530 38s2 1 Ch 220
2 Ch Is; 2. a porter Ezr io24; 3. father of an
officer of Solomon 1 K 4".
T7NvYlN n.pr.m. {flame of El or my light
22 niH
isEl,Y.b$ sub ni>N; cf-Ph.^Dlxin As.Urumilki
(SenT*,"'rC"1,"1-1Lt0, cf. COT 2K18'1S)) 1. chief
of Levit. line of Kohath, in time of David 1 Ch
69 15s". 2. maternal grandfather of Abijah
rP")W n.pr.m. {flame of Yah or my light
is Yah v. ty. 1. Hittite husband of Bathsheba
2 S 1 i3f 2330. 2. priest in reign of Ahaz Is 82
2 K i610f. 3. priest in time of Nehemiah Ezr
TIPP-VM n.pr.m. {flame cf Yahweh or my
light is Yahweh v. mrp) a prophet slain by
Jehoiakim Je 2620.
T'VN1 n.pr.m. {he enliglitens, or one giving
light). 1. son of Manasseh Nu 324141 Dt 31414
Jos if 1 K 413 1 Ch 222!S. 2. a judge in Gilead
Ju io345. 3. father of Mordecai Est 2s.
t■n,'^*,, adj.gent. Jairite 2 S 2026.
"hiNE n.m. luminary — abs. Gn i16 + ; cstr.
-to Pr i6*+; pi. rn*1? Gn i15; rh&q v 14'6;
cstr. ^RD EZ328 — light, light-bearer, luminary,
lamp," of sun & moon Gn 1 "•«■"■"■>• (P) Ez 32s;
moon ijf 7416; "rtKBn 7YYJD tJie lamp-stand of the
luminary or light (where 'Bn is sum of seven
sacred lamps on golden lamp-stand) EX351414-28
3037 Nu 4916, cf. Ex 256 2720 35s Lv 242 (all P);
y?Ttl$lP D^^-liSD Pr 1530 the luminary of the
eyes (=the eyes as a lamp) gives the light of
joy to the heart; T?.s "^Kt? V' 9°8 <'te luminary
of thy face (thy face as a lamp) in the light of
which the secrets are exposed.
tfj-niNn] n.f. light-hole— only cstr.rvViRD
— =den of great viper Is 118, cf. I'M? Mish.
Ohaloth 131 (others eye-ball % Ew De Di).
tin. "WN n.pr.loc. Ur (Bab. Uru; seat
of moon-god worship ; hence Eupolemos in
Euseb1'I,*epEvlx17 says Kaitapivg rjv nvas Ae'yfo'
noKiv Ovplpof, ancient city in Southern Baby-
lonia; OT alw. n>iV3 "UK, i.e. Ur of the Kasdim
(Chaldeans) v. Date's sublBO; home of Terah,
Abram's father, & A.'s point of departure for
Mesopotamia & Canaan Gn H™ 15' (both J),
& hence Neo7; also Gn n31(P);— mod. Mu-
qayyar, south of Euphrates, c. iflo miles SE.
of Babylon; v. KG94' Dlp,226f COT on Gn n28.
rfrfiM v. nn« sub I. mx.
PirrtN v. ram.
t : : T :
"H/I^K] VD- on^y Wiph. Impf. consent,
agree (cf. Rab. rM"1} Niph. Pt. esp. enjoying
NHWB49) sq. ^> Gn 34s2 V} *>*£; v15 D$ rrtM;
v» nr6 pinto; gq. inf. 2 K129 D^nan visn
n'iM v. 11. tm.
tM adv. (cf. l\,\l\, <TA : also BAram. pN(
prop, a subst. = time : see tKDI at that time,
then, whether expressing duration, or inception
(= thereupon). 1. strictly temporal: a. of
past time: — without a verb Gni26 137 J0S1411
2 S 23"; with a pf. Gn 426 Ex 426 Josio33 Ju 8s
1 321 Je 2 2 I3 v 3to tK (lien was it well to him (cf .
v16Ho29); more usually (esp. when = thereupon)
with an impf. (v. Dr *2'7) Ex 151 Nu 2117 Jos 830
io12 221 1 K 316 81 9" (v. DrIn,r192) al. b. of fut.
time (usually where some emph. is intended),
with impf. Is 3556 605 Mi 34, rather differently
Lv 2641 1 S 2012; rarely with pf. 2 S s24" {will
liave gone forth) Is 33s3: with an accompany-
ing logical force, implying the fulfilment of a
condition, then — if or when this has been done
(with the impf.) Gn 2441 Ex 1 244-48 Dt 2919 Jos I8
1 S 63 Is 58s9 Je 1 115 Hi Ke V 1914 5121 Pr 3s3
Jb 1 115 1320 2 226. c. in poetry TK is sometimes
used to throw emphasis on a particular feature
of the description Gn 494 Ex 1515 Ju 58-"-,MMJ
Is 33234i1 Hb i11 ^25 9612- d. it points back
with emphasis to an inf. with 3 2 S 524* ^r 1 2622
Jb28273316; to KWn Di>3 (anomalously) 1 Ch 167.
2. expressing logical sequence strictly: in the
apod.: — after DN (rare) for sake of special em-
phasis Is 5814 Pr 25 Jb 931; =in that case, after
>b or K.W> 2 S 2" hadst thou not spoken, tK »|
surely then had the people, etc. 197 a^iiq92;
after vnx 2K53 ^ 1196; after a suppressed
protasis 2K13" Jb 313 $ 0«; IK V$l& I had
slept, then were there rest for me; Jos 2231
(strangely) = now, as things are; Ec 2xh = that
being so. ( 1 2 2 1., besides f NO and TN"|D. Seldom
used except where some special emphasis is de-
sired. ' Then ' of A V RV more commonly repre-
sents J, esp. in the apodosis.)
"•"WO (cf. ili), once (Je 4418) VfTVf, lit, from
that time: used (a) absol., as adv. = in time
past, of old, whether of a nearer 2 S 1 5s4 Is
1613, or of a remoter past Is 44s 4521 483'5-7-8
yjr 932 Pr 8s2; (6) with foil. gen. or relat. clause,
as prep, or conj.=from lime of, since. With
subst. Ru 27 "l^an tND from time of morning
f 76s; with infin. Ex 410 TJ|1 tKO since thy
speaking unto thy servant ; with finite vb.
Gn 3 95 Ex 5s3 '31 'HK3 TND1 and since I came unto
Pharaoh, etc. 9s4 Jos 14'0 Is 148 Je 4419.
t ^TS = tK (prob. a dialectic form; cf. Aram.
\!1$) then, in that case \jr 134***, in apod, after
ty: cf. tKf 11992.
^STN n.pr.m. father of one of David's
men iCh 1137 (where ,3tK-}3 = ''3")Kn 2 S 23").
taiW n.m.1 K 51shy8sop (Mish. 3W, Aram.
Jso'l, Ar. Ujj Frey., Eth. AH-fl: © vo-owor,
herb of purging qualities, but peril, not precise
botanical term, v. Di Lv 14"; v. also Low93)
— "K abs. Ex 1 2s2 + 4 t.; 3TK Lvi44 + 4 t.;—
hyssop), little plant (contr. T1K cedar) 1 K 513,
Tgffl NX* IBfc KW ; Ex 1 2s (J)' 'K TTWS a bunch
of h. for sprinkling blood on doorposts ; with-
out mat*, used in cleansing from leprosy Lv
j4«MUUt. burnt witn red heifer Nu 1 96; used
in cleansing with ashes of red heifer v18 (all
P) ; cf. yjr 5 19 "jjtDKl 'N3 'JKBnn.
mam v. -or.
tt : -
t/T^ vb. go (mostly poet.) (X id., BAram.
^B|, Syr. ^jf)— Qal Pf. by* i S97; 3 fs.
rby* (poet.) Dt 32m; fy«J Jb 14"; 7mp/. 2 fs.
^in (for ^IKH) Je 236 ; Ft. b)k Pr 20"— go away
Pr 20"; 00 about Je 236 tfltfjj 1KD tygTIQ
TpnTTtK; Je g^one, exhausted, used up Dt323C
(subj. T strength); sq. f» 1 S97 U^SI? ^|« Drferj;
Jb 1411 Dr?7? D^> <%; Pu. P«. bftm Ez2719
(RV yarn, cf. Aram. |>?JJ spin but) rd. ?t1KD, v.
sub ^K infr., so © <S Hi Sm Co.
t[^TN] only %? 1 S 2019 rd. l(K)Wi q.v.
t^N n.pr.m. (Sam. brtt, © AiftX) 6th son
of Joktan Gn io27 1 Ch i21=n.pr.loc. Ez 27",
rd. i>WKe © @ Hi Sm Co ; old capital of Yemen,
later .Wd, cf. Di Gn io27.
I. U^ (pointed, sharpl cf. Eth. "iXffl;
edge, corner, peak, pinnacle; v. also As. Dlw,
& JTK infr.)
|tj*w n.f. ElM ear (Ar. ^1, Aram. foP,
KJTIN, As. uznu, Eth. XTH:)— abs. 2 S 2 24S + ;
cstr. Ex 2920+ ; sf. '?# iS202 + ,etc.; du.
D3}K (D$ Dt 293+; cstr. 'Iflf Gn2310 + ; sf.
'itK Mr) Nu I428+; (never with article). — 1.
ear, as part of body ; of human being, as bearing
earring Gn 35' Ex 32s 3(all JE) Ez 1 612; pierced
by a master Ex 216 (E) Dtis17; touched with
blood in consecration ('» t|WI tip of ear) Lv 823-21
1 4i4.i;.25.28 . cut 0ff Dy enemy Ez 23s (of ^VljK
q.v.); ear of dog Pr 2 617 3^-^X3 PEJD; of
sheep Am 312 (fragment rescued from lion). 2.
especially as organ of hearing, a. of man Dt 29'
2 S 2 245 = f 1 845, Jb 4 25 Is 3021; implanted (ytM)
by'> ^94"; of idols (do not hear) ^115" 13517;
'K3 VOf 2 S 7" + 8 1. ; esp.'N3 after vb. of saying
= in the ears, in the hearing of Gn 209(E) 2 310-
u-'6(P)44185o4(J)Dt5l3ill-ii-30+44t.; cf. Is
59(vb. om.); after noun of utterance, sound
1 S 15" Jb 13'7 15*1; cf. '« after verbal noun
Ez 24M ('« W?"?1^) cf. Isn3; '« nisn incline
the ear=give attention ^45" Pr 22,7 + 9t.; sq.
bf 495 + 4t.; so'K3^pnis323; Pr22(sq.b);
'b 'K K^n Pr235; as receiving words nj5n 'N
Jb415 cf. Je919; as tingling (bb"i) at dreadful
news 1 S 3" s K 2 112 Je 19s; as hearing with
satisfaction, triumph ^921J $? njyD^n (||
'2 <yj Darn) but Che del.; as intelligent (in-
volving mental process) rf? J3ni 'K nyD!S> Jb 1 3' ;
jrpri |^0 'K Jb 1211 cf. 34s; as unsatisfied Ec
i8 JjtotS5!? 'K t6sn tib; as seeking (E>p3) know-
ledge Pr 18"; as hearing & blessing Jb29n;
cf. nypfe> 'K Pr 2012 2512 a Jiearing (responsive,
obedient) ear; cf. Pri531 Is 4 3"; opp. stopping
the ears (wilful ignorance) "|? '« ODN Pr2i13
cf Is 3315; also of adder in simile of wicked
f 58s VOf oas: chn jnD toa; -p? 's -vpo pr289
so 'R HTTy /fot'r ear is uncircumcised Je 610;
K Tpil Zc 711 cf. Is 48s Je 521 Ez 1 22; cf. also
IS4220'. b. of Yahweh, + 'Ra after vb. of
utterance Nun18 (J) 1428 (P) I S 821 Ez 818;
after rtft 2 K i928=Is 3729; after K13 V 187 cf.
2 S 2 27 where vb. om. ; so also (after noun
without vb.) Nu 1 11 (J) "* 'K3 1 Ch 28" nearly
= in presence of; incline the ear 'K HEn 2 K
i9",=Is37,7Dn918t86I; sq. ^>fi76883 1 162;
sq. -b* V3is7i5io23; '« a**?? *i°17; '«
b rfOEfc 2 Ch 640 715 cf. V' 1302; id. sq. "^} Ne
La 3M 'b '« D^??"^. 3. +'R nba open ears of,
reveal to, subj. man 1 S2021213 2 28-817ilu44; subj.
'' 1 S 915 2 S f- 1 Ch 1 7s5; ipi»i> '« '3 Jb3610, cf.
v"; 'Krn3^4o7;5?tos6'K',i'T^iS5o4; 'K^nne
IS505; cf.n3nriEriD''Bnri/S1Is355; opp. judicial
deafness Mi 716 J.s 6ID. '
I. t['|IN] 42 vb- denom. Hiph. give ear,
listen, hear, almost wholly poet. — Pf. H£?
Dt i45; pTKm consec. ■f 77s (v. De Ko1""0);
OTnl Ex 1526; U^ Is 643+ ; Imp/. PBP Jb
pie-i- ;' pm (for P!»5«) Jb 32", etc.; Imv. ms.
njpftjn Nu 2318 + ; fs. ^nttn iSi2; fpl. nsvxn Gn
4° Is 32s, etc.; Ft. P!»'(for PWD, v. Kb1'391)
Pr 174; — 1. A«ar, perceive by the ear, abs. Is
64s (|| yOB>) V' 1 3517; J?™* ear> Hiten, &bs. (of mts.
personif.) Dt 321, cf. Is I2 (of earth, personif.);
cf men Ju 53 ^ 49! Is 28a Jo i2 (all ||jO?)
Ho 51 (|| S»e>, 3WpJ) Is 89; sq. ace. rei Gn 4*
Jb331Isi10329(all ||»DB>) 4223(||VCB',3>"B'pn);
Jb 37" (Hia&in); * 781 sq.^y (rei) Pr 174
(||3<B>pn); sq.tj? (rei) Jb 32" (|| ^nin) ;
hearken to, = be obedient to, abs. Je 1 3"
(\\]1CV) 2Ch2419:N"e930; c. ace. rei Jb916; j>
(rei) Jb 3416 (|| yDt?) Ex 1526; sq. b pers. Jb
342(||yDBi); sq. ^y pers. Nu 2318; sq. "?K pers.
Is 5 14. 2.o/ (?od, listening (with favour) to
prayer, etc., abs. i/' 802 84s (|| yov), sq. "^N pers.
f 77s Dt i45 (|| yap); c. ace. rei + 5? (|| pa) 171
(\\vnv, yvpn), V552 (lla^pn v3) 866 (||id.),
I407i4i'; sq."bK(rei)V'3913l431(both||y»B;);
sq. b (rei) V' 544 (I! yetS5)-
■"MWl n. [m.] coll. implements, tools (fr.
sharpness? Aram. P?.1K, ^-.1 weapons \3J.S. Dt
2314 (Cdd. "pW ® 93 "fa cf. Di).
t^ZtN n.pr.ni. a son of Gad Nu 2616 (my
Iwaring, or my ear ? Gn 4616 i^aSK q.v.)
t^W adj. gent. fr. same, Wll Nu 1616.
tin^ItN n.pr.m. {Yahweh hath heard)
father of Jeshua, a Levite Ne io10.
t-Vinn ni:W n.pr.loc. (peaks of Tabor?
pi.) Jos 1 9s4 place in Naphtali cf. Di.
MrPDTN"' n.pr.m. (Yahweh heareth) — so
2 K 25° Ez 8"; PratWC Je 35s Ez 1 11; contr.
Vnpp) Je 408, n;?P(1) Je 421 — 1. a Judaean
2 K 25351 Je 408. 2. an elder of Isr., son of
Shaphan Ez 8". 3. son of Jeremiah Je 35s.
4. a leading Judsean, son of AzurEzn1. 5. a
leading Judaean Je 421 (=n^!y: 432)-
II. t[|TN] vb- 0Illy 3Pi- Pf- weigh, test,
prove (cf. Ar. J^jj weigh, also Ar. & Aram,
deriv.); f&\ (conj.) Ec 129 (|pi?n, fW).
t['iTSt2] n.[m.]dn. balances, scales (Ar.
•G^, Aram. (Nasar.) UTa*>)— OSpte (Ojr) Is
4015+4t. ; cstr. typtO Lv i9M+9t. — balances,
for weighing money Je 3210 '03 *[03n bpfX) ;
hairEzs'^fD'O); T3 P0?'Is4o15tf'M** 0/6^.,
sim. of insignif. of nations bef. * ; fig., calamity
Jb 62; men ^62'°; hills Is 4012 (0^33 S^
'03 nto;^ Dnn); pnjf 'K LV1936 (|| 's-'P.aK,
's :ns^,T>s prij,' Ez 45'10 (|| 's-ns^, 'jrna) cf.
Pr 1 6" (t3S»;t? 1M D^B); fig. Jb 3 16 ta »3G^
P33?; opp.'nDno To Pm1 (\\™bf ja«); 2023
mm ;t« 25
(II t&Q W) Am 85 (|| %• S?n!» nfitt popnb)
Ho 1 28 ; yen 'o Mi 6" (|| nenp *j»\
''"H^tt? |?N a.pr.loc. (yortf on— weighed
& measured — of She'ira, BlauZMO 1873' ^V place
built by % daughter of Ephraim i Ch 724.
&ff* v. ppr.
*C'1»?] vb- Sird' encompass, equip (Talm.
id., Ar.Jj\, Aram, in deriv. Lag"*177""''- '•'').
Qal Pf. rittj 1 S 2\- Jmp/rf; »^JK Jb 30"; Hns.
-IIIXPI Je ,0. lmv. w-lIN Jb 3'8»4o7; Pi. pasg.
"WK 2K18;— jrtrd, grt'rrf on, sq. ace. rci Zoms
T«n Jb 38=40', rjrflp Je , 17. pa8S-i subj. -^
vanoa TW niy **1 2 K r8; cf. act. c. ace. pen.
Jb3ols »J^E ^3 "33, subj. ^ y. Di;
%. i S 24 ^n nix. uiph. ^ nj^ fig ^6g
of God (nn«33 '3) girded with "might. Pi.
/»yj/. 2 ms. tf. 7^1 ^ i84° 3012; >?m\ 2 S
2 24» (GeB»«Mj . ^ sf_ ,^^Bn f , g«. cstl; ^,xa
Is 5011 but cf. infr.— gird, c. 2 ace. (pers. & rei)
ace. rei om. Is 45s; ace. pers. om. rfpvnWD
Is 5012; but rd. rather *V*B cf. 2711 (@ Kn Brd
Di). Hithp. Pf. Tji^aj ^ '93i . /m n^nn is
8™— gird oneself for war Is 89-9; with fy J, o-,'
(subj. '*), Y Ji
TTii« n.m."51!7waistcloth (NH id., Ar.
JJJ I, cf. rs«»'»-'«»«)_'„ abs. Jb i2>8+ 8 1.;
cstr. 2 K i9+ 4 t.;— of skin 2 K i8 (prophet.);
of linen Je 131 (v. Che) cf. y*wjJMi (symbol.
of Isr. & Jud. cleaving to *>); of Assyrian war-
riors' waistcloth, 'girdle of loins' Is 5s7; in wall-
images of Chaldeans, D^HD3 'K nijri Ez 2315
(cf. 2 K 1 ls v. sub "UK) so fig. of Yah weh's power
over kings Dn'jmca nitX *lbW Jb 1218 ('K=
fetter, cf. Di ;' but ace. to RS'* ref. to slaves'
garment); metaph. of righteousness & faith-
fulness Is ii6-5 (vjno'N, vyi>n'K).
J>i-|?iS> v. jnr.
mWI v. mr.
HN v. I. nrw.
1. nw, awna, an«, jarw etc. v. rm
n. rtN v. II. nnx.
fin. n« inteq. (onomatop.) ah! alas! Ez
t^rtN ^ 1 19s and "bm 2 K 53 (perh. from
™ in. and ^ = Aram. ,lj>='6: the varying
Punctuation is due doubtless to the word being
treated by the punctuators as a subst.=«,i^
with guff. & in c. st., 'my wish is that,' etc.; cf
Ki on * 1,9 V&& vftray), ah that! (©
o0eAoi/). * v
[in«] vb. v. irv or inn (Co Ez 21").
in^9,2adj.nuin. one (Ph.nns, Sal>.«/.,ef.
DHM'"""'* Ar. lil, Eth. A**, Aram. 1ft
»i ; on As. edu, ahadu, cf. DlWNo-139)_abs. '«
Gn i5 + cstr. in« Gu 2 !>; + ; so even bef. prep.
1 S 9s al. v. Dr ; f. abs. nnK Gn 221 + ; nn« Gn
n' + ; cstr. JinK Dt i313+ ; pi. m. DHrni Gn
n1 + 4t.; *in Ez 33*> del. Co cf. ©;— 1.' one
Gn I9 27^5 Ex I249 Jos 23" 1 S 1* 2 S I28+,
Zci49Mal210 Jb3I15 + ,soalso(eInph.)2SI7;,
for MT yfa © We Dr ; one or two in« DV? n!)
DS?V »^ Ezr iols; as subst, sq. fD Gn 22> Lv
4213 Is 3+>6-(- ; 'KH Gn 199 421"2 2 K 635 + ; one
and the same Gn 405 Jb 3115; pi. O'lriN Pjn3-n
tGn 1 il cf. Ez s?"' (abs.), but v. Co ;=few,T a
few 'N O'DJ fGn 27" 2920 Dn 1 120; nriN E*'X3 a,
one man, together Ju 208 1 S 1 17; also "inNS jate
= Aram, tinra fEzr 2M(=Ne766) 39 620'Ec i i6;
v. esp. Is 652J ( || earlier W 1 z 6-7). 2. = eaC/t'
every EX3630 Nu 7385 2821 1 K 4r 2 K is20-)-;
also repeated, distrib. sense Nu 7" 132 1 721 Jos
312 4". 3. =acertain 1 S i1 2 S 1810 2 K 4' Est
38+cf. 2 S 179 v. Dr 1 S i1; hence 4. = indef.
art. 1 S 67 2415 2620 (but del. © We Dr) 1 K
1 945 + • 5. only 1 K 419; & (fem.) once 2 K 610
ir 6212 89s6 {once for all) ; D,3B' tfbvb nn« 2 Ch
921, n3E*3 'K Lv 1 6M cf. Jb 405' nntTrjya Jos 63"
cf. vM, rinN3 Nu io4 Jb 33"; at once nnsa pr
2818 cf. nns-Dpj nopas] ju 1628. 6. one.
another, the one... the otter 'N . . . 'N Ex 1 712 1 8"
Am47 2S121 Je 242 2 Ch 317Ne 4ll+ ; 2S
14' rd. vnx-ns nnsn for intWTW tmn © We
Dr; one after another, one by one, 1HK nnsi» Is
2712 cf. Ec 7". 7. as ordinal, first (mostly P &
late) Gn i» (P) 2" (J) Ex 39>» (P); Ez io14 esp.
of first day of month Ex 402 (P) Ezr 3" io1817
Ne 82 Hg i1; first year, TiriN T\2y 2 Ch 36s2 Ezr
i1 Dn i21 912 1 11 abs. Jb 42" ; cf. first (day, D*
om.) Gn 8s13 V-ihb 1HS3; so Ex 4017 Lv 23s4
Nu i118 291 33s3 (allP) Dt i3 2 Ch2917 Ezr 79-9
Ez 261 2917 311 321 4518. 8. in combin.,
a^'fy ins eleven (cf. ifc^, »flB*j?) Gn3223379
(JE) Dt i2; so nnb'y-nnK JosV551 (P) 2 K 23s"
2418 2 Ch 36s" Je52' (precedes noun, exc. Jos
1 551) ; as ordinal, eleventh rOB* ir}\S^ nriN Ez 30s0
3 1 ' cf. 1 K 6s8 2 K 9s9; b. with other numerals, as
cardinal rflKO Com ej^6t &WW ""C? Nu I41
cf.216S83iS4S9(allP; 'k precedes other numeral);
but nif nnso rj'jniK ('k following) 1K14" 1510
2Ki4°2Cni2ls cf. 2K22, = 2Ch341; 2K
24,8=Je 52^2 Ch 36"; Jos 1224 (D) Is 3o17
Ezr 2S6=Ne 730 cf. v37; D11 10"; as ordinal
nju> ri'iSD e'en nnto Gn 813(P) Ex i2ls (P), 1 Ch
2417 25s 2 Ch i613'('k preceding); but 1 K 1623
Hg 21 ('N following).
TtinS n.pr.m. (union fr. 1,n£?) a Benja-
mite 1 Ch86="nN Gn462>.
tin adj. = nns Ez 33s0 del Co, cf. @.
1^ f7 }tf (stem assumed for nx j which however
perh. bilit. & prim, so Thes Eob Ges al. ; D1"A 69
prop, surround, protect; Dlw comp. ahu, side.
Thes. De Goeje in RSBemlB61' suggests connec-
tion with hayy, family, clan).
1. nW63on-X11' brother (Ph. nx, Ar. -J (cstr.
yi.\ etc.), Sab. fix (sf. 1,Tnx) CIS'1' *• " *"" * al.,
Eth. Mai-: As. ahu cf. DF, Aram. nx, Ll/r;
Palm., Nab. sf. \Tinx, iTnx); — abs. I"IX Gn 24s9
+ (Ez 1810 del. Co cf. © © 33; Ew Sm TR*; DI
BaK" defends as = owe cf. As. ahu) never c.
art . ; cstr. "ns Gn 1 o21 + ; sf. 'nx Gn 4" + ; f TO*
Gn4'+; VnKGn42 + ; Wnx Je349+ 3t. etc.;
pl.D,nKGni38+; sord. H01315 v.De0<"n'"v*rS
cf. sub WN; cstr. 'nx Nu 2710+; sf. *W Gn
I97 + ; vix 1 S 2o29+'(but 1 S 3023 @ We nnx
for HX'nx); ?pnx Gn 3713 + ; 1""? Gn 44" +
etc. 1. brother, born of same mother (& father)
Gn 42-8-9">» 27611 4420 49s; cf. 28s 2o10-,0+Ex
4M + oft.; also of half-brother Gn2051316(on pa-
rentage cf. v12) 37245 + , 2 Si34-78 + . 2. indef.
= relative; Lot, of Abr. Gni38 14121416; Jacob,
of Laban 291215 (nephew); hence of kinship in
wider sense; member of same tribe Nu 1610 1826
2 S 1913; of same people Ex 211" 418 Dt 1512 Ju
143 Is 66™ Ne 51-58 vid. esp. Lv 19" cf. v18 (ex-
tended to inch sojourner 13 v34) ; of Israel &
Judah 2 S 1942; Isr. & Edom Nu 20"; cf. of
Ishmael Gn i612 2518; of Mend 2 S I26 1 K 913
2032-33 ; of allies '« JV13 Am i9. 3. fig. of re-
semblance Jbso29 D'jnji *n*n nx (|| nta!> jn
n?J(-) i.e. by reason of his crying, cf. Di; Pr 189
jviitro byJ? vxn nx toxica nsiro. 4. in
phr! one . . '. another VnX tf'-X Gn 9s Jo 28Zc 710;
Vnx . . . tf<x Gn 1 3" + 25t. + Ex 32s7 (where also
fame phr. c. VIJJ1 & *aip — v. these words — &
also E"X, inx); for development of idiom cf.
Dt 15' Is 192 Je 34"<«ii»>n Ez 3821 Hg 2s2;
usually of men ; of faces of golden cherubim Ex
26 mttTlN
25J° 379; °f scales of crocodile Jb 41'. (nx fire-
pot v. sub 11. nriN.)
UNn^ „ n.pr.m. Ahab (father's brother ;=
3X"nK NbZMG1886'"2, 'Axla&os was a nephew of
Herod; cf. like name in Syr., given ob rnaxi-
in Euseb.chr°»' "• B cf. LCB1879' 1339. In many cases,
however, the mng. of n.pr. comp. with nx is
dub., & perfect consistency, especially in com-
parison with cpds. of 3X, seems impossible;
cf. rem. sub ^XOX, and further We6"1"8"'"'",
Dl"-4*""')— axnx 1 K I628-!-; anx:» je 2922—
1. son of Omri, king of Isr. 1 K162829 18123
2o21314 + 4i t. 1 K, 27 t. 2 K, i4 1. 2 Ch; Mi 616.
t2. false prophet, time of Jerem. Je 292122.
2PIN v. axnx.
TV T '
TpnW n.pr.m. (brother of an intelligent
one) son of Abishur, of Judah 1 Ch 229.
t^OinS n.pr.m.descendantof Judah 1 Ch 42.
TDfc^nN n.pr.m. one of David's heroes 2S
23s3 iChu35.
Tin^nS , rprr4^ (always, exc. where other
form noted), "TIN n.pr.m. (brother of Yah(u),
cf. Ph. itan brother of Milk, & esp. "l^ennx
sister of Milk, where nnx must be cstr. since
•^>D is a male deity; cf. Carth. mp^Onn
Euting213). 1. a priest iSi4318. 2. a scribe
1K4I 3. a prophet 1 K 1 1 29-30 1 2 15 1 42-4 2 Ch
929 ; 1 K 1 44-5618 2 Ch 1 o15 (last five *WW). 4.
father of king Baasha 1 K jg2'-29-33 2i22 2K9'.
5. grandson of Hezron 1 Ch 225, or perh. n.pr.f.,
mother of preceding four, cf. Be. 6. son of
Ehud, of Benj. 1 Ch 87=n,inx v4. 7. one of
Dvd's heroes 1 Ch n36. 8. a Levite, Dvd's
time 1 Ch 2620. 9. a chief man under Nehem.
Ne io27. 10. a Gadite 1 Ch 515 ("HK). 11. a
man of Asher 1 Ch "jM (id.)
TTirrn^ n.pr.m. prince of Asher NU3427;
(brother of majesty, cf. Tfrl, liriUX; v. also
tiTIW n.pr.m. (= ;ynx, i.e. fraternal). 1.
a son of Aminadab, brother of TJzzah 2 S 63-4
(© vnx, We vnx, but v. Dr) 1 Ch 137 (© vnx).
2. a Benjamite 1 Ch 814, but rd. W1K © Be.
3. a Benjamite i Ch 831=937 (>® Vnx).
TTITHM n.pr.m. (prob.=1in,nx cj.v.) son
of Ehud, a Benjamite 1 Ch 87.
T^tD^nS! n.pr.m. (my brother is goodness)
1. grandsonof Eli 1 S 143 1 Ch 5*«"-w-*; father
of Ahimelech i S 2 29S0 (3JBHK) V1U2 (on iden-
tity of pers. v. Be i Ch 5")? 2. father of
Zadok 2 S 817 ( = i Ch 1 816), but We rds. Ahim.
son of Ahitub ; i Ch 537 Ezr f; grandfather of
Zadok i Ch 911 Nen" (on all cf.We I.e.)
I'TO'TIN n.pr.m. (ace. to Thes=1^ "1%
child's brother (?)) 1. father of Jehoshaphat,
David's chronicler 2 S 816 2024 1 K 4' 1 Ch i815.
2. father of Baana, officer of Solomon 1 K 412.
Tj-riftTlN n.pr.m. (my brotlier is death) a
Levite 1 Ch 610 (cf. NHQ 1 Ch 620 2 Ch 2012).
+ L *
TTJ|7P",nN n.pr.m. (brother of Melek, Ph.
-S>»n, na^Dn ; v. also OTTIK supr.) 1. priest
in Saul's (Dvd's) time 1 S 2i2-2-3-9 2 214-16(?jbp.''nN)
1 Ch 2431 + 522 (title) ; son of Ahitub i"s 22
9.n(rf.i2>.2o. father of Abiathar 1 S 23s 307; so also
2 S 8" ©EwWeThDr; where MT 'DT1K
"in,|3X"p; whence id. wrongly 1 Ch 24", cf. v4
(IDIVN 'pao'nx) & 1816 (where rd. 'm for '3X).
2. a Hitt'ite 1 S 26°.
* if?">r?^ n.pr.m. (my brother is a gift 1 so
Thes ; cf. Ar. ^S.) 1 . a son of Anak Nu 1 f2 Ju
iVf?^ Jos 15". 2. a Levite, 1&m, iChf.
*YyQT!M n.pr.m. (my brother is lorath)
1. son of -Zadok 2 S 152736 if'M jS19-22-23-27-2**"
1 Ch 534 (Ky»:n«) v33 6s8; perh. also 1 K 415
(son-in-law of Sol.) 2. H>»,nS, father-in-law
of Saul 1 S 1460.
T^PIN n.pr.m. (fraternal, Aram. JlLLj') a
Manassite 1 Ch 719.
TT^IPnNt n.pr.m. (my brother is noble)
an officer of Solomon 1 K 4".
TOl^n^ n.pr.f. (my brother is delight)
1. wife of Saul 1 S 1450 (daughter of Ahi-
maaz). 2. Jezreelitess, wife of David 1 S 2S43
2 733o5 2S2232 1CI131.
T7|£D',nN n.pr.m. (my brother has sup-
ported) father of Oholiab, a workman on tabern.
MtirnN n.pr.m. (my brother is help, cf.
As. Ahulete, my brotlier is strength, DlFr202)
1. a chief of Dan Nu i12 225 766'71 io25. 2. one
of David's heroes 1 Ch 1 23.
IDp^nSt n.pr.m. (my brother has arisen)
son of Shaphan, Josiah's time 2 K 221214 2 Ch
3420; protector of Jerem. Je 2624; father of
Gedaliah 2 K 2 s22 Je 3914 4o5M!llll4"; 4 1 i*mmm»
TDTnN n.pr.m. (in-other of (the) lofty =
Ph. Din v. DTn- cf. ar>2ty eon 0f Benj. Nu 26»
(prob. = mnx 1 Ch 81 v. Be) (cf. Efc'll >ntt
Gn4621). ' V ' •"
tffVn n.pr.m. Hiram (Ph. Din; abbr. fr.
foregoing)— 'n 2 S5"+i8t. iK+Kt 1 Ch
141 2 Ch 411 910(all Qr D1W) ; Di"Vn 1 K s24"
740; also D"Wl 1 Ch 8s -f 9 t. Ch.— I. king of
Tyre, contemp. of David & Solomon 2 S r"
j gglMUUUt&JUMMl - I0n.22 r qj, , i
2 Ch 2210" 82'8 9>°-21. 2. an artificer of Tyre,
sent by Hiram the king 1 K 7 "•«>•«>•* 2 Ch 212
4" 1U6. 3. a Benjamite 1 Ch 8s.
tWTW adj. gent. 1BJ as n.coll. Nu 26s8.
TyyHM n.pr.m. (my brother is evil) a chief
of Naphtali Nu i15 229 778-83 io27.
TTHH^nH n.pr.m. (brother of (the) dawn,
As. Ahseri DlFr202) a Benjamite 1 Ch 710.
"•""ittT'nN n.pr.m. (my brother has sung)
over Solomon's household 1 K 46.
T7pJ"Vn!tf n.pr.m. (my brother is folly])
David's trusted & traitorous counsellor 2 S 15 j g j ,- 2 I23 2 3M iCll 2 1^
trWlM n.f. brotherhood 'KH Zc n14 (be-
tween Judah & Israel).
t^n n.pr.m. (prob. Npnfl|) brother of
El, © *Ax«>)X; cf. D-m & Ph. I^Dn, etc.; v.
jjaeneii«\ a Bethelite, rebuilder of Jericho
i K 1634.
ninN n.f. sister (Ph. nnN, Aram.nns,
T 1U , V
JfcLl, Ar. £JJ, As. ahdtu, Dlw, Eth. X-Vt:
Sab. in n.pr. inONnflN Osz™° **■ *») — abs.
'K 2 S 131 + (never with art.); cstr. nins
Gn422+; sf. WIS («rrtTK) Gn i2,3 + , etc.;
pi. sf. Vrtljg (Qr VfrriK) Jos 213; ^nlnK Ez
1651 (Qr; kfininN)+2t.(Coall'lT!K); Wtyj*
Ez 1662 (Co yrr); W\m. Ez i6S2 (must be
pi., but del. Co); vn'rw Jb 42"; DO'n^
H023; niViVnK iCh2l6Jbi4 — 1. sister Gn
^22 121319; 202512 (same father, difl*. mother) so
Lvi8ncf.Ez2 2n; Gn243OS0-r,Ex24-7; Lvi89
(either parent same) soDt2722 Nu67 2Si3'-2-4
+ , Ct 888; called upon, in mourning for dead
Je2218; = near relative Gn24M-6° (or because
Laban prominent? so Di); woman of same
nationality Nu 2518 cf. Ho 23. 2. =beloved
Ct 481013 512 (4 t. || n^S bride ; phr. orig. im-
plying that marriage with half-sister — of
same father— was allowed? cf. N6ZM0189M50,
& Gn 2012). 3. symbol, of Judah, Samaria,
Sodom & Jerusalem Je 37810 Ez I645-52-33<d<lc'»
+ , 234'" + . 4. fig. of intimate connection
rrorb vihN| npK. . .Wig Jbi714; ncrrfc -toN
JIN \nriN pr 74. t5. another, Unhfjr^J nf»,
of curtains of tabern. Ex26"-6, loops t", tenons
v17; of wings of living creatures, Ezek.'s vision
Ez i9B 3"; not of persons, but vid. nW"l.
MnN n.m. Jb*n coll. reeds, rushes (Aram.
NinN, orig. Egypt., cf. demot. a\u fr. a\d be
green, v. EbersAOlBBMM-338; Wied8*"""""*16) Gn
41s18 (E) Jb 8"; also Ho 1315 where rd. D'HN pi.
for DW (cf. AW), or fr. a parall. form [nnN], v.
rrns! v. mn.
n^f C8 vb. grasp, take hold, take posses
~ T „ __ 1
sion (Ar. ii.1 , Sab. lriN Sab. Denkm.39, Aram.
1DK, ZA", As. a/iasu, Eth. MH;)- Qal Pf. tnN
Ex "15" + ; ntntj Jb 231' Is 33"; sf. W 2 S i9;
1 s. sf. vript Ct 34, etc.; Impf. V& Jb 17' + ;
tntm 2 S 66; 3 fs. intin Dt 3241; irota) ru 316;
»nrn 2 S 209; tf*} Ju 206; pin* Is 138; «/.
totnN"' EX1515; *|W]tf Jei321, etc.;— tas'B
gutt. ths'i Ju 163 1K610; 2 ms. trow Ec 718;
/w/. ins 1 K 66; ins 1 Ch i39+3 t.; Imv. tilN
Ex44 2S221, "^n' Ru 316; ItnN Ct 216; WIN
Ne 73; P«. ac«. IT* 2 Ch 25s; ^ass. WIN EstVj
etc.; — grasp, take hold of, sq. 3 Gn 2526 Ex 44
(both J) Ju 163 206 (=? PgJ3 1929) 2 S 410 66
20" 1 K i61 Ru 31"5; 1 K 66 'of beams having
hold in a wall; (cf. IJJJJ D'-MN IVf Jb 817;
Hoffm rds. njnWN^); also Ct 79 of taking
hold of branches, in metaph.; poet, fig., of
God's seizing man in wrath Jb 1612; taking
hold graciously i/c 73s3 ; taking hold of judgment
28 n«
e.g.SAm25; ^' e.g. <S Ju810 1 Ch 518; & Ez
4i66(but v. Co). Niph. Pf 3 pi. 1THN3 Jos 22';
'&\ (cons.) Nu 32s0; Impf. WINMQn' 47s7; Imv.
Wi-jn Gn 3410 Jos 2219; Pt. 1PIW Gn 2213; tfinN:
EC912; — be aught Gn 2213 Ec 912; elsewhere have
possessions Gn 3410 47s7 Nu 3230 Jos 2 2919(P).
Pi. Pt. inND Jh 26° c. ace. enclose, overlay (so
As. Dlw»- *», cf. Aram. +~1, shut). Hoph. Pt.
pi. tnriNe 2 Ch 9™ fastened to sq. ?.
tnN n.pr.m. {lie hath grasped, abbrev. for
triNliT1 (q.v.) cf. As. la-u-ha-zi (i. e. Ahaz)
COT on 2 K 168) 1. king "of Judah, son of
Jotham, father of Hezekiah 2 K 1538 1612-6'7-8 +
i3t. 2K; Isi171-3-10-lsi4S83818; iCh3132Ch279
+ 8t. 2 Ch; Ho 1' Mi I1. 2. son of Micah,
& great-grandson of Jonathan 1 Ch S35,36 942
(+941cf. ©Las).
TntnN n.f. possession — 'n Gn47" +
nt.; cstr.ninNGni78+2it.; sf. ^njllN ^ 28;
— possession, P & late ; of landed property Gn
4.711 Lv I A.M 2K10•I3'25'27■29■33(hou8e',41•45■46 Nu 2 V4 "?25'
Dt3241; subj. man
ntnx rnwa Jb 2 V1
(||VnDB> -ay± cf. also 179); of taking hold of
folly Ec23 'cf. 718; subj. Xfa Jb 3813, Tht$
jnNH DiS333; also sq. ace. Ju i6 126 1621 2S
2" Is 5s9 Ct'215 34 iChi39 2Ch255^ 561 1379;
cf. 1 K 610 (cf. v6 supr.), subj. JfWJD, "n? '«*1
DT!$ 'r??!3 n?a? ; of a snare catching the heel,
in metaph. Jb 1 89; fig., subj. God ^ 77s; God's
hand 13910; subj. pain, sorrow, fear, etc. Ex
I5141S 2 S i9 Jb2i6 3016 ^487 11963 Is 2 13 3314
Je 1321 4924; subj. man, obj. fear, etc. Jb 1820
Is 138; obj. T^ take one's way Jb 1 79 p^? TriN''
'srn AV RV hold on his way (cf. 2311 supr.,
& As. sabdtu urJju, e. g. V. R1'74); — abs. Ne
73 of barring gates ; pt. pass, caught Ec 912;
fastened, held Est I6; taken (by lot) 1 Ch24666
(on text v. Ot); taken out of a number Nu
3I30-47; pt. act. of same form STH W Ct 38 cf.
Thes Bam 175 & Eth. pt.; similarly Aram. Tfttt,
"■" 35°
18 482
Dt3249 Jos 2 112-39 Ez44
.21.22.22 , pi, „28 „2
iCh72892 2Chn143i1 Nen3;
land possessed, one's own land
0, ynfe, niriN 'N
Gn'3643Lvi4342524 Nu 3S28 Jos 22491919, cf.
jnNn niriN Lv 2 724; c. nijff, njnN 'fc» Lv 2 716-22-28,
cf.V21; c."i'V, njnN 'y LV2532'33; rbm nm—
})ossession by right of inheritance Nu2 773232,
& '« n^nj 352 cf. nSn:a 'N Ez 4616 (but Co as Nu
277so B); napmrajGn 2 34-9-2049:,05o13; DbiV'N
Gn 178 484 Lv 25s4; in promise to Davidic king
^n-'ddn ^mnN.i ^2S (|| nbn:)
portion of Levit. priests Ez 44s*
fig. of '' as
n.pr.m. (PaA(w)
Aa<A grasped; © 'Oxof(e)ias 1 K 2262 etc., cf.
LagBNr,s) 1. king of Isr., son of Ahab 1 K 22
2Kl182Ch2037(VVTnN);+2Kl2 2Ch2035
2. king of Judah, son of Joram 2 K
9-' io'-ii' 12" 13' 14'
iCh (all WnN); 2 K 916-23-2729
3. W a priest Ne li13 (for which rnp£ 1 Ch
q12 v* O n. Listen, Tafal\
' D-tn^ n.pr.m. (possessor) a man of Judah
TrvtnN n.pr.m. possession) friend of Abi-
melech Gn 2 626.
I. nn^ (cr2/> W, onomat., cf. Ar. ll).
t[n«] n.[m.] jackal (As. afj.it Dlw) pi.
D^nk is I32' 'n Dn'na ^sboi (|| D^s).
11. nnK?
tn. nN n.f. flre-pot, brasier (Ar. Jill , in
Thes, is an error) alw. c. art. Je 36s5 V3Bp 'SH
rnSJ'ap the brasier before him was burning ; v23
'WOK ik>s wn; v23 'srr^y iro e>sn fr. ns
t v v -: -t) T « v -: " T \ T *
brother v. sub nns ; 111. ns interj., p. 25).
tniflN n.pr.m. a Benjamite iCh84 (perh.
corruption of iTns v7 q. v.)
t"«nin« hrthi*) adj.gent. 2 S 23° (where
for 'S~|3 rd. 1CT We Dr; ref. unknown : Klo
prop, (tyn B»K |3 cf. v20) v28^ 1 Ch 1 i12ra 2 74.
TIN n.pr.m. a son of Benjamin Gn 4621
(P) (perh. corruption of Dl'nS Nu 26s8 (P);
so also rnqK 1 Ch 81 cf. ins 7>= '& coram.)
/PJJ^ff (existence & meaning dub.)
t-'VnN n.pr. (Dlrr2,° trans. 0! would that!
(cf. Y^S sub in. ns supr.p. 25) & comp.interjec-
tional Bab. name Ahulapia, 0 ! that I at last !
ZimBP "6; cf. 01s OT ; otherwise HalJAS '• * *°°) 1.
f. daughter of Sheshan 1 Ch 231; so Be Ot al.
in view of v34. 2. m. father of one of David's
mighty men (not in 2 S 23) 1 Ch 1 141.
nSnN v. ata
t ; —
tfTO , nN n.f. perh. amethyst (etym. dub.;
sub Di>nThes q.v.; Hal"871426 fr. D^n etrefort,
solide; Di Kn comp. Talm. nWD, malva &
think of green malachite; D1HAS6 N der.fr. Aram,
land Ahlamd), amethyst ace. to ®33 Josephus;
v. also'Lag0"*1884-285, but cf. Di; one of the
gems on the ephod Ex 2819 3912.
"^CriN n.pr.m. father of Eliphelet, one of
David's heroes 2 S 23s4. (Meaning dub.; 1 Ch
1135 has rflK, sq. 1Bn; txt. prob. corrupt.)
[nn^ vb. to remain behind, delay, tarry
(Ar. l£l to put off, also to remain behind;
Aram. Pa. ins, Aph. «Lo( , Shaph. iLa.L. Sab.
iflK OsianderZMGlft65197; inns DHME^De"k,n-
**). tQal once only Gn 32s insi (contr. fr.
inSKI cf. 3HK Pr 817) and I have tarried until
now." tPi. Pf. yX Gn3419; njHJ Ju 5s8;
7m;>/. into, inxn (3t. insn) etc. (in 24s6 +
gt.; Pt. (,_T) thinks 3 1. 1 . intensive, delay,
tarry, abs. Ju 528'(|| '*&& tifr) Is 4613 and my
salvation insn tib Hb 23 f 4o'8= 7o6Dn p19; with
b & inf. Gn 3419.— Pr 2330 ftO"^ BnrjKB <Ao«e
tarrying over the wine, Is s"5!^? 'insp, V' 1 2 72
T)2f nriKD (|| Dip ,D,3B>D). 2. causat. of
Qal, cawse one to delay, hinder Gn 24s6; keep
back (=bring late) Ex 22s8; with 7 & inf. delay
to . . . Dt if2 quoted Ec 53: ellipt. Dt 710 he
delayeth (it, the recompense) not to his enemy.
—2 S 206 Qr irrt>! i8 taken by 01'""' as Qal
(cf. inril v9 from tns), by Sta'498" Ko13" Ges ••
2Bemas Hiph. (lit. shewed, exhibited delay): on
the Kt (nn«.l) v. DrSm.
1. IriN adj. another (prop, one coming be-
hind), f. rnn« (with dag. f. implic); pi. DnriS
(as if from sg. ins), once Jb 3110 fins, rriins
(= Ar.^LT, Sab. ifiss, As. ahru future, fpl. as
subst. afyrat time future of days) Gn 4s5 ins jnt
<mo</t«r seed 8 " D'ins D11^ nyaP t e ven o^er days
Ex 2 24 ins nl'B>3 in the field of another + oft.;
ins P"!* another man (husband) Gn2o19 Dt243
Je 31; ^nNn "S5 1 K fthe other court, v.lXO;
'N roinri'2 Ch 32s the other wall, v. ncin.
Appended to a n. pr. for distinction Ezr 231 =
Ne 7s4 (see v7=Ne v12) Ne 7s3 (prob. here txt.
err., v. BeEy18: not in Ezr 2s9). Often with
the collat. sense of different, as 'K D'lJS o«/tfr
garments Lv64 iS288Ez 42144419; lay,' D'ias
Lv 1442; nn Nu 1424; s thfi inasnii x s io6;
3^ v9 Ezn" (© Hi Sm); dV Is 05'6 (cf. 62'
SS'in); with that of strange, alien, as 'K tP'S
Dt 205" 2830 (so ins, Dnns alone f 1098 Jb
31810 Is 65" Je 612 810 al.); D? Dt 2832; fft
2927Je2226; n^SJun2; P^Is28n(||nQ'B"JJ)b3);
esp. in the phrase D'ins D'HpX other gods(6^t.)
Ex203(=Dt57)2313(bothJE) Jos24516(E) 1 S
2619 Ho 31, & particularly in Dt (614 819+ i5t.)
& Deut. writers, as Jos 2316 Ju 21217-19 Je (18 1.)
& compiler of Kings; ins i>S once EX3414 (JE).
So ins alone Is 42s + 1 64. + Of time, follow-
ing, next (rare) UfJ HJB'a Gn 1 721 (P) in the
next year; 2 K 6s9 'Kn Di»3 ; 'N in Joel Is ^
10913 poet, the next generation (Ju 210 in prose
= another generation).
"1HN prop, subst. the hinder or following
part (cf. the pi.) 1. adv. a. of place, behind,
twice Gn 2 213 (many MSS. Sam. © @ Ol Ew
read "ins v. Di) \//68-6. b. of time, afterwards
Gn io18 185 24s5 3021 Ju i95 + ; insi in laws of
P, as Lv 14819 1528 2 27 Nu s^al. ' 2. prep.
a. of place, behind, after Ex 31 1 15 2 K 1 16 Ct
29 Is 57s: ins T]bn to go after, follow Gn 37"
2Ki32233 Is652 Ezi33 Jb3i7; ins njn iS
12"; nnso from after t2 S 7s f 7871 Is 59'3.
b. of time, after Gn 928 Lv 25>6 al; DW^H ins
n^Xn after these things tGni512213974o' iK
i717T2i'Ezr71Est2,31; f3 ins fLv^38 Dt2i'3
1S105; m ins (late) 2Ch329; sq. inf. tNu619
Je 40' 1 Ch 224 Jb 2 13; ins iy till after +Ne 1 319.
C. Ne 515 strangely: Ew RV besides; but text
prob. corrupt, v. Be Ry. 3. 1 conj. I^K ins
after that EZ401; and without ~\mt LVI443
Je 4 116 Jb 427. As prep. & conj. the pi. ^HK is
much more freq., which in any case must be
used before suffixes. Plur. only cstr. *!!D£
with sf. 'inK, V5j*i etc. 1. subst. hinder
part +2 S 2a rvjqn nnN3 with the hinder end
of the spear. 2. prep. a. of place, behind,
after Gn i8'° rtfis H*T} and it behind him Dt
11" Jus" iSi4u2i10'; Ho58T"3n« Behind
thee! (sc. Look or The foe is) ; with a vb.as D*20
to look Gn 1917 rS 24', B^h jW to shake the
head 2 K 1921 (=Is 37s2), esp. verbs expressing
or implying motion, as N3 to enter in (v. Dr
2S2014), i?a, PS*, pbi, njn, tfcn, «>p, n»,
IT"}, V??1*? (see these words), b. of time, after
Gn 99 D^inK Q3jniyour seed after you; simi-
larly i7"0li35,2484 Ex 2843 Nu 2513 all P (also
Dt i8 4s7 1015 1 S 24s2 2 S 712 ||), & with V33 Gn
1 819 J ( + &!*£) Ex 2 9s9 P Lv 2 546H Dt 440 1 225-28
Je3218:!9 1CI1288 Pr207, U"rfninJos2 227, W3
Jb2i21; Exio" Juio3 etc.; with inf. Gn 54
VT^in nnK after his begetting Sheth, I314i417
i8122 5n + oft.; |3"nriK afterwards Gn 64 (nriN
1t5>K p = afterwards, when, cf. 2CI13520) 1514
2319252632214i3l4515etc; p-nriN vm as a
formula of transition chiefly in 2 S (21 81 1| io1
|| 1 31 2ils H) cf. 1S246 Jui64 2K624 2CI1201
24H; in late Heb. flK) nnN tJb4216 Ezr910
2Ch2i,8( + -5'3)3520(do.);'cf.Aram. njinnK
Dn 2294S, and nn inxa Dn 7".— The ' local
(metaph.) and temporal senses blend \jt 4914
W Dn"B3 Dnnns^ & a/ter them (i.e. following,
imitating them) men applaud their speech, cf.
Jb 2 133. 3. conj. "^ *fflU after that, with
the finite vb. Dt 244 Jos'78 9i623' 2420+; with-
out nc>N tLv 2 s"8 1 S 59t. (The most common
constr. of "Onx is as a prep, with the inf. cstr.)
Jos 27 *NT 1E>K3 nnK must be an error, either for
new nnx or for nt?N3 alone (notice DiTnriK
twice in the same verse); 2 S 2410 rd. 1SD '"inK
vid. Dr. 4. with other preps.: — a. ,inKt3r7,
1 Ch 177 'ron9 (|| 2 S78 -inso); (a) from
behind Gn 1 9s6 2 S 2s3; /rom a/ier i. e. from
following after, usually with 3^E> or ~&0 1 S 24s
2 S 222-2630 1 1 ,s; oft. with God as obj. as Nu 1 443
321S Dt74 Jos 2 21618-23-29 1 S 15" + ; with other
vbs. of motion, as rhv 1 S 1446 2 S 202, nbjU
2 S 2s7, np^ Am 715 1 Ch 177, TOT Hoi2; pregn.
I83021 thy ears shall hear a word ^'nriKD coming
from behind thee, Je 921 (sc. PS3, see v*) 1 S 1 37
©L We Dr inng? Vnn. (p) denoting position
(\0=of,ontheside of; see p) behind Ex 1419"
Jos82-4-" 1K10" Ne47 (i> r>™») 2Chi313».
(y) of time (rare) t Dt 29'21 Ec 10"; [3 'HnSD
+2S329i51 2CI13223. b. t'lDr^ 2S523
30 pro*
2 K 918 ^nK-bK ab v19 Zc 66. c. fyngrhs Ez
4 i15 beside, at the back of.
"MnN adj. Pr2823 (si vera 1.) *3JK t3"l« a
man that turneth backwards (cf. Je 724) so
JosKi De 01 p-429 (doubtfully) Now Sta{301b: ace.
to Ewf220*Hi an abnormal adv. = afterwards,
Lag Pr conj. ^rnN3 of. © odois.
"TiriN subst. (Arab. Ji.1) the hinder
side, back part, in the sg., mostly in ad-
verbial phrases : — a. as accus., in poetry back-
tvards 23 t. (=prose TflHR) with vbs. such as
^BJ/a» Gn 4917, 3ib»3 be turned 2 S I22 (|| 31BTI
Dgh), 3V^^9"5610+ , 31D3 3544015+ (of enemies
repulsed), 4419 Is 505 (from obedience to God),
"mj Is i4, 3<B>n 4425 ^44", nsn 7Sm; behind
(opp. D"|p) i// 1395 Jb238; in the phrase D^S
-lil-M in front and 6e/wnd ti Ch i910 (altered
from' 'K»1 'fO in 2 S v. infr.) 2 Ch 1314 Ez 210.
b. "rtn^jffl fPr 29", nsna^ "foKB Dan) Ges Hi
but a wise man stilleth it (nn anger) back-
wards (sc. when it would break forth), De in
the background, sc. of his heart (|| N'xY1 inVTPS
^D3). c. "tim) (a) as a. if 1 1435 Je 724; (0) of
time, hereafter (cf. D''32? = before) fls 4123 42s3.
d. -rtriND behind (P=on the side of) t2 S io9
'9*i D*}it? in front and Je/mvd, Is 911 'W? DVK#M
and the Philistines behind (=:on the West), opp.
D"$30 DTK. tPlur. cstr. ,"!°n$ hinder part (of
the tabernacle) Ex 2612, (of a man or animal)
33s3 iK725(=2Ch44)Ez8ls.
TJTjVIN adv. (prop, an adj. fem., cf.
nTHP Sta'367) backwards (=poet, "tflK) Gn
923-23 1 S 418 1 K 1 8s7 2 K 201011 Is 38s.
j^O** f- nJi|in^> pl- B^S* (also D^nqK),
adj. from "inN, coming after or behind (as a
conipar. or superl., ace. to the context); hence
a. of place, behind, hindermost Gn3322; u*n
I^DKiJ the hinder ( = the Western) sea (i.e. the
Mediterranean : opp. ^tolgn Djn the front sea
=the Dead Sea, the Semites, in defining the
quarters of the heavens, turning naturally to
the East, cf. Dip of the East, P^, I?*? of the
South, above s. v. lil"lK d. and As. mat aharru
' tlie Western land,' of Phoenicia & Palestine)
tDtn24 342 Jo 220 Zc 148; Jb I82" poet.
D*a*ins« Ew Hi Di De the dwellers in the West
(opp. CJiO'lp). More commonly b. of time,
latter or last (ace. to context) Ex 48 Dt 24s
2 S 1912 Is 8a, of God Is 446 (|| fabrh 4812(do.)
cf. 414; in genl. subsequent (vaguely),'" 0^ =
time to come fls 308 Pr 31s5 (but Ne 818 tftn
'»n~the last day), '«(?) nil(n) tlte following
generation tDt2921 ^48" 78" 10219, DTnS(n)
tvnrm 31
they that corns after Jb 1 82° (Ges Schl)Ec i n416,but
Is 4 14 the last, Jb 1925 Dip; "isjri>y fiinto and as
one coming after (me) (and so'ablo to' establish
my innocence when I am dead) will he ('pKll my
Vindicator) arise upon the dust. — The fern, is
used adverbially (cf. njb>K"))= afterwards or
at the last (ace. to context): (a) absol. tDan
nM; (0) njftqaa (opp. n$fa)$) tDt i310 17'
1 S 292 2 S 226 1 K 1 713 Dn 83; (vVkS fNu 231 (P)
Ec iu. W
J~|V'},!!7^ 61 n-f- after-part, end; — a. of place,
only f 1399 (late) D; 'X. b. of time, Zatter ;>ar<
or actual cZose (ace. to context), opp. TB'NT;
— of year Dt n12; of a man's life Nu 2310 Pr
511 Jb8? 4212; of a people's existence NU2420;
=final lot Dt 3220-29 Je 124 3i17 V 7317; a fu-
ture, i.e. a happy close of life, suggesting some-
times the idea of a posterity, promised to the
righteous Pr 2318 (|| nipn }Wj)e) 2414 Je 29"
(Hipni 'N DDp nrb), withheld from the wicked
Pr 2420 (|| '.r\]n> 13 : v. infr,); the end or ulti-
mate issue of a course of action Je 531 Pr 1412
23s2 (of wine, i.e. of indulgence in it) 25s Is
4610 (absol., but implicitly of a phase of history)
477 (of the conduct described v6b_7*) Dn 128
Ec 78; of a prediction = the event Is 41s2.
D*9*n TinnNri in the end of the days, a pro-
phetic phrase denoting the final period of the
history so far as the speaker's perspective
reaches ; the sense thus varies with the con-
text, but it often = the ideal or Messianic
future; tGn49* (of the period of Israel's
possession of Canaan) Nu 2414 Dt 430 (of the
period of Israel's return to God after adver-
sity) 3 129 (of the period of Israel's rebellion)
H035 Is22 (=Mi 41) Je 2320 (v. Graf)=3o24
4847 4939 Ez 3816 (of the period of Gog's attack
upon restored Israel) Dn 2s8 (Aram.) io14 (of
the age of Antiochus Epiphanes): cf. D'Wn 'K3
Ez 388. c. D^iSn K Je 5012 the last, Undermost
of the nations (of Babylon), opp. DtOT TPVVCi
Am6' (Israel) cf. NU2420 (Amalek) chief of
the nations, d. concr. posterity (extension of
usage noted above in Pr 2420) yfr 3737,38 (jwssibly
not more than 'a future' here) 10913 (|pi*l?
DO'f "$ "OS) Am4s 91 Ez2325-25(acc.to others,
in these four passages, remnant, residue) Dn 1 14.
til. "N1N n.pr.m. 1 Ch712 (ident. & meaning
quite dub. ; Be thinks = ins adj. another, to
avoid naming Dan (cf. Gn 4621 Nu 2642) on
account of the narrative Ju 1 7 f. Ot identifies
with DnnE* 8s).
trnnN n.pr.m. a son of Benjamin 1 Ch8'
(perh. corruption of DynX Nu2638,cf.also ''HX).
' 'THHfr* n.pr.m. app. a descendant of
Judah 1 Ch 48 (deriv. & mng. dub.)
to^arWRjflTM n.m.pl. satraps (Pers.
Khshatfapdvan, 2>rotectors of the realm, v. Spieir
AT*K 21 E » * >
= (£arpan7]s, (raTpartrjs, cf. Lag 0<AU>-»M!
B"alm, who rds. FD11K;nK)_'KEst 8. „>. cgtr
^BTWriK 3n EzrS36.
^I^DM ii.pr.m. Ahasuerus = Xerxes
(Pers. K)ishaydrshd= mighty + eye or man, vid.
Spiegel '•oM6; in Aram, tntCWl, CISUI12J [b.c.
481]) king of Pers. Ezr 4" Est i1'-2"10-)- 18 t.
Est + Est io1 Qr (Kt BhCTIN); B'T^DK Est i16
22i 3is 37.10. a]g0 Dn 9, where made"f^tller of
' Darius the Mede,' cf. Meinh.
T,")TOn« n.pr.m. but in form adj. gent.
(cf. Be) 'nxn 1 Ch 4" (perh. Pers. = belonging
to the realm, royal, vid. iufr.)
t[pntt>nN] adj. (?) royal (fr. Pers.
Khshatfa, lordship, realm, vid. Spiegel 1-c-215)
pi. DTTnBTlKri agreeing with BO^n Est 8I0M.
nnx v. im.
CM v. DQK.
*7t3K (mng- dub. ; perh. cf. Ar. jj,j make
firm, strong, cf. Thes MV).
tltON n.m. Ju9'15 bramble, buck-thorn
(cf. Che ty 5810) [rhamnus, Ar. jj»l, As. e(idu
v. Dlw-No-,8s, Aram KJB*, )^/ cf. Low*"-15)
contr. D'SJ/ Ju g"iiAi (personif, in fable) ; ^58'°
as fuel (in fig., cf. Che); tW fija n.loc, Gn
soio.n ^r j-jj & onxo ba«).
J^J^JfJ Arab. W to emit a moaning or creak-
ing sound (cf. AW1*5 Ges'"-1604' Lane1").
t[*»teH Ol.412] n.m. mutterer, pi. D'BK Is
193 mutterers (|| IVOR, D'Jjn?) i.e. either ven-
triloquists or whisperers of charms (cf. 8" 2 94).
TtON subst. gentloness, used only adver-
bially:— a. as adverb, accus. 1 K 2 127 JBX IJ.jW
and he (Ahab) went about softly (sc. in peni-
tence); b. with p of norm or state (as in
nB5b, v. {>) 2 S 186 "9^ ^"0*6 (deal) gently
for me with the young man, Is 8" the waters
of Shiloah 0$ D^'nn that go gently; with
pretonic qames Jb 1511 '^V BNp "D'n a word
(spoken) gently with thee ; with sf. Gn 33"
and I ^Np n^q?riK will lead on gently (lit. ac-
cording to my gentleness).
tQDtSK] vb. shut, shut up (Mish. DDK, cf.
pt2N 32
DOW stoppage, Aram. nt?t<; Ar. Itl contract,
stop, li>l fortress; As. afamu, in list of
headgear, etc. = <ur&<m? D1WN° lsi)— Qal
Pi. aci.DCK Pri7*+2t.; ;ja«s. D'OEK i K64;
rriDCK Ez 4016+ 2 t.; — «Au«, «<o;>, obj. lips Pr
17s8; ears 21'3 Is33is; •p&ss. = closf!d (i.e. nar-
rowed, narrowing, cf. <S in Co) 'K JliJipn Ez
40" 4i1626; cf. D'BCS D'DW ">3i^n 1 K 64.
Hiph./m2?/!i.q.QalD??S^g85(juss. with sense
of indie, cf. Drsmob*-) of adder, stopping ears,
sini. of wicked.
' pt2N n.[xa.] thread, yarn (etym. un-
known; onform v. Ges84,liR- Talm.NJIBK, K3VJJK,
cord, rope; so 3) cstr. tfnfO '» Pr f\
t[Ht3K] vb. shut up, close, bind (Ar.
-* " T , , v
11 bend, curve, '\io\ what surrounds, encloses)
Qal Impf. 3 fs. Wn ,/, 6916 (rra nsa *by '" ba).
T"tt2N n.pr.m. (binder ?) a chief of Jews
Ezr 21642 Ne 72145 io18.
t^tSM adj. shut up, bound (NHIKiK, lame)
Syip>~\i 's {?'»{< Ju jis 20i6 a „jan bound, re-
stricted, as to his right hand, i. e. left-Jianded.
PM] ((Jl,A£: in Syr. in cpds. as JL,j'how?
Wbg ia>2 . c£ As- at-M) wJl0 ? wjMt A +1 . inter-
rog.adv. where? a. so with sf. HS'K [a verbal
form, v. Sta1856bs] Gn 3"; H Ex 220, poet.
where is he?=he is nowhere Jb 1410 207 (Je
37" rd. Qr n»«); DJK Na317 (in indirect qu.)
and the place thereof is not known, D'X whire
they are. Idiomatically, with the sf. anticipating
the noun to which it refers (Ewsa09(:, cf. Dr
B-.'.a.M) 2 K ,9i3 non-Tibp VS wfo>r(> t« fo>, the
king of Hamath ? (|| Is 3713 W*) Is i9>2 Mi 710.
When used alone, or with other adverbs (v.
infr.),itis contracted to '« Gn40 Dt3237 1 S2616
Pr 3 14 Qr. (The more usual form is n'N.) b.
strengthened by the enclitic ni (v. HI, 4) i"lJ~,Nir,
where, then i (never of a person, exc. Est 7°
(late), & only once 1 K2224 [but v. 2 Ch 1823]
with a verb) Is 501 6611 Je 6", in indirect qu.
1 S 918; in the phrase • • • T}/}? iTPK wlw.re is
the way (that) . . . ? ti K 13" '2 K38 2 Ch 1823
Jb3&'9*-24. 2. prefixed to other adverbs or
prons., 't? imparts to them an interrog. force :
thus a. H]PK which (of two or more)? only
Ec 23 ii* (late), in indirect qu. b. tnfl?"'lN
wlience 1 (p?D= hence; v. sub HT) Gn 168 njlD"'^
riK3 1 S 30'3 2 B i313 Jb 22; in'indirect qu. Ju
13* 1 S2511; with eubst. annexed 2S 152 ntt?",K
nriK "Vy lit. whence, as regards city, art thou ?
Jon Is. c. +nt<P",t< Je 57 upon what ground 1
(33 super quo ?) how f With other adverbs, %
coalesces into one word, v. '"■a'tf, naa'X, nB^.
HWI ^ (lengthened from ^K, cf. ?n & nan)
interr.adv. Where P Gn i89i95 2 27; the most
gen. term expressing this idea, used of both
persons & things (but never with a verb [con-
trast nfa^Nj); oft. in poet. or elevated style, where
the answer nowhere is expected, Is 3318 3619
51" Je 2M (cf. Dt 3237 *$) 1 715 3719, Jb 1 s23 he
wandereth abroad for bread H*K (saying) Where
is it? 2 128 Zc i6 (Dn-n>K); in the (iron.) phrase
where is thy (their) God? t^42411 7910 1152
(KJT1»K) Jo 217; rhetorically, of an earnest in-
quiry Je268 J0D3510, or longing IS631115 Ju613.
Tp» (Aram. TO, Tl' [pron. dch]) adv.
1. interrog. How? Gn 26s 2 S i614 1 K 126
Is 206 al. ; oft. with impf. (esp. in 1 ps.) in an
expostulation Gn 39s 44s34 Jos 97 2 S 2s2 1218 \ff
1374, Is 4811 for how should it be profaned?
(l)iONn ytt how canst or dost thou (do you)
say...? Ju 1615 Is i911 Je2™ (cf. 88 rcw) 4814
\jf n1; in an indirect sentence 2 K 1728 Je 3617
RU318. 2. as an exclam. How! whether
of lamentation 2 S 1 " Je 221 918 Mi 24 ; or of
satisfaction Is i44lJ Je 48s9 5141 Ob5 al.; with
intensive force=/iow gladly! Je 319, how ter-
ribly! 96 (but others render here 'for how
[else] should I do'? etc.)
trCN (from ''K and H3 = nb ; cf. As. ekiam)
adv. 1 . interrog. In what manner ? rim
Tp6na>; (rather more definite than y$:=*fic;)
Dt i'12 717 1230 1821 3230 Ju 203 (indirect sen-
tence) 2 K616 Je88 ^73". 2. exclam. How!
(slightly more emph. than TO) Is i21 Je 4817
La i1 21 41'2. 3. Where? (prob. north-Isr.;
cf. Aram. *$% U*!' where? Cf. Br1""- "& «>)
only 2 K 613 Kt Ct i7', — each time in an indirect
"hrrtf 2 K 613 Qr where ? v. na'N 3.
tnSD^ (Ct) n33^t (Est) (from 'K & naa
thus) How? only CV53'3 Est 866.
I. [pfrj] adv. (from 'K; As. aina,ainu, Arab.
'{Jj\ where ? ^y>\ ^ whence ?) only in the com-
pound pM?]7 whence? Gn 294427 (syn. i"W?~,X
e.g. Gn 168 1 S 3013) Ju 179 1917 Jb i7' (22
njp_,K); used in a rhet. or poet, style (where
njo-'N would be too prosaic) Nu 1 113^ $ RUB
whence have I flesh etc. ? 2 K 6s Je 30" Alas !
for that day is great ; VltoS J?KO whence is its
like? (see also II. ])« ad fin.) Na 3' ^121' Jb
2gi2.»i. jn an jn(ijrect sentence J0S24 (cf. RJ^PB
|S adv. (contracted fr. I. |?X) where ? or
whither? I S 10" (cf. 2710 @ X, v. sub b« ad
fin.); only besides in +1$?'? whence ? 2 K 5s0 Kt
(Qr f?KD); +JN™I? of time to wAa/ jw&l ? *«*>
forca ? Jb 82. With h focaJe : ^(a)whither ? Gn
i6832ls 2S21i313 2K6G Isio3^i3977+9t.;
in indirect sentence Jos 2* Ne 216; (6) = where?
tltn 219; (c) in the pbrase HJN1 PI3X any
toftttfter ti K 23642 2 K 50-5; (d) of time, n:xnj)
how long ? tEx 1 6s8 Nu I4,tu (c. t6) Jos 183 Je
476 (sq. t6) rib i2 V i322'3'3 624 Jb 182 192 (less
common than the syn. T1? *iy).
tnfeW (from 'X & ns here) adv. 1. where?
Gn3716 1S1922 2S94 Is 4921 Je 32 Jb47384
Ru 219; in indirect sentence Je3619(less common
than n»K, used of persom [contrast i"1.]"^] and
with a verb [contrast >V.8]). 2. of what kind?
(qualis?) only Ju8".
fill. "W interj.(soinKabb., v.DeKohl97Wr
Ec,!l49") alas I (late) Ec 410^ »M (written in MT
as one word) alas for him (Ew !309c), the one,
who falleth, etc. (i.e. who falleth alone) io16.
tlV. N&$ adv. not (frequently in Rabb., as
T-"3X 'N impossible; and in Eth. the ordinary
negative; cf. Ph. <K CIS'", and in ^K16M8;
167,11 ; As. at) Jb 2230 ,i?5"'1^ the non-innocent.
"Hi 23 \S (1 S 421), "Ttl3"',M (1 S 143) n.
pr.m. (inglorious), son of Phinehas (explained
1 S 421 by ^ni^D "rtU ^bi glory is gone into
exile from Israel).
?3rM n.pr.f. (sense uncertain, CIS1- 168there
occurs the n.pr.f. 5>2?ni>JD Baal exalts % oris
husband tol [v. JsjJ], of which blVX is conjec-
tured by DHM to be an intentional alteration,
made for the purpose of avoiding the name Baal.
If so, 'X perhaps suggested to the Hebrew ear
the idea oiun-exalted or un-husbanded), queen
of Ahab, daughter of Ethbaal, king of Tyre
1 K 1631 1841319 i9'-22i5 + ; 2K97+.
I. ^N a.m. isle, coast, v. I. S"I}N.
II. l^N* nought, v. p. 34.
"»$pM v. ir?t«.
-ran*** v. 1. m.
T -r . TT
enemy = 3*)— Qal Pf. Y%&f\ Ex 23s; Ft. a**
(3*) Ex 15° + ; sf.^K^K) 2S 2219=^i818+;
f. i£ »^3h Mi 7810; l^k Ex 234+, etc.; pi.
EttJIJlfc ,/, 6824 1275; D^N ^ 13922, etc.; — be hos-
33 rra^
<z7« to, treat as enemy Ex 23s2 (E, Gov't code)
fT^prHJ 'rrai T'^N-nK »$^n (roM.*); else-
where Pt. i8i8B Term vk btof fjjjj
usually as subst. & mostly sf. ; enemy, of per-
sonal foe Ex 234 (E || KJS* v5) Nu 3S23 (P) 1 S
1917 (cf. 1829) 24520 2S48 1K2120 Jb 27' f 54»
55M (|| Hjfetp; opp. ^p, jn«D v") Mi 28 Pr 167
24'' + ; in sim. Je 30" (3% 1130) ; of public
national enemy, sg. Ju 16s321; coll. Ex 15'-'
Dt^f Na3n 2Ch624 + ; personif. Mi7"-10;
more oft. pi. Ex 23s2 (E) Lv 2671 (H) Nu io9 (P)
Dt l4S 619 Je 159 342021 + ; of enemies of God,
as protector of his people Nu io35 (J) Ju <531 1 S
3026 2 S i819 ^663 68'~ Na i28 Is 66" + ; as
morally supreme Jb 1324 331°V'3720 92,010 + ;
of God as enemy of rebellious people Is 63'°,
in sim. La 246.
tra',N n.f. enmity— 'X Gn 315+ 2 t.; cstr.
na'X Ez 2515 35s — enmity, personal hostility,
betw. men Nu352l22(P), betw. serpent & woman
Gn 315(J), betw. peoples Cib\0 rm? Ez 25" 35'.
n.i^N n.pr.m. Job (meaning unknown ; Thes
VS'tt ; obj. of enmity, cf. for pass. Bense *TO? ; Ew
comp. Ar. i_XI lie who turns (to God); but cf.
Di on il; all dub. cf. LagBN9°) Jb i>"'«» +
48t.Jb; EZI414-20.
n^ v. in. re», sub *».
T —
n"N v. ''s. □,,sn v. in. rm.
TP«, HSNt*. nDD^N v. ib.
^*, Vhs, rb$&, $h$, ]^, dV»m,
d1?^, n1?"^. ^"^ etc- v- ^N-
tV'M a.m. help (loan-word from Aram. JU/
"SiJjWfc eo Lag0""'81'175, No™01*626) only
in sim. '« M? 1?:3 f 885.
tfn^l^N] n.f. id. sf. V'^ V' 2220 my /teifc
(||mn>). T":
D^K (cf- *. Talm. D'« <«myi/ LagB!i28).
tosX adj. terrible, dreadful — terrible, of
Chaldeans Wn Jtjti) D'X Hb i7; of d'gnified
woman, awe-inspiring ni73"l23 nQJ_K: Ct 64W.
tnO^N ,, n.f. terror, dread (Talm. id., cf.
As. imtu, D1W)-'N Gn i5»+ ; "™,« Ex 15"
(cf GesW2B"); cstr.np'SPr 202; sf. IT^H! E«
23"- V1DK Jb 337, etc.; pi. D^S Je 5o:s; B^U
DWiH 34
Jb 20a; nto'N f 55s; sf. TSS ^ 8816;— terror,
dread (mostly poet.), inspired by ^ Ex 1516
(song inj; || ins) 23s; (E) Dt3225 Jb934 13s1 cf.
337; 2^P * 88" (|| D^\n, DT11V3 v17); cf. Gn
15" rcrflj nj'w'n TO'X; occasioned by enemies
Jos 2' Is 3318 Ezr 33; by king Pr 20s; cf. ^ 55s
njo nlcx (|| nxv, njn, nrcVa v6); pred. of
snorting of a war-horse Jbso/10, of teeth of croco-
dile Jb4i6; pi. fig. = idols (i.e. dreadful, shock-
ing things) Je 5038 (|| D^D3).
TD,E'1N n.pr.in.pl. TZznim. (terrors) ancient
inhab. of Moab Gn 1 45 (tWXH) ; Dt 210 ('»xn) ;
v" ('»«).
L []?N]. i^D w^««ce ? v. sub "X.
II. PK, P& cstr. PX subst. prop. nothing,
nought (Moab. JX, As. idnu). 1. tls 4023 fn'ian
pXp D'JrtT who bringeth princes to nothing ;
tW| a* no^jny, ib. 4017 41"" Hg 23 ^39°;
almost (|| CyD|) ^ 73!; +pxt? of nothing Is 4 I24.
2. cstr. pX, very freq. as particle of nega-
tion, is not, are not, was not, were not, etc.
(corresp. to the affirm. B* q.v. Similar in
usage, though not etym. akin, are ,jllJ, fiv,
h»«A, fi£VP:), prop. ' there is nought of . . .' sq.
a subst. or a pron. suffix (WK [verbal form,
Qggjioo.SiW.icj^j^ rjyx, yyx, n|j%, oarx,
D3,x, alsp V' 59" toy«, 735 to^'K): twice ab-
normally, in late Heb.; anom. "3K PX, «"?«. PS
Ne417 (so sts. Tiff, fc^£, No"-"-296); once,' in-
correctly, JIN Hg 21'
denying existence
absolutely Is 4 46 4 710 'Jtp pX </tere is none that
seeth me, lit. nought of one seeing me ! "ity px
</<«re is none else Dt 439 1 K 860 Is 456-6l8!B. b.
more commonly, in a limited sense, there is
none here or at hand Ex 212 and he saw PX-,3
B"X that <Aere was no man (sc. there), Nu 2 16;
Gn 524 *3yxi and he i«a« no* (of Enoch's disap-
pearance from earth) 4213 one (cas.pend. as oft.),
lie is not, v36; oft. = ?s (or has) vanished Gn 3730
1 K 2040 Is 1714 V3710 103" Jb 812 2424 2719.
C. with the sense determined by a predic. fol-
lowing : Gn 37s9 Joseph was not in the pit, 4 139
+ oft.; Ex 510 fan D3^> |ni »|J^J / am not giv.
ing you straw ; and so often with particip.
where duration has to be expressed Gn $gm
Dt2ill> Is i16 Je716, or intention Gn 207 DX
. . ,V[ 3'B'p IJ'X if thou art not restoring her,
know, 43s Ex 817 3315 (idiomatically, after DX;
v. Dr »1S7) Ju 1 23. Toll. once pleon.by &„ + 13517.
Treated as a mere part, of negation, PX may
vaiy its position in the sentence, the subst.
which should strictlystand in thegenitive being
not only separated from it by a little word, as
fa Gn 37", 6 Ex 221, DB> Ex 1 230, D5 ,/, 14s, etc.,
but even for emphasis prefixed to it, as Gn 1 931
408 *tf!K PX -in'B* 41" Ex 516 JU139 146 i615 191
(so MI 24) : if however it be thus brought to the
end of a sentence, or be disconnected with what
follows, it stands in the absol. form, as Gn 25
noixn 12V? pX mXI and man there was none
to till the ground, Lv2637 px *ITl1,Nu205 2K
193 Ho 134 Mi 7s. d. sometimes the subj.
has to be supplied from the context : thus (a)
ti S94 and they passed through the land of
Shaalim pXI and tliey (the asses) were not (lit.
and nought /), esp. after vbs. of waiting or
seekinglssg" ^6921 Jb39; Is4i17Ez725Pii46;
134; 204. (|S) tEx 177 is *S in the midst of us
.'pX-DX or not f Nu 1320. (y)tJu 420 l£* PTjetn
then thou shalt say, There is not, iK i810i Sio14.
(&) Gn 301 give me children, pX~DX1 and if not,
I die, Ex 3232 Ju 91520 2 S 176 (v. Dr) 2 K 210
Jb 33s3- e- with subj. not expressed, once
(late), Dn85 Hx? 5$ PB] and (it) was not
touching the earth. f. once, Jb3515 with the
finite vb.; but rd. here "Jp3 PX '3 (the usage of
JLJj, cited by De, does not justify the anomaly
in Heb.) Je 38s the impf. may be due to the
fact that no ptcp. of ?3J was in use, and a relat.
must be tacitly supplied : ' The king is not (one
that) can do aught against you.' On Ex 32
seeGes i6*aB-6; Ew*169d. 3. ? pX, with subst.,
or pron., there is (was) not to ... = .. . have, has,
had, etc. not : Gn 1 130 *v} Fl? px she had no child,
Nu 2 79 MS v PX'DtO and if he have no daughter
+ oft.; withaptcp. bt22il Je 1416 3017 49s 5032
^ 1425 Lai2917; Ex222 i^ f&O* if he have
nought, Dn 9s6 y? pxi and have nought (or none).
4. in circumst. clauses (Dr5164): — (a)Ex2iu
she shall go out free *[B3 px without money,
229 HX"1 pX none seeing it, Nu II6 IS471 J«232
Ho34'7n ^32" 885+. (6) Dt324 a God of
faithfulness ?)$ PXI and no iniquity, i.e. with-
out iniquity, Je 521 Jo I6 i/' 10425. (c) very oft.,
in such phrases as T^HSJ PXI with none to
affright Lv 266 (12 t); 'n331?' pxi Isi31al.;
V*Q pxi 5« + f, etc. (Dri'59)'. S.'with inf.
and '?, it is not to. . .: i.e. (a) like oiie lariv, it
is not possible to... (cf. sub B'.'1. and X?), but
hardly exc. in late Heb.; 2 Ch 206 ^V pXI
3!l'-)!1'!'r' U is not 2>ossible to stand (in conflict)
with thee, 229 Ezr916 Ec 314 Est42. Once with-
out 7, yjf 406 TJB "n^J? f*X ovk ea-Ti jrapa^dWfiv 001.
(/3) there is no need to ... 1 Ch 23s6 G$? Dj|
DXB'7"f,X for the Levites also i/<ere was wo ««ec?
to bear 2 Ch 511 3516 (v. Dr'2021). 6. with
prefixes : — a. t P*?3 prop, in defect of: — (a) for
want of, without — Pr 5s3 he will die ">DVS P^3
for lack of instruction, 11" flfenn pN3 with-
out guidance, 144 1522 2620 2918 Is 571 Ez 38";
cf. S<?3. (/3) of tiine = M.,Ae»i there was (were)
not Pr 8™. b. tP?| Is 5910 tfjgy f-Nf poet,
for D3TI ft HJ 13^3 (cf. Ew*286* Ges*152-1'"). c.
+ pxb (a) for ft |U"I»^ IS4029; in late prose
2 Ch 1410 Ne 810. (/9) in the condition of
not... (7 of state, v. sub 7)=without or so
that not . . . (peculiar to Ch), 1 Ch 2 24 cedar
trees "1BDO psp without number, 2 Ch 1 412 and
there fell of the Cushites TWO DH^T^ so
that they had none remaining alive, 2025 PN?
KETp so that there was no carrying away, 2118
Ezr 914. (y) H«{n8 (see *> "VI), 2 Ch 3616 until
there vmsno remedy (cf. « • • PX "13? V,4°13 JD59)-
d. pND (a) (P? causal) from lack of. . . Is 502
Je732 1911. (ft) (p? negative, v. IP) prop, away
from there being no . . . (with pN pleon., cf.
V3D, and pt< V31?), i.e. so that not. . ., without,
mostly epexegetical of some term expressing
desolation : Is 59 Surely many houses shall be
desolate SB/V P$K> witi 'tout inhabitant, 6" + oft.
Je & Zp; Is 6" D1H pKD, Je3243nDn:» CCJN pso
331012 EZ3328; La349. Once sq. inf. Mal213
so that there is no regarding more, (y) in Je
io" 1i»3 pND, pXO is supposed by some to=
a strengthened P$, even none, none at all; but
it is difficult to justify this expl. logically; and
it is preferable to point v®3 p^D whence is any
like thee ? cf. 307. (So Hi : v. Dr£
^N iSzi'-.t?! flfl prob. irreg. for p«
(so KiGes Efft""'2*" Ol"40 Sta'1940) with B»
pleon. (as yjr 13517); >dialect.=Aram. ^,( , PS
num ? (De, but v. Dr8m ad loc.)
tnETNs6,nDN n.f. ephah (etym. dub., ®
oi0i etc., cf. Copt, oipi, Thes Lag oril-2 & cit.)
—'«. Nu 515 + ; HDNEx i636 + ; cstr.ns^N LV1936
+ ; — ephah, a grain-measure. 1. a certain
quantity of wheat,barley, etc. = ten omers ("V?5?)
Ex 1636 (cf. in measure of offerings Lv 511 613
Nu5is 286, all '«n Nrfff%; =rV chomer ("ion)
Ez 4511 ( = bath, J"I3, liqu. meas. q.v.) cf. Is 510;
chiefly of offerings, v. supr. & 1 S I24 Ez 4513-'3-
54.24.24 ^ rf Ju6» bu<. algQ of fo0(J
i S 1 717 cf. Eu 217 & Is 510 supr. 2. receptacle
or measure, holding an ephah, in proph. vision
7c 56.r.8.9.io. jugt meagure pnx-na's Lv 1936
(II 'JHJWD, 'JT'SSK, 'X pil) cf'.Ez4510-11; nB'K
'SI nD^ Dt 2515 (|| 'XI 'B» |3«); of unjust mea-
sure nsw fl3\X Dt2514 Pr2o10;;K ptppn Am 85;
35 ^rN
|*1 na'X Mi 610. (On the actual size of ephah,
cf. na).
rTE',« v. sub 'H.
B^K, ti'lK (Stem assumed in Thes for
E^K ; existence & mng. somewhat dub. Thes
(Add) & most derive t^K fr. [$«] ■/#» (q.v.)
In favour are pl.D'BOK, fem.n^K=[rie>Mjt], lack
of proven V E^X, & lack of clear parallels for
Vhtt in cogn. lang. Against the deriv. of B"K
fr. inS is the vocalization ft—, and that fully
written, not — ), maintained even with guff.,
the (rare) pi. O'E^X, the impossibility of deriv-
ing B"N & ne»K from same V (n&*K fr. «^ol),
the existence of K*13K as parallel form, and the
(exceptional) parallel Aram. E"N (Inscr. of
Carpentras), also Ar. JjLLo! (cf. Fray) || ,_Jjl ;
MI, SI, Ph. b»k are not decisive ; Sab. has both
DDN & DD3N ; the former app. = Bi,N, the latter
Eh3N ; but on former cf. DHMZK ,88)-360 & Sab.
Denkm.37. On the whole, probability seems to
favour v B"N ; Thes gave mng. be strong; Dl
BA».rriei comp Ag_ iganUf strong (cf DF'pM4),
& n.pr. K'Kini ; cf. also PratLorh- F"b- 1884 ; other-
wise DHM '•«•'* ZMG1883-330 & esp. No2"0188*™ Lag
BN68; cf. also Wetzst in Dep^,nen''d-4p-888 al. v.
also SMK, En3«).
&H a.m. mari (=vir) (MI, SI, Ph. CN,
• 2166 X ' *
perh. also Sab. DDK cf. Prat,c-, but DHM 2MG 188S-
33oj_/N abg Gn 2z>+ . cgtr, Gn 2527+ ; sf. ^K
usually DTJK Gn i220 + , fr. -/t«N q.v:; cstr.
^;3K J u 617 + ;'sf. ^JS 1 S 2312 etc. ;—man, opp.
woman Gn 2s3-24 Lv 2V27 Nu 56 Dt 1 f Jos 621 8s
Je 40', emph. on sexual distinction & relation Gn
i98 2416 3825Ex2215 Lv^'^y^r nsffly»(nf*i
'T'tf rin« Jhj 33B»> Ti-K) 2010' Nu 513f Dt 22s2'
Is 41 + ; thence = husband, esp. c. sf. Gn 3616 163
293234 Lv2i7Nu3o7f Dt2856 Jui38'Rui3f iS
2519 Je 29s Ez i645+ ; fig. of * as husb. of Isr.
*Bi''N H0218 (opp. V??); man as procreator,
father Ec 63; of male child Gn 41 cf. EWJS JH|
1 S iu; mam, opp. beast Exu7 Lv 2o's (cf.
D"1K) ; cf. fig. i^227 but also of male of animals
GnV2 (VWlfl C'S); ?nara, opp. God Gn3229
Nu2319 ^1 S« C^K Kb (|| Dnjn^ ttVjTffl; Jb
9323213 Hon9 cf. Is3i8 Jb'121'0 (">Wb? rjri
^N); hence in phrases to denote ordinary, cus-
tomary, common tf^ B3B>' 2 S 714 (|| V.? »?»
DIN); D'E-JK Dn^ Ez 241722 (cf. Is 81); E'V"^
Dt3u; but also contr. D"IX ^4936210; man,
valiant 1 S 499 {Of^ «*n?) so 1 K 2s cf. 1 S
2615; so b)n B^K 31'2 2S249 iKi^-r; also
nipni>D B^K Nu3i49Dt21416Jos54-,l+; even of''
S 2
Ex 15s nonbt? tf'K mn'; 0ft, prefixed to other
nouns in ap'p. fn* '« Gn 423033, BBfen T& 'K Ex
2", |nb 'S Lv 2 19, DnD 'K Je 387; partic. bef.
adj. gent. *T$? E*K Gn 391 Ex* 21119 cf. Gn 37s
38'* 39" 1 S *71*30,,-u + ; a man as resident
in, or belonging to a place or people Nu 25°
Ju io' + (soPh.); usually pi. V^^SiS 7"
31" cf. Jos74S+; alsosg.coll. Dt27l4Jos967 Ju
20!1 1 S 1 1 8 (v. Dr) + ; 2 S 1 o6-8 (ato '*») ; (so MI
10ls); m«n = retainers, followers, soldiers 1 S 1827
23sf24s 25,s+cf.Dt338sg.coll.v.Di; D^N E>'N
man o/Cod^proph. Dt33l J0SI46 1 S9" 1 K
I2is'+(v. DViIsk); in phrase sq. abstr. 7*} 0HJ,
nonfiD 'k v. supr.; ran? '« Dt3225, own 'x
2 s 1 67 cf. v. 8, Sy^an 'n 2 s 1 67, njo "k i k 226,
DDn 'S ^ 1 4012 Pr331 + ; sq. word of occupation,
etc.m'B"K Gn 25s7, nD-lNn'K Gi^cf.Zc 1 3s), '«
B^ flftoHMtoft l8l?< (cf. Dr) v23, OlfeS 'S2S
1 820, "ITISV E*N Aw counsellor Is 40", cf. ^"in fc*M
I K 20J2; ffjl '« Pr 1824; oft. distrib.='eac/»,
every Gn 9s 10s 40" Ex I23 + ; incl. women
Jb 42" 1 Ch 163 iyi thxg bxyj) vfojrt$ pfeji
tjnjpS? &t6 nflk; of inanim.' things iK^3036';
also E*S E»K Ex 364 Nu 41949 Ez i447 + ; any one
Ex343-3:!4 + ; also E^tjt B*K Lv 152 2 2418 + ; of
gods 2 K 1 833= Is 3618 ; one... another "E^K ttTTII
'n'ljrns itw injn-ns eta] i,nK-nsEx3227, ».&*«
vntc Dt i16 Mi y2 (v.'nN),>nj)T...^KGn nM+
(v. in) of inanimate things Gn 1510.
tfWfi-ttT'M n.pr.m. Ishbosheth (for B"N
*3J?3 man of Baal v. OB*!, i»$?3 & Di*"-**BA^
,nne1881) 1. son of Saul, & king of Isr., with
David as rival 2 S 2swnM fu" 4?*™, also v12 ©
Dr cf. We;= SyaUJN 1 Ch S'V9; cf.also 2. 2 S
23", where rd. nK>3&!N* for n3E>3 aB''' so © We
Dr ; one of Dvd's heroes ; v. qne* 1 Ch 1 111 2 72.
TTin C^N n.pr.m. (man of majesty) a man
of Manasseh 1 Ch 718.
t flirt* n.[m.] pupil of eye (cf. D1HA9 Prat
LOFh.7.1,.1*^ but alg0 Ar •jjj ^Llll, & No
mow*. ,»)_/„ a]1 C8tr-_f:y '« Dt 32'o pr7S.
HP13 'K ^ 178 (in all, sim. of preciousness);
= middle, midst of night n"?SKl n"?;*? 'K3 Pr 7";
15" '"3 2020 Kt i. e. in deep darkness (Qr
p^N3 v.' Now).
yirPN Ez 4016 Qr v. JVT1N sub fWN.
",n,,N, t?N',rv,N v. ntc with.
iojvn v. "k sub 1. mn.
7[!S! adv. (perh. from the same demonstr.
root found also in '3, H3, J3). 1. surely. 2.
with a restrictive force, emphasizing what fol-
lows: a. in contrast to what precedes, howbeit;
b. in contrast with other ideas generally,
only. 1. asseverative, often introducing with
emphasis the expression of a truth (or sup-
posed truth) newly perceived, esp. in colloquial
language, surely, no doubt (dock wohl) ; Gn 26°
Kin <i|ns>K nan *]X of a surety, lo, she is thy
wife ! " 2914 44s8 Ju 324 2039 1 S 166 surely the
anointed of * is before him ! 2521 Je 54 ifr 5812
73113; but also in other cases, though rarely,
Is 34"-" Zp37 ^236 139" 14014 Jbi67 182'1;
& rather singularly Ex 1 21S 3113 Lv2327-39(all P).
2. restrictive : a. in contrast to what pre-
cedes, howbeit, yet, but: G1194 howbeit, flesh
with the life thereof. . . ye shall not eat, 2012
Ex2isi LV2123 2726 Nui81517 2S313; Jeio24
correct me, BE^OS^S but with judgment, Jb26
1316; sts. with anadvers. force, as Is 1415 4324;
before an imper. (minimizing the request), Gn
2313 only, if thou wilt, I pray thee, hear me !
2713 Juio15 1S1817 iKi713al. So iS8D
'3 7]K (v. '3; and cf. nXi/v on), b. in contrast
to other ideas generally: — (a) Gn 7^ i832^]N
Dysn only this once (so Ex io'7 al.) 3415 Ex 1 216
(note accents), 1 S 188 ro^tsn ^ "6 1\V) and
there yet remains for him only the kingdom,
2 16 Isa 4514 ^X 'I? ^S only in thee is God !
f 62s etc. Jb 1422; > 378 fret not thyeelf W
int}{ (which leadeth) only to do evil, Pr n24
he that withholdeth more than is meet "H&
"liDnipp (tendeth) only to penury, 1423 21s 2216;
(/3) attaching itself closely to the foil, word
(usually an adj., rarely a verb), only, i.e. ex-
clusively, altogether, utterly Dt 1610 and thou
shalt be n?E' t]N altogether rejoicing, 28s9 (cf.
t*P!) Isa 167 D»KM ~i\X utterly stricken, 19"
Jei619 nought but lies, 3230 Ho 1212 Jb 1913
y~fi "i\X are wholly estranged (wifh play on
^3N cruel). c. as an adv. of time (with inf.
aba.), twice : Gn 2 730 K3 lb'JJ] . . . 3pj»: N£ N'r •]«
only just (or scarcely) had Jacob gone out, . . .
and ( = when) Esau came in, Ju 719. — ^) thrice :
Gn 95 and only (second limitation of v3); Nu
2220 but only; Jos 2219 but howbeit.
Note. — In some passages the affirmative
and restrictive senses agree equally with the
context; and authorities read the Hebrew
differently. Thus only = nought but, altogether,
is adopted by Ges Ew Hi De in ^ 23s 6210
731'13; byEw Hi De in 39s-7 (Che surely); by
Ges Ew De in 3912 (but Hi Che surely); by
Ew Hi in 7318 (De Che surely); by Ges Hi
De in 139" (Ew doch). Isa4514 Ges Ew Hi
Di only ; but De Che of a truth.
13M 37
tl3Kn.pr.loc. Akkad Gn io10 Wtn WJTJ
:iwr jnsa n^si/Ni ijt$j boa ta&eo; name of
a city in Northern (?) Babylonia; = Bab.
Akkadi, mostly name of land or district, but
also of city, v. Hilpr.Fre,brl,!fNobI'':°ul',-!io; loca-
tion uncertain; on possible identif. or confusion
with Agade (Agate, Aganel), city of Sargon I,
cf. Dlr'*198 & KI9f- COT Gn io10 Tide00*"-1-76'-
swn, anan v. ata.
t : - • ; -
TOR "nt3*», ninttM v. no.
BfaN n.pr.m. kingofGath i S 2i,ll21315 +
I5t.i S27-29+ 1 K239-4°(perh.cf. Jfco^'anijrer).
7DN vb. eat (Ar. Jiff, As. akdlu Dlw,
Aram3?«^>i r)— Qal P/. ^?? Ex 34s8 + ; n^3S;
Nu2i28+, etc. Impf. bg*> Gn4927 + ; ^h
Gn z$*+; fe*$ Gn 36+ ; !$* Lv zi22-)-; b?K
Gn 2433+ ; 59*5 27s3; !«*) Is 44"; $&% Gn
3a.ii. jpLtfto* Gn3233+; %# Dti818+;
etc. (for ^ Ez 42s rd. 1^V!% l^N' ® Ew
Co); sf. «»# Lv76+; Da}^ la 33" etc.,
prob. also VV?3Nfl Jb 2026, either as secondary
form fr. 1&1 (Ew '^Di) or text, error (Ges*68-1)
>Pi., Thes Kb1-389; or Po'el, Ki De MV; Imv.
b'OX 1 K i84' + , etc.; Inf. abs. ^3N Gn 216+ ;
cstr. bb« Nu 26'°+ 2 t.; bbvb Gn 2433+ ; rtat£
Je 129; Pt. b:k (Sofc) Gn 396 + , njofc Ex
24'"+ , etc. — 1. eai, human subject Gn 3"19
+ oft.; mostly c. ace. Exi635 + ; also sq. ~p?
(ea< q/j — some of, — cr from) EX3415 Ru2,4-|-;
sq. 3 (eat of or at) Ex i243f; abs. Dt 26+ ; as
act of worship Gn 3154 (cf. 461) Ex 1812 24" 3415
Dt 12718 I4M+; cf. of priests Ex 29s2 Lv io13
+ ; cf. ^"inn-bs bm Ez 1861115 22"+ 33s5
D^n-by Co Dnrapjj (but PS*"- Sem- '■ K4 N would
emend first 4 by last); eat up, finish eating
Gn432(c.ni>3) iKi328 + ; Dr6 ?3K=takeameal
Gn4325Ex220 1 S2024 Je4i14-J so 'n alone Gn
4316 iS205 + ; tir\)> 'ti = eat, get food Gn 319
2 K 48+ ; Am 712 (i.e. spend one's life) cf. Ec
5"; 'b 'K *6 i.e./aa< 1 S 2820 3012 Ezr io6 cf. Dn
io3; fig. WtpaviN 'K Ec4s (i.e. waste away); eat
words Je 1 516 (i.e. eagerly receive); of adultery,
Pr qo20 :p« vibya-N^ mex! tv» nnnoi rtax j
O '•,■ |T • : c t t 1 |T| t A« t-: |T t : it >
eat (taste) good fortune, 3*lt33 'K Jb 2125; 'Stb
v3N! according to his eating, i.e. ace. to his needs
in eating Exi24 161618 also v21; cf. Jb20sl&
sub nb3X ; nan b?X 2 K 1 9s9 Am 914, of peaceful
enjoyment of results of labour; fig. of receiving
consequences of action, good or bad Pr I31 18"
Ho io13 cf. ystpa-nx ^3N-D3 bl&\ Gn 3iu i.e.
he has reaped all the benefit, cf. Ho 7*; fig. of
mourner, '^K Dr^3 1SS< ,/, IC210 (cf. 8o*
Hiph., & As. akdl al dkul, bikitum kurmati =
food I ate not, weeping (was) my refreshment
Hptun-ifcLw^BH^. of gotl8i partak.
ing of sacrifices Dt3238; fig. = destroy Dt 7"
(cf. Nu 1 49) ; cf. Je 1 o2S 3016 507 Ho 77. 2. of
beasts, birds, etc., eat, devour; Gn 3720'33 4017"
1K1328 1411 164 212324 Ho214 + ; specif, of
locusts Jo I4 2M 2 Cb.713 cf. A1B4'; moth Jb
1328; flies f 78tt; worms Dt 2839; also Ez i93-«
(of Isr. under fig. of lion), cf. Je 50717 5 134;
also Ho 138 (of' under fig. of lion), Ez 2 225
OtS? ^??., °f false proph. under fig. of lion).
3. fig. of fire, devour, consume Lv 63 (sq. 2 ace.
consume offering to ashes) Na313 IS524 (in sim.),
partic. of fire fr. '' Lv io2 1626 Ju 915' 1 K 1838
2 K i101214 2 Ch 71; cf. Am. i*»mmu 2t» 5«+ .
Dt 5m of fire at Sinai; of '' as fire (in judgment)
Dt424 Kin rfyak B>N •prtSlfJ '' '3 ; cf. Dt 93 Is io'7
(lh»3) 3O27-303314(||D^y'Hi?iD). 4. of sword,
devour, slay Dt 3242 2 S 226 1 125 1 88 Ho 1 1« Je
2s> I2i2. cj- 0f devastation of land Is I7 Je 816.
5. in genl. devour, consume, destroy (inanim.
subj.) of drought Gn 3140; of pestilence Ez 715;
of forest 2 S 188; cf. Lv 26s8 P.? °?™$ *b?X)
D3'3;n ; of ne;3n je 324 (v. ryfa). ' ' e. fig.' of
oppression, devour the poor, etc. Pr 3014 Hb 314
cf. Vr 144; of bitter enmity ,-lfef71K !>3$6 f 2f.
(cf. Jb 1 9s2). tNiph. Pf bj*y[ cons. Ex 22s
Impf by£ Gn 62, + ; bhm Nu I212, etc.; Inf.
abs. i'bNn Lv718 197; Pt. f. rbiva Lv 1 1*;— 1.
6« ea<en. by man Ex 1246 I *-7 2128 2931 Lv
69.16.19.S3 ^ jj41 ^6.7.21 j 230 2gl7 Ez452';
of custom, usage Gn 621 Ex 1216 Dt 1222 Jb 6";
of permission to eat Lv 719 n13-34-47-47 1713; c.
neg. beuneatable Je24238 29". 2. be devoured
by fire, consumed Zp I18 38 Zc 94 Ez 23s5. 3.
6« waited, destroyed, of flesh Nu 1212 Je 3016.
Pu. Pf. 1??X be consumed with fire Ne 2313 cf.
Na i10 (fig.); so Pt. bm (=b3KV Ew!169d) Ex
32; by sword Is i20 ty»®. tHiph. Pf. 2 ms.
sf. Dnbsn ^ 806, "hb?*™ IS4926; sf. TP^,?1
cons.'is5814; T1?^1? Ez i619; D'ni)3Sni'Cons.
Je 199; Impf. sf. «|^ Nu n418, etc.; 2 ms. js.
^3Nn ; 1 s. ?$* Hon4; Imv. *&*$} Pr 25s1,
etc.; 7n/:^?i?|'Ez2iS3(butCoi)nnKqv.); Pt.
7'3SO Je 2315, etc.; — 1. cause to eat, feed with,
sq. 2 ace. subj. mostly''; Ex 1632 Dt 8316 Ez 32
Jei99; abs. Hon4; cf. Nun418; fig. Je 9"
2315 Is4926 58" Ez 1619; also + 806 onb Dni)3Kn
njnp'1! (cf. 10210 Qal supr.); sq. ace. pers. + JD
^ 81", but also subj. man Pr 2521; 1 K 22s7
a Ch 18* n$ D$ V^?«5?1 of prison fare ; sq.
ace. pers. only 2 Ch 28", cf. Ez 2a. 2. cause to
devour, obj. sword Ez 2133 (but on text vid. Co).
72N n.m. Gn41'36 food (Ar. jtf, Aram.
JOMK, JboV, As.aAa/MDlw, Eth. Ml&:)— 'Xabs.
On 41"+; cstr. Gn4i3548; sf. \ij3N LV2537;
^3K Mai 1 » etc. ;— Hex mostly JED, not Ez —
food, food-supply , esp. cereals of store in Egypt
Gn 4i3SJS+ 12 t.Gn 41-44; 4724 cf. i4n(JE);
also Lv 1 184 25" (P) Dt 26-28 (D); '« q# unity
o//ood Dt 23M(D) (|| *|D3 '3, etc.); i>$kn D$ a<J
meal-time Ru 2"; tpoet. i^t.; — /ood \^io718;
of offerings Mai i12; partic. food Jb 12" (as
tasted); 3631 (as given by God) so ^i4515;
SP3J a^nb 'K Lai" cf. v"; esp. cereals Pr 1323
Jo*ri6 Hb317; but also flesh V78'8'30; of food
(prey) of wild animals ^ 1 0421 ( || spo) tt ; of prey
of eagles Jb 9s6 39w; ravens 384'.
i"i~l70N n.f. food, eating (with some ver-
bal force, cf Drjrh1"-217) only P, & Ez ; always
r$9$j>, 1. esp. in phr. like ^ rWr) D3^> Gn I29 621
93 Lv 1 139; so 25s H^" D?^ H?7 n?^ "$#1;
cf. 'Kb fOJ Gn i30 Ex 1615. 2. devouring, by
wild beasts, only fig. of ravaged people Ez 29s
34s'8'10 394> cf. 351J- 3- consuming, in fire Ez
1546, of fire-sacrifice of children 2337; fig. of
judgment of '< Ez 2137; (cf. also inf. of ??£).
^5^1 Pr 301 rd. 5>3NJ & v. fife).
'tTn'ON n.f. an eating, a meal 1 K 198
(on form v.Ba1™188).
t^3NE n.m. Jul414 (f. Hb i16) food—
'O Gn29+2°it.; cstr. 5>3MD Gn407+3t.;
sf. l|»3«0 Ez410; "taxp Hbl16; ^3KO Pr68;
D3i53KO Dn iw—food, in genl. Gn 621 1 K io6=
2 Ch 94 Hg 212; opp. drink Ezr 37 2CI1 1 1" Dn
i10; i"1!^'? ^^p Jl>3320; fig. of peoples as fishes,
food for Chaldeans Hb 1 16; appl. to fruit Gn 29
36 (of tree 1&> 3to) cf. '»T5? Lv 1923 Dt2020
Ne 9K Ez 47,2:'2; appl. to m Is 62s; appl. to
honey Ju 1 414 ; to flour 1 Ch 1 241 where appos.
nop; to food of ants Pr68 (||Dn^); to baker's
work Gn 40'7 cf. Ez 410; appl. to carcasses, as
food for beasts & birds of prey Dt2826 V' 792
cf. 4412 ('» f**f, sim. of suffering people) Je y33
* D /3NQ n.f. knife (as cutting instrum.,
or instrument for dividing, making small, cf.
38 THCtVm
S[iegfr.]ThlZN<"'I7''8S) Jui 9s9; rhsnp Gn2 26,°,
pi. nfetcp Pr 30".
tnVfsC n.f. fuel cstr., only tffc'KO lS9«-».
1"JY?S)0 n.f. food-stuff, consisting in D'tSH,
1 K 5^ (on form v. Bo'416 Sta1112*'2).
t|DK (perh. from Wj cf. Aram. ffi & j?-n)
adv. with strong asseverative force: a. surely,
truly, esp. at beginning of a speech (stronger
& more decided than Xfi) Gn 2816 Ex 2" 1 S
1532 Is 407 4516 Je 3s323 410 88. In 1 K 1 12 »?K
stands unusually; and "J3 (cf. © <S X) should
prob. be read (so Klo). b. emphasizing a
contrast, but indeed, but in fact, esp. after ^"lDK
/ said or thought, expressing the reality, in
opp. to what had been wrongly imagined, Is
494b (opp. to V) 534 (OPP- to v3-") Je 3*> (opp.
to the expectation v19b) Zp 37b V 3inb (opp.
tov23*) 6619 827 (opp. to v6) Jb 32s (opp. to v7).
t'lDitf vb. press, urge (Mish. id., Aram.
Aofbe urgent, cf. &>o}, Ar. i_jl5l saddle); —
Qal Pf. Pr 1 6M WB vbv '« ( || *6 nbpy i>EJ) Efej)
i.e. his hunger impels him to work.
t [*pN] n.m. pressure, sf. «3* Jb 337 (©
al. rd. »»?cf. 1321, but cf. Di).
"QK (Ar. J5I dig, till the ground).
t""GN n.m. Jo111 ploughman, husband-
(Ar.Jlfi, Aram. J*#', Nl?,{<, cf. Mish.)
'K sg. abs. Je 5123 ( + VTOS) Am 516; pi. nnax
Je 144 3124 (|| T!SQ Wp:i) '2 Ch 2610 (|| M?iS)
Jo i11 (|| id.), D3*T$K Is6i5 (|| id.)
r]UJ2N v. *|Bb.
I. 7N (=jT, Ar. article, preserved perh.
in following words derived by Hebrews from
(or through) Arabic-speaking tribes; cf. Eng.
algebra, Alhambra, alkali, alcohol, alcove, etc.)
tttfaaSM n.[m.] hail (=Ar. JJJS gyp-
sum; cf/sub E>3J) '« 'J?* Ez 131113 38".
to",*p,lil7^| n.[m.J pi. a tree (foreign & ob-
scure) alw. with ^S J|, perh. sandal- wood : — 2 Ch
27 It] D^i-O D"nK :,X5? (fr. Lebanon); '« ^5? 2 Ch
910 (II n"!^ I??; ^oth &■ Ophir); cf. v", vid. foil.
tff'MjV*? n.[m.]pl. id, D'?oi)K ^ 1 K
io11-12 (fr. Ophir); 'Kn 'V 1 K io12!
tTtiWM n.pr. of South-Arab, people (but
prob. rd. b$ (Sab., god) for ^«,cf. Di Gn io!,,&
Glas8""-280 God is loved (?)) Gn io20 1 Ch I2".
taipS^band of soldiers (=Ar. 'pJI,
people; so E. Castle, Thes etc., cf. Che** * 8o1- "6;
>text. error for D^K Hi cf. Now) Pr30n.
tl?iri7N n.pr.loc. (cf. "&« sub lb") city
< t .
in southern Judah Jos 1530 194; cf. also *VW
(q.v.) 1 Ch 42'J.
II. 7K adv. of negation (so Ph. e.g. CIS
; wu BAram., Sab. (DHM™01875-696), and in the
Eth. A£VO: aZ6o, w woA, denying however,
not objectively as a fact (like SO, ni), but sub-
jectively as a wish (like pi), expressing there-
fore a deprecation or prohibition : a. (a) with
a verb, which is then always an impf. (never
an imperative), by preference in the cohort,
or jussive mood, where this is in use, and may
be of any person or number; Gn 151 and often
«y?"*J(g fear not! 2212 f|» fl^f^O* put not
forth thy hand, 37s7 tar*rtjo* W} and let not
our hand be upon him, 2116 nN"iK"?K let me
not look upon the death of the lad! V' 25s
flBfatOK let me not be ashamed ; with 1 pi.
(rare) 2 Si3ssJei818Jom". In an imprecation
poet. "b« (cf. \bj>, >nj(), but only in Job (t3n
5M '5M 2919). with suff. &, Tfo flfe etc.
0% D3^K& (5t.) DJ^ dn^K & rjnfe (both
very often), once to^j yf, 2\ ]r\"b»t once jn^K
Ex i19 (As. Hi, Ar. Jil), prep, denoting mo-
tion to or direction towards (whether physical
or mental). 1. of motion to or unto a person
or place Gn2,9223» 8" 1422 169 etc., after every
kind of verb expressing motion (Ki3; ^il,
K£, etc.) So with fro to give (though b is
here more common) Gn2i14 35* Dt 13" + ; 1?D
to sell 3736, etc. Metaph. Je 2" ?]^K Wlia nS
and that my fear (cometh) not unto thee (cf
Jb 31s3).— Peculiarly Gn 616 TOS b« unto the
length of a cubit, etc. And metaph. in the
phrase ^Sp.^K)"^ unto exultation tHo 9"
Jb 3s2. Once, exceptionally (si vera 1.) =even :
Jb 5s Wing! DnSEriw and even out of thorns he
taketh it. Sometimes pregnant, as Is 6617 Je
4 1 ' ?K njt commit whoredom (by going) to Nu
251 Ez I626-28-29; ^ EHT Seek (by resorting) to
one (sc. for oracles) Dt 1811 Is 819 n10-|-; *OU
Gn 49" Inin-PN have not thou the excellency! '§ join together (& come) unto Gn 143; D'aB'n
i/f 10912 Jb346. Sometimes strengthened by
W: Gn 138 i83al. (b) without a verb, (a)
2 S i21 Ze< (there be) not dew & not rain upon
you ! Is 626 1^83'. (/3) used absol., in deprecation
Gn 1918 2 S 1316 (v. sub rVfM) 2 K 313 416 627 (v.
RVm : but possibly to be expl. by Dr*1521"; so
Th Ke : hardly as Ew*355") Ru i13 "033 b« Nay,
my daughters, cf. Ju 1923; (y) after a preceding
imper. Am 514 Jo 213 Pr 810, a juss. if, an inf.
abs. 2 72. (c) in poetry ?N sometimes expresses
vividly the emotion or sympathy of the poet
(v. Dr*86"8); Is29 tth K&rriw and forgive them
not ! (with a touch of passion), i^4i3 Pr 3s5
Jb 5~; f 346 (but © © Ew Che here rd. D^JW,
prob. rightly); 503* may our God come "bsi
c7TQv and n°t oe silent ! (the psalmist identify-
ing himself with a spectator of the scene
v2-31") 1 2 13 (contrast v4 *6) Je466 + . h.
once Pr 1 2s8 joined closely to a subst. (cf. *0 2 b)
to express with emph. its negation : In the
way of righteousness is life, and in the path-
way thereof niB"?K there is no-death! i.e.
immortality, c. once Jb 24s5 used poet, as a
subst., And bring my words 7k? to nought!
— N.B. 1 S 2710 Di»n once/sr^x bis with thepf.
is against all analogy; and either 'B-pK (with
® 33), or better fK whither l (with @ X : v.
1 S io14) must be read.
«W rise early (and go) to 1927; 2411 ?X Tp"i:in
made to kneel down at; 4718 ?K DO i.e. has
been made over to; «>N "ins to come in fear to
Hos 35 Mi 717. Opp. is I», as mrj3rr{>N nx^n-jo
from end to end Ex 2628; nB'bs fiBO Ezr 9"
(syn. 2K21" nab ns). And of time (rare)
njp$ nyo f 1 Ch 925; ns>-b^ Di>D tNu 3013 (P)
1 Ch 1623 (in the || f 96s B*»j» Di'D).
2. Where the limit is actually entered,
into, Gn 618 and thou shalt enter into the ark
71 193 4 121 4217; & so after verbs of throwing,
casting, putting 37^ (T^n) 3920 "T^? ,r™?!
"inDH pUt him into the prison house, Ex 2830
(Lv88) Dt2325; so after 1=1? to bury Gn23,9259
49M; Brfe> to squeeze 4011; rtno to blot out
Nu 523, etc.; metaph. Gn 66 was pained into or
unto his heart, 3?"?X DB*, a'S^n to place, bring
into (=lay to) heart Dt 439 2 Signal. In
connexion with a number or multitude into
which something enters, in among: 1 S io22
in among
i$ (nearly always followed by Makkeph),
behold he had hid himself B^ST^J
the baggage, Je 43 sow not D'Sp-PK m among
3. Of direction towards anything: (a) of
physical acts or states, as Gn 3040 [XSn <JB fro
b$, 397 b* YfV K'B»J, Ex 2520, Nu6M b« VJ3 K'B»J
(2 K 932 differently), 24' b* V3B T\f, Jos818 V 282
1 K 82930 (to pray towards) v38; pregn. b* Tin
to tremble (turning) to Gn 42s8, bx Rpn to
wonder (turning) towards Gn 4 3s3 Is 1 3s, 10?
bx Je 3616: without a vb. D^B-bx D'OB face <o
face Gn 32s1 4-; ns'bx H3 Nu 128; *b$ ttj*^1?
Gn3i* the face of Laban, that he is not toward
me; 'B"bx * TJ? the eyes of * are towards.. .
^ 34" (cfl 3318). (6) with words such as IDS
to say <o Gna' + oft., "Ifl 8'54-oft., *£ 195,
bbsnri 2017 etc., VQf to hearken io 1611, bbil to
praise to 12" (cf. Ez 13" bx bbn to profane
to), ~C3V} 40". (c) with words expressing the
direction of the mind, as flip <o «>ai't ^ 27"+ •
b(T to ho]>e Is 51*; bx rtD3 KfeO to lift up the
soul (i.e. set the desire) towards Dt 2415 iff 251;
bx ab DB», T)f to set the heart (mind) to Ex92Ial.;
5^ "TP? to accustom oneself io Je io2; bx Tip
to shew fear towards 2 K 413; Gn 4330; Dt 2832
and thy eyes Dn\?X TOS failing (with longing)
towards them, La 417; Is 6316 2 S 3" 1K14"
ijr 406; alone, as predic, directed or disposed
towards, Gn31647 2K6" who of ours is towards
(i.e. favours) the king of Syria? Ho 3' ^X'DJl
:'^bx Ez 369 Hg 217 Je 151 (bx ^a: px).
4. Where the motion or direction implied
appears from the context to be of a hostile
character, bx = against: Gn 4" barrbx 'p DPJJ
and Cain rose up against Abel (so 1 S 24") 2212
Ex 145 NU3214; with papj Jos io6, 1&J Ju i10
2030; with X3 of calamity, etc., coming to or
upon any one Gn 4221 Ju 9s7 1 S 2" 1 K 14'°+ ;
Is 2* 39 their tongue and doings are /y"bK 32s
(b? "lib) Ho 7" (cf. Na i9) 125 ^xbp-bx "%
and he strove against the angel. Here also
belongs in partic. the phrase • . . btf 'Mil Behold
I am against (thee, you, etc.) tNa 21436 Je2i13
(23s0-32 by) 5031 5125 Ez 13820 2i8 29™ 3022 3410
353 3«3 391 (58 263 2S22 29s ^ : on 369 v. supr.)
5. Unto sometimes acquires from the con-
text the sense of in addition to, as Lv 1818 thou
shalt not take nrrinx bx nE*X a woman to, in
addition to, her sister, Jos 13" (|| Nu 318 by);
1 S 1 4* to eat 0^-bx together with the blood (v32
& generally by); 1 K io7 bx tppVl (generally by);
Je 25M; Ez 726 nyiDtf bx njnotf (|| <?y); 447;
La 341 let us lift up D'Brbx »aab our hearts to-
get/ter with the hands (cf. J\, Qor 41; WA0 "• »61c).
6. Metaph. in regard to, concerning, on
account of: thus .QNnri to mourn concerning 1 S
15s4; D™ri to repent as regards 2 S 24"; tTH
to inquire 1 K 14'; bbsnn to pray with regard
to 1 S i27 2 K 1920; pyx 'to cry 2 K83(v6 by);
3Xyj be pained 1 S 2034; DH3 to comfort 2 S 1 o2;
40 L^
more gen. 1 K 16" 2122; B'aj-.-X on account
of, for the sake of, one's life 1K191 2 K 7" (Gn
1917 by), (by is more common in this sense.)
And specially with verbs of saying, narrating,
telling, etc. with regard to, as IDX Gn 202 Is
29s3 372I33+; T! 2 S 7'9 Je4o,6T"; nap yj, 27
69s7; n«ris23n; ypB>Ezi94; ^ ny-^n the
report regarding . . . 1 S 419. (Not freq., exc. in
the case of ">OX.)
7. Of rule or standard, according to (rare) :
• • • ,?"''N according to the command of, Jos
I513 174 2 13 (generally "B'by); fOffy accord-
ing to what is fixed = of a certainty ti S 2323
264 (v. Dr) : perh. ^ 5' ; 801 (451 by).
8. Expressing presence at a spot, against,
at, by, not merely after verbs expressing or
implying motion (cf. 1, Gn 2411), as Jos 1 15 and
they came and encamped together OVID ^"bx at
the waters of Merom, 1 S 54 cut off (and fallen)
on to the threshold, 2 S 223 al. and smote him
tPBhrrbx in or on the belly, Dt 33s Ex 2912 Lv
47 ; but also in other cases, as Jos 53 and he
circumcised the Israelites bx against, at the
hill of the foreskins, 2211 have built an altar
JTWJ nfr'JH bx by the districts of Jordan,
JUI2C 2 S332, I430& 18
T?K at the side of
(elsewhere rb, T by), 1 K 1320 as they were
sitting jnbE>rrbx at the table, 2X11" ^rrbx
by the king, Je 4112 and found him by the
great waters, etc., 4610 rPS nnj-bx by the
Euphrates, Ez 315 n" 178 317 4018 43s 477 4812.
9. Prefixed to other preps, it combines
with them the ide&otmotionov direction to: thus
■■"inx-bx 2 S 5* 2 K 91819 nnx-bx ab turn u
behind me, Zc 6° (where bx is pleon., prob. due
to clerical error ; note bx XX^ before & after) ;
pa-bx in between Ez 311014; nfra'bx similarly
Ez io2; 'b rV3Krbx to (the part) within(v. sub
1V3), in within Lv i6,s, 2 K 1 115|| have her
forth in within the ranks; blO"bx v. biO;
'b 333»-bx unto the south of Jos 1 53; 'b fWO-bx
to the outside of Lv 41221 4- ; n?3"bx to the front
of Nu 194; nnrrbx ju 6'9 iK 86 al. (v. sub nrw).
Note 1 .—In Gn 2013 xia: iste D"ipE>rrb3-bx
'31 'b-npx nee'; Nu 33s4 'ai Vx-bx; Pri7»
(cf. Dt 166); — bx appears to be used by a
species of attraction ; the idea of motion in-
volved in the relative clause influencing illo-
gically the beginning of the sentence and
causing bx to be used instead of 3. In Ez 3114
E0\:N, as pointed, can only be from b?X m
or iv (q. v.); if the word be taken as the pron.
with suff. (Hi Ke), Dn^S must be read.
Note 2. — There is a tendency in Hebrew,
esp. manifest in S K Je Ez, to use 78 in the
sense of ?5?; sometimes 7N being used excep-
tionally in a phrase or construction which regu-
larly, and in ace. with analogy, has 7$); some-
times, the two preps, interchanging, apparently
without discrimination, in the same or parallel
sentences. Thus (a) Jos 514 VJB-7-X ^*5j * s J 3U
^PTJ?T'? If'^P"™ " D'PH ; 1434 (v. sub 5);
1 f "K?7?S tWlfi (contr. 7JJ Dt 1 i29) ; 1 91G 2 S
63 2023 '(contr. 816) 1K1329 1846 (contr. 2 K 315
by) Je 35" Ez 718. (6) Ju 637 and upon (by) all
the earth let there be dryness, v39 let there
be dryness on (?£) the fleece; 1 S 1410 come
up W^, v12 come up tt*&j 1623"0; i613 & i810
b<* nSx, io6 al. ?J? nbS; 2517 evil is determined
irv3-b ^yi wjfw^t ; v25; 2 710; 2 S 2' b« vizfocPi
by\... *>y> bf\t„ 7K1...7K1...; f>..,by6rv
..3ni; 2K8"'; 96*3; Jeio16; 25s; 2615yelay
innocent blood Dtftn T^IT^tl D3^; 27" 28s
3314 347 3631 3713'14 Ez iS"1*'5 2112 etc. V796
(Je io25 75; twice). It is prob. that this inter-
change, at least in many cases, is not original,
but due to transcribers.
Conversely, though not with the same
frequency, 75? occurs where analogy would lead
us to expect 7K, or even in juxtaposition with
b*, as 1 S i10 7? ?Win to pray to (v26 ??); v13;
25s5 by . . . bx ; 1 k 2043 in"?-^ 1^1 (214 ??);
Is 2215 Je n22335 3i12. Cf. Dr9ml'13'13;"-8'7i15'4.
"Pj^JnTlyTN n.pr.m. (unto '' are mine
eyes) 1. a Korahite i Ch 263. 2. a returning
exile Ezr 84.
t-,2'13?V7N n.pr.m. (id.) 1. a descendant
of David i Ch fM. 2. a Simeonite ^W
i Ch 430. 3. a Benjamite (id.) "f. 4. priests
in time of Ezra (a) Ezr io22; (6) io27 (^X);
f 1. 7i$ pr. pi. m. & f. = the more usual HJX,
tJtese i Ch208; with art. bt*n Gn io825 2 634
Lv i827 Dt 442 7s2 1911. (Merely an orthogr.
variation of i"l?N, and doubtless pronounced
similarly; the kindred dialects have in genl. a
dissyllabic form: v. sub n?K. Written similarly
in Ph., e.g. CIS 3s2 145 933 (^)> but ZMG
isro.240 (Neo-Punic) K7M; in Plaut. Poen. v. 1.9
transliterated tty; Schroed.rhGl'"-81160'286ff.)
41 n^N
llvi* (Jjt, Jifr; XI: Rabb.^N, Aram. rbet,
& compd. with )oi and »./' in ~^£oi, t-^-l) Vr-
pl.m. & f. these, in usage the pi. of HI. a. Gn
24 & oft. : in appos. to a subst. with a pron.
suff. (always without the art.) Ex 914 (rd. with
Hi. 1? nVt< for 1$"^) io1 n*V>N ^nhN fAew my
signs,'ii8Dtnl9'iK8Mio82223 2K113 Je3i"
Ezr 2s6 Ne 614; in the genit. 2 K 620 Is 47* Dt
1 812 >// 1 56 ; and after 73 Gn 1 43 + oft. Stand-
ing alone in a neuter sense, these things (rare
in best prose, & not very common in poetry),
with nb»y Dt 1812 226 2516 2S231722 ^15'+;
with other vbs. Ezr 91 Is 44s' 47" Je 1322 Ho
i410VM25 5o21 10743 Jb82; with-nx Nui513
IS4814; with"73 Ju 1323 Is662+; v.also some
of the cases with preps, sub d. H7N may point
indifferently to what follows, Gn 69 io1 25715'3
\jr 42s; or to what has preceded, Gn 919 io203132
254 Lv 2I14 22s2 i)r i;f;=such as these (roiavTa),
\jr 7312 Jbi821. b. repeated, H7N1 . . . H7K, these
. . . those Dt 27" Jos 8^- Is 49" (3 t.) ^ 208+ .
c. with the art. (but only after a subst. deter-
mined likewise by the art.) H|Nn Gn 1 51 + oft.
d. with preps. : rr?N3 Lv 2 5" 2 6* 1 K 2 2" (7 1.),
nWa ti S i610 1739;' nfcfj" Lv n24 (4 1.), rbxb
1 K 2217 (5 t,); nfcfi} Gn 919 (16 t.) ; n^K ly Lv
2618; i",?&?"75) on account of these things Is 57s
64" Je59al.; njj>N3 fJb 162 Je io,6=5i19, nVxs
+Gn 2746 Lv io19 (things like these, so Is 66s
Je 1813) Nu 28MP (cf. Ez 4s25) 2 K 2517=Je
B212, %"i»3 +Jbl23.
II. ^N god, TT^N, iT$J?& etc. v. I. rfot
TN7N n.pr.m. father of an officer of
Solomon I K 418 (=11. nb« terebinth]).
I. H7K (assumed as -/of ?K, (*6g) B*&g
^od, G'od, but question intricate, & con-
clusions dub. It is uncertain whether ?S &,
D,^1^!!? are from the same V. Following are the
chief theories : 1. a. Thes makes b« & DWX dis-
tinct, and both really primitive, but associates
b$ in treatment with ?X strong, Pt. of -/,-IN ;
strong, ace. to Thes, being derived from mng.
be in front of; (different order in Lex. Man.,
RobGes) ; b. b$ & D'ripN distinct ; former fr.
71N strong; latter pi. of iiPK from */[t*OX] =
l]\ (li~.) go to and fro in perplexity or fear,
hence H^K fear & object of fear, reverence,
revered one; ^ li\ = bti nns trepide confugere
ad Ho 3s; DVi7N=ina Gn 3i42=sq'ie Is 8'3
^N 42
Deo» in. «(cf 0.f/3aaMa( postB.Heb. nsn?NHWB ;
Aram. *brn CWB); so De following Fl in De
**.*» cf My a. PS & W$H possibly
connected ; ?t? = leader, lord, fr. VP1S 6e t»
>ron<; so N6MBAkl8M-7®r; 8EAkl88a-1TOf. 3. a. PS
& D'npS connected, & both fr. a -/nps (=«&)
to which is assigned mng. strong; so Ew!146d'
ITSblv. «]so JihrbOchisrd.blbl.Wltt. X. 11, Blbl. Tl'ieol. I1.SSU). jj ^S
fr. -/nps strong (not nPS), & D'nPS expanded
from PS, cf. pi. ninDK fr. nes etc. ; so Di on
Gn I1; he supports rnng. strong by ref. to
phrase TJ Psb I* Gn 3129 al.; c. similarly, PS,
being very early & common Shemitic word,
formed pi. D'nPS, fr. which sing. niPS was
afterwards inferred, NesTh,'0,:8,ud'-7<lrtt:;i882 m
(criticized by No8BAlc). 4. PS (niPS, DWS
disregarded) fr. vn,N stretch out to, reach
after (cf. prep. PS, 'PS, also HPS swear), God
as <Ae on« lohom men strive to reach, ' das Ziel
aller Menschensehnsucht und alles Menschen-
strebens,' Lag0r-"-3iON1882'TO-"M.— Cf. Spurrell
B.b. T«. of on.. APp. u wnere a]1 tnege viewg are gtated
somewhat more fully, & briefly criticized ; on
the use of PS & nPS in Shemitic languages vid.,
exhaustively, NoMBAk-SBAk- '•"•).
II. Sn n.m. (also, in n.pr. PS, \?S; Sam. PS,
Ph. ps, }PS (i.e. prob. PB), Sab. ps, DHM
Or.Con,r.L«.d.n.l883i Ag ^ ppr. perhaps als0
Ar., Aram. cf. No1"-; on goddess DPS Ph.
Palm. Nab. Sab. (alsonnps) DHMU-, Ar. i^'l
(pi. i~,Uil) Fl1"-8""-1-154, As. iJZafe Jr66, Syr!
IL'i^r, cf. also Bae^15860'97271297) god, but
with various subordinate applications to ex-
press idea of might; — hardly ever in prose exc.
with defining word (adj. or gen.); its only suff. is
*— ; — tl. applied to men of might and rank,
D13 PS mighty one of the nations Ez 3 1 " (of Neb.;
@ apKwv ;8v*>v, P'S some MSS. Co); D^S
mighty men Jb4i17 (D'P'S, many MSS. Di);
Dni33 "^ mighty heroes EZ3221 (\^S MSS. Co);
H?n V* Ez 1713 2 K 2415 (Kt *ym); Bfy$ Ex
I51S (prob. pi. of in. b% q.v.) These readings
are uncertain because of an effort to distinguish
these forms from the divine name. 1133 PS
mighty hero (as above) or divine hero (as re-
flecting the divine majesty) Is o6. f2. angels,
D'?S '33 ^ 291 897=D'r6sn "33. f3. gods of
the nations, DvS PS God of gods, supreme God
Dn 1 13*; D?S3 roba 13 who is like tjiee among
the gods Ex 15"; idols Is 4310 4410"17 46"; 'D
D'OEO PS wAa< 6W m heaven Dt 3"; "** PS
another god Ex 3414 (J); 11 PS foreign god 1^
442,8i10;i33PsDt3212Mal211^8i10. t4. A
n.pr. nnn ps #Z AvtA Ju 9" (=nn3 PJJ3 Ju
8s3 94) cf. also 6 (/) infr. +5. as charac-
terizing mighty things in nature, PS 'Tin
mighty mountains ifr 36' (lit. mountains of El) ;
also V'SQ10 01 Bi Che v. sub II. f)pS; PS 'PS
mighty cedars yfr 8011; PS '3313 lofty stars Is 1 413.
6. God217, the one only and true God
of Israel : (a) b$n the God, the true God Gn 3 1 13
351-3 463 (E) 2 S 223L33-4S {=+ i831SU8) V^S20-21
7715; I9HP P*?? the faithful God Dt f; psn
brOTl <A« jrrati (?od Dt io17 = Je 3218 Dn 94
Ne i6 932; BHpn bun the holy God L5517; ban
mrv the God Yahweh Is 42s ^ 85'. t(6) 78 my
God Ex 152 (poet.) + 183 222211 63s 6825 89s7
10225 11828 1407 Is 4417. (c) cstr. PS m PS
<^e (jorf of Bethel, who had his seat there Gn
357 (E); T3K PS God of thy fathers Gn 49"
(poet.); PS1E" PS V6836; 3JJJT PN ^ 1465; ba
D'OCn </te (7oi of heaven ^ 13626; 'PPD PN
the God who is my rock ^ 4210; "tpi nn»B> ?N
<Ae Corf icAo is the joy of my exultation i/' 43";
'SO PS i/te (roc? w/10 lets himself be seen Gn 1613
(J); TOSH PS (*« Corf of glory -f 29s; niyn PS
the all-knowing God 1 S 23 (poet.) ; u?V PS
?A« everlasting God Gn2i33(J); VunE" PS Is
122; »AVJ^»f 43*; riOSPSf 3i6=H31DS PS Dt
324(poet.); D1DP3 PS V' 9411 ; niPC? PS Je 5156.
(rf) ins PX orae Corf Mai 210; PH3 PS a ^r-eaC Corf
Dt 721 ijr 7714 953; -innDD PS a Corf At'rfmjr /rfm-
self Is 4515; Dim PS a compassionate God Ex
346 (J) Dt 431 ^ 8615; SE>3 PS a forgiving God
^ 99s; |*in pS a gracious God Ne 931 Jon 42;
S3p PS a jea^OM* Corf Ex 206 34" (J) Dt 424
59615 Jos24,9(D) = si3p PS Na I2; 'n b« a living
God Jos 3,0(J) H021 ^423843; pnvpsls4521;
yen fan ps sp + 55; ps sp Dt3221 (poet.) Is
313 Ez 282-2!); 1103 PS nS Mi 718 (cf. Ex 15").
(e) God (the only true God, needing no article
or predicate to define him) Nu 1213 (E id. PS
Di) always in poetry, Jb 58 + (55 t. Jb), yfr 712io
11.12 l6l ,76 IQ1 523.7 ggSO g^ 7311.17 ?48 7710 7g7.8.
,819-34-41821 8329o2 10421 io614-21 10711 1 1 8s7 1 391723
1496 1501 Is 401843,24514 ■20469 La 341 Ho 1 19 1 21
Mai i9; PSUBJ? God is with us, as name of child
in prediction Is 7.14 cf. 8810. (/) El, a divine
name PS1B" 'npS PS Gn 3320 (E) ; 'nps PS
mmin Nu i622(P=nmnn 'nps mtr Nu 2716);
fW D'nPS PS Jos 22s2 (P) f 501. This is pro-
bable also in the ancient poems, Nu 23819-22-23
24<3.i6.23 (poet> Bajaam || *& & p^yj Dt 32i8 332s
(poet. Moses || "Vtt & DTjp >n^N) 2 S 22"2 23s
(poet. David || IIS) and in the combinations
\vbv btt (5 1.; vid. ivby) & *w 5* (10 1.; vid.
t7. , N strength, power (on connection
with I. n^t cf. Di Gn i1 3129) in <T ^jjreft t'< i»
according to the power of my fuind=it is in my
power, etc. Gn 3iM(E; sq. ^> + Inf.); bx!>rri7)3
Vt Pr327(sq.id.); BT ^"E* Mi 21 (abs.); neg.
1,1.; ^ P*} Dt 2832 (abs.)=<Aou shall be power-
less, so Ne 56.
n'bN 67 so Dt 3217; p6n^ Dn 1 i38(vid.BD)sf.
inPKPHb i"; elsewhere ITl 7>N n.m. god, God.
(Sam. id., Aram. S^t, J^', Ar. iJI, Sab. nfo
DHM,C;— n^K as found in Heb. prob. a sg.
formed by inference fr.pLOVfrK; cf.Neslc) — 1.
a heathen god, late usage ; iw£"v3 2 Ch. 3215
Dn 1137; irOSO iri3 *T whose power is his god
Hb lu 2 K 1731 (but Qr *$%), nibx ann ne>K
ITS w7j0 cfoiA ormjr GW in his hand Jb 1 26
(Ew Di RVm, etc.) 2. God, used in ancient
poems Dt 321517 ^ 1832, and on their basis an
archaism in later poetry Jb34 -f- (4 1 1. Jb), iff 5022
1 147 13919 Pr 305 Is 448 Hb 33 Ne 917 (citing
Ex 34s where ?N is used).
□''H' . N 2570 n.m.pl. (f. 1 K 1 133; on number
of occurrences of ?X, FlvN, DVOK cf. also Nes'c')
1. pi. in number, fa. riders, judges, either
as divine representatives at sacred places
or as reflecting divine majesty and power:
D\"l7Nn Ex 2 16 (Onk <3, but to xpiTrjpiov rov
e«C ©) 2278; Oirbbt 2 2827 (X Ra AE Ew RVm;
but gods,® JosephusPhilo AV; God,BiRY; all
Covt. codeofE)cf. iS225v.Dr.; Ju58(Ew,but
gods®; God® BarHeb.; m,T 33 Be)^8216(De
Ew Pe; but angels Bl Hup) 1381 (@ X Rab
Ki De ; but angels ® Calv ; God, Ew ; gods,
Hup Pe Che), tb. divine ones, superhuman
beings including God and angels \^86 (De Che
Br; but angels ® <S X Ew; God, RV and most
moderns) Gn i27 (if with Philo 5! Jer De
Che we interpret ne>yj as God's consultation
with angels ; cf. Jb 38'). tc. angels i/r g1]7
(® @ Calv; but gods, Hup De Pe Che);
cf. D,n7X(n) '33 = (the) sons of God, or sons of
gods = angeh Jb i6 2' 387 Gn 624 (J; so ®
Bks. of Enoch & Jubilees Phllo Jude v6 2 Pet 24
Jos Antl-31) most ancient fathers and modern
critics; against usage are sons of princes,
mighty men, Onk and Rab. ; sons of God, the
pious, Theod Chrys Jer Augustine Luther
Calv Hengst; ®L rd. ni viol rov Bioi), cf.
43 DVl^N
D^K '33. d. gods Dmbttn Ex 18" 22" (E)
1 S 48 2 Ch 2* + 868; IPrfoffl >rbtt the God of
gods, supreme God Dt io17 ^ 136s; D'n^K Ex
32I1B (JE) Ju 9" ; Qnnx D<nl?K otlier gods
Ex2o3 23" Jos 24216 (E) Dt3i'8a>(JE) 57 +
(17 t. in D, not P) Ju 212I7W io13 1 S 88 26"
1 K969(=2Ch7m2)n<-">i4» 2K517 i7«5J?-»
31; 133(H) \lbn foreign gods Gn 35" Jos 24a>a
(E) Dt3i16(JE) Juio16 1S73 2Ch33" Je
5"; -nru 'N Gn 31s3 (E); D'iSD 'x Ex 1212 (P)
Je43i2.i3. noNn /N Jog 24i5^E) Ju 6io. D^x /N etc
Ju io6; >T nETJD D'H^X Dt428; D"Un 'x yo</« 0/
«Ae nafc'oras 2 K 1833 1912 Dt2917 2CI1 321719 Is
36,83712; D'C5?n'NDt6Mi38Ju212V965iCh5!B
1626 2 Ch 321314; ep3 'x Ex 2023 (E); 3nr'N Ex
2023 (E) 3231 (JE); nsep X Ex 3417 (J) Lv
2. .PZ. intensive, a. <jrod or goddess, al-
ways with sf. 1 S57(Dagon), Ju 1 i24 (Chemosh),
iKi824(Baal), JU927 Dm22; or cstr. nm^
3X1JD 'X BHDsi) tWW 'x to Ashtoreth goddess
of the Zidonians, Chemosh god of Moab, etc.
1 K n33; pxn 'x god of the land 2 K 1 726-26-27,
and so the Syrians suppose that Yahweh is a
mountain-god and not a god of valleys 1 K 2028.
b. godlike one Ex 416 (J; Moses in relation to
Aaron), Ex 71 (P; in relation to Pharaoh),
1 S 2813 (the shade of Samuel), f 457 (the
Messianic king, 0 God, ® <S Jer, most
scholars ancient and modern, but thy throne
is GW'«= God's throne AE Ki Thes Ew Hup,
cf. 1 Ch 28s). c. works of God, or things
specially belonging to him (vid. ?5< 5) JTnbtt "in
^ 6816; Ez 281416; Q^rbn b>k Jb i16; wrbti(n) p
Ez28133I8-9. d. God (vid. 3 & 4).
3. trnSNn the (true) God, D'H^KD Nin *>
Yahweh is (the) God Dt43539 f 1 K 860 183939
2Ch3313; Wnbttn Nin IS4518; DM^xn '1 Jos
22M (P?) 1 K 182'24 2Ch3216; D^Nnxin nm
2S728 1K1837 2K19" iChi726Is3716Ne97;
DWNn as subj. or obj. is used in E 33 1., Chr
38 t., Ec 31 1., Jon 5 t., elsewhere G1152224 6911
(sources of P) 1718 (P) Jos 22s4 (PI) Gn 4416(J)
Dt 4s5-39 79 Ju 6XM 714 io14 1628 212 1 S io37
1436 2S227 67 7s8 1216 1K860 jS21-24-24-37-39-39 1915
(Ephr) Jb210 Je 1 112 IS3716 4518 fio814 Dn i9-'7;
m-ipn 'nh '1 1 S620; ^nan 'xn '•< Ne 86; icn 'xn
niwiU Ezr i3; Qivban ynt« Dn93; in many
phrases, as DwKD B^N the man of God, acting
under divine authority and influence : = (a) angel
Ju 1368, (b) prophet (the term coming into use
in the Northern kingdom in the age of Elijah
1 S 99-10, cf. nnn b*k Hos 97) : of Moses Dt33>
Jos 146 (E) 1 Ch 23" 2 Ch 3016 Ezr 32 + 901;
and others of their time iKi3IJ1 I718"24
2Kiwl 4™ 5»-*> 6s-" 7s-9 8s-11 i319 23
of Samtw./ 1 So*-10; of David 2 Ch8u Ne 1 2S4M;
ShemaiaJt 1 K 1 2M ( = 2 Ch 1 1 2) ; Elijah, Elisha,
" 2028
2 Ch 25"; unnamed prophet 1 S 2" ; Hanan
•Te 354; a later title of prophet was DTlpXn "DJ?
the servant of God, used of Moses 1 Ch 6M 2CI1
2 49 Ne 1 0s0 Dn 9". DTli'Xn ]T3 </j« house of God,
Ju 18s1, esp. late, Chr (52 1.) Ec417 Dn Is; '> JV3
'KT1 1 Ch 221; Orbxn (nna) fOX <Ae ark (of the
covenant) of God Ju 2027 1 S 4-5. 14, 2 S 6-7.
i5(23t.) 1CI113. 15. 16, 2 Chi4 (13 t.); HBO
Wrbttn the rod of God Ex 420 1 79 (E); dTl^xn in
the mount of God (Horeb) Ex 31 427 185 2413 (E)
1 K 198 (Ephr) ; D'n^xn "\xbn the (tlveoplumic)
angel of God Gn 31" Ex 1419 (E) Ju 620 1369
2 S 1 417'20 1 9s8; in other combinations Ex 1 816Nu
23" (E) Ju 20s i S 48 511 io5 2 S 1623 1 K 1222
iCh2i7+(i4t.) V'873Ec91.
4. Oibx = God 11DX D'r6x '^Yahweh
is God in truth Je io10. a. On7X (as subj.
obj. direct or indirect) is used by P (50 t. in
story of creation and deluge, elsewhere 28 t.).
by E (91 t.), J chiefly in poetic sources Gn
31-"-5 9s7 399 Dt 32,W9, by D (1 1 1.) Ju (21 1.)
S (50 1.) K (29 t.) Chr (45 t.); in f 43-86
(180 1. often by editorial change for an original
CIOT), elsewhere f 3s 5" 7IU2 918 io413 141" 25^
3628 7714 ioo3io82-6-812I2i499 Jb 58 2029 28s13 322
34° (& in Prologue 6 t.) Pr 2s 34 25s Ec (7 t.)
Hos (5 1.) Am 4" (did nx orbit roaniM as
God overthrew Sodom = Je 5040 = Is 1319) Zc
8a 128 Mi37 (but nrrfo © <S) IS354 Is2 (9 t.)
Je io10 Ez (13 t.) Mai (5t.) Jon (4 t.); the
phrase Orbxb 'b rHl Gn2821 (EB) 1778 Ex 67
29* Lv ii4S 2233 25s8 261245 Nui541 (P) Dt 2617
2913 2 S 724 ( = 1 Ch 1722) Zc 88 Je (6 t.) Ez
(6 t.); p>T£ Orbx righteous God f f; Oiinp 'x
holy God Jos2419(E); D^n 'x living God Dt
S23 1S172636 Jeio1^36; <n'x 2 K 1 9416 ( = Is
37417). For the phrases 'x mn\ niX3y 'x '♦,
nixav 'x, '* 'x bx, 'x it, 'x nixnv '\ vbtt '<
rmsst, 'x *:~ix vid. rnm, n», mxav & •onx.
b. cstr. VJ^K (a) wi<A 2>ersons DH13X VpX =
GW of Abraham, a phrase of J, Gn 2624 2813
3153, elsewhere ^4710 1 K 1836 I Ch 2918 2 Ch
30s; Dmax »rra 'x Gn 2412-27-42-48 (J); nx lvh»
father's God (various sf. & names), a phrase of
E, Gn3i6m-424635017 Ex361315-,6i52i84 Jos
i8», elsewhere Gn 3210 43s3 (J) Ex 46 (J 1) Dt
(8 1.) Ju 212 2 K 2 122 Chr (31 1.) Dn 1 137; ^X
b#Tp) Israel's God, phrase of E, Gn 3320 Ex 51
24l03227 J0S830 i4142216242!!3, elsewhere Ex
3413 Jos?1319-20 (JE) Nui69 Jos91819 2224 io4042
131433 (R vid. Di Jos 713) Ju 46 556 68 n21-23
2i3iSI17 + (2ot.)K(26t.) Chr (45t.)^4i14
10648 (doxol.) 596 697 Is 176 2 11017 29s3 Is32415
37»-2' Is24i,7+(6t.) Je3517 + (48t.), Ez 84
+ (7 t.) Zp 29 Mai 2" Ru 212; bvrsr> nu-iye 'x
Gorf 0/ the battle array of Israel 1 S 1746; 'X
3p£ 2 S 231 (poet.) V 202 46812 7510 767 81"
849-947 Is 23 ( = Mi 42); B«-ayn 'x Got/ 0/ tiU
Hebrews Ex 318 5s 716 9113 (JE) ; it is used with
other proper names, Nahor Gn3iS3(E), Shem
Gn 920 (J), David 2 K 20s 2 Ch 2112 343 Is 385,
Hezekinh 2 Ch 3 217, Elijah 2 K 214 ; li>Dn »nx 'X
tlie God of my lord the king 1 K i36. (|3) with
nouns of attributes or relationships, DTp 'X
ancient God Dt3327; D/1V 'X everlasting God
Is4028;riDX/X<,-Me God 2 Chi 5? ; }OX'Xl86516
(vid. 19$); HHPD'k Is3o18 Mal217; Dno'xMi
6,;"to2 bs 'X God of all flesh Je3227; cf. 'x
-iea bsb rnnnn Nu 1622 2716 (P); own 'x
God of heaven Gn 247 (Ja) 2 Ch 36s3 Ezr i2 Ne
j 4.5 24.a>. cf pNn t,3 /N Is 545; 'XI n^ncn 'X ''
pxn Gn 2 43(JB); an^tp'Xa God at hand opp.
ph-iO 'X Je 2323, Tljne» 'X, ^ 'X God of my soi-
»a<jon^i847( = 2S2247)24s255279656799855
Is 1710 Mi 77 Hb 318 1 Ch 1635; "V\y\W 'X V' 882;
'nyiETI 'X f 5 116; ''pIX'X Goo! o/wiy righteous-
ness f 42; ^Dn 'X f '591U8; niV 'X God mj^o is
my rock 2 S 2 23 (cf. ^ 1 83) ; ''Wyo 'X God w/to «'*
my stronghold V'432; ^CfTO '" God m;Aj is my
praise i//- 1091. c. W!«A «/. in P (22 t. incl.
phr. yrbxv nXTl) Lv 191432 2517-3643 (H) Ex 821
Jos 2427 (E) Dt 3237 (poet.) Jos p23 (JE) Dt
io213i17 Juio'°i6a!4 iSio19 2Sl0122232 +
(4 t. poet.) 1 K 1228 2023 2 K 1910 Chr (83 t.)
f(62 t.) Pr 217 309 Ru i151616 Ib i10 713 81921 Is2
(29 1.) Jes4-5 23365i6 Ez3431 Dn(st.) Ho
(12 t.) Am 2s 412 Jo i»J»J»aW Mi6877 Jon i5«
Zp32 Nai14 Zc97i25; D^X with sf. is also
used with niiT several hundred times (vid. mrp).
TTT7N 11.pr.1n. (God Juts loved, cf. Sab.
bum DHM2"9™."; v. also n^TT) one of the
elders Nu 1 126-27; prob.=T1vX Nu 3421 where
called a prince of Benjamin. — On n.pr. with
bx cf. those with 3X & nx, & eSp. No '•% v. p. 42,
& (Sab.) DHMK""!rI)™km-88.
tnjH^N n.pr.m. (God has called 1 cf. U>
Ar.) son of Midian Gn 254 1 Ch i33.
T-QtvN n.pr.m. (God has given, cf. Oeobco-
pot, 7X,':13]) n^"i3l) a. one of David's band of
Gadites 1 Ch 12'1'-. b. a Korahite 1 Ch 267.
Tjrn^N n.pr.m. (God has been gracious,
cf. Ph. nrbtt, \)rbv2, in As. Ba'alhanunu COT
Gn io18) two of David's chiefs 2 S 2i19=i Ch
205; 2 S2354=iChn26.
tMJPW n.pr.m. (God is father, cf. btplty
a. prince of Zebulon Nu i927724,29io]6. b. prince
of Reuben Nu 16112 26s-9 Dt 1 16. C. brother of
David 1S166 I713-28-28 1 Ch 213 2Chii18(cf.
Wj|| 1 Ch 2718). d. a Kohathite 1 Ch 61J=
b$% v19 cf. W^j 1 S i1. e. a Gadite 1 Ch 1 29.
f. Levite singer 1 Ch 151820 165.
IvMyN n.pr.m. (El is God, or my God is
God) only Ch. a. two or three of David's chiefs
1 Ch 1 146 A1 1211. b. chief of Manasseh 1 Ch 5s4.
C. two chiefs of Benjamin 1 Ch 820,22. d. chief of
the Hebronites 1 Ch 159". e. a chief Kohathite
1 Ch 619=:i!<<?!({ v12 cf. W?N 1 S i4. f. a Levite
tnrM",7Sl n.pr.m. (God has come) a He-
manite'/ch 2 54 = nri;?K 1 Ch 2527.
Tvht* v. T&S supr.
tSTJpt* n.pr.m. (Godknows,ci.b^Sn, Sab.
y-lbn Hal 209) a. son of David 2S5" 1 Ch 38
= J)T/jn 1 Ch 147 which perh. rd. here, cf. Dr8"1.
b. father of an adversary of Solomon iKii8.
C. chief of Benjamin 2 Ch 1 717.
Tfhyi 2Ki3 + 4t.; V1J7M iKi7' + 62t.;
n.pr.m. ( Yah(u) is God, cf. -'N^) a. Elijah,
the great prophet of the reign of Ahab 1 K 1 7 '
+ 65t. K; 2 Ch 2 112 Mais23, b. Benjamite
1 Ch 8s7; C. a priest of Ezra's time Ezr io21;
c. a son of Elam Ezr 1 o26.
tVT^M Jb324+3t.; NIPPON Jb322 +
6t.; n.pr.m. (He is (my) God) a. the young
friend of Job Jb 322-4-5-6 34* 35' 36\ b. an
Ephraimite, Samuel's great-grandfather iS I1
cf. 3N^K 1 Ch 612, *W% v19. c. chief of Manas-
seh 1 Ch 1220. d. a Korahite 1 Ch 267. e. one
of the brethren of David 1 Ch 2718 (cf. 3K^«
1 S 166).
TN2rP7N n.pr.m. (God hides) one of
David's chiefs 2S2331 1 Ch n33.
'fl"!'"'V^ n.pr.m. (Autumn Godt cf. Jb
2 94) one of Solomon's scribes 1 K 43.
t^TE^N (& !^D- Eu 21) n.pr.m. (God is
king, cf. ?N,3?p) husband of Naomi Ru Is'3 23
4 •
t^D^N n.pr.m. (God has added) a. chief
of Gad Nu 1" 214 742-47 io30. b. chief of Ger-
shon Nu 324.
t",.)rVN CUR" Gn i55 + ) n.pr.m. (God is
help, cf Ex 184; v. also "!$?« infr., V'3', Ph.
■ttJBWH, -ityi>jn, baw) a.' Abraham's steward
Offl • £)> a Damascene Gn 1 5*. b. a son of Moses
Ex 184 1 Ch 23151717. c. Benjamite 1 Ch 7". d.
several priests 1 Ch 1524 1 Ch 26s5 Ez io18. e.
Reubenite I Ch 2 716. f. prophet in time of Jeho-
shaphat 2 Ch 2037. g. Levite chief Ez 816 io23.
h. son of Harim Ezr 1 o31.
TOy^M n.pr.m. (G>d is kinsman; Ph.
DJlfot) a. father of Bathsheba 2 S 1 13; cf. ^X'B?
1 Uh 35. b. one of David's heroes 2 S 23s4
(ace. to some = a).
TtD"'7N n.pr.m. (God. is fine gold t) a. son
of Esau Gn 364'011121216'6 1 Ch i3536. b. friend
of Job Jb2u4l 151 2 21427'9-
T , D"1 , N n.pr.m. (God has judged) one of
David's heroes 1 Ch 1 135 (but v. o£ B'j>N 2 S 23M).
T:inT'E,,7N n.pr.m. (may God distinguish
him) one of the doorkeepers 1 Ch 15'821.
ttOl?Q'lI7^ (Dhr 2 s 5'6 + ) »-P*.xn. (God is
deliverance, cf. ^,P?S) a. son of David 2 S 5"
1 Ch 368 147; =0"^} 1 Ch 145. b. one of
David's heroes 2 S 23s4 (cf. also ^"fpN 1 Ch 1 I36).
c. a Benjamite 1 Ch 839. d. one of the line of
Adonikam Ezr 813. e. of the line of Hashum
Ezr io33.
fro^M n.pr.m. (nis Hock is God, cf. Dt
324; v. also bwjK) chief of Reuben Nu Is 210
^30.35 IQ1S_
tjC^TN n.pr.m. (God has protected, cf. Ph.
byZitt) a. chief of the Kohathites Nu 3°°
1 Ch 158 2 Ch 2913; =iss!'? Ex 622 Lv io4. b.
chief of Zebulun Nu 34s.
tHg^M n.pr.m. (inot in ©, 1 Ch 1 127 Dr)
one of David's heroes 2 S 23&.
TD^p*1 vN n.pr.m. (God sets up, cf. Sab.
i>NEpn, ^SOp1 Hal 61S) a. Hezekiah's prefect of
the palace 2 K 1818*37 io2 Is 2 220 3631122 37s.
b. son of Josiah, made king by Pharaoh 2 K
23s4 2 Ch 364; = D,i#rP 2 K 241 Je i3 1 Ch 3*.
c. a priest Ne 1 241.
ty3C7',7M n.pr.f.(6W is an oath, by which
one swears, cf. Is 1918 Am 814 Zp i6) wife of
Aaron Ex 6™;= 'EA«<ra/3<0 @, cf. Lu i7.
Hex) Ju 20ffl i Ch 5M3° 6M 920 241
Ezr 7.
TyiU?',7S n.pr.m. (God is salvation, cf.
V?"?!!? infr.; or is opulence, cf. y*B"?S) son of
David 2 S 5" 1 Ch 14'.
TTCJJ I N n.pr.m. (God restores, cf. Nes
"lil & Sab.Vwin DHMZM0188SM) a. a descen-
dant of David 1 CI1324. b. priest of David's time
1 Ch 24". c. high priest of Nehemiah's time
Ezr io6 Ifeji.io.M.ji i2 I3«.?.» d a ginger
Ezr io21. e. one of the line of Zattu Ezrio27.
f. one of the line of Bani Ezr 1 o36.
tjrrttT'V N (God has heard, cf. btWtf), & Sab.
VDD^X, $>Kyeiy Hal1"'193) a. chief of Ephraim
Nu i10 218 748M io22 1 Ch 726. b. son of David
2 S 5" 1 Ch 368 1 47. c. scribe of Jehoiakim Je
.jg12.20.21 d one 0f tue r0yaj gee(j 2 K 25^ Je
4 11. e. a man of Judah I Ch 241. f. a priest
2 CI1178.
i,tt?",T,N n.pr.m. (God is salvation, cf.
J**&, Sab. bsyiv DHMZM0188315)the prophet
Elisha, the successor of Elijah 1 K io16+ 57 t.
all K; 'EX«ra, 'EAiotuc @ ; 'EXi<raios Lu 4s7.
tl3Dttr»7M n.pr.m. (God has judged, Ph.
BBB^jn, i'WDBB') a captain in the time of
Jehoiada 2 Ch 23'.
nn^N v. nnx^N.
T T- v; t t • VI
Trio^N v. sub 1. *?<*.
t : v
IDyj^N n.pr.m. (God is pleasantness)
father of two of David's heroes 1 Ch n46 (not
t|n^N (God has given, cf. !>BfO?, & As.
llu-iddin DlFra", Ph. jn^JD, bv2iT\\ Palm.
jrunp, nbm Vogp"3°*>"•31,, -Nab. Swam, jruop
EutN'bl2'\ Sab. i>tom, amfo dhmZM01883-16-361-
ass QTgiv.j.i.w Theodore, Diodate). a. the
grandfather of Jehoiakim 2 K 24s; cf. Je 26s2
36122S(?). b. Levites of the time of Ezra
Ezr 8161616.
'"IJ^yN n.pr.m. (God lias testified) an
Ephraimite 1 Ch 721.
imjON n.pr.m. (God has adorned, cf.
^HJ»)T an Ephraimite 1 Ch 720.
T^J^N n.pr.m. (God is my strength =
*<#$ cf. bww, Sab. nv^N (tjfo?) DHM2"81883-15)
one of the heroes of David 1 Ch 1 25.
1tyV« n.pr.m. (God lias helped, cf. "W^K
supr.) a. Eleazar the priest Ex 6° + (50 1. in
b. son of Abinadab 1 S 71. c. one of David's
heroes 2 S 23' 1 Ch 1 1"; ins. also 1 Ch 27* cf.
Dr8m!80 d_ ft Levite j Ch 2321.22 ^ g
priest of the time of Ezra Ezr S33 Ne 1242. f.
one of the line of Parosh Ezr io25.
ftt^ty, || rhyhi* n.pr.loo. (God doth
ascendtyof a village in the tribe of Eeuben, near
Heshbon, in ruins, el Al (vid. RbBB111!78) Nu
32337Isi54 169 Je4834.
tniry 7N n.pr.m. (God lms made, cf. Wb^,
V^-etc.) a. descendant of Judah 1 Ch 23940.
b. a Beiijamite 1 Ch 837 9". c. of the line of
Pashur Ezr io22. d. son of Shaphan Je 29s.
tt^S&M v. ^?^K.
t^ysV^ n-pr.m. (God of doing J cf. Ph.
nD3s6yB) a Benjamite 1 Ch 8"1218.
ISS^M v. Wtfe.
I t t : v T
!"l]p 7N n.pr.m. (God has created, or taken
possession) a. father of Samuel 1 S 1—2 (8 t.)
1 Ch 61219. b. son of Korah Ex 624. c. a ruler
in Jerusalem in the time of Ahaz 2 Ch 287. d.
one of David's warriors 1 Ch 126. e. several
Levites (a) 1 Ch 6910-21 (/3)vlla> (y) 916 (8) 1523.
f II. J"7 /£"? vb. swear, curse (cf. I. HPK? so
Thes Lag0'"-9)— Qal Pf 1 K 831 (= 2 Ch 6M all
Vrss Th Bo Ba Kp reading n^XI); tifat Ju 172;
Inf. abs. H$K H042; ni^K Ho io4. %, swear,
take oath before God 1 K 831 (=2 Ch 6s2) ; in
covenants H042 io4 (falsely). 2. curse Jul 72.
Hipb. Impf. bf\ 1 S 1424; Inf. fr%lj> 1 K 831
= 2 Ch 6s12 adjure, pmt under oath.
ti"&N n-f- oath Gn2628 + ; sf.V^K, Srb& Gn
2441-r(4Tt.); pi. nil!3KDt2 920+(4t.) 1. oath
in testimony Lv 51 Nu 52121 (P) Pr 292S; N3
n^N3 come into an oath Ne io30; ntaa N'an
bring into an oath Ez 17'3; rbtt NSW 1K831
(=2 Che22). 2. oath of covenant Gn 244141
2628 (J) Dt291113; nbt< 013 despise an oath Ez
j 659 j j i6.i8.i9 3 curse ,aj from God Nu523(P)
Dt 2919 19-20 307 2 Ch 3424 Is 24s Je 2310 Dn 911
Zc 53; (b) from men J b3 130 ■<//■ io7 5913. 4. exe-
cration in the phrase rON? iTO become an
execration Nu 527 (P) Je 2918 4218 4412.
tn^Nn, sf. yrbm, n.f. curse La 3*.
T -: - '» • I* • ' °
till. [H7K] vb. wail (Aram. N^t, ^*)
only Qal Imv.\. "b$ Jo i8 (v. ,^«).
tn^?N n.f. fat taU of sheep, still ac-
counted a delicacy in the East ; (Mish. id. X,
nrnbt?, WrbtS, etc.; Ar. i$\ cf. Fl.TWBLt18*)
Ex 29s2 Lv3» f 8s5 (all fl5$J)j 9» prob. also
1 S 9s4 for n^Vn v. Gei Dr (cf. Tristram
Nat. Hist. Bit), ch. vl JJJ ItWB Scha/t gjjjjfk Diet. Bib. iherp\
+V->N conj. (oft. in Mishnah; Aram. £*K,
clSw^ ?Z/V : from f'X, .£ and lb) if, though,
only in late Heb., Ec 66 Est 74.
I. . ^7N n.pr. of 6th month, Aug. — Sept.
Ne616 (Mish. id., Pal. blbtf Vog79, As. Ululu COT
Nei1, Ar. J_>M, Aram. J)<£s~/).
tffil . N n.pr.loc. a station of Israel in the
wilderness Nu 231314.
tLM/^J vb. only ITiph. be corrupt mo-
~ T _*
rally; tainted (Che ^ 143) (cf. Ar 111 vni. be
confused (of a thing), of milk, turn sour\ Pf. 3 pi.
,nJ$? V' J 43 534; -f'- nh?3 a corrupt man Jb 1 516.
^N Gn 2439 v. &K.
tnU.^7^ n-Pr-loc. as sow. ofJavan Gn io4
iChi7; 'N^NEz 277 (Aeolis Josephus Jer Kn;
H DerenbourcM'!'lnB';aGr*ux'2S5r<Eng'tn'°5' in,r-0c'-188'.7>.
IfettasZ30" etc., Len0"*"-234'; Italy, with Sicily,
cf. X;bp"K n:Ht? £ Ezek, Di Gri io4; Car-
<Ao^'=Elissa, Sta i>.ropuio j.van.sr. E Meyer
Gesch. i. s 282 . decision difficult ; last view very
I. [77^?] 0° oe weak or insufficient, assumed
in Thes as root of ? vK (as also of bs) : cf. Ar.
^11 to fail in a thing).
fll. hbVi Je 1414 Kt, i.q. b'bg, q.v.
tb'1 /M n.m. (etym. uncertain : most
prob. akin to Syr. ^*^.(r weak, feeble, poor ;
perh. also in usage [cf. b] felt to suggest ?N
not; cf. Che on Is 28) insufficiency, wortldess-
ness. a. Zen17 b^bxn *jn the shepherd of
worthlessness =the worthless shepherd, Jbi34
bb« 'KB! worthless physicians ( || Ijy^Db),
Je 1 414 Qr concr. a thing of nought (uttered
by prophets), but here bvK DDp a worthless
divin. (|| T# pin, Dab VttTp) should perh. be
read (cf. Gf). b. esp. pi. D y vX concr. worthless
gods, idols (cf. Evan) (possibly orig. an indep.
word=0wfa, cf.Sab. nbtcbn,&v.N6 «Ak»*H«»)
but even if so, associated by the prophets with
idea of worthlessness, & used by them in iron.
contrast with D'iw, D'ryN) Lv 194 (not to be
made) 261(bothH),Is 28"2050 (of silver & gold),
io10 Tjffi niabpp (coll.) kingdoms of idolatrous
viorthlessness, v" 1913 (of Egypt) 31" Ez3o's
(Egypt), Hb 2" D'pbx 'K dumb idols, f 96'
(=iChi6M) all the gods of the nations are 'K
vain, worthless gods 97".
II- 7 7^ ( -/assumed for following words).
t.lTN n.f. oak (cf. pbs, but © here r(pi-
Hiv6as) only Jos 24s6 tlis oak which is in the
sanctuary of '' ; rd. however perh. n?N, terebinth
(v. 1. fibs?).
tpV« n.m.Gn358 oak (© frihavos, b,w,, etc.)
—'X abs. Gn35s + ; cstr. it.; pi. D'iibsjSAm 29
Ez 27s; cstr. 'Oi/'K Is 213 Zc ii12; — as marking
grave of Deborah, Rebekah's nurse Gn358 (E);
whence called oak of weeping, 11133 'K ib. (v. Di
ad loc, & sub p?S? p. 18); elsewhere only in pro-
phets; as marking illicit shrines Ho413(|| njnp,
fibs?); as felled Is 613 (in sim.; || flbs?); as fur-
nishing material for making idols Is 44" (|| TIN,
nn^» n**); as smi- f°r strength (|Dn) Am 29;
also IB^n *$* Is 213 (as lofty & majestic), cf.
EZ276 (as strong, for making oars); Zen2,
metaph. of prominent men.
"m 7N n.pr.m. (oak) a Simeonite 1 Ch 437
(on Jos 1 9s3 v. pbs?p. 18).
tTjVQ^ n.pr.loc. in Asher (=^D D^N?
so Thes MV) Jos 1 926 (Baer tabs?).
t',77^ interj. (prob. onomatop.: cf. Jl,
fibs?, ^Vto vjail, AA.: woe! Di718) alas! woe!
sq. V to me Mi 71 Jb io".
t[D_?N] vb. bind (perh. cf. As. [alamu],
almattu,fortressT>\ in ZimEP "4 & in BD Ezek."';
Ar. 1)1 be in pain, Aram. yi^t retain anger).
Niph. {be bound = ) be dumb, Pf. 3 fs.
nob.SO IS537; PlO^l EZ326, etc.; 7mp/. 2 ms.
IJJJW Ez 24s7; 3 fpl. fijpbsw ^ 31".— 1.
6e dumb, i.e. silent ^ 39s iWJM '3 (|| Wtfrifl);
cf.v10 (|| ^-rWBK S?b); sim. of sheep Is537(|| id.) ;
6e dMm6, i. e. unable to speak Ez y6 (result
of W^j p'aiK ^V^) cf. 24s7 i»»T* nr^
■rty Dbsri ^!n naini; 33" niy 'np^w n^ » nns^.;
also Dn io15 (cf. v16); be made dumb subj.
■fflg ^riBB' Zymy Zt>* V 3 119 (II ^80 ,DT v'8)-
toVn 48
Pi. Ft. bind G11377 (E) D'tpbx D'E^XD binding
T [nD7^] n.f. sheaf, in Joseph's dream
Gn37;.7.7T.7 '(■£) 3q sf v.bSx, pi. on^x, eovtoSs;
also f 1 26s Vn'ebx (in fig. of ret. fr. captivity).
tO^N n.[m.] silence, f 561 (title) vid. 01
De, in name of melody D'prn D7X roiOy; also
+ 58* ( = adv. in sihnceX) but rd, D(')bx 01
De Che, etc.
' D7S adj. dumb, unable to speak; Ex 411
D;>X DVc> ip "lX Dlt6 HB Db 'O ; Is 5610 D^?
Dn$K fig. of false proph.; of idols 'X D'^bx
Hl>28; as subst. Pr3i8 ^38" IS356.
□^N v. in. D^Sp. i9.
S^N v. D^'X sub II. h«.
T "
T |72T'N adj. forsaken, of Israel Je 515 (sq.
TTQ ; N n.[m.] widowhood, fig. of Babylon
Is 47" (|| btotf, cf. v9; vid. BaNBB).
tn:oV« n.f. widow (Mish. id., As. aZ-
t t : - 61 *
mattu Dl in ZimBri14)— 'x Gn 38"+ ; no cstr.;
pl. riboj* Ex 2 2a+ ; pi. sf. vrfuoiix Jb 2718,
etc.— widow 1 K 1 720; 'X n£;K 2 S 1 46( || ^K nD'l)
1K714 nMi7910; Gn38"(J; living in father's
house) cf. Lv 2 213 (H ; || ITf*^) ; 2 1 14 (H), where
widow forbidden as wife of h. p., like HE^nj, rppn,
H3T cf. Ez 44K-SS-22 (ti. of all priests, exc. widow
of priest); Nu3O10(P; of widow's vow, ||nt!'Vi3);
niJDbx D3^?=ye shall be slain Ex 2 223(||D3''A3
G'DJV) cf. V1099 Je 158 18s1 Ez 2a» also La 5s
(sim.); of those snatched away by pestilence
Hj^an tib 1>tfl$$ Jb2715; by sword, id., ^78";
® We rd. rrt»n nfofsj* 2S203 (v. n«oj>x infr.)
of imprisoned concubines; fig. of Jerusalem
Lai'; Babylon Is 47s; esp. widow as help-
less, exposed to oppression & harsh treat-
ment (oft. ||DirV, & -13); Is i23 io2 Jb229 24s
3 116 y(r 94s Mai 3s; harshness forbidden, & care
for them enjoined Ex2221(E) Dt 1429 16"14
»4BJUUI 261213 2719 Is 1" Je 76 223 Zc 710, cf.
Jb 2913; under esp. care of God Dt io18 Je49u
Pr 15*^68' 1469; once of severity of judgment
in not sparing widow Is 916. ('PX Is 1 3s2 vid. sub
PD")X ; Ez 197 vid. ib. & also sub pjJD.)
t[rVljDTN] n.f. widowhood (Mish. id.,
Ph. riD^x) sf.nnyD^X HJ3 her widow's garments
Gn 381419; cstr. m>n rVODJw 2 S 203 (of David's
imprisoned concubines ; but text impossible ;
© We ni>Pl niJDbx, cf. Dr; Klo thinks gloss);
fig. of Jerusalem Is 544 IJTIUDpK.
"Y"? "t? at^J- some one, a certain (name
unspoken); 'X *frf Dipt) 1 S 21s 2 K 68; '« 'B
alone.of person, = such-an-one,so-and-so~Ru 41.
tipVX n.pr.loc. Ellasar Gn i4'-9( = Bab.
Larsa, mod. Senkereh, c. 28 miles NE. from Ur;
cf. LoftC8240fDl1'*B3,TieleGe'chlM, COT"""00).
fl. [*]7^] vb- learn (Ar- ^4 **5P»
cleave to, become familiar with; Aram. *P8,
&^L, learn, Sl£.1" , Pa teacli). Qal Jfnp/
2 ms. iririN C]bxn pr 222i; Pi. teach, sq. ace.
1J»B ^ Jbi5s(subj.^J!); soJP<.«sb(for '^XID
Sta'^'Ko1'388 Ge'^S'cf. Ewtrab) Jb 35u;'sq.
2 ace. noon is^xx Jb 33s3.
ti. [*$*] n.m. y8'8; only pl. cattle
(Ph. tjijN, As.alpu, COTGl0")— D'B^X Pr 144 Is
3024 used in tillage; subject to man ^88 (H^.S);
their increase T^X Tjtf a blessing Dt 713 2841851
(|| all 13t6t niriB'jj)'.
1. tpV& adj. tame — 'n abs. Mi 76+;
cstr. Pr2,7 + ; sf. *»fcl ^55"; pl- D^
Je 1321; sf. 0*B^8 ^ 14414, etc.;— 1. tame, rfo-
cile, ^v8 fe*33 a <2oci7e (gentle) Zam6 Je 1 1 19.
2. n.m. friend, intimate yj/ 5514 (|| 1>^B) Mi 7s
(|| IT!!) Pr 1628 179 Je 1321; of a woman's hus-
band y\W: 'X Pr 2"; fig. of "* as husband of
Judah, id., Je 34. 3. i.q. 1. *fy(; aty&} CW^t
\^ 14414 (i.e. cows).
II. ^7^ a.m.Ju615 thousand (^X MI, SI,
Sab. DHM2MG1875-615; Ar. dii( Aram. *£]',
$* , X^bx)— 'x ('X) Gn 2016 + ; sf. ^X f Ju 615;
du. D^X Nu436 + ; pl. D"?^ Exi82I + ; cstr.
•BJJU EX3228-!-; T^X Dt713+2t.; I'S^X Qr
1 S i87+2t. (Kt IS") — a thousand. 1. nu-
meral: a. used with noun alone; mostly before
noun NU354 Jos 7s Ne 3" 1 Ch i84+ ; after
noun (late) 1 Ch 1 235 + 6 t. Ch Ezr Ne; TOX3 'X
Nu 355'5'" Ez 473 (del. Co); the noun always pl.
when preceding, sometimes when following,
i S 252 1 K 34 2 K ^r^Is 368 2 Ch 3024 f 904
Jb 4 2 12 Ec 66; elsewh. sg. tr N Ju 949 1 51516 Jos 73 + ;
nox Nu 354 + (so SI); "rtl Dt79+, cf. iCh 184
196 2 K 1519 Jb421'!Ct44Is 721, noun sometimes
coll.; 'Npl. cstr. Mi 67 ^ 1 1 9" Gn 2460; noun not
expr. (or not fully) Gn 2016 Nu 3l5,6 + ; distrib.
*])* • • • «£« Nu 314; multipl. Dt i" D'OV? 'x!
indef. for great no. (pi.) Ex206347 Dts10 Je'3218,
(sg.) Dt 3 230 Ec 66 + . b. 'x + other num. usually
precedes it Ex 38^ + oft.; but foil. VfOF\ Ezr
2M + 2 1.; it follows also smaller no. Nu 3Mi K 512
(so SI); the noun foil, in sg. Ex 2825 + 8 1.; pi.
2 S 84 + 2 1.; noun precedes, in pi. (late) Dn 1 212
+ 2 t.; noun not expr. Ex 3 s28 + oft. c. 't< x
other no. always foil. Ex i237-f ; usual order is
no. X 'X + additional no. (if any) + noun (if expr.)
Nu3iS2 Ju 2035cf.Ex 1 2372K 34A + ; less oft.noun
+ no. x'x Nu 3 i33 iK8ffl+; (other combin. v.
Ex 38s6 Nu26M3i32 EX4830 1 Ch297etc); '«
usually sg. Nu n2' + ; exc. after units, where
pi. abs. Nu i46 Ju 2034 + (so MI); seld. pi. cstr.
Ex 32s8 Ju 410 Jb i3-3; (noun mostly sg. when
foil. Ju 410 1 K i221 + , yet pi. Jos 413 1 S i35 + ;
when preceding it is pi. 1 Ch 521 4- , or coll. Nu
3133 1S252 iK8632Ch75+); n'S^flbK iCh
215 2214 2 Ch 148; ]Xp ^b« ^68^ cf. fffi;
igg nina ^5o10, rd. bx cf. ^36', OlBiChe;
yet v. Hup De.— Note. 1 0,000 =D^« roby
etc. Ju i4 3W 1 K 5s8 1 Cb.297+; less'oft. Si,
^551 etc- <!•▼• 2. a thousand, a company of
1000 men, as united under one superior, or
leader, hence '« "If (ne>) Ex 1 82L2S cf. Nu 3 1 " + ;
cf . iwif ; X 'V«1 Nu 1 16 1 o4 Jos 2 2s130 & v. infr. ;
cf. also 1 S 29s; esp. family, etc. Ju 615 1 S io19
(|[ cat? & cf. nna^t? v21); cf. Mi 52;— Nu 10s6
farfcl *£( n^a-i) 31* Jos 2214 1 S 23s3 ap-
parently shew transit, to this technical use.
in. fpN n.pr.loc. city in Benj., 'KH Jos
1 8s8; perL Lifta N¥. fr. Jems. Survey1"18
(cf. 11. 'QX 2 for prob. meaning).
11. tyl^N n.m. ichi.oi chief) chiliarch
(denom. fr. 11. ^N v. Di Gn 3615)— '« abs. Gn
3616 + ; pi. cstr. ^X (^K) Ex i515 + ; sf.
DiTE^N Gn 361930— chief (tribal) of Edom Gn
+ 9t.; of Judah Zc 125"; so *\\x 9' (in sim.)
t[T7K] vb. Pi. urge (Aram. -Stfi Sam.
•m a) 3 fs. ins^Nni Ju 1 66 ( || n,?.?"]a \b WW).
nip1™ v. 1. W.
^"'IT'lpV^ adj. gent. c. art. Nahum the
Elkoshite Na I1 (perhaps =. from Elkosh, but
locality unknown ; identified by Jerc<"""n- with a
village Elcesi in Galilee ; cf. also Capernaum
(=Din: IB!?); others (improbably) with an
Elkosh on E. bank of Tigris, near Mosul).
TNpfHN, npn7N n.pr.loc. Levitical city
in the tribe of Dan, between Ekron & Tirana,
As. Altaku (COT) Jos 1944 2iB.
TjpfHN n.pr.loc. a city in the tribe of
Judah north of Hebron Jos 15".
□N conj. (= Aram, ^/[and in JI/In^«=
Jf y/ if not, except], Ar. ^\ if [and in VI =
V ,jl if not, except], Eth. Xm>: (gmma) if
= .TB + DK (\S. + ^[) [and in M'.^alld) if
not, but], As. umma ; also in Ar. ll 'Anf =
°\\ cf DNH- v No*"-208'Z*OI888',-7S9- WAOI-,3S7"\
(**'••-•■ ' /
1. hypoth. part. if. a. construction (v.
more fully Dr'136"13*143 FriedrichD",He,,rCo"<m "«•
18S4): (1) with impf. (continued by pff. & waw
consec; apod, usually begins with pf. & waw
consec. or bare impf.; or, if necess.,withimper.
orjuss.) (a) of /u«ure time: Gn 1 8M NXDN-DN if
I shall find 50 righteous in Sodom, 'ntwjl I will
pardon, etc., 248329 Dt 19s' 1 K i62b 612 fV"33;
Gn 4237 Ju 13" 1 K i62* ^ 13212. (b) of past
time (rare, but classical): Gn 318 IPS' DN if
ever he said ... VPJ^ then they used to bear, etc.,
Ex 4037; & in the protestations Jb 3171316'25 etc.
(alternating with pff., v. infr., & with jussives
in apod.) (c) assuming a purely imaginary
case (with impf. in both clauses, like the
double opt. in Greek), if, though : Gn 1 3" so
that ?3^"EN if a. man were able to number the
stars, thy seed also ""1313? might be numbered,
Nu 2 219 Is i18 WJ& D'JE'a tl ViT-DK though your
sins were as scarlet, they should become white
as snow, Am 9" VVirr~btC though they were to
dig into Sheol, from thence Dnjjn would my
hand fetch them, 1// 27s 139"+ . (2) with pt.
(expressing either a present process, or an ap-
proaching future : apod, as 1 a) Gn 2442'49 Ju
gas 9i6 j j9 am tPSffe OX if ye are going to
bring me back ..."•' ]r$) then * will, etc;
similarly with J?", or J'K Gn 44s6 Ex 22s 1 S 208
23s3; & with no explicit copula Dt 222 25' Lv
i314, etc. (3) with perf. (a) of fat. or pres.
time (continued by pff. & waw consec: apod, as
I a) Gn 439 T2?^ W?*™ T^? Wtf**?" nVdn
if I do not bring him back (si eum non redux-
ero) and set him before thee, I will be guilty
for ever, 47s if thou knowest that there are
men of worth among them !WI?en then make
them, etc., Jui617 2S1533 2 K 74 ^ 417 94w
Jb 74 930'- io14 ^IQW TXan OX if I sin, thou
watchest me. On XrOX Gn 1 83 al. v. X). (b)
of past time, whether (a) in actual fact, or (£)
in an assumed case (the pf. is here continued
by the impf. and waw consec; apod, begins as
DM 50
before), (a) Ju 91619 Dn^ ...OHifye have
done honestlyttyOTn and have made Abimelech
king..., 1S26"; esp. in protestations, as
yfr f TIW Vrt^ DM if I have done this . . . , let
the enemy pursue my soul,etc. Je 33s5'' Jb 3 i5''9,
etc. (b) Nu 5s7 »/ sAe Aar« denied herself PVO™
a?id fircn faithless, 'N21 then shall they come,
etc., 15s4 3S23"54. (c) with bare pf. in apod., in
sense of If ... had ... , only Dt 3230 '3 t6"DK
«:ere it «o< that . . . , ^73". (v is more usual
in such cases.) (4) with inf. once (si vera 1.)
Jb927 *Tft DS = if I say (lit. if (there is) my
saying). — Note that the vb. following DK is
often strengthened by the inf. abs., as Ex 1 5s6 1 9s
2 is 2 2sls-,6a Ju 1 130 1 4" 1 6n etc. ; cf. Dr8" L »• 6.
b. S/iecial uses: (1) repeated . . . DN
DK whether . . .or (sive . . . sive) Ex 1 9" Dt 1 83
2S151"; similarly t»0 . . . BM Gn3i62 Je426
Ez 25 Ec nJ 1214 (cf! /. . . vfi V|5 . . . v?
?S™; &...£& \Z\}...\Z\).
(2) After an oath (expressed, or merely
implied) Ott (the formula of imprecation being
omitted) becomes an emph. negative, and N?"DN
an emph. affirmative : 2S1111 by thy life
nP 1^n-ns TtyflfrOM (may God bring all
manner of evil upon me) ifl do this thing ! =
surely I will not do this thing ! (cf. the full
phrases in 1S3" 2K631) Gn 1423 4215 N111423
1 S3'4 196 2 K21 3,4& oft.; Is 2214 V89369511
Jb 628; kVdk Nu 14s8 Jos 149 1 K 2023 2 K 9s6
IS59 1424 Jei5u 49M Jbi]I + esp. Ez; after
a neg. clause, emphasizing a contrasted idea,
Gn 2438 (where the expl. by Aram. X?N is not
supported by Heb. usage), cf. Je 2 26. Repeated,
DNl...DK2S202(l2K3I4Is628Je3816; Ezi416.
In adjurations (with 2nd or 3rd ps.) = that not
Gn 2123 26s9 3160 1 S 24s2 1 K i61 Ct 27 36 + .
Of past or present time: 1 S2534 as * liveth (I
say) that, unless thou hadst hastened .. . , DM *|
"in*0 that surely there had not been left . . .! 1 7s6
as thy soul livelh ^V"!'"13^ if I know it! 1 K
47" 1 810— both B^-DK («? here merely intro-
duces the fact sworn to, & need not be trans-
lated; so2S3s: v. ''3); f 1212 t6"DM (after
a neg. clause: cf. supr. Gn 24s8)' Cf. Str'90.
(3) Part, of wishing, if but . . .! oh that. . . 1
(rare) ^8i9 If thou wouldest hearken to me!
957 l39™ Pr 24n- Cf. KX3232. With an imv.
(si vera 1.) Jb 3416 nj'jjTDSl; and with an ana-
coluthon, Gn 23" (P) *)$$ lb TOM-DM ?/thou!
— oh that thou wouldst hear me !
(4) Nearly = when — with the pf. : (a)
of past, Gn389 Nu2i9 flM"}} . . . TIB/rDK ffffl
and it used to be, if or when a serpent had
bitten a man, that he would look, etc., Ju 63
* 78'1 (v. LV,36*ob*); Am 72. (b) of pres. or
fut., Is 44 }*n"i DX when the Lord shall have
washed, 24" 2S25; cf. Nu 36* (with the impf.)
c. Compounded with other particles : — (a)
DK W3 except if, except, tGn 4718 Ju 7" Am 3s-4.
(0) DS fcrtbq +2 K20,9(for which Is 397 has sim-
ply '?), perh. Is it not (good), j'/\ . . ? (De Di).
(y) Dtp?, q.v. (8) DK ny +Gn 241933 Is 3017
Ru 221, & ta« "f* "1J? tGn 28ls Nu 32" Is 6",
until, prop. MWiti i/ or when, (e) DN pi if only
(v. sub pi). *6~DN in Ez 3cb is very difficult
The Vrss render If I had sent, etc., implying
*b for t6"DN (for Ew's M'^IWtssWI, q.v., is
precarious): GesHiCo 'but (N?~DK aftera neg.,
cf. supr. Gn 24s8 ^ 1312) unto them (Isr.) have
I sent thee : they can understand thee' (but
understand is a dub. rendering of ?$ 1"?^).
2. Interrog.part. a. in direct qu. : (a)
alone (not freq. and usually = Num ? expecting
the answer No, esp. in a rhet. style): Gn 38''
1 K i27; Ju 58 nanj n^VTJM f?0 was there a
shield to be seen or a spear . . . ? Is 2916; and
repeated Am 3* Je 4s27 Jb 612. (b) more frtq.
in disjunctive interrogation : (o) DK . • • Ht
expressing a real alternative Jos 513 nriX y?n
U^Xp'DN art thou for us, or for our enemies ?
Ju 92 1 K 22615: more oft. expressing a merely
formal alternative, esp. in poetry (a rhetorical
Num'l) Gn 37s Nu n1222 Ju n'261- 2 S 1936 Is
io15 668 Je 36 Hb 3s ^ 7710 7820 Jb 417 6" io45
1 17 etc. (/3) DW . . . PI (rarer than DM ... H, but
similar in use) 2 S 2413 (a real alt); Is 49s4 502
Je 59 (v29 DM) 1422 Joi244 Jb83 n2 214 223
3417 408f- (formal); Gn I717P (with an anacol.)
shall a child . . . i "l.?n nV? DW Ji1"nan "T'T™*!
or Sarah, — shall she that is 90 years old bear*!
Pr 2 724 (OKI after neg. clause), b. in oblique
interrogation, if, whether: (a) alone, after verbs
of seeing, inquiring, etc. 2 K i2 Je 51 306 Mai
310 + 13924 Ct 713 La i12 Ezr 259; once V1^ "»
DN who knoweth if...1 i. e. (like haud scio an)
perhaps Est 414 (older syn. ITt^ ,P alone: see
2 S 1 222 Jo 2" Jon 39). (6) disjunctively DN . . . n
Gn 2721 Nu 1318-20; so DKK . . DK Jos 2415. cl
compounded with £1 , DKH fNu 1 7s8 f$ WOM DKH
prob. an emph. Num ? Shall we ever have
finished dying? Jb 613 difficult: perh. Is it
that my help is not in me ? (a forcible means
of expressing that that which might be thought
impossible is nevertheless the case); Hi as an
aposiop., If my help is not in me (am I still to
wait)1 (The view that DNn = «5>n nonne f is
inconsistent with the fact that Dl< in a question,
has regularly the force of Num ?)
DN 51
ON v. DBX.
T - T \
77 f2b$ (assumed as ■/ of foil., which how-
ever prob. bilit. cf. Sta*188; vid. also LagBN82).
t,"TON n.f. maid, handmaid (Ph. DCX,
T T *
Ar. iS\, Sab. J1DK in n.pr. Sab.Denkm.20, Aram.
)&»r, As. amtu ZimBP67)— 'x abs. Gn 2i10+;
sf. 'not?. Gn 3o3+ , etc.; pi. abs. nhDK Gn 3133
2 S622;'cstr. n^TDN 2 S 620; ^hOX Jb 195 etc.
— maid, handmaid. 1. lit. maidservant (=
nnEB' q.v., wh. however sometimes more servile ;
rarely P in Hex) Gn 303 3133 (|| nriEK> 292«9P
3o4f- J etc.) Ex 25 (all E) ; 2 S 6^ Jb 1915
Na 28 (sf. refers to mistress, exc. Jb 1916 cf.
2 S 62022); in legisl. (|| T$fi Ex 201017 2 i*»»"
(all E) Lv 256MM(H) Dt s'1414-18 121218 15»«*»
161114; cf. also Jb 31" Ezr 2s5 Ne 767; applied
to concubine (sf. of master) Gn 2017 2 1 12 Ex 2312
(all E) Ju 918 1919; also Gn2i101013(i6"P nnst?
q.v.) Ex 2 17 (all E), vid. on this Sta0"*"'"-880.
2. fig. in address, I^CK etc., referring to
speaker, in token of humility; Ru 399 (|| nnaB*
213) iSi,6(||irf.v18) 25
id. V27) 2 S
141516 (|| id. v«.7.i».i'.w-i»); 2017; lKi1317320; in
addressing God (never nnaty) 1 S illllu, cf.
'S-|3^8616 11616.
ti. ViON n.pr. Amon,anEgyptiangodNa38
Je4625, comp. by Greeks with Zeus (Herod.1142;
Diod.1' 13), 'Aii/iif. He was originally the local
deity of Thebes (=t?J, called f<OH to Na 38,
cf. t?3J? 'X Je 4625), but subsequently became
the supreme god of the Egyptian Pantheon,
the successor of the sun-god Ra and so-called
Anion Ra. He was the secret god, who hid
himself and was difficult to find (Amon =
concealment, hidden); v. Rawl.Hi»t.A„c.EBJPu.322
Ebers RiUWB. (11. in. ftoN v. p. 54.)
"hCN n.pr.m. Ezr a" = in. |iCN Ne f9-
t[7^K] vb. be weak, languish (cf. Ar.
JJil hope, expect). Qal Pt. pass. f. nx8 TO
7]ri3p how weak is thy heart! Ez 1630 (but < Co
W^j ^-no); Pn'l. P/. ^« Jo i10 + ; n^ot?
Is 339+; '-v?*? Je 142 etc.; — he or yrow
/eeife, languish ; of loss of fertility (woman)
1 S 25 Je 1 59 ; of fisherman whose trade fails
Is 198 (||fWN, ^3N); in genl. of inhab. of
smitten land Ho 43 (|| YW) ^W)> Is 24/ cf.
infr. usually subj. inanim., personif.; TrtOJg
pa^n is 168; cf. Nai4-4; ban L3244 (||bj, b«);
H$ 33°(ll 5o*)i fubj. |E3 Is247(||B>i-i,n bzt*\;
y&} Jo 110 (|| TW», !««, B*3in ; kindred subj.);
njxn v>2 (|| ne»ain jsan); D*"J«f je 145 (|| nbax
ITJW); cf. La 28 i^ett rm; noim brrbatw.
t [T?72N] adj. feeble (Mish. id.; on forma-
tion cf. Ew ! m b Sta * ^ ; D^betsn DHVWi Ne 314.
t^Vr;^ adj. id. (Ew'6- Sta!23°); 'JK'Kf 6»
(|| rDjrjj ibqa?).
I. Q^2^ (perh. be wide, roomy, As.[amamu]
whence ummu, womb, motfi£r = Qtt cf. DlrrKI9;
but Dt? n.prim. ace. to Thes Sta1189" LagBN22).
CN m n.f. mother (Ph. DK, Ar. *1, *[, Eth.
Xy, Sab. DN (only in n.pr. cf. e.g. BaeKe1118)
Ab. ummu COT G,0M; Aram. Dg, KB'K, ),£<>')—
'Xabs.Gn32,2 + ; cstr. Gn3M + ; sf. 'Bt? Gn 2o'2
+ etc; + pi. only sf. tfn'Bt? La 53; BnbN Je 163
La 21212; — 1. lit. (human) mother, as parent Gu
20" 2220 5012 1 Ch49 Ct69 86+ ; hence of Eve Dt?
'n-^SGns^poet.of birth, Dt? JBaOKr Jbi21Ec
5"; Dt? DIT30 S5P Nu 1212 cf. + i3913(Je 2018&)
Mia nsN "jjisi? f 716 (subj. '\ cf. nru 2210; > n>=
my benefactor fr. birth Thes Ew Hup Pe); also
nap tpM »TUjnje 2017; Dt? |C30=fr.earliest exist-
ence Jui617Jb3i18^22"; so DX,JfB»I8491; as
giving suck Ct 8 ' (Dt? Hf) f 2 2 10 cf." 1 3 1 2 (v. Ex
29 cf. v8); as exercising authority Gn 2121 24s8
2711I3"Jui72fRui8Ct3482etc.; esp. of queen-
mother as possessing dignity & influence 1K1"
2131920 2CI12223 Ct 311 Pr 31 '; cf. names of mo-
thers of kings of Judah 1 K 142131 15210'3+ ; as
shewing love & care 1 S 219 1 K 3s7 1 7s3 2 K 430 Is
6613 (sim. of /vs comforting his people; cf. also
Gn 2 745) ; as beloved & lamented 1 K 1 920 ( || at?)
Gn 24s7 i/' 35"; tet?"t? = own (uterine) brother
GU4329; & || ns G112729 Dti37 Ju819 ^so20
69s Ct i6 cf. 81; so iTOTna Lv 189 2017 Dt 27s?
(||V3K-ri3) Gn 2012; oft. with 3«, as^re^es Je
i63Zci333 Is 84; as rightfullyclaiminghonour,
authority, etc., cf. supr., Gn 287 (P) cf. 3710 (E)
Ju i42f, so in precept Pr i^^io1 is^etc. cf. Ez
2 27; laws enjoining these Ex 2012=Dt 516 Lv 1 93
cf. Dt 2215; laws prohib. contrary Ex 2i1S17 (E)
Lv 2099(H) Dt2ils19 27"; laws as to mourning
for Lv2i2"(H)Nu67(P)cf.Jei67Ez4425; left
for wife Gn 224; for mother-in-law Ru 224; for
husband Dt2i13 (law for captive women); cf.
Dt 339 (of devoted service of Levites); loving,
caring for children Pr 43 (on the opposite cf.
\j/ 2710); loved, cared for Jos 213 cf. vls 63
e 2
iS22a iKi9Mcf. 2S 1938. +2. fig. of De-
borah as caring for her people ?N~b^3 DX Ju
5' (cf. 3K Is 22s' Jb 2916); so of a city 2 S 20"
('stock, race, community' RSK2a of.*""*- "•■");
of Israel Ho24745 cf. io"; of Judah Is 50";
of Hittite as mother of Jerusalem 'TD^J T3?
Tl-rin -lOWEz ^"cf.v4445; alsoi9210&vid. 23s.
t 3. of animals, dam Ex 22s9 (of ox & sheep) Lv
22s7 (of bullock, sheep, or goat); Ex 23"= 3426
= Dt 1451 (of kid); mother-bird Dt 2 26M; fig.
Jb 1714 : n^nS 'nhsi ^qn nnx <3« vany nne^.
t4. =point of departure or division T!^? EX
Ez 2 iM (HOT)!? *if kw).
tl. n^SN n.f. only mother-city, metropolis
(cf £38 2 S 2019 & Ph.); in phrase nBXn jriD au-
thority of motlier-city 2 S8l; v. 3£0; cf. Dr.
11. i"TCSN 216n.f. eU, cubit (SI n»X; so Sab.
DHMZ»G 1865. 613. Aram J^' KQX. Ag amTOO<M
Nor190; Eth. XflO^j etym. dub.; Thes al.
mater brachii, i.e. length of fore-arm; others
der. fr. -v/dOX, II precede, be in front, & hence
fore-arm cf. Di Is64; DlFrlTO MV der. imme-
diately from V/DDN be wide (v. supr.), nE>X =
distance, & hence a particular distance, ell,
cubit)— 'X abs. Gn616 + ; cstr. IIBX Dt 3" Je
5113; dw.D^QX Ex2510+ ;^Z.nte)K Ex2616+ ;—
1. cubit, so C5"X"TIBN i.e. ordinary cubit, Dt3"
(cf. Is 8'); in Ez 405 4313 is a cubit one hand-
breadth longer, cf. 2 Ch 3' ronton rnB3 'X ■
absol. length dub., cf. Smith "* B,b~ •**-** —
Meuures . Lgpg Ju J*««""«< *er Alten. SBAk 1883. 1196 f. J,Jen.
tif. with Egyptian, longer cubit -525m., shorter
•450m.; v.also H*****um—mmmttwk ien.741
OppertOOA187M0&5iB"dA'srr-,m (also on the Bab.
'half-cubit' = -27om. HptAJPhl888•419Hom8•m't•"l•
W1); on rfrsx 'K Ec 418 cf. Sm & Co (Co del.);
0*% niDK Bton Ez 4216 Kt, rd. rflKO so Qr Co;
chiefly in Ex 25-27. 36-38 (56 t.) 1 K 6. 7
(45t.) 2CI13. 4 (2it.) EZ40-43 (86 1.); a (one)
cubit=n®x Gn 616 Ex 2sloa+ ; nexn Ez 4314;
nnx 'X Ez AonMMaM 424 4314; two cubits=
DTIBX Ex251017'233o2371-610i!5 Nun31; n)F\V
flteX Ez 409 4 13!2 43"; c. num. 1-10 'x mostly
follows num. in pi. Ex 2616 27IM 1 K 610 Ez
4o'J'+; c. num. 11-1000 + , it mostly foil,
num. in sing. Gn6151516 Ex27121338131415 NU354
Jos 34 1 K 6223 716-16 Je 522122 Ez 4049-49 + ; seld.
foil, in pi. EZ40" (del. Co) v27 (Co sg.) 42s; so
also ntox twni Dnbj; Ez 401329 but tWffl ®vn
HBX Ez4o2S-3»33'3,i; (late) also in pi. precedes al'l
num^Chs3-3-4-9-8-}- ;6'3Ez422; also oft. DBX3 foil.
all num. Ex 26"-8-8 27918 369(M513-21 NU35""
1 K 66"-6 7B!B!!3 2 Ch 42-2-2 Ez 4021 47s Zc 522+ ,
cf. eton ntek^ 2 Ch 3"; oft. **m 'x Ex 251010'
101717 + , also ;Xil ^sm 'X Ex 26163621 i K 1 731'3235
etc.; cf. rn\T rites' t?e> 1 S174; sq. rmpa in
measurement Jos 34 2 Ch 3s. 2. t measure,
full measure, limit, only ^}/S3 D13X the measure
of thy gain-making Je 5113 (|| ^'i?).
tin. [n®M] n.f. (etym. & mng. dub. ; Thes
foundation (cf. Talm. AW), fr. DX in metaph.
sense, cf. M V ; De on Is 64 der. similarly, but
makes support of superliminaria (cf. @ @ 35) ;
Ew Di der. fr. -\/DOX = ll precede, whence IP
front; DlPrll° tr. holder fr. -/dOX 6« 101'de,
hence contain, /told) only D'SDH J"li2X Is 64.
t iv. r!73W n.pr.loc. hill near Gibeon,
ntsx-nyrij 2 s 2s4.
[trTON] n.f. tribe, people (Ar. lit ; As.
ummatu cf. JenKMmo,■336, Aram. Jhoco^, XEW)
only pi. niBN Nu 2515; D^BX ^n7l; sf. DnBX
Gn2516; — of tribes of Ishmaelites Gn 2516; of
Midian (|| 3X-TV3) Nu 2515; || Dia ^ 1171.
TC2N n.pr.loc. in southern Judah Jos
I526 (@L 'A/iO/x, SO A, but B 2i)v).
+L [|Q^1 vb. confirm, support (cf. Ar.
^y»\, etc., v. infr.; Sab. JDK in deriv. & n.pr.
cf CIS1"-1'10 DHMZMG1886D98; Aram. RKj, <x>l
in Haph. Eth. h9°h\ As. in deiiv.)— only Qal
Pt. [OX; — 1. as vb. support, nourish 2 K io15
Est 2". 2. as subst. foster-father Nun12 (J)
Is 49s3. 3. fOBX foster-mother, nurse Ru 416
2 S 44. 4. n'liDX pillars, supporters of the door
2 K 1816. Pt. 2>ass. a. D,?"N:\I those brought up
(in scarlet) La 4s. b. D^IDS intrans. faithful
(as firm, stable) as subst. m. faithful ones
y^ 1 2s (>© <S al. faithfulness) 2 S 2019 (cf. Ar.
^J-\ be faithful, ^J*\ trust in, {\^>\ be secure);
<//• 3 124 faithful ones '' keepeth, * "l?fl D^OX;
but '" is here taken by © Ri De Che as
n.abstr. v. ]C«. Niph. fDW Pr n13+(6 t);
7m;>/. RJfi [OW; 1 K 8M + (9 t.) ; Pt. JDS? Pr
25l3 + (16 t.) nj9$ Is i21 + (4 t.); riJDW ^ 89s9;
D"?0«3 Pr2 764-(9t.); niJON? Dt2 869.' 1.
carried by a nurse Is6o4. 2. made firm, sure,
lasting: place Is 22s3-25; name 1 Chi 7s4; waters
Is3316 Jei518; an event Ho 5°; sickness Dt
28611; mercy Is 553. 3. confirmed, established,
sure: kingdom 2 S 716; house, dynasty 1S2*
2 5s8 1 K 1 1 ■ 1 Ch 1 723; prophet Samuel 1 S 320; cf.
pN 53
word-play «»Kn tb KM&p t6 DM = if ye believe
not (have not firm confidence) ye will not be
confirmed Is 7"; UDNni "a WW>?} = believe in
Yahweh and ye will be confirmed 2 Ch 2020.
4. verified, confirmed: words of God 1 K 820
2 Ch i9 617; his precepts f m7; testimonies
f I98 93s; covenant ^ 8Q29; words of men Gn
4220 (E). 5. reliable, faithful, trvsty: persons
1 S 236 22" Jb 1220 V 89s8 1016 Pr 2513 Is 82
Ne 1313; a city Is in; |BR3n i>xn the faithful
God Btf cf. IS497; ™"> 19*} faithful in spirit
(disposition) Pr 1 113; fDM *aaf> Aj« fimrt faith-
ful NeQ8; fDtUI TICK TJ true and faithful
witness Je 42s; 3H1K lyVB D-3DN3 faithful the
wounds of a loving one Pr 27"; c. flK 1^78*;
Bf Ho ia1; 3 of thing ^ 7837; ,n,3-^33 is
all my house (of Moses) Nu i27(E). Hiph.
P9JHJ Gn4526+(i8t.); /mp/ POK!, JOK? Jb
i53' + (3°t.); Imv. U"DKri 2 Ch 2O20 + (2 t.);
A W Dt i32 Jos 2516. 1. stand firm Jb 3924
(cneg.of the horse when the trumpet sounds Di
De MV 11 Vm; but neitlier believeth KV, hardly
trusts Da). 2. trust, believe: (a) abs. Ex 431 (J )
Is f 2816 Hb i5 V 1 i6"> Jb 29"; (6) with {> of
person, <r«s< to, believe Gn 4s26 (E) Ex 418 (J)
Je4o14 2Ch3215; with God Dt 9s3 Is4310; 5»
of thing Ex 489 (J) + 106™ 1 K io7 2 Ch96
IS531 lJr 1415; (c) with a of person, trust in,
believe in Ex 199 (J) 1 S 2712 2 Ch 2020 Jb 418
1 515 Pr 2625 Je 1 2° Mi 75; the usual construction
with God Gn 156 (E) Ex 1431 Nu 1411 (J) 2012
(P) Dti32 2K171' 2Ch2020 V7822 Jon35;
with a of thing Dt 28™ Jbis31 24" 3912 ^78
10612 11966; (d) with'1? trust or believe that Ex
4° (J) Jb 916 La 412; (e) so with infin. Jb 1522
^ 2713; also trust to do a thing, almost= a#ou;,
Ju II20.
TJEH n.[m.] faithfulness; JD& nnm '.perfect
faithfulness (faithfulness, faithfulness) Is 251.
t)£ M adv. verily, truly Dt 2 7 1M6 ( 1 2 t.) 1 K
i36 Ne 513 Je n6 28s & doxologies 1 Ch 1636
(=f 10648); J?N(1) JON Nu 522 (P) Ne 86, &
in the doxologies ^4 114 7219 89s3 10643. a^v—
Amen : fOK NtSn Js 6516'« CW of Amen De Che
RVm ; cf. Ttev 3", or God of faithfulness, God
of truth (KV) (perh. rd. JEN Che Di).
Tj'SN (omnuin) n.m. master-workman, ar-
tist Ct72 (Mish. Talm. flpK, nUENK handiwork,
Syr. ^ioV @ Ex 2811, where = Heb. «P"jn & is
likewise used of gems; Nab. X30X Vog94, As.
»nar ummdni, Lyons*rsoo,e]""65, cf. ZimBP12; cf.
11. fiOf).
']r^ a-[m.J trusting, faithfulness (on
format, cf. Ges,84*HI2). 1. D3 JOK t6 D'33
children in whom there is no trusting Dt 32*
(poet.) 2. tTODN pl. ab8t. faithfulness ; K V?
messenger of faithfulness, trusty messenger Pr
1317; 'K I)} faithful witness Pr 14'; cf. 'K B^K
Pr206; K net? tepi-ny faithfulness Is 262,
perh. also 1// 3124 'N TM v. I. [JEN].
* n^t2M n.f. firmness, steadfastness, fidel-
ity Ex 1712 + 46 t.; rfHSg Pr 2820. 1. lit.
firmness, steadiness: Ex 1712 'N VT WJ /««
Aanrfs were steadiness (i. e. steady). "2. stead-
fastness, 1»ny rUWK steadfastness of thy times
IS336. 3. faithfulness, trust: a. 0/ human
conduct f 373 P11222 Je5372892 2K1216; in
office 2 K 2 27 2 Ch 199 3 112 3412; (bv) ny.o«3 fa
<«*»< (over) iChg222631 2 Ch 311518; 'K JJTJ 1/,
11930; DiJiDN Wit man of great faithfulness Fr
2820; associated with p"13f in human character
ply T£ 'K rw m,^0 breatheth out faithfulness
sheweth forth righteousness Pr I217; cf. iS S623
Is 594 Je 51; rVIT injIDSa pnx 0 righteous man
by his faithfulness livelhRb 24 ( > faith Luth AV
KV). b. as a divine attribute 1// 8812 89236'9 Is
251 Ho22SLa321; fifGQ bt* Dt324; his faith-
fulness is shewn in his works V' 334J commands
i/' 1 1980; in affliction^ 1 1975; in hisoath to David
V'Sg50; it reacheth unto the skies ^ 36"; untoall
generations if'ioo5!^90; he will not belie it
f 89s4. It is JDN n«DN Is 251; cf. "IND njWK ^,
1 19138. It is closely associated with the divine
IDn mercy +8gibg23983 H0222; with the divine
P^X, "5^ f 9613 1431 Is 1 Is; & salvation f 4011.
Tn2pi^ n.f. bringing up, nourishment,
Est 220. '
trUCN adv. (fr. fCN by affix n_) verily,
truly, indeed Gn 2012 (E) Jos 720 (JE).
tn^QN n.f. faith, support. 1. Un:K
nJ9^ ^T1!3 we are flighting faith (make a sure
covenant AV EV) Ne io1. 2. 'Dfl !>y 'K «,p.
port, fixed provision, for the singers Ne n23.
TnDDN n.pr.fl. 1. a river (constant 1 cf.
Is 3316) flowing down from Antilebanon into
the plain of Damascus 2 K 5I2(Qr; n33X Kt),
the Gr. Chrysorrhoas, mod. Ar. A'ahr Baradd.
2. the region from which it flows Ct 4".
t MCtJ adv. (fr. JON by aff. D-) verily,
truly, indeed, always in interrog. Gn 1 813 (J),
elsewh.D3t?NnNu2 237(E) 1K827 2Ch618f 58s.
tD2?p{<t adv. (=D3CN) verUy, truly, in
asseverations 2 K 191' (=Is 3719) Jb 1945 3412
36* Ru 312, also ironical Jb 9s 1 2s.
tjlESt n.f. firmness, faithfulness, truth
(contr. for niDK, fr. |DK) Gn 2448 + 106 t.;
sf. taOK, *|nBtj ^9i4+ 18 t. 1. reliability,
sureness: DDK T]T1 sure way Gn 2448 (J); "OB>
TICK *wre reward Pr 1 ils; J1DN Jlltf swre token
Jos 212 (J); n»K JHJ. Je 221. 2. stability, con-
tinuance: nONI Dii'B' ^eac« and stability Is 39s
(= 2 K 2019) Est 930 Je 33" Zc 819, cf. nCK W&
Je 1 413. 3. faithfulness, reliableness: (a) of men
DDK B«N faithful man Kef; MCN 'MK Ex
i821 (E); HDX3 7]?n walk in faithfulness, faith-
fully 1 K24 3* 2 K 203 Is 38s cf. 1 S 1224; of
", Tjne«3 ^256 263 86"; riDNn "Vy Zc83; of
men *^ 45' 518 2 Chsi20 321 Pr2914 Is io20 423
481; D'Dn3l'N3 Ju 91619 Jos 24"; '.^P?" mercy
and faithfulness Pr33 1422 166 2028 Ho 41, &
the phrase nONl HDn ntPJ* Gn 2449 47s9 Jos 214
(J) 2 S 1520. (6) an attribute of God ^ 54' 7122
is 3818-'9 618; net* jna Mi 720; nos nfeji Ez 189
'Neg33; now non n'trj? Gn32n(J) 2S26; 21
nDXI IDn abundant in mercy and faithfulness
Ex 346 (J) yjr 8615; these attributes are also
associated ^ 401112 618 1151 138s Is 165 Gn
2 4s7 (J); they are messengers of God tq men
^574 85" 8915 cf. Vm33; now non '« rwrw i>3
^ 2510; the faithfulness of God endureth for
ever ^ 1172; he keepeth it for ever \^ 1466;
it reacheth unto the skies ^57" 1085; it is
shield & buckler ^ 914; he is n»N i>S ^31" =
DJ3N v6n 2 Ch 153; nCK is also associated with
the divine -\& + 1 1 i8; P# V 8512; ni?"!? zc 8s;
BEtpT? ,/, m7 Je42; & salvation i^6914. 4.
truth (a) as spoken: DDK ~\2~l speak truth I K
22"2Chi8lsJe94Zc816f 152; '« ^Ec^10;
"n*jn np« the thing is true Dt 2220 iKio'
2 Ch 95 Dn io1; nann [13 J T1DN «/ie thing is cer-
tainly true Dt 1315 1 74; DOK 19K=Ilf3K Dn»K
Pr 2221; DON nn Pr87; 'K T)h Dn n2, ^npS
■f3010; nOK nSB* Pr 1219; DCK ?a'«<mels439;
D3J"IK riDNn whether truth is with you Gn 4216
(E) cf. Is5914ls. (6) of testimony and judgment
no£ "ty <r«« witness Pr 1426; JDXJ1 flON ny Je
42s'; n»X USTO Ez 188 Zc 79; riDS OSB- Zc 816.
(c) of divine instruction DDK 3T13 Dn io21; min
Hon Mai 2" cf. Ne 913; noN imin ^ 119142;
nnx yu " in iKif cf. 2 s 7s8; * ^seto
don V' 19'0; noK "psn mr\ ^ 119™; fnttD
DDK V' II9161- (d) <nt</t as a body of ethical
or religious knowledge Dn 812; "jriBNS Tiltflb
Dn 913. 5. adv. in truth, truly yjr 13211;
DCS DWK HUT Yahweh is God in truth, truly
Je io10; elsewhere nOK3 Ju 915 f 14519 Je 26"1
289 3241.
tn.pDM n.m. artificer, architect, master-
workman, as firm and sure in his workman-
ship : ftoK *DXK rvnK} / Was at his side architect,
master-workman (® <3 93 Ges Ew De MV RV,
> foster-son AE Ki AV) PrS30; ftoKH "OT
res< o//A« master-workmen Je 5215 (Hi Gf De
RVm, but rest of the multitude Ges MV RV
et al., J1DM = pen) — 1. jiON v. supr. p. 51.
till. pT2N n.pr.m. (master -workman) (a)
king of Judah 2 K i8192354-25 1 Ch 314 2 Ch 33
"**" Je i2253; (6) captain of a city 1 K
2 2s6 2 Ch 1825; (c) one of the line of Solomon's
servants Ne 7S9=,,?N Ezr 2".
+p:aN n.pr.m. (faithful) 1. eldest son of
David 2S32 i3>*;=}!b*D|« 2Si320;=Jipx iCh
31. 2. a son of Shimon 1 Ch 420.
prON dimin., so Ew,ro* cf.W!269,or txt.
err.; cf. Dr 2 S 1 3s0, v. fODX.
T^jHQN n.pr.m. (irws, fr. rips by adj. affix
'.) father of the prophet Jonah 2 K I42S Jon i1.
t ftS^n n.pr.m. Heman (failhful,ci. Aram.
IP'np, . •ixsotio) a wise man with whom Solomon
is compared 1 K 5", where app. son of Mahol
(Klo sons of the dance); named with 3 others,
one being Ethan the Ezrahite; 1 Ch 26 a Heman
is named with same 3+1 other, & all called
sons of Zerah of Judah; Heman appears \jr 881
also as the Ezrahite (v. sub mT), cf. Ethan
supr.; in other passages Heman is a Levite;
specif. Kohathite, son of Joel, called the singer
rpf&On) 1 Ch 618 (|| Asaph v24, Ethan v29);
Heman, Asaph & Ethan named as the singers
(D*T)feton) 1 Ch 151719; cf. Heman & Jeduthun
16414'2 (|| Asaph v37); Heman, Asaph & Jedu-
thun 256 2 Ch 512 35'5; elsewhere fO'HI e)DN »jj
[VflTl iCh25> cf. v4-4-5-6; PpW »J1 2Ch291'4.
(|| nriW ♦2J);_a5« Heman is called !$fn mh
D'H^Nn n3Ta (cf. Asaph 2 Ch 2930, Jeduthun
2 Ch 3515). — On question of identity of Heman
in these various connections, v. Thes Comm.
TjOinO n.pr.m. a eunuch of Ahasuerus
(id.; but ® 'Afiav) Est i10.
II. [^C«] v. ICJ.
t [7't1"] v^- be stout, strong, bold, alert
(ace. to LagBN28f- fr. earlier }*? cf. Y®*)—
Qal P/ 3 pi. rat?K 2 S2218+ 2 t.;' /wip/ ' rP^.".
Gn 25s3; WBJOI 2 Ch 1 318; 7»n«. rP« Jos i7 1 Ch
ynN 55
282°; fDKJosi6; )£« Dt 3i7+ 3t.; <X»KDt3i6
+ 2t- — 1« be strong, of a people Gna5*(J);
of personal enemies 2 S 221B=f 1818; \^ 1427
(all sq. JO of compar.) ; also (without p) prevail
2 Ch 1318. 2. /mi), be bold (alw. || pgj, ^PTH)
Dt3i723 Jos I"-"; (|| fcL+WWr^K] *?*$«)
Dt 3 16; || id. + nnn iw p3?n4x) jos i»- (|| id.
+ wnn tyvrtm $») jOSio25 i Ch22!32820 2Ch
327. Pi Pf j*BK Dt 230 etc.; Impf. J** Am
2" etc.; W7BW Is 44" 3fs. sf. 3nis. ttBWH
V^22; is. sf. D3SDXN Jb j66 etc.; W f?«
Na22; W««Is35,j "SQXDts28; /»/sf.toBK
en, sq. ace, of giving clouds their place Pr 8ffi
(subj. '») ; of repairing temple 2 Ch 24"; of
physical vigour Pr3i17 'Krn ,T3n» rtJQ fTWI
: n'njfrir (subj. i>Tl nsfc); 0f strength for war
nb s Na22 (|| D?:rie pjri) Am2" (subj. ptn); cf.
Pr 24s; of royal power 2 Ch 1117 (|| pWl); cf.
rtbp d^3 'n is 353; rfeni 'a n Jb 4« (both
II n*1 On; PRO fig. of encouragement; so 'N
alone Dt 3s8 (|| p?n) Jb 165 (|| -|B>n q.v.); yj, gg22
(subj. '< yi-it); of support IS4110 (subj. *j
|| "W, IDn;— De Che sub 2). 2. assure,
secure for one's self, alw. sq. b + st.; of car-
penter appropr. tree Is 44"; cf. of '> appropri-
ating Isr. under fig. of bough + 8o16; under
fig. of chosen man v18. 3. sq. 2$ harden,
make obstinate Dt 230 (subj. '<; || "inn HE-pn) Dt
157 (of unkind man); 2 Ch 3613 (of king Zede-
kiah, || 13-ijrm nvpn). Hithp. Pf j»Dxnn
1 K 1 218= 2 Ch 1 o18; Impf. tt^NW 2 Ch 1 37; Pt.
nSQNno Eu ,». !. strengthen oneself , of con-
spirators 2 Ch 1 37 (sq. &»). 2. cora/frm onese^/
in a purpose, 6e determined Ru i,8(sq. 5> + Inf.)
3. ma&e oneself alert, make haste 1 K i218=
2 Ch io18 (sq. !>4-Inf.) Hiph. Impf. Juss.
exhibit strength, be strong pOK^I, ^A '{01 pin
^27", so also 3 125.
ty^N »-[m-] strength, fig. I'D* D?T-inD
H?x Jb 179 <Ae clean of hands increaseth
TrTOpN n.f. strength, fig. Zc 1 2s, but sense
difficult, cf. Wr 2ech- »■ 585 ; StaZAW1881' " prop. HNSDX
*3f^*{> (after © $) may 7 6« sufficient for . '
« t yiCN n.pr.m. father of Isaiah ^follow-
ing) Is i1 21 13' 202; 372-2I381=2Ki92a,201;
^tV^N] adj. strong, only pi. D'JtOK of
horses Zc 6s-7 (in v7perh. rd. QWK, cf. v',&Hi;
see another view in Lag B!ta).
tpSH (JBH) adj. mighty-'* abs. 2S
I5,2+ 2 t.; cstr. Jb94+ 2 i.—miqhty, of Absa-
lom's conspiracy 2 S 15'=; elsow'h. of persons;
as subst., instrum. of"1 (i.e. Assyrians) Is 28*
(II PIC); W '*<= valiant, conqueror Am 2"; of
'\ nb 'to aa> ojn Jb94; cf. "k nb v" (v Di
& RV), nb 'n is 4> (ii vite ai).
t^SCM n.pr.m. 1. a Levite 1 Ch 6S1. 2.
man of priestly line Ne 1 1" (not in || 1 Ch 9").
^JsON, iTSCN n.pr.m. ('» has been
mighty) . i . king of J ud., son of Joash, father
of Azariah; WJBJj 2 K ^"-^St. 2 K 14; i5»
iCh312; 2Ch2427251+i5t. 2Ch24; 261";
n;?fpt< 2K1222 1312 148 15*. 2. -TttW, a
Simeonite 1 Ch 4s4. 3. t'tZ., a Levite iCh 6*.
4. priest of Bethel, under Jerob. II, Am f'1"*,
* [y?Np] n.[m.] power, strength, force,
pi. cstr. nb-"spxo Jb 3619.
iDtt 6287vb. utter, say (MI PiODK, Aram.
ION, Eth. ft<n>& I. 2 s/ieto, declare, Ar. Ill cow-
mand; perh. -/nDX or\g. = beor makeprominent,
hence Hithp. infr., "I^DX; Sab. 1DN to/iy, epith.
of king JHMordtmZMQW6S7; cf. Dlrr28 who
thinks orig. mng. hell, sichtbar sein, whence
As. amdru, see, & shew, declare, say) — Qal
Pf. 'N Gns1-!-, etc.; Impf. iDtf Gn3i8-(-;
noN'l Gn i3 + ; ip_^l Gn 1419 + ; in Jb alw.
-iax>!Jb32 + ; 3fs.iP^Gn2i12+; iDKnPri21;
is."i»NGn2 22 + ; iTJp^K^4210; nptO Gn20,3+;
ipiSJNe2717-20; 3m. pi. XTQ* Ex 4' + etc.; sf!
^no^I392o; 2mpl.npri2Si9,4(cf. Ko1-"-385);
Imv. ION pDK) Gn 45i7 + , etc.; Inf. abs. "nON
Ex2i5 + ; cstr. lbs Ez258 + ; ibN(n) Jb3418
but rd. lONn © 33 Di, or better ibxri /«/ aj«.
c. n interrog. cf. Ewt328d; sf. ^DK Jos6'°+;
D3-10X JC2338; D3"lDNMali7 + ; 1bN^Gni!B+'
etc.; P<. ac«. ION Gu 3210 + , etc.; pass. "I'DKH
Mi 27, but this grammatically indefensible, rd.
niOXn, Inf. abs. c. n interrog., v. DrKlpo,"°r'A,lr"'
18CT, ML
1. ^ay (subj. God Gn3*+or man 32s,
serpent 31, ass NU2 258, horse nxn nps> Jb
39ffi etc.; inanimate things, personif. Jb28"cf.
v22 etc.; so in allegory or fable Ju 9" 2 K 14'
etc. ; esp. in narrat.,ipN»1etc, Gn 46 + very oft.) :
mostly sq. thing said, either subst. Je 1417 (c.
cl. app.) Dt 2 7,6f- Jui26; pronoun Gn 44"
2 K 2014-)-; or (usually) clause Gn i3 31 3720
+ oft. (prat, recta); with adv. thus, so G11325
Nu 20" 1 K 2036 + oft.; esp/'IDN nib Ex 51 f'
81S0 1 Ch 17* + oft. ; the person addressed usu.
introduced by i>K Gn3* 157 22' Lv 211 2 S 37
1 K 12s* or \ Gn3,s 415 1 S202 2 S221 1 K i42 +
oft.; rarer combinations are, 'JTXa'K 1849s0 (cf.
5»&vid.nan); ^.Di»'NEz2 89; V^^Dt 317 Jos
1 o12 Je 2811; 3 'X Jo 2" f 1 262, where 3 local ; in
all cases usually sq. dir. obj. of words said, Ex 1 9s5
being very singular; Gn 4s the object-clause
has probably fallen out, cf. Vrss Di;— mention,
name, designate Gn2223 4327'29 EX3213 NU1440
iSio'Se^Se^Nee19; cf.i//i392°nei'?i"I!n'?*
speak of thee for falsehood (but many, as Hup
Pe Dy Che, rd. 1"D!);=<eW, declare, proclaim
(sq. dir. obj. only) ifr 4011 Ez 137; in reply to
question = answer Ex 1 227 Jos 47 1 K 9" Je 5" 2 29.
The obj. spoken of may be referred to by ?X 2 K
1932 Je221827,9,or *? Gn2013,i' TOK say of me,
etc. Dt339 Ju9M Is52°V'33 7i10>very rarely by
a simple accus. Is 310 (where rd. prob. for '"ttpx,
,_!lpN), except after X>X where the words used
follow (cf. -iBte 4d) Gn317 Nuio29 i431Dt2868
2 14, & (two extreme cases) Is 812 La 215 (v. Dr
■"«•*•); -Km* Mi 27rd. inf. abs. c. n interrog.
"liONn (v. supr.) shall one say ? shall it be said ?
After another vb. of saying, introducing thing
227 LV211 Je342 Est75 + ; esp. inf. ibx1?, after
nan Gn 815, nix 216, njy 4416, 713 i22, jntw 247,
Vu 2820, etc.; after 1DX 2 S 318 1 K 1223 Ru44
1 Ch 2i,8 + ; after nbv 2 Ch 3521, 315? Gn 327;
cf. also Gn 28" Ex 5" 95 1 38 1 74 Nu 1 120 Dt i28
137 Ju815 1 S 23* 1 K 133 Je323 379 + ; also
when subj. of "flMO differs from that of pre-
ceding clause Gn 3 11 381324etc; after yOB* Is 37"
= 2Kl9».
2. Say in the 1te,art ( = think) 33^3 'x Dt
817 cf. 1 K 1226 V ioUUJ 141 35* Is i413 47810
4921 Ec 21!S 317-'8; D33$> 'X Ho 72; isS^X 'X
Gn 821 said unto his heart (to himself), subj. '\
cf. iS27'; t?D3 mo« La324; thence 'x alone
Gn 20u 269 Nu 24" Ku44 1 S 2026 285s 1222
2K5"; sq. cl. with *3 JUI52; inparticular =
<Ze«re *\$B3 Tptdrnp 1 S2o4 cf. Est213; sq. inf.
^purpose, Ex 214 thinkest thou to kill me, as
thou killedst tlte Egyptian 1 Jos 2 2s3 1 S 306 1 K
5" 2 Ch 2810"; expect 2 S 21'° lie expected to
slay David 2 Ch 138 321.
3. Promise (sq. inf.) 1 Ch 27s3 2 Ch 217
E8t47; {id. + b of pers.) 2 K 8'9 Ne9u; (sq.
ace. of dir. obj. + ? of pers. + inf. of purpose)
4. Command (esp. late) sq. vK of per-
son addressed, Nu i538iCh2i18; sq. i> Jos 1 1 9
2 S 1 6" 2 K 424 Jb 97 + 10684 (v. sub "i?fc
8 e); sq. inf. 1 S 2411 1 Ch 2117 2 Ch i18 2<f^
i1? 41315 61 914; sq.inf. + b of pers.
21 3 14 Est i10; sq. ace. dir. obj.
2 Ch 29s4 i/te ^iri^r commanded the burnt-
offering and l/ie sin-offering, cf. 1 K 520 Est
2"; sq. cl. with -\Vtt = that Ne 13"; id. + b of
3i" 35"
2 Ch 143 29'
pers. v~; sq. cl. with '? Jb 3610; abs. 1 S 1616
(rd. however prob. TOStC for nDX', cf. Dr); also
1// i053,34io725 iCh 1412 2 Ch 24s Ne 13919 (all
sq. vb. conEec); command by letter "iSBri'DJ? 'X
Est925 (sq. impf.); appoint, assign v 'X Dnj
1 K 1 iK=threaten sq. inf. Dt 9s5 i//- 10623.
tNiph. P/.1PN3 Dn 8s6; Impf. lO^Gn 2 214
+ ; ^ IDS''. Is43; TCK". Gnio9+; TjSfl Jos
22; be said, told Gn 1 o9 2 214 + 8 7s Je 411 1 614 (all
abs., indef. subj., of current saying); so said in
a book Nu 2 114; be related, told, of vision Dn 826;
said, told to (sq. b ind. obj.) Jos 22 Ho 231 Zp 3" ;
either so, or told concerning Nu 23s3; Ez 1312
("bx); D3^> 1Q$.z=y« s/WZ 6« ca««<f. (it shall be
said to you) Is6i6 (|| VT$P), cf. 4s i918 32s
( II i> N"!i£) 6 244; hence be called, of Tophet ")S£t6
nann niy Je732; subj. DE? Gn 3229; Jb 3431 '3
"1P?0 ^"^, Rabb.(cf. AV) treat "TOXn as Niph.
Inf. for "lOXnp, but against grammar; the form
as it stands is Qal Pf., <>X-;>X being prefixed to
the interrog. for emphasis (cf. Je 2215 2326 Ne
1 3s7), v. Dr*9 Di al.; Hoffm., however, reads
~^^Ki inf. abs. = imv. 'so must one speak (it be
spoken) to God.' i Hiph. Pf. avow, avouch Dt
2617 cnV? yb n^nb oi»n rnoxn ">-nx; v18 *l
Dy|) lb m\lb DIM ^"ONn (z;<. caMse to declare,
i.e. through agency of Moses; on this & other
interpr. vid. Di). +Hithp. Impf. ntSKrv f 944
subj. fJN \bga~P3 ac« proudly, boast (|| W^C
Pn? n?T); prob. also 2 mpl. W^T? Is6i6
(in good sense, sq. 3 of thing gloried in)
© 93 X & cf. ©; Ges^"""- so De Che Kb'-4671
(fr. [1B»] exchange Thes Hi Kn Ew Di ; but
vid. ■»», nio).
T~l?iN a.m. +77'9 utterance, speech, word,
only poet., & Jos 24s' exalted style ; — abs. 'x Jb
2228+5t.; sf.nON Jb2029; 7JZ.abs. DnBXPri97
2221; cstr. n»X Nu244+; VJOX Jb 2222;
D3nOK Jb 3214 Is 4 126 (on deriv. fr. Hox cf. Di
Jb 1 5") etc.; — 1. utterance, word, esp. pi. Jb.
.(II afo)
33*34"; ^5*(II3,W).
i4i6(onthis v. cf. Che); Pr 21 (|| niXD), v1" 4—
(IP??)> 71 (|| ni?»), vs 197 Is 4ia<; words of God
Nu 244'6 cf. Jos 24s7 Jb 6'° 222S f 107"; fig. of
day i i93(sing.); cf. v4(|| &!$]) but vid. Che
out.; of wisdom (personif.) Pr I21 (|| Pip); oft.
in phrase 'ST""!?* Dt321 f i9,s (||f«n); 544
(II °H?); 7gl (iln"Pn); Pr4s 57 f4 88Vcf- Jb
82 Pr6"; of"1 Jb2312 (||Vns't>> mxe); f 1384;
Ho65(of Yahweh's words as weapon ; in phrases
^n.OKJb625; nfO'NPri2; DSi'N Pr 1 s26 1 6s4 ;
run 'n 1 9» 2 312; nose 'k 2 221, cf. nos Dno« afta
v21" wtora answer; vfy nn.DK 3Hffrl Ju 520 sAe
returneth (i.e. repeatetli) her words to herself;
'N ^BTI spare (i.e. refrain fr.) words Pr 1 727. 2.
Fg. promise-^ if; appointment, decree Jb 2029;
command i^6812 (but v. Che); 7>faw, purpose Jb
2 228 'N~iT3 ; Hb 39 Thes sworn are the rods of
appointment (i.e. the chastisements decreed), but
passage dub., v. Comm.; — Gn 4921 rd. ,-?.OK cf.
"VOK; fid. Di.
[rn?2Nj n.f. utterance, speech, word
(poet., mostly sg. coll., cf. pi. vb.i/'i^103, but here
rd. prob. pl.n. cf. © 01 Hi De Che)— cstr. DION
Is5« + ; VHCK Gn423 + etc; PI. abs. TlhBK
^■12"; csti'. 111CK ib. ; — utterance, speech Gn 4s
(song of Lamech, || /ip) so Is 28113 32s; Dt322
(|| nP^), ^ if Is 294-4 (|| also ">3'!!); esp. say-
ing(s), word(s) of '< (command & promise) Dt
33» (||nna); is 5M (||rnin) 2S2231=^ 1831
f 127 105'9 (|| W) ; esp. V' 1 1911-3841 + 16 t. ;
I382I47,5(IP?1), Pr3o5.
t[n"^S] n.f. id., only FIJI ffc irPDK
La 217.
Gn 36"" 1 Ch i36.
TT?2N n.m. top, summit, of tree Is 176;
of mt. v9 (1 so Ew Kn De Di ; Lag Che Brd
Or foil. © & rd. vV!3Kn); PI. cstr. ,-TOK Gn4921
(so rd. for *$**, Ew Di al., cf. also 1. fl^K p. 1 8).
M£N 11. pi-. 111. 1. a priest assigned to
Dvd's time 1 CI12414 perh. = 2. ancestorof priest
1 Ch 912 cf. Ne iiu Ezr 237 1020 Ne 740. 3.
priest in Jerem.'s time Je 201. 4. father of
Zadok Ne 3M. 5. n.pr.loc. (?) Ezr 2w=Ne 761.
"HT2N n.pr.m.coll. (construed as pi. Dt 3"
+ 5 t.)Amorites(perh.=mowmtam-dtt'e7iers,cf.
Nui33SDti7-,!"-etc.&DiGnio1,al.)— alw.c.art,
exc. Nu 2 129 Ez i64i. 1. called son of Canaan
Gn io14(J) 1 Ch i,4=2. a chief people dis-
possessed by Hebrews ; (a) living E. of Jordan
Nu 2i,3-,3-25+9 t. Nu + Jos 24" (all E), cf. Jos
2]° 910(JE) Dti4 32'+7t. D; also Juio»"
nMM iK419Vi35n 1 36,9(Sihon their king
Nu 2 1 > + ; Sihon & Og Dt 38 + ) ; (6) li ving W.
of Jordan Jos io6-6 241215-,8(all E), cf. 77(JE);
5' io13 (both D; cf. also 134, q. del. Di) Ju
j34.3s.36 619 1 K 2 iM 2 K 2 1 n cf. 1 8 714 2 S 2 15 ;
(c) living in south Dt i719*02744; cf. Gn 147
(W. of Dead Sea); (d) in gen.=ancient in-
habitants of Canaan Gn 1 5" (J or It) 48'a (E)
Am 2910; (e) named in list of Canaanitish peo-
ples, to be dispossessed by Isr. Ex 3s-17 13s 33s
3411 J0S310 9' (all J); Dt7' 2o'7 Jos n3 128
(all D); Ex 23s3 Nu 1329 Jos 24n(all E); Ju 35
1 K 920 2 Ch 87 Ezr 91 Ne 98; cf. Ez 16345; (on
these lists cf. Bu Ur"wch w'-&We JBTh "'• «" .) 3.
adj.gent. sg. Gn 14" Dt 224.
t^QS n.pr.ni. 1. a man of Judah 1 Ch
94; cf. 2. Ne 3s (=tall t or eloquent ?).
^V^i n^lQM n.pr.m. (Vah(u) hath
promised, cf. Palm. KMBBHOM, Sab. iDNJjrv)
long form only 1 Ch2423 2C'hi911 31'°. 1. aLe-
vite 1 Ch 2319 24s3 (in Dvd's time), cf. 1 Ch 5s"3
637 Ezr 73; vid. also 2. 1 Ch 537-37; abo 3. Ezr
io42. 4. chief priest under Jehosh. 2 Chi 9".
5. Levite under Hezekiah 2 Ch 3 1 ". 6. son of
Hezekiah & great-grandfather of Zephaniah Zp
i1. 7. a priest Ne io4 12213. 8. a man of
Judah Neil4.
t[inNr] n.m. E!,9>32 word, command
(late; Mish. id.) cstr. ip^O Est i15 220 9M.
I/D^TOS! n.pr.m. king of Shinar Gn i419
(prob. = ,3">en, Hammurabi of Pabylon, who
reigned c. 2100 B.C., cf. Schr8I,A1*!7'"xl<J,"",;!S)
COT"2961 DI in De Ge° 1887' E,cll|r,,MY
ttT!2N adv. yesterday (etym. dub.; MV
after Fl De on Jb3o3cf.Stas2Mc der.fr. </nvo
= Ar. L~«, whence j\~.. 1, evening; v. also in
Thes, & cf. As. musu, night COT"1"", Eth.
yttft: but abo Ar. ^^11 = As. amsatu, yester-
day)=last night Gn 1934 312942 (itteKJpsre-
cently 2 K 926.— Jb303 nsiB' 'H is difficult & un-
certain Thes MV al. darkness, gloom of waste-
ness, so KV, but dub., cf. Di; G. Hoffm. rds.
'V nV; = the mother of (all) the ruined (said of
the desert).
riDW.VlOW v. |0R
nnpw v. nno.
IN adv. v. sub 'K.
t]N (Gn 4143 46™) yiN (Gn 41s0 Ez 3017) n.
pr.loc. On (Egypt. An cf. EbG87S WiedR*mm146;
perh.=As. Unu, Steindorff BAS1-610, contr. Dl
r,:"8) city in lower Egypt, prob. on border of
land of Goshen, residence of ' Potiphera, priest
of On,' father-in-law of Joseph Gn 4i4iM 4620;
also Ez 3017 (where MT JJK); it was celebrated
for worship of sun-god Ra, & hence called also
sun-city, B*CB> TV3 Je4313, © 'HXi'ou n-dXif; mod.
Matariye, on E. bank of Nile, c. 7 miles E. of
N. fr. Cairo & 18 fr. Memphis;— cf. Eh0870-507'-
*■"»" Wiedlc-
|N sorrow, v. /'IN.
tN3N interj. (from iW and N3, q. v.) a
strong part, of entreaty, ah, now ! I (or we)
beseech thee ! oft. sq. an imper.; Gn 50'7 (to
Joseph) '31 NJ NB' N3K Ah, now! forgive, we
pray, etc., Ex 3231 (to God); elsewhere always
sq. * or »jhS V 1 182525 Ne i5U Dn 94. AVritten
fl|N 2 K 203(=Is 383) Jon i14 45 V "6416.
22N (perl1- spring, leap, so D1HA65-PM14, in-
ferred fr. As. annabu, hare ; ag. this No ZMQ 1886, ™).
thaf^M n.f. hare(Ar.^jl, Syr. \^>T ,
As. annabu, as springerl) eating of it forbidden
mA, H3N v. sub H*.
I. f [Jl JN] vb. mourn— Qal Pf. 3 pi. U$
cons. L^iVfllbKq.v.)
TiT'lN n.f. mourning; Is 29s La 2s (both
times in combin. fWW n'JXri).
tn*3«n n.f. id. ib.
t — : —
TDJVjN n.pr.m. (lament of people) 1CI1719
a man of Manasseh.
II- nj^ (-/whence foil, noiins, cf. As.
dnu, un&tu, vessel, utensil, v. Dl in ZimBF115
Hpt in KAT2G1°M'-; Ar. sli'l).
t^N njn.1"*" & f/22 coll. ships, fleet—
abs. 1 k9M+; cstr. 10" + ;— of Sol. 1K92627;
called t5"Bnn 'K (i.e. large, sea-going vessels,
such as sail to Tarshish) io2222; ffvn 'N io"-22;
propelled by oars &VT'H Is 3321.
TITOS n.f. unit, a ship — abs. Joni3-r 3k;
PI. abs. ni>3X Dt2868+; ni>% 2Ch818; cstr.
=abs. 1 K224* + ,etc; — ashipVr 30" Gn4913
Dt 28s8 Ju 517 (where, however, cf. BuBBEIcht,!^l,•
8*m"" on text) 1 K2249-50 Is 4314 2Ch818 20307
Jon i4-' + io426 10723 Dn n40; Djn 'N Ez 27";
58 13N
propelled by oars EZ2729; esp. trehPl'^cf.^X)
1 K 2 249 2 Ch 921 (cf. 1 K 1 o22 supr. sub ♦?») f 48"
Is216 23114 609 Ez 2 725; late of ship going to
Tarshish 2 Ch 921 2036 Jon I3; mercliant-ship,
-iniD 'K Pr 3i14; H3N 'N wl/< aftpi Jb 926 (cf.
rOK); seamen. ni'JN-'B'JSI 1 K 9s7.
till. [mJN] vb. be opportune, meet, en-
counter opportunely (Ar. ^il the right time
is come, or it is come to the right time, or to ma-
turity, or is opportune). Pi. Pf. n3K Ex 2113
cause (or allow) to meet in 1T3 'X DwXn (0bj.
om.), i.e. without any purpose of the man to
whom sf. ref. Pu. be allowed to meet, be sent,
Impf.nM Pr I221 (c.b); 3 fs. nsxri ^9i"°(c. bx),
subj. evil. Hithp. cause oneself to meet, seek
occasion ( = seek a quarrel with)sq. b 2 K 5'.
' Ln^SflJ n.f. occasion, time of copula-
tion; sf. finjsri i.e. of wild ass Je 224.
TiTJNri n.f. opportunity, i.e. ground of
quarrel ; of Samson, sq. ft? Ju 1 44.
H2N v. «3X.
T |T T 'T
13« Je426 Kt: v. after ^
*[n3M] vb.onlylfiph. sigh, groan, mostly
poet. & late (Aram. n:K, yJ^Ethp. cf. As. \ana-
hu], inhu, sigh ZimBPli&9)— P/. 3fs.nnjK3 La I8
Jo i18; 3 pl.iniWIs 247; Imp/, rux; :Pr'292etc;
Imv. n)«Q Ez2i"; Pt. PU»J Ez 2112; nnjw
La i21 etc.; — 1. sigh, in token of grief Is 2 4"
mostly abs. but sq. "^5? EZ94 (|| PJM); Sq. "^ &
"PX 2112. 2. in physical distress Lai11 djCfi?
£3nb); Ex2B sq. JO by reason of (\\PV\). 3.
groan of cattle (iTOna) Jo i18.
TnTON n.f. sighing, groaning (poet. &
late);— abs. -f 3 1 u + ; s/ ^PUN Jb 34 + ; nnrUK
Is 2 12 (sf. with Raphe), PI. sf. *nhj« La i22;—
sighing, groaning, in distress, physical or men-
Is 2i2, La i22; || pa: V 3iu Is 3510 5iu Je 453;
'N 7ip if, 1028.
WTOM pron. 1 pi. we v. infr.
tmnDX n.pr.loc. city in Naphtali Jos
19". Kn (cf. Di) comp. en-Ndtira, on E. side
of Jebel Dahi, little Hermon; cf. RobBRlllS39.
"ON, ''J^ pron. 1 s. comm. I (\S\, N3K,
"OH 59
Ur, «:)Gn 6" 9913 + oft. Following a ptcp. as
its subj. (to express mostly either a true present
or the fut. instans) Gn 1817 'JN '"1i)?'?n Am I
hiding from Abraham that which, etc., Ju 1 53
i S 3'3 Je i '2 3814 44» (v. Dr »135-4). Appended
to a verb, it expresses, in early Hebrew, a real
emphasis, as Ju 823 D?3 'JN ^BnpK s6 7 will
not rule over you, 2 S 1 2s8 lest I take the city,
2 S 1 71S thus and thus did Ahitophel counsel,
and thus and thus »3N VtyJ£ did I counsel ; but
in later Heb. it is sometimes pleonastic, Ec
2n-i5.i8-2o + jn regp0nse to a question > 'jx aione
— I am, It is I, Gn2f* Ju 13" 1 Ki88+.
With n, 'JNri fls 669. (Syn. ^JN, q.v.)
"HJK pron. 1 pi. comm. we (common in
postB. Heb.; cf. also Amh. end) may be re-
garded as the pi. of VN (W80 M), only Je426
Kt, for which Qr substitutes the normal 13n:x.
*DJK, "OJN (once Jb 339 *3ij$) pron. 1 s.
comm. I; Gn 310 74 1512 i65 + oft. With £J,
'3lxn fNu 1 1 12 Jb 2 14. (As. andku, Ph. & Moab.
"JJX : not in Ar. Aram. Eth.; but ku appears
as the affix of the 1 s. in the Eth. verb (e.g.
waladku = Heb. V&). *?*? and V« appear
to be two parallel formations (both containing
the element ani [cf. the sf. 'j -, '>] or ana, & one
strengthened by the addition of the demonst.
basis ku [prob. akin to \o, N3, H3 here] : cf.
Sta"79 W809"98-1"1), of which, in most of the
Sem. languages, one prevailed to the exclusion
of the other, but which in Heb. maintained
their place side by side.) In some cases 'JX
and '3JX appear capable of being used indiffer-
ently; in others the choice seems to have been
determined, partly by rhythmical considera-
tions, partly by a growing preference for ^N.
among later writers. Thus when appended to
the verb for emph. (whether with or without
D?) the lighter form ,?N is nearly always used
(Lv205 26s4-32 Dti230'jui3 8a 2S1228 1716
18222 Je 1718 215 Ez 1722 Jb i32 + ; cf. the cases
Gn27M 1 S2524 2S191 iKi26Pr2315); on the
contrary, in the emph. rhetorical style of Dt,
,=3? is preferred (in the discourses, uniformly,
exc. 1 230, in ace. with usage just noted, & 29s in
a standing expression ; on 324851 (P) cf. infr.)
In partic. phrases, also, usage prefers sts. 'JN,
sts. '3JX; thus there occurs ^*"1J Nu I42' &
always, exc. Dt 3240; ($*) *% ^N (Je i919 30"
4618 Is 432-5); mW '?* Ex 62-" & elsewh. in P,
& esp. freq. in H (Lv 1 82-4-6 etc.) & Ez, also Gn
157 2813 Dt 29s Ju 6'°+; (ruff 'jjjx much less
freq.; only JE & proph. writers, tEx202=Dt 5',
Ho 1210 134 ^81", Ex 20' = Dt59, I843" 44"
5i15(Ex4,lisdiff.); cf. Dr""1"'-22"); >nW)K Is
38'0(Hez.) 494 Je 54 io19(3,9';jjk) Iiu44f-3tf
3 123 4 15 826 + ; 'JX Wl (in response to a qu.)
Gn 2 724 Ju 13" 2 S 2017 1 K 1314 189 (vjjn '■>)
only 2 S 220; on the contrary, with a jrrtdicatt,
*?&$ is regularly employed, Gn 24" 1 S 30"
2 S i8 »3lK •'pboy tl* 2017 Is 6' Je i« Jon 1') •
Cm) "W >9$ Gn 617 99 Ex 3i« Nu 3>2+ (but
•ojx nm Gn24'443 2532Ex313 i99+; 'jx run
is very uncommon ; v. 16.226). So far as the
usage of partic. books is concerned, in the Pent,
(exc. Dt) "i« is used in P (incl. H) always (about
130 t.) exc. Gn 234 (cf. Ez below); in JE '3JX
is preferred, though not exclusively (81 : 48).
In S there are 50 instances of each form.
Je has some 54 instances of 'JN, 37 of '3jx.
In later books the preponderance of ^X. is
evident. Thus in Ez 'jx occurs 138 t., '3JX
once 36s8 (perh. a reminiscence of Je n4b 247
3022); in LaHgEzr Est Ec 'JX 45 t., '3JX never;
in Ch 'JN 30 t., '3JN once 1 Ch 171 (from 2 S 72);
in Dn 'JN 23 t., '3JN once 10". Vid. more fully
Giesebrecht at'» m* Dr10-222-7.
^PTJN?, ^Jn^K pron. 1 pi. comm. we
(the pi . corresp. to 'Six , as «S « to ^N ; v. W80. * 10°;
Ph. jnjX CIS131617, Aram. *$&$, $ also Njnj'
Syr. ^jujV, <i~, tf&, 1fhi\) Gn 138 294 37'
42"13 Nu97 Dt!28-41 Jo 21718, etc. Like WL
following a ptcp. as its subj. Gn 1913 Nu io29
Ju 1918 2 K 1826; appended to a vb. for emph.
JU928 2Kl04 IS206.
Tl^ni , ^2T\2 pron. 1 pi. we (abbrev. from
ttjffl! ; cf.the forms 'j£, "irhk NJnj, just cited;
also As. n'tni) G1142" Ex i67-9 N113232 La 342.
(In 2 S 1712 «ru is 1 pi. perf. Qal from TO.)
TT|2^ n.[m.] plummet (cf. words in cogn.
lang. for lead, tin, etym. dub., perh. foreign; Ar.
dlST (v. Fra153) Syr. \AjI", Mand. X3JX, As.
andku Lyons",r,>°,e,te92; v. LagArm-8,l"i»10'cf. Id.
BS17S) — TJ J « exc. once Am 7" — 2>lummet Am f**;
'X Dcrtn, i.e. a vertical wall v7.
"ODN pron. 1 sg. v. supr. sub ^X.
■jTJJ^I vb. only Hithpo. complain, mur-
mur (Mish. |JX, Aram. J?$, Ar. ,!,!, As. [an&nu\,
whence enenu, unninu, sigh ZimBr22) — Impf.
SfcTr> La f (sq. ^S in || member); Pt. D'JJXnc
"> 'Jixa Nu n1 (sq. ace; vid. Di).
d:n 60
('[DjNJ vb. compel, constrain (late, oft.
/ish. td., Aram. D3N, .aJ/')— Qal Pi. D3X flj
viz., to drink Est i" (|| B«X1 B*X |iri3).
t[*V)^5 *"PN] vb. (breathe, snort) bo
angry (MI id., cf. Ar. i^ijl, As. etc. in
deriv.) — Qal Pf PIB3X yj, 60s, etc.; 7mp/.
rl?£.'1 ^ 212, etc.; — be angry, of "; usually sq. 3
1 K 8"= 2 Ch 6s6 Is 1 21 ^ 85s Ezr 914 ; abs. ^
603 79s; cf. also ^ 212. Hithp. id. alw. sq. 3,
& alw. of \ Pf. I^nn Dti3^2^20; Impf.
C|3XrW Dt98 1 Kii* 2K1718.
I. ri^^n.m.0"30-2 nostril, nose, face, an-
ger (As. appu,faee Flood"127'29 cf. Hpt KAT2
0,°-, Ar. <l£), Etb.A1¥: nose; Aram.Ji^, Wft
face)— abs. •<//• 78" + ; cstr. Gn 2 745+; sf. *HS
Ex2 223+, etc.; du. D^SX Pri4,7 + ; VBX Gn
27 + etc.;— In Hex JE (Jos 71 Pi 23" D?). 1.
nostril, as organ of breathing Gn 27 722 Jb 27s
cf. Nun20; 2 S 22'=^ 189 cf. Is 65s; Is a" La
420 Ez3818 (del. Co) Am^0; T?x 0" (of »)
i.e. wind Ex 158; cf. 1BK nn not?? 2 S 22"=
f i816 (vid. also sub 3); nose sg. Ct 7s-9 Ez 817
232S Pr 3033 (where play upon diff. meaning of
fix & D?9S) : (a) as organ of smelling Dt 33'°
1// 1 156; (b) as place of ring for ornament Gn
24'17 Is 321 Ez 1612; (c) as place of ring or hook
for captive 2 K i928=Is 37s9; for beasts, e.g.
swine Prn22; hippopot. Jb 4024; crocod. v26.
2. Du. face (esp. in phrase nsnx D?3X) Gn 191
42s 4812 Nu2231 1S2041 2V9 2541 28" 2S
144 1433 1829 2420 iKim I84923 iCh2i21
2 Ch 73 2018 Ne 8" also Gn319; 13X Fiaa ;jrufc> 0/
/«'« couniencmce ^ io4; 'fix? before, loc. sense
(cf. *?B?) 1 S 25s3; D?fN 1S1' rd. DBS © We
Dr (q.v.) 3. mostly anger, human Gn 2745
49c'7 + (45t-); oftenerdivineEx32,2Dt919 2K
2420 + (1 7 7 t.) ; oft. subj. rnn ("irm etc.) his anger
teas kindled Gn 302 3919 Ex 414 22s3 3210I1 + ;
in various combinations, esp. 1^ f^U fierceness
of anger Ex3212 Nu 254 32,4 + ; cf. IK^TJ] 1 S
2034; ^l^'Py? Pi-2 224 owe yiww <o anger, etc.;
B?BN TJK *^w <o anger Ex 34" Nu 1419 Ne917
+ 7 t. of God; Pi-1429 1519 i6322515ofman.
tD^BM n.pr.m. a son of Nadab, iCha**
TnC2N n.f. an unclean bird (cf. As. anpatu
Dl™*33; mng. quite dub.; on conjectures v.
DiLvn19) Lvii'9 Dti48.
f [p^N] vb. cry, groan (Aram. p3X;, JiT/*)
— Qal Impf. p3N) Je5i62; Inf. cstr. p3X Ez
26", both of groaning of wounded \f$).
Niph. id., in mourning, lamentation ; Inf.
cstr. p3Nn Ez2417 (|| i>3X n'B^); P<. D'p3X3 9<
(|| D'ruW) sq. h?.
ti. Hp-N n.f. crying, groaning, in dis-
tress (Aram! J&J/') Mai 213 (|| Htf>\ ^33);
cstr. J"lp3X ^ 1 26 (of poor, P*3X); 79" (of prisoner
TDK), so 1022'.
til. PIp'N n.f. ferret, or shrew-mouse,
unclean animal Lv 1 130 (Tristr "*"; )£*£/',
.1 xnopx).
ti. [t£OK] vb. be weak, sick (As. andsu
ZimBrM,70. -^retzst in J)e P»lm.„,e<l. 4.882 der fr.
II. BON ^>er antiphrasin; DlPrl6° identified with
III. B>3X; v. also Dep"lmme<i-4-904; so LagB-V6°,
who comp. C»-j\ i_a ■ ,n, weichlicJies d.h. stump-
fes Schwert. It seems safer at present to keep
the three distinct). Qal Pt. pass. W)X Jb
3464.; ne>UX Je 1518 Mi i9 & so rd. 1//6921 (Bi
Che) etc.; as adj. incurable, of wound, but
metaph. (nao) Mi i9 Jei518; cf. Jb 346 (ffj), Je
3o12(i?C'; ||n3pnbn3); so e>'3X assis^11; cf.
Je 3015' (3X3D); cf. t*3X tft if"; also in phr.
wn eoxi ^bp ajn a'py je 179. iriph. impf.
$¥.'.1 2 S 1215 be sick, of child.
II. t£0^ (°f- Ar. u-i' oe inclined to,
friendly, social, which however No23"51**6.1"*1
thinks denom., cf. ^jl coll. men, people ; v. on
the other hand Wetzst'0" ZimBP2°, v. also Lag
BIf68;— hence D'BON pl. of B^N; v. also sub B»n).
tttJiiN n.m.Jb1514 man, mankind, mostly
v: '
poet. (18 t. Jb, 13 t. \jr, etc.) (Ar. ^Lil (coll.),
Aram. Bbg, Lij7(coll.), Nab. BnSN, Palm. B*3X,
Sab. D3N DHM™»'», also Ar. J&, As. nife,
people, & cf. tenisetu, humanity, human race, v.
COTGlo» sub B>3K & B>3 & HptKAT2497)— abs. Is
8' + ; cstr. Je2010;— 1. of individ. Jb 517 139
^55"', cf. Isi312 (HO-lK) 562 (|| DTtrJI); Je
2010 ,D??' 'X «j«m o/my jjeace, i.e. my friend.
2. coll. men Is 24° 33s 517 i^6612; = men in
general, ordinary mem// 7 35cf/Xti'in i.e. a com-
mon stylus Is8' (v. CTK nr?X Dt3n)'. ' 3. man,
mankind Dt 32s6 Jb 71 1419 28413 32s 33s6 3625
(|| D"1X & D'B»3X v24) yj, 56s; esp. opp. God Jb 417
(in??)7,792io4-6i5'425433>2 2Chi410; V85
(||DnX-f3) so IS5112; V920-21, 903 (|| D1P33);
io3ls; '«"|3 i443(|| Q-lX); cf. B^T^ "?"} 'N"11?
ny.bin Jb 25s; nWTr 'N f io18; 'N 33p~b is
137 cf. yjr 1041515.
tttfoW n.pr.m. son of Seth Gn 426 5«-7»'»"
1 Chi1. ''
III. V?M (soft, delicate, cf. Ar. cJl, id.,
v. Lag™68 Dlr'"», also sub I. EON; but cf.
NgZMG 1886.739 wnQ fa ^ mng fr jj^fcfc^
nC?N77. n.f. woman, wife, female (Ar.
J3f , Sab.nnJN etc. DHM2*1884'360, Aram. KNPIH,
tw*UK, ten*, jij^ Paira. Nab. NnruN) jj^
Alflfr Ph. nt^N, As. atfoiu COTG,OM)— 'x abs.
Gn223 + ; cstr. T)f$ Gn u29+ (appar. abs. Dt
2i" i S287 ^58* but cf. Bo*728 Cesil3°-5); sf.
^N Gn2o"+ ; in^N Gni2,8+ (^WS V1283),
etc.; PI. iT)&K Ez'2344 (Co tttoxk); Wi Gn
4"+; cstr. Vi Gn4-3 + ; sf. fy Gn 30s6' 1 K
207; D3<BO Ex 2 223+ , etc.;— 1. twmum Gn 312
12" + ; opp. man 222-23 Ex 3s29 36" Dt 72S; 22s2
iS2i5+; 'tf emphat. a genuine (or ideal)
woman Ec 7s3 (|| Dis); sim. of men as feeble,
timid Jeso37 5130; note esp. CEOS «)Bn */(„
children among the women, female children
NU3118 (P); as conceiving Ex 22 Lv 122 2S
n5 + ; travailing Jei3=I; bearing children
Ju 13* 1 K 318; cf. Jb i4> 15" 25'+, etc.;
suckling IS49'5; D'EOS rn» Gm8"; ttty ^T>I
3130; with adj., or app.^i^O'NnMrsMw/wowiaw,
wwras Ex27; H3i1 'N /wrfo< Jos 21 6K Jun1
161 1 K 316 Pr 6M Je 33 Ez 1630 23"; so .TJT 'X
Pr216 7s; cf. also Ez 23" supr.; Ttyffl tt
adulteress Pr 3020 (cf. tTN JIB'S 626), D'JUT VlBte
Ho i2; rrinaj D'EO foreign women 1 K ii1-8
Ezr lo2101114'1718-44 Ne^26-27 (cf. v23); .IMPl 'N
wise woman, one known as clever, shrewd 2 S' 1 4s
20'6, etc.; also ($*f 'N concubine Ju 19127:
njD^N 'N wiiow 2 S 145 1 K 1 126 1 7910; r^PM 'N
prophetess JU44; also cstr. bef. noun of quality
jn nate pr624; ni^ps 'n 9>3; yn'N n»; ^n 'n
124 3110 P1U311; D^HO 'K Pr2i9 25" 2715;
DMI'D'N 2 119.
2. Il'i/e (woman belonging to a man,
usually cstr. or sf.) Gn 224-25 38-17 4117 + oft.; of
one betrothed (ehn) Dt 207 2830; HB'N(n) i>p
Ex2i322; nfoto** Ju204; .IBtajj fo rife Gn »"
1219 163 3421 + oft. (after <vb, jnj husband or
father subj.); for wife (after WW, woman subj.)
Gn 2012 Nu363-6-61112 Dt 221929+; for unfaith-
ful wife cf. 1 ; cstr. in phr. Wjn DEW Dt 1 37 cf.
28s4; TTV3 'N Pr518 Mai 214"; ^f)| 'N v14;
3K r)B*S = step-mother Lv i88n 20".
3. Female of animals Gn722; v. also sub 4.
t4. With distrib. & recipr. sense, fiND 'X
Firnjn eac^ woman from Iter neighbour Ex n2
(E);'cf. Eui" Je919; each one, of birds of
prey L33415 cf.v16 (del. Bi Che); of cows (fig. of
heartless women of Isr.) Am 43; of sheep (fig.
of Isr.) Zc ii9; & 0f inanimate things (P, &
late) nnriK btt '« Ex 263"-8,7(P) Ez i» (del. Co>
J"UN (the^root of the pron. 2 pers. in
Shemitic: cJ|, Alt: anta; f. ^ «t> antl;
BAram. Kt WJJU (,».), % njK & jik (uoth m.
6 f.); Syr.-fcj/', f. J^jJ" , the n being written
but not pronounced; As. atla, f. atti-e D14M*
the nt being merged iu the double t; Heb!
similarly. Pl.pl, hWa*»: f. ^f, *•}*•};
Aram.JVlJN, v«*jf ,£ W, r*o/'; As.a«unM).
r»PM, nijl« (so regularly; but 2 6-7 1., with
different disj. accents, nPIN; v FrMM228- St*'178«
(rd.8forl8)„„„i o_ ^* tm '
'pron. 2 s.m. thou (for anta, v. supr.;
cf. nrrj for njnj) Gn3»-»+oft. Written bk
1 1 S 2419 f 64 Jb 1 '» Ec 7s2 Ne 9«. Appended
to a vb. for emph., Ex i81919 1 S 1766 nnK W
inquire thou, 208 2218 Is 4326 fOTK nsp. 'Added
for the purpose of strengthening a gen. or
accus. sf. 1 K 2 119 Pr 2219 (Ges ■ ■" ■■).
TIN, i.e. 'RN, the older & more original form
of m thou (fern.), preserved, prob. dialectically,
7 t. in Kt, Ju 172 1 K 142 2 K 4ua 81 Je 4s0
Ez 3613. (V. supr. As in Syr., the ' may not
have been fully sounded: the Massorites direct
AN to be everywhere read.)
**ft ^J Pron- 2 s.f. thou (fem. ) (shortened
from WK (q.v.) ; in Syr. the two genders are
written differently, 1^J', J^', but, the - not
being sounded, are pronounced alike: in X both
are written m or WK) Gn 121113 24^+ oft.
Thrice Nu ii15 Dt 524 Ez 28'4 used as a masc.
(as in Aram, of X); but prob. PIN (v. sub .IRK)
should be here read.
CilN pron. 2 m.pl. you (masc.) (lorantem,
v. supr.) G1197 26s7 294 + oft. With T[, amr\
tJu 631; following the vb. for emph. JU1512
Je3415; construed inaccurately with a fem.
t]n« Ez 3431 (many edd. }m), n:m Gn 31"
Ez I3»* (edd. Mm) 34T pron. 2 f.pl. you
I. (7DN (perh. cf. Ar. LL\ heal, Aram. NDN,
NDN n.pr.m. (perh. healer) king of Judah,
son of Abijam and father of Jehoshaphat 1 K
i5891l+24t.iKi5.i6.22; iCh3109'62Chi323
+ 28t. 2 Ch 14-21; Je4i9.
II. HDK (cf- Ar- jyjl be sorrowful, dis-
T lirN 11. m. mischief, evil, harm; alw. abs.
without art. Gii424!l8(as subj. of mp).44"(mp).
"ij^CN v. "71D.
QP^} (gather, store, Aram. +bb( ).
i"[ODS] a.m. rr"° storehouse (Aram. N2DN,
id., |i»/We)*u^/)pl.sf.T»P* Dt28sPr310.
tn]pN n.pr.m. (Aram. KJP*t thorn-butht)
head of a family of Nethinim Ezr 2w(om.Ne 7**).
Tri2DX n.pr.f. wife of Joseph (© 'Ao-twrf,
©L'Acro-fwtf; Egypt \a.n, = belonging to (goddess)
Keith (Thes) ; Cook Spe""r '• Comm- '■ 479 prop, either
As-Neit, favourite of Keith, or <Isis-Keit)
*"lD^ vb. gather, remove (As. asdpu,
DlPr46)— Qal P/ nP« Gn3o23 + ; flDDK + 854,
etc.; /mp/ n'DK' 2 K 53; ^BDg ^'27'°, etc.;
also ID1! 2 S 61; 2 ms. Iph yjr 10429; 1 s. HBDN
Mi46; ' so prob. (sf.) ^BCX j S 156 (rd. ISDN) v.
K5 1.382 Drsm. jmv C|bM Nu 2i,64-n3DK Nu
n16; 2 fs. 'SDK Je 10"; "BDK ^ 50*+ ; Inf. abs.
fl'DS Je 8l3+'(Hiph., fr. S|1D ace. to BaNB73); c«<r.
IDK 2 K 57 + ; 1S13K Ex 2316; MBDK Lv 23s9;
P«. act. *1PK Nu 19"; ^JBpk 2 K2220 2 Ch 34s8
(pointed 1BpKi.e.Hiph.;'cf.Ko'-c);DBpN^39';
pass. pi. cstr. 'BDX Ez 34^; — 1. gather, collect
(a) persons Gn 29" 42" (sq. -i>K) Ex 310 429 Nu
JJ10.M 2Ii6 Joa 2« (sq ^«+n- loc.) 24' (sq. rr
loc; all these JE); 1 S 58U 2 K 23" (sq. 'b«)
Jos216 Is 1 112 Zp38 Hb26Ezn17(all ||*3p)+;
collect men, people, armies, etc., for fighting
Nu2i23(EWuii20 1S171 2S10" I2M+; cf.
Zc I42(sq."?5? against); (b) once obj. beasts Je
129; (c) things, esp. fruits of earth Ex 231016
(Cov't code) L v 2 53a,-39(H) Dt 1 1 14 1 613 2S38 Is 1 f
Je 401012 Jb 3912 + 397; cf.Ru 2' (|| B^> glean) ;
the quails Nu 1 i3232; food in gen. $&&) Gn621
(sq. "??); eggs Is io14; money 2K22' 2 Ch
2411; ashes of red heifer Nu 19910; chariots
1 K ioM 2 Ch i14, etc.; of fisherman (Vpoapa,
in metaph.)Hbi'5; of collecting wind Pr 304 'b
Vjena rAT'K. 2. gather an individual into
company of others : (a) obj. pers. esp. gather to
one's fathers 2 K 2220 (^#5*^8)= a Ch 34M
("7X ; both || Niph. of same vb. q. v.); hence
also (b) bring, obj. pers. 1 S i462(on form here
v. Dr) 2 S 1 Is7 (both sq. "?*?), association, re-
sponsibility, protection being implied ; also of
stray ox or sheep Dt'2 22(sq. 'ijiFrpK); hence
also (c) take up, care for, subj. * ty 2710 (cf.
perh. Is 40" pap) ; (d) draw up the feet upon
the bed ("?§) Gn 49s3. 3. bring up the rear
of Is 588 1jD0« 'i ni3| i.e. be thy rear-guard
(|n"H5r f|^ ^>n)_ 5212 has Pi. MBDKD q.v.
t 4. gather and take away, remove, with-
draw 1 S 1419 (obj. hand), Je io17 (bundle, sq.
JO), leprosy 2 K 5" (v. SHY); cf. also njT!«9 'N,
remove (set free) a man from leprosy v307; Gn
3023 Is 41 (reproach), \jr 8s4 (wrath, || a^n),
Jei65 (peace, sq. JO), Jo210415 (light), V 26°
(Btoj) so Jui825; ^io42!' (nil) v. also Jb3414
(sq. "•'?); hence destroy 1S156 obj. pers.);
pass. 3jn s&Dti destroyed with hunger Ez 3420;
also Zn/. abs. Je 813 Zp I2 (joined with Tpn fr.
e|lD, v. Ko'445; considered Hiph. Inf. abs. by
BaNB73 v, supr.) ITiph. Pf. f]DM Nu 27,3 +
napw Je4833etc.; Irnpf. *$£ Ex919 + ; e)pK»l
Gn258 + ; |ttg# f 10422 etc.; Imv. H^BJ Dt
3250; 'BDXn Je476; 1BDXnGn49' + ; Zn/a&*.
ibSTJ 2 Si 7" (on form cf. BaSB74); cs<r. "JPJCT
Gn297Nui215; Pt. «|PM Gn 4929; D'BDNJ iS
1311 IS1314; D'BDW Is 57'; — 1. assemble, be
gathered, reflex, (a) subj. men Gn 491 (||j*3P
V2), Is 43° (II ^P), > Ch 303 (sq. |>) v13 (sq. ace.
loc), Ezr3'94 Ne8M3 (all sq. "?«) 91 I228;
earlier mostly of assembling for war Gn 3430
(sq. "^5?), Josio5 Ju63398io17 (||pyV3), 2011
(sq. ~?N) v14 (sq. TT loc), 1 S 1 311 (sq. ace loc.)
+ ; (6) subj. flocks, etc. Gn 293 (pass.; sq. '"'BE')
v7-8 (all J); fish Nu n22 (cf. Hb i25 Qal); (c)
inanim. subj. herbs Pr 27s5; water 2 S 1414 (in
sim.); bones for burial Je 82 cf. 25s3 (bodies of
slain) v. also Ez 29s (|| yap which Co ids. I3p),
appar. = compose, arrange for burial. 2. pass,
of Qal 2; (a) be gathered to one's fathers
Vrmx't'S 'NJ Ju 210; elsewh. to one's people
Vtyfy (all P) Gn 258-17 35s9 (|| nojl S^3>1) 4929-33
(|f via)," NU2024-26 (||niD) 2713-133Ti2 bt3250-50
(both II DID); also frnap-^K 2K 2220=2Ch
3428 (both || Qal q.v.); hence also (6) oe brought
in (into association with others, etc.) Nu 121415
(E) of Miriam, after leprosy; also refi. betake
oneself, of Moses 1 iM (E), cf. 2 S 1 713 (both sq.
"■'?); even with inanim. subj. Je 47° ^BDNH
TJ"iyPl"7X (addressed to sword) ; of man &
beast brought home (sq. H" loc.) for protection
Ex 919.
3. Pass, of Qal 4; be taken away, removed,
perish, of menls5711 (||13N); fishHo43; glad-
ness Is 16'0 JC4833 (sq. |D); also reflex., with-
draw itself of moon Is 6020 ( || vfo& xia). + Pi.
Pt. e)pSD Nu io26-*-; VBDXD Is 62s (so BD v.
fpN 63
Ko1™); D3DBKD Is52'2;-1. gather harvest
Is 62° (Upp); bodies for burial Je 921. 2.
<a£e in, receive into (sq. '*irP3) Juio/5-18. 3. as
subst. rearguard, rearward Nu io25 (P) Jos6013
(both E); fig. of God L35212. fPu. Pf. «lBtO
(cons.) L3334 Zc i414etc; Pi. «]pND Ez 38"— ■
be gathered, of men Is 24s2 Ho 1 o,0(sq! ?$ against),
Ez3812; booty IS334; wealthZc 1414. fHithp.
Inf. W$Tin Dt 335 grower themselves.
t'lpN n.m.l832M gathering (on formation
cf. Ba*B109) of summer fruit ftT'SpN Mi 71; cf.
abs.fl9«<Is3210; ^pnrj'K gathering of the locust,
i.e. as the locust devours, destroys Is 334.
rjDN n.pr.m. {gatherer, cf. Ph. n.pr.f. nSDx)
tl. father of nNV the recorder 2 K i818-37=Is
36J-22. 2. one of David's chief musicians, a
Levite, son of Berechiah 1 Ch 62424 (|| JD'n v18,
jrpK j» vid. these name8); 15i7 (|| Heman &
Ethan, all called) Dnn'tTBri v19; v. also i655-7
cf. v37 (|| Heman & Jeduthun v41'42) ; 25s, named
with Heman & Jeduthun also 25" 2 Ch 512 3515 ;
f 50- 73-83 are ascribed to Asaph; cf. also
IP?] TV? >5»? Ne 1246; he is called also mhn
2 Ch 2930, cf. ^ffVT-5^ VOfn «lpN x Ch 252;
repeated mention is made also of sons of Asaph
1°i<~').3, sons, descendants, and pupils, or those
who sang and played after his manner 1 Ch 251
(|| Heman & Jeduthun) v2-2; called Dnnfeton
2 Ch 3515 Ezr 241 Ne 7" n22, cf. Ezr 3'°; per-
forming service of purification, Hezekiah's
time 2 Ch 2913; one of them prophesying 2 Ch
20"; — 1 Ch 261 for S]DK 133 rd. *|p}3N '33, cf.919;
on "13T915, "I3T Ne n» "WDB1 ia* called'"^!? ,
v. these names. +3. keeper of king's* park
Ne 28.
WpON n.[m.] ingathering, harvest (on
formation cf.LagBN173BaNB136)TP^ 20 EX3422
(J); IP?? Ti Ex 2316 (E)— both Cov't codes.
' t/pN] n.[m.] what is gathered, store,
hence D'BBNri JV3 store-house, near south gate
of temple iCh26'5 (cf. 2Ch2524); v17'Kn alone
in same sense; cf. D^VE'n 'BDX Ne 1225.
tnCDS n.f. verbal, a collecting, gather-
ing ; ■VfU 'K MM Is 24^ they are collected, as
a collecting captives unto a pit (dungeon); or
they are gathered with a gathering (us) captives,
cf. 2218; but perh. rd. "VBKn «]DN (cstr.V v.
Weir Che.
t[rt3CN] n.f. collection (cf. Ph. riSDK
assembly) only niBDX ^3 Ec 12" (D'COn H3^)
compared to driven nails; members of learned
assemblies Thes MVal.; so postB. Heb. NHWB
i-vn; but Hitz-Now al. refer to the wise ut-
terances, called lords (possessors) of collection.
because of their well-connected grouping.
t [f)CDDM] n. [m.] collection, rabble, only
eipBDNn Nu 1 i4 of the camp-followers attending
Hebrews at the Exodus.
. ***$$9^ nPr«- 3rd son of Haman Est
9' (Pers. aspaddla, ab equo sacre datus ace. to
Thes Add7', after Pott & Benfey).
tpDNf] vb. tie, bind, imprison (Ar.
'jZ\, As. asdru, cf. COT010", Aram. 1DN, J^]\
Eth. h(\£\ kwd:)— Qal Pf. sf. CT\m Jb 3613;
3 fs. iTJDX Nu 30s-r,etc; Imjyf. "*•**"! K 2014;
lbN>! Gn4224; 1'DN>! Gn4629-r; pi." sf. 7$K
Ju 167 etc.; Imv. ION 1 K 1844 2 K 921; vVdk
Je464 ^n827; Inf. abs. 1'DX Ju 15"; n*IDK
l6M;' arfr. Ibxb Nu3o3 + ; "IIDN^ Ju I510';
T19S5 I512; D~l°* Ho io10; P<. aci'.'cstr. npK
G114911; j?ass. "i»K Gn4034-; pi. B^WK 39-°
+ j also Ju i62125 Qr (Kt DTDK); Dnibn Ec
414 (cf. Now); nfrpK 2 S334; cstr.niDN Gn^20
Kt (Qr n^DK);— 1. fte, 6?W, for security, foal
to vine (sq. b) Gn 49" (blessing of Jacob);
horses and asses 2 K 71010; |n8Bi8 dub. De
bind the festal victim with cords; Che bind
the procession with branches, etc. 2. tie, har-
ness, kine to (3) cart 1 S 6710; so (metaph.) Ho
io10 harness tliem to (7) their two iniquities
(but Jer EwNow make 'k here = ID'1 chastise,
cf. DIB? va); also sq. ace. chariot Gn 46s9 (J)
Exi46'(E) 2K921; abs. 1K1844 2K921; even
of making ready chargers DWBn 'N Je 46*
(II &$W ty- 3- bind, with cords, fetters,
etc., as prisoner, Simeon Gn 42s4 (E), Samson
Jul510.!.12. D^TOB 'N 2 K 2^
= 2 Ch366=Je 39752"; also "2 Ch 33"; cf.
(without *») 2 K 174 (t6| n<3 'K || ISP), 2f;
cf. of divine chastisement Jb 3613 & v. also Ez
325 ^ 1498; fig. of absolute authority ^ 10522;
esp. Pt. pass. 2 S 3M thy hands were not bound
(|| and thy feet not put in fetters); CijJTSb 'K Je
401 cf. D<i??3 'N Jb368 (prob. fig. Hip,!??");
metaph. of king held captive by a weman's
tresses Ct 7"; perh. = imprisoned (whether
bound or not) Gn 3920 4035 (all JE); as subst.
pi. prisoners Gn 3920 (Kt, v. supr.); so (late) as
distressed, & obj. of divine compassion Is 49*
611 yj, 1467; Dn°DXH ^3 prison Ju 162'25; cf.
Ec 414. 4. gird (rare & late) QO^no? l'W 'X
Jb 1 21S (liTK = slaves' waistcloth, P.S p. 2 5 supr. ;
Hoffm rds. 1?J1 for Ibsjl); VjriO-^ DnipK ton
Ne 4". " 5. sq. 'IOC1?1? begin the battle, make
the attack (cf. Germ, mit jemandem anbinden)
1 R 20" 2 Ch 1 3s. 6. fig. of obligation of
oath or vow (only N1130, P) B'SJ"-'? 'N, usually
Eq.acc.cogn.1DN, 1BN Nu 3 o3"6'8 •»•"•"; without
">?« etc., v710; cf. v4 "IBS 'K (e>sr^>$? om.)
2Tiph. pass, of Qal 3, be bound, imprisoned,
Impf. (juss.) 1DN; Gn 42" (E); 2 ms. IDNPI Ju
l6«.io.i3 ^of gamson). jmv. ncrn Gn 4216 (E).
Fn. Pf. be taken prisoner V^BN Is 22s; V1DK ft.
tniDN n.m. J°15" band, bond (Aram. "HON,
\i£»l"; on the form v. Ges*84'12 •») VJ^DtJ, of
Samson Ju 1514; DniDK Ec 7s8 of hands of evil
woman; "ilDNn JV3= prison Je 37 15.
t^DN n.m.0n992° bondman, prisoner (Ar.
j^ Aram. JUW, MI nDt«)— 'tf abs. ^ 7911
10221; pi. DTDS Gn 3922 + , cf. Ju 162'25 Kt ;
etc. ; — prisoner Gn 392022 (J), elsewhere only
poetic; Is 1417; as having rest in grave from
task-master Jb 318; esp. as obj. of divine com-
passion *687 (|| TIT), 69s4 (|| JV3N); 'N AgM
79" !022'(both ||nnwn "os), 10710 ^nai "iv/tt
(\\mr£w\ ^n n?*); cf. nj?'x La a'34; specif.
of liberated exiles of Isr. Zc 911, called captives
T"VDSl n.[m.] mostly coll. prisoners (ace.
to Ol'1861 corruption of TDK, cf. LagBNU0) taken
in battle Is io4 (Lag8Jmm,•,05iGGA,884•2,s,, ids. Tin
TDK etc., Osiris is broken, but cf. Checrltn),
24K (sim. of judgment upon kings of earth);
427(|| T^1 'S^; ref. to exiled Isr.,but v. also Hi
Che Di); 1 Ch 3'7 1BK n$fl ^ prob. =sons of
Jeconiah the captive (yet note omission of art.)
so Be Zo Ot al.; © S3 trans, as n.pr.
t^ON n.pr.m. son of Korah Ex 624 1 Ch
67; called son of Ebiasaph v8-22.
t""lDN n.m.Nu30 8 bond, binding obligation
(cf. BAram. "9!*, Syr. *»( ; so forms with suff.
infr. v. BaNB62"cf. Sta*208*; but perh. Aram,
loan-word v. LagBNm) — 'x abs. Nu 30'+ ; cstr.
vu; sf. PnOK v6; pi. sf. rnpK v616, rnptJ v8— only
Nu 30 (P), binding obligation of oath or vow;
mostly ace. cogn. with "1DX (q.v.) ; Nu 3o3-4-6-5-6-8-
11.1J. n^B3 -1DN v13; -IBX n$>3f foVidm? oa<A v".
tmon n.f. cstr. nnan 'd &ond o/ <a«
covenant Ez 2037 (=JTlbKD; text dub. cf. Lag
Gai882.W8f.K01; Cq rdg -^ J g np,D y sub ^p,.
so @).
''"["'D'iO] n.m. Is2822 band, bond, poet. &
late (=ipxb; Eth. "VXwCl Syr. H'liU,
cf. As. mesiru, slueathing, plating, e.g. Lyon
8.rBontt«.,p.l6.1.65.p.80)_c&tr_ ^ Jb I218 (S0 Di
Hoffm al. for IDIO) ; pi. ninpiO Je 5* 27s; cstr.
niiDb Jb395; npia Is 52s; sf. npto ^ii618;
fntwto Je3o8; By^to Is 28s2; tojnVwpto ,/,
23 etc.; — bands ace. after DP1S Jb 39s restrain-
ing-bands of wild ass; f 1 1 616 bonds of distress ;
Is 522 VW* 'D bonds of captivity of Zion, vb.
Hithp.; cf. also Jbi218 nna tP^D *lpto (so
rd., v. supr. & AVEV); Di understands bonds
imposed by kings; Hoffm girdles of kings, &
rds. "1CW in ||, for "IDW; more oft. ace. after
pnj ^ 23 bonds imposed by ^ & his anointed,
cf, Je 56 & 220 (® % v. Comm.) ; of Yahweh's
breaking bonds of Isr. Je 308 Na i13 (last four
|| 5»S* "O^, bonds of oppressed ^ 10714; '13 JpJTIj
Is 28s2, i.e. bonds imposed by Assyria; cf. Je 27s
(||t2ta) lit., symbol, of rule of Nebuchadrezzar.
T i"HDi^ n.pr.loc. station of Isr. in wilder-
ness, where Aaron died (this was Mt. Hor
ace. toNu2022'3337,)Dtio6; locality unknown.
Another form is
tniipfcl n.pr.loc. id., NU33303'.
T J^rrnDN n.pr.m. Esarhaddon(As. Asur-
ah-iddina, Ashur hath given a brother) king of
Assyria B.C. 681-668, son & successor of Sen-
nacherib Is 3738= 2 K 1 937 (van d. H. ptn-lDX) ;
Ezr42; cf. COT.
~^np^ n.pr.f. Esther (Pers. stdra, star)
— daughter of Abihail, cousin and adopted
daughter of Mordecai, of tribe of Benjamin ;
made queen in Vashti's place by Ahasuerus;
her Jewish name HEnn q.v. Est 27-81011161S1617
+ 47 1. Est.
I. F|M v. sub s\:tt.
II. *1»S conj . denoting addition, esp. of some-
thing greater, also, yea (so Ph. Aram. &( , IN,
^itf; cf. >-j). 1. very rare in plain prose (in
which D3 is more usual): Gn 4016* (*with pron.,
as rather often) I also in my dream, Nu 1614 Dt
2n*.!o* a g 20h (v Dr) 2 K 2n* Est gM. more
freq. in poetry, esp. as introducing emphatically
a new thought Dt 333-20-28 1 S 27 ^i66-7-9 1849
6514 they shout for joy, yea, they sing ! 68M7
7416 89a
23 +5 or in more
elevated prose style, Lv 2 616*-24*-28*-41*; and
25 t. in the impassioned rhetoric of Is2(4024-
4815), e.g. 4024 4 110-26 4213 43719 46" yea, I have
spoken, I will also bring it to pass; I have
mcN .
purposed, I will also do it ! 48,21\ Implying
something surprising or unexpected, even, in-
deed Jb I43i54*. 1«"j and also Lv 2G»MA3M
Dti517Hb215^6819i'Ch832* = 938*2Chi26*
Ne 218 i315; and even Jb 194 TO DJ»N"C1N1:
and even indeed (if) I have erred . . . With
n, Wl indeed ..A really . . .1 t Gn i813ia
wilt thou indeed sweep away the righteous
with the wicked? v24 Am 2" Jb 3417408. In
contrast to a preceding thought (expressed or
implied) but, nay (imo) ifr 44'° 58s; cf. Ju 5s9*.
2. (Equallyinprose and poetry) with ref. to
a preceding sentence, yea, a fortiori, the more
so ( = hovj much more I after an affirm, clause ;
=how much less ! after a neg. one): t2 S 4""'
when one told me, Saul is dead ... I took hold
of him and slew him . . .'31 Win myen D^J^n? f|K
a fortiori, how much more (should I do so),
when wicked men have slain a righteous per-
son, etc.! Ez 1421 (Ew Hi) 155 Pr 2127 (in all
these passages >'2 = when) Jb 4". So ^ ti S
233 2 K 513 . . . f$g "IPK",| *\K) and tlie more
(=and how much rather), when he hath said
to thee, etc. More commonly in this sense
strengthened by '3 (q. v.), v. infr.
\f bjk 1. furthermore tEz 2340 Hb 25 (Ges
quin imo, quin etiam). 2. in a qu., indeed
(is it) that ..A tGn 31 0*7$* -lOtps e)K indeed-,
that God has said ... H. e. has God really said ... 1
(cf. ^D above). 3. with ref. to a preceding
sentence (which is often introduced by JO or
n?.n), yea, that . . . ! i.e. how much more (or
less) ! tPr. 1 13' lo, the righteous is recompensed
in the earth NBini yen «3 «|K 'tis indeed that
(=how much more) the wicked and the sinner !
1511 if 19710 Jb914 is16 256 1 S 1430 1 K827
(= 2 Ch 618) lo, the heavens . . . cannot contain
thee W? JV?n '? *]&< 'tis indeed that this house
(cannot do so), i.e. how much less this house !
2CI13216. So'? W tDtsi27 iS2i6(perh.;
but v. US8™-1-4* Dr8""293) 2S1611. (InJb
3514 (Hi De) Ne 918 1 *!« is simply=yea,
when . . .)
TDK (existence & mng. dub. Thes MV al.
identify with "IBK gird on, but this denom. v.
infr.; LagBN^8;S-N1890•,,•15 prop. Jjj, come as am-
bassador, as 1/ of lis?*).
ifeM (28t.) & TEN (2ot.)n.m.El28'7 ephod
(Eth. K4*2:\ cf. Aram. JL'.3 id. (on mng.v. Lag'- *■),
perh. also As. pid, pittu ZimBF39; on form v. Ges
JM.12.E. but Lag'-C- comp. jUj, & thinks liSS
shortened from 'ttn 3B>n 'robe of approach' to
God)— 'K abs. Ex 257+; cstr. 1 S 218+;— 1.
ephod, priestly garment, shoulder-cape or man-
tle; a. as worn by ordinary priest made of white
stuff (13) 1 S2218; 'K Kfc'l cf. 2; so Samuel as
a temple-servant 28; 'N "ton gin with an eph.;
so David when dancing before ark 2 S6l4(t'd.)
1 Ch 1527 'K nn bjTjj b. as prescribed in P
for high priest, more costly, woven of gold,
blue, purple, scarlet, & linen (? &&) threads,
provided with shoulder-pieces & breast-piece
of like material, ornamented with gems and
gold, Ex 257 284-61216 29s 35,!17 392-7+ 17 t. Ex
28, 39, also Lv 87; cf. prob. 1 S228 ('N NBO) 143
2 110 (v. sub 2); tB} apn EX282728 29' 39s0-21
Lv87; 'Kn b"VTi 29* 39k (cf. Lv87); with vb.
"?5 'NrrnK fnj ^«< «A« ep/wd on Aaron Lv 87.
2. ephod used in consulting '' 1 S 23' 'x
borne in hand (rd. \T* 'Km TV ® We Dr) v9
30" (all c. «tyj) + i4w (tsfai) & v18, in both
rd. 'NH for jriK & v18 also KM ® Klo Dr; a.
ace. to Thes MV Di Ex 28s al. properly sub
1 b ; consultation of '' in that case by Urim
& Thummim in the breast- piece attached to the
ephod (cf. Ex 282M0 & v. tniN); if so, in view
of NBO 1 S 2s8 1 4318 (cf. supr.), not used else-
where= wear exc. 2218, & of 23", the word might
be used by meton. for the breast-piece itself;
b. others, e.g. Sta06**-'466'471 Bu881" al., think of
an image representing '1 ; cf. following. 3.
a. ephod of gold made by Gideon Ju 8s7 for
a local sanctuary, by which Isr. was ensnared ;
= 2 b ace. to @ Thes ('sine controversia ')
Stu al. + Sta Bu I.e.; orig. = gold sheathing of
an image (cf. etymol. supr. & Is 3022 sub TIBS) ;
MVBe KbHiap,I,robl<",",M think of garment, as sub
1 v. supr. b. made (material not given) for a
private, local sanctuary Ju 1 7" 1 8141718-20 ( || ^DB,
.1300, D^e™ in all, for ® gives n3DD v20, om.
•Iq); cf. Ho 34 Isr. shall abide without king,
prince, sacrifice, pillar, ephod or teraphim; ace.
to Thes al. + Sta Bu l.c.=2 b; Stu Be Ry al.
regard as sub 1 ; in view of distinction from
PDB, D3DD & D'Bin it seems more likely that
this is not an image, but some means of con-
sulting deity, perh. in imitation of Urim &
tlbX n.pr.m. father of a chief of Ma-
nasseh Nu 3421.
T[7DN] vb. denom. gird on ephod, Qal
Pf. "IBNil SS-ns \b rnBXI Ex 29s and thou shalt
gird the ephod upon him with the cunningly-
wrought band of the ephod; so Impf. v "IB^'l
la (|| -un) Lv 87.
tiTJDN n.f. ephod (=1iBN, for which it
- |TBM
supplies cstr. & sf. forms). 1. of high-priest's
ephod, cf. liBS 1 b, only ttnBK 33>n Ex 28s
39s the cunningly-wrought band of his ephod.
2. of sheathing of idol-images, ^ jjHJJ D3DD ITIBX
Is 3oM (|| ^JBD3 ^DB ■nax) cf. liSK 3 a.
t[ft|»] n.[m.] palace (Syr. \j£j' ; both
from Pens, apaddna, cf. Spiegel Mtpen- K<"Uchr 128,
but this-<reaswn/, armoury, M. SchultzeZM<51885'
«"•) folBK \SlK Dnn45, of the 'king of the
north,' i.e. Antiochus Epiphanes.
tHS^ vb. bake (As. epu, ZimBP43 Aram.
«?K, )ir)— Qal Pf 'ti Gn 193; WBN Is
4419; toNI consec. Lv 26s6 etc. ; Impf. 3 fs. sf.
VIBTn 1 S 28"; 1BK' Ez 4620; 1BXR Ex 1623; 7mv.
1BX Ex 16s3; jP«. nBN Gn4o' + ; DnBk H076;
pi. D^BK Gn 4o'6+ ; ™BK 1 S8I3,etc— 6a£e, obj.
Dr6 Lv26M(H) l8 44ls-",(cf-Je3721); nto Gn
io3'(J) 1S2824; niso niay Exi239(J); niVn
Lv 245 (H); nn?T? Ez 46=Vl» Ex i6a23(P; —
c. 2nd obj. of material Ex 1 239 P?3, Lv 24s n?b,
1 S 28s4 nop). P«. alw. as subst. baker Gn 40
1.J.S.16.17.20.B 4jio (all E) h0 7«. Je 372i 'Xn pno
ou< o/</*e tours' s«ree<; also 1 S813 (|| HinsO,
rrtni?!; only here fern.) Nowhere as a menial
office, not even 1 S 813 where despotic power &
growth of court emphasized. Niph. Impf.
3fs. HBNri Lv6,0Y9; 3fpl. n^BKri Lv2317;—
pass, of Qal be baked, baken of Dnj Lv 231';
nriJD f cf. 610.
t[nCNtD] n.[m.] thing baked, cstr. nrOD
nan nsxp Lv 2*.
tlSK (Jb 1715 19623 24s6), elsewh. NlSN
(cf. \sn and Ni3"i), enclitic part, then (prob.
from 13, a part, with a demonstr. force, cf.
IB, it's here, with X prefixed. In the Targs. JIB
is used somewhat similarly, e.g. Gn 2610 Nu 1 iM
Is i9 481819), — used 1. in connexion with in-
terrogatory pronouns or adverbs (like Spa, ttort,
tandem) : KiBS ''» Gn 27s3 who, then, . . . ? v37
ntaM no NiBX nah and for thee, then, what
shall I do, my son? Ex 3316 NiBK r$ n031 and
wherein shall it be known, then . . A NiBN n»N
where, then? Jug38 Isio12 Jb^15; Ho 13'°
tfDN ^3^0 NIK; IS2 21 KiBK 1]>>"nO what is
there to thee, pray . . . ? 2. in a command
or wish: a K io" NiBK ty] know, then; (in
apod.)Pr 63 Jb 1 96; Jb 1 9m $0 fO^ IBS in^O
would, then, that my words were written !
3. after DK, Gn43u *>i|ntft triDK J3"DN if it be
so,«Aen,dothis, Jb924if not <^m, who is it? 24*.
''"fTON n.pr.m. an ancestor of Saul 189'
(etymology & meaning dubious).
/D^ (A'"- ffi disappear, depart, set (of
the sun)).
T7DNn.m.Jb3,6darkness, gloom (only poet.)
— 's alw. abs. — 1. darkness, of night ^gi6
(opp. OyVJS); deep in the earth, 'K |3K Jb 2 83
(||T]3'n, niOpX); darkness, gloom of underworld
Jb io2:!!2(|| ?fn H?, ns^)} 'K, niojtt) ; personif.
Jb 36 tltat night — let darkness take it 'N VngJ;
fig. of spiritual darkness Is 2918 (HT;?'"1); of
secrecy, treacheiy \^ n2. 2. esp. fig. of cala-
mity Jb 2317 (Iheri q.v.), 3026 (opp. nix).
T7DN adj. gloomy, of day of '< Am 5s0
(lhe>n, opp. nai) cf. nbsx.
T!i?DN n.f. darkness, gloominess, calam-
ity—'x Exio^ + j ^bk IS5810; pi. nbm
Is 59s— 1. darkness Dt2829 Pr79(||nW> |WHt);
of supernatural darkness in Egypt Ex 1 o22 ; of
day of '» (cf. Am 520 sub 5>BK) Jo 22 Zp 1 1S (both
||"JBTI, pJ7, ?Biy) sim. of wickedness Je 2318
Pr 419. 2. fig. of calamity Is 822 ( || n3E>n), 5810
(Ih^n, opp. Dnns), 59" (||id., opp. ninjj).
TL^^DN] adj. (darkened, concealed, thence)
late, of crops; — HTBX Ex 9s2 of wheat & spelt.
"I^DN^ n.[m.] darkness, Jos 247 (E) dm
'31 d3'l3.'l3 'O, between Hebrews & Egyptians.
trPTBWO n-f- deep darkness (=W i>B8<D
ace. to'Thes MV cf. Ct86 ^mni)^; but Ew
*166b & on Je 231 rds. njbBSD, fem. of [^DNO],
der. fr. Hiph. Pt.; cf. Sta5'302" H^BND; Jager
BA8471 -tijiu^g this HJ an enclitic part, of empha-
sis, & comp. As.) — only "O JHK Je 231 fig. of '•>
in dealing with his people (II"1?!0)-
khz** v. sub b%.
t : v
fSi^ (meaning dub., perh. turn, cf. nis).
t JCIS, ttrtM n.m. Ezl'20 wheel.— abs. fBiN
1 K 732+; JBiK Ez i,6 + ; cstr. JB1N 1 K 7s3 Is
28s7; |BK EX1425; pi. Cl^BiS iKf+i cstr.
*3Bfe< 1 K730; On^DiN Ez iols, etc.— a. wheel
of chariot (n33-)DJ Ex 1425 iKf Na32; of
(threshing) cart {ffy$ Is 28^ cf. Pr 2026 (as
instr. of punishment), b. wheels in Ezek.'s
vision Ez i'616161919-20-20-21^1-00'21 q13 IO«-».»-«.».">-i<>.
is.i2.i2.i3.i6.ie.i9 j ,224 C- wheels of the ten bases be-
neath the lavers in Sol.'s temple ! K 730-32-32-3233.
|Q« 67
' L]?NJ n.[m.] circumstance, condition
(perh. lit. turning) only du. (or pi.) sf. VJBNT7JJ
= in (right) circumstances Pr 2511 (cf. Str ad
loc, also Orelli *'"■ d- Ze" u- Ewl«,"!" " f).
tnJWM * 8816 (&r. Xfy. DlFrI35t comp. As.
ap]runa(ma) adv. = ma'dis, very, very much,
but dub.; Thes MV form fr. -/pfl, & comp. Ar.
^S\ diminuit, mente diminuit (Frey.), hence be
confused, helpless, cf. @ ifrfiroprfov; 53 contur-
batus sum; others emend iWBK fr. 3*9 q.v.
A vb. however is not needed for parallelism).
tD3K (cf. DDS) vb. cease, fail, come to
an end: only Qal Pf. 3 ms.; Gn 471516 (of
money, IDS), Is 164 (extortioner: || '1P3, Dfl),
2920 (terrible one: |j nb>3, rP33), -f 77* (VnDn:
TDpN DDK, n.m. prop, ceasing, hence 1.
end, extremity, only in the poet, phrase ""DBK
H? (f 5914 PNil '") ««<&, extreme limits, 'of
the earth, used esp. hyperbolically : Dt 3317
1 S 210 Mi 53 Je 1619 + 28 5914 72s (=Zc910); +
"b Is 45*" 5210b (=f 983b) + 22s8 67" Pr 304.
2. Expressing non-existence : a. as
subst. (mostly a rare poet. syn. of PN): Is 3 4 12 and
all his princes DBK V!T shall become nought,
4129; 4112 DUfSI flO W; 4017 Whj DBKD
(II f-^l) as made of nought and worthlessness
are they accounted by him, 4124 (rd. &??VB
D.BND, || pKO, v. VB*); 5a4 and Asshur op-
pressed him DBN3 _/br nought. b. as part,
of negation, prop, cessation of...\ (cf. • . • P$
nought of...), very rare in prose (2S93), chiefly
a poet. syn. of P«: Is 5s DipD DBK nj> till there
is an end of place = till there is no place (cf.
TV ny Vf4o'3), Am610 (cf. p« JU420), Dt3236
(hence, in prose, 2 K 14s6), Is 45* (cf. px 4311)
v144695415; "fa *pB*] <?K ZP215 Is47810isprob.
to be rendered, 'I am, and there is none besides'
(so Ges Ew Di etc.), the < being 'paragogic'
as in ?$W etc. (Ges590'3* Ewtmb), cf. 1iV P»
Is455-618-21; but ace. to De the • is sf. of 1 s.
'I am, and / am nought besides' (i.e. and I am
nought besides my all-sufficient self). — DBN3
(like PK3, q.v.) without: Pr 1428 2620 Jb f Dn
8s5. c. as adv. of limitation: (a) only: tNu
22s5 (cf. m v20) 2313. (6) '3 DBS save that,
howbeit (qualifying a preceding statement):
+NU1328 Dtis4 JU49 Am98 (+1S15® We
Sta Dr). So DBK alone ta 8 iaM (the foil. ♦?
signifying because).
t [DDN] n.[m.] only in the du. QJDBK (not
'$; v. Baer), lit. the two extremities, i.e.
either the soles of the feet (so AW Ges; cf.
Aram. KriB'B, j^), or tf* ««&«* («, @ 3: sq^'
& most): only Ez 47s 'K *D water of (i.e.
reaching to) the soles (or ankles); cf. v4 'D
D.-inD water reaching to the loins.
t Q">Sn DON n.pr .loc. in Judah, c. 1 6 miles
SW. of Jerusalem, called in 1 Ch 1 1 ,3 O'DI DB,
(meaning unknown; LagBNW on basis ofMSS.
of © would read £PD 13D edge or brink (jLo>)
of water; but such a pronounced Aramaism is
not probable), only 1 S 1 71.
t[VD«] VBSD Is4i« txt. err. for DBgO v.
DBS; so k X Saad Thes Ew Di al.
ni'DS v. sub nys.
^l|_ *J*J ▼•>• surround, encompass (As.
ap<%>w ZimBP69)— Qal i>/. 1BBN V^o13; ^BBK
^i8s+; — encompass (poet.) lit. Jon 2" (subj.
D?P); fig., subj. evils & misfortunes nijTJ ^ 4013
(sq. ^V); niD *3#>P 2 S 22s, cf. 13 'ban ^ 18s,
also 1163.
t[pSi$] vb. hold, be strong (so Thes wh.
comp. Ar. ,jj| excel = multum valuit ; M V comp.
also (jU)— o'nly Hithp. Pf. 3pUpBNrin L86316;
Impf. pBXm Gn 4331 Est 510; 2 ms. pBNTin Is
64"; pB^m IS4214; pSKTiXJ 1 S I39— 1. force,
compel oneself I S 1312. 2. restrain oneself,
refrain Gn^331 45' L34214 Est510; of * Is 64" ;
of Yahweh's compassion Is 6315, TBrni ^pjftJ
^ptjMrUI ,lW (almost passive).
tEpTDM] n.m. 2S22-16 channel (as holding,
confining waters; poet.) — cstr. P^K Jb6"; pi.
D^BK Ez63 + ; D'pBN Ez326; cstr. ^BK Jo
i»+;'sf. Ti?.,B»? Ez 358; VP/BK Is87— cAaW
^stream-bed, ravine, wady D?D 'N ^ 42' Jo I20
cf. 418 Ct 512; also V' 1816, but better DJ 'N 2 S
2216; D'bro 'X Jb615; of river-bed Is87; so
also (without defining word) Ez3i12 32s 34"
V-I264; HKJ! Ez633583646; fig. of bones of
hippopotamus (as hollow) HBTI3 'N Jb 4018; of
furrows betw. scales of crocodile D'iiJD 'N 41".
_D^B6< n»lD Jbi221 is dub.; Thes MV Di al.
say girdle of the strong (p,BX=/?rm, forceful,
or — Di — capable, powerful) ; || D'?^.
tpDN,p,'GH(Ja i31) n.pr. loc. Aphek (perh.
enclosure, or fortress). 1. city near Jezreel
(As. Apku, cf. DI1"*287) Jos 1218 1 S 29' (ngJBJJ,
so) 1 K 202630 cf. 2 K 1317. 2. city in tribe of
Asher Jos 1930 Ju i31 (P'BS). 3. city NE. of
i' 2
Beirut, mod. Afqa Jos 1 34 ^P,??. v. Di. 4. place
near Mizpah i S 41 (cf. 7").
tilpCN n.pr.loc. (mng. perh. id!) one of a
group of cities including Hebron Jos 15s3.
j *
I- "lDfc^ (°f- perh. Jil leap,'J>\ be agile; v.
tlEN n.[m.] ashes (as light, flying i) — 'X
abs. GniS^-f; cstr. Nu 19910 — ashes of red
heifer, used in purifications Nu 19910; on head,
as sign of humiliation 2 S 13"; contrition Dn
9= (|| uto, pe>), Jon 36 (|| 1*9 cf. Jb 426 c» -i?V)>
Is 58s (|| &); mourning Est 413 (|| W) cf. Jb 28
('Wl -pra 3B^), Je 6-6 ( || Pr), Ez 2 730 ( II isy) ; in
sim. scattereth hoarfrost 'K3 i/^ 14716; but also
as filthy, loathsome 'K1 1BJD Jb 3019 (Di sim.
of mourning, grief), as worthless, 'N v<ffti Jb
1312 proverbs of ashes; fig. of wortlilessness
IS4420; insignificance/X,na5?Gni827; ignominy
Ez2818Mal321; distress & sorrow *!$%$ D$3'K
^102'* (so As. cf. ZimBP43) cf. La 316 Is6i3
pBN nnn tkb).
II. "13J<J (enclose, envelop, As. apdru, attire
jjjptm. rpneg comp. Ar.^ai, cover; MV comp.
Aram. Ita^jo, N1BJJO, mantle, turban; but con-
nection of V(p)y 'a with "1BN is dub.)
TIEN n.[m.] covering, bandage (As. i/pru,
covering ZimBF95, epartu, garment, Id.'b' & DI
FrM) I^T^J? '" 1 K 2038 cf. v41.
rhEN v. ms.
TVV'ISN n.[m.] sedan, litter, palanquin
(so NH; origin dub.; no plausible Shemitic
etymol.; perh. (so ES in Yule010"0'^"0-11""*"
wordMKB^ g£r paryahka, litter-bed, '-palankeen ; '
perh. (if poem be late) Gr. <popdov; — © has
Qopflov, 33 ferculum, © JJ»ck, X *?}*) Ct 3"
D^SM n.pr.m. Ephraim (Gn4iS2 con-
nected with rnan, Hiph. of ms, cf. KID Hiph.
Ho 13"). 1. 2nd son of Joseph Gn4i62 46s";
reckoned among sons of Jacob, blessed by
him, and given preference over Manasseh
481.6.13.H..7.17 (cf. vl<>) v20.a. 5Q23 NU 1 10 I Ch 720"2.
2. EP1BN ♦$ (= descendants, tribe of E.) Nu
,n 2i'8.i8.m 7«'IOJ2 263s.37 jog x 55.9 (boundaries of
territory), 178 1 Ch 93 12" 2 71014-20 2 Ch 2812;
less oft. '« HBO NmBi38 J0S216 iCh651;
'N-"?3 HBO NU3424 Jos 168 cf. I44; 'K B3B> ^
7S67 (|| IpV !?nN); 'N JV3 Ju io9; also '« alone,
tribe Ephraim Nu 26s8 Dt3317 Jos i6'0 + oft.;
netafl 'N HN Jos » 7'7 cf- Ju 1 215 2 Ch 3010 esp.
68 reio
3. D^SS~in </te mountain-country of Ephraim^
a ridge stretching from N. to S. through ter-
ritory assigned to Ephr., with fruitful land on
both slopes, esp. the western (cf. Di Jos 161)
Josi715i9M207 Ju2932745+26t. 4. by Ho
& Is (rarely later) Dy}BK = kingdom of north-
ern Israel (from Ephr. as largest & strongest
tribe in it) Ho 4" 583-6 (|| $£#?) v,U2+30t.
Ho; Is72-5-8917+9t. Is; also Je 715 3i9-,82° Ez
3716 (del. Co) v19 + 78" 2 Ch 257-10 cf. 30' + 609
= io89; 'K *1? 2 Ch 172 cf. 346; 'K rnff Ob19;
hence 'x alone in loc. sense 2 Ch 31 '; also Ho
59, where /em. (& perh. Is 72). +5. tt^f "£
2 S 186, E. of Jordan; ©L Klo rd. tWnp V,
cf. 1 72427. t6. name of a city near Baal-hazor
2S1323 (='E#/>cii/* John 1154 & 1 Mace 1134?
Klo comp. ©L ro0pm/t & pissjj, Qr plD}? 2 Ch
139; so previously Bo Th Ke cf. Dr). t7.
D^IBK nyB» a chief gate of Jerusalem 2 K 1 4'3
2 Ch 25s3 Ne 816 1 239; perh. at NW. angle, near
Holy Sepulchre, cf. Schick-GutheZPV18ai.
rnEN v. nniDN.
tnrnBM n.pr. (v. sta'3°8,i-I's,2d-2lM°"*1"1-
t t ; v \
ForKh.215^ — might in several cases, e.g. Gn 3516,
be IT)B§+n loc, but v. Ru 4"; — 1. n.pr.loc.
place near Bethel, where Rachel died & was
buried Gn 351<U9 48' (n")SK only Gn 487 where
H perh. dropped on ace. of n following (01) ;
in last two passages Drb fV3 Kin is a gloss, v.
Di ; cf. 1 S io2). 2. id., a name of Bethlehem
Mi 51 Ru 4"; cf. perh. nrPBK 3.^3 1 Ch 224 (®
rj\6tv Xa\f/3 tit 'E(ppdda). 3. id. ^ 1 32s, perh.
applied to district where Kirjath Jearim lay,
on the border of Judah & Benjamin, cf. De
Che. 4. n.pr.f. 1"H?K name given to wife of
Caleb 1 Ch 219 = nrnBK v6044.
"PrHEN adj. gent. Ephrathite. 1. Eph-
raimite, cf. '"in"JBK 1. Jui25 1S11 (of ancestor
of Elkanah) iKii" (of Jerob.) 2. from '« 2 ;
D$ n^3» 'K 1 S1712 (of Jesse); pi. D^S?
Dr£ n'BO Ru i2.
Jn3J*J (meaning dub. V whence Ar. oil(
calamity, & also wonder, portent; ace. to Thes
Ar. v =<—SjI suffer evil).
TnCiO n,.m.Dt29,2 wonder, sign, portent
(=nD^»)_nsiiO Ex79+i4t.; D3nBiOEzi2u;
D,nBi»Dt434+4t.; Q^nab Dte^+gt.; ^sio
Ex73 119; vr!Bi»^7843;'i,nBbiChi612^io5li
— 1. wonder, as special display of God's power
Ex73 119 ^105* iChi613 J033; by Moses
and Aaron Ex 421 n10 cf. 79 (in mouth of
Pharaoh), by false proph. Dt 13" (||nix);
usually ||niN Dt 4s4 6* 7" 26s 292 3411 + 78"
10527 1359 3e32WM Ne910; applied to effect
of Yahweh's curse Dt 2846(||nix); to one pro-
tected by '* ^ 7 17. 2. sijro or <o£e»i of
future event (cf. ni«) 1X13'" 2Ch3224-31;
symbolic act Is 203 (||niN); as such the term
is applied to persons Is 819 (||niK) Ez I26-11
2424,27; cf. 'O 'BOX Zc 38 men who serve as a
symbol or sign. — Vb. used, of divine act, is J)"U
Ex 79 etc., D'ty Je 3220; D^'B* also of entrusting
to human power Ex 421, cf. IS"5! 1 K 133; of
human agency n'tyy Ex 421 n10, }r» i K 13".
t|^3SM n.pr.m. 1. faSK asonof Gad(Sam.
|W3SM, ®e«NN») Gn4616="?}« Nu 2616 (©
'Af«i/«, 'Afai/), this shorter form less probable.
2. fi3XS a grandson of Benjamin 1 Ch f (®
'Aoefliov, 'Eo-(re/3a>i/).
V22N v. II. Jfi»
[7^J^] prob. i.q. Jij to join (cf. on the X
I <
1. , Is'N subst. conjunction, proximity ;
V *• 61
with sf. ^St?, i?VS etc.; only used as a prep,
a. (as an implicit accus.) in proximity to (as
though Jjj LagBS68), beside: Gn3910154i3and
stood nhan bin* beside the kine, 1 S 52 |fc^ b«
imck Dagon, '1 K 1 324 * 2 1 ' Pr 830 Ez 1 15" 3330
39,s; oft. in phrase (* 'd) nattpn bxs Lv i1663
Dt 1 621 1 K 229 Am 28 + ; of a locality (cf. II. "K
2) Dt 1 130 beside the terebinths of Moreh, 1 K
1 9 412 Je 4 1 17. After a vb. of motion (late) Dn
8717; cf. 2 Ch 2816b. b. with ft?, bwn from
prroximity to, from beside (cf. HSD, Dyt?): f 1 S
2041 (read with @ 33-]Sn ^SXO/rom 6es?'d« the
mound) ; Ez 40' contiguous to, beside (ft? 3 c) ;
with suff. 1 S 1730 i^?» 3DM and he turned
about from beside him, 1 K 320 2036 Ez io16.
t[71'N] vb. denom. lay aside, reserve,
withdraw, withhold — Qal Pf Flj«fK Gn2 736;
'nisSN Ec210; V§t$\ cons. Nu 11 l7;— reserve,
r\y)i"h Gn2 736; '{withdraw), set apart nnrrft?
Nun17; withhold Drro Ec 210. Niph. P/.
?HJ3 Ez 42s be withdrawn, i.e. shortened or
narrowed. Hiph. /m;>/. ^f«*l Nu 1 125 (Ko '• 390)
= QalNuii17.
til. hp* in n.pr.[m.] 5>X*?rrn'3 Mi i»,
ace. to Hi Ew Ca Ke=i'SK Zc 145, but dub.;
cf. 11. ^SK infr.
fi. ^>2N, in pause !*K (Ge
c) n.pr.m.
(perh. noMe, cf. P'XN 2) a descendant of Jona-
than 1 Ch837-38=943-44.
II. [T2«], in pause &N Zc 14', ace. to © X
Thes Ew al., n.pr.loc. near Jerusalem; but
no site found, & identification with PXKiTTVa
uncertain ; hence Symm 33 Kbh Wr make
subst., ?ii}~bii =very near, hard by (?XX being
the supposed abs. form of 1. ^SK; cf. 01»1,,rb).
t[7",2N] n.[m.] side, corner, chief — pi.
cstr. \^XN Ex 2411; sf. IT^SK Is '4i»;— 1. sides
(borders) of earth IS419 (||mYp); cf. 'n to*
Je 622 etc. 2. fig. nobles (perh. as sides, sup-
ports, cf. sub 11133; soEwDi: but perh. = J-~«l
noble — from J-^l be rooted, J^l root, met.
origin, stock — prop, a man having a (known)
origin, sprung from an ancient and famous
stock; so Ges, cf. LagBN68) Ex 24".
tjVsN] n.[f.] joining, joint (cf. JLjI
elbow)— -pi. cstr. ["]T tyfQ Ez i318 (on T cf.
Sm Co); — joint of hand, i.e. elbow Ez 13";
fJJ ni^SS Je 3812 arm-joints.— '. H^XK Ez 419
is obscure; perh. 'k is here a technical archi-
tectural term to the joining (cf. Sm Ke).
tirT,,72W n.pr.m. (Yahweh hath reserved,
or set apart) father of Shaphan the scribe
2K223 2CI1349.
D)m (meaning dub., cf. Ar. '-*\ be angry).
tD^N n.pr.m. 1. elder brother of David
1 Ch 2". 2. a descendant of Judah 1 Ch2*.
maatH v. nvs.
t t : v
["l^i*?] vb. lay up, store up (Mish. id.,
Aram. IXK, j'^*, Ar.J^I confine, restrict) — Qal
Pf 3 pi. *Vffl 2 K 2017 Is 396; Pt. Wffa Am
310; — store up treasure 2 K 2017 = Is 39"; obj.
ifen DOT Am 310, i.e. treasure gained by violence
and robbery. Niph. Impf "fin** be stored up,
of the merchandise of Tyre Is 2318. Hiph.
Impf mTSitO (cf. Ko1391) (denom. from IXiK)
Ne 1313 and I appointed treasurer, sq. ace. pers.
"h"N n.pr.m. (treasure; or covenant Ar.\*>\)
a chief of the Hoiites Gn 36™*> 1 Ch i3842.'
tll'i^ n.m.rrl5 "treasure, store, treasury,
storehouse (so Aram., also l^o/") — ">XiK
Pri516 + ; cstr. yfi* Jos619 + ; sf. ff» Dt
2813+2t.; pl.niixiNJoi17 + ; nhxt<Pr2ie+;
cstr. ninsiN Mi 6'°+; ninyk Jb 38^ + ; pi. sf.
.MnnsiN i)t32w Is394; ftp*'* Dt3234; T£i™N
Jei7'; DrnxiK IS306; DnTiixk Pr 8S1, etc.—
1. treasurers), gen. pi. (gold, silver, costly-
utensils, etc.) Jos 619-24 Is 27 308 45s rap*1 N,
i.e. concealed, hoarded) Ho 13" Je 1513 173 205
487 494 51" 1 K i+*x 2 K 24,S13, perh. also
Is 39" = 2 K 201315; wealth Pr 1516 21620;
gathered for temple-building (sg.) '* JV3 'N
1 Ch 29s, --DOpn 'K Ezr 26»=Ne770, also v69
(cf. 1CI12627). 2. store, supply of food, drink,
etc, 2 Ch 11" 1 Ch 27s"8; fig. VKH 'K Mi 610
Pr io2; mix N'n "> J1R"1< Is 33«. 3. ">S1N n,3
a. treasure-house Ne 1 o39 cf. Dn 1 2 ; b. storehouse.
magazine Mai 310; & without JV3 a. treasure-
house or chamber, treasury 1 K 761 1 51818 2 K
i2» 14" 168 18" Je 3811 5037 (1) 1 Ch 9M 2620- 28,!.,S 2Ch5, l6J^ 3257 cf Ez2g4.
b. storehouse Jo 1" Pr 821 1 Ch 27*-* Ne 131213;
C. magazine of weapons, fig. of Yahweh's
armoury Je 5024; d. storehouses of God for
rain, snow, hail, wind, sea Dt 2812 Jb 38s2-22
Jeio13 5i"*i357 337.
rnpN v. mp.
nj?N n.m. wild goat (?) only Dt 145 in list
of clean animals lK^ l**T) <P**1 "WM^J '?« f>;K
"lEP, (® V*, @£ tf«; cf. BoH,erM',*'ot,'Thes
sub pJN cf. MV, with ref. to Ar. jLlc g«aiV
Thes comp. also Talm. Kg'K, but NHWB MV
refer this to cu£).
"\k v. li«, for Am 88 v. "*).
TJON n.pr.m. (meaning unknown, Thes
conject.^,1K lion) a descendant of Asher
1 Ch 738.
btnM, ",V^"!*? v- ^*i sub L niN-
T J jN vb. lie in wait (Ar. i^/l be crafty,
also C^l ii'e(aknot)Frey) — Qal Pf 31N1 consec.
Dti9"Ju2i!!0; S^MJbai'j B^ff594La
4W; Imp/ 3*Hg V Io"'9; Q^v Pr x'8 Mi fi
Cr}tW Ju 934 16s; nanw Pr 1"; Imv. an.K
Ju'932; 7»/"3f3{Pria*; Aa* Jos82+n t.;
3"?.iK Jos812+4t.; D,3']« Jos84+2t.;— lie in
wait (with hostile purpose), abs. Ju g31M+ 2120
Jbsi'V'io' Pr712 2328 1S22813 La3,0(of bear,
cf. ^ 109); c. inf. of purpose ^ io9; c. ace. 0^ 'K
Pr 126; c. -'S, and pers. against whom Dt 19"
JU934; usually c. i> Mi 72 Ju 162 * 594 Pr illls
24"La419 cf. Jos82-4-14; Pt. as subst.=&r«-
in-wait (pi.) Ju 2029; usually sg. coll. ambush
Jos 82121419-21 Ju 16912 203336-37-3738 Ezr 831; pi.
of this sing. = ambuscades Je5iis; sg. = place
of lying-in-wait, ambush (loc. sense) Jos 87.
Pi. Pt. pi. liers-in-wait i.q. Qal Pt. ^"WO Ju
9*(c. b), 2 Ch 2053 (c. 5>S). I Hiph. 7»»p/ 3JJ
bna (for 3^»a) 1 S 1 55 (cf. Dr Ko '-390; Ges-Kau
t68-2 queries) but txt. dub.; cf. 01!257b, & Klo,
who prop, i>raa T3JM,
T[l"lN] T"<N n.[m.] — 1. a lying-in-uiait
Jb 3840.' ' 2. coiert, lair 37s (|| niJflO).
T2"^N n.pr.loc. city near Hebron Jos 1552
(® 'Ep«/i, ©L 'E/jf/3; ace. toOnomast. 'EptfiivBa
LagOn.254.2nd.d.260 EreD Jd
119, 2nd ed. 152
Ileromith in Daroma ; cf. Di Survey"13").
"hSHH adj.gent. 'ten 2 S 23s5 (but cf. Dr).
t[i")S] n.[xn.] ambuscade only fig. — a.
i3")X D*to* Je 97 i.e. he planneth treachery.
b. D3">N their intrigue Ho 76 cf. Now*126.
t[nmN] n-f- artifice, pi. cstr. VT rfOTVf
Is 25" (lit. tricks of his hands).
TrQ~!N n.f. lattice, window, sluice (Mish.
»tf.)_'K Ho 133; pi- "^ 2 K 72 + , cstr. id.
Mai 310; niTiK Gn 7" 82; DWflir^j Is 60s;— lat-
tice, latticed opening, where smoke escaped
Ho 133; openings of dove-cote Is 608; metaph.
of eyes Ec 1 23 (as latticed by lashes 1 Hi Now;
only here of opening to look through); else-
where of sluices in sky, opened by '\ through
which rain pours destructively, D?B^Q /N Gn 7"
82, cf. Is 2418 (BVlBD '«); but also fertilizing
2 K 7°19(D,BBa '«); fig. of blessing Mai 310
(D*ots>n '«).
+n'iQ^« n.pr.loc. (=3"!«? cf. Klo ad loc.)
1 K 410 flb-iKS.
+2"I^O n.m. ambush— 3"JSD Jos 89+ 2 t.;
anxp Ju 9s5; cstr. 31t<p^ io8; — 1. a. ambush,
place of lying-in-wait Jos 89 Ju 9s5; b. lurking-
place ^ io8(||D''T?Dt?). 2. liers-in-wait 2 Ch
i31313(cf. aiKPt.)'
?Na"?H cf. ^N3-is n'3, sub n'a.
ninitf v. sub nan.
S«an«, nja-iN, raaiM, d^in etc. v.
triTlK] vb. weave (Mish. id. cf. Ph. JIN
weaver)— Qal 7mp/ 2 fs. ^"IKPI Ju 1613, 3 mpl.
13'^ Is 595; Pt. rfr Ex 2832+4 t.; pi. tfffr
Is i994-5t.; ni3"ik 2 K 237; — weave cloth, etc.
Is 1 99 (in Egypt) 2 K 237, Samson's locks Ju 1 613;
metaph. weave spider's web=intrigue Is 59s;
most often Pt. used as subst. = weaver Is 3812;
these + 2nt 285-6-815 39*"*; om. "O tip 28=° 391
also of temple-hangings, with ni?2fl, p3 & ^D"13
2CI1314 cf. 213 (v. also 26 v. sub'fjnK). b. as
iiidicatingwealth& luxury of Tyre, c. tip, HC?"!,
riffl Ez 2?; c. HDP1 & fa v16 (as articles'of
commerce); also in Persia, c. p3 Est i6. 2.
purple cloth, chiefly of garments, 'N 1iM Nu 413
Ju 8s6; 'Nl pa !|«T3rn Est 815, Hftajl 1(] B# Pr
3I*>; db«q!5 t(| niri Je io9; 'also 'K i33lD
Ct 310; in simile, of woman's hair Ct f.
"N"|M n.pr.m. Gn 4621 son of Benjamin, but
Nu2o40#ra«dson of Benjamin = TJU 1 Gh83.
T\*? adj. gent. c. art. as n.pr.coll.,
"RftJ '^Po Nu 2640.
+THN n.pr.m. son of Gad Nu 2617=HViK
Gn4616. '
T^lVlM adj. gent. c. art. as n.pr.coll., 'BfQ
'NnNu261'; without art.asn.pr.=ir\t< Gn4616.
mTPM n.pr.m. son of Caleb, of tribe of
Judah I'Ch218.
riN 71
work of the weaver 'k n'tyyo Ex 2832 39s2-27 cf.
35M ; weavers' beam (pi.) 'K ifao 1 S 1 f 2 S 2 1 ,9
1 Ch 1 123 205 (sim. of huge spear-shaft)— cf.
also sub BVnK ^m
t;PSl n.[m.] loom (v. GFM P0S 0ct- ,m)
3™ Ju 1614 hand-loom to which Samson's hair
was fastened, plucked up by him ('« obj. of
»K1 ; del in;n as gloss, cf. GFM supr.); Jb f
*3B W "E *OJ my days are swifter than a loom.
3Srj« v. an.
H-JM v. m
t]l3-)^ n.[m.] purple (of Aram, form, cf.
Heb. infr. ; perh. txt. err.) =purple thread
2 Ch 2" (+rtarn b"a-a), cf. 213 3" sub jon«.
'l^-HM »•[•»■] purple, red-purple, i.e.
purple thread & cloth (As. argamannu COT
Ex2,54, Ar. yU£J1, Aram. JJo^j/', cf. fJ?"iK
supr.; etym. dub.; possibly Skr. rdgaman, adj.
red, reddish, fr. rdg'a, red colour, so Benary cf.
Thes Add111 EobGes; vid. MV; Thes earlier,
fr. DJT ; but prob. loan-word, cf. also Lag
BN20S; Pers. #{£] is also cited by PS)—
form alw. as above — 1. purjrte thread, cf. esp.
Ex 35s5 393 Est i6; a. mostly Ex (P) with
ref. to the hangings of tabernacle, the ephod,
etc.; seld. alone; c. rpari, violet (q.v.), ^ti ny^in,
(3TEfo) tip, (also Dnyj Ex 254 26"** 27" 35821"*
368.35.37 3818.23 3^4 (on tex<. y Di) y29. w.th
nnrjH n.pr.loc. city of Phenicia (As.
Aruada, etc. v. COT Gn io18 D1F»*»; <s>
'A^io.; mod. Rudd) on an island near main
land, northward fr. Tripolis, mentioned with
Sidon Ez 27"0111.
'"Hi"!*? adj.gent. c. art. as n.coll. (As.
Arudai, etc. COT010") mentioned among Ca-
naanites, ^nKn Gn io18=i Ch 1".
•TTIS n.pr.m. a son of Haman Est 9*
(Pers., perh.=haridayas, delight of Hart, v.
Add Thes72; but text very uncertain; cf. diff.
tradition as to the names in ©).
*Mr*n^j n.pr.m. a son of Haman Est98
(Pers., perh. = Hari-ddta, given by Hart, v. t'6.,
but © GapaSaBay
1 1. DTI*?] vb- Pluck, gather (Eth. hilii)
— Qal Pf 1 s. W"!« Ct 51; 3 pi. sf. rsrm + go13
pluck (grapes from) vine \jr 8ol:!, myrrh Ct 51.
n.m.Pr2815 lion (As. aria, Eth. ACT:
wild beast, cf. also n^H infr.) — >-lK Am 312 +
13 1.+2 s 2320 Qr (kt mm), La'310 (id.)+
f 2217 P«3 for wh. rd. nMSsttg cf. De Pe Che
crit. note); pi. &*% 1 K ro20; rrintjt (also m.)Zp
33+ i6t.(f. Je5i38? butcf. JU146);— lion, lit. in
narrative Ju 1 4s 1 S 1 <JHMK 2S2320=iChn22
2 K 172526 Pr 2213 2613 Ct 4s cf. Am 312 5";
lion-images 1 K 729-29-36 io19-20=2 Ch 91819; in
comparison Nu 23s4 24' Ju 1418 Is 3813 Je 51s8
2 S i23 Ez 22s La 310; metaph. Na 212 Zp 33 Je
5017 Ez 19" Pr 2815. Fomto f 2217 rd. PtO,
cf. above. Cf. also 'THS.
tpTHM] n.f. manger, crib (Aram. N^IN,
\liZ}, Ar. ^J stall, etc., As. urd DlBA8,'»j—
PI. fli-lK 2 Cb.3228 (Aram, form for n'nti; cf.
Lag""173); cstr. ntix 1X5', ninx 2^9*;
— cro'6 of horses 1X5" (app. in enumeration
of horses themselves, Eng. head, or span, cf.
also 2CI1925 with 1 K ioM; so Th MV, but
txt. here dub. cf. Klo), hence 2 Ch 9s; of any
animals (nona^a) 2 Ch 32s8 (on 'N^ v. Add.).
tiT-lN n.m.Am3-8 lion (X id. Syr. W, cf.
also *1K supr.) — only sg. as above Am 34+ 44 1.
+ 2 S 2320 Kt (Qr ns) La 310 (id.) ;— lion, lit.
in narrative Ju I48-8'' 2 S 2320 iK 1 3s4-2426 ■» M
(c. D,-10V txt. err. ace. to Klo)28 203636 cf. Is 1 17
35" 65s5; in simile Gn 49s 2 S 1710 + f 10' 17"
2214 Is2i8 314 J6 230 128 49" 5044 La310(Kt)
Ezr10 io14 1 Ch 128 Ho 1110 Jo i6 Hi 57, cf.
Am 348 Ec 94; metaph. Gn 49' Dt 33s2 Jb 4"*
* 22s2 Is 1 59 Je4756Na21212'3.
Tn^N n.pr.m. soappar. 2 K 1 5a an officer
of Pekahiah, but c. art. ^."l^n, & on text with
possible corruption & dittography v. Klo.
^ ,N"Ht«l 1. n.pr.f. (prob., v. Ew) Ariel
(lioness of Ei) name applied to Jerusalem Is
2Q1-"-7 (so Ges Ew Che Di al.; X De Brd Or al.
say hearth of El, cf. ^XIX). 2. n.pr.m. a
chief man among returning exiles Ezr 816. 3.
3XiO SufHS 2 s 2320='D V"!S 1 Ch 1 Ist taken
by ® EV Dr8™ al. as n.pr.m., id. two sons of
Ariel of Moab; RS8"""1-469 comp. btOtt MI12,
altar-liearth (so Sm & So, and DrSm,cl, v. sub
t*1FH9 and transl. 3XiO 'X altar-hearths of
Moab. 4. Ez4315 & Qr v"'16 vid. sub ^X'nx.
' \?N"1N n.pr.m. (app. n.gent. from fore-
going, but © Nu 26" 'ApirjK (Gn 4616 'Apor)\fts,
'AporjSis, 'A.irt)&(is)= foregoing) a son of Gad
Gn 4616 Nu 2617; also adj.gent. c. art. as n.pr.
coll. Nu 2617 ^x-xn nnap*tp ® 'aPuj\,i.
T[7N"1N] n.[m.] (form & meaning dub. v.
infr.) — onlyin D^?")? Is 337.' GesE)i>XnX heroes;
cf. ThesKnChe; Hi BJTJijs cf. De, who der.
from /N'l^i lit. = lion of God, coll. c.sf.,& transl.
their heroes; n.gent. fr. -W'lX = Zion Nbr
Ate. is*, p. ,00 cf_ gay ib. 466 . Ew ^ _ ^ <reTO.
6Zm<7, cf. Di. Brd prop. !7<7V1 'cry pitifully.'
<3 S al. rd. some form of .1X1, ® X"P. "Wholly
II. HIN (burn, cf. Ar. ^|, whence i~.\
hearth; Ew*163' al. v. infr.)
t^frON n.[m.] hearth, altar-hearth (©
'AWX; fr. mx with b aff. ace. to Ew*163* 0\im
Sm Ez4315 Di Is 291 al.; but this formation
very rare & here dub.; X Hi De Brd Or Is 291
der. fr. ^>X + nx = hearth of El, v. also RS
s™. '■**, who thinks of pillar-altars; cf. nin ^>X"lX
MI" v. Sm & So, and DrSm,c1)— ^xnx Kt Ez
43.5.,.. (Qr^nK); = ^-iri vls(Vr8s Co fena),
all c. art., — of altar-hearth in Ezekiel's temple.
T[i"R2VW] n.pr.loc. home of Abimelek
(ThesAdd sub mx) Ju 941 nonxa , prob. = non
2 K 2 3* cf. Jer Lag o^"1*"- »«• ** ■* ■» It must
have lain near Shechem; identified by MV al.
with El 'Ormah, 2 hours SE. from Shechem
(van de Velde0*1"""268), but this place not
otherwise known; cf. Survey"-3*7.
Tnj'I^N n.pr.m. Araunah, a Jebusite —
'X 2 S 2420-20S1Z!-23 (but rd. ^'IX TJJJ cf. We Dr)
v23-24; Kt ro-vixn fja v16 (Qr njnxn) c. art.
but cf. Dr; Kt (Wrt* 'i v18 (Qr njHX); = IJ1X
(q.v.) 1 Ch 2i"f; ® in S & Ch 'Op™.'
T")K (cf- Ar. ^1 be firm, also witlidraw,
tnst n.m. K'17' *» cedar;— f. Ez 1 7s2 HBirt 'X,
but del. HD-lil © Co; — (Ar. '-°\ pine-tree, etc.;
Eth. ftCH: Syr. )W)— 'x abs. Lv i44+ 19 t.,
TiX Jb4o17 + 6t.; pi. D'HS Is9»+35t.; cstr.
ife Is2,3-|-5t.; sf. ym Jez2" Zc 11'; vnx
Is 3 fA= 2 K 1 9s3; — 1. cedar-tree, (a) as growing
Nu 246 ^ 1489 Is 4119 44" cf. Ez 318; esp. as
growing on Lebanon 1 K 5"; 2 K 149 = 2 Ch
25,8(both in fable of Jehoash); oft. !«3^>(ri) T)X
Ju 91S Is 213 148 ^ 29" (fig.) 10416, cf. 1 K "520
2 K i9»=I8 3724 f 9213 Ct 515 Ez 27s (sg. coll.)
Zc n« (fig.); Ct i17 Ezr 37 Je 2 223(fig.) Ez
I73(%-); W esP- in sim-. OI outward power,
stateliness & majesty ^80" (i>K 'X) cf. Ez 313
(personif., but v. Co on text), Am 29; of indi-
viduals Je 227 ^92" Ez 172223; cf. other exx.
of fig. use, supr.; sim. of straightness & strength
Jb 4017 (tail of hippopotamus). 2. cedar-
timber, cedar-wood for building, DTlX 'SJJ 1 S 511
iK5222461»911 iChi4'224-4 2Ch:27Ezr37;
without YV 2 S 7" 1 K 69-15'1618-18-20-36 72.2.^.7.11.12
io27 1 Ch 1716 2 Ch i15 23927 & Ct 89 Is 99 Je
221416 (cf. also Is4414 1K520 EZ276 Ezr 37
supr.) 3. cedar-wood used in purifications,
c. fl? Lv i44«««" Nu 196 (all P).
TiTT'lM n.f.coll. cedar-panels, cedar-
work Zp 214.
I [rHN] adj. firm, strong (cf. Ar.JJl supr.)
DT1KEZ2 724.
trnft n.pr.loc. Meroz, in northern Pales-
tine JU523 (expl. as = li"lXD • U, retreat by Thes
MV al.)
TrPN vb. wander, journey, go (Ph. mx
in IT1XD, prob. = rn.Kt? cf. Eth. aoCdt: lead,
conduct,?. N6ZM018»472'; epithet of god Eshmun,
Sab. fhx DHM Epl8T- De°kra- "• 70, Aram. ni.ix, \J.tf'
traveller) — Qal Pf rnw consec. Jb 34s; Pt.
niX Jui917 + ; pi. OVVlk Je9'; — 1. journey,
go, c. Q? fig. of association, companionship Jb
348 :vEh-''B'3X-Dji ro^n px »otT)J nnan^ 'xi
(cf. also "pn \jr 1 '). 2. P^. wandering, wayfar-
ing, journeying, D"?.Ki? B"xn JU1917; as subst.
wanderer, wayfarer, traveller D"iX 2 S 1 24(|| ^\j),
Je 1 48 (|| "13, in sim. of '<) ; D"n-]X p^O wayfarers'
lodging-place Je 91.
tmfi a.m. ">«■" (f. **»») way> path (As
«rAw COTG,0», Aram. mk, L^A_'j, abs.
VT96+; cstr. Pr4,8+; sf. TO Jb 198 ^ 1393
etc.; pi. abs. H^rnx Jus6-6; cs'tr. nirnx Jb 8"
+; sf- Tftjt Jb 1327 33"; Qnin-iK j0 »* pr 915;
DrpnhrjN pr215,- also vnrnk is23+; I'nh-ik
V' H9IS+ etc.; — way, ^>a<A (in Heb. mostiy
poet.) 1. lit. Ju 56'6 song of Deb. (alone =
highways, opp. riipppgj) 'X crooked (by-)pat/is;
cf. alsoD^n? ,?|>'nl-6.);'l8339/Nn3"y=Way/ara-
(||ni->DD), v. also Gn4917 (blessing of Jacob)
(II TO) & Drrtrm Dn^Dri «Aose wAo make
straight their ways (|| !JT1 naj?) pr 915, 'X Ni3 ^0
(tread) a ;>a<A I8413; of course of locusts J027
'X |M33y* si? they confuse not their paths( \\ tfSVti;
B**E 'X pa<As 0/ the seas f 89 ; mk pn rMm afo,^
a path, fig. of sun ^ 196. 2. fig. pa«A, way,
of course & fortunes of life Jb 813 i^"=^n
I98 (II ™a™) * I393 (II TO) 1424 (|| "?<*?) pr
36 (II TO) 418 I519 (both || id.) Is 26' (H^VP) so
T?rnk ^ is 3»; piain or evenj)ath "tohf 'x
V' 27"; in two cases with a special ref. (1)
BtyS mk Gn 18" (J) of menstruation; (2)
V%* 3*^ *6 rnk a jpa<A (tnt«A) / *Aa« M0«
return, I am going Jb 16^ i.e. to Sh''6l, cf. As.
name of lower world irsit Id tdrat, land without
return, v. Jr1065. 3. fig. way, of mode of
living, or of character Jb 34" (|| ?5?3) ^ 1199.
Specif.: a..waysof'\ his mode of action ^25'°;
b. of man's righteousness, called ways of'i \jr
254 (|| D<rn) 44i» „9» (|| nnipsi) is 23=Mi 42
(II D,3"H) cf. yVQp? 'N Is 268; also way of
justice, uprightness, etc. DBK>D 'X Pr 28 (|| IfH)
1723 ls4o14 (BTO), T§* t* Pr 213 (Ijid),
njrjj rx 820 (|| rtwru), I2» (y nyru ^. g0
m_X alone Is 30" (||TfTJ) PrI5'0; note esp.
Q"0 ITjJ; ^>a<A of life, in righteousness &
enjoyment of God ^ 1611 Pr21956 1524 (opp.
Wp), also D«ni> 'X I017 (on these cf. Str Pr
1 432) ; C. of wickedness, J"T| 'X way, path of the
violent -^if, cf. also Pr2 22S; D'JEn 'X Pr414
(II TO). ?# 'x i19; «q. abstr. "ip^'X |nf,
so v128 (|| OHIpS), also c. adj. Jn 'X ^ii9101
cf. Pr215 (D'B'ipV crooked) called D$yKn Jb
2216; note also DTX 'X <Aei'r destructive ways,
i. e. ways that cause destruction Jb 3012 (cf.
1912). 4. by meton. traveller, wayfarer Jb
3 132 (cf. ?Jjn 2 S 124) & in pi. caravans 618";
but rd. perh. rnt6 31^ rtTTTfe 6l81».
TrnN n.pr.m. (traveller]) 1. a man of
Asher 1 Ch 739. 2. head of a family of return-
ing exiles Ezr 25=Ne 710; perh. = rn_X Ne 61S.
'""7"? ~ a-f- meal> allowance (of food) abs.
Je 40'; cstr. P11 nrnx Pr 1 5" « portion of herbs,
i.e. a slender meal ; elsewh. of allowance given
to captive king Jehoiachin, TDTI 'X a continual
allowance 2 K 25M= Je 52"; *JVV)X ib.=id.
' [^"7"]^] a-f- travelling company, cara-
van (strictly Pt. of rnx), cstr. firrk Gn 371*;
pi. cstr. ninix Is 21"; cf. also sub rnk, 4.
^HM, ^M^M etc, v. I. & II. mx.
tljtHM n.pr.m. king of Ellasar Gn 14",
ally of Chedorlaomer in his western foray
(prob. = Rim-Aku, Elamite king of Larsa=
Ellasar; cf. COT"-297').
tppN, *T]N] vb. be long, almost alw.
of time (As. ardku COTG1°", Aram. ^X, J?*\
— Qal Pf 13-iX Gn 26s; Impf. VFj£ Ez 1222;
3 fpl- nJ?1^1 Ez 3 15 (del. B Co)— be long, subj.
D'Djn^.e. a long time passed Gn 2 68 (J); cf. As.
urriku Ami, days grew long, Creation Tablet*
v. COT Gn i1); of delayed fulfilment of pro-
phecy Ez 1222; subj. nixa Ez3is (but cf. supr.)
Hiph. Pf. T"!£?Pr 1911; Piaixni Dt227, etc.;
Impf. T1«- Dti?20-)-; OTip Dt«5*j J«"ix:
Ex 2012 cf.' Dt 516 62; fsnxn' Dt 426 3o18, etc.';
Imv. fs. ''S'lXn Is542: Inf. cstr. T"]Xn Nu 910-"3;
PMjnXD Ec 7!S 812;— 1. trans, prolong, (a)obj.
Q'O; (i.e. live long) Dt 42"0 530 n9 1720 22' 3018
3247 Jos 2431 = Ju 27 (c. ,-?nX= survive), Pr 2816
Is 5310 Ec 813; also (late) without tK!> Ec 7,i812;
(b) id. 1 K 314 '•> subj. TCpiX "B^Kri] / will
prolong thy days; (c) postpone anger Is 48" cf.
Pr 19" (i.e. shew oneself slow to anger); v. also
Jb6u *?>ig ?rm i.e. be patient; (d) lit. (but
in fig.) make long furrows (c. 7) y\r 1293; tent-
cords Is 542; tongue 57* (stretch out in mock-
ery). 2. intrans. grow long, continue long (i.e.
display length or continuance), subj. D'O' Ex
20l2=Dt 516 62 25"; tarry long Nu 91922 (subj.
fJV0)> last (continue) long, subj. J? Pr282; be
long (lit.) of staves of ark 1 K 88 2 Ch 59.
"^7.^ n.[m.] length — only sg., 'x abs. Ex
27'+'; cstr. Gn6,6 + ; *3")X Ex25,0 + ; D?"!X
2 Ch 311; f?1X Ez 42", etc.— a. length of ark
Gn 6,5(P), of land of Canaan i317(J); most oft.
of ark & other measurements in tabernacle &
temple EX251017 262-8 27'-9 + (22t. Ex,P), 1 K
62-3a, + (i3 t. K & Ch), Ez4o7"18 + (4i t. Ez),
etc. b. of time 1W 'X Dt 3020 Jb 1 212 f 2 Is
23* 91'6 93s Pr 3s" Las20. °. ^M '* forbear-
ance, self-restraint, Pr 25". — (Ez 317 ® <& Co
rd. 3T for ^.X, cf. v4 where Co del. vb. 11X ;
4 122 rd. prob. WX © Sm, or VJHX Co=6ose.)
t[ip.«] adj. long— only cstr. Tins Ex 34s
+ 14 t.— - T3NH 'K long of pinion Ez 1 7s (|| Mlf
D?B33n) of eagle, in metaph. ; elsewhere always
of feelings, as subst. Ec 78 O^"1 '" the patient of
spirit (opp. *"' i51??); D^BK 'K ojw s/om> to anger
Pr 1 4M (opp. nm'xp),so 1 5,8(opp. non t^s), 1 632
(|| inns teo); m0re oft. of '\ d?bk % Ex 346
now "ibn-ani d?bk 'k pam Dim cf. Nu 1418 Ne
9'7 Vr86" io38 1458; so+nyinHTf orm j0 213
cf. Jon 4a (where *?K), nb !>n?1 D?BK N Nais;
^JBK Tqxb only Je 1 515, 'N appar. noun; rd. Ifjfc 1
cf. Pr 25".
t t"5!^] •fl- long— only fs. abs. ITST!*;— *.
of time, 'N 'TonpO long war 2 S 31 ; of the exile
Je 2028; b. fig." of God's wisdom nTO ffXQ 'tt
THD^nN n.f. healing of a wound, restora-
tion (properly the new flesh that grows at the
wounded spot, Ar. S&J; Fi ,Ph""- "", so Fl De
on Is 58"; v. also Di)— 'k 2 Ch 24" Ne4];
TBTg Je3o17336; cstr. rDTO JeS22; ^npnt* Is
58s; — alwaysfig. a. healing, restorationof Israel
Is 58s, here c. vb. nps, elsewhere c. '"yj?; Je 8s2
(|| KB-J), c. rhv Hiph., subj. \ 30" 336 (|| id.)
b. restoration of walls of temple 2 Ch 2413, of
walls of Jerusalem (cf. Fi supr.) Ne 41 (both
c. nby).
t"ipN n.pr.loc. city in Babylonia (Bab.
Uruk v. Dl infr.) on left bank of Euphrates,
c. 40 miles NW. fr. Ur O**) toward Babylon;
mod. Warka; cf. LofW*16" DI1*2211-
"HSIN adj.gent. (deriv. unknown) applied
to W '2 S 1 5s2 1616 17514 1 Ch 27s3; with art.
=n. coll. 'Nn Wli Jos 162 (not far fr. Bethel).
m^ n.pr.m. Aram (As. Aramu, etc.,
v. D1P,2OT; Thes al. prop. VD1N= DP but cf. No
as below)— 1 . 5th son of Shem Gn 1 o2223 1 Ch 1 ".
2. grandson of Nahor Gn 222'. 3. 1 Ch 223.
4. a descendant of Asher 1 Ch 7s4. — Elsewhere
only of Aramaean people & land (=1 supr.),
f.»s«> m.2««>". a. people, sg. coll. = </<« Ara-
maeans, a leading branch of the Shemitic stock
inhabiting Mesopotamia & northern Syria, in
many tribes & settlements ; 2 S 86" + 1 K 2 o2021
+ 1 Ch 1 a1012 + (64 1. S K Ch) Am 9/ Is 72-"-8 9"
17s Je35"; soEzi6H 2716, but Co in both DHS;
B"}S OS? Am 1 ' ; of particular divisions of Aram,
3irn rva n 2 S io6, Naiv 'tt 2 S io6-8 ^6o2 (title),
pfctOT 't* 2 S 8' cf. 1 Ch 185, even D?3£JJ 'X f 602
(title); (note that As. never gives name Aramu
to people W. of Euphrates, but Chatti instead,
with other particular names, COT Gn i o22, also
Dlu); on 2 S812u 1 Ch 1811 v. DilN. b. less
often clearly of land, Aram Nu 2 37 2 S 1 58 +
2 Ch 202 (rd. however here DPN Thes Add al.),
'N rnv Ho 12'3; also of particular divisions of
the territory DHH? '" 'Mesopotamia' i. e. prob.
land between Euphrates & Chaboras, so Di
after Kiep, Gn 2410 Dt236 JU38 (cf. V°°2
supr.); cf.'N t,!B/Wei'ara-.4ramGn25203i1833ls
35»-26 4615, 'K nfif 282-5-6-7 v. pa; P&QI '« 2 S 86
cf. 1 Ch 186. c. often indeterminate, esp. in
'x 'HJP etc., perh. primarily land but often
including people : so Ju 211 io6 ('N Tips) 1 K
10*+ 2 Chi " + (4 it, K& Ch)Is7'.— (Cf.esp.
■JJ^Schenkel BL, ZMQ 1871. 113 ; Hermes v. 3, 44:! f. T)l r* 287 \
T^SHN adj.gent. Aramaean, c. art. 'ttn
Gn 252020 285 312024 2 K520; of Israel "13K 'K
Dt266; pi. D'snK 2K828-29(||D-IK) 9* (!«<£);
D'enn (='Nn) 2CI1225 (fl id.); njtsntn V$%
1 Ch 714 his Aramcean concubine. — (D'OnK Kt
2 K 166 rd. rather Qr ttOVlK.)
T n^QT N adv. only of language in Aramaic
2 K i826=Is 36" Ezr 4" Dn 24.
D")K ("/ of following; cf. DIM).
tpm« n.m. IsS2-14 citadel— 'K abs. Je 3018
+ ; cstr. ' Is 2 52; pi. DUETtS abs. Am 399; cstr.
i4 + ; 0»rrtJD")U Mi54 + , etc. — citadel, castle,
palace, not used before royal period, mostly in
prophets, esp. common in Am & Je; citadel
as securely barred (in sim.) Pr 1 819; T] jQn JV3 'N
i.e. the. citadel, stronghold 1 K 1618, cf. 2 K 1523;
usually more general, of castles, palaces, promi-
nent buildings; esp. used in speaking of con-
quest, because the fine buildings would be esp.
object of attack & plunder; palaces of Isr. Am
68; of Jerusalem Is 3214 (sg. coll.) La 25J 2 Ch
3619f 48414i2 27 cf.Ho814 Mi54Am25 Self;
of Samaria Am 31011; also Je 6s 920 belonging
to Benhadad (i.e. Aram) Ami4 Je4927; of Tyre
Is 2313 Am i10; of Babylon Is 25s (sg. coll.), cf.
1322 where rd. WrrtJtJT* for mtit&K so @ % 93
Che Di (|| tfbom; cf! Ez 197 ace. to X al., but
v. rather pjm ; DlBDxl defends MT in Ez 197 &
comp. As. almattu, fortress); of Edom Is 3413,
of Gaza Am i7, of Babbah i14, of Bozrah i12,
of Kerioth 22, of Ashdod 39, of Egypt 39.
T'1j^"^M n.pr.m. a son of Saul (palatinus)
j ?"l}f^ (cf. Ar. ^.\ alacer, latus fuit; pos-
sible y of following).
\rm, c. art. JTiKn, p«n .
'•") chest, ark (Ph. pN, sarcoj>hagus,
As. erenu (& erd) cA«s< Zim81"6'22, Ar. yH, c/ies<,
so Aram. )Jo>('r, also Nab. WIX, Vogp- m, Ph.;
Mish. also pi. nww) — only sg.; abs. tfVlK 2 K
i210=2 Ch 24s; c. art. fFVgn Dt 1 o2 + alw.' exc.
Ex Lv Nu where PNH (Ex 251414 + 13 t. Ex, Lv
162 Nu 331 io35); cstr. fn* Ex 25'°+, tplj Ex
306 Nu 45 7"; — tl. chest, for money-offerings
2 K 121011 2 Ch 248101111. t2. sarcophagus,
mummy-case of Joseph Gn5o26 (E). 3. chest,
ark in tabernacle & temple, containing tables of
law, with cherubim above, the esp. seat of '<
among his people, only Hex (71 t.) S(6i t.) K
(i2t.)&Ch(48t.) + Ju 2027Je 316V'i328; used
alone & in various combinations (cf. SeyringZAW
'"'• '"'). a. indef. DW ^ fn» an ark ofshil-
tim-wood Ex 2510 Dt io3 cf. v1. ' To. def. 'an Ex
25"+ 54t. (Hex P, exc. Jos JE; S K Ch)'. c.
pN 75
'H^ n-pr.m.adescendant of Esau(?Aram.
W wild-goat) Gn3628= 1 Ch i42 (v. also (B^).
fl- J"J« n.[m.] fir or cedar (As. erinu
COToio» Mith.pl. D^N)ls4414(||r!X, nnn,
ffot, IE K^.
tn. pN n.pr.m. (fir-tree) a descendant of
Judah 1 Ch 225. .
Tp2"lN n.pr.loc. whence wine, so Co Ez
27" for MT ?n fjlj cf. As. wine of Aranabanim.
T]D~IN n.pr.m. a descendant of David 1CI1321.
T|2""lN n.pr.m. a Jebusite, whose threshing-
floor was bought by David to erect an altar 1 Ch
^ILMUUUIAMUA & acc- t0 2Ch3! became
site of temple ; called '1311?* 2 S 2416t- q.v.
P-"!*?, p")W n.pr .fl. Arnon, wady& stream
in Moab (MI ;jix, Thes Add Rob Ges MV der.
fr. JJ1, i.e. the rushing, roaring stream) — jfa"HJ
Nu 2 1 1313 + 1 2 t., I'3-lS Nu 2 1 " + 1 o t.— called
boundary between Moab & Amorites Nu 2 1 13
Ju ii18-22 cf. !3"!« !*M Nu 22s6; oft. fTfg bm Dt
234.36 38.i2.l6 448 , K JQ33. fa-^ /J Jog jjM ^9.16.
pj-lK D'i'njin Nu 2 1 H, i. e. the stream-ravines that
unite to form Arnon, cf. Di ; also jb"lK D1D3
heights of Arnon NU2I28; ?13~)N TTn3J?0 /o/-<f s
o/ylTOOriIsi62; elsewh. Nu2i13-24-26 Juii1318-26;
syn. of Moab Je 4820; (cf. TristrM°*bI25f-; mod.
II. ]™)^ (^assumed for foil, word, cf. Sta
**>.. Dpnis argues for ynnN (g0 Theg^ on
ground of an As. erd, synon. of erenu).
JW 'K Jos 4" + 32 1. Jos (JED) S K Ch. d. 'K
BNp$ 1 1 S 33 4«j tfn% 'K 1 S 4"+ 32 1. 8 Ch
(but 1 S 141818 rd. IIBKn © We j)r^ cf u,n<,K /N
1 1 Ch 1 33. e. *#& ** '»» 1 S 57 + 6 1. 8, term
used only by Philistines; Vjfe" \l5>K mn» 'N
tl Ch 1512'4; DJV^k rtW 'K tJos 46(JE); 'K
'Tin' '}*!* +I K 22«; rWJ"H ?h* m'T'N tJos313
(JED) cf. pnrr5>3 jnx [nnai] 'k v» where
iman (c. art.) is prob. interpol, v. Di; only
once & late the long phrase 32*1' HOT rj'nSxn 'K
OtftOW xfe Q^npn x Ch 13'. f. in combina-
tion with nna largely D & under D's influence;
nnan piN ark of the covenant t Jos 3s6-8 4" 6"
(all JED); nw nna'N Nuio33 1444 (both J) Dt
io8 3 1'» Jos 4718 68 S33 Je 316+ I7 t. S K Ch;
once longer Q^ian ae« nixax *> rina 'N 1 1 S44-
also dvi%i nna 'k tJu2027 1S44 2S1524
1 Ch 166; & D3TOM " nna 'x Dt 3126 Jos 33.
%• rvni?1? p"1^ ar£ 0/ ifo testimony, only in P,
corresponding to nna 'K (cf. Di on Ex 2516), Ex
2 5s2 + 8 1. Ex, t Nu 4s' 7s4 Jos 416. h. t Bnjsn 'N
2 Ch 353. i. ^'N the ark of thy strength 2Ch
641 yjr 1 32s. — (Cf.also tables given by Seyringlc-
& his theory as to earliest designation of ark.)
naJw v. ajx.
iT'Dl^ v. njm.
T1E"1N n.pr.loc. city in northern Syria
(As.Arpadda D\nm)—'ti Is io9 elsewh.^N;
c. 15 miles N. of Aleppo, mod. Tel Erf Ad; in
OT only as conquered by Assyria, alw. named
with Hamath, etc. 2 K 1834 io13=Is 3619 3713
(on ® 'Va<t>i6='hfxt>d6 cf. Lag"*78), also Is io9
Je 49s3; (cf. No2*01871'258 Kiep1"- KS.)
TT^aB^H n.pr.m. 3rd son of Shem 'n Gn
less a geogr. name(deriv. & mng. dub., Thes der.
fr. ii.\ boundary (stem i_Tl define, limit),
cf. also Eth. HiWri wall, + 1V2 = 1&3, i.e.
Chaldean; so Schr C0T Gn ,ft22 who identifies" with
Babylonia (cf. Gn nm & t^ffl 1«< v29-31); v.
another interpr. DI1"*265; ace. to most=^rra-
pachitis on Upper Zab, NE. fr. Nineveh, As.
Arnien. Stud. S5 * reff.
Arbaha., Armen. Albak Lag
Bo MV, Di Gn I022 Lag8"64 NoZM0M2' 182; but
As. Arbaha is unfavourable to this).
yik M07 n.f.G°10" & (seld.) m.°° ,s" earth,
land (Ph. MI p«, As. irsitu COTG,M", Ar. Jty,
Sab. px e.g. Os9 DHMZ*G187!S•5I>4•614!SOT•S',~J,'•,2,
cf. Pra8*81-874^, Aram. JHK, \jLil*) — '« abs.
Gni* + ; cstr.2" + ; H$ i'°+; cart. always
n*5 i" + ; 0. 'V loc. nnK ii»> + , (this form
also poet. = HS Jb3413+); sf. T!* 2015+;
Wl* ORE*) 1 2' + . etc- »' P1- "^ Je 28s + 65 1.;
cstr. niinw E^ 39» + 6 1.; sf. DrfriK Gn io' +
2 t.; — 1. a. earth, whole earth (opp. to a part)
Gn i818a 2 2,8( = nD"l«n 123) Je 2 526'29-30 26s Is
3716al= 2 K 1 91619 Zc 4">u + . b. earth, opp. to
heaven, sky Gni2 EX204 Dt58 30" Jus4 La2'
Is3718=2Ki915f 1466 iCh2i16 29" 2Ch2"
+ ; as permanent Ec I4; built on foundations,
or pillars 1 S 28 + 1045 Jb 38^ Is 4813 5i13-16 cf.
also Is 2418 ^ 825; firm, so that its shaking is
something terrible, & token of terrible power
1S144 2S228='f 188 Jb96cf. V^462& v"; so
also Am 88 Is 21921 2418'19-50^ 604 7719 991 1147;
as hung on nothing Jb 267; with waters under it
Ex204=Dt 58cf.Gn 7"; personified, esp. as ad-
dressed, called to witness, etc. Dt 321 Je 619 22s9
Is iJ Mi i2 Jb 1618. c. earth = inhabitants of
earth Gn6" n1 iK22ioS4V'338664 + cf.'N ^?TI
Pr831 Jb3712. 2. land=a,. country, territory,
-IJtfB' 'K Gn 1 o10, DnxO 'K 2 1 21 ; cf. also 1 o" 1 1 ™M
I310 476W 5°8 Is718 23113 27"^ 7812 Je2520
1 Chi43; personif. L3624 Ecio1617. b. district,
region Gn 1928 222 Josn3 V'42?- c. tribal
territory Dt 34s Ju2i21 1 S 9416 137 1 K 1520
Is S'23; and still smaller territories 1 S 94\ d.
piece of ground Gn 2315. e. specif, land of
Canaan, or Israel Gnu31 I21-5-6-7 313 EX1434
Dt 1714 189 2 K 52-4 + ; esp. obj. of &v 2>ossess
Dts^ + oft. Dt^al.; so after ^0} Jos i949+;
103 Dt i21 + . f.= inhabitants of land Lv 1929
Ez i413 + cf. Dt 24" Zc 1212 etc. g. used even
of She'ul Jb 102122 (cf. As. irsit la tdrat, land
without return, in Descent of Ishtar, v. Jr 10'65);
v. also yjr 139" Is 44s3. 3. a. ground, sur-
face of ground = ncnK q.v. Gni26* 182 33s 38s
Ex 43 1 64 Ku 210 1 S54 + very oft. in S. b. ml,
as productive =n»ns Gni11-11 LV199 25" 2 64
cf. Nui47-8 Is367=2Ki832 V72616 1073435
Ezr 912 Ne 92i. 4. H? in phrases : a. people
of the land 'NrrDy 0f non-Israelites Gn 2371213
i6is 2 124-24; esp. common people, opp. officials,
princes Lv 4" (P) Ez f 2 K 1 1 18-'». +b. in
measurements of distance, 'KH D"]33 the space
or distance of country (v. m33) Gn 35'*, so
"N rn33 some distance Gn 487 2 K 519. c.
niB"Bn J*1N the country of the plain, level or
plain country Dt 4s3 Je 4821 ; "lie**? 'N fig. -^ 1 4310
(but rd. rPN <S Bi Gr Che, cf. f 2 7"). d. D^O'K
land of the living yjr 2713; D^Hn 'N yj, 1426. e.
'Nn ns]5 «ncZ(*) 0/ <Ae earfA. Is 4210 43s (|| pirn)
f 1357 Pr 1724, so 'N ^DBK pr 3o4 + ; '«n nixp
76 feTlN
Is 4028 4 15'9. 5. pi. niJHS is almost wholly
late, Jei615 + 6t. Je; 23*. Ez; Is362°37I1=
2 K 1835 1911 (Is 3718 rd. D^an v. Che Di & cf.
2K1917); 22t. Chr; Dn97 n40-42; ^105" 10627
1073 1169; besides these only P Gn iosa)-31Lv
26:i639, exc. Gn 26s-4 (J») 4164 (JE) ; it denotes
lands, countries, often in contrast to Canaan,
lands of the nations, etc., v. esp. abs. Ez 2032
224; = the various petty divisions of Canaan
afterward united under Israel's control Gn 2 634,
cf. 1 Ch 1 32 bit-w) nix-iN, 2 Ch 1 123 rrpn) nirix.
TN!pNt n.pr.m. chamberlain of Zimri
["Hi*] vb. curse (As. ardru ZimBP68; on
relation of mngs. bind & curse in As. v. DlPr101)
— Qal Pf. 'ni-W, ITrihX Mai 22; Impf. 2 ms.lNfi
Ex 2217. Nu 22612; "IKK Gn 123; Imv. "T)? Nu
2 26 237; VliK, rife & Inf. abs. inK all Ju 5™; Pt.
*T* Jb 38; VT$* Gn 27s9 Nu 24s; "VnK Gn 314
+ 36 t. etc.; — curse || 1)13 bless, chiefly in poetic
& legal sources of JED & later imitations : Gn
I23 27s9 (J) Nu 22"2 237 249(E) Ex 22s7 (E)
Mai 22; n'Q^'' "ihtf nx= curse for ever her in-
habitants Ju 5s3; DV *V|fe cursers of the day
(magicians whose imprecations made days un-
lucky) Jb 38. Pt. pass. Tnx, chiefly as exclama-
tion, || ^13 Gn 31417 411 9s5 27s9 497 Nu 2212 24'
(E, poet.) Dt 2 716-26 Ju 2 118 1 S 142428 2619 Je
1 13 1 752o14'16481(U0Mal i14; T™?? D*?6>n D,")!n»«
cursed be those who wander from thy commands
^n921 (® @ Jer De Ri), PW nnnsri this
cursed woman 2 K 9s4. -fNiph. Pt. O^Ki
cursed Mai 39. tPi. 3 ms. sf. WTTJJ curse, lay
under a curse Gn529(J); Pt. ^ir^on D^sn the
curse-bringing waters Nu 518"27 (P 6 1. waters
destroying the perjured adulteress drinking
them). ■ Hoph. Impf. W be cursed Nu
2 2«(E).
t n"1«n n.f. a curse Dt 28s
DIKE) Pr 3s3; pi. nilSD Pr 28s7
"'IIW v. nnn.
Mal2239; cstr.
* ^~!"^^ n.pr.terr. Ararat (As. Urartu
C0TG1°", cf. LagArm,,n-8tud-5100)— 'n Jesi27; QJ]«
Gn 84+3 t. — a district in Eastern Armenia
between the river Araxes & lakes Van &
Oroomiah, cf. KGF; to this prob. ref. in 2 K
i937=Is 37s8 'K HS; also Gn 84 '« T$ where
the ark rested; used perhaps with wider ref. Je
5 127 '« niabpp (|| 'an, M?^).
t[tC"l^] vb. betroth (Mish. DIN, Ph. {TIN
in n.pr., Log8™1-''0 connects with Ar. <j£\ a fine,
Yit.pay the price, & so gain the right of possession ;
cf. Aram. D,-1N one who farms land; As. mirsu,
tribute, Zehnpf BA8,H8)— only Pi. Pu.; Pi. Pf.
3ms. bn.K Dt2o7; "nent? 2 S314; i£ WfyTto
Ho 221-21-22; Imp/. 2 ms! KHNTi Dt 2^;— betroth
(subj.man) obj. woman, Wk Dt 20" 2830; sq.
3 of price paid to father & *? of husband 2 S
3"; 3 of gift to bride & b of husband Ho 2s1-22,
where fig. of Yahweh's covenant mercy to Israel.
Pu. Pf. 3 fs. n'Bnx fee betrothed, c. *6, subj.
nbvia Ex 2215 Dt 22s8 (nSra tjo); P«. f. n'Bnfcp
Dt 22s3, where affirmed of r6lrD 1JM (sq. i> of
husband) v25'27 (in both subj. ^5??n).
l^ni"? (to rf«*«Ve, request, As. £resw DlrrB).
TnttT)^ n.f. desire, request (As. erislu
Dl,c) only cstr. way 'k ^2i3 (||k£ rwtn)
request granted by \
J"hN v. niix.
tHFriptfTUTIN n.pr.m. Artaxerxes (Pers.
Artakhshatrd, SpiegAFK68'207 © 'Apraitpfo, cf.
BeRy on Ezr 4s3 7"- Ne i')'n Ezr 4' v. BD102;
KM^IWJIJ Ezr47, Knprnn-!«Ezr7in81 Ne2>
5UI36; Artaxerxes I, or Longimanus, son &
successor of Xerxes, reigned B.C. 465-424.
T7S")ff^ n.pr.m. a descendant of Judah
1 Ch 416 (the latter element in this & foil, may
be 38 God, but mng. of former part dub. Thes
comp. 1DN bind, quern Deus obligavit sc. voto).
TH ,fr<nC.'N n.pr.m. a son of Asaph 1 Ch
25" cf. nbkiff) v14.
T7^',"lU?St n.pr.m. a Manassite (Thes vo-
tum Dei, cf. supr.) Nu 2631 Jos 172 1 Ch 714.
t^VirvtoM adj.gent.'Sn as n.coll.Nu2631.
Je 48, 45 ; V 104, 4 .
f. & m.
Eft* 377 n.f.**9'23 (m.
j« », 9 , jb 20. 26) fire (As t-gato COT G1<"", Syr. )l&r,
element(MV Wetzst in Dei'!"mra;ei <■»*» Lag™68
cf. i J\ iwjiU), improb. esp. in view of As.;
dagheshprob. secondary; cf. also Sta*189b) — 'ti
abs.Ex924+ ; cstr.Lv62 + (seld.);tsf.^KDt436
Jbi85; EDfK Is 5011; D#K Is 66™ ;—l. fire,
of conflagration, e.g. in briers, endangering or
destroying crops OH> "«?»* «% *«* Ex 22s cf.
32 E>N3 "1J?3 njen (both E); more often of de-
liberate destruction by fire, esp. 2^3 t[~\W (3 c.
qam. preton.) obj. golden calf Ex 3220 (J), other
idols THfM, Asherim i.2!, chariots Jos 11"
2 K 231, house Ju 1 21 14", tower ga, city-gates
Ne i3 231317, city Jos 624 Ju 1827 cf. Is i7 + ; also
3 e>x rfev Am i4-710+ ; e*x3 Tyn-nK n^
tJu I8 2048 cf. 2 K 812; Bfcs' "t^RTM JVtfn
Jos 8819 Je i727+, cf. Ju o/» 2 Si4»JI (of
field, cf. Ex 2 2s supr.) 3. of supernatural
fire, attending theophany Ex 32 i918(both JE)
Dt 4ujwmmi+. gpecif g>x(n) -may Ex i3nn
i424(all JE) Nep1219 cf. Dt i33 (v. BW-ntnD
Nu 91516 P); of destructive fire from "» Nu 1 11"
(J) 2610 (P) Lv io2(P); cf. tlfik K in sim. of
Yahweh's glory Ex2417(E) Dt424 9s; v. also
1 K 182438 2 K i'»>»'2i2" Jb i»(perh. lightning
intended), cf. further of lightning Ex gUM (JE)
i// 1 81314 1 48s etc. 3. fire for cooking, roast-
ing, parching, etc. B»X v5f roasted at a fire Ex
i289 (P) cf. Lv 2" 2 Ch3513 Is 441619; of tinder
for lighting fire Gn 2267(E); of fire for melting
(gold for the idolatrous calf) Ex 3224; for re-
fining Je 6W, where rd. with Qr TVlBJf DPI S?KD;
cf. Mai 32 (sim. of purifying work of messenger
of cov't). 4. esp. of altar-fire Lv 1" 6,AM + ;
in offering incense Lv 1 o1, also rnt E>K strange
fire, i.e. an incense not commanded, offered
presumptuously io1 Nu 34 2661; fire from ^
consuming sacrifice (cf. 2) Lv 9s4 2 Ch 71-8; of
fire in child-sacrifice (usually (i>) B>K3 |3 T3JH )
2 K 163 2 16 cf. 1717 2310 2 Ch 33s; also 'K3 IfW
2 K 1 731, 'K3 IM 2 Ch 2 83. 5. fig. of Yahweh's
anger ^ 8947 (sim.) cf. Na I6 La 24 tH^f^S
Ez 2 136 2231 3819, "nwpT5*K Ez 366; v. also Is
6615 ^ 79s 8947 etc.; of word of * Je 23s9; fig.
of outbursting emotion \j/ 29* '> °f flagrant
wickedness Is 917, etc. 6. in various com-
binations, t&< 1^» Gn I517(J) a torch of fire
(cf. Di); twrn?^ Ex f flame of fire, t?S 31^ J0
25, t?i< n^ (in sim.) Dn io6 cf. Zc 126, ni3q^>
VK y\, 297 t?K 'i.nS is 6615 cf. Ttorb 'K ^ 10532,
mrfc '» njl Is 46' cf. Ho 76; WK 3^ ,«parA 0/
/Js/re Jb 1 8s cf. V* n^l 4 1 " ; K;« ^Pl ^, 2 1 10
o»e»i o/^re, K*N li>3 Zc 1 26; B'N "fa* light of fire
yj, 78"; Or?? VI* flaming fire f 1044; B*S |W^
Is 524 tongue of fire, B*t< ^D? Ez I13 coaZs o//re,
so io2, cf. tW 'B?-1! Ct 86; on W ^K Ez 2814-16
v. f3S ; m VK Dt 33s, lit. fire of a law, or fire
was a law, but 1"H /aw is Pers. & late; rd. perh.
rh[sb] m cf. Ex 2018 or n-i[p;] m cf. Is 65s.
t[n©N] n.f. id. Je 6s9 Kt Dne-SfD) i.e. /row
tlieirfire, but Qr DPI t?KO, v. sub SW.
n©« n.m. Jo*13-14 an offering made by fire
(> Wetzst in Dep,"mw,•ed•4•889 der. fr. Vii.^K,
era ™
means to friendly relations betw. God & man ;
cf. Lag8*"190) Ex 2918+ 32 t.; cstr. ntftt Lvi9 +
Mt.; pi. cstr. ^K Lv4J5+i5t.; sf. *Nu
28s, H0K Lv610; used chiefly of offerings of
animals, but also of the n^U? Lv 2", and of the
sacred bread and frankincense Lv 247,9 which
was placed on the table as a memorial, and
finally went to the priests. The word is used
in Dt 181 Jos 1314 (D) 1 S 2s8; elsewhere in P
Lv6'° 10" 22s2 Nu2 823, esp. in phrases *B>M
mm Lv 2s + 11 1., mm{> nma nn neta Lv i9 +
14 1., rmfy nm* rwm m Ex2918+6t., new
nm nn nvrh Lv 2313, nm nn|> nvx LV316 Nu
18", rmh (wn) ne>NEx29as Lv215; mm? new
ace. after verbs of offering Ex 3020+ i4t., n#K
mmb nb'yjxu 28", mm!>n|toi fT"]gLv 2 2s7 Nu 1 s25.
ttfM 2S14" Mi610, softer form for the
usual B* (q.v.), there is, are. (Cf. Aram. tJK,
Ar. (_^jI; and on the softening of ye, yi to %
seeEw""8" Ol1"425 Nbf40c.)
tbrHTN 11.pr.1n. (=^N3E>K? So Thes; more
likely i'yaK'K) 2nd son of Benjamin Gn 46s1
(© 'Act^X) Nu 26s18 (© 'A<rvl3nP) 1 Ch 81 (© B
2<./3a, A & ©L 'Ao-fyX).
t^JMCM adj.gent. 'Nn as n.coll. Nu 26s8.
t)3ttM n.pr.m. a chief of Edom Gn 36s6
1 Ch I41 (etym. dub., © 'A<r/3ai/,'E<re/3ai<,'A<™/3a>i/).
yzxpt* v. V2&.
^5Dt!?N v. n^a-^'x.
*UM$ (vof following, cf. prob. As. isdu,
TTvTN n.[m.] foundation, bottom, lower
part (slope) (As. isdu cf. LotzTP186; > others fr.
"IB/N, ,jw your, Sab. "IDX='IPDD (npB*o) DHM
zmgiW^ whence /a«, *Zope; cf. Di Nu 2116)
^VO?^ K the bottom of the ravines Nu2i16.
TLmtTN] n.f. foundation, (mountain-)
slope (cf. supr.) — only pi. abs. n^K*N Jos io40
1 2s; cstr. rfn^K Jos 1 23 1 320; rilfK Dt 3" 44'—
mountain-slopes Jos io^'Nni ni>BB>ni 3»ni "inn;
129 (|| id. + -mo); elsewhere defined 'N Tinn
njDSn Dt317 4" Jos 123 cf. if.
tTVTCM n.pr.loc. Ashdod (As. Asdudu,
COT01"" DP*289; Thes MV der. fr. V yvff q.v.)
a powerful city of the Philistines on Mediterr.
Sea, "W. from Jerusalem, modern EsdUd, Jos
1122 1 5M47 (where assigned to Judah) 1 S 5"
(but del. Dr cf. @) 617 Am i8 39 Zp 24 Zc 96 Is
201 Je 25s0 2 Ch 266; c. n_ loc. 1 S 51 Is 2o>;
'K 'EON 1 S 57; appar.= territory of Ashdod
2 Ch 266 "li^NS Dnj? ITJM. (Cf. Survey''442.)
+ "Hi'TOW adj.gent. Ashdodite, 'Nn n.sg.
coll. Jos 133; usually pi. DHne>K(n) 1 S 536
Ne 41, and as adj. f. niHHB'X O'E'J Ne 1323 Kt
(Qr rii»"ne>N).
t]"V,Ti,!$N adv. in the language of Ash-
dod, i.e. of Philistines Ne 1324 'N *OTD.
("7t£^ {support, Vwhence following).
t [n^«] n.f. (support) buttress (Ar. ilj
column, support, AW No"113, % Nt&K, pi. Kn«E*lK,
Kflll^lX) only pi. sf. buttresses of city of Babylon
Je 5015 mnneta Kt, yrttfy Qr (|| mrfrtn).
irWttN\ IV&W n.pr.m. (*« supporteth)
1. imB^ king of Judah, son of Amon 1 K 1 32
2K212426 + nt. K, + i9t. Ch, + 17 t. Je +
Zp 1 ' ; also Wl^fa Je 2 7 '. 2 . fi&b a returned
exile Zc 610.
7WW v. sub III. tint.
Qr Pr 2020 v. YXTK sub B»N.
"ttlEN n.pr.gent. & terr. Asshur, Assyria
(As. AsSur, land & city DlPa252 COT on Gn 214;
Pers. Athura, Syr. iol('; on the connection
with name of god ,4#Mr,& with '/~\Wtt,=-~\Wgood,
gracious, cf. COT1-0'; v. also JenZA'1886'ir- Schr
ib.ni Ntjib.268f.) j ^gsW as person; 2nd
son of Shem Gn io22 (P, in table of nations)
i Ch i17. 2. people of Asshur (oft. as invading
army & even world-power) Nu 2 ^n (poem of
Balaam) Ho 1 22 144 Is io5 1425 19"*** 2313 3031
3i8524La56Ez235 27s 32s2 (here fern.) Zcio";
f 839 perh. rd. **>|, cf. 2 S 29 sub ""Wj; or (if
^83 be late) regard TW^J (like p.??V t'6.) as used
because of ancient significance; sts. personified
as one Is io6 EZ313 (but del. Co q.v.), cf. also Mi
5" Zp 213; 'N run? 2 Kigsi=la3'j*; 'N 'jf Ez
1 6s8 2 37-912'23. ' 3. ?a«d of Assyria Gn 2 M 1 o"
io10; >T|^NGn25'8 IS1923 2K1529 17623 18";
n^«pKIs718 2713 Hon11 Mi 55. 4. esp. ^O
"WBfc Is 84 io12 2o!'4-6(prob. gloss Is 717'20 87) 2K
i519 + 4it. 2K; i4t.Is36-38;iCh56p^) +
i3t.Ch; also Je501718 Na318Ezr42; (only Ezr
6s2 of Persian or any king not strictly Assyr-
ian); note also 'N ?]?Bn Is 36s'6 ('N perh. gloss,
cf. Di who holds same view as to 2 K 1 823-31) ;
tO"Vltt?tjf n.pr.gent. pi. an " Arab tribe
traced back to Abraham & Keturah Gn 25s
cf. Di.
"Mm* adj. gent. 1*J as n.coll. 2 S 29, but
rd. perh. *"JWtyl q.v., cf. also We Dr ; Kbh Klo
al. rd. netan & comp. Ju i32.
"WMjfcJ v. nne\
tNtyiPN n.pr.[m.] a god of Hamath 2K
1730, otherwise wholly unknown.
t[^A] n.[m.] testicle (Syr. Jja*./1', Eth.
Jifth/h etym. unknown) only Iflfe nilD Lv 2 120.
t SiStfM (5*^ Ct 78) n.m. Nul3-23 cluster
(Eth. RflilA: Ar. J\5o|, Aram. nfo««; etym.
dub.; Thes MV sub VblW, but no suitable
meaning proven ; Sta*268'300 der. fr. -/"je>X 0.
afformat. b)— '« abs. Nui324 + ; cstr. v^+J
pi. niba^K Ct f; cstr. r6??te Dt 32s2, tibyft
Ct79; sf.n*r63E'«Gn4010;— 1. cZwster of grapes,
B*3$ 'K Nu 1 3s3 cf. v24; vid. also Gn 4010 &&B\
D*33V 'S t"i« clusters ripened grapes; hence
fig. of deeds of enemies of Israel, clusters of gall
have they Dt 3232 (|| «*1 *3jy); fig. of Isr. Is 65s
'xa Bflrwjn s;rc>>; Mi 71 ^3*6 ^ia?te px fig. of
desolation of Israel under Yahweh's judgment;
Ct f in sim. JS3n Jl'i^KS "tfff cf. v8 (where
Thes MV think of ciusters of dates, v. "ion
palm-tree, ib.) 2. cluster of henna-flowers,
"iS3n 'X (v. ^3), metaph. of the beloved one
Ct 1 ". (Cf. GrunwaldIs^a<,1' Letlerb°<ie. *■*• xi' 148M
T73tL'N n.pr. 1. m. an Amorite, brother
of Mamre, dwelling in neighbourhood of Hebron
Gni413M. 2. in combination bty* bm Nu
1 3s3 Dti24; Sto^X 'i Nui3M329;— valley of
Eshcol, = valley of a cluster, region of Hebron
(cf. 1 3s2); in 1324 der. fr. 'x cluster, q.v.; see
however Di ad loc.
B3tt/M n.pr.m. 1. a descendant of Japhet
Gn io3= 1 Ch i6; = 2. a northern people JeSi27
W2^K1 »JO DT»j ni3?pp (perh. a people of
Bithynia, =Ascan(ians) + az ending of Armen.
patronymics, v. esp. Len0r"-3s8f,) also Lag06*
Abhu.dl.2Mf. TJiGn io3. but v LagArm.n.Stud.l^
"GttJN V. II. 13B>.
f$ (be firm, firmly rooted, cf. Ar. j}|
be firm).
t^ttJN n.
,m. tamarisk-tree (Ar. JJ1, Sab.
bm Sab! Denkm.66 cf. DHM88"*58; on an Aram.
*bm v. Low"0-38; cf. TristrFFP26°) planted by
Abraham Gn 2i33(J); in 1S226 Saul is dwell-
ing nona ifxrrnrro n?a?a; 3i» gaul and his
sons are buried 'NnTirW; it was perh. a sacred
tree, marking shrine.
t DttW, DBfc vb. offend, be guilty (Ar.
^>\, id., ^Jl, reum judicavit, '\J\, "l^, fault,
guilt, mulct, cf . Eth. fhvy°-)~ DB>X Lv 5 " Nu 57;
am Hb 1 " + 7 t. ; flD^X Nu 5« ; riosfN Pr 3010;
TO Ez 2 24; WS Lv4'3; 7mp/'ci^ H041'
+ 13 t.; Inf. abs. tim LV519; DitW Ez2512;—
1. commit an offence, a trespass, do a wrong, or
an injury, with ? : niiT7 De*X OB'S /i« hath done
a great wrong to Yahweh (in violating the com-
mands) Lv519(P); \b DB>X 1B*£ ]r\i) and he
shall give it (restitution) to him to whom lie did
wrong Nu 57(P), cf. 2 Ch 191010; D\m ttffen
and tliey committed lasting wrong (irreparable
wrong, the Edomites against Judah) Ez 2512.
2. be or become guilty Ju 2122 Je 507 Ho 4"
Hb 1"; in offences requiring sin-offering Lv
413'22-27 (P), of trespass-offering Lv 5s-3-'7-23 Nu 5'
(P); with b guilty of Lv 546 (P), with 3 in or
through Ez 2 24 Ho 131. 3. be held guilty,
bear punishment V'3422'23 Pr3010 Is 24s Je 23
H0515 io2 141 Zc 116 Ez66 (but cf. D»B>).
Niph . *DE>X3 suffer punishment Jo I ls. Hiph.
Impf. sf. DO'B^n declare them guilty ^ 5".
tD#H adj. guilty/x abs. 2814"; pl.tTOKte
Wnx~;>X Gn 42s' (E); guilty, and so bound to
offer a trespass-offering Ezr io19; but rd. prob.
DD&'XI so Kuechroao1' v' h' Perllsch° TUdv»k. 1890. 43
QttJN n.m. offence, guilt — '« Gn 26'° +
37 tl/sf. iDBfc Nu 57 + 7 t.;— 1. offence,
trespass, fault ty 68s2 [guiltiness RV). 2.
guilt Gn 2610 (J) Pr 149 Je 515. 3. compen-
sation, lvK DEW ^T?? to whom to return the
compensation (or satisfaction for injury) Nu 578
(P ; restitution for guilt RV). 4. trespass-
offering ( AV, but guilt-offering RV) used only
in Lv 5, 610 7, 14, I92'22 Nu 5, 6'2 i89(P), &
Ez 4039 4213 44s9 4620, cf. Ezr io19. This offering
seems to have been confined to offences against
God or man that could be estimated and so
covered by compensation. The ordinary tres-
pass-offering was a ram, together with restitu-
tion and a penalty of a fifth of its value. The
trespass-offerings of the leper and Nazirite
were he-lambs Lv 14 Nu 612; if the person who
suffered wrong or his kinsmen were not
living the fine went to the priests. The vic-
tims were offered, the blood and fat pieces
going to the altar, the skin and flesh to the
priests. There seems to have been no applica-
tion of the blood to the horns of the altar (the
chief ceremony of the sin-offering) because the
guilt was not expiated at the altar but by
compensation to the wronged person or his
representative. A part of the blood of the leper's
trespass-offering was applied to his person to
consecrate him (as in the case of the ram of
consecration to consecrate the priests Lv 8s3).
The trespass-offering is unknown to JED and
the older Hebrew literature. However, the
Philistines send an DB*N of golden mice and
tumours I S 6 3-4-8-17, and an DE>N of money was
given to the priests 2 K 1217, but these are
entirely different from the trespass-offering of
P. The Messianic servant offers himself as an
DE>N in compensation for the sins of the people,
interposing for them as their substitute Is 5310
(incorrectly, sin-offering AV 1W). See further
TrTOtrS! n.f. wrong-doing, guiltiness
(properly Inf. cf. fnnK, n*T)— 'K Lv2216 +
5 t., cstr. DDE* Ezr io104-3 t. ; sf. inotfK Lv
524 + 6 t.; pi. niDBte 2Ch2810; sf. "ntOpX ■f 69";
— 1. doing wrong, committing a trespass or
offence 2 Ch 2418 28">131313 (||nNBnv13) 32s3 Ezr
9M-13-" (|| PV v13) ^696(||n^N): njfgp nato tap
H3 TOE'tO of all tlutt one may do wrong therein
Lv 5s6 (P; || H3na Kbn^ v22). 2. becoming guilty
1 Ch 2 13 Ezr io1019; DVn np^Kb KOP1J sin to the
becoming guilty of the people (so that the people
incur guilt) Lv 43 ; [VipS? np^K guilt of Samaria
(their idols) Am 814. 3. bringing a trespass-
offering, iriDC'K Di'3 in the day of his bringing
his trespass-offering LV524; HDE'X fIJJ iniquity
requiring a trespass-offering Lv 2216.
m^intCN (rvnn- mtor) v. -op.
t : - \ 7
D^Ottfa v. |DB>.
]ltfi$ (•/assumed for foil.; perh. be hard,
firm, cf. Aram. *}*$», «?T?. something./^™).
triDlTN n.pr.loc. (the firm f) name of two
cities in Judah. 1. Jos 1533. 2. v43.
n^ffiN v. 3JB>.
T ; v
]yc?« v. i»e>.
t[nt^^] a.m. conjurer, necromancer
(prob. Bab. loan-word, As. a&ipu COTG1°" cf.
DlPrl4,) Aram, *$$, is***!'; v. also As. siptu,
conjuration) only pi. D'BBfc Dn iM (||D"QB-in),
22 (|| fi, CEiebs, D*i{ps).
*1l^K (*/rf 'lut>- meaning, whence foil.)
80 ItfM
T nSffiS n.f. quiver for arrows (As. Upatu
D1K29) 'x lit. as part of warlike equipment Jb
3923 Is 2 26; fig. in sim. of sons of one's youth as
arrows (weapons which the father may wield)
f 1 27s DHO iriEB'N-riK K.k) -IB>K "oari neil the
happiness of the man that hath filled his quiver
with them 1 of Yahweh's quiver, in metaph. of
prophet as arrow of <!> Is 49s "1113 yr6 Wr'J!
'^r"?? ln??'^3 and he made me into a -polished
arrow, in his quiver he hid me; also of quiver
in which '' has his arrows of chastisement, V>3
inB^K, i.e. his arrows La 3" (||fD v12).
tT3Btt$M n.pr.m. the D'Dncon chief of
eunuchs, of Nebuchadrezzar Dn i3 (meaning
t-MBtfN 2S6»=iChi63; © 2S619 Aq.
Symm. cake or roll; other Verss. ancient &
mod. have various conjectures, but actual etym.
& mng. unknown; v. LagGGA1884-No-7'aa-'"-2"
riBttk?, ninstpw v. n«>.
tn 7plEN n.pr.loc. a city of the Philistines
(As. Isqaluna COT010" Dl"290; Ph. adj.gent.cf.
infr.) Ju i18 i419 1 S 617 2 S i20 Je 2520 47" Am
i8 Zp 247 Zc 9"; on the Medit. Sea, S. of W. fr.
Jerusalem, mod. 'Asqaldn, Survey'"-2*7' (with
plan); cf. also ZPV"164'-
"b]*!7pttJN adj. gent. c. art. as subst. 1W
Jos 133 (Ph. ^pCX).
j- [^ti'K] vb. go straight, go on, advance
(As.asdru ZimBP"; Ar. Aram, in deriv.) — Qal
Imv. V1B>K Pr 96 nr3 TJTia Ti^K go straight on
in the way of understanding. Pi. Pf Vkfl*
Mai 312 Gn 3013 ; Impf. "Hfc? Pr 4" + 4 1. J Imv.
IBto pr 2319; Pt. pi. B^Bfcp Mai 316+ 2t.;— 1.
intensive go straight on, advancePr4u. 2. caus-
ative lead on Pr 2319 Is 312 915. 3. set right,
Tighten Is 1 17. 4. pronounce happy, call blessed
Gn3o13 (J) Jb29n ^72" Pr3i28 Ct69 Mai
3»». Pu. Impf. mti$l ^4i3; Pt.-M*® Pr318
Is 915. 1. be led on Is 916. 2. be made happy,
blessed ^4i3 Pr 318.
t[-ltt>N, or TOSH, cf. Lag81'143] n.[m.] only
PI. cstr. 'IB'K happiness, blessedness of 1 K
io8+ 32t.&c.sf.,v.infr.; abstr.intens.exclam.O
the happiness, blessedness of, <H#* Vflft 1|fe
r^X *p!3j; liappy thy men, happy these thy ser-
vants iK io8 (=2Ch97); «n^ &% Tf*
rii^K blessed the man whom Eloah correcleth Jb
-itfN 81
517; VI W? "tyt blessed the perfect in way
V' 1 191; 1'1D« 1"J? ^f « blessed hischildren after
him Pr207; elsewhere cstr. with E"JN V'S2'
846.ia Pr3is 834 28n. with -,aan ^34**40' 9412
1276; B^W)^!1 H21; Bn3NIs562; <ta&:f 33H;
nyn ^,8916 1441515; before'ptcp. f 212 321 412
84s 106s 119s 1281 Is 3018 Dn 1212; before
verbal clauses without relative ^ 65s Pr 832;
with y ^ 13789 1465; with sf. Y#t (for
T1W) 0 thy happiness ! Dt 33™ f 1 282; VW*
Ec'io17; D3nK*S IS3220; VIB'K Pr 14" 1620;
WTrtJ Pr 2918(on these forms'v. Ges!93-B1'K).
t[-ivr&] n.[m.] happiness, only sf. ,-lf?3
in my happiness Gn 3013 (J).
tf"VttJ», lltTN] n.f. *«'19step, going (cf.
Ar.yM , ')\, Eth. hvC: footstep) only sf.il^
Jb 23" Pr 1416; Tflftj ^ 175; nzta V403 732;
irnr'K ^44"; VJE>K: ^37", all 'poet. & fig. of
mode of life, etc.
T["HLSN] n.f. Jb31'7 step, going, same usage,
ntSte Jb3i7; «"!$Kf 17".
TltTS n.pr.m. Asher (Iiappy one, Felix,
cf. Ph. rPBHBW, which however may contain
(god) Asshur or Osiris, cf. Bae"6' 161). 1. son of
Jacob and Zilpah Gn 3013 3526 4617 Ex i4 Nu
26" 1 Ch 22. 2. the tribe Gn 4920 Nu i13 Dt
2713 3324M Jos 171011 1934 Ju i31 517 6s6 7s3 1 K
416 1 Ch 1236 2 Ch 3011 Ez 482-3;M; f^ 'J» Nu
i40 2s7 772 io26 26M47 34s7 Jos 19s4-31 1 Chf"-40;
-\m nap Nu i41 2s7 1313 Jos 21630 1 Ch 647M.
3. n.pr.loc. city E. of Shechem Jos 177.
t "n\r>K adj .gent. c. art. 'K? as n.coll. Ju i32.
torntfN, in'N na Ez 2 76 (rd. DneterB with
box-wood Bo Hi MV Co al., cf. foil.)
t -rt&Stri n.f : box-tree (on form cf. Sta 5 ■)
Is 4 119 6013 Ez 27* (cf. supr.) a small evergreen
tree about 20 feet high, growing on Lebanon,
Bo TristrN"-Hlst-E",-3S9, so 33 £ RV. (Others
sherbin, a species of cedar distinguished by the
smallness of its cones and the upward direction
of its branches, cf. Thes RobGes.)
tmttHrrPttJN 2 K 17" n.pr.f. Ashera
t" -: t ■■ -:
(As. n.pr.f. As-ra-tu, c. sign for deity, in Ca-
naanitish n.pr. Abad-Asratum, servant of A.
SchrZA1888M3, cf. Wkl & AbelTh<"",",mmd,-B1Am*rM
ii.No.77,1.9^ & gayceBF2.H.67,UL71. Qn deriv. Cf. As.
aiirat, adj. fem. gracious, COT0'08*):— usually
with the art. : prob. a. a Canaanitish goddess
of fortune & happiness ; having prophets i K
1819, an image i513=2 Ch 1516 2 K 217, sacred
vessels 2 K 23', houses v7. b. a symbol of this
goddess, a sacred tree or pole set up near an
altar 1 K 1633 2 K i3« 17" 184 213 23""; prohi-
bited Dt 1 6'; burnt by Gideon Ju 6B mnM.
PI. r>VlE>K a. the goddess Ju 3' (prob. error for
nnn^y 33). b. sacred trees or poles 2 Ch 1 9s 33';
elsewhere D'lB'S id. Is 279+ 12 t.; sf. Mi 5" +
S t.;— Ex 34I3(J) Dt 7s 1 23 Is 1 79 2 7" Je 1 7s" Mi
5ia l K1415.23 2Ki710 23" 2 Ch 142 17« 24" 311
33" 343-47.— (Cf. also StaZAW1881'S44f- ESB™"-UT"-
""•We™, who think 'n only the sacred pole.)
")t£^ part, of relation (Moab. id.; origin
dub. : 1. ace. to TsepreghiDI"L,"!d- *■ m Muhlau84-
Lb.il.79ll. g^Morg. Foiwh. 1875, 188 i Lb. (117 Hommel2*0 W78,
708* M(ill»l»3 SayceH1,r.ll.51 LagM-i.^ & egp.
KraetzschmarHbrrl'2<*ff, orig. a subst. 'place'
=Jj1 footstep, mark, bwCl (do.), "ITIK, iff
place, As. aSru, used (v. Kraetz.) both as a
subst. ' there, where,' and as a relative of place
'where': in Heb. this development has ad-
vanced further, and it has become a relative
sign generally. The chief objection to this
explanation is that it would isolate Heb. from
the other Semitic languages, in which pronouns
are formed regularly from demonstrative roots
(cf. also NbZMG1886'™). 2. according to Phi
st- °- n Sperling NoU B"1- lm Hel,r- m' *"* for iffc, de-
veloped from the relative E> (q.v.) by (i) the
prefixing of either a merely prosthetic X, or,
tetter, a pronominal X (giving rise to CN, the
form of the relative in Ph.), and (2) the addi-
tion of the demonstr. root 7 [found also in t>N,
f^N, n$>n (q.v.), i^jji he who, Art: wlw (pi.)]:
the main objection to this explanation is the
change of b to "I, which is hardly rendered
probable by the comp. of Syr. \oiet by side of
Targ. N??^. 1 seems preferable, the primi-
tive root having acquired different significa-
tions in the different Semitic languages, and
having been weakened in Heb. to a mere
particle of relation). A sign of relation,
bringing the clause introduced by it into rela-
tion with an antecedent clause. As a rule "^
is a mere connecting link, and requires to be
supplemented (see the grammars) by a pron.
affix, or other word, such as Of, defining the
nature of the relation more precisely: e.g. Gn
1 " i3~iJHT IS'K lit. as to which, its seed is in it
= in which is its seed, ijr I4 like the chaff
nn 13S'in~K5'X as to which, the wind drives it
=which the wind drives, etc.; & so Of. . .IB*
=where, D^t? . . .y*=wlience, Gn 2" 3a 20"
etc. Sometimes also (v. infr.) the relation
•TOM 82
expressed by it is specifically temporal, local,
causal, etc. More particularly
1. it includes its pronominal antece-
dent, whether in the nom. or obi. cases,
as Nu 226 1NV ikn -KW1 and he whom thou
cursest is cursed, Ex412 and I will teach thee
TfTfl "IBS*! that which thou shalt say; and
with particles or prepositions, as "IS*?* 1"IN
(ace. to the context) him who..., those who...,
tliat which...; "V-hQ to him who... Gn 4316, to
tltose who ... 47M, to tliat which 27s; nt5>KD Ju
i6ao2Si818 than those whom; LV2724 ~f^2
1P1XD M\i\> to him from whom he bought it, Nu
57; Is 24s fa N2>3 "1?'y? like him against whom
there is a creditor. 2. instances of "Wi
followed by a pron. affix, or by QB>, nDK*, DBto,
are so common that the exx. cited above will
be sufficient. Very rarely there occurs the
anomalous constr. "f*K D? Gn 3132 for to? nB>S<
(see Gn 44°), f*M Is 4712 for DH3 jfa, "0t£
for dn^..,*^ EZ2340: f 119* see under
nt?X Pp. It is followed by the pron. in the
nomin., in the foil, cases: — (a) immediately,
mostly before an adj. or ptcp., Gn 9s all
moving things VI'MWl IK'S which are living,
Lvn26 Nu 913 14827 3531 Dt 2050 1S1019 (v. Dr)
2K25" (HJC5225 n\n) Je278 EZ4319 Hgi9
Ru 4" Ne 218 Ec 7s6 ; before a vb. 2 K 2 2" (omit-
ted 2 Ch 3421). (b) in a negative sentence, at the
end: Gn 72 1 712 Nu 1 7' Dt 1 715 KWl ym t6 yfc
who is not thy brother, 2015 Ju 1912 1 K 84l||
920 ||. N.B. V 163 M§f\ jnN3 Tfa Lb an unpa-
ralleled expression for 'who are in the land';
rd. '51 TW non jn«a f« 'the saints that
are in the land, they (nDil) are the nobles, in
whom,' etc. 3. sometimes (though rarely)
the defining adjunct is a pron. of 1 or 2 ps. as
well as of 3 ps. In such cases it is strictly to
be rendered I who ..., thou who, etc. ; Ho 1 4*
Din; Drrv iJ3-V^N thou by whom the fatherless
is compassionated! Je3i82 /, whose covenant
they brake, 3219 Is 4923 Jb 3717'' thou whose
garments are warm..., canst thou? etc., 1^71
nM 14412 we whose sons, etc., 13915 my frame
was not hidden from thee, nriDa >l?|flpftt—
/ v)ho was wrought in secret (= though 7 was
wrought in secret), EX1413 for ye who have
seen the Egyptians to-day, — ye shall not see
them again for ever! (cf. Vmi9)- 4- the
defining pron. adjunct is dispensed with — a.
when "•S'K represents the simple subj. of a
sentence, or the direct obj. of a vb.: so con-
stantly, as Gn 21 the work nb^f ng>X which
he made, 3' the tree fan Tjina IS'S which is
in the midst of the garden, etc. b. after
words denoting time, place, or manner, so that
~W% then becomes equivalent to when, wliere,
why: (a) Gn 64 nB>K I? *XJ* afterwards, when,
etc. (cf. 2 Ch 3520) 456 there are still 5 years
v*V} P$? yfe when there shall be no plowing,
Jos 1410 i'k 22*; after Off or Di»n Dt 410 Ju
4" 1 S 24s (v. Dr) 2 S 1925 Je 2014 al.; simi-
larly Gn 4013. ((3) Gn 3513 inx nan nata Dipraa
in the place where he spake with him, v14 3920
Nu I3272 226 Dt i31 in the desert which thou
sawest, where (accents Ke Di), 815 iK8' (unless
nnan nSrrb has here fallen out: v. © & Dt 9")
Is 55" 6410 f 844. So(y)in "«#* b$ to (the place)
which (or whither) Ex 32s4 Ru I16; yfofyfa
to every (place) whither Jos 1 ,6 Pr 1 78; nB>SQ in
(the place) where tJu s27 1789 1 S 2313 2 K 81
Rui1617 Jb393», once only with Uf Gn2i17;
yfe ?ba wheresoever Jos i7-9 Ju 216 1 S 1447 185
2S77 2 K 187; IB'KD /rom (the place) wtere=
whencesoeveriTLx5nJlxi2<>; "V^jj"?? to(the place)
whither (or which) 2 S 15s0 1 K 1812; "f*ip$"^S
Je i7. (8) ...T^K iyp fit this is the reason
that or w% • • • J°s 54 1 K 1 127. c. more
extreme instances Lv I422-30-31 Nu 621, Dt 719
(wherewith), 2820 1 S 232(wherein), 1 K 2s6 Ju815
(about whom), Is 812 (where nDN* would be
foil, normally by v), 316 turn ye to (him as to)
whom they have deeply rebelled, 4716 Zp3n
Ec 39, 1 K 1 419 (=how). d. it is dispensed with
only in appearance after ('31 "^nON) 1DK *Kfa
followed by the words used, its place being
really taken by a pron. in the speech which
follows, as Gn 317 the tree as to which I com-
manded thee saying, Thou shalt not eat from
it, Ex 228 Dt 28s8 Ju 74 (flj) 816 (where the noun
repeated takes the place of the pron., cf. Dt 92)
iB9B(ng-+; cf.2s 1116 2K1712 214. 5.
*HfT| sts. in poet. = one who, a man who (men
who), Saris, o'lTivtt, ^ 244 5520 9545 Jb 419 5s 9s
(Hi) 1517. 6. W occas. receives its closer
definition by a subst. following it, in other
words, its logical antecedent is inserted in the
rel. clause : (a) in the phrase peculiar to Je.,
y b* '" nan n;n IB* that which came (of) the
word of * to Je. t'141 461 471 49s4 (cf. Ew'334) ;
(b) Ex 259 Nu 334 1 S 2530 2 K 8'2 126 bbb
:pna DB> M^rTIi Ez 1225; cf. the Eth. usage
Di*201; (c)(antec. rei>eated)Gn 4930= 5013, 1 S 25s9
('' repeated), Is 54s (prob.) as to which I sware
that, etc., Ams1 which I take up over you (as)
a dirge. 7. v na'K tttat (belongs, belong,
-HtfM 83
belonged) to, is used a. either alone or preceded
by "i'S to express (all) that (belongs) to, as Gn
1 423 Tp-ffrP|9 of all that is <Atne, 31 ' TBtoO
C^Kp of that which was our father'*, 3224 & sent
over i?~TB>K"nx </(a< wtacA /i« Aad, + oft. b.
as a circumlocution of the genitive, as Gn 29°
rPDsb -IB* JNSn-Dy with the sheep that were
her father'*, 406 47* Lv 98 Ju 6" 1 S 25' D*?rn
iS'ts'K, 2S1431 'brBte ni^nrrnK, 23s 1K1833
Y"TJ%j ^^ISl1 ?y upon mine own mule, v49 4s
2 K 1 110 1613 Ru 22'; and esp. in the case of a
compound expression depending on a single
genit., as Gn 23" 405 4143 fc^f^ "5^?? *WP
the chariot of the second rank which he had,
Ex 3830 Ju 320 6M 1 S 1740 2 18 TfK D'jnn T3K
PINEO the mightiest of Saul's herdmen, 24s
iWWyjte ^vt?n"S)33-n?, 2 S 28 Saul's captain
of the host, 1 K io28 1520 2231 Je 5217 Ru 4'.
C. with names of places(esp.suchasdo not readily
admit the st. cstr.) Ju 1828 1914 fV$$ TE^N nyaan
Gibeah (the hill) of Benjamin, 204 1S171 iK
IgW 1615 179 193 2K14". Comp. bf (q.v.)
which in Rabb., like the Aram, -yi, -'%-?, is
in habitual use as a mark of the genitive. —
N.B. In Aram, also **J, ?, without 7, expresses
the gen. relation, as 6*3?K)~,"7 NO??, lit. the word,
that of the king=the word of the king. The
few apparent cases of a similar use of "it^X are,
however, too foreign to the general usage of
the language to be regarded otherwise than as
due to textual error : 1 S 1 3" read TDK TE>i;j
(or Dfc> Ex 1 95) bipcq (® ttire) ; I K 1 125 supply
n&V (® f,v hnhytfr); 2 K 2510 supply n« with
(as || Je 5214) ; 2 Ch 34s2 read T]ban 1DK "IB^I (cf.
©) and those whom the king appointed (abbre-
viated from 2 K 22"); cf. EwfB*'b with note.
8. TE>K. becomes, like Aram. "I, ?, a conj.
approximating in usage to '?: thus 9,.=-quod,
on, that, subordinating an entire sentence to a
verb of knowing, remembering, etc. (a) with
flK Dt 9r forget not HBVpn TSW* m the fact that
(=Jiow) thou provokedst, etc., 2915 Jos 210 1 S
24"19 2 S 1 120 know ye not TMfa DX how they
shoot from off the wall? 2K81'2 Is383 + oft.
As subj. (rare) 1 K 1 419 2 K 1415 2020. Of time
(peculiarly) +2 S 1 415 TB>K nny now (is it) that . . .
Zc820(prob.) yet (shall it be) that...?3*; cf.
B> Byp? Ct 34. (/3) without )")K (not very com-
mon, '3 being usually employed) : after ST Ex
1 17 Ez 2026 (very strange in Ez : v. Hi) Jb 95
(Ew De Di) Ec 812, P.KT Dt i31 (RV) 1 S 1815,
n^nn to confess Lv 5' 26**, jrajf*ri iK«"
(caused to swear that . . .); after a noun Is 38'
T3ta niKH the sign that . . . (|| 2 K 209,?): with
growing frequency in late Hebrew, 2 Ch 27,
and esp. Ne Est: Ne 2s10 7M (= Ezr 2W) 8" "
10" 13"*" Est 1" 210 34 411 6' 8" Ec 3" (TBtoD)
54 718 (with 3iD : contrast Ru 2") \mx &*» 9'
Dn i8-8. (y) prefixed to a direct citation, like
'? q.v. (=5ri recitativum) (rare) 1 S 15s0 2S14
2* (v. Dr) iff 10* (prob.), Ne 4". b. it is resolva-
ble into so that : Gn 1 17 WDE4? t6 TB>X «o */ia«
they understand not, etc., 1316 2 214TDK>'-i;5>N go
that it is said, Ex 2026 Dt 410-40 *|b 3D" na*N 63
282751 1 K 31213 2 K 9s7 Mai 3". c. 'it has a causal
force, forasmuch as, in that, since: Gn 3018 314*
and Mizpah.TDK ^'JXfor tliat he said, 341327 42"
we are guilty, U^SO TE>X w« ioAo saw (or, in that
we saw), Nu 2013 Meribah, because they strove
there, Dt 3" Jos 47as 2 281 Ju 917 1 S 2a 1 5" 20"
go in peace, WV30 Tg>K forasmuch as we have
sworn, 25s6 <A<n* rc/iom ( = or, seeing <Aa<) **■
hath withholden, 2 S 25 blessed are ye of '\
B^lflj TSW, wAo (oiiwi) have done (or ire «Aa<
ye have done), 1 K 3" 155 2 K 123 174 23s8 Je
1 613 Ec 81112 (Hi De Now). Here also belongs
its use in neb TB>K: since why ...?(= fes<) Dn 1 10 :
v. sub neb. On H h? TEta forasmuch as Jb 34s7
v. sub J3 ?y 'P. d. it expresses a condition
(rare & peculiar) : LV422 KDnj tofco -efc jn (case)
that = w/i«i (or i/) a ruler sinneth (v313-27 DN),
NU529 (explained differently by Ew"34*), Dt
1 127 and the blessing WO^fl TS>!< tyye hearken
(v28 DK), 1822 Ges, Jos 421 . . . pW IB'K wA«7»
they ask ... , then . . . (v6 ^S), Is 3 1'4. In '1 K 8°
(|| 2 Ch 6s4 '3, cf. K v35-37) ">0< may be ren-
dered indifferently because or when. Once,
similarly, ^P« m 1 K 831 (|| DK). e. perh. (ex-
ceptionally) =TBfoj3, as, Je33B Is549(sq. J3 ;
but |3 q.v. sts. stands without ns?N3, &ntW may
in these passages connect with what precedes) ;
ace. to some also Je 48s ^ 10634 (in a connexion
where ~W$3 would be more usual : "W? may
however be the obj. of TDK). In 1 S ^ HKT T^
DTXn rd.TS'K3jv. Dr. f. combined with preps.,
TB'K converts them into conjunctions : see
below, 1?K3, -\2ta3, T3*?D. On its use similarly
withTns (Tq»), 'If*?, T«p, T3-1 i»y, pc, jypp,
,B3, Ty, i>y, 3i?y, 'JSO, nnri, see these words. —
T3*KC, with H interrog., occurs once, 2 K 6a.
Note 1. TB>K being a connecting link, with-
out any perfectly corresponding equivalent in
Engl., its force is not unfreq. capable of being
represented in more than one way. See e.g.
2 S 2s (above 8 c), Is 2812 unto whom lie said,
or for that he said to them.
Note 2. The opinion that IB'K has an as-
severative force (like '3, q.v.), or introduces the
apodosis, is not prob., being both alien to its
general usage & not required by the passages
alleged. Render Is 8'20 either ' Surely ace. to
this word will those speak who have no dawn,'
or ' . . . will they speak iohen (cf. supr. 8 d Dt
1 127 Jos 421) they have no dawn.'
ntpssnj9 a. in (that) which ... Is 56* 65"
664 (supr. 1) ; Ec 3' in (that, in) which (4 c) ;
l8 4712(v. 2). b. adv. in (the place) where:
supr. 4 b (y). c. conj . in that, inasmuch as,
•fGn 39s-23 Ec f 84 ; cf. ^. d. t Jon i8 f*$S
^P? on account of whom 1 (? "IB^i on account
of, framed on model of Aram. ?H3 : v. sub ?B>).
->©N3 v. sub 3.
"YdTNft a. from (or than) that which (him,
them, etc., that . . .) Gn 311 Ex 29s7'27 Nu 6" (see
Lv 4M) Jos 10" Ju 1630 Is 4713 + ; than that . . .
tEc 3a; ffcD "n!> f Est 411. b. adv. from (the
place) where : supr. 4 a (j3). C. conj . from
(the fact) tliat . . . , since tls 43*.
t[tCt£^] (cf- i_r^"' found, establish!)
Hithpo. WWtnn) Is 46" (der- &• above by S
Jer Hi Kn De MV, »/t«io yourselves firm, but)
rd. perh. ttjf^BJ Lag Che, v. Bfla (Thes expl.
as denom. from E*N; on other views cf. Di).
tnttrttJM n.f. (pressed) raisin-cake — 'K
2 S 6" 1 Ch 163 distributed, with other viands,
to people ; esp. as stimulating, pi. rffcWN Ct
2s; more explicitly D"3J$! "&&R Ho 31 used
in sacrificial feasts (cf. RS0™1**''-'"-'-7); 'B*ete
^?Q.n "^P Is 167, i.e. the raisin-cakes which were
an article of trade at Qir-hareseth (taken by
Thes al. = foundations, i.e. foundations exposed
by ruin, from [B*?*?] with such a meaning).
new v. nuta sub III. EOK.
t frtMTIttJM Jos 1 5s3 + 2 1., VafltfN Ju 1 3*
+ 3 t. n.pr.loc. (in form like the inf. of the
Arab. vm. conj. from i'KB': so jfori^K from
VO&. Perh. Arabic-speaking tribes may have
settled in parts of S. of Judah) city of Danites
in the fvBB' of Judah, named with H^njf Jos
1 5s3 1 9" Ju 1 3s6 1 631 1 82<ul ; perh. mod. 'Bshu'a
Survey"'tt Guerinp,1"-13,MS.
fJjbHtflA adj. gent. c. art. VQ as n.coll.
• \ T : V " T
84 DM
t]VW?N n.pr.m. a man of Judah (perh. fr.
T\W&=ejfeminate or uxorious) 1 Ch 411'2.
tvioPtw Jos 21", ybntTN i s 30s8 1 ch
4im»6« nfoflttJN Jos I5M n.pr.loc. Levitical
city in mountain-country of Judah, south of
Hebron, mod. Semu<a v. Rob8"1-484' "• ** Survey "L
403 B(J Pal. 15S . j Cn 417.19 it appears as n.pr .m. 0f a
man of Judah. (On the form, cf. sub ^iNn^SJ.)
I. JIN, with makk.TlK, with suff. Vlfc; Trff,
nanx tNu 2Z33, 'nps, nanx tEx 29s5, fem. 'nns;
W» etc.; 2 pi. D?™J, once DaniS Jos 2316;
3 mpl. regularly DriK, rarely Onm tGn32'
Ex 1 820 Nu 2 13 Ez 3412 1 Ch 6s0, once DnrfiX Ez
2345; 3 fpl., on the contrary, regularly jnnx
(13 t.), once ft* Ez 1654 (also rnrflK Ez 83*
runs Ex 3526, njniK Ez 3421) ; forms with cAo-
km also oft. written plene : — the mark of the
accusative, prefixed as a rule only to nouns
that are definite (Moab. id., Ph. fVK i.e. n>K
(Schrodp-213f); Aram, rp freq. in %; Syr. %i
very rare as mark of accus. (for which "^ is
preferred), but used often in the sense of sub-
stance oicria, also in that of self, e.g. «l^o
per se, reapse, otfcJ^. sibi ipsi, PS 1Mof-, Sam.
AftT ; Ar. VjI , only used with sf., when it
is desired to emphasize the pronoun, e.g. Qor
i4 WMi,im. [Eth. uses \\S\ Jaya similarly,
DiS150*; but it is dub. if this is etymologicaliy
akin.] The primitive form will have been
'iwyath, orig. a subst. with foil, gen., 01 p-432;
whether ultim. a parallel development with
niN sign from -/iTlN is uncertain: 01 WAG1-5188
Lag"'-*8 affirm, N6ZMG1888'738 doubts. In Heb.
the ground-form is ftfX ; the forms with e, e
being abbreviated. In postB Heb., used in
combination with another prep. : thus iniK3
Di>n=Bibl. wnn Di»3, nytfn nrfiX3; or as a
nomin., e.g. B&WJ Wx=Bibl. tttnn th$l§.
1. As mark of the accus. prefixed to substs.
defined either by the art. (or 73), or by a geni-
tive or pron. affix, or in virtue of being proper
names: a. with transitive verbs, Gn i116-29-30
211 412 93 (:^3-nS) etc. Similarly V™$ whom
(in particular), Jos 24" I S 123 2811 Is 68 al.
(but never n»VIX); also with nj Gn 29s3 4 429
iS 2118 iKm'+, T\ti) Gn 29s7 2S I3S7 + ,
nVx Gn 4618 Lv ii18 Is 49" + • So pretty
uniformly in prose ; but in poetry nx is com-
monly dispensed with. By the use of nx with
the pron. affix, a pron. can at once, if required,
be placed in a position of emphasis ; let the
order of words from this point of view be care-
rm 85
fully noticed in the foil, passages : Gn 71 24"
374 Lv 10" n33 Nu 2232 thee I had slain, and
her I had kept alive, Dt 414 613-23 13* Ju 143
V°B ™?iN take forme A«r, 1S1435 151 i8172i10
n£ $TQf nyiCCM if thou wilt take that, take
it, 1 K i35 149 Is 43s2 57" Je 9\ So 'niKn
+Je 5s* 7". It also sometimes enables the re-
flexive sense to be expressed (elsewhere DB>£33)
Je 719 Ez 342. Barely with a subst. which In
undefined (Ew'OT" Ges»117IB-2), as Ex 2128 Nu
2 19 Lv 2014 1 S 24s (but v. Dr) 2 S 4" 1818
2321; or which, though definite, is without
the art., Gn 21s0 2 S 1516 Lv 26s 1 S o3 (so
Nu 1615) Is 3319 417 Ez 43'° (for further exx.
v. Ew I.e.) b. with a passive verb (Ges*1211
Ewi295b) conceived as expressing neutrally the
action in question, and construed accordingly
with an accus. of that which is its real object:
exx. occur with tolerable frequency from Gn 418
(J) l|bn inip-nN H^J and there was called (=
one called) his name Enoch, 175 (P), 215 (E)
27* 2S21'1 1 K 1813 Hoio6 etc., to Je 35*
pass. vbs. of filling (Ew!281b), as Ex i7+. c.
with neuter verbs or expressions, esp. such as
involve the idea of regarding, or treating, appy.
by a constr. Kara alveviv (rare), Jo 2217 2 S n25
Ne q32 (cf. i S 2013 Dr). Once after ft?, Hg 217
TO ^m t% d. poet, (si vera 1.), after an
abstr. noun used with a verbal force, fHb313
(Am 411 Is 1319 Je 5040 naanp exerts a verbal
force, like the Arab. nom. verbi [v. WAG1- »IM-«];
and Nu io2 Ez 179 VDd|), niKB>»!> are Aramaiz-
ing infinitives : cf. Ew'239*).
2. nN marks an accus. in other relations
than that of direct obj. to a verb: a. with
verbs of motion (very rare) Nu 1317 Dt 1" 27
(to ' walk the wilderness'); denoting the goal
Ju 1918 Ez 2125 (Ew'"*"-""). b. denoting
time (duration), also very rare: Ex 137 LV2522
Dt 920. c. expressing the accus. of limitation
(rare): Gni71114 1 K 1523.
3. Chiefly in an inferior or later style,
nx (or T1X1) is used irregularly, partly (a), as
it would seem, to give greater definiteness (so
esp. ONI) at the mention of a new subject (when
it may sometimes be rendered as regards), or
through the influence of a neighbouring verb (a
cstr. Kara avvtaiv), or by an anacoluthon, partly
(8) as resuming loosely some other prep. Thus
(a) Ex 1" NU32646 510 (within; so Ez 35'°)
Nui82,b Dtn2(anacol.), 1413 J0S1711 JU2044'46
(contr. v25-36) 1 S 1734 (v. Dr) 2616 2 S 2i222 K 65
Js 53s (prob.), 5712 Je 23s3 (but rd. rather with
© !l* Nfcen QRg) 27s 36s2 3816 Kt, 454b Ez
VJ'C 2f 29<b 437(® Co prefix Wn).'
Zc 8'7 Ec 43 Dn 9'3 Ne 9"" 1 Ch 2' 2 Ch 3 A
In 1 S3023 Hg 2s prob. some such word as
remember is to be understood. (0) Je ,8' Ez
MKb 37l9b Zci2'»; m Mo ,K6' Ez 43'7
Za^li (i? x? ®,r the clause: s° sta
. „ )-~ la* K » l } >s merely and also, and
especially (v. J); vtt is corrupt (rd. with ©
TJE] rift-a* ngnn n% Ez471718-» rd. similarl
for nw, nw: see v».-For some particulars as
to the use of riN, see A. M. Wilson1"""13'*2"*
(who, however, confuses it sts. with II. flN)
For denoting the pron. obj. of a vb., m with
suff. preponderates relatively much above the
verbal affix in P, as compared with JE Dt Ju
S K (v. Giesebrecht 2AW188I!B8'),— partly, prob-
ably, on account of the greater distinctness and
precision which P loves.
11 *P& PreP- with— with makk.TlS, with
suff. ^W, ^m, Dim etc. (also, however, tyfc,
WK, and similarly ^jrilNO, W«D etc.), first in
Jos io25 i4IS, next 2S2424; then repeatedly
(but not exclusively) 1 K 20-2 K 8, & in Je
Ez, e.g. 1 K 2025 (but v23 am) 2 27-8-21 (beside
Wl?) 2Ki15 311-12-26 616 (beside WKD) 88 Je 2»
io5 168 1910 20n Ez 26 io17 230 37116 (v. infr.
1 d; also Is 5921, contr. Gn 17*: on ^N 33B>
Gn 342 al, v. sub 33B>, & cf. Dr8- "•■*") prep,
denoting proximity (syn. D?; Ph. riN, e.g.
CIS1-3'8 DSB1 MM 33B13 nis p< tib let there not
be for them a resting-place with the shades ;
As. itti (perh. akin to ittu 'side,' DlPrI,s Hpt
KAT2498 ; but cf. No ZMQ ■* « <■). Not found as
yet in the other cogn. languages: but cf. Eth.
ATI": 'enta, towards, which supports the view
that n« is for 'int [cf. 1W, Wl]7 perh. from
VfUN to mee« 01 "•431 Prat2*07*643, Lag "'■**).
1. Of companionship, together with: Gn613
behold, I destroy them JHKrrnK together with
the earth, n31 r24 + oft., esp. with verbs of
dwelling, abiding, going, etc., as Ju i3 1411 194,
& in the phrase iflK "IB>K Dyn Ju 4" 71 9»«
1 S 1420 304 etc. ; thou, and thy sons • • •'• l\m
with thee Gn 618; similarly (3rd pers.) 7'13 818
98al.(charact. of P: Dr,D,r124); n'riStfrrnK r\bnm
to walk with God, i.e. to have him as a com-
panion (sc. by adopting a course of life pleasing
to him) Gn fM 69 (cf. JIN ^nnn lit. 1 S 25");
— by the side of, like Is 4 5", eqvally vnth Lv 26s9,
in common with Je 2 328b (cf. DV 1 e, f ). Hence,
in partic. — a. with for the purpose of help:
Nu^'UriK^, J0S1412 (VtfK,as Je2o") Jul"
2 K 616 932 *9 ''m 'D who is on my side, who?
»3K ^m "3 Is 43s Je i1M, + ; Is 63s ^ 12s our
lips are with us, on our side ; in the phrase
m 'b t (nirn) 2 S 14" 2 K 15" Je 26"; Nfco
)"IK to bear together with, i. e. to assist Ex 1 8s2
Nu 1117. Exceptionally, — with the help of: Gn
41 for I have gotten a man ',_nx with the help
of'* (cf. Dy 1 S 1445) 4925 (where, however, the
parallelism, & ® <B Sam. favour '"IB* 7N1 for
"B? nf?1) Mi 38 j cf. Est 9M. b. beside (Germ.
««6en): Gn 39" nDIKO WK VT *6 he knew not
with him, beside him, aught (i.e. Joseph man-
aged everything), v8 Ex 2023 "RK (*^J f6 ye
shall not make (aught) beside me. c. besides
in the presence of (rare): Gn 2016b and before
all thou shalt be righted, IS308 M161. In this
sense 'B ,3.S"R? is more freq., v. sub Q,?B. d.
of intercourse of different kinds with another,
e.g. after verbs of making a covenant or con-
tract, or (less often) of speaking or dealing:
(a) Gn9« is19 174 (EZ1660 Is 5921 -DiK) Josio4
1 K 31 etc.; cf. 1S2" (but here VlKO fnbn is
prob. to be read with ® <S X Ke We etc., cf.
Dt 1 83). ()3) Gn 1 f 4230 ttW5 «ns< TM, 1 K 815
\fr 1092, & esp. in Je and Ez (as Jei16 4" [52s
144 445 — all -nix);
Gn 2449 to perform kindness J1K (E? is here
more genl.), 2 S 1617 ^STriK VflQ *% Ru 220 Zc
79; Jui i27 njn »n*trtp^) nflg), Dt i30 10"
i27b, (-rriK) Je 212 339Ez727i6'892214 2326-29 391
abs. Ez 1717 2044 \jf 10921 Zp 319; (y) in a pregn.
sense, (in dealing) with, i.e. towards (rare): Is
6614 ^ 6f WIK V3B ito make his face to shine
«ot«A (= toward) us (varied from ?£ Nu 625) Dt
28s; faithful wcfft V 7g8 (cf- v37 DV J*3?). Ez 2<i
(IjrfK); Ju 1615 WW PU *|ai>l. (8) often with
verbs of fighting, striving, contending, as Gn
i42-8-9 Nu20,s IS459' 508 ^35' Pr23"; with
BBK>EO K3 ^ 1432 (Is 314 al. DV).
2. Of localities, esp. in the phrase DX IB'N.
describing a site: Ju 319 411 B^pTlK W which
is near Kedesh, 1 K g™ 2 K 9s7 (cf. Dy 2, which
is commoner in this sense); EZ438; Ex 3321
VW Qipo nin. Perh., anomalously, 1 S 716 at
or fo/ all those places (but v. Dr); in 2 S 1523
na-Isn-riX fyj ^B-by, nx=«ou/ards is against
anal.: rd. with ©L T3")Ba 1B^ OSJ fJJ VjET^y;
1 K 9s5 ttltjt beside it (sc. the altar); butl^V 131
etc. would be idiomatic, & for "ffi'K WK Klo
proposes plausibly i#tCnX (v. Ex 3020).
3. 'B ns denotes specially, a. in one's
possession or keeping: G112716 3029thou know-
est ... TO *J?po .Tn -IB>K m how thy cattle
fared with me, v33 Lv 5s3 1913 Dti53 Jui72 1 S
86 n«
g" UPIK HD = what luxve wef 25s9 Is 494 my
right is with Jehovah (contr. 4027), Je88 ^38"
the light of mine eyes also 'HK J'N i. e. is gone
from me, Pr 3s8 818; in his power, Je 105 a^n
DniS |'X is not in their power, perh. -<\r 1 26. A
dream, or the word of \ is said to be n&? wn'<A
a prophet, 2 K 312 Je 23ffl 2718. Metaph. of a
mental quality, Pr 1 12 1310. b. in one's know-
ledge or memory: I85912 WRX ^,VB'S our trans-
gressions are with us, i.e. present to our minds
(|| aejrv wrtrtjn), Jb 1 23 n^x-ios ptpo-nK with
whom are not (i.e. who knoweth not? Wt oi
o-woiSe;) things like these? I4'?|J?K i.e. known
to thee, Pr 21 Gn 4014 Je 123 (Ew Gf towards
thee, as 1 d y). So OaE>BrnK tM» Gn 23s
[2 K 915 'i alone], ^(rnsj 2 K 10". Comp.
Dy 4 b, which is more frequent in this sense.
4. T1KQ (>riHO, etc.; also -rfKD, v. p. 85)
from proximity with (like Gk. itapa with a genit.,
Fr. de chez; in Syr. Arab. Lo^. ^o, ilc ^
correspond. Synon. OJN?; see below): coupled
almost always with persons (contrast DJ??, a).
Thus a. with nji? to buy Gn 2510 + oft. (cf. 1 7s7);
ngb Gn 4224 Ex 25s Lv 2536 Nu 1 717 + oft.; Nfc'J
^ 24s; nW, as Gn 88 WN1? nji'H-nK n^l and
he sent forth the dove from with him 26s7; ?pn
Gn2631 1 K1812 2036 Je 91, of a wife deserting
her husband Ju 192 frWBJ ^Fll, Je3' (cf. Is 57s);
with sim. words Gn 381 Dt 28 iKii" Je 237
(v. EX520); Is5410 t\,66*>; with b*f Ju i14
iK216^274+,e'l,5 1K227 al., VQf IS2" —
'B *Ji DKD Gn 2730 43M Ex io" Jb 27; Lv io4
(B>-li3'n), 2 K 1 614 (n?an). Hence b. of rights or
dues, handed over from, given on the part of,
any one: Gn4722 njriB DSD ph; oft. in P, as
Gn 2320 Ex 2721 a perpetual due Vj^ *&n&
from, or on the part of, the children of Israel,
LV734" 248Nu39784 + ; Dti83 iS 2,3(®, etc.;
v. 1 d) 2 S 1 53 fop ns?P IJ^TU yOBh but there
is none to hear thee deputed of the king, 1 K 5".
C. expressing origination: 1 K I27 ^'"IN TIKO DX
njnj tlben. Esp. '' DSC — of a concrete object
proceeding from him : Gn 1 9s4 (brimstone), Nu
1131 (a wind), 1635 (fire), 1 S 1614 (evil spirit),
Is 38' (a sign), Jesi53 (wasters), Mis6 (dew);
of wrath Zc 712 (cf. Nu 1711), teaching Is 514,
the word of prophecy Je7* (so n1 i8' + oft. in
Je) 3717 Ez 3330; with 'have I (we) heard' Is
2 110 28s2 Je4914( = Ob1); of an event, or phase
of history Jos 1 120 nJTH "> nso it came of* to . . .,
1 K 1224 Hb 213 v 11823 »*> ™rn " nsp (©
napa Kvpiov) Ezr 9" Ne 616; of trouble (ny-)) 2 K
6s8 Mi i12 (T!})} of a good or evil lot, having its
source in " Je 13* Is 54" ^ 109s0, cf. Jb 210;
^ 2 2M 'npnn iriKO /rom <Ae« cometh my praise
(thou art the source of it); Is 44s4 Qr ^XD of
myself {cL an i/iavrov John 530; Kt is WK 'I? who
was with me 1), 5415 'HiKO DSK not at my in-
stance (cf. '3D &6 301, ^BD t6 Ho 84). d. of a
place tiK6s (corrupt : rd. with © © 33
[partly] flftT] mm, & cf. Ez 4121).
iVote. OX expresses closer association than
DJf: hence while DJ» sts. denotes hardly more
than from the surroundings or belongings of,
nXD expresses jfrora close proximity to. Thus
Saul asks, UBjtt ?|pn ^D who has gone from
(those) about us ? but Jacob, speaking of the
loss of Joseph, says, Gn 44** WKD iriKn KS>1 and
the one is gone from with me. J"IKD is accord-
ingly preferred to DJrtD in the sense of origina-
tion or authorship; DND is not usual in the
sense of DJ>» c, nor DV» in the sense of OSD b.
t^ynriK n.pr.m. Ethbaal (with Baal, i.e.
living under B.'s favour; '106pa\os, EWafidKos
j08AM.,iii.i3,i.2.cAP.i>18. on later king of li]£e
name, in As. Tuba'lu, v. COT Gn io15) king of
Sidon, father of Jezebel 1 K 1631.
"HriN n.pr.m. (perh. from r\H with=com-
panionable) — 1. one of David's captains, a
native of Gath 2 S 1 tfw* 1 82-612. 2. one of
David's 30 mighty men, a Benjamite 2 S 23M
(in iCh n31,nt<).
t^NVVN 1. Pr 30'-' bwt6 -nan dnj
:b3N1 Vn^b, in MT. n.pr.m. (iprob. with me
is God: v. 01S82c) usually taken as name of a
son or pupil of Agur; but most moderns read
ibffi b« V*k % TNJ& I have wearied myself
(v. ^S?), 0 God, I have wearied myself, 0 God,
and am consumed. 2. a Benjamite Ne ri7.
in. nN v. nnx.
nnns, n«, vw v. sub nan.
trT Db$ vb. come (in Heb. only poet.) (Ar.
J\ , Sab. VIM DHMZMG m*- *"• 1883-343, Aram. SriS ,
Wr)— Qal Pf '« Dt332J Nn? Is 2i12 v. Ges
ww Dt3321(=nnK;icf.Di Kb'-677), nm is4i25;
sf. wikji Jb 32S ; 3 fs. nntw Mi 4s; 3 mpl. vnsj
Jb i622+ 2 t.; JvriKjl Is 4 15; Twmj. mpl. VTO Is
2ils+2t,; P«. fpl. nVnk Is 4 1 B + 2 1.;— come, of
men Dt3321 V'6832 L34125 56 12 Am. =come now,
with hostile purpose Jb 3c-14, of men unto *
Je 3s2 (sq. b) cf. Is 2112; of "• Dt 332; of ends
of earth, etc., personif. Is 41'; of time, morning
Is 2112, years Jb 1622; of weather 3h-tfn; of
beasts, to devour Is 56* (sq. inf.), of calamity
Pr 1s7 Jb 3™ come upon, c. sf., of dominion Mi
48 (sq. IS). Pi. pi. fem. as subst. things to
come, future things Is 41s3 44? 4511. Hiph.
bring, Imv. D*> Vnn Is 21" bring water (on
form, for V1KH cf. Di Ew'14" Ges'"-"1-1); Je
12' bring beasts, to devour.
tpiTN Qr, pi-IN"' Kt, n.m. entrance,
fWH Ez 40"; Co rds. [rm ; cf. Sm 01»"".
""jflti "TIN, i?N,,rT,N v. sub II. m.
+ Dn!SI n.pr.loc. (perh.= Egypt. Chetem,
cf. Ebers08821'- but ® 'O0op,'od<o», cf. Lag8"")
Ex 1320 in Egypt, place on edge of desert, so
Nu 33w; Dm nana Nu 338.
DriS v. sub riJN.
btoriNt v. sub i>on.
j/lfc1? (mng- ' Thes comps. Ar. ^y\ take
short steps, hut this appy. only by-form of JJI).
tpJ-lK n.f. °"45'23 she-ass (Ar. £lfl, Aram.
*f&, MX}', As. aidnw)— JTT1K Nu 2 2°+ ro t.;
yhVL Nu 2230-32; WHj Gn 49" + 2 1. ; pi. abs. nahK
Gn i2w+ 2 t.; rium Ju 5'°+ i2t.; niaint* Jbi3
4212; — she-ass, as dam Gn 4911 Zc 9'; as pro-
perty (constituting wealth) Gn 1 216 32" Jb i314
4212 cf. 1 Ch 2730; so of the asses of Kish 8 t. 1 S ioj.j.h.i.. as beastg of burden Gn45B; for
riding Jus10 Nu 222122 2X4"; of Balaam's ass
14 t. Nu 2 2S1'22'23'23:S'25,27'27'28'2930'30,32'33
]ni*, rnjwi v. sub nat
njHN v. run.
t : v
' ''PHN n.pr.m. an ancestor of Asaph iCh628
apparently identical with ''I™) v6.
gnK v. II. pn.
T [p^ri^] n.m. gallery, porch (deriv. un-
certain) Ez 4 116 Kt KiTpiJINI, Qr KJUWl-
Co (q.v.) r»Wt»P».
tp^lN n.m. id. Ez 42s.-3; pi. D-p^K EZ423;
41" Qr, v. pin« Kt; TMDWWJ (Co del.)
t CnnN n.pr.loc. only Nu 2 1 ' tH} •'jjj ; so
©, perh. (Di) name of a caravan-route, cf. j 1
vestige, footprint; others (after X@) transl.icay
of the spies (cf. 1322); but D^riKn for D*TW1 is
highly improbable, and a locality would hardly
receive its designation from the spies.
J"lJ"li*$ (? \/of following, meaning dubious.
Lag " "• *•„ proposes -/n:x, whence he derives
;ilso Ar. ^ll a tool used in tillage).
fin. [n^>] n.[m.] a cutting instrument of
iron, usually transl. ploughshare — sg. sf. frlK
i S i 320; pi. 0™ i S 1321, ^m Is 24=Mi 4a; sf.
D3TIK Jo 410; ace. to Klo al. also 2 K 65 J^JST^
i.e. the axe of iron.
2 !H, Beth, 2nd letter; post BHeb. = nume-
ral 2 (and so in margin of printed MT); 5=
2000; no evidence of this usage in OT times.
I. 2, prep, in (Moab. 3, Syr. o, Ar. v,
Eth. fl:) before tone-syllables in certain cases
(Ges ilai-i) 3, with suff. %; 13 (Ex 7s9 2 S 22s0
^14 18 H33), in pause and fem. ?]3; *I3 (once,
Jeif4 Kt'n'3), H3; U3; D33, [[33]; DH3, D3
[also nena tEx 304 361 Hb i16], jna ti S 317
Is 3816 Ez 42" [15 times JO? (FrMM2ffi), and
thrice, Lv 5s2. Nu i319 Je 517, njns]. Prep, de-
noting properly in, Gk. iv, but applied in
many derived and fig. significations. The
senses expressed by 3 are grouped by the
Rabbis in three classes, y3n JV3 Beth vasculi,
njWSni p*3,,;]n JV3 Beth coniunctionis et viciniae,
~l$!? n,3 Beth auxilii; and the same arrange-
ment may be followed here, though the limits
between the three classes are not clearly de-
fined, and they sometimes overlap one another.
I. In: 1. strictly, of position in a place
(which often is expressed more precisely by
anpa, •j'lns), as IV33 in the house, "VIB in the
city, TTOJ in the pot, J*?.?3 in the land, etc.
constantly. Heb. idiom also says 1^3 in the
mountain Ex 2418 etc., even in cases where
we could hardly avoid saying on, as 1K11'
19": so 3-ih3 Dti" al.; inn etos Ex2417
yfr 7216. Preceded by a verb of motion (esp.
13V) 2=through, as Gn i26and Abram passed
through fl?? *w the land = passed through it,
1317 2 S 24s + ; in(=through) agate, Is 6210 Je
17" Mi213. Fig. to speak 'JIN? in the ears
of...; to be good (or evil, etc.) ^J'J?? «'« the
eyes of. . , 2. of presence in the midst of
a multitudet pmong, Ex 1 4s8 there was not
left Dns among them even one, Lv 26s6 2 S 15"
Ahitophel D^^pS is among the conspirators,
2 K 1 8" mirp' ^{JO bb3. So 13 in thee (of
Israel, coif.) Dt '714 15'47 1810 23" 28" (diff.
from 1J3? beside thee LV2535). — Spec. a. of an
individ., implying eminency among : Jos 1415
Je4618 Tabor among the mountains, 4915Pr3030
Ctl" D'Bto na;n the fair one (=the fairest)
among women, La i1: cf. Luke I42. On 1 S 1712
v. Dr. b. hence with some verbs, when the
action refers to only a part of the object, as
3 nan to smite among ... i. e. to smite some
of... ' (diff. from HSn with accus.); 3 31? ^7 831;
3 KKO to bear in, i.e. to share in bearing, Nu
i 1" al.; 2 fU3 to build in or at Zc 615 Ne 44;
3 Ti&y Ex59; 3 bvy to labour on Jon 4 10; 3 !>3K,
3 nne> to eat or drink of Ju 1316 Pr g"; 3 P^n
to give a share in Jb 3917. c. specifying the
parts of which a whole consists (esp. in P)
Gn 7" 817 91016 1 7s3 Ex 1219 Nu 31"-* Ho 43.
3. with ref. to the limits enclosing a space,
within: Ex2010 TIV^'3 toithin thy gates, Is 565
into^ns within my walls. 4. often pregn.
with verbs of motion, when the movement to a
place results in rest in it, into : after 83 Gn
1 98 Is 1 9s3 ; ID3Gn2 717; rw to send Lv 1 6n; in
among Jos 2 37'2 1 K n2. — Ho 127 (an extreme
case) 3 3W to return (and rest) in thy God,
1 S 1 63 (unless H3p should be read, as v7). —
P5?3 t?S? (with) eye (looking) into eye tNu 1 414
Is 52s; D"?B3 D^B tDt 54; 3 'S »fj the eyes
of . . . are upon, both in favourable (Dt 1 1 12
^r 1016) and hostile (Am 9s Jb 7s) sense. 5.
applied to time, as Gn i1 O^IOS in the begin-
ning; 22 ,|y,3B'n D^'3 on the seventh day; Ju
108 S'nn n)B>3 in that year; & constantly. 6.
of a state or condition, whether material or
mental, in which an action takes place: so
oft., BpKlm peace Gn 1513; !T)X3 in distress
yfr 91"; tens T|pn to walk in his integrity; Ex
519 JTJ3 in evil case. 7. 3 introduces the
predicate, denoting it as that in which the
subj. consists, or in which it shews itself (the
Beth esgentiae, — common in Arabic, esp. with
a ptcp. or adj. and in a negative sentence : Qor
279 Jili) ill I l*j and God (appears) not as
one remiss; 27 ^~x*i+> _* \SJ and they are
not believers [comp. French en — en honnete
homme] ; v. WA"",1S"): viz. a. a primary
pred., Ex 184 the God of my fathers TJ$?
was my help, + 1466 Ho 139 (rd. : 1^3 "O ^3
with ® <S Che al.); f 685 W BJf his name
consists in Yah, Jb 2313 3710. With the pred. in
the pi. (as pi. maj.) + 1187 '^tyS '' J. is my
great helper, 54" (v. Che), Jun35. b. a
secondary pred., Ex63 and I appeared unto
them *J|J i>K3 as God Almighty, Nu 26s3
n?P^3 as an inheritance, 34s Ez46164714 Dt
io22 2614 I have not put away therefrom NCC3
as one unclean = while unclean, 2862 Is 4010
Kfr pjns he cometh as a strong one, yjr 35s
(where v. De) and rise up as my help, v16, 307
55" Pr 326 Jb 3632(De). c. a pred. as accus.,
Is 4810 1 have refined thee IDM tib) hut not as
though silver, Ez 2o41; Nu 1826 36s Jos 1367 234
Ez 451 472222 (rd. 6$) 4820 (v. © Co) all ntaa
(cf. b), + 78s5 & allotted it nbnj iona as a line
of inheritance (i.e. as a measured inheritance).
is264'' tnfrv yet mm ma <s ,-s different—
for m Yah there is a rock of ages (cf. Qor 47-47
there is sufficiency in God as a patron), d.
in comparisons, \jr 3 7s0 consume away fB^S {n
the form of, as, smoke 7833 1024 Jb 34s6 3614.
II. Denoting proximity — 1. at, by (not
very common): 1 S 291 J?JB by the spring ; Ez
I0i5.a> -Q3 nn33 by the river Chebar (i3 by).
2. on: Gn820Nu232n3ja3 0n the altar; Ju821
on the necks of the camels ; 1 K 25 al. ^jnm
on his loins ; Is 59" a helmet Svthl on his
head. 3. often with verbs of touching,
approaching, taking hold of, cleaving, etc., as
1™, p31, pK'n, VI), tWJ, 335, V3B, Tjpn, B>Efi (see
these words). 4. with words expressing
or implying an act of hostility — a. against :
Gn 1612 13 bb T1 %2 fV his hand against all,
and the hand of all against him ; 3 'B T iin\l
Dti310 1S59 i817 + oft. Hence after verbs
(q.v.) of fighting (DO?:, an), going up to in-
vade (r6y), being angry ("OS/Tin, *!?*!, P]N rnn),
sinning or acting treacherously (Nt?n, 133, Tip,
mo, bye, )#f, l|j>t?, 3JP, ETG), testifying (njy,
Tyn), mocking (3^1 brin), /eeZ?'w? loathing
(pP), rebuking (lyj: prop, to protest loudly),
speaking (131: Nu 12s"), etc., & even (an ex-
treme case) Ho 7" '3 VNDJ they turn aside (so
as to be) against me. In a weaker sense
mjB pnipp mingens ad parietem 1 S 25s2 al.
b. down to, upon {super with accus.), esp. in
such phrases as ^3 1W Lv 209 al. his blood be
upon him; iSM$13 1D1 his blood be wpora. his
head Jos 219; W»h» (* 3^,1) 31E> Ju 857 (nyi),
1 K 2s3 (Di), v44 (ny'i), ,/, 717 (ibpy); 'b jyj joj
ie>Nl3 1 K 8s2 & oft. in Ez, as 910' 1 121.
III. 1. With — a. of accompaniment: Nu
20™ 133 Dy3 with much people, Jos 22s Ju 1 134
1 K 1 o2 2 K 59 Je 4 1 15; Ex 2 i2i and he shall give
D7?S3 with arbitrators (arbitrators being em-
ployed), Is 8" :ne!>3 with iny disciples, i.e.
having them present; Ex 8113 Jo 1 119 10(1^3 py
a tree with its sap; 1 K 1919 ibyn D,3B'3 iom
and he with the 12th. b. often of what one
takes or brings with one: Gn 32,Mb£03 with
my staff I passed over Jordan, Ju n54 151
1 S i24 Is 724; Mi 6" al. 3 Dip to go to meet
with; 3 K3 to come with Lvi63\fr6613 71".
(In Arabic this usage is developed more fully
than in Hebrew, and ^ Js\ lit. to come with,
M C**i lit. to go away with, are used idio-
matically in the sense of to bring, and to take
away respectively: WAG"-»Mb.) Hence I'NS,
D??3> 7?*. &2 = without, c. of concomitant
(or surrounding) conditions, as filBns with (or
in) haste ; plX3 wrcU (or m) righteousness ;
njJB'B t-re error ; ISiE* bipZH nyVTTB 2 S 6";
often in such phrases as inp"IS3 1// 312 in thy
righteousness; I^Dns m thy mercy Ex 1513; —
^lEWa wt'<A. my happiness .'= happy am I Gn
30"; \//- 294 the voice of * is 033 wj'<Apower=
is powerful; EX3212 nyi3 wt^ evil purpose;
^•738 ""39 "» wickedness; 90'° ni«33 tw'di
strength. 2. of the instrument or means :
as a. 3in3 with the sword Ex 5' etc.; D&Q3
wti/t the feet Is 283; . . . T3 by the hand of.
(v. sub T); to stone ?3K3 or mJ3«$3 toiV/j stones
Lv 202 Nu i410etc; 3 nriB» to drink with a cup
Gn445 Am 6s (cf. in Aram. Dn52); to cry
fil33 with the throat Is 581; to burn E*N3 m
or wt'<A fire (oft.) ; to slay or to perish 3yi3
through hunger or 1313 through pestilence Ex
163 Je2i9+oft, (cf. Jb2715 raft niB3); to
save with or by Ju 77 1 S 146. b. idiom., with
certain verbs, as 3 pPIB* to play with Jb 4029;
3 13JJ to labour with a person (as with an in-
strument), i.e. to use him as a slave Ex i" Je
22" 2 77 al.; 3 riVV Je 1823 Ne 924 Dn 1 17 Est
i15 2" 311 66 ; & perh. 3 131 (of God) to speak
with one Nu 1228* al. (v. Ew«a7t<3); Dr8m'L
23'2). Further by33, mn<3 «33nn to prophesy
with or by " or Baal, * or Baal being the in-
spirer; 3 ?£{?, tJHl to inquire or ask by means
of a god (or oracle), c. .11.T3 through '•< ( =
by His aid) in many connexions, as yfr 1830 44"
56511 6014 Is 26'3 4525 Ho 17 Zc io12; with
pass, verbs Dt 33s9 Is 4517 (to be saved): and
even of the immediate cauee Nu 36s to be
commanded mn,3 by \ Gn 9' D1X3 by man
shall his blood be shed (both unusual), Ho 144.
d. allied is the use of 3 in such phrases as
to bless, swear, speak, prophesy, etc., DB/3 in
the name of . . . (i. e. the name being used or
appealed to in the act) Dt 613 Je 1 121, etc. (so
to swear mrpa by '> Jos 2" etc., fra'a Is 62s; to
bless 13 with thee Gn 4820, to swear with me
yjr 102', i.e. using my name in oath, Je 29");
almost=in the authority and power of 1 S 1746
25s 1 K 2 18 Mi 4s Zc io12 ^ 206 446 89s. e. n©3
or nS3 by means of v;hat f how ? Gn 158 Ju
6i» ^5.6.10 , K 22ji Mal 2i7 nx,a hy TOeang 0f
this Gn4215JB Ex717 NU1628; with this=on
this condition Gn 34** 1 S 1 12 Is 27". 3.
of cost or price (the Beth pretii), the price,
whether given or received, being treated as the
instrumental means by which the act is accom-
plished, with, for, at the cost of: thus regularly
a. with -OB> hire Gn 3016, n"1B redeem Ex
3420, fen« 6e<ro<A 2 S 314, Hg &My 2 S 24s4;
i K 223 te>M3 a< </«? co«« 0/ ids life hath A.
spoken this word, 2 S 2317 who went OnVcaja
at peril of their lives, Pr 1™ La 5' Jos 6s6
'"•n?-: ™33 a' tt« pnc« 0/ his firstborn shall
he lay its foundations, 1 Ch 12" ttHSfcnS <o
the jeopardy of our heads he will fall away, etc.
b. with 130 seZ? Dt 21"; 122 serve Gn 2918'20
Ho 1 2 " ; TDH exchange Lv 2 7 10 Ho 47 their glory
I will exchange for ignominy, i/e 10620; 'HB'33 fro
to give /or interest Lv2537\/m56; in other con-
nexions Gn 23" 4716f- Is 4513 La 1" Ct 8711; Dt
19" P5?3 fX Vm®*?. life for life, eye for eye;
Is2» mn aOTJ/np 0«wA«< is he to be ac-
counted? 723athousand vines IDa n??3^ athou-
sand (shekels of) silver. — Hence (perhaps) the
idiom, usages riJ?'3 ^JK* year for year, one year
like another, annually Dt 1 520 al. ; Di'3 Di' (late),
Di'a Di'a ti S 1810; Dysa oyaa (T. tip, Off);
BHha enh +1 Ch 271. 4. rather peculiarly,
in certain cases where the object of an action
may be treated as the instrument by which it
is accomplished : as t^Nia jPJfj to shake with
the head Je 186 Jb 164 (as well as BWl fflQ
^2 28); to open with the mouth Jb 1610, with
the lips f2 28; to gnash with the teeth Jbi69
(to gnash the teeth ^3516); to wink with the
eye Pr 613 (to wink the eye, ib. io10); ^ip3 jnj
to utter with the voice ifr 46' 68s4 Je 128 (but
Pip |nj is more common); to stretch out with
the hand La i17; flBB3 Cnn (unusual) Ex 720.
So DK/3 tOi? to call with the name — in diff.
senses, ace. to the context, viz. to irroclaim Ex
33" 34s Is 44' f4912; to invoke Gn 4* 128
1 K I824"2* Is 124; to rcaroe honourably Is 431
45». Cf. Ew'282" Ges»119-3bB- WAG"-,Mb" De
ib'**:*** 5. with a cau8al forcej ^r0M^ ^
account of: Gn 1828 n^t?na Wlffriri wilt thou
destroy on account of five the whole city? Lv
26s9 Nu 1626 Dt 9" 2416 :vrov iKcna j^k they
shall be put to death, each because of his own
sin (cf. Je 3 130 Ez 318, v. 1817) 2 S 3s7 147 (cf.
Jon i») Is74 (|||D) 287 (|| JO) soi 53' 57" Je
51- +5U16' (|| ») 31" 323 4219 909 94*. So
in f&, b>?3 (v. -rate, bbi), & (sts.) in nana at,
through, the word of. . . . 6. of the material
with which a work is wrought, both absol.
anja 7\f$ to work with gold Ex 3 14 1 K 7";
and to make a thing with (in our idiom, of)
gold Ex 388 Ez 720 1 K 1522 (Hja). Without a
verb Lv 1 3s2 2 Ch 918. 7. with for although,
in spite of (cf. Germ, bei alle dem): Lv 2627
Nu 1411 ninkn ^)ba in spite of all the signs that
1 have wrought, Dt I32 Is 47" ^ 27s; esp. in
the phrase ntfri>33 for all this Is s25 91»-16-2°
io4 V 7832 al. (Cf.'in Ar. O. Qor 9s5.) 8.
of a standard of measurement or computation,
with, by: Ex 124 nfefej np3D3 by the computa-
tion of souls ; Lv 525 al. ^"ijfa by thy reckoning;
Ez 410; 1SD03 by number Dt 25'+ ; . . . lappa
by the number of . . . Lv 251"0 Nu I2, etc.;
Bhpn b?p2 Ex 3013 al. (in P); TOKa often (v.
nBK); Dt 311 B*N ni2Sa oy the cubit of a man;
2 S 1 4s6 ![^n jasa. Of a model, Gn i26 «pbsa
tw our image, 51-3 Ex 2540; fTja w«'«Zi the way
(=in the manner) of . . . Is io2426 Am 410.
IV. 3 is used also with certain classes of
verbs, though the explanation of its use may
be sometimes doubtful : viz. a. with verbs of
taking refuge, trusting, relying, as PPi^D, nP3,
nP?> 15?^. b. with verbs of ruling, governing,
restraining, as ^O, i'B'O, B*M, "IXJ?, PITl, ts^tr.
C. with verbs of rejoicing, feeling pleasure or
satisfaction, etc., as ?*|, $?, WC, nce>, }»SPI,
'T)> "^? (but with this verb fO is more
common). [Prob. a case of III. 5. j d. with
verbs expressive of sensible perception, to
denote the pleasurable or attentive exercise of
the faculty concerned, as 3 J?BB> to listen to,
3 D^an, nyj, ntn, to look upon, a nnn to smell
at (see these words), e. occasionally also
with verbs of speaking, thinking, mentioning,
knowing, to denote the object of the action,
as 3 na^ to speak about Dt 67 ^ 87s al. (v. sub
TO; ? &•, "JC1, D^ V44'6376913; VT Je
38s4; 1?; once Je 316, Tajn oft,; ^ 716 V^NJ ^2
of thee is my praise.
V. Followed by an inf. c, 3 forms a
periphrasis for the gerund, though in English
it is commonly to be rendered by a verb and
conj., viz.: — 1. as a temporal conj., as Gn 2*
DNiana in their being created = when they
were created, 4s Dni^na in their being (=when
they were) in the field; and constantly. Some-
times it has in appearance the force of after
that, as Gn 3318 Ex 312 13"; hut as a rule this
is really due to the action denoted by the inf.
being treated as extending over a period within
which the action of the principal verb takes
place : so esp. in the phrase «>K"}^ J1KX3
QnXBD, even of events at the close of the 40
years, Dt 4** 23s Jos 5", the whole period being
treated as that in which Egypt was left (comp.
2 K 21, where the time included is future).
Cases, however, occur in which this explanation
will hardly apply, as Dt 2 7412. 2. as a causal
conj. (cf. above III. 5), as Gn 1916 * nppns
V?V through J.'s having compassion upon him,
Exi67 3316 34w Dt i27 Unk '' ntufett through
J.'s hating us, etc. (9s8 similarly J?),' 1 K 1818
(=in that ye have . . .) Ez 9* 43s 447 2 Ch 28s.
3. as a concessive conj., when — though : Is I15
+■ 46' HS ")'l'?7:? though the earth do change.
Note. — Ex io12 '"I3"]K3 can only be rendered
'with the locusts,' the locusts being con-
ceived as implicit in Moses' uplifted hand:
but prob. n|1f6 should be read. Thrice in
late Heb. 3 is used peculiarly : 1 Ch 7s3 for
with misfortune was it in his house (nVl?
chosen for the purpose of explaining ny"!3);
g™ nSK^Ba DiTpy it devolved upon them with
the work ; Ezr 3' for with terror (was it) upon
them from the peoples of the countries (the
sentence without a verb as oft. in Chr.: Dr
lutr.KHf.) . cf 8m Comp. Ew'295'-
tfeS poet, for S (v. sub to: cf. Sab. M,
DEM""***") Is 2510 Qr (<Kt ♦$») 43s
44>619 + u 2 Jb 930 Kt ( > Qr 'M) 1 645 1 916 3 f.
II. 3, perh. abbrev. in n.pr. for "J3, rV3 q.v.
HMO v. sub Ni3.
ffHfcO] vb- onlv **■ make distinct, plain
(so NH.Aram.; LagBN68 prop. for Qan^3,nj<3,
cf. deriv. infr.; Thes & most comp. Ar. JLT dig a
pit or well,hut this prob. denom. v. Lag1") — Pi.
Pf. 3 ms. "K?3 Dt i5, Imv. "K?3 Hb 22; Inf. abs.
1X3 Dt 27s (cf. Bo im'*) — make distinct, plain,
of letters on tablets Hb 22 "^ IK?? pin 3ha
13 Klip fH> fjrpb ninj>n, i.e. so that one may
run past and (still) read; or, so that one may
read swiftly; on stones Dt 27s '75? J?anai
ac'n "1N3 .... D'iaKn and thou shalt write
upon the [whitewashed] stones all the words of
this law, doing it plainly and well; fig. exj>lain,
expound Dt 1 ' JTjinn "1N3 fl&O ?'{<in Moses began
(and) expounded the law.
tlNQ n.f. 0nKn well, pit, mostly Hex, Gn
23 1. Ex 1 1. Nu 5 1., 37 t. in all ; Ar.^lj , Aram.
SOX3, -V3, K-J'3, )U, Sab. 1N3 DHMz"au75-«0,)
As. beru, Lyon8*'""161 (connexion with above
\/not clear; Lag1,0" spring of water, as coming
to UgJd, appearing ; possible, although meaning
in use rather well, than spring; v. however,
Gn 1614 cf. v7 2619 Nu 21'7)— '3 abs. Gn 2i»+ ;
cstr. 2i19+ ; sf. X$$ Pr 5U; pl- abs- n^ Gn
2615; cstr. id. 2618;'cf.ion niKSnita Gn 1410;
— 1. a well, often as made by digging C1?0)
Gn2i2630(E), 2 6 ■51919-21-22-32 (all J), also poet.
Nu 2i18(+ ma) vid. also v1617 (where the well
addressed, in song, "itQ ^pg); also c. ma in prose
Gn 2625; also with no ref. to its origin Gn 16"
(J; || H? v7), 29s Ex2is (J) Nu 20" 2im(E)
2 S 17'"1; CTO(n) 1S3 Gn 2i19(E) 24"(J; || P5?
vv131643-46); (cf. also 2125 2618 supr. & esp. v19
D^n D?p 1X3); water taken from it by drawing
(aSB-) Gn 241120; flocks watered from it (*$? n
-jp) 292-38-10 (cf. esp. Ex 216 they drew, rbl, and
filled the troughs) ; also mxa ^inp . . . . D^p mf
Pr 515 (|| 113); the opening called ">K3n '3 Gn
29!.3.3.8.io. cf /3n >jb 2Si7'9 (rd. prob. '3 so
Sam. $(333, cf. Dr); fig. of fresh delights of
woman beloved Ct415 D»n D?p 1K3 D»fl f!l/p
|i33p"|p D,pfl31 . 2 . pit ( = ""3) ; pits of bittt-
mln Gn 1410 (cf. supr.); nriB> 1N3 f 55" pit of
(the) grave; cf. 6916 n*| 1K3 fy -iBKrr^ and
let not (the) pit shut its mouth over me (|| npisp);
fig. of strange woman niX 1X3 a narrow pit,
out of which rescue is difficult Pr 23s7 (|| nriW
ni?~S). 3- as n.pr.loc. a. c. H— loc. '1"1N3
a station of Isr. in desert Nu2i16, possibly =
E^N 1X3 Is 1 5". b. same form Ju 921, ace. to
Euseb. LagOnomm2ndedai0 8 miles north of
Eleutheropolis; cf. EobBBItt2 who comp. el-
Blreh, near Beth-shemesh.
D^N 1N2 v. 1N3 3. a.
"hi*""! TD "INS n.pr.loc. (lit. well of the
living One that seeth me) Gn 1614 (where ex-
plan., from story of Hagar) 24s2 2511 (all J);
perh. name of ancient shrine or holy place, cf.
stazAwn.347 & dj Gn 1614; W. of Kadesh, cf.
Jer sub Barad, Lag °°om- !* M ^ ls>, v. Rowlands
in WilUams^1'01"'489 Trumbull K*d"h-B*rne*64.
tj?ntr "1X3 n.pr.loc. Beersheba (well of
seven, explained Gn 2130" as place of swear-
ing by seven lambs, or, well of oath, v. nyaE*;
cf. same meaning otherwise derived 26s3)—
V2f 1K3 Gn 26*+ 13 t,, WBON3 Jog /<,';
J»# 1N3 Gn 2i"+i8t.; V# ITJPJ (n_ loc.)
Gn 461 — south from Hebron, ace. to Onom. c.
20 miles Lag 0aom- 10S-234' a"1 •*■ >* «» • mod. Bir-es-
Seba, 1 2 h. fr. Hebron BobBB '• ^ f- Survey"1- »♦ Gn
■I*"*" 22'»'» 26^ 28'° 46" Jos i5» 192 Ju
201 lS3»8» 2Sl7»24' lKI9S 2Kl22238
Am 56 1 Ch 428 2 Ch 1 94 241 Ne 1 i27-30; in phrase
'3"nyi f'TO./rom Dan to BeersJieba (i.e. all the
territory of Israel, v. \f) Am 814 Ju 201 1 S 3-0
2 S 310 17" 24216 1 K 55, & (only Ch) JOB" 1X3J?
rr1^ from Beersheba to Dan 1 Ch 2 12 2 Ch 305.
T N"}N3 n.pr.ni. a man of Asher 1 Ch 7s7.
trn^S n.pr.m. a Reubenite 1 Ch 5s.
T ifnNl n.pr.loc. (but only 2 S 4s ace. to
Masorah, v. BD8"2-25 elsewh. rnN3), city of
the Gibeonites Jos 917; assigned to Benjamin
2S42 Josi825; cf. alfoEzr225Ne729; mod. el-
Blreh BobBBI462 Bdr*1214 Survey"1-88.
t^n^Nl adj.gent. always c. art. 2 S 4"-»,
23s7=,niari 1 Ch n39; pi. Dvntcan 2 g 4».
+ "J i^if^ — '^?^ f^*® n.pr.loc. Dtio6 (cf. Nu
3331'32, where py «r0, a station of Isr. in desert,
prob. in country of Hoiites, cf. Di.
T,"1N1 n.pr.m. (my welt). 1. a Hittite,
Esau's father-in-law Gn 26s4. 2. Hosea's
father Ho i1.
t[lN2] n.m.J,,2-ls cistern, pit, well (for
1N3 cf. -fa)— sg. Kt 1N3 2 S 231S-16-20 (Qr "13);
appar. well v1516(rd. perh."W?3), fit v20; pi. Je 213
me they have forsaken, the fountain of living
water, Bna|*a JV1N3 n!,1K3 orb 3fr6, to hew
out for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, etc.
t"rt3 n.m.Gn37-20pit, cistern, well (="^3,
MI "13, Ar. g. 'yi hole or hollow for cooking, As.
burtum Dl rr 182, Mrw Lotz"" 169)— 'a abs. Gn 3 7"2
+ ; 13 Ex 2 133(2 S 2320 Qr, V.1N3 supr.); cstr.lia
2Kio14 + (2S23,5-,6Qr, v.nxa supr.); rn:3(n_
loc.)Gn 37M; sf. ll"lli3Is3616 = n3 2Ki8:!1; ^'3
Pr515; pi. nina Gn3720-r3t.; Tins Dt6":— 1.
cistern, containing water, made by digging
(3Vn) Dt6" 2CI12610 Neg25; also (without
ret to origin) Pr 5" (|| "*») Lv 1 136 (II rTVP),
iSi92lIs36,,= 2Ki831. 2. later appar. «*«
( = TN3) 1 Ch n17'8=Qr 2 S 23'616 (yet now no
well at Bethlehem BobBB '■ 47°- 473cf. also Survey"1-28
Gue-rin;""*"-1*'), cf. Ec 126 & Je 67 Kt V|Stf
■WO ia as a we?; caste^. om< t'fe water (Qr T3) ;
but "Vpn perh. ⅇ> cooZ, /res/t © 33 Hi Gf. 3 .
pit Ex 2 133 (vb. nna), v33 (ma), cf. v34; cf. fig.
V'7,6of wickedness (II fine'; vb. lTl3, nan); iS
136 as hiding-place; 2 S 2320 (Qr)=i Ch n22
2 K io14 1$ ;V3 113; of pit into wh. Joseph was
cast Gn 3720-22-24 (D)p is px pn ttsnj) yjuwi ^JE^
cf. further Je4i7-9; fig. of Sarah 'as mother of
Israel '3 T13J3D Isgi>; fig. 0f calamity + 403
l*P nia; cf- *887 ni>nnn 's. 4. ^eon
(pit with no water in it Je 38" Zc 9" cf. Gn
3724 supr.) Gn4o,34i14 (E) . Is 24s2 Je3866
(0)1? r« /a) v7.9.io.n.1S. alsQ nto?J n,3 ^.s<m Ex
1229 Je3716; fig. of exile Zcgn (13 D?0 }<K "1130);
cf. also La 353M. 5. (poet. & late; never c'.
art.) pit of the grave Pr 28'7; so 'a "33K stones
of the pit Is i419 (of sepulchre, walled with
stones) & of Sh"61 f 304 (|| W); '3 >ray_ hins
of (tlie) pit, i.e. remotest pit Is 1415 (11^1X5?)
Ez 3 2s3 esp. in phrase "113 *fp those going dmm
to (the) pit ty 28' 1437 Is 3818 Ez 2620 3225-29-30;
also, (II^IXK'), -f885 Pri12; further Ez 2620
32,a-24 (all \\Ttm$ }ns): 3J.4..6 (both || pK
n'rinri; v14 1| also nio, v16 Snb>).
"Trnen iia a.pr.ioc. 2s 326 {cistern of ■&•-
ra/i, Thes cist.declinationis, HYofthejyot, v.Td).
T|©jr "Til (so rd, for ordinary 'y "lia, v.
BD «"• »• "• © @) n.pr.loc. 1 S 3030 (smoking
pit), in S.W. of Judah; elsewhere JB'V q. v.
T3 Qr Je 67 v. lia.
'V% n.pr.m. a descendant of Asher 1 Ch
736(perh. =nN3).
Tnnil^ n.pr.loc. near Hamath Ez 47"
(contr. fr. nriiisa I), cf. foil. ;— hardly = Bery tus
(Beirut) with wh. form of name might agree v.
Steph. Byzant. al. in Movers""""1-110"-; perh.
Bereitdn near Baalbek, v. Furrer zpv "'"■ M-
' C '? n.pr.loc. belonging to Hadadezer
ofZoba2S88; perh. = foregoing.
t"»nhn adj.gent. 1 Chn39v. "Ph»fn SUpr.
t luNH vb. have a bad smell, stink (Ar.
JLij be evil, Aram. CW3, +.)£ be evil, As. blsu
LotzTP78)— Qal Pf t?«31 consec. Ex 718; Impf
ti$»H v21, OX" 1620; 3 fs. K»N3P1 Is 502; CK3P11
Ex 810; — stink, of Nile, on account of dead fish
Ex 71821 (E); of land of Egypt, owing to dead
frogs 810 (J); of manna kept over 1620 (P J or
R) E>N3>1 D^Sin D-iJl and ?"< ?rew /ohJ (rot-
ten, decayed) with worms, and stank; Is 502
nds? nbni d^d pNo Dm Eton their fish stink
for lack of water, etc. (© Lo Di rd. IP3VI, dry
up and die, which suits || , but not the usage
of cfr). Nipa. Pf E>X33 i S 134; W^aj 2 S
io6; JjHpN3? 2 S 1621; — only fig. make oneself
odious, become odious (cf. Eng. be in bad odour),
sq.nN with=towards; T??"n9 V^i 2 S l62'
thou hast become odious with thy father; also
sq. 3 (rather strangely) 1 S 13' Isr. made
tliemselves odious to the Philistines; 2 S io6
Ammonites to David. Hiph. Pf. E^NIin Ex
i624iS2V12; ^N3n^386; Dneton Ex521;/top/.
B*N3: Pr 135 Ec io1; Inf. aos. Eton , S 2712;
cstr. sf. ^B^JOnp Gn 3430; — 1. emit a stinking
odour Ex 1624 of manna (cf. Qal v20); ^38"
Tnisn >pDi }e"N3n my wounds have grown
stinking, they have festered (of chastisement for
sin) ; 1 S 1 712 fig. of David top E»N3n Eton he
hath become utterly abhorred among his people.
2. cause to stink, Dpin fCE* JpiT (J%0C DID *3»J
dead flies cause to stink (and) io ferment the oil
of a perfumer; usually fig. UrVTTIK DRE'iOn
Ex 521 (J), i. e. ye have made us odious, sq. ^J!3,
cf. (c. ace. pers.) Gn 3430 sq. 3; also without
obj. Pr 135 a wicked man makes odious and
shameful (De Now Str; Be Ew Hi Zo acts
odiously and shamefully). Hithp. Pf. ^NSTin
1 Ch 196 they had made tliemselves odious
(=Niph. in || 2 S io6), sq. 0?.
tCJNS n.m. stench— '3 cstr. Am 4'°; sf.^Eto
Jo 250; I3Eto Is 343;_D3'3nn '3, i.e. stench of
corpses Am 410, also Is 34s; cf. Jo 220 of locusts
'3 nby (|| *irnns byn).
tnttJNS n.f. (stinking things) stinking or
noxious weeds, Jb 3 140 Tinrn rrtn to* nan nrw
nE>N3 nnytJ' instead of wheat may there spring
forth bramble, and instead of barley stinking
weeds (cf. As. bUu Zehnpfund6*31633).
TO^NS, n.[m.]pl. stinking or worthless
things, wild grapes (NH n. unit. flE/lNS)
(perh. adj. om. D"33J? cf. Di) Is 524 of Yahweh's
vineyard, 33 labruscae (v. further De).
t[H33] n.f. only \F$ 033 Zc 212 the apple of
his eye (Aram. \±JL} )&>^; x?? gate %. Est
514 ; Thes sub 333 to which Ges gives sense per-
forate, hence opening of eye; but cf. Ar.^j^j
y^ji pupil of eye, perh. =1IJ Dozy49 babe, baby,
bebe (imitating infant's prattle) i.e. child of the
eye; v. Hi St, Flin ChWB1-4191'; cf. f^K!).
H^Il n.pr.m. a chief of returning exiles '33
Ne 10"; '33 *» Ezr 8"; *2m Ezr 8"; '33 ?33
Ezr2u io^NeY".
7221 M2 n.pr.loc. Babel, Babylon (in As.
written Bab-ilu, gate of god Dlr* ■*, cf. on other
hand JenKMrao1- 498)— c. n_ loc. n^>33 Ez 12"+,
n^33 2 K 2017 + once ""^33D Je 27"; — the an-
cient capital of Babylonia, mod. If Utah, situated
on Euphrates, in long. c. 440 30' E., and lat. c.
320 50' N.; Gn io10 1 19 (where name connected
with 773 confuse, confound), both J, not elsewh.
in Hex; 2Ki724+3i t. 2 K; i8t.Chr; Est 2';
late^874 13718; Is2-3, viz. 13119 i442J 2i939'-"-7
4314 471 481420; Mi 4'° (but here prob. not orig.,
cf. B,SPr°1*'"'-"-6 & reff.) Zc 2" 610 Dn i1 Ez 12"
+ 19 t. Ez; Je 2044-6-6-|- 165 t. Je; — note esp.
'3 n? Je 5o28i ftlso of land & people = realm,
partic. in '3 ?|JD 2 K 2012 of Merodach Baladan ;
v18 241-7111212 + oft. of Nebuchadrezzar; 2 K
25"= Je 5231 cf. v34 of Evil-Merodach ; Ne 13"
of Artaxerxes; the city personif. as ?33 D3 Is
471 Je 5042. (See DP* S1J COT Gn 1 1» KG94.)
32 EZ257 rd. 13 v.TT3.
' L - t J v^# act or ^ea^ treacherously —
Qal Pf. ni33 Je 32»+ I4t.; Imp/. "133? Mai 215+
5t; n33?Mal210;7n/a6*.n'i33Is488'je5"; cstr.
T33IS33'; H33EX2I8; POJ3Pr22ls+nt.;
1313 Is 33'+ 10 t. ; — act or deal treacherously,
faithlessly, deceitfully, in the marriage relation,
in matters of property or right, in covenants,
in word and in general conduct, a. abs. 1 S
1 4s3 Jb 615 ^78" Is 24" 33M 488 Mai 2". Cf.
phrases ?ri3 1D3 1133 TIN my brethren have dealt
deceitfullyasabrookJb6u; D'TjfcD 1331 1133 DH33
n3T3 the treacherous Juive dealt treacherously, yea
in treachery have the treacherous dealt treach-
erously Is 2 416 (striking alliteration); |1N ,-1?3
treacherous in wickedness ijr 59". b. with 3
Ex2i8(E), Ju9a Is33'1 Jef>sni2' Lai'2
Ho 5' 67 Mai 2101415-'6. c. c. ace. + 73". d.
c. I» pregnant, aino ne*N H"133 acteth treach-
erously {in, departing) from her friend Je 320.
Theptcp. is used Pr 222 + 8 t., ^25' 59s 1191*8
Is2i22416-,6331 Je38" 91 Hb i13 25; T$3 nj*
dealers treacJierously in treachery (very treach-
erously) Je 121.
+I.1JG »-[W"] treachery, Is 24'" Je 121.
tjTYTfe pl.abst. Vfnfl "^N men of treach-
ery Zp 34.
t [liJB] adj. treacherous, f. '"H^S. (0n form
11. na£ n.m. (except Lv 620 n^V. but Sam- ^'
cf. Di in loco Ko1182) garment, covering — Gn
28s+ 36 t.; sf. i1?3 Ez 93 + (i4 t. without dag.
lene GesLgb-94); pi.' B^gS Lv 64+ 32 t.; cstr. H??
Gn27,5+39t.;sf.T13?iK22!0 + 8it,;T1?'1??
^45'; — 1. garment, clothing, raiment, robe of
any kind, from the filthy clothing of the leper
to the holy robes of the high priest, the sim-
plest covering of the poor as well as the costly
raiment of the rich and noble, used throughout
Heb.Lit.: Gn 2463 (J), 2820 (E; 14 1. JE), Ex
282+(P 90 t.),Dt 24" Ju826 + 4t., 1 S 19" +
iot., 1 K i>+ 23 t., 2 Ch i89+ (Chr gt.), Est 414
Jbi3K 226 3717 V.2219 459 10227 109" Pr6w
2o'6 2520 2713 Ec98Is2 2416 36s2 371 Is3 5o9 +
10 1., Je 1 2' + 3 t., Ez i616+ 13 k, J0213 Am28
Hg 2 12 Zc 33-« i4M; VlJ? NTO his lap-fid 2 K 439.
2. covering, wrapping, of furniture of taber-
nacle Nu 46"13 (6 t.) ; coverlet of a bed 1 S 1 913.
T',^2 n.pr.m. (cf. Skr. bhagavdn, happy f)
1. a companion of Zerubbabel Ezr 22=Ne 77;
perh. = head of a family of returning exiles Ezr
214 ("m) =Ne 719, cf. Ezr 814. 2. a chief of the
peopleinNehemiah'stime Ne io17; cf. SmL!*,TO ".
T^rOS. n.pr.m. (Pers. cf. N1P-'?S) a eunuch
of Ahasuerus Est 1 10.
T]rU21 n.pr.m. (Pers. bagaddna, gift of
God f) a eunuch of Ahasuerus Est 221 = W^JS 62.
X2Jn32 v. foregoing.
tl. "13,12 »•[«*•] white linen (deriv. un-
known) pi. 0^8— 13 liBK 1 S218 (Samuel), 2218
(priests of Nob), 2 S614= 1 Ch 1 5s7 (David): in P
asmaterial of diff. priestly vestments Ex 28423928
Lv 633 I64-4-4-4-23-32. PI. DT8(n) E?13?(n) clad in
(the) linen garments, of angel Ez 92311 io2-6-7
Dn io5 1267.
11, in. "IS v. sub I, II. 113.
T N13 vb. devise, invent (bad sense) (Mish.
id., Aram. N13, ]^ invent; cf. Ar. IjJ begin,
make a beginning) — Qal Pf N13 1X12"; Pt.
sf DNlb (instead of DN"]i3) Ne 68— Jeroboam
devised a feast in 8th month 1 K 1233; invent
accusation Ne 68.
•fl. [*7*1Z11 vb. be separate, isolated (Ar.
jj cause to withdraw; 11. separate, disunite,
Gnu'Saad.; iv. divide into parts; x. go alone,
act independently), oji\y P<.11^3 Is 1431 (of strag-
gler in army), Ho 89 v 1113 NIB a wild-ass (sim.
of Ephr.) going alone for itself (i.e. wilfully: v.
sub ?), ^ 1028 (of bird sitting solitarily).
94 m
11. T3, "T3 n.m. separation, concr. part
(jj, sJJ portion) — sf. (always with p)*"1!?^, i,,?p
etc', 3 f" pi. tGn 2 128 jni3p, v29 njfap,-— 1. with
?, only in sg., 13? prop, in a slate of (v. sub ?)
separation, alone, by itself (Fr. & part), a. Ex
26s (= 3616) five curtains 13? by tfiemselves, and
six curtains 13? by themselves, Ju?5 him shalt
thou set 13? apart, Zc 1 21W4. b. with sf. (89 t.)
to express the idea of by oneself, alone (prop.
in his, thy, my separation), Gn 218 it is not good
for man to be il3? alone, 2128 and A. set the
seven lambs ID!?? by themselves (lit. in their
separation), 3217 43^ 2 S io8 Is 5"; Gn 42s8
tob HOT he alone, Ex 1 814 T^p ,in« thou alone,
Nun14,|13p'3bN I alone, 1 K 191014; Dt83not
upon bread alone, 2913 2 S 1332 1824 Is 44s4 4921
633 + ; after an oblique case, as a dat. Ex 2219
Ju 320 yjr 5 16 113? 1? against thee alone have I
sinned ; a genit. 7 1 16 1 will make mention of
: 113? 'jriij'iy the righteousness of thee alone.
C. as adv. of limitation, tls 2613 only through
thee do we celebrate thy name, Ec 7s9. d.
followed by \Q it becomes a prep., apart from,
besides,Ex 1 237 Nu 29s9 Dt35 i88(rd. V13BO with
® @ X Aq Ew Di) Ju 8M 2015 al. (1 5 t.)'; once,
Ezr i6, with ?J? instead of [p. e. "OpO^ (prob.
inverted for JB 13? besides) (chiefly P and
late): Gn 261 4626 Lv 917 23^(4 t.) NU58 621
17"+ 12 t.Nu 28-29; Dt2869 J0S2229 1K10"
With sf.tDt435 113pO Ity p« there is none else
besides him (cf. *T$89 Is 4521).
t2. concr .;>art Ex 3034(P) WT 133 13 part
for (i.e. like; cf. 3 HI, 3. end)^jart shall it be.
f3. D^l? parts, spec, extended from some-
thing, i.e. (a) of a body, members, limbs Jb 1813
(of man), 414 (of crocodile) ; (6) of a vine, rods
or shoots Ez 176 19'4; (c) of^>ofe«or staves used
for carrying the ark Ex 251314 15 3512 37" 39s5
4020 Nu 46 1 K 87-88(=2 Ch 58-99), or table of
shewbread Ex 2S2™8 3513 371416 Nu 48, or altar
of B. O. Ex 2 76-6" 3516 385-6-7 3939 Nu 414, or
altar of incense Ex 30" 3516 37s7-28 Nu 4"; (d)
more gen. bars (of fortress) Ho 1 16, (of a gate)
Jb 1716 fig. 5*f> *& (v. Is 3810).
TTD n.[m.] isolation, separation : Is 2710
113 i"n*X3 ~V)S the fenced city is isolation, i.e.
is solitary (subst. for adj.: Dr'189,2); more usu.
as adv. accus., to signify alone, Dt 3212; esp.
with vbs. of dwelling, Lv 1 346 3£* 113 he shall
dwell alone (lit. in isolation), Je 1517 La I1 3s8:
fig. of freedom from attack, security Dt 33s8
-m 95
(of Isr.), Je 49" (Kedar); so Vn|> Nu 23s (Isr.)
Mi 714 ^ 49 for thou w&m neob "nab raakest
me dwell solitarily, in safety (v. Dt 33s8).
n. "7*0 (prob. i. q. tna q. v. taM; t'e%).
tin. [TS] n.m. only PZ. On?. a. empty,
j'rf/e tatt (Ph. CIS3-6 listen not to DJ"U=Heb.
D?,'!!3 ; ef. [IS vain talk), esp. with collat. idea
of imaginary pretensions or claims : Jb 1 1 3 ^3
«J*W DV1D thy idle talk brings men to silence
(II WW), Is 166 (of Moab) ina [3 rfj his boast-
ings are not right (unfounded), hence Je 4830.
b. concr. empty talkers, praters (cf. NH HK^a,
Syr. Uo*=>, Kar),of false prophets, Is4425Je5o36.
*TTa n.pr.m. father of an Edom. ruler
(Tin) Gn3635=iChi46.
*TS v. 'X
*»"PT3 n.pr.m. (=nH3Jj servant of '1 1
® Bapata, @L Ba&uai an Israelite Ezr io35.
[7 J^*J v^- be divided, separate (Ar. Jjo
cliange, substitute, Mish. ina divide, Syr. ^!la
Ithp. Ethp.) — Hipb. rfmde, separate; Pf
5>*Wlj Nui69 Dtio8; sf. i^Sni consec. Dt
2920; 3fs. nb«iam Ex 26s3; nhani Nu8";
^nan Ez 2 226, etc.; Imp/. 7*1$ Lvi17+;
5*3*! Gn i4' 1 Ch 251; sf. *?H?! IS563; h?*J
LV2026; nb«l3Kl Ezr824, etc.; Inf. abs. ^'an
Is 563; c««r. Hsnj) Gn i14 + ; Pt. Hap Gn i6;
DyT?P Is 592; — 1. divide, separate, subj. God
Gn i4 sq. pal • • • • Pa between light and dark-
ness, cf. v7; subj. heavenly bodies v1418; subj.
firmament sq. ?. . . P? Gn I6 (all in P's source);
Ex 26s3 of the naia in tab., sq. . . . P?1 ... pa
D??; of iniquities, separating men from God
V?? • • • P3 Is 592. 2. separate, set apart, sq.
P, of '1, setting off Isr. from other peoples Lv
2024 (H) Nu 169 (P); Lv 20* sq. also 4 **$;
cf. 1 K 8ra roni1? ^ 'Ian separate them to thy-
self as an inheritance; of Moses, setting apart
Levites, sq. ^ilTO Nu 814; of separating an indi-
vidual from the people, i.e. excluding him Dt
2920, sq. also np-ib; sq. b$» Is 56s-3, i.e. ex-
cluding him; cf. also Ne 133 sq. P; of setting
apart (forbidding) beasts as unclean N8B? D37
Lv 2025; of setting apart the tribe of Levi
'131 nafpj Dt io8 (subj. '•>); cf. also (hum. subj.)
I Ch 251, sq. rrpfe, 2 Ch 2510 sq. Inf.; similarly
Ezr 824; even sq. ptcp. Ez 3914 they shall set
apart men Dnajj, i.e. <0;,aM through, or, mm
that shall pass through (RV); so of setting
apart cities, ace. Dt441 cf. 192'. 3. make
a distinction between clean and unclean, holy
and profane, sq. pa*. . . pa Lv 20" (H); io10
1147 (both P); sq. !>...pa Ez 22" 42s0. 4.
divide into parts Lv i17 58 (P), prohibited in
case of fowls offered in sacrifice. Hipb. Pf
W^a? iChi28 Ezrg1; Impf. *7J$ Ezr io8;
mn ICh23'3; 1%1 Ezr 10" Ne9»; Imv.
PTjn Nui621 Ezr 10"; Pt. ha? Ezr621 Ne
io29. 1. (reflex, of Hipb. 2) a. separate one-
self from people of the land, heathen, and their
practices, also from non-Jewish wives, sq. p
Ezr62,9' io" Neg2; abs. in same sense Ezr
1 o16 (cf. Sta G- "• m * m "• Wl """M" «• ■■*«• *>\ v
withdraw from (Moses & Aaron from Israel)
Nu 1651 (P), sq. IjiDD. c. separate oneself
unto (?$) David 1 Chi28. d. Ne io29 com-
bines a. & c. separate oneself JTirjKfl 'Bjp
OTpgri mjn-^. a. pass., be separated, a.
6e excluded from the people, sq. p Ezr io8.
b. 6e set apart, of Aaron, sq. iB'^pni' 1 Ch 23".
On $>H3ii, & distinction fr. *p-iDTI v. Dr ,Ph-xla9.
L ^7? J n'[m.] piece, severed piece, cstr.
flN-ha Am 3".
*[i D^jE)] n.f. separate place, ni^aen
Jos 169 (appos. CIV?); tut rd. prob. ni^asn
Hopb. Pt. fr. ha, or nihrm iriph. p«., cf. Di.
T '^"!? n.[m.] alloy, tin, dross (orig. that
which is separated from precious metal; cf.
PL sf. If&T? Is i26;— 1. alloy, Is I25 fig. of evil
of Jerusalem, which '» will remove p*pn;
HT2D). 2. <wi {•plumbum album) Nu 31s
(Pj +3», I??, nr/ns, fijia, nnp»; ng. of
Isr. Ez2218 (+ne*ra, bra, n^»); in simile
v20( + id. + 'l??); as article of commerce brought
to Tyre from Tarshish Ez 2712 (+103, bna,
ITIDij;). 3. plummet, b^n J3XH (appos.) Zc^10.
"•"nbia n.[m.] prob. bdellium (5 L^oU;
S Nn|"na; etym. dub.; Lag0"-*""-20 prop. Skr.
uddkhala) c. art. 'an, apparently therefore
well known ; one of the products of the land
Havilah Gn 212; used in simile of colour of
manna n>13n f<J>3 iryi Nu 1 17. — Meaning some-
what uncertain; © Gn 212 av6pa$, Nun7 */w-
araMos; Saad. AWKiBo al.jsear/s.cf.Lag0'"-44;
JosAnt.m.i.6 Aq Theod gymm gj m0Bt bdellium,
an odoriferous transparent gum, of yellowish
colour. (Cf. Smith Dtc,B""» Sigismund Aron»"' u.)
t|-jn n.pr.m. (=rwy?). 1. a judge of
Israel 1S1211; but rd. prob. |TJ3, so © <S We,
cf. Dr (v. Ju 46f). 2. a Manassite 1 Ch 7".
p*7!^ (j>enelrate, split 1 cf. Aram, pi?, .oI»
explore; but these perh. denom. cf. Lag GN1882,100).
Tp"Q n.m. 2K12-6 fissure, rent, breach
(Aram'. Np,?3, )J>J> (Nasar.))— '3 abs. 2 K 126;
cstr. ib. + 6 t.; sf! ^lp"!3 Ez 2fx;— in a build-
ing; temple rV2n '3 3 K 1 2MAM 225, cf. 1213
(* n'3 '3); v6 abs.; ahv. c. P?H repair; cf. 'p'tnp
'2 repairers of thy fissures Ez 2 7927 (of Tyre).
I [p"1i] vb. denom. mend, repair, only
Qal Jnfcstr. rvsn p?n^ pinsb 2 Ch 3410.
t"lp"I3 n.pr.m. Isr. officer 2 K 9s5 (v. [3).
77n^ (cf- Ar. ^> be empty; on a pos-
sible connexion in As. cf. HptBA811s).
T^irQ n.[mj] emptiness (on form v. Ges
l"*1* Stat96-198', on usage cf. Lag0'"60') alw.
c. Wl q. v.; — W3J *nn Gn I2 of primaeval earth;
Je 4s3 of earth under judgment of **; VinijS
^Hb \>3N1 Is 3411, tAe Zm« 0/ wasteness and
the stones of emptiness, i.e. plummets, employed,
not as usual for building, but for destroying
walls ; cf. Di & v. sub J3N 6.
Tjon3 n.[m/J a costly stone, perh. por-
phyry (cf. Egypt, behiti, behet, behat Brugsch
Dict.v.«« Diimichen c*"*-™"- Wendel Alul|r- B*u- "•
EdeUflned^TTt. © hag ^p^^ Est I6 ^
Tjrtbl IT) B'E'rO DSri wp^ a pavement of
porphyry and marble, etc.
tpL^] ▼*>■ (NH id. Pt. pass, h.T3 eftV
quieted; Pi. disquiet; % Pa. -'''Oi hasten, be
precipitate, also dismay: but^.00 is 6e quiei\ —
Wipb.. P/. 5>naj 1 s 2821; rbrai ,/, 64; *^njj
Is 2 13; Wj*J3?1 consec. Jb 216; $%$ Gn453 + ,
etc.; Impf. ?na>l Ju 2041; 2 ms. brav\ Ec 83;
ti*S* + 10429, etc.; P<. ^H33 ^3o8; bn33 pr 28s2;
f.'"V!??? Zp i18; — 1. be disturbed,dismayed, terri-
fied, Gn 453 (E) Ju 2041 1 S 2821 2 S 41 (|| W)!!
1V£, cf. Ez •j" supr.); of bones of sufferer ^ 63
(|| cf. infr. v4) ; of hands of dismayed people Ez
'f1; esp. at chastisements & judgments of '' Ex
1 515 (song, in E) ^ 64 (subj. B>M, || cf. supr. v3)
v" (|| Bh3) 3o8cf. 10429; 8318(j| Eh3) 907 Is 138
2 13 (sq. JD of occasion of fear) Jb 2315 (id.) Je
5132 Ez 2618 (del. © Co); Jb 46 (||n^), cf. also
2 1« as adj. terrible Zp 1 18 nbrOJTJK n^>3. 2. be
in haste, hasty (late, cf. Aram, above): Ec 8s
l\?n V3BD 'SlJTpK 6e no* hasty (to) go from him;
Pr2822 pnp 7H33 hastening after riches. Pi.
/»y>/. ^Q3J5 Est'29; sf. V6n3^ Dnn44; l^tyj
Jb 2210; to&]3J ^ 25; 2 ms. D.brpn ^ 8316;
^OJ^U Ec 51 79; Inf. sf. »?i>n3p 2 Ch '35s1; D_
3218; Part, tprfoso Kt, D^{38 Qr Ezr 44
(BeEy pref. Kt, v. Pl?3); — 1. dismay, terrify, sq.
sf. 2 Ch 3218 (|| trfl), Dn 1 144 Jb 2210 (subj. in?),
^26(subj. '») 8316(|| tin; subj. *>); cf. also Ezr 44
(v. sub ft?-). 2. hasten, make haste, act
hastily (late), 2 Ch 3521 ^bnpb "Wf Wtfa God
liath given command to speed me (EVm) ; sq. inf.
make Imste Est 29; of hasty speech Ec 51 '3n"bl<
T?"^ (IP?? *fg§ TQCP* ^fh); of anger
Ec 79 Diysb ^nra 'sn-^K. pu. />«. pi. o^rpn
Est 814, cf. nbn'30 Qr Pr 2021 (so rd. with Vrss
Now Str; AV RV); Kt rbrao v. bm -—has-
tened Est 814 of royal posts (|| D'SirPI); Juistily
gained '3D nbra pr 2o21. Hipb. Pf sf. "frmn
Jb 2316; Impf. sf. WTOT3*! 2 Ch 2620; 3*mpl.
W73ilEst614; — 1. dismay, terrify, sq. sf. Jb2316
(subj. nr ; II *& tjin). 2. (late) Aastew, /twrry
(trans.), 2 Ch 2620 DB'O In6n3>1 and they hurried
him thence (|| ^nij); nwle Aas<«, sq. inf. Est 614
N^np '3>1 and tltey made haste to bring Haman.
T PI 7HS n.f . dismay, sudden terror or ruin
(cf. As^ Ultu, terror, DFrS2)— '3 abs. Lv 2616
+ 2 t.; pi. ni7n3^ Je 158; — sudden terror Lv
2616 '3 CD'h? 'klpsn) (appositives follow) ; cf.
Je 158; Is 65C3 rhn^b *"ft. *&, f 78s3 b$Xr*)Q$
nbn|3 Dnijcyi nn»gj a?lrf ^ ended their days
in a breath, and their years in sudden terror.
0713 (Ar. _4j, iv. shut, x. impeded in
speech, tongue-tied; Eth. "flOon; 6e dumb).
rTOnS n.f. beast, animal, cattle (Ar.
L^J)— '3 Gn i24+ 137 t.; cstr. npns Nu 341""
+ iot; sf. inon3Lvi919+4t.; in»n3Ex2o10
+ 4 t.; inpns'Gn 366 Pr 1210; pi! abs. ntona
Dt 3 224 + 6t. + V7322 (v. infr.) ; cstr. nicm ^ 8'8
+ 5t.; — beast, & coll. 6e««te (Gn 8' + very oft.)
1. of living creatures other than man (D^?) G"11
8' Ex813-14 991022 2218 LviS^Xwhere '3 is male,
so 2016) Dt2721 ^tfeic; '3 7$) tTWI? ('3 in-
cluding all the larger animals) Ex 9s5 1212 \f/
J358 Je 5°3 etc; as inferior to man Jb 183
\fr 4913-21, so also Ec 3181919-21; 0pp. also birds &
reptiles Gn 67 723 8" cf. Ez 4431 etc.; also to
mena w
fishes i K 513 Jb 1 27 cf. v8, ^ 89 Zp i3. 2. opp.
also to wild beasts Hx? n'n, 'IIBCI 'n Gn I***
220 3H 714« 91. ^5o*10T I4gl0 ^46, etc . esp
therefore cattle, as owned and used by man, Gn
47"< ('an njp?) Ex 2o10=Dt 5", Lv i919 26s2
Nu34M1.46.45 j)t235 j j 15 J^ll Z(, 38 glO j ^5 Ezr
i4-6 Ne 937 io37 etc.; in one (late) passage of
animal for riding (horse'! mule?) Ne 21212'4.
3. rarely of wild beasts, esp. carnivora, ">S! '3
Mis7; H?n'aDt28* Isi86-8 Je^ 15s 164 197
34M; n-i^n 'a 1 S 1744; alone, Pr 3030; ntoa»"lf>
Dt 32M; '3 "lfc> Hb 217.— On ntani.f 73* of. infr.
TJuQrQ n.m. behemoth, i.e. hippopota-
mus (appar. pi. intens. of foreg.; ace. to Di Jb
4015 cf. De Is 306 fr. an (assumed) Egyptian
p-ehemau, ox of the water) Jb 4013 (on identity,
cf. further Bo m"°'- '"• 705) ; prob. also f 7 3s2 nions
7]Qy ^"n a beliemoth was I with (toward) thee
(so Hi De ; Che beasts); ace. to De Or also in
morn Is 306 tlie burden of the behemoth of the
south (supposed to be a designation of Egypt ;
but this unlikely, cf. Che Di, rd. therefore)
rather beasts of the south, viz. of Judah.
jnZl (°f- Ar- *•£-! IV- shut, cover (v. fore-
going) whence also *\4j^ = fn'3 ■ as closing and
covering the hand, cf. Lane).
t]rd n.[f.] (cf. Sta'310") c. T thumb, c. ^
great toe (Ar. *\£_\, & (vulg.) l^J, *L^) — '3
only est r. Ex 2 920-20 + 1 2 1. ; pi. cstr. niJ'ra Ju i M
(fr. sg. [jins] as alw. Cod. Sam. for MT fO*);—
thumb (DT) in* 'a, & great toe (tfyfl) &<1 '3
(always named together) Ex 29MLv 8ak!,'!<
T|nS. n.pr.m. (closing, covering l\ '3 |3K
B^TTJI J°8 1 56 1 8'", a mark of division be-
tween Judah & Benjamin.
p)"0 (NHpn3«AtW,Aram.pn3,j9o»3,Aph.
id.; hence KTPgfJB, )}» .ooq, an eruption, v. sq.)
j. .<
' pH2 n.m. a harmless eruption on the skin
(NH id., Aram. Ki?nia; Ar. J+5) Lv 1339.
"")l"Ti (NH Hiph. be brigld, shine; cf.
Aram. 1H3, io^ (not Pe.) & deriv.; Eth. OCW:
Ar. J4J surpass, esp. in brightness, «Ai'w«
Trnrni n.f. brightness, bright spot, of
eruption on skin (NH id., Aram. tXTJHS) — '3
abs. Lvi32+7t.; nvo Lvi4M; pi. abs.
flinna Lv 1338'39; — bright spot (sore, scar, etc.),
clean or unclean Lvi4S6; following a burn
(from fire) Lv 1 324-25-26-28; possible beginning
of leprosy Lv 1 3U"B; but possibly a (passing)
eruption UnSDO v"; or due to a boil ('ne* v" D;
— due to pna (q.v.) Lv 1%XM.
t-Vn3 adj. bright, brilliant, of light; only
jb 3721 Q^nfz mn '3 -an uo tb.
N12 2.w,9 vb- come in. eome, go in, go
(As. bd'u Hpt1"7499, Eth. M; Ar. & return)
— Qal Pf S3 Gn 613 + ; 3 is. ™3 Gn 15" + ;
Bf. «ri«3 yf, 44i»; 2 mg. nxa jog ,3i + ( nnxa
2 S37; 2 fs. n«3 Gn 168 Itu 212, TOM congee.
R1134 2S143 Mi410; 3pl.«^Gn7•-^;, ipl.«K3
Gn 327+ («? 1 S 25s), etc.; Impf. Ki3J Gn
329+, *% Gn4910-|-; 3 fs. VtOR Gn4iM + ; sf.
inxiari Jb 2221 (but text dub. v. KbLM4); 2 mB.
Ufa? Gn 15"+ ; 2 fs. 'Kian Ru 3,7 + ; 1 s. Mty
Gn 33" + ; cohort. HKaK Ju 15', nvfQH Gn
29214-, 'rirtwi 1 s 25s4 (Qr ntfam but text
prob. wrong, v. Ko1647 Dr, rd. 'KSPII); 3pl.m.
V/ST, Gn620+, also (by text err.) *<3 Je 27w
cf. K61646, PS3^95"; sf.'?^ f 119", ^j&l
v41; 3f.pl. Jfte* Qnso^, njttan iSic/+;
nrsari 1 S io7 ^ 4516, etc.; Imv. Ni3, S3 Gn
7' + , nxa* 1 s 20" 1 K 137, 'trta, "td 2 Si3"+;
mpl. 1S3 Gn 45l7 + ; 7n/«i3, K3 Gn^'+j sf.
*N3, ^Si3 Gn 485 + , 1?<i3 1 S 29" + , ™«> Gn
io,9+ , etc., DK3 Gn 34s + , JN3 Gn 3038 cf. Ez
42" (where Co for JN133 reads njn$> N13^>); Pt.
N3 Gn 33' + ; f. ?WB Gn 29" + , nsan Gn i8s,+
(accent wrong Ew,581bs-); pi. WQ Gn 18" + ;
cstr. "K3 Gn23,0+; f. abs. nto Gn4iM; (see
further on forms Kol64St); — 1. come in, sq. ?K
Gn6187913, sq. 3 Gn 198 & so (subj. nn) Ez
2s 3710, sq- ^ Est'64, sq. n- loc. Gn 12" 41'7 Nu
1424, sq. ace. (rV3) Ju 1818 2 K n19 cf. + loo4
010), & Tf "'??' ,N? Gn 231018; even of life-
less things 2 K 1821, iS?3 SOI (of broken reed)
= pierce; of food and drink (sq. "vK) Dn io3
cf. Gn 4 121 (fat kine when eaten by lean kine);
v. also (sq. 3) Nu s***; abs. Gn 716 24s1 1 K
I42 146 cf. 2 K ilB9=2 Ch 234-8 + ; more partic.
a. opp. N£, go out and come in (Sab. WC DK3n
tma Hal"52) Jos 61 2 K 1 1" = 2 Ch 237; esp.
in sense of going about one's affairs (including
all one's undertakings) Dt 28«19 Zc 810 f 1218;
id. + 3E* 2 K 1927; also Bq. Dyn 'p.Bp etc. = act
as ruler (judge) of, Nu 27'" 2 Ch i10 cf. 1 K 37;
of leading an army 1 S 1813" cf. also Jos 14";
v. further Dt3i2 1S29' & sub c. infr. b.
of taking part in worship of congregation Dt
2323'3'4'4+(sq. 3); or entering into tabernacle
for priestly service Ex 2S29'56 Lv 162* (all sq.
"bx), Ex 2830 (sq. mrf "Itb), Lv i 617 (sq. inf.) + .
O. of entering on official duty 2 K n9=2 Ch
23s 1 CI1271 (all opp. NX*), d. of bride coming
into her husband's house Jos i518=Ju iM. 6.
of entering -i woman's tent or apartment (with
implication coire cum femina, cf. Ar. i\j, NH
nN'3 coilio ; on origin of this use of word cf. RS
K9o.w7.Bi) Ju Igi rmnn 'nptrbx, 161 Gn 64 i6!
303 388-9 39" Dt 2 213 2' S 1 2M 1 6" 20s Ez 2344"4-44
Pr 6M (all sq.-btt); sq.'by Gn 1 931 Dt 25s nty tfcT
nm*? ib r»j$*; cf. IVX3 Pr 219;— subj. rarely
woman Gn 1934 2 S 1 14. f. of associating with
(sq. 3) Jos 237,s cf. Gn 496 "tfM X3n bx Dlfaa
("inrrpx || DpnpS). g. of entering into specific
relations, ft^Q '3, nn33 '3 (v. nbx, m3); *&
D'EHS come into blood-guiltiness, became guilty
of murder 1 S 25s6. b. of burial, -Qirbx '3 I K
1 3s2 14" cf. TC^'b? Ni|3J? Gn »5" (il W)-
i. of sun, set (go in, enter, cf. As. erib ianSi
COT Gn 1923; opp. KV go forth, rise) Gn 151217
28" Ex I 71222K Lv 227 Dti66 231224131S Jos 8a
io1327 Ju 19" Ec i5 2 S 2M 3M 1 K 22s6 18s4; so
also fig. Je 15* of calamity DOV nij?3 FIBTptf ilKS
(|| nyn^ri ;nb; nbbox etc.), cf. Is'6020; Mi 3°
D'tO^rrpy t?Ctpn '3} of ignorance and confusion.
j. of harvest, come rn=be gathered Lv 25s2 (cf.
nsl3n); so of revenue {income) I K io14= 2 Ch
913 (sq. ? pers.), — opp. NX^ be expended, k. in
other phrases: liiT33 "r^H ^ 2 K 2410 + ari,i
</<« city came into siege; cf. ^ 10518 '"1X3 ?P3
it?B3 /us soul came into iron (v. AV RVm; Che
felt iron chains, cf. Ew 01 Hup Pe; % Hi De
al. iron came upon his soul); D'OJ? N3 come into
(tfie) days,= advanced in age Gn 241 Jos 131 231
(all || ?pT); on 1 S i71! v. Dr. 2. come (ap-
proach, arrive) opp. 'HpH Gn 168 1 S 20" (cf.
v22) Ne 617 Ec 51415 (of birth opp. death); sq. "btf
pers. vel rei Gn 147 37s3; sq. "by Ex 1 8s3 2 Ch
2024 (come up upon, almost = ascend); cf. also
Lv 2111 Nu 66; sq. b 1 S 912 2 Ch 2917; sq. n? Nu
1312 Ju 1514 2 S 16'; cf. -Qpny tW3 W3 2 K
I93 = ls 37s children have come to the birth; sq.
ny+bx 2 K920 Dn\bx ny X3; Sq. n_ ioc. Ju
1 116 2 K 64; sq. ace. 1 S 412 2 K 87 Je 32s4; cf.
also La I4 "iyiO 'X3 those coming to an appointed
feast; abs. Gn 4516 Joseph's brethren are come,
& oft.; also of lifeless things, ark of '< 184°;
wind Jbi19; so 'bx K3 D3BD3 Gn 43s3 your
money came unto me = I received your money;
our inlieritance has fallen to us Nu 3219 (c.
~?S); so 1S9" its cry is come unto me, cf. Gn
1821 Ex 3* La i22; of time, oft. of imminent
98 MTQ
future, esp. in phr. D'XS D'O; r\ijr\ Is 39"= 2 K
2017 Je 7s2 924 16" 196; cf. also 1 S 26'° Ez 77+ ;
of day of '* Jo 21 3* Zc 141 Mai 321923; also ptcp.
as adj. D^XSn D*D>n Ec 216 cf. Je 474; as subst.
flton Is 4 122 things to come, future things; &
D'XSH alone = adv. in (days) to come Is 27s;
partic. a. come with, i.e. come, bringing, sq.
3: ni^isn tyrg tfax ,j, 6613; '*• i:nx ni-nas Ni3s
^7i16 (innpT1:? ^?]«) so Lvi63 & perh. Pr
1 8s — cf. 3 III. 1. b. b. come upon, fall or
light upon, of enemy, attack, sq. "?y Gn 34^
1 S 1 112 cf. Gn 32s (sq. "OX); sq. sf. Jb 1521, so
also 2022 Ez 32"; of calamity, etc. Pr io24 28s2
t/r 4418 (all c. sf.); sq. b Jb 3a (|| nnx c. sf.) Is
479 (|| by X13); of blessing, sq. "by Jos 2315; sq.
sf. Jb 2221 (cf. Di) y\r 1194177. c. come to pass,
of signs, wonders, predictions, etc. Dt 1 33 Jos
2314 1S96 (X3} X3) Is 429 Je 28" Pn312 Jb
68 + . d. Gn 613 ^J" N3 iB'fbs }>i?. perh. has
presented itself before me (v. Kb), cf. La 1" supr.
& 2 Ch 711 (where N13 for usual nby); but perh.
(cf. Di) has come to pass before me, i.e. in my
mind it is already a fact, e.t in phr. njy ^Xi3~ny
Ju 64 cf. 1 183 1 S 1 762 2 S 525 1 K 1 846 (nM^TIJ)
until thou comest fo = as far as; so also *|X13
(i13S'3) alone, = as far as, or in the direction
of, Gn io191930 1310 2518 1 S 27s (all sq. n_ loc.)
1 S 157; so n»n Nib Nu 1321 348 Ez 481, cf. Ez
4 7 15 (in a different connexion nmSN Xi3;> Gn3516
48?); 'n Xbb iy Jos 135 Ju 33 i Ch 136, cf. 59
2 Ch 26s Ez 4720; 'n Xi3?0 Am 6" 1 K 8"
2 K 1425 2 Ch 78; of Isaac •tjft "D.b "1N3 N"l30 N3
Gn 2^62 (but text dub.) f. attain to r\vbfr\ nyi
N3 tO 2 S 2319=i Ch 1121. g. be enume-
rated nit3B'3 D'SSHj Ht. those coming with
names 1 Ch 4s8. 3. go, i.e. walk, associate
with (Dy) ^264, so c. m PF2284 (cf. nx ibn
1 320 & m ibnnn Gn s22-24 69). 4. go (cf. -fin)
from speaker, but with limit of motion given
Is 2215 "bx X3-^, so Ez3411; Gn4517 waiabi
)yi2 nsnx'; i s 22s nnin^ fix ^b-ntai r\b; is 47s
Jon i3 ^B^n ntt3 nj3S a ship going to Tarshish;
go to war nonbsb 1X3^ Nu 32". Hiph.
Pf X'3n Gn44'+; sf. W3i] Dt 94 + , etc.;
2 ms. nx»an is 43s3, nxan Gn209 + , etc.; sf.
^rw3n 2 s 718 iChi716, yri^an Nu 16", vnsn
^66";' 1 s. 'nxan Gnsi39-!-, ^ixsni Je 25"
Kt (Qr ^nxsni); 8f. Tnixnni Ez 3816 + , n'nxan
Is 37M, etc.; 3 pi. W3n Gn 43s + ; sf. WW>3ri
2 Ch2827etc; 2 mpl. QnX3n Nu2o4+ ; Dnfc^Ip
1 S 1 617; 1 pi. sf. Dpxnn Nu 32 17 ; Impf. X'3J (X3J)
Lv 432 + , X3>t1 Gn 219 + ; sf. W?} Ez 4o17, etc.;
N13 99
2 ms. K'IPl Jb 143; sf. ins'3Ti Je 13', Dtoarn Ne
923,iDX3n Ex 1 517, K^N Ex 1 11 + {*?« 1 K 2 i29 Mi
I16), etc.; Imv. N3? Gn 4316 Ex 46, Ann 1 S 2040,
nN"3n Gn 2 77 + ; fs. H*nn 2 S 1 310 + , etc. ; /«/.
a&s. tan Hg 1 6 ; cs<r. Knri Gn 1 8 " + ; Pt. Nno Ex
ioH + ,no 1 K2i2l + 3^,1^30 Dt87; pi. D'NnD
(D'iOD ) 1 K 1 o'-5 + ; cstr. 'K3D Je 1 7M, iVKntp Dn
II* ; — 1 . cause to come in, bring in (conduct, lead,
obj. persons and animals), sq. vR Gn 619 Ct 24 34 ;
sq. 3 Lv 2641 yff 66"; sq. b Ju 1921 I S 9"; sq.
MsVEst i1117; sq. n_ loc.Gn 24w467; sq. H__
+ -^ Gn 1910; sq. ace. (Tin) Ct I4 2 K 92; also
bring, carry in (lifeless things), sq. ~?K Nu 31s4
Mai 310; sq. 3 Je 1721; send, of sending (shoot-
ing) arrows (fig.) La 313, cf. Lv 2636; of sending
breath (nil) into dry bones Ez 37s (Co by);
sq. b Nei312; sq. n_ be. Ex 26s3 2 K 2020
nyyn ron-riK k:m; Sq. ace. (Tin) 2S1310;
also 2Ch I51S (TV'S); abs. 2 S 617; partic. a. opp.
X'Sin (bring out) Dt 928 (sq. "??); esp. in com-
bination with N'lrtn Zga(£ om< aiii in (to and
from battle) Nu 2717 1 Ch u2. b. bring in
women as wives for sons (sq. J'Wl ftp) Ju 129
(opp. nsinn n?^. <j. bring into judgment
•lay os^oa s-an »nk| jbi43 cf. Ec n9 1214.
d. cause sun to go down Am 89 (symbol of judg-
ment), e. of harvest, bring in, gather 2 S 910
Hg i6 (opp. JHT) cf. Ne 1315. f. put staves
into (3) rings Ex 25" 37s 387 cf. 26" Lv 1442;
hand into (3) bosom Ex466; girdle into (3)
water Je 131. g. other phrases, D"^,?f W?n
OiT-P^ n"13J)3 jfe g5 jmt t^r n^ckg i0 (fa wor]ct
etc.; fisr. 5>S*3 DSntOm« W3T1 Je2712; IW31
> O : ^ ( J t • t
^37 "lMB? Pr 2312 apply to instruction thy heart;
iTODn 33? K3J1 ^ 9012 </ia< we may gain a heart
of wisdom. 2. cause to come, bring, bring
near, etc. (animate obj.), sq. vX Gn 21922 43"
Lv 2411 Nu 515; oft. of bringing Isr. to Canaan
Ex 68 2323 + , cf. Is 142 567 Ne i9; abs. Dt438 623;
sq. b Gn 391417; sq. n_ loc. Ez 1213; sq. D?i]
Ju 183, & DPrplJ (fig. of Yahweh's prospering
care) 2 S 718=iChi716; abs. GU4632; also with
lifeless obj., Gn 2 710(sq. ?), so 2CI1367; Gnsi39
(sq. "PS); sq. ace. 2 K125 2 Ch 3618 Dm";
sq. n_ loc. Ex 2633 Je 205; sq. »?Bb 2 Ch 2414;
of ravens bringing food 1 K 176 (sq. f); of
bringing presents Gn 43s6 1 S 9'iC)27 (all sq. p);
cf. 1 S 1718; esp. offerings, sq. b Gn 43 Nu 1525
Ne io3"7 (n,?p), etc.; Lv 22 sq. "?§ of priest;
abs. Gn 44 LV432 23"16 Mai i1313 2'Ch 315; cf.
alsO EX 352>«. fa I, ^ g0 3^ + . Qf
time, cause a day <o come La I21; cause cry to
come ("Py)Jl>3428; =carry fVha 7|>J3 n.Tl Ig 49»
(II ^ inf^f); carry £oa* m'(3) </,e Aa„,/ .11,
1 26(cf. n?N p. 43); alloy) to come, almost = invite
Est 5,! (sq. -b«) cf. v'°; partic. a. sq. 'by bring
against, or upon, bring enemies against Je 25*
cf. Ez 23s2; obj. sword Lv 26s6 Ez 517 1 1* 1417
33s; plague Ex n1; curse or calamity Gn 2712
Dt 29M 1 K 99= 2 Ch 7s2 Jb 42" cf. Je 25" 3631
442498-37 EZ1422; sinGn20926'° Ex3221; cf.
~b* J
e 32" 49M. b. bring to pass 2 K
ic,25 = Is 37M cf. 1 Ch 4'° V 78s. C. bring,
bring forward, bring on the scene Mi 1" Zc 3".
d. bring for a purpose, sq. inf. -^r 7871 inKD
iaj? a'pp nir6 tann ni?y. e. onV^, j»rocur«
XXg$ Jttjj «B»S?3 La 5'. ' Hoph. Pf. K3W
Lv io18 + ; 3 k'nxan Gn 33" (v. infr.); 2 ms.
nnsan Ez 404; 3 pL «cpn Gn 4318; /rop/. N3V
Lve^-r, WtjP J6 2 722; >«.K3W 2X12'° + ; pi.
D-N31» Gn 4318 Ez 30" + 23*" (Co EH310),
nixrHD ^4515; — a. be brought in (of pers. and
things), abs. Gn 4318; sq. IT3 into a house Gn
4318, temple 2 K i26""4-17 224 2 Ch 34914. b.
be brought, sq. b Gn 33" (but © rd. Hiph. /
have brought), V,4515; sq. "?K unto Lv625io18
i32-9 142; cf. Ez 2342 (but v. Co VB); sq. Hjn
Ez 404; sq. n^33 Je 27s2; sq. inf. Lv 1627 Ez
3011; sq. fl? Je io9. c. be introduced, put, sq. 3,
staves into ringsEx277;vesselinto water Lv 1 132.
tpiSli n.f. entrance, entry, nX33 Ez85,
i.e. of temple (but del. B Co).
T NilD a.m. JeS8'14 entrance, a coming
in, entering; — '» abs. Je 38'"+ 3 1. + Ez 42"
Kt (Qr WW wrong, cf. Co); cstr. N130 Dt
n30 + 12 t.; sf. W30 ^ 10419 + 2 t.; IttB
f 501; 1N13D 2 S 3M Kt (Qr 1«3i» inexplicable
cf. Dr); pi. cstr. fjtaO Ez 2610, flW30 Ez 27s;
— 1. entrance, i.e. place or way of entrance,
into a city Ju i2426 I Ch.439 Pr83 (D'HTIB '»);
into buildings 2 K ii16 1618 I Ch 9" fTOW
Ni3Ein); 2 Ch 231316 Je 38" Ez 42' 4619; v. also
DJ DXtap entrance of (the) sea, gale of the sea,
of situation of Tyre Ez 27s. 2. entering, act
of entrance, by violence, in storm of city Ez
2610; coming in or together, making a crowd,
DV N13D3 Ez 3331 sira. of eagerness to hear
Yahweh's word; in phrase lN130~nNl ^XXtoTlS
2 S 3s5 thy going out and thy coming in ; mode
of entering temple, or the people who enter
Ez 445; particularly of sunset t^O^!1 K"30 \j,
i04,9;=west Dt n30; Jos i4 234 Ni3D ?H3nD>ri
n 2
Cto^n = Mediterranean, Zc 87 Btotfn Ki3B p.X
(|| nrijp jnK), Mai i11 V' 501 113* stm*«<=wes<,
opp. sunrise = east; in phr. from E. to IF., i.e.
over the whole earth, everywhere on earth.
I [Nai^ J n.[m.] in-coming, entrance,
^tOlD Qr 2 S325, cf. Kt sub MOD; VK3tol Ez 43"
and its entrances ( || I'NSiCI), del. B Co. In both,
ungramm. form for assonance with NV1D.
t PlN'On n.f . proventus, product, revenue
— 'PI abs. it 1 0737 + 3 1. ; cstr. J1N13PI Lv 2 3s9 +
ut.; sf. 'ntran Jb3i12 Pr819; 'inwari Dt
i4ffl+ 2 t.; in^iw Pr 39; iriX13Pl Lv io^ + Ez
4818 Qr (Kt*wwvan), nhwori je23; anwapi
Ex2310+7t. + Ez4818 Kt (so Co); «nW3n
LV2520; pi. PIN13H Lv25,5+4t.; niK13Ti Pr
144 168; Q?,rIK13P) Je 1213; — 1. product, yield,
usually of earth (= crops, etc.) H?? 'n Ex 2310
Lv 1925 23s9 25s1-7 (used as food for man &
beast, cf. v22) Jos 5>2, cf. Ne o37 Lv 251516, also
Ez 4818; in Gn 47s4 'PI? must=o/ the crops
'(3 partitive, cf. 3 1. 2. b; ® del. 3); IT^ 'PI 2 K
8« 2 Ch 31s; DTG 'PI Dt 229 cf. f 10737; 'PI 0$
noiKn Is 3023; Hi 'Pi & 3g 'PI Nu 18"0; JfM 'Pi
t t ~: T ** » ■ T TAT * •
Dt 1 4s2; 15^ 'PI 2 Ch 3228; as property of hus-
bandmen, or people Lv 2520 Dt 1428 1615 2 6'2
Pr39; crops as determined by season, SPOt? 'PI
Dt3314 (|| 0"rr\) BHS); yield of a year POP Lv
251222; cf. v21 'PI H^V, subj. n3E>. 2. a. income,
revenue, in general Jb 3112 (almost = posses-
sions) Pr 10" 144 156 168 Ec 59 cf. Is 23s (le-
venue of Tyre from trade with Egypt in bread
stuffs), b. fig. gain of wisdom PIMPI 'n Pr 3"
8"; product of lips (Hn# 'PI) Pr 1820, i.e.
results of his speech (|| Bi,N",B *T$); of Isr. as
Yahweh's product Je 23; of Israel's wicked-
ness Je 1213.
fl. [T13] vb. despise (NH id.) — Qal
P/. 3 ms. 13 Zc 410 (cf. Ko L439); 3 pi. V3 Pr i7;
/w;;/ ?»; Pr239; 3 fs. 13T11 Pr3017; 2 ms.
T13PI (juss.) Pr2322; pi. W» Pr630 Ct87; «$
Ct 81; Inf. abs. 1i3 Ct 87; Ft. Pr 1 1"+ 2 t.;—
despise, shew despite toward (WisdLt & poet.)
c. ace. Pr i7 ; c. Inf. + b Pr 3017 ; elsewh. sq. 7 +
r.oun, Pr 6s0 11" i3'3 14s1 23s22 Ct 8l" Zc 410.
tn. PI2 n.m. PrI8!l contempt — '3 abs. Gn
38™+ gt.; cstr. Jb 3 134;— (WisdLt & poet.,
exc. Gn 380 J). 1. contempt springing
from pride and wickedness Jl^i34 ^I233'4
(II ie^)> joined in one adverb, phr. with D1NJ
^31" '31 '33; springing from prosperity and
ease Jb 126; = object of contempt Gn 38° Pr
12"; linErin^iio^PriS3. 2. judicial, poured
out ("]£&) by God, in judgment Jbi221 = \^
trma n.f. contempt Ne 3M '3 «S*n toe
have become (an object of) contempt.
till. t^llS n.pr.ni. (cf. As. n.pr.loc. Bdzu
m ra 307 , zk is*. 93 f.) -,_ _ 2nd son of Nahor) Abra-
ham's brother Gn 2221 J; = tribe named with
HI & X?** Je 25* 2. a Gadite 1 Ch 514.
ti. TO3 adj.gent. (=»IJJ2 fr. t?3 ace. to
J. DerenbourgEiju) of Elihu's father Jb 32".
+11. ""I^Q n.pr.ni. father of Ezekiel Ez Is.
T^S, n.pr.m. a Jew of Nehem.'s time Ne
318 = '133 v24 which prob. rd. also v18 (® Bt8«,
B«««, M*p)\ cf. further SmLI'"!n12.
t '•T'Q v^- perplex, confuse (? Ar. i»)U> stir
up (water of spring) then be disturbed, con-
fused; cf. As. bdku, lead captive, orig. lead
astray 1 COTEzm2)— only Nipt. Pf 3 fs.n3i33
Est 315 ; 3 mpl. to£j Jo 1 18; Pt. pi. &$£ Ex 1 43 ; —
be confused, in confusion (of a city) Est 315; =
wander aimlessly (of Isr.) Ex 1 43; so of cattle
Jo i'8 (Merx prop. 133, after @ HicKavo-av, but
rQ3 not elsewhere of cattle).
triDiap n.f. confusion, confounding, Is
22s PI31301 i"!D13D1 flDinD tff a day of consterna-
tion and down-treading and confusion; Mi 74
Dri313D IWUJI rwy now shall be their confusion.
ti. VIS n.[m.] Bui, 8th month = Marches-
wan, As. Arah samna, iK6K Kin ?13 PITJ3
•<yipfn tfnhn;"(Canaanitish; Ph. b rrv; a
Palm, god is *?in (in n.pr. ^miy, Vog93 b)2"W
etc.) & ^13m, (Vog93, moon-god), which DHM
B,r.wiOT.Ak.cviH.977 connectg witn Heb. i>13; Bae
™«"- (q.v.) thinks=i>$)3, cf. ThespM0).
II. 712 n.m. product, produce, v. 713\
n:ia n.pr.m. v. ps.
"'Ilia n.pr.m. v. H33.
T [DI2] vb. tread down, trample — Qal
Impf. D13J ^6o14=io814; 3/s. D13FI Pr 2 77,
D13K Is 63"; sf. 3 s. 13D13S Is 1426; 1 pi. D133 ^
44"; — tread down, trample (of warriors), no
obj. expr. Zc io6; id., fig. c. ace. (subj. \ as
warrior) ISI425 cf. ^6o14=io814 Is 63"; (subj.
men, with God's help) ^ 44s; fig. = reject,
loathe Pr 277. Pol. Pf 1DD13 is 6318; 1DD3 Je
1210 — tread down, in bad sense, subj. enemies
of '\ obj. ace. Je 1210 (in metaph.) ;=i desecrate
(obj. vhpo) Is 6318. Hithpol. Pt. f riDD'ana
Ez 1 66-" — of the blind movements of infant's
limbs, kick out (this way and that), fig. of Jeru-
salem. Hoph. Ft. OZMi Is 1419 — pass, trodden
down Is 14", of corpse, sim. of king of Babylon.
TD^""P n.pr.loc. Jebus. name of Jerusalem
ace. to Jui910 Btyr* ten WSJ, cf. also v";
1 Ch 114 D13) IWJ D^OTi;, cf. v5.
t*,D»Q,i,> "'Ca*' 1. adj. gent. Jebusite.Je-
busites, sg. 'pajri riTWH 2 S 241618 cf. 1 Ch 21
i5.i8.28 2Chf; as subst. aJebusite Zoo/; usually
c. art. ''l1 coll. the Jebusites, in hist, statement
Gn 1016 (J)= 1 Ch i14 Nu 1329 (E) Jos 91 n3
I282411 (all D) JU35 Nep8, all in list of
Canaanitish peoples; so also 1 K 920=2 Ch87,
where remnant of these peoples referred to;
also Ezr 91, which seems to shew that this list
had become a standing expression for early
inhabitants; cf. further in promises (JED) Gn
l5» Ex 38" if 2f 332 34» Dt 7' 2017 Jos 310;
specif, defined as inhabitants of Jebus-Jerusa-
lem Jos 156363 (J) Ju i»-» 2 S 568 (on which cf.
Dr) 1 Ch 114 (called also HW ^ 2 S 56 &
y-\»r\ »a^ 1 Ch 114); v. also nwn "p>yr\ -ty ju
19"; whence 2. Jerusalem, Hex only P, Jos
i58 p^tfiT ten 333D 'Di3'n Wjrbx t*TT3 % cf.
l8i6. "l828 ntyftv mm vpamy- or. jyja.
T nD*1""l*0 n.f. down-treading, subjugation,
np!3Dl Iglg '13 Is 1&1 a nation of might and
of down-treading (Che all-subduing); ntpliTO DV
naUDI 'IK Is 2 25, cf. OT sub -JO.
T [r*D*Q]l] n.f. down-treading ss ruin,
downfall, cstr. VWtK flpirtfl 2 Ch 2 27 tfo cfoam-
fall of Ahaziah.
J/-Q (assumed as V of foil., cf. LagBN1°;
but V perh. JJJ?3 ; ace. to Sta * a7 a quadrilit.
Ar. Aj, efferbuit et commotus fuit (sanguis),
A_Ju puteus cvjus aqua haurienti propinquaf.
tj-|J03nSl n.f. pi. blisters, boils (X
I*yi3jnxj rf. a J>?y?, NH nyia jraja, Syr.
)^oL^)Ex99'n'y3V3« rna pnt^cf.v10.
P*Q so Thes, better V*Q (cf. Ar. Jiti
surpass in whiteness; ^»IIj white?iessf.
t [nra] n.f. isio'h egg (xh «&, Ar. ixj,
Aram. KHJT?, )*£•»-»)— only PL DTI Dt 2 266
Is 10"; cstr. T8 Is595; sf. "Tl Jb 39", DI?T3
Is 59s; — eggs Is io14 (of small bird TBJt) Dt
2 266, cf. Is io14 (in simil.); (of ostrich B»JT») Jb
39"; (of great viper <J1$?SX) Is 59" (metaph.)
tyQ, ya n.[m.] byssus (late), (Ph. p3,
1Q1 tfQ
Aram. }'13 ,,<£>; -/dub.; Birch, Wilkinson
«nuH.n.»t fr_ Egypt hboSi chthe; y gny
Herodot"-"; Thes fr. V pa, but Noz"oml,•,,,10;
Armen., ace. to Lag ■•-•«-«•"•) a fine white
Egyptian linen, and cloth made of it, "tfriEB'p
ftn rnajnva. 1 Ch 421 families of the house' of
byssus-working; cf. 2Ch2"; p3 i>*yD3 ^3130 1 Ch
1 527 clotlied in a robe of byssus (but id. rather as
|| 2 S 614 TiT^a n|-13D was dancing with all his
might); cf. '3 -pari Est 815; ps D'B^D 2 Ch 5";
P3 V<pB Est i«; 2 Ch314 material of naiB;
article of trade Ez 2 7 " (del. © Co). Cf . also B»B>.
pn (-PP3).
tnj5*0 n.f. emptiness, Na 2" nj513D* npi3
"1"}? 39' emptiness and void and waste.
Tnp^QO n.f. ?'(/., Na 211 v. supr.
I. ""IIS, cistern, v. sub "1X3.
II. "VQ, cleanness, v. "13 sub 1*13.
tTQ vb- Q*1 W- cstr- ""^ Ec 91 (c- acc-);
prob. (si vera 1.) make clear, clear up, explain
(VB ; so sts., in NH, ma q.v.) but rd. perh.
ntf*) "•ab*} ® e Bi; or imb Gr, cf. i" 23 7s6.
t#"Q 109 vb- be ashamed (Sab. D13; DN3.TD
=evil-doer DHII™01883-9", ||Aram. nna, Syr.
Lo»a ; Ar. cX> , i£jf mean disperse) — Qal Pf
Je4839; B'3Je4813; HBns Jei5»; *riE'3 Je3i" +
2 5 1. ; Impf. B^ Is 2 920 + 5 7 t. ; /m/. abs. t^3 Je
615 812; Imv. *#B Is 234 Ez i6i2,^3 EZ3632; P«.
pi. D'Bns EZ3230;— 1. abs./eeZ shame Je 615 +
i6t:, Is i992343727 Is24516+ 14 t., Ez 1663
chiefly in late Psalms). 2. sq. IP, be ashamed
of, i.e. disconcerted, disap])ointed by reason of
Je236-36i2134813Isi29205Ez32303632. 3. with
obj. b/Mf'? "rip / am ashamed to ask Ez 8X; tb
♦p ^13"iri 1S?3TI ye ar« not ashamed to deal hardly
with me (impf. sub'.) Jb 1 93. CT13 often || Eibsi &
"iBn ; 1033*11 IK'S <^ey are ashamed and confounded
Je 143, 82" Is2 4111 451617 Ez i66! 36s2 ^ 354 697
EZ96; Q'BDpn ^IDni D'lhn IBOl a«rf <A« *eer*
«/taZi be ashamed and the diviners confounded
Mi 37, cf. Je 159 Jb 620 ^ 35116 40" 70s 7iJ4; "W
iiipp Ho 13" (id. bo" j« <%); en3"iy t Ju 3s
2 K2i; 8". Polel P/ ^ delay (in shame),
n*np "12*0 W3 Moses delayed to descend Ex 32'
(J); Si3^i "1331 tlpa yVTO why delay his chariots
to come) Ju 5s3. Hiph. 1. ifi?* f 448J
nn^3n f 53"; /mp/. 2 ms. sf. *#*?? f 1 i93U16;
lB*'3ri ^i46; pw< to «^ame, P<. B**3pPr 10s 1434
19* 29ls; one causing thatne or acting shame-
full;/, || ^#5 ; t^at? f?3 ^»: ^affD Taj1 a ser-
vant acting wisely will rule over a son causing
shame Pr 17s; '"18*30 || b)n D^K Pr 124. 2.
B*3in 2S196 Je^V Joi1'012; t^3'n Jeio14
+ 7 t., Ho 27 Jo i1217 Is 305 (but tHOto Kt);
WOh Je8912; /rot,, ifrjh Jo I11 (all the forms
in Joel derived v/B'3J by ancient versions and
some moderns, vid. Ew s 122 " Ges > w 6). a. put to
shame 2 S 196. b. act shamefully Ho 2'. C.
to be put to shame Je 2M 615 46-4 48,uo 50"
Jo 1 ■« (?). d. 6e asAawd Je 89-'2 Jo 1 1US (?)
Is 30' (Qr); c. ?» Je io14=5i17. Hithp. Impf.
WtPaJV ashamed before one another Gn 225 (J).
tnttTia n.f. shame ^8946 Mi 7'° Ob v10
Ez 7,8.T
tniO n.f. shame (?f3 Ew,16)f) Ho io6.
tjim n.f. shame Jb 823 + 20 t,; sf. »«f^
^69a,+ 7t. 1. sAame 1 S 2c,30-30 f 40" 6920
704 Is 30" 6 17 Je 226 3s5 2018 Hb 210 Zp 3519;
ntfa Wlb clothe with shame Jb 8ffl V' 35:6 1 32ls;
|| HBO HUVV' io9m; D^T(n) T^3 shame (or con-
fusion) of face 2 Ch3221 Ezr97 Dn 9", cf. ^4416
Je 7"; TD^JJ n?'3 s/ia»ie 0/ % 2/ou</t Is 54";
DBOTP-iy nakedness (that is) shame Mi I11 cf.
V' 456; lox ™-l? nP * S 2o3°- 2- shameful
thing, substituted for 75?? (q.v.) by later editors,
H0910 Je3M; npab nina]p je n13, cf. flftov
2Sii21 = ^3T Ju632; nj&T^il 2 S28=^5?3E>N
1 Ch S33.
t[©1lO] n.[m.] pi. sf. VBQD, his privates,
that excite shame, pudenda, Dt 2511.
T2 v. sub T13.
f [NTH] vb. divide, cutthrough(? cf. Aram.
»13, <*L» T cleave)— Qal P/ B"TB WJK Is 18"
whose land rivers cut through (of Cush).
TnT2 vb. despise (Pal. 3! NTS, cf. Hj raise
<Ae head loftily and disdainfully) — Qal Pf. Nu
,5"+; n»]a 2 S 129; sf. ^rira 2 s 1210, etc.;
Impf. 13»1 Gn 25s4 Est36; sf. VTKM i 8 1 742; 3 fs.
13Fn 2S6" 1 Ch 1529; 2 ms. nnn>5i,97320; WSJl
Ne 219; VIMS 1 S io27; Inf.' cstr. nfa IS497 (Di
Ew4180"); P«. ac«. nfo pr 15» I9i«; vrna pr 14*;
D'tfa 2 Ch 3616; 'Jto Mai i6; sf. M'a 1 S 2s0; joass.
^13 Je 491S + ; f. n^'3 Ec 9,B; — despise, regard
with contempt, sq. ace. rei, birthright Gn 25s4
(J); words of' Nui531(P; notelsewh. in Hex);
2 S 12" cf. 2 Ch 3616; name of '" Mai iM(cf.
infr.); oath {ffyf) Ez 1659 i^"-"-"; holy things
Ez 228; one's own ways Pr i9lfi(i.e. is careless
of them, lives recklessly, opp. WSJ "lets', cf.
Ssy\ "isi 16'7); distress of the distressed yfr 22s5
(II Y®?, subj/'); prayer, subj. id. i^i0218; broken
& contrite heart ^ 5119 (c. ^?), cf. on other hand
7320; sq. ace. pers. Saul 1 S io27, David i742cf.
Pr is20, '< 1 S 230 2 S 1210 Pr 142, his prisoners
^ 69s4 (subj. '1); sq. j>, W^ b t3Bl 2 S 616=
i Ch 1529, 2 K i921=is 3722;" sq. *>$?' pers. Ne219;
sq. Inf. T nVJ) VJ71 |1«1 Est 36; note esp. HT3
CS3 Is ^^' a despising of soul, i.e. owe despised
fromtlxe soul, thoroughly despised; on otherviews
v. Che Di. Pt. pass, despised, of pers. cstr.
DV 'IIS despised of people (|| D"1K n3"in) ^, 22",
cf. DTR3 *«a Je4915also Obv2; of wisdom Ec916.
Niph. Pi!, njaj f 1 54 + ; f. nj33 1 S 1 59 (so rd. for
nnOJ cf. Webr); pi. DV33 Mai 2*;— 1. despised
V'lo4 119141 Is 5333 Je 22M. 2. wTe, worthless
1 S 159. 3. despicable, contemptible Mai I7
said of table of \ cf. v12 29; Dn 1 121 as subst.
of Antiochus Epiph. Hipb. Inf. fn^ys nttW^»
Est 1 17 so as to cause to despise their lords (cause
their lords to be despised).
t|V-n n.[m.] contempt Est i18(*|X$. '3).
ntS v. sub TT3.
T *
T 113 vb. spoil, plunder (Ar. y> , Aram. jj» ;
— Qal Pf. 3 ms. ID* (consec.) Ez 2919; 3 pi. W3
Nu3i63+7t.; 1TT3 Nu 3 19; sf. WHtM consec.
Je 206; i pi. «H3 Dt 235; VfUS 37; Impf. 2 ms.
fan Dt2o'4, pi. M^ Is io2+ 2 t.; *»5 Gn 3427 +
4t.; sf. tW3; ZP29; 2 mpl. IfaPl Jos 82; 1 pi.
cohort, nj'33 x S 14s6 (cf. Ges'67811); Imv. V&
Na21010; Inf. cstr. 13 Isio6+3t.; 113 Est 313
8"; Pi.aci.pl. D'Uia Is 42s4 2CI12025; sf.^Lfa
Je 3016, IJMTS Is 17", DHMTS Ez 3910; pass.
H13 Is 4 2s2; — «pot7=take as spoil, c. ace. rei Nu
3 19 Dt 2s5 (c. i» & refl. suff.) Je 205 Ez 2612 Na
210 yjf 10911; oftener c. ace. cogn., 13 Nu 31s2 Is
io6 (|| tyf tyv, as oft.) 33* Ez 2919 381213; HJ3
2 Ch 2513; tyv Dt 37 2o'4(both sq. b c. refl. suft-.)
2 Ch 20s525 28s Est 313 8"; nom & 5^B» Jos
g2.w j j u (au gq jj c_ refl guff^. 0i,j perg carrie(i
off (cf. 13) Gn 34M (MT, but cf. 01); plunder,
despoil, c. ace. pers. robbed Is 1 o2 1 1 14 1 7 " (nDB*)
4222(|| ?"d.)Zp29 Je3010 EZ3910-10; c. DH3 (pers.)
1 S 1436; c. ace. of place plundered Gn 34s7
2 K 716 2 Ch 1 413; abs. Nu 3 153 1»4»». fNi'pb.
P/.M331 consec. Am 3" ; Impf. 2 ms. 1^30 Is 24s;
Inf. abs. Ti3H Is 24s — be spoiled, plundered,
subj. nuDiN Am 3"; )nxn Is 24s; fan ?ian
( || pian pian). + pu. />/ vni Consec. Je 5037—
be taken as spoil, subj. msiK.
Tta n.[m.] spoiling, robbery; spoil, booty
— '3 abs. Nu I4S + ; so also Ez 25' Qr (Kt J3
meaningless); T3 Je 214 + ; but 13H Nu 31s3 v. d.
H; sf. W3 Ex 29"; — 1. spoiling, robbery, '3b
i.e. to be plundered, despoiled Ez 721 (of temple
|| bbt?) 2346. 2. s^ot'Z, iooty, plunder Is io«
3350 Ez 2919 381213(all ace. cogn. || bbe*); cf. Nu
3132 Je 1513 173; in phr. q} r«l Je 49^ (of
camels) Ez 364 cf. v5; also of human beings Nu
1433' Dt i39 Je a" (all '3b rm) + i K 21"
(|| nDB*D) Is 42s2 (|| «*.) Je 214, cf. 3o'6 (|| HD^D);
also Ez 257 Qr, 26s ('ab Itn ; both in personif.);
fig. of Isr. as sheep Ez 34s-22 (both 'ab fWl) v28
T3 »w (no b). On Is 81-3 T3 e>n bbe> ino v. inc.
t Prt3 n.f. spoil,booty(late)— HJ3 2Chi 413 +
9t.; — spoil,prey, of things 2CI12814 Est9101516,
cf. 2Ch i413 2513 Dn 1 iM(||bbe>&B>l3-i); n. verb.,
spoiling, '33 Ezr g7 Dn 1 133, cf. also 'sb Ne 3s6.
jVta. v. sub HT3.
t i"P rYVTS n.pr.loc. ace. to MT place near
Beersheba Jos 1 s28; but rd. prob. n'niJSI ® and
her daughters (villages, cf. ri3 sub |3) v. Ne 1 127
(WeSm215 HolIenbAta- '"*'■• jM-"Di al.)
pO (Aram. p]3, jjJLs scatter; Ar. JjJ n'««
(of sun) is prob. erroneous v. Lane 1W).
tpjl n.[m.] lightning flash? Ez i14 Hi
Co del.; verse oin. in old MSS. of ©; sense
uncertain, possibly error for pia.
Tpt2 n.pr.loc. r S n8(pn3) rendezvous of
Israel under Saul and Sam.; Ju i4S home of
Adoni-bezek ; on loc. cf.Euseb. Lag0"010- 106'2nd •"■ 139;
see also Stu. Ju i4; 17th (mile-)stone fr.
Neapolis toward Scythojiolis ; mod. Hirbet
Ibzik, 14 Eng. m. fr. Nablus, Survey"-231.
f[1TIl] vb. scatter (Ar. Jjj, Aram. "H3)
—Qal Impf. Dn n24 "rip; Drib tfa-y bben nis
plunder and spoil and 2>ossessions he will scatter
among them (subj. Antiochus Epiph.) Pi. Pf.
1|3, id., f6831, but rd. Imv. "ffl ("»?)(© © 33 so
most; De follows MT), subj. ref. to \ obj. B'BJ?.
*Mr^3 n.pr.m. a eunuch of Ahasuems,Est
I10 (Thes comp. Pers. beste, ligatus sc. membro,
e.g. spado, cf.Vullers1'"*-1'"8- sub siL-j).
f I. [^riB] vb. feel loathing (cf.Syr,
(so in lexx.) nauseated (yet v. Oei t^1""1- **>) .
NSyr.%-4 mvV cf- Stoddard c~",-,a-n)- Qal
Pf. 3 fs. nbna zc 1 18 db>m d:i nna ^w ispni
'3 '3 fdt a loathing against me.
fll. [bra] vb. (Ar. Ji> be avaricious) ;
only Pu. PL nb; nap nbru an inheritance ^oMen
6y <?W Pr 2021 Kt; < Qr Vrss rfjnap 'J, v. b.T3.
ttjnS] vb. examine, try (cf. Aram, jns,
Syr. ^li, try, examine; Ar. crs.-* 1. vm. te««, cf.
W8Q6S)— Qal Pf sf. ♦£$» Jb2310, nana ^17'+
7 t.; /m;;/. jjBj ,/, 1 15+ 5 t.; Imv. sf.'^ns^ 26'
+ 2t.; Inf. !>13 ZC139; Pt. (03 Jen^+st.
(|| spX, DDO); — 1. examine, scrutinize, try 1// 11'
13923 Jb 718; dtk »:3 ttjfl; VBjrey z/ls eye^«
try the children of men (search them through
and through) f 114. 2. prove, test, try. a.
with the metaphor of gold Jb2310; ?n33 Crura*
3njrrriS and I will try them as one tries gold
Zc 139. b. without metaphor, of God testing
persons \jr 26s 6610 818 Je 9°; their ways Je 627;
the 3? i/r 173 Je 123 Pr 173 1 Ch 2917; reins Je
1 710; heart and reins f 710 Je 1 120 (= 2012). c.
of man testing or tempting God i^959 Mai 31015.
d. the ear trying words Jb 12"= 34s. Niph.
Impf. fri3^ Jb 3436 Gn 421516, to be tried, proved.
Pu. jn'3 Ez 2 1 18 the trial has been made (© © 23
Ges MVEwKe, but noun jn'aMT Symm Haev.;
rd. fns with grace, favour, Hi Co).
t|ni£ n.[m.] testing, Is 28'" fO'a [3N atested,
tried stone, i.e. approved for use as a foundation-
stone. On Ez 2 118 MT v. foreg. ad fin.
iJfTl a.[m.] watch-tower, Is 3214.
t[pm] sf »'JW|i(dag. f. implic. Qr; W13
Kt) Is 2313 their siege-towers.
TpPQ n.[m.] assayer, one who tries metals
TSTQ Is 2313 Kt; v. [pna] supr.
t"in3 vb. choose (cf. Aram."in3, Syr. «1»
lljra, 1b. beru (-/1K3) Dlrr76)— Qal Pf. ins
Dt 76+ 66 1.; ina: ls 4i24+ 60 1.; "fS$ Jb 29^
(Baer); Imv. tna Exi79+5t.; Inf. abs. ^
1 S 228 Is 71516; Inf. cslr. sf. 'Tg Ez 206; Pt.
ina 1 S 2030 Zc 32; pass. Tina Ex 1 47 + 1 8 1.;—
1. with a, a. divine choice, of Abraham Ne9';
Israel Dt 77 Is 44' Ez 205; to become his people
Dt 76i42; Jesburun IS442; the seed of the patri-
archs Dt 437 10"; Levites Dt 186 215 1 Ch 155
2Ch29n; Aaron yj/ 10526; Judnh 1 C h 284 not
Ephraim ty 7867; Levi and Judah Je^; the
king Dt I71S, especially David 1 S io24 168"0
2 S 6" i K 816 (= 2 Ch 66) i Ch 28" 291 2 Ch
6' V 7870; others Nu 166 I7M(P) Hg 2s3; place
of sacrifice Dt 1218 1425 16716 17s 2 Ch 7'*; the
city 1 K 8,6« (=2 Ch 6534) 1133; Jerusalem
2 Ch 66 Is 141 Zc i17 216 3s; Zion ^132"; de-
lusions Is 66\ b. man's choice, of ways Pr 331
Is 66s; good things Is 71516; life Dt 30"; gods
Ju 10" Is 4 124; God's pleasure Is 56* 6512 664.
2. with 1B*« (alone, for '3 nm "HW): a. dmne
c/101'ce, of Israel Is 4 1 8 WfB* T0? ^i5?-, 4 3 10 ; the
people 1 K 3s ^3312; men Nu i67(P) ^65";
king 2 S 16" 1 Ku"; place of sacrifice Dt
I214M i5M 1710 31" (D) Jos c,27 (P), especially
DB> i»B> 0*7 Dt I25-2' 1424, BB> i»£> I??'!) Dt
12" 14" i62-6:i1 Ne i9; the city 1 K 8" (=2 Ch
6s8), db> 'et? nvth 1 K n36 1421 ( = 2 Ch
I2,s); Jerusalem iKii" 2 K 217 ( = 2 Ch
330 23W > fast Is 585'6; way ty 2512. b. man's
choice, place to dwell in Dt 237; gardens Is i29;
king 1 S 1213; wives Gn 62 (J); what to do
2 S 1 51S. 3. with ace. & ?, choose some one or
something for : a. divine choice, of Levi 1 S 2M;
Jacob 1^ i354S; inheritance ^ 47s. b. human
choice, persons Ex 17s Jos 241522(E) 1 S 818 1312
2S2412(=iCh2i20); thingsGni311(J)iSi740
1 K 182325 Jb 344. 4. with ace. and JO, choose,
select from 2 S io9(=i Ch 1910). 5. ace. a.
divine choice, temple 2 Ch 716; Judah ^ 'jS68;
servant Is 419 497. b. man's choice, persons
Ex ^^(E) Ju 58 Jos83(J) 2 S-I71; things Jb
7" 914 158 2926 34s3 1 1930173 Pr i29 Is 4Os0. 6.
with by, »:jjd mra nt by *a /or <A« </iow Aa»<
chosen rather than affliction Jb 3621; with ace.
and by pregn. ^y ">rnn IK'S !>3 aW that thou
cltoosest (to lay) upon me 2 S 1939. 7. with
i> of ace. 1 S 2030 (many MSS. have 3; but
© We Dr read I3n companion). The ptcp.
"WI3 chosen, of a ruler ^ 8920, warrior Je 49'°
( = 5o44); as cedars Ct515; coll. "lira 331 chosen
chariots Ex 147 (E); "lira B^N chosen men,
warriors Ju 20151634 1 S 24s 2 Ch 13317, for wh.
lira alone 1 K 122' = 2 Ch II1, 2 Ch 25s;
btriw mn3 1 S 2 62 ^ 7 831 ; 2 S 1 o9 btcfcv nira
(|j 1 Ch 1910 iwi'tra lira, doubtless the true
reading, as 2S61). 8. test, try (Aram. = fn3)
»3V "i«31^-in3Is4810/AaDe<«*<erf thee in the fur-
nace of affliction <S X Ges Hi E w De Che Dr, but
chosen 93 Rab Calv AV. Niph. "inai Je 83;
ft. Ira? pr 8'»4.5 t.;— to 6e chosen. ' a. abs.
chosen, choice Pr 81019 io20. b. cstr. JO, 1D3J1
D"nD mo (iea</t wt'rt 6e chosen rather than life
Je83; choicer than Pn616 22'; mtO HW£ in30
clwicer (more acceptable) tfo Yahweh than peace-
offering Pr2i3. Pu. "tro? chosen, selected Ec
TIITO n.m. young man Is 62"+ 7 t.; pi.
D^Via (intensive with dag. f. implic.) Pr2o29
+ i3t.; cstr.,lin3Ez236+ 4t.; sf. ^in? etc. La
1 18 + 1 6 1.; — young man (choice, in the prime of
manhood* 1 S 92 Ec 1 19 Is 62s; coll. young men
Je 158; rpinai "Ana young men and virgins Dt
32s6 2 Ch 3617 Je 5122 Ez 96; usually pi. Ju 1410
liu 310 1 S 816 2 K 812 2 Ch 3617 Pr 2029 Is 917 318
4030 Je 6" 920 1122 1821 4815 4926 503 513 La i15
5'8'4 Ez33612-233o17 J031 Am211410; || minru
V' 78s3 14812 Is 234 Je 3 113 La i18 221 Am 813
Zc 917.
+ [D"n/)!"0] n.f.abstr.pl. youth, pi. sf.
lnna nu j ^ (j; Onk @ Ges De Di ; V-v-m ©
Sam *B Lu Ke) ; T9*"w? Ec 1 19, TO™3 Ec 1 21.
tflYTIl] n.m. chosen, cstr. "Vna 2 S 2i6
(but We Dr '' TO); sf. l*Vro 1 Ch 1613 f 894
105643 ic.65-23 Is342' 4320454 65*
the chosen or efectf of Yahweh.
1 □'HIIS n.pr.loc. (young men's village) of
a small town of Benjamin beyond the Mt. of
Olives on the way to Jericho (cf. RobBBi'433;
Kasteren ZPV im- ,00'ff) 2 S 316 165 1718 1917 1 K 28
(=ftej>J ace. to %}°" Schwarz Marti-Schick
ZPV III. 8 1\
TirQ'] n.pr.m. (He (El or ',) chooses) son
of David 2S516 iCh36 145.
t["\nnQ] n.[m.](f. Ez 24s) choicest, best,
cstr. in}!? Dti2n+ iot.; sf.VjnaDDn 1116; vows
Dt 1 2"; valleys Is227; fir trees Is 3724; cedars
Je2 27; bones Ez 244; sepulchres Gn2 36(P);
of the flock Ez 24s; of the Assyrians Ez 237;
captains Ex 154 (E poet.); young men Je 4815;
P33^ 31131 "iri3D Ez 3 116 (del. 31131 ® Co); D?
^"JC131? Dn iii5=his choice troops.
Tl'irOE) ^-[m.] choice, in the phrases "1'V
linnip choice city 2K3"; VBna nin3D choice
fir trees 2 K 1923 = VBTia nnap I8 37s4 (prob.
scribal error in both cases for ID??).
TirQQ n.pr.m. (choice) one of David's
warriors 1 Ch 1 138.
"Pjp^nrQ adj. gent. Baharumite 1 Ch
1 iM=<prna 2 S 2331. Prob. ^ira Dr.
I [riZDS., WI33] vb. speak rashly, thought-
lessly (NH idV"D3)— Qal Pt. ncta Pri218
one that babbleth (oipTp. D'^q fiB*?). Pi. Impf
ny^3B'3 Kt33^ Lv 54 speak rashly, unadvisedly;
so' WS'Ba Kt33)l (of Moses) + I0633; Inf.
D^ns^3 NB3^> Lv 54 (P).
MSOO 105
TNt22p a.[m.] rash utterance, NB3D
irnab> Nu 307'9.
f I. npS vb. trust (cf. Ar. 'kwo throw one
down upon his face Thes, lilft lie extended
on the ground, ' se reposer sur quelqu'un' Fl
MV)— Qal Pf. ne>3 + 287 + 35 1.; Impf. nti2)
Jb 4023 + 27 t.; Imv. HB3 + 3f + 8 t.; Inf.
abs. nlD3 Is 594, cs^r. Hb3 f n88+2t.; i><.
nca f 2i8+35t.; pass. TODS V,ii27 Is263.
I. trust. 1. abs. Isi22. 2. with cogn. ace.
nnca ib-k nrn pnuan no wto «'« this trust
that thou dost trust? 2K i819=Is364. 3.
with 3 trust in— a.. God 2 K 185 1910 1 CI1520
^ 9" 218 225-6 252 261 287 3210 373 404 55" 56512
Is 26s-4 3710 Jei77 3918 Zp 32. b. persons Ju 926
it 4110 11889 1463 Pr3i" Jei7546* Mi 7s.
c. </a'«^« Dt2832 Jb39u^2 7344752962"ii58
i35,8Pni282826 Is3ol:
42" 47'
1325 487 494 Ez 1615 Ho 1013 Am 61. d. in the
name of God ^ 3321 Is 510; mercy of God ^ 1 3°
52'°; word of God 4t 11942; salvation of God
it 78211. 4. with by, trust or rely upon — a.
God it 3115 375 Pr 2825 Je 49". b. persons 2 K
I82021-24 = Is 365-6-9, Je 93. c. things 2 K 1821
= Is36" 2 Ch 3210, it 497 Is 311 594 Ez 3313 Hb
218. 5. with bx <ms< <o— a. ffoc? 2 K 1822
( = Is 367) V 46 3 17 5°4 862 Pr 35. b. persons
JU2036. c. things Je 74 (=nm by 78). II.
Se confident Jb 620 4023 Pr 1416; TM3 fi^TO
n93? </ig righteous are bold as a lion Pr28';
secure Jb 1 1 18 Pr 1 1 16; nt33 Dy a people secure Ju
1 8'10-27; nintpa J11J3 careless daughters, (women)
Is 329 cf. v1'011. Hiph. Pf. nnenn je 2816;
/to;;/ nC3: Is 3615 + 2t.; P«. TOpS? ^2210;
cause to trust, make secure, abs. ^22'°; with
by Je 2815 2931; with b« 2 K i830 = Is3615.
ti. nC2 n.[m.] security — Gn 342S+ 41 t.;
n95J EpK'n Is 3217 quietness and security =
"C^ai Bgjp'P? Is 30'5 (but prob. both infs.)
elsewhere always adverb ; — securely, riD3b 3E"
Lv 251819 265 Ju 187 1 K 55 i, 49 Pr s29 Is 47s
Je 3237 4931 Ez 2826 342528 3881114 396-26 Zp 215 Zc
14"; nD3 3K« Dti210 1S12"; nuab pe> Dt
3312 f 169 Je 23s 3316; PIB3 ptf Dt 33s8 Pr
i"; nonb (rm) Jb 24s3 Ez 34"; nt33 IW1 Ju 8";
nu3b ibn Pi-323; na3 ibn Pno9; nD3b aw>
Jb ii18 Ho 220; nt33b pi Is 1430; nsD3b nra
f 7S53; nD3 I3y Mi 28; nC3 Bh3 Ctt#A (dwell-
ing) securely Ez 309 (pregnant construction,
del. nti3 Co); HB3 Tyn by Wfaj and <% came
upon the city (dwelling) securely Gn 34s (J).
tnTlSSa n.f. trusting Is 30" (prob. inf.
/. = nB3Is32ir).
t]inJ2S n.m. trust 2 K i8'» = Is 364;
hope Ec 94.
tnin^2 n.f.pl. security, safety Jb 12".
•TI^JQ n.[m.] confidence Ez 29111— cstr.
HB3D Pr i4»+ 2 t.; sf. <nt>3» Jb 31* + 6 t.
(dag. implicit); DHC30 Je4813; rtPlBao Pr2ia-
pi. D<nt?3» Is 3 2 18;' ^0030 Je 2:'7';-l. th* act
of confiding Pr 2 122 2219 2519. 2. the object of
confidence Jb814 18" 3 124 ^4056567i' Je 2s7
i774813 Ez2916. 3. the state of confidence,
security Pr 1426 Is 3218.
tn. HB|l n.pr.loc. city of Hadadezer king
of Zobah 2 S 88 (but read rather Tirao so 1 Ch
l88; © Sm Maa/3a<c, @L Ma«3<« ; © Ch Mfra-
PlX"'> ©L raftaad ; cf. also We Dr).
II- ntO^ (-/assumed for following).
t D^ntplN n.[m.]pl. water-melons (Mish.
tVOaUt, Sam.^/rr^S; cf. Low1'0-2*7; Ar, '%,
etc.; perh. loan-word in Heb. cf. Sta'258 ; mod.
Egypt, battich, biftich cf. reff. in Di Nu ii6;
on formation cf. Lag8"10, who comp. Eth.
aqtala)— Egyptian fruit, 'Kn Nu 1 1 5 ( || D'KB'iSPI ,
TJfnn Q^SSn, D^tp^n); © roi,, nhtovas.
tp92] vb. cease (NH bos, Ar. jii,
Eth. 0mA: both be futile, vain, but As. bafdlu,
cease Lotz TP98, so Aram. b'BS.^a^Qal Pf
vD31 consec. Ec 1 23 and the grinders cease.
I. 7J0^ (meaning dub.; -\/of following).
f 1. {B3 n.f.Nu51!5 beUy, body, womb (Ar.
^)— '3 abs. Ju i37 + ; (C3 v6+; cstr. it?3
it i39,3+; sf- '?»? Jb 310 + ; 1?B3 Dt 7"+;
"HP? GH2523; '003 Jbi52-r,etc.;— 1. a. belly,
abdomen, of man Ju 321'22; of woman Nus2122,27;
as beaiitiful in form Ct 7'; as seat of hunger
Pr 1325; as eating Ez 3' (|| D'yp); cf. Pr 1820
(fig.); as seat of passion, avarice, etc. Jb 202023;
in fig. of God's casting riches out of extortion-
er's belly Jb 2015 (|| WKp;i), cf. also * 17"; fig.
of innermost part of a man = inmost soul Pr 1 8s
= 2622, 2027-3°(all '3 Tin); as seat of intell.
faculties ( = Eng. breast or bosom) 2 218 (cf. Oyyo
it 409) Jb i52SS 32'8, '303 nn T»; as trembling
at theophany Hb 316. b. belly of hippopotamus
Jb 4016. c. bSttp fB3 Jon 23 (Jonah's prayer :
|| D>e: 33^)3 nbl«p).' 2. body, opp. soul * 3i'°
(opp. B>??.), also 44M (opp. id.; — on this of.
Zin^71). 3. womb Gn 25*** 3827 (all J) Ho
124 Jb 10" (|| Dm v18) Ec ii6 Jb3i15 JC3? tfyf\
,n^V ^^5? did not he that made me in the womb
make him (|| ".m Drn.3 ttJ3Jl)j cf. >//• 139" *ffiBfl
fC33,& Je i5; esp/3 nB i ^offspring Gn 30s (E)
^ 1 2 73 Is 1 318 ; Pr 3 1 2' »}B? 13 = OTy w,i ( || *"!»)
cf. BJO|PT| Is 4916; of birth JB3D «£ Jb i21 311
Ec 514; ;ea &hne=birth Ho 9" (|| ITJ?, jinn), cf.
fig. RJgl «£ 'D |B3D Jb38M (w< 0/ whose womb
came tlie ice ? cf. *$3} V^l ~CO t6 Jb 310 i.e. 0/
my (mother's) womb; JCSDniia take, draw out of
the womb, subj./, (i.e. cause to be born)\|>-2 210; ,-)B
fB3 used also of father Mi 67, cf. i/<- 13211 (David
as ancestor of Messian. king); Jb 1917 'JO? 'J?
8<ras of my body, of doubtful interpr., perh.=
son* of my (motlier's) womb, cf. 310 (Ges De), i. e.
my brothers or men of my clan RSK33t, others
my sons (E\v), my grandsons (Di); also in ad-
dressing Isr. as a whole (masc.sf.) Dtf13 2841U8,53
309, cf. D3tp3 ^pnp Ho 916 beloved ones of their
womb; J03n~|1? (JB3D) =from birth Ju 13"
^ 584 716,' cf. also Is 442-24 46' (|| Drn) 488 4915;
«$K joao «/. ju 1617 Jb 3 118 ^aV1 (|| on-i).
4. architectural word of some rounded projec-
tion connected with the two pillars Jachin &
Boaz 1 K 720 (Klo rds. rvan).
fii. |t03 n.pr.loc. city in Asher Jos 1925
\=depression, basin, valley 1 cf. Ar. .^Jjj,
Lane22000'-3) = Barra., called B<80ctcv cf. Lag
Onom. 236. 2nd ,*.*!,. @ BmdoK> ©L Bf„X
II. |t2H (assumed as V of following ; mng.
TD^JpSl 11. m. ipl. pistachio, an oval nut
(cf. As. butnu C0TGl0"&Schr1,BAkl881•4,9, Aram.
X3CH3, Jfcoc^a, Ar. Ikj; on Punic Povtvov/i
Bla\iZMaimsn)=pistacia terebinthus Rob8"'-208'
"'222 PostPEFOctl888'21s'>io-21*f;Tr-vlc,-In,t""271etc^ji'«/
vera LowNoM); Gn 4311 one of the articles car-
ried from Canaan to Egypt by sons of Jacob
as present to Joseph ; still a delicacy in Egypt
and Syria, cf.Wetzst in Low"-420.
tD'jtea n.pr.loc. city of Gad, E. of Jordan
Jos 13", mod. Batne, "W. of Es-Salf (v.d.
Velde ""no,r 298) = BoT«'a cf. Lag Ono,n- m- 2"d "'■ M7.
_3, 3] vb. entreat (Ar. "J come as
suppliant, entreat, still current in the Hauran:
v. Wetzet in De"34-36), of which (prob.) '3K
Jb 34" is 1 s. impf. (used dialectically) : 'ax
a*1'8* ID3? would that (lit. I entreat that) Job
were tried !
T ''a part, of entreaty, craving permission
to address a superior, always foil, by tflNt (or
''j'"1^), and always (exc. Jos 78) at the beginning
of a speech, I pray, excuse me — (not improb.
from -/"a; so that *t% 'a will be literally
a supplication of (i.e. to) my lord ! cf. Wetzst
1. c, who compares the Ar. tj±ll J-£^ lit- a
prayer to my lord ! a standing formula = Pray,
excuse me, used exactly as '} q| '3. Ace. to
others contr. from 'JO, from nya to ask, and so
lit. a jietitionl cf. Aram, tyaa, ^4,-. (e.g. Gn
1 918 S, Nu 1 213 <S); but y is not often elided in
Heb.)— Gn4419 *»-i3T <J'lK *? I pray, my lord,
let thy servant speak, etc.; so Nu 12" Ju 613
1 S i26 1 K 31"6, and foil, by a pi. subj. Gn
4320 UT? 1^; '« '? Oh, my lord, we came down,
etc.; »jjSi< "3 (to God) Ex 41013 Jos f Ju615 138
(® in Pent, and Jos. iivfttu, Saififda : in other
books absurdly iv f/iot).
tp2l vb. discern (NbZMO,883H2r-; Ar. 'J6_
become separated, be distinct, IV. speak perspicu-
ously ; Eth. Q?ii 1. 2 consider, perceive, Aram,
ws make to understand, cf. Sab. pa (the) wise,
as epith. , Mordt ZMG "^ " )— Qal P/ pa Dnio1;
nnaa ^ i392; "rfra Dn92; Impf pp, V' i913+
25't.; R]Je9u+2t.; f?n 1 S38+2Tt.; W3K
^ 7317+4t.; «♦?; Pr 28s + 12 t.; /bw. p3 Dn
p23; W3 + 52; ira Dt 327 + 2 t.; Inf. abs. P?
Pr23'; Pt. D^a Je 497; — l.^erc«i'w(with the
senses): — a. eyes, ace. Pr 7', with ? Jb 911 1421
2 39Pri415. b. ears, ace. Pr2919, with p Jbi3'.
c. touch, ace. V' 5810. d. taste, ace. Jb 630. 2.
understand, know (with mind) : — a. abs. Jb 1 82
3820 423 ^4921 82s Pr 2412 Is 6910 4418 Dn 1210
H04" 1410; p3S* vb) ViyDVl heard but I could
not understand Dn 1 28. b. ace. Jb 159 23s 3629
Pr 26-9 2024 28s f 1913 927 Je 9"; BBBte flX* Jb
329 Pr 28s; njn pa* Pr 297. c. with '? 1 S 3"
2 S 1 219 Is43'°. *• with inf. & ?, njjjl fSfi Is 324.
3. observe, mark, give heed to, distinguish, con-
sider (with attention): — a.acc.Dt327 >// 52 5022
947-8 Pr 23' 2 129 (Qr) Dn 92 101. b. with ?,
f 7317 r392 Dtsz119. c. with 3, Ezr815 Ne 137
Dn 9s3. d. with i>N, ^ 28s. e. with bf, Dn
1 130-3'. 4. Aa^e discernment, insight, under-
standing Je 49". Niph. '01333 Is 1013; f<. p33
Gn4i33+ 15 t.; pi. D'Jia? Je 422, elsewhere D'?a3
Dti13 Is522(Baer)Ec91'1; V333IS2914; be intel-
ligent, discreet, discerning, hare understanding
1 S 1618 Pr i5 io13 146 1621 1728 1925 Ec 911 Is33
521 io13 29" Je^ H01410; |t»} 3.? intelligent
mind Pr 1433 1514 I815; Dam |i33 Gn 4!33-311;
fOO\ D3H Dt46 i K3>2; ^3331 D'oan Dt I13.
Po. WJjtoj /ie attentively considered him Dt
3210. Hiph. Pf pan Jb 28« + 5 t.; Impf
T?: Is 28s + 4 t. ; I9J! 2 Ch 1 i23 Dn 9s2; Inf. pan
^ 329_+ 9 t,; Imv. f?n Dn 8I6+ 12 t.; Pt. P3C
Pr287+ 26t.; — 1. understand: — a. ubg. Is 2916
4021 56" 1 K 3» V 32' Dn 817 1012. b. ace.
1 Ch 289 Jb 28a Pr i2-6 85 148 Is 28" Dn V3
Mi412; P?D one with understanding Pr89 17 10-24
28w.h. j,to »y3Q Dn i4; able to understand
(i.e. old enough) Ne 83 io29, cf. 82 (sq. gfc*$).
2. give heed to, attend to, observe, difcern, abs.
Is 57' 2Chu23Dn85; c. 3 Ne 812 Dn 923 io'»;
3 Pa» skilled in 2 Ch 26* 34'2; c. ^ V3316;
y~0 3113 pa 1 K 39. 3. give understanding, make
understand, leach: — a. abs. Dn 827 922. b. with
ace. pers. ^119
Jb 32s Ne 879 Is
4014. c. with ? pers. 2 Ch 35' Dn 1 133; with *?
pers. & ace. rei Jb 6"A Dn 816. d. 3 rei Ne 8*,
+ acc. pers. Dn 117. e. double ace. Is 289
V' 1 1927 Dn io"; pan teacher 1 Ch 1522 2 57-8 27s2
Ezr 816. Hithp. Pf. fJiann is ,t+ 6 1.; impf
fjianx Jb2315 + 3t.; /Jians jb3212+5t,; «3tot«
* io7«+2 t.; utfarr IS'I4^ 43>8. 1. 'shew
oneself attentive, consider diligently: — a. abs
Jb ii» 23'° Is i3 Je 210 916. b. ace. Jb 37"
V' 10743 11995 Is 43« 5215. c. with b* 1 K 321
Is 1 416. d. with !»y Jb 3 1 ' ^ 3 7 io. e. with ny
Jb3212 38'8. f.with3 Jb3O20Je2320( = 3o24).
2. get understanding, understand Jb 2614
V' 1 191 4. 3. shew oneself to have understand-
ing ifr 119100.
Tn^nH a.pr.m. (intelligence=Pa.lm. n.pr.
N313 VogNo-3) a man of Judah 1 Ch z25.
L|15j subst. prop, interval, space between
" I id.)— cstr. P3, once Is 44* (Baer) J3, W3,
1?*, V9, 13'3 (V3<3 tJos34811 Qr); with pi.
sf. in pi. form «*J*| (WJ5), etc.; also ni3'3 fEz
1 o2-2-6-6-7-7 ( + 1 13 © Hi E w etc. for TW]), B*fjb»8
tGn 26s8 Jos 2 2s4 Ju n10, Dn^? tGn 42s3 2 S
2 17 Je2516; dual 038 (v. infr.);— 1. always
(exc. dual) as prep, in the interval of, be-
tween (so Aram. p3, & pi. 'jpa, Jua, % {-£;
OOCPt:), as Gni517 nnjan pa j^^ ^
pieces, Ex 139 al. T^ P? between thy eyes (v.
PV), Is 22" al. between the two walls (v. HD'in),
Jb 2411 30' 4030 part him between merchants ;
rather more gen. among Ho 1315 Ct 223 Ez 192
313 Jb 3437; less exactly within Pr 2613 a lion
is riiahnn pa within the broad places (cf. 23"
^na) : once with a sing, (unusual) Dn 816 pa
V*N between the Ulai, i.e. between its banks.
When the space separating two distinct objecti
is to be indicated, this is done a. most com-
monly by repeating pa, as G11133 V| pa
'gP r?1 lit. in the interval of Bethel, and in t/ui
interval of 'Ai, i.e. between Bethel and *Ai,
1614 i773i5»» + 0ft. b. more rarely by . . .p?
?, Gn l« dividing 0$ Dyp pa ]it. f„ tie
interval of waters with reference to waters, i.e. I
between the waters and the waters Lv 20" 27s3
Dt 17888 2 S 1936 1 K39 Ez4i>8 42=0 44s323 Jon
4n Mal31818 2Chi4'». c. by J*...?* tJo
2>7. d.byp3p...pa+Is5oI> pai8UEednot
only of actual locality, but also with verbs of
dividing (fig.) Gn i14 Lv io10, and of judging,
knowing, teaching, etc., if the idea of distin-
guishing be involved, as Gn 1 6s 2 S 1 9s6 pa JTlNn
inp 3113 can I discern between good and evil ?
1K39 Jon 4"; Gn3i49 (watch between), Jun10
(hear), Jos 2 227(witness), Is 24 and he shall judge
(arbitrate) between the nations, 53; L.V2 733- Ez
4423; Mai 318; 2 Chi 410 (see IIV); and in other
metaph. applications, as of a covenant or sign
between two contracting parties, Gn 912" Ex
31"+ ; or an oath Gn 26s8 2 S 217; enmity or
strife G11315 137 Dt25' Pr619; peace 1 K526;
good- will Pr 149.— It is used of time in the
phrase of P D^anyn pa (v. sub any), & Ne 5IS
JNpJ rQ.?'J> PS during the interval of ten days,
i.e. every ten days (unusual).
With other prepositions: — a. tp3~^K, after
a verb implying motion, in between, in among
Ez 3 11914. So ? niJ*3-i>N fib. io2. b. tf?a Is
44" in the midst of, amongst (® Ew Di Che
TSn D:» p33). c. tf^y nearly as P?"^ Ez
1911. d. fV^from between: Gn 49'° nor the
ruler's staff vbil pa» from between his feet
(where, as the king sits in state, he holds it),
Ex 25s2 from between the cherubim (so Nu 7s9),
Ho 24 Zc 6' 97; Dt 28s7 the after-birth pat? flSi>n
•J Vf! that cometh forth from between her feet,
i.e. from her womb (cf. II. 19. 10 «r«rcu> jkt&
■noaaX yvvaiicos). Repeated 2 K 1614 to specify
the two objects from between which a thing is
moved. Ez 47"* is difficult and uncertain: v.
Comm. Less precisely from the midst of: Nu
1 72 nslf'L' p3» out of the midst of the burning,
yf, 10412 D'NBg p3D/rom amongst the branches
they utter their song, Je 48* and a flame
I'n,P P89 from the midst of Sihon (Sihon
representing his people: but expression is
singular; rd. perh.'D rV3C, cf.Nu2i28 'D JVnjTO:
|| in both passages paf'no), EZ3721. e. tniJ'lP
? from between Ez io2-66-7.
2. I Dual D?33 space between two armies
( = Gk. luraiXfuoi'), i S 17423 VSR &K man of
the peraixium, i.e. champion (of Goliath).
tm fern, of RS, PS (No"'94':; Syr. V~i
oft, PS 47°) prep, between Ez 4i9b (to be
joined with v10; see RVm), unless indeed a
mere error for P? (which Ez oft. uses); also Pr 82
ace. to © (mA ixtaov) X 33 Hi Ew *a7«; and Jb
817 ace. to © Ew Dil (Di2 undecided).
t nyS n.f. understanding i Ch 1 232 + 2 8 1. ;
cstr. nV? Pr 302 Is 29"; sf. W? Jb 203+ 4 1;
pi. n^a Is 27";— 1. the act Is 3319 Je 2320
Dn i20 8'6 p22 io1. 2. the faculty Jb 203 3926
Pr 3' 2 34 302 Is 2 7 " ; rWS TOP get understanding
Pr 4s7 1616. 3. the object of knowledge Dt46
1 Ch 2212 Jb 2812201"8 3416 3s36 3917 Pr 9610 23s3
Is 1 Is 29" ; n$»? VT 1 Ch 1 232 2 Ch 21112 Jb 384
Pr i2 41 Is 29". 4. personified Pr 28 "j* 814.
Tpy n.pr.m. lone wlw is intelligent, dis-
cerning) two Canaanite kings of Hazor; — 1.
Jos 111. 2. Ju 4W-»»»* yfr 8310. (But cf. Be
D^laO 2 Ch 35s Kt; rd. D*3»3B (Qr) & v.
sub pa Hiph.
tn^nil n.f. understanding Dt 32s8 +
27 1. ; k won Pr 51 + 7 t; vmin Jb 2612 Kt
(Qr taj*3«); t»«ri Ho 132 for Dn;i3n v. De
,j, 2 76; ntop ^ 49«+ 4 1.; Davfton Jb'3211 ;—
1. <Ae act Jb 2612 f 78" 136' Pr 3" 2 130 243 Je
1 o12 ( = 5 1 16) Ez 2 84 Ho 1 32 Ob 7. 2. the faculty
Ex 3 13 3531 361 (P) Dt 32s8 (poet.) Jb 121213 Pr
2611 2816 Is 4419; njran B*Kpr ioBi5sl 17*20';
niJiari B*K Pr ii12 ( = Ob9 where E*K omitted
by scribal error) ; nM3TI TfYJ Is 40". 3. <ta o6^ec<
of knowledge Pr 23 3* 5" 1429 182 198 ^ 49' 1475
is 4028 1 K 59 714; raorb -ph nan nmIhm thy
mind to understanding Pr 22; reasons Jb3» .
4. personified Pr 81 as teacher.
D3taf». inHin v. sub WML
t : ' T
n^a. v. sub pa.
"V3 v. sub 1N3.
trTV3. n.f. castle, palace (late & prob.
loan-word; cf. As. birtu, fortress D1IIA22; Pers.
bdru = Skr. bura, bari, v. Ry Ne 28) — 1. of
temple at Jerusalem 1 CI129119 HTari; of for-
tress near temple Ne 28 72 (cf.ftapit ©L Ne I1
28 72 — B ifiipd, fiitpd — and later fiapis Jos
Aat.«r.ii,^ 2. rrvyn jcWa Nei1 Est i" 23'-8
3" 814 96"12 Dn 82; in these passages it appar.
means a fortress in the city bearing the same
name (cf. esp. Est 315 8'415 96
t[n,3"Y,2l] n.f. fortress, fortified place
(late); only pi. abs. ni33D» Hfl rf'jva 2Ch 1712
built by Jehoshaphat; Bffrjjp '3 2 74 built by
JT3 n.m. Dt8''2 house (Ph. na, Ml. na,
• - 2034 o, \
sf. nm, Ar. vjLo, Aram. KTr3, Jfc-Ji, As. bllu,
COToio» Sab n;3;n3j fortress DHM2*01883-837;
temple Hal257 DHM ™o™«-™, Eth. ftt: Palm,
in NE&y na, NmapD na sepulchre Vog32,64*1-;
etym. dub. ; Thes -/nia, Aram, na, fcj> s^gnd «/«!
jn'jrfa, Ar.uiG, Eth.n.1": but this perh. denom.,
& rVQ fr. ■/'"!? c. n afform. cf. Sta'187")— abs. n?3
Ex ia"+J JV3 Gn 3317 + ; "C1:? (n- loc.)
V. 687 + ; cstr. n^3 Gn 1 215 + ; sf. VI Gn 1 5s + ;
^TW? Gn 71 + , etc. ; nrran, HJT3 (jn)to the house,
homeward, Gn 1910 i//687+ ; also nJT3 (in)to
the house of. . . ; pi. tNfl Ex I2' + (i.e. bdtttm,
v. No in MeArel,-,-45,t, cf.Ges*96); cstr. "na Ex
8,7 + ; sf. T?3 Ex io6; Vna 1 Ch 28"; WW}
Exia'+j D3"n3 Gn4219;' nrpna Nui6K+;
(iD'na y\r 4912), etc.; — 1. house, a. as dwelling,
habitation Gn l92-3-411 2715 33" (obj. of H33)
Exi27 + oft; aeto '3 Lv2529(cf. *l3B>j> n?3
2 S 75); n*3=m the house of, when modifying
word follows, cf. DrSm29'n-2 (after st. cstr. rtfcv
pin nnbio i«n?3 Lv 199); e.g. T3? '3 Gn 2423;
PlB^N '3 Nu 3011; nin11 '3 2 K 23s4; so in n.pr.
btW2 Am 713; nn^3(n) into the house, home Ex
919 (of man & beast) cf. Ju 1918 1 S 67 (cf. v10)
1 K 1 3715i^687 Is 1417 etc.; cf. sub 7 infr.; partic.
(a) in J occasionally of tent Gn2715 cf. 3317
(c. n}3; hereof nomad's hut); usually (0) house
of solid materials, with doorposts, etc. Ex 1 2"
Dt 69 ii20, walls Lv 14s7-39, of stones, timber &
mortar v45 (cf. v40'42-43) ; so also Jos 2 1S; supported
by pillars Ju 1 626'-; with roof on which one could
walk 2 S 1 i12etc.; v. esp. temple and king's house
in Jerusalem 1K5-7 etc.; cf. Cti17 Je2 214; of
Ezekiel's temple Ez 40 f.; D*^M0 D3n3 of luxuri-
ous houses Hg i4; D'3b D<ro'n33 Dt 812; nJ3
BhPrn^3Dt206cf. 2 28; alsoc!n33Dt2830 + oft.;
(y) cstr. before word of material, D,l"!^ '3 2 S
727=i Ch 17' ('Kn '3) v6; JE'n '3 1 K2239 cf.
Am314; n'W '3 Iwuse oflwwn stone Am 5"; cf.
pJ3^>n ny: n-a i K 72 2 Ch 9s0, TH WJf Is 22s;
(8) also before word of quality or characteristic,
£>3K n»| Ec 72 II nriB>o '3; v4 II nnrsfe' '3; nnp '3
Jei65; nn^p '3VJei68; W!^5 ^3 Ez 2612;
n'335?n n'3 Mi 29; cf. ,-10 '3 rebellious house sub
5. d infr.; («) in combinations, of structures for
rrn 109
various purposes : — (i) 'H??? n,?= palace i K
9110 ioI2+, etc.; fU^DD ma Am?'1 cf. sub 2
infr.; nttijBn '3 Est 51 cf. 216; in«!>p!j 'a 2 Ch
i18; (a)Tnfe!J TVZ=the prison Gn 2g*>so"-l-21*!*>
403-5; cf. 0310^0 '3 Gn 4 2 19 ; n-ip^D '3 2 S 2 o3 ; '3
"HDKPI Je3715; Dn»DKn '3 Ju i62L26; Dn»n '3
Ec 4"; N^?? '3 1 K 22s7 2 K 174 2 Ch 1826 Je
371518cf.ls427; t^a'a 2K2527; nasnpn'a 2Ch
1610; K»S>3PI '3 Je374 52"; 0^3 WJ Is 42s2;
nian-ri'3 Je 3716; nnpen '3 JV53"; (3) ma
D'B'Sri Aow«(. of the women, harem Est jMUM4j
(4) EH nW?9 '3 Est 78; rjp '3 Ct 24; cf. Uj|
trt'cp Is 32'3; (5) f\-jhr\ ma" Am 315 Je 36s2; '3
r$n Am 316; (6) nhb) ma & )$| ma 2 K 2o'3=
Is 392J (7)??'?r,,3grar(Ze«.-A. (orn. pr.? cf.p. m)
2K9"; (8) IprfV? binding-h. (or n.pr. ?) 2 K
1 o1214; (9) 0^35; ms h.of slaves (where slaves live),
only fig. of Egypt Ex 13314 202 Dt 5s 612 78 814
1 3611 Jos 2417 Ju 68 Mi 64 Je 3413;— on mB>snn '3
2 K 1 55 = 2 Ch 2 621 cf. n^Bn ; esp. ( 1 o) "• n»3 =
temple 1 K 712-40-4"1 & very oft.; also (mostly late)
D'nSNn ma iCh9,113-26 + oft.; but also of earlier
tent of worship Ju 1831; v. also bntcn '3 1 Ch
9s3; cf. mrpK '3 of local shrine 17'; & also in
mouth of Jacob, as explanation of name of
Bethel Gn 2817(cf. v19), & as name of stone, or
Macceba v22(all E); also 'i '3 of earlier tent of
worship Ju 1918 1 Si724 2S 12s0 (cf. further
dy6k, mm); -ttrtxn '3 Mal310; cf. man !??<n
1 K 63, & '3 alone in same sense, esp. 1 K 6 cf.
2 Ch i18 2311 + ; v. 1 Ch 282 ',_rvi3 frig nnup '3
<*tiH| £?3 B'li&l ; also BHpn ms 29s; enp' '3
wphgi 2 ch 38'0; Wjuem uj^ 1 is 6410;
farm's 2Ch62; not mj 2 Ch 712; Dc^ppms
2CI13617; H^BTI '3 Is 56"; "n-iKBPl '3 6o7; also
of heathen temples nns^ja'a Ju 94; faT'3
i S55; ninri^y '3 1 S3110; ?te") '3 2 Ks181818;
bysn '3 2 K io21-2123-25-26-27 1118; Dn^sg '3 1 s
31' (but rd. rather DiT3Xjrr)N as in || 1 Ch io9
so © We Dr); ni»3 JT3 1 K 1 231 (cf. MI n»3 n3),
v. also i3322Ki729-32; Vr6« nxta ma Dn i2, etc.;
made of woven material 2 K 237; T\\iyt me'jn "iSTte
■"H^? D'ro QB'perh. = fen<-«A>t'ne«buttxt.dub.
© Xemfw (n«n3?); ©L <rroX«; cf. EwHlu-718
& Klo ; (C) of portion of larger building (late),
so pi. vna 1 Ch 28" i.e. of the temple (IP'?]??,
WCfcji ^IIH); cf. mjfcjn 's t-j.; m!>?>apn 1 Ez
4624. b. as shelter or abode of animals I S 6710
cf. Ex 919; &?$l JV3 Jb 814 spider's web (cf. '133
W3 W3 2718);' of wild ass Jb396 n:ny WtX'
Imj; ma r»rep lias ^844(||!P); mtfTa'mrpn
«W t io417 (cf. || & Che); Pr 30s* (of the PR?
' conies '). c. fig. of human bodies "iprnria Jb 4"
houses of clay, cf. in phr. man net* Eci2J
keepers of the house, i.e. the arms ; v. further
^upmaf u9« a. ofSh"oi,"m3i'iN2'Jl)i7,s,
cf. 'rrbz1? nyin ma 3o=> (||mp); tafcfo ma
Ec 126 (perh. = tomb, v. De). e. of abode of
light & darkness Jb 3820. f. of land of Ephraim
as mm '3 Ho 81 915 (cf. '- |"W 93)- 2- />&«*, of
Jerusalem TiaK mhap. ma Ne 23 ( || Ty v'), cf.
also n.pr. cpd. with ma, infr., & na!>pp ma Am
713(pred. of Bethel); HfcWIj m? Pr82 i.e. where
paths meet RV; m33K '3 Jb 817; on both these
v. ma sub [W P? p. '108. t 3. receptacle,
mnKD JV33 n^J 1 K 1832 a trench like a recep-
tacle of two seahs; E>S3 <fia I8 3»> i.e. vials of
perfume ; esp. D^ai) mn3 Ex 25s7 Ao'd«r* /or
the staves, i.e. rings, hjQp ib.; so 371427 38s; cf.
DmT$ D'na 26m 36M /MrfArra for the bars (all P,
& all expl. by T\))2a) ; Xty rf?~W2 Ez i27 (si
vera 1.) its [cstr. as ^ 58^] /iom*6 ( = enclosing
cage)tt>as round a6ou((del. BHiCo). 4.of house
as containing a family, hence in phr. of slaves
belonging to household frV3 'TJP Gn 1 4" cf. 1 712
(opp.'IDa-nipp) v13 (all || id.); fig. of Israel Je
214(||-i3y); cf. wn? Gn is5; ^ mn m3-'?3
Ec 27 (as token of wealth & prosperity) ; also of
one's sister m3 nn.^D Lv 1 819 (|| pn 'o cf. infr.);
*V3 ^iK Gn 1 7s7; '3 n'iB'ESJ Gn 36s; Btorb
apJim^i) Gn 46s7. Hence 5. household, family
(592 t.) a. ordinary sense, those belonging to
the same household Gn 7 ' 1 2 ' 17 4- , Dt 6s 1 1 6 + ;
Hex mostly JD ; E Gn 35s 42s3 5022 cf. Ex i2>
infr.; P Gn 36" Exi1i24Lvi681u7Nui652i831
Jos 2 2,s; even where expressly said to inhabit
tents Nu 16s2 Dt 11' Dn\WriKl DWia-nK;
specif. '3"1P| Gn 24s cf. 507 (of rank & dignity
in household); of a family of handicraftsmen
j>3n rn'3$rma rrinepp 1 ch 421 (v. pa); also,
with fig. of house clearly in mind '3 fPpB'P
2 K 2 113; '3 fWSP Is 22K. h. family of descen-
dants, descendants as organized body Gn 1819
(j || m») + , & so c. nja (q. v.) vn* 'a n»> Dt
25" cf. Eu 411 &, subj. \ b '3 roa 2 S 7"= 1 Ch
1710'25; also 1 S 2s6 I K ii38 (both JON3 '3), so
!» '3 nb>V 2 S 711 1 K 224; also pi. Wf$ Drib bj?2l
Ex i51; i> fp$ '3 n^V 1 S 25s8; "cf. e'sp. c.
e.g. c. t^KB? mj 2 S 31'««-81» 91-2-3-<
('tS* '3 nnBBtai), v8 19'8 (cf. 211 where rd. "iw
D'DT nh'3, so © We Dr) 1 Ch 1 2s9; -PH H'l 2 S
3..6 t7m_ , Ch ,7s4 (cf context in both), 1 K 12"
= 2 Ch io19, v80 M 13s 149 2 K i7!1 la 7s" 22s5
tDJfltV 'a 1 K 13s4 j 4io.io.i3.» I5» 163 21s5 2K99
1 36;'+2Snt(i 'a 2 K 8I8-2727S7(of Ahaziah 'K '3 Rjn),
97^.. Io.0:il 2IJ3 Mi616 2 Ch 216.1S ^
d. esp. of Hebrew people & subdivisions : (a)
t prto) JV3 Am 716; (3) t ib^ '3 Ob *»j (7) t rV3
afop Gn 46s7 (P) Ex 193 (E) Am 313 98 Mi 2r 3°
Ob'1"8 Is 8" io20 141 2922 463 48' 581 Je 24 520
^ 1 141; also 3pV '3 JT2J Ez 205 (del. Co); most
frequently (R) bt£}ty) n,3(Vrss & var. sometimes
♦13 v. |S) +Hex Ex 1 63' 4038 Lv ro6 Nu 2029 (all
P) Lvi73-8102 218(H) Jos2i43(D)t; iS72 + 8t.
SKjHoi^s'e10^1; Am51+7t.Am;tMii5
319 Is57 142, also 46s 63' Zc 813t; but esp. Je
24-26+i7 t. Je; Ez 31A5"17+75 t. Ez; also
btpfr '3 JHJ Je 2 38 Ez 44:2 (Co del. '3) ; +VI3 *#
Sni*! Is 814 ; HTW1 i\X-}'f ? JVS Ez 9' + 25s Co ;
further 'IP IT'S rebellious house (of Isr.) Ez 25-6
39.ai.3r I2j.3- & rj^i /a Ez 2s I2j...» I7is 24> j- +
446 Co] ; (f) rrm n-3 2 s 2471011 1 K 1 2"= 2 Ch
1 11, 2 K ig^Is 3731, Is 2221 Ho i7 512 •" Zp 27
Zc 8,3-,iU9 io3-6 124, & esp. Je 3I8+9 t. Je; Ez
46+ 4 1. Ez+ 99supr.; also t f?^?'' "W '3 1 K
jz23; frrm 1^9 's Je2i" 226; (Ot^ '3
Gn 508 Jos 1717 1 8s (all JE) Ju I22-23-35 2 S 1921
1 K 1 128 Am 56 Ob 18 Zc io6; (1,) fD^BK '3 Ju
io9; (6) IPI?3 '3 2 S 3" cf. 1 K 1223 supr.; (•)
fWB* '3 1 K 1527; («) t*1$ '3 Ex 21 (E) Nu
i7a(P) Zc 1213 ('b '2 rinseta), f 13520; & (x)
pm '3 ^ us1012 1183 13519. e. technically,
yet with some looseness of usage, 3X JVZfalliers
house, of family or clan, pi. J113X 1V3 father-
houses, families (e.g. Nu I2) (79 t.; only P
& Chr) Ex 614 123 Nu i2-418+4i t. Nu; Jos
22"14 1 CI1438 513+ 25 t. Ch ; Ezi-259 io16 Ne76'
io35; = tribe Nu x yi717.1s.21. — main division of
tribe Nus^ + .cf. 341414etc; further sub-
division Ex 123 1 Ch72' + ; cf. esp. 1 CI123"
Jeush and Beriah had not many sons, therefore
they became nn« rnpsb 3N rV3j> (cf. nUN ^Ni,
sub 3N). 6. house, including household affairs,
persons, property, etc. inl,3~;>5> "TUEfS Gn 394
cf. Vl'33 v5; Vn^a-^S TSfo Gn 4414; hence ie>K
TV3n by as title of governor of the palace
(EwH"'-a») Is 2215 363 cf. 1 K 4' 2 K 156; in
Israel 1 K 169 183 2 K io5: further 2 S 1723
2 K 2o' = Is 38'; hence of personal property
1 K 139 Ijya 'Sfn? ^"iFn-DI* ; family and
property (everything on which one depends)
Jb 816. 7. nn}3, IW3, lit. homewards,
hence metaph. invmrds, tEx 28s6 = 39'9 (sc.
of the ephod), 1 K 725= 2 Ch 44 (sc. of the circle
of oxen supporting the molten sea); 2 S5'
nJTni Ni?pn-|p from the llillo and inward,
Ez 4417. 8. JV3» a. adv. on the inside (of
a building, chest, etc.: opp. l*inp) +Gn 614 Ex
25»=372 Lv 1441 1 K 615-16 79 2 K 630 (of a per-
son's clothes), Ez 715; so with D loc. iirrap fi K
615. b. t b TV3D (cstr. Ges'130' , ") prep, within
(opp. b pnp), nais^) JV3D within the veil Ex
2 633 Lv 16212 Nu 187 rvapSi nstpn lyf^
fl?1*?? for everything of the altar, and for (that)
within the veil ; I K 7831 (rd. nbn|^ ; see VB
& Sta2**1883'165); b Wm-bx (after' a verb of
motion) in within Lv 1 615 2 K 1 1 15= 2 Ch 2314.
Note. — rca perh. occurs abbrev. into 3 in
n.pr. iTinBtys q.v. so Thes al. ; cf. also Aram.
N3=JV3 in like usage Lag *•"•.«■*•*»■ *«.«!
GGA 1884, 276
tjvS c. art. n?3n Is I5» ace. to Ew Brd Di
al. n.pr .loc. but abbrev.; perh. for D?rv:n rP3
Je 4s22 (so Ew al.) or 11103 fP3 cf. MI27 (cf. De
Di); others (Ges De CheOr) take '3? here=
the Iwuse, i.e. temple or shrine.
'l^lN TV'S. n.pr. loc. (liouse of iniquity
or idolatry ? hardly likely unless as alteration
of orig. fix IV3, house of wealth or strength}
eastward from Bethel Jos 72 1812 1 S 1423;
1 S 136 'N-JV3 (on Ho 415 58 io5 v. bySV* infr.);
site unknown.
7NJ"P21„ n.pr .loc. Bethel (so read, not
PNTI'S as Jos 72 + ace. to v. d. H; cf. BaerGn
128; house of God, or house of Et) — 1. ancient
place and seat of worship in Ephraim on
border of Benjamin, identif. with Ltiz (former
name) Gn 2819 35s Jos 1813 Ju i23; appar. dis-
tinguished from Luz Jos 162 (yet cf. Di); name
connected with vision of Jacob when journeying
to Paddan-Aram (JE) Gn28I9357 (where b$
iwiVa, but ® @ S3 01 del. bit; Di maintains);
cf. Ho 125; when journeying^/rom P.-A. 35I5(P);
name appar. given first to a stone (Gn 28'8 3514)
cf :Weskta»ui.To. i)xn'3 nn 1 S 133; later im-
portant place of worship I S io3 vS npy
biir\>2 DVp|(n; abode of prophet 1 K 13" 2 K
23; Jeroboam set up one of the golden calves at
Bethel 1 K I229'- cf. also I31* 2 K io29 23" Je
481S v. further zKif; 2 K 2316 Th prop, on
internal grounds, ?X rV3 Jwuse of nothingness,
or HpX '3 house of execration; !"yX '3 also
Benan'"1"'-1"186; in proph. Am 314 44 56-66 71013
Ho iols; note esp. Am 55 ])$> IW Wn, &
^Nn rva m
?J¥ n,?(/'OMse of iniquity) as tubstit. for i:N}T3
Ho 413 58 ioB (p« rva nibaj;); — mod. 2fo<m
RobBR '• m '■ Guirin Ju<"!'> "'• "^ cf. Bd M a5 Survey
"-305. 2. place in south country of Judah, not
far from Beersheba & Ziklag i S 30" cf. We Dr;
=MT b'02 Jos ig»(txt. err.; © BmfyA); also
?tfl| Jos 194, ?JPlha 1 Ch 430.
'"1?^'7 ^tt adj.gent. c. art. the Beth-
elite 1K1634.
tVsNil J-P2, n.pr.loc. in Judah Mi 1";
dub., cf. sub PVX, p. 69.
tTM5"jM JTO n.pr.loc. Ho I014, perh.
■dr&eZ near Pella (E. of Jordan) Jer Euseb. in
Lago™».«.itad«i.i1Bia4.!hdrt.asi cf Now ad /oc .
but in Galilee Rob BB"-399, mod. Irbid, cf.
Furrerzpvulsre'B7t; Bdp*12n.
tjiyp Vl'f JTl n.pr.loc. Jos i347, = ^a
PVO Nu 32s8 Ez 259 1 Ch 58 (MI JVC by2 & D3
P» i>JQ) = |tyt? TV3 Je 48s3 = f&S Nu 32s (rd.
prob. }j»; cf. Dr*,,1,Bt); city assigned to Beu-
ben Jos 1 317 Nu 3 23 ■ss 1 Ch 5"; possessed bv Moab
Je ^ Ez 259;— mod. Ia» Tristr"M°*bS03f-
Schick ZPV "• IS79- 6 Survey EP '• 176 Bd ** 19>.
"^"O rV3 n.pr.loc. v. niN3^ n'3 infr.
trn3 1V3} n.pr.loc. in combin. '3 '3 ty
\T?-T™\ Ju 7** (? =iTJ3Jj n^jfew of ford).
T"rt3 iT2 n.pr.loc. in Judah (place of a
waif) 1 Ch 251 (as n.pr.m.) © BadlyaiSav ©L
Bi,fy88»p; = ti| Jos raB?, cf. nian x ch
2 728, etc.
tVa^H ns3 n.pr.loc. Ne 1229; cf. baba.
tWCa JTS n.pr.loc. in Moab Je 48s3
(place of recompense) — mod. Umm ej-Jemdl ?
Bdp',20s, 5 hours S. from Bosra.
t]2n rV,!l n.pr.loc.] © Bai&w (Bmaryov),
© L Bmdapav, 2 K <fs ; mod. Jeninl v. J2, sub (33,
andD'Sipy; cf. StaGMChlM2.
tCnbll ITS n.pr.loc. fa Moab Jetf12
* AT T : ■
=nov$:n jbby Nu 334"7 (Ml irtai re) v. "1.
t^iayrva Jos i 541, pi n^a 1927 n.pr.ioc.
1. in Judah (house, i.e. temple of Dagon; As.
Bit-Daganna C0T,M15-41'*I>>-281) Jos 1541 (®
BnyafiiijX, but ©L Br)08ayai>) — name appears in
mod. Beit Dejdn, SE. of Jaffa, but loc. unsuit-
able, cf. Rob88"-232. 2. in Asher Jos 1927 (©
Bm6(yiv(0, but ®L Brjddaywv) perh.= Beit Dejen,
near Akko, cf. Di.
tain jT3 n.pr.loc. in Gad Josi327 =
urh n
PtH n*l Nu 32", mod. 5«< Hiirr&n, 1 hour E. of
Jordan, opp. Jericho, Tri8tr"0-,*,,; name Teller-
Iiam(eh) Merrill"8"*"-1877 Schick2'* "*••»" (cf.
Lag °Mm- los- 16- 2"d "<1-1S7 al ^
pn jva v. Din jvs.
I TT ■• "
*fnSn rra n.pr.loc. (j>Z«ce of partridge)
in Benjamin, on border of Judah Jos 15";
TrrV3 !819-21, mod. 'Ain llajla (or <?a«- IlajUi
cf. Rob & Di Gn 5011) Rob81"-044 Bdp'lm."
t fVin ITS n.pr.loc. Jos io10", also plh '3,
pn '3, & in Ch I^n '3, two cities in Ephraim,
lower & upper B.H. (place of a ho'.e or hol-
low^) "in, perh. fr. a wady betw. the two, or near
by; cf. also n^J|0 Jos io10, Tito v» 1 Mace 3itM)
i ch 724 f^yr-riM r*«?53 frfmnn$i further,
a. ftfy 'n '3 Jos 165; ji'bjm 'n 'a 2 ch 8!. b. i
hour W. from a. finnn'n '3 Jos 163 18" iK
9''; I*innnrt 'n '3 2 Ch85; also Jos io10" 18";
prob. also 2 122 iS 1318 1 Ch 6s3 2CI1 2513;— mcd.
Beit'tJr el-fbqa & e<-<aA«a Rob8*"260'- Bd1"*121
Survey1"86;— cf .^ihn adj.gent. Ne 210" i3a,
only of Sanballat; also du. D'^H Jos io'°" ©
& 2Si334@WeDr.
t|2n iT'S n.pr.loc. in Dan (Judah? Phi-
listine territory) 1K4' (where rd. 'n '31 v. sub
11. pi>N p. 19);— mod. Beit I/anun cf. Rob"""-35-
tniQ,©';rT J-Pa n.pr.loc. E. of Jordan
(place of the desert, DB*) in Moab Ez 2 59; nbe^n '3
Nu 3349 Jos 1 23; given to Reuben niDB^ri '3 Jos
1320; — perh. mod. es-Suiveime, De SaulcyVo,*r'
'•316t, cf. Merrill" Soc"1S77 Bd"1172 Survey*"-™
T"^3 ]"Va n.pr.loc. (place of a lamb) appar.
belonging to Philistines 1 S 711.
t D^3n Jl'a n.pr.loc. in Judah (vineyard
2>lace)Je6\ D"n3n '3 Ne 314; on location cf. Schick
zrviiLss^ but v* editorial remarks ib., & mT^m.
tniNnT' ri'a n.pr.loc. in Simeon (place
of lionesses 1) Jos I96=,K"|3 '3 (perh. text, err.)
1 Ch 431; = rii«3i) (in Judah) Jos 15s2.
Cn? JVa 41 n.pr.loc. 1. in Judah (i>!ace
of bread (food), mod. Ar. ^ oJj , !*«« of
meat), 2 hours south of Jerusalem; birth-place
of David;— D$ IT} Ru 1 19 + 1 1 1. ; BTT^ 1 S
206 + 9 1. ; orb n,a ju 1 28 + 1 1 1. + Gn 3519
48', -where Drb nn KV1 is a gloss, v. ™T)SK,
p. 68; 0-b-'2 1 S i715 + 3 t.;— as cstr. Dn^'3
kTjW JuiV89 19121818 Ru i1-2 1S17'2; treated
as' n.pr.m. 1 Ch 25,M 44; men of Bethleliem
^•arhn rva
'3 <t5>?K Ne 7M = '3 "33 Ezr 2s1;— on nJTJBK as
name of Bethlehem, & confusion arising from
gloss Gn 3519 48', v. p. 68;— mod. Beit Lahm,
5 m. S. of Jems. Rob81"-171 Bdp,U2S Survey1"*8*
Gu^rin'"**1120-206. 2. Orb TV3 in Zeb. Jos 1915;
perh. also Ju 12"°;= Beit Lahm, 7 m. NW.
of Nazareth Rob""""3 Survey1-301.
t"pn|pn JV!| adj .gent, the Bethlehemite
1 S 1618 17" 2 S 2 119, so read prob. also in
|| 1 Ch 206 for MT »or6 m cf. BeThEwH1"-70
\VeBm Kue DrBm; 4>rr'3 1 S 161.
Tn^EJ'v f^3 n.pr.loc.appar. in Philistine
territory Mi i10; site unknown, & txt. dub.
«i^p rra v. irtfep sub t6o.
]iyp jva v. fivo bys rva supr.
troyn rva n.pr.ioc. so only '» '31 nban
2 S 20u, where rd. as in v15 and in 'D '3 ?3X
i K 15™ 2 K 1529 .4&eZ of Beth Maacah; c. D-^
loc ; napn '3 n^>3K 2 S 2015; cf. sub n. i>as.
T prnQPI PP3. possibly n.pr.ioc. house or
settlement on bank of Kidron 2 S 1 517 (RV
Beth-merhak, cf. MV RVm Far House; Ew
The Ke Sta tlie last house of the city).
tni^nQ i"P3 n.pr.ioc. in Simeon (jylace
of chariots) 1 Ch 431 = nionBrr'a Jos 196; site
trPOj iTS n.pr.ioc. E. of Jordan, in Gad
T .... *
{place of leopard) Nu3236= J0S1327; © Na/xpa^,
KmSavafipa, etc., v. also Lag 0nom- *"• "* ™ * *« ;—
mod. TeZ *'«A Survey KP1OT Bdp,U79, cf. also
rjnoj sDIsi56, & Bob **■"*.
]"!!^ ^? n.pr.ioc. Am is Aramaean city,
or land = Paradisus (PtolGeo8T-Tl4), mod. Ju-
sieh (cf. Rob BE "LK*)? or cuneif. Bit-Adini, in
Mesopot, cf. SchrK0199 DP"8'; COT 2 K 1912
6 v. sub HP; otherwise St, & Hoffm ZAW '"• "» w.
TPV5t3*~rP21 n.pr.ioc. near Jerusalem
v t : — "
Ne 7M=njD|y Ezr 2"* & iwrty Ne 1 2"; cf. 1 Ch
1213 (where n.pr.m.); — mod. El-Hizmeh c. 5 m.
NNE. of Jerus. ace. to Ritter Gw>"r- "'■ 5U Survey"1' 9.
TpQVn ]T2 n.pr.ioc. on border of Asher
(valley -Jtouse) Jos 1927. Survey ,,M5 comp.
■Arnha, 7 m. NE. of Akko (but v. Rob8"111103108).
Tni3J?"TPS n.pr.ioc. in Judah (perh.=
temple of -Andl Bae8*153 Hal ,A,-7xllll879pao8, cf.
foil.) Jos 1559;— mod. Beit 'AnUn Rob881"-280'-
Guenn,°'w<""-lnt Survey1"351. But ©L Bn6ap*0,
<£ mod. Bittir, c. 2 J hours SW. fr. Jerus. Bd Pal m.
112 QtgQj r-pn
t]T3S*;"JT3 n.pr.ioc. in Naphtali (temple
of 'Andt Nes8'114 Bae1"163 Mey ZMG 187T- 718) Jos
1 9s8 Ju i33; 'V 1T3 v33; — perh. mod. Ain-Ata v.
d. Velde**"-'-170, 6m.W.of Kedesh (name'/lnata
Gu^rin0'111*74; 'Ainitha, Survey iax)).
t^inn Tgy*iT5 Perh- a-Pr.loc. (6wwZ-
ing-house of the shepherds) 2 K io12; cf. v14 "wi
'JT'3; Bethacath Jer Lag0"0"1-10'7-17-2"'1"1-141;—
mod. 2?e«< A'dcZ near Mt Gilboa (Fuku'a) ace.
to Survey"83; but cf. JV3 1. p. 109.'
tninyn JT21 n.pr.ioc. (jrtace of the de-
pression) reckoned to Judah Jos 156'61, to Ben-
jamin 1822 = nrvgn 1818, nnpnyn v18; cf. also
adj. gent. NCIfjyn' 2 S 2 331 (perh. rd. 'Vp-^3
Klo cf. Dr)= 1 Ch 1 132 ; — site unknown.
TINT'S JTZ1 n.pr.ioc. (place of escape) in
south of Judah J0S1527 Nen26; cf. adj. gent.
'L^3n 2 S 2326, & so rd. also 1 Chu272 710(Be).
t-rij'B ITS! n.pr.ioc. (='S i>ys '3, cf. sub
Py3) E. of Jordan Dt 3^, in land of Amorites
446 cf. Jos 1320 (where assigned to Reuben); in
land of Moab Dt 34s. On site cf. Di Nu 23s8
JjQgOnom.tt2.2naea.246 Qon(J Heth * Moib 142 f. p]£p 1882. 85 f.
JY^3 jyvg n.pr.ioc. in Issachar (place of
dis]>ersion) Jos 1921; site unknown.
TTlXW 3 n.pr.ioc. in Judah (house of rock)
Jos I568 2 Ch 1 17 Ne 316; as n.pr.m. 1 Ch 245; —
mod. Beit ^Ar, c. 12 m. S. fr. Jerusalem Rob
BEin.276f. gurvey ui.au Bd™138 (Burj Stir).
TlirTVJTS. n.pr.ioc. (place of street, or
market l) near Dan on road to Hamath Ju 1 8s8
2 S io6 (where 3irrriV3 DIN) = ah") Nu 1321; cf.
3irn* N3ix DIN 2 S io8;— loc."dub.(cf. Rob"1S71t).
tSD"1 1V2. n.pr.ioc? in Judah; as
n.pr.m. 1 Cli 412.
T^SUJ TV3. n.pr.ioc. in Manasseh, "W. of
Jordan (place of quiet) 1 K 41212; ?NBHV3 Jos
i7»-'« Ju i27 1 Ch 729;=JB!)V3 1 S3ilo:'2; ffW%
2 S 2 112; — mod. Beisdn (Scythopolis), NH
i?»3 Rob381"-329 Bdp,li!24 Survey ll01f-
t ntfltZJn H^!l n.pr.ioc. (place of the acacia)
Ju 7m (on site cf. Rob88"-3").
tttjpuj fP3 n.pr.ioc. (sun-temple)— '& '3
Jos^^+St.; 'P-'S Josi5,0 + 6t; VBV '3 Jos
i938+4t.;— 1. city in SW. Judah J0S1510 iS
6..i».is.u.i6.i..jo j K 4» 2 K 1413 = 2 Ch 25s3 2 Ch
2818; distinguished from other places of same
name as rrvmb TO 'B» '3 2 K 14"= 2 Ch 2521;
assigned to Levites Jos 2i16 = 1 CI1644; — ruin
at mod. 'A in Shems Rob BB "• ™ '■ Bd p" m Survey
in.s5.eo_ 2. city in Naphtali Jos 1938 Ju i33'33.
3. city in Issachar Jos 1922; possihly 'Ain esh-
Shemsiyeh, Jordan valley, S. of Beisan (Beth
Shean) Survey"231. 4. =On-Heliopolis, in
Egypt Je4313 KobBB1B EbG8606t DF'31"
tlfeB^nTVa adj.gent. of foregoing 1,
cart. 1S61418.
trns.Fr,n^2 n.pr.loc. in Judah (place of
apj,les) Jos 1 s53;— mod. TaffM RobBB"n Bd
p.um gurve in.3io.sre
TTJT'3. n.[m.] house, palace — abs. f^'an
Est 7™ ('an n?a); cstr. Jiva Est i5 (^WJ 'a nn),
all garden of '3 ; ace. to Dieulafoy Elfj '**•<*""»»•
throne-r 00m, syn .ofapaddna in mng.,but cf. f "1BN.
IT'S prep, between, v. [P?] sub pa.
tfcOS. n.[m.] balsam-tree (v. Ar. l£>
DozyZMO 1869, 188 bu<. L5w No.47. ac(. to TA Hke
j^ja-ja., an eruca, cf. Lane s.v.; perh. cf. l£5 give
little milk, of camel, i.e. drop, drip); pi. D*K33
2 S 523S4=i Ch i4,415; sg. in K?3n p»J? ^ 847
balsam-vale, cf. De Che.
tnD3 vb. weep, bewail (Ar. ^o,
Aram. *?», J4», As. 6aMZimBP23M, Eth. Oh?;)
— Qal P/. 'a Gn4314 Ho 125; nnaai consec.
Dt 2 113; Waa Jb 30^, etc. ; Impf. *13>l Gn 37s5
+ 16 1. (la'i'Gn 27s8 etc.); 3 fs. na'an 1S1"
+ 2 t.; naaril 1 S i7, !]?™ Gn 2116 (where ®
masc. cf. Di)+ 4 t.; 2 ms. n|3n Is3o19 EZ2416;
naarn 2 K 22", jan* 2 S 1221 2 Ch 34s7; 2 fs.
•JOB 1 s i8; naas Ju n37+4t.; naasi 2 S 1222
+ 2t.; «f*Xvi6»+3t.; »*?£ Jb3i38 Is337;
3 fpl. "j'l'an Jb 2715 ^ 78"; 'aw Ru i914, etc;
Imv. pL WB Je 2210 Jo i5; ni'33 2 S I24; /n/.
a&s. ta3 Is 3019 + 3 1. + Mi 1 10 (where rd. tap, v.
iay) ; n'aa 1 S i10+ 3 1.; cstr. nisab Gn 4330+
3 1.; nnaab Gn 23s; />«. naa (nsta) Ex 26+ 6 1.;
fs. .Tata La i16; pi. Dtaa pa) Ear 3'2+ , etc.;—
1. weep (in grief, humiliation, or joy), abs. Gn
4224 433030 Ex26 Nun410 141 iSi7810 116 3044
2 S i12 318 1336 15s0-30 1912 2 K 8"12 Is 301919 Je
4i65o4Ez2416-23Lai2Zc73 Joi5217^7864i266
cf. 69" (but on text v. Che) Jb 2716 Ec 34 (opp.
laugh pnb>) Ezr io1 Ne89 Est83; once c inanim.
subj. Jb3i38 '3? W;I1 its furrows weep; on
Ne i4 naasj VOB* cf. As. attaSab abakt, Flood
ijoed.Di Qui';T- Hpt5Asi.i45. of ]oud weeping NfeO
1 1 S 114 24"
'a«i btpn Gn 2iw 27" 29" Ju a4
2 S 332 1 3s6 Jb 212 Ku i914, cf. * '3W3 '3 Nu 1 1
also Jb 3031. 2. c ace. cogn. '33 Ju 21' 2 S
1 3s6 2 K 2o3=Is383, cf.'aaa i8 169, 'aao Je48»,
& naa nain '3 Ezr io1; sq. ^"13 i>ip ■ s i5» cf.
b« ^lp3 '3 Ezr 312; weep bitterly 'T 10 Ig 33';
also c. inf. abs. weep intensely, grievously iSi"
Je 2210 La is, cf. Is3o,9& Mi i'°(but on text v.
supr.) 3. sq. ?J? weep upon, i.e. embrace and
weep, inwriij Gn4514 46» cf. 45" 50'; also
Yyp>l 'a 2K 1314; v. further Gn 334 45" &
injrrns rhj «a»l j S 2041; also sq. ^ weep
over, for Ju 1 i37-38 2 S 3s4 La 1 '•; sq. "i>K 2 S i24
S32 Ez 2731; sq. j> Je 22,04832 Jb 30s3; sq. 'JBD
because of Je 1317; sq. temporal clause (of oc-
casion of weeping) Gn 5017 ■</<• 1371 Ne 8". 4.
sq. ace. bewail Gn 232 37s5 503 Lv 10" Nu 20M
Dt2i13348Je823,cf.Is.i69. 5. sq. ^ in sense of
burden, annoy with weepingNu 1 i13Ju I41,17cf.
'J$ Nu 1 120. 6. * *jp '3 of penitent weep-
ing Ju 2023 (cf. Be ; v. also 2i!) Dt I44 2 K 2219
2 Ch 34s7, cf. also Nu 25"; joined with fasting
Ju 2026 2 S i22lss cf. Ezr io1; so of weeping
in anxious entreaty Ho 4s; on pt. as n.pr. Ju
2i.s v D»3a infr Vi pt ft n33,3 iammt je
3 125 sq. ?J? ; bewail, pi. ntaaD Sq. ace Ez814.
Tn221 n.[m.] a weeping, only Ezr 10' 133
'a nann oyn.
t^a n.m. ,o21'2 weeping— "a? Ju 2i2 +
20 1. (also cstr. Lt348, etc.); ^33 Gn452; 'aa
Is 152 + 6 t.; sf. "33 ^69; — weeping ^ 30s Is
1525; as ace cogn. (c. naa) Ju 2ia 2 S 1336 2 K
203 = Is383 cf. Isi69 ('333) Je 48s2 (>33D);
audible '3 5?¥ V' 69 Is 6519 Ezr 313 cf. Je321 3iu
Is 153 ('333 IV" W« v. Je917); so also Gn452
('33 li>p-nN* jn"l) & Je 48s ('33 n^ '333 i.e.
the sound of it shall ascend) — but text here
suspicious, cf. IS155; as disfiguring Jbi616;
|| words of mourning Est 43 (b«, Di2f, nBDO),
Je 3 19 (D'jwnn cf. 321), 910 3 1 15 (to), cf. ?3N /aa
nB'D Dt 348 & Di ad loc; contrition (humilia-
tion) J0212 (D1X, 1BDO), Is2212 (1BDD, nmp,
p-e>-n:n), cf. Mal213 (npsn, nyon); of bitter
weeping Is 2 24 '333 T?OS<, cf. Je 3 1 15 (& Is 337) ;
"ITJ)"1 '33 Is 169 Je4832 i.e. Ya'zer in Moab, cf.
-\W n.pr.; f 10210 (>n3DD '33 'IPC* cf. 42' 806
& Bab. dtmtu mastlti, tears (v:ere) my drink
Zim BP34-42). Trop., of trickling streams (nnnj)
in mines — hindrance to miners Jb 28".
TrV)32 n.f. weeping. Only in 1"U33 P?S*
T /
Gn 35" i.e. mourning oak, cf. p^N, p. 47.
t[r»"5a] n.f. weeping Gn 504 im33 V,
i.e. the appointed time of mourning for him.
tO"OSl n.pr.loc. near Pethel, D*33n-i>K Ju
21, B'Sa V5 (cf. V*); © 21 to* KXm/fywra *u tm
BatSrjX ; v5 KXaufyi«i>er i. e. D?33 (®L KXavfyiwi/) ;
— on poss. connex. with J"H23 /i?S Gn 35s cf.
Stu &We BlMk'* Blnl- •*• *■ 18S- ComP- H"'- 1889' 216 • but pcrh.
rd. iwrpa instead of D03 in v1, cf. We BuE82°.
t [*P2] vb. (NH 133, Aram. 133, t&S ;
cf. Ar.J!x> rise «arfy, <7o anything early ; Ixj,
virgin, woman having her first child; Eth. flH*C:
primogenitus ; As. lukru, first-barn, Dl S66,61
—Pi. /m/)/ 133) Ez 4712; 7n/. 133i> Dt2i16;—
1. bear early, new fruit Ez 4712. 2. ma&e or
constitute as first-born Dt 2 1 16 (den. of 1133).
Pa. Imj)f. "133^ Lv 2 7s6 6om or ??tarfe a firstling.
Hipli. Pt. f. '"n,33p Je 431 one bearing her first
"1*133 mn.m.first-lx)ni—Gn 35s3 + 78 1.;">33
Gn25,3+i4t.; &+&} Gn493+i4t.; W3?
Gn 386+3 t.; pi. cstr. ^133 Ne io^+a t.';
Drni33 f 13610; pi. f. nnbs Gn44 Ne io37;
nibs Dt i2617 1423; — 1. »iew and women: a.
individuals Gn 2513 + 69 1. b. coll. Nu 34660 816
i8is. c. pi. Ne io37 f 1 35s 13610. d. im b
Exil'l 212'29 1 3s131616 2 229342 Nu jHJUMMMMMI
dividuals LV2726 Nui817 Dti51919 3V7.
2. animals: a. ro-
coll. TOTO "«a Ex n5 I22" 1315 NU341 1816;
-ii33n b Dt 1 519. c. pi. nroa Gn 44 Dt 1 26-17
1423 Ne io37. 3. figurative, n. of relation
me 1133 first-born of death Jb 1813 (deadly
disease); Orp~[ '1^33 first-born of the jmor (the
poorest) Is 1430; Israel is the first-born of
Yahweh among the nations Ex 4s2 cf. Je3i9;
and the seed of David among dynasties yff Sg"®.
1133 n.pr.m. (young camel, Ar.^5o, As.
bakru AsrbAnn*h",C5)— 1. son of Ephraim Nu.
2635=T13 1 Ch 7-0. 2. son of Benjamin Gn4621
I Ch 76'8 (133).
1^33 adj. gent. c. art. as n. coll. Nu 2635.
"PTOS, n.pr.m. aBenjamite(onformcf.^O?'3!
«^p, & oisl0,*dto-; on Nab. n.pr. in 1 v. Eut
n*"24'25'8"- & No1"73*) 1 Ch 8r9=944.
T"H33 n.pr.m. (youthful) — 1. a Benjamite
2S 201'-5-6-7-1013-21-22; only in phr. n^fff V2#.
2. perh. adj. gent. pi. c. art. D^psn 2 S 2014
the Bichrites (i. e. family of Sheba')', MT Dnsn ;
cf. © iv X(V/.fi=na(3); so Klo Dr.
114 nvpTaa
f H133 n.f. young camel, dromedary (Ar.
>JXj yowng she-camel) Je2:3; pl.cstr.,",33 1360'.
trnSa n.f. right of first-born Gn 25s234
(J) DtT2i17 iChs1-2; sf. W33 Gn2 7:,6(JE);
^rnbaGn253l(J); imTb3Gn25334333(J) iCh5'.
t rPi33 n.pr.m. (first-born) Benjamite
i S91.
T !~IT33 n.f. first-born, always of women
Gn i9«^-34'37 2926(JE) 1 S 1449.
T PH^S n.f. first ripe fig, early fig (re-
garded as a delicacy) (Low391; cf. Ar. ijJfo,
Span, albacora, Moorish bokkCre) Mi 71 Ho 910;
sf. ir«?=nrpWDa (rd. ma Di), is 284; pi.
t CJH^SSl n.m. first-fruits — Lv 214 2317Nu
2826 (P) 2 K 442 Ne 312 1331; Dn33 Lv 2320(P);
cstr. no? Ex2316,9(E) 3422M(J) Nu 13s0 (E)
i813(P) Ne io3636 EZ4430; sf. T7°? Lv214;—
the first of grain and fruit that ripened and
was gathered and offered to God according to
the ritual; D^SSn Dn? bread made of the new
grain offered at Pentecost Lv 2320; Dni33il DV
day of the first-fruits (Pentecost) Nu 2826.
73 v. sub n^3.
73, "iSttfuSa v. sub bo, p. 128.
TpN73 n.pr.m. (=Bab. abal-iddina, he
hath given a son COT 2 K 2012) father of TP1?
flKJQ king of Babylon (v. sub *|f«?) 2 K 2012
= Ts39'; name prob. abbreviated by omi? sion
of name of god (v. ib. Merodach-baladan =
Marduk-abal-iddina, Marduk hath given a son;
cf. Esarhaddon, v. HOnDX p. 64).
trj7 j] vb. gleam, smile (Ar. iJJ) — only
Hiph. Impf. 1 s. c. ) subord. ny%») Jb (f' +
2 t.; Pi. 3v30 Am 59; — 1. shew a smile, look
cheerful \// 3914 Jb (f io20. 2. cause to burst or
flash n-bv ■*> '30H Am 59 (cf. Ew St).
t nUT'S. n.pr.m. (cheerfulness) — 1 . priest of
15th course (David's time) 1 Ch 2 4 14. 2 . priest
that went up with Zerubbabel Ne 1 2618.
T ''ipS, n.pr.m. (id.) priest withNeh.Ne io9.
ifn^JfTOO] n.f. smiling, cheerfulness,
source of brightening— fa) ^K ,,!1^''r'3P Je 818
a source of brightening io me in sorrow; but
text dub. cf. VB Che.
■nba us
tTJ^S n.pr.m. (® BaUab; Nbz"QM88-4™
Bel has loved, cf. *!$? ; DF'2*' ZKllm comp.
cuneif. Bir-Dadda, cf. HptHbr1885'224) 2nd friend
of Job fntfn) ♦TlWn 'a Jb 2" 81 181 251 429.
in H n.pr.loc. in Simeon Jos io3.
t[n/!H] vb. become old and worn out
(Ar. JI3, Aram. \?3, JL>, Eth. <1M: id.)— Qal
p/ nnj?a Dt 84, *i>3 294 + ; 7»y>/ tfy$ Jb 1328
etc.; 7w/ c. sf. ,rP3 Gn 1812;— wear out (intr.),
esp. of garments Dt 84 294-4, all c. ?J/D pregn.
wear out (and fall) /row upon... (hence Ne 921),
Jos 913; fig. of the heavens (with sim. of gar-
ment) Is 509 \jr 10227 v3j 1333, the earth Is 516
n?3Jjl 1333; the bones (through suffering) ^3
afflicted man Jb 13s8 O^aj 3J713 MR] (|j -I333
Bty i'3X); of an aged and decrepit woman Gni 812
(J) >'T'3 ^"ins after 7 am worn out. Pi. caus.
of Qal. a. wear out (trans.), fig. La 34 '"IB1? n?3
rt«\, -f 4915 and their form i>iK?> HlVab is for
She'ol to consume away (others rd. nv3? is for
wasting away [DrS204], connecting 'B* with foil.),
1 Ch 179 wap to wear it (Isi\)om< (altered fr.
iniuyb 2 S 710'), cf. Dn 7" Aram. b. wear out
by use, use to the full, Is 6 s22 and the work of
their hands 1?3^ they shall use to the full, enjoy,
Jb 2 113 they wear out their days in prosperity
(Qrhere 1?3* complete, which perh. is the true
reading in both passages; cf. Ex513 Jb36"). —
0n,n^3^92», v. subi>!?3.
t[n|?S] adj. worn out; f. nba Ez 2343(of
a woman, cf. Gn i812supr.); pi. Dv3 Jos 94
(sacks), v4 (wine-skins), l"lv3 v5 (sandals), v5
T[Ni/3] n. [m.] worn out things, rags
(Syr. )££=>' id.) pi. cstr. jftf Je 381,u, *&$ v12.
t[rP"?:ip] n.f. destruction: c. sf. Is io25
DJTparrby 'SKI and mine anger for their de-
b& adv. not (Ph. id. : e.g. CIS '• m 1S f3» b
psb shall not be for the priest;,3,3 Tiy ^2=
before my time) a poet. syn. of tO, of compara-
tively rare occurrence, Ho 72 916 (Qr) Is 1 421 35'
4317 Pr 913 147 1923 22s9 237-3S-35 24* 1 Ch 1630
(=\jr 9610), only besides, except in the pas-
sages cited, in other Psalms : often repeated in
the same context, as Is 26'»>»'>'4141818 332°-2°-2'-
23.23.24 . . J, j04.6.1I.15.18 j g2.4.4.8 j »3.3.5 2j3.8.12.
also used oft. with BtoK, BFttP., Dfen f io6 168
218 307 46s 931 9610 1045 Pr io30 123 Jb4i15.
In Is 4024 it is prob. that it acquires from the
context the sense of hardly : yea, hardly are
they planted, yea, hardly are they sown . . . ,
when he even bloweth upon them, and they
wither; cf. W 2K 204. Joined anomalously
with an infin., ^32' T?$ 3<ni? ?? (else) there is
not coming nigh thee (i.e. else they will not
approach thee).
ts73 subst. wearing out (^ , -^-» wear-
ing out of a garment), hence 1. fig. destruction
Is 38" 73 nne* pit of destruction (of Sheol).
2. defect, failure, hence adv. of negation (cf.
DBS), chiefly poet, for &6, J'*?:— a. with finite
vb. rare and only once in prose, Gn 3 i^E) v3"py
i? Tan because he told him not, Is 146 3210 Ho
87 916 (Kt) Jb 4 1 '8. b. used to negative an adj.
or ptcp. 2 S i2' TIPD 73 not anointed, f 194
H078: more freq., esp. in Job, joined with a
subst. in sense of witfiout, Jb 8" will the reed-
grass grow DV0"v3 without water? 2410 they go
about naked Btop 73 without clothing, 3iM
339 346 3^2 words njnyJl without knowledge,
3916 423 yfr 595 |WWJ ?iV~,^3 without (my) ini-
quity they run (against me), cf. v4 N?, 63s a
dry land tFO v3 without water, Is 28s; Jb 308
DB^y? ^33 children of (men of) no name.
With preps, a. t^33, in njH 733 Dt 4*
194 Jos 203'5 D (=unawares: all in D's law of
homicide); without knowledge Jb 35" 36". b.
t y3p in a slate of (v. sub p) no . . . , i.e. vrith-
out, Is 5" prppap regardless of, without measure,
Jb 3841 4 125 that is made TVrfyfr (to be) in a
state of no fear, i.e. to be feartess. c. t V3D
(«) from want of, followed by a subst. or infin.,
JO expressing causation, Dt 928 * TOT 730
on account of Jehovah's not being able . . . (in
Nu 1 416 *lj>aO),2 8M(Ew "•* ; but also ES Jrh "'•72)>
Is £* for viant of knowledge, H046 EZ345 Lai4
"iJfiD SX3 'O'SO for lack of comers to the stated
feast. Followed by a pleon. f't? in the phrase
• • » n§ Y?Dn is it on account of there being
no . . A (lit. is it /row* the deficiency ofno. .A
cf. fc-X? *Xa ,-» in Syr.; PS529), Ex 14"
2 K i3-6-16. (3) so that there is no . . . (lit. away
from there being no . . . , i? expressing negation,
and v3 being pleon., as in P£9,V.mh f?S 6 d /3);
Je 215 its cities are burnt at^ 7|0 so that there
is no inhabitant, 99"1' Ez 1 41S Zp 3". Once as a
conj. TtW$ y3D, with pleon. iO, so tltat not . . .
Ec 311. In Job v?? is used more freely =
1 2
without, the connexion with a preceding verb
being no longer distinctly felt : 420 without any
heeding,! hey perish for ever, 66247'8; prob. also
4" 31" (though here the sense (a) would be ad-
missible), (y) in Jb 1 8,s %rtyp i^K3 fVfr, 19
is prob. partitive (so Hi): there shall dwell in
his tent what is nawjht of his : Ew'"8' De less
probably even naught, cf. sub |*K 6 d y ; Ges
'terror (supplied from v14) shall dwell in his
tent so that it is no more his.' d. ty3"*!? till
there be no . . . yjr 7 2' Mai 310.
1 TV2\^L n.[m.] nothingness (from y3 &
HD, lit. not-aught) Jb 26" who hangeth the
earth on '3.
t , S** ,S 27 n.[m.] worthlessness (cpd. y3
not, without and ?5?! worth, use, ffofiCi — '3 Dt
1 3" + 20 t. ; bvhl yj, 1 o i3 + 5 1. ; — the quality of
being useless, good for nothing. 1. abstr. B*N
hHwt), ^V^an VJK, worthless, good-for-no-
thing, base fellows 1 S 25s5 2 S 167 201 1K21"
1 S 2" 10s17 1 k 211013 2 Ch'137; '3 na 1 S i16
(drunken woman); '3 *1J? base witness Pr 1928;
'3 "lai base, wicked thing ^ 419 (yet cf. 3 infr.),
101s (add prob. also 1 S 2910, so @ We Dr);
'3..."i:n (elliptical and in apposition) Dt 159.
2. concr. elliptical of '3 B*N 2 S 23" Jb 3418;
by*1??) jn tf'trb i s 30s2; i^s d"in Pr 612.
3. ruin, destruction : so t^ 4 19 ace. to De Che al.,
but v. supr.; '3 fJT counsellor of ruin Na i";
'3 alone a maw of ruin, destroyer Na 21; '3 \pru
floods of destruction (|| ^i«f) 2 S 226=^ 18s. '
t'Hjna (perh. from % and TJ, ^S mw<o;
Syr. »^i=a«v, x<»/»V; Nab. nypa except,
Euf"*8'9)— bf. rsffi (3 t.), T^l (4 t.), Tw*
(once) — prop, not unto, hence apart from,
except, without : a. Jb 34s2 njHK '"IKp3 &rce;rf,
apart from (what) I see myself, do thou instruct
me. With sf. Gn 4 1 M TT??P aiH,r< •r^om thee'
without thee, no one shall lift up the head, Is
45s for there is none "^Vr? except me. Also
with sf., as a particle of deprecation, Gn 1424
'TV? ? not to me! i.e. I claim nothing, (in our
idiom) not at all! 4 116, h. with JO, ^Bff&i (so
,>'\^. ^& without), (a) apart from, esp. with
the collat. idea of without the knowledge and
consent, Nu 520 2 K 1825 (=Is 3610) ami now
come up apart from, without '' against this place
to destroy it t Je 4419 (cf. Y$fi Gn 4144). ((3)
«jpar< /rem, besides, except, Jos 2219 2 S 22s2*
(rr^iS32*) for who is God except '" ? v32";
similarly Is 43" Jfte "$JQ9 NJ|, 4468 4521.
[nV£] subst. (from fyS, of the form fta
01 ! I46 b) prop, failure, hence used as particle
of negation, not, except (cf. y3, DDK), twice
with sf. (v. infr.), elsewhere always w| (with
binding vowel '-^ , as mark of cstr. state: Sta
4343 Ges5903), (Ph. n!>3 <mfy: Tabnith-Inscr. 6)
— tl. adv. not, with an adj. 1 S 2 o26 lino »nj>a
wo< clean, with a subst. Is 1 4" 'Tip Wa rial? a
stroke of non-cessation, i.e. a never-ceasing
stroke, with a finite vb. (si vera 1.) EZ133
(RVm: but v. Dr*41 ob>). t2. after a preceding
negation, no< = except (syn. ,J?W), Gn 2126 I
have not heard Di'n w? except to-day, Ex 2219
he that sacrificeth 'v w3 except unto \ Nu
3212 Jos 1119: so DN Vm Gn4718 Ju 714 (cf.
DK "3 Gn 2817 Ne 22). With sf. (attached to
the ground-form ^V?) W? except me tHo 1 34,
^n,a except thee ti S 22. t3. conj. (likewise
after a neg., expressed or implied) Gn 43s
D3riX D3'nK W3 eascepi your brother (be) with
you, v5 Nu 116 our soul is dry, there is nothing
at all; save that our eyes are toward the
manna, Is io4 (and where will ye leave your
glory1!) save that they bow down under the
prisoners, and fall under the slain ! i.e. (iron.)
their only refuge will be among the corpses of
a battle-field. So BK V$9 Am 33-4.— Dn 1 1 I8,
where no neg. precedes, it is difficult to extract
a sense consistent with the gen. usage of ''JjyS ;
Ges besides that his reproach he will return
unto him, Ew only, nothing but, Hi certainly,
Drechsler (on Is io4) nay, even (cf. RV).
4. With preps, a. 'l???? m so as not . . . ,
in order not... (negation of ? sq. inf.), usually
sq. inf. cstr., as Gn 415 gave a sign to Cain
iniOTOn w3p in order that any finding him
should not smite him, 1921 389 Ex8,8-25917 Lv
1 830 204 2615 Dt 8" 1 712 the man that doeth pre-
sumptuously ybE' wap so as not to hearken
etc. (cf. Jei6is'i723'i81042is Dn 911) v20 Ju
2B+: P'jfi'l TO? in order not to profit (the
result represented forcibly as the design; cf.
sub lyPp) IS4410 Je78; after vbs. of commanding
Gn 311 which I commanded thee «B1?"P3K wap
not to eat thereof, 2 K if Je358f14 Ru 2",
swearing Dt 421 Jos 5s Ju 217 Ez 2015, agreeing
2K129, interceding Je 36s5. Once f ,r??3?
2 K 2310 (cf. *? |g$ Ez 2I20, j> liap 1 Ch 193).
Twice as conj. with the impf., Ex 2020 2 S 14"
(cf. -raja, & JO Dt 3311). In Je 23" 2718 sq.
perf., which is inconsistent with the nature of
a final conj.: rd. either CW* Itfjj, or 3*>, Ni3
(cf. Dr »410b>). On Ez 133 v. supr. tb. '?$W
an account of not . . . (negation of IP sq. inf.):
sq. inf. Nu 1416 * n>3< wSJ?; a verbal noun
Ez 1 6* wpty '?|>W. t c. 'nb-iy inks «oe. . .,
sq. a perf! (Ges; RSJph,"-Kj, or an inf. (Ew
t238"), in the phrase (0$) ib-VN^n V^-TJf
1,"!B' um&7 one left him (them) tio< a remnant,
Nu 2135 Dt 33 Jos S^io33 1 18 2 Kio11.— Jb i4'2
D?OB> ^b-l? ($ there be no heaven (cf.
TTTJf V'727).
t[n7H] vb. trouble (Aram, .j^, cf.
Ar. i-L> be weak in intellect ; v. also 7113) —
only Pi. Pt. Tfti£ OWN mnbp Kt (Qr B^flDD
needless) Ezr 4* troubled them in building.
Tni"T vS. n.f. terror, dreadful event, ca-
lamity, destruction — nn?a is 1714; pi. ninps
Jb 18" + 7 t.; cstr. nin|>3 Jb 24" ;— 1. only pi.
terrors Jb 1811 2720 3015'; '3 ^O Jb i814=death,
tf. nmb? '3 Jb 2417. 2. calamity Is 1 714, pi.
+ 7319; calamity, destruction Ez 2621 27s6 28".
tl. nrT?21 n.pr.f. (etym. dub.) handmaid of
Rachel, concubine of Jacob Gn 2QM 3o345J
352225 (sons Dan & Naphtali) 372 (prob. gloss,
01) 462S 1 Ch 713.
tn. nrtvS n.pr.loc. a city of Simeon 1 Ch
4s*, prob. = nbp Jos 1 5W, ffa 1 93 cf. Di ; site dub.
tjrOS n.pr.m. 1. descendant of Esau Gn
3627=Ti Ch i42. 2. a Benjamite 1 Ch 71010.
NiVa v. sub nb.
io1 (prob. = Bab. baldfsu-usur, protect Ids life!
COT Dn i7 Dl in BD Dn- *•'*;" Hoflm2*1887'86 conj.
"»VN [lie* D?3 Balat ( = god Saturn?) protect the
fang ! — Dn 4' conn, with Bel, but name then in-
explicable), name given to Daniel by Neb.
^2, ncV?. ^-W v- 8ub n^3-
fl. 773 vb. mingle, mix, confuse, eon-
found (Ar. JJ moisten (with water), cf. Jl>
»n<ns<ure, As. ia&SZw, DlPr70; cf. Ph. 773 name
of a sacrifice, & NHH£?5 Aram- 'Ifi.XSii)
—Qal Pf. ^3 Gnu', ^ ^92" (h^ cf-
infr.); J>p/. 1 pi. nbi = n^ Gn n7, cf. Ko
,ss; Pt. pass. W>3 Ex 29* + 3t., rhhi Lv 2'
+ 28 t., IliX>3 Ex 29'+ 4 t.; — 1. mingle, con-
fuse (obj. nab' = speech, language, q.v.) Gn
1 17-" (J). 2. mix (cakes or flour, etc. always
with oil) term, techn. sacrif.,only P (H Lv 23"),
cf. Di on Lv 24; usually as nmo, '[OB'S '3 n^b
Ex 2940 Lv 2s I4I0!1 2313 Nu 7>»-i»»-3i.i7.«.4..«.«i.R.
7379 Nu 88 154" 28l*-™*-i3MM29M-u,'v2'2 nruo
Lv 710 (opp. ruin) 94, 'e*3 '3 rfsp rrt?n Ex 29'
Lv71212, i.e. made by mixing with oil; J17D
'e>3 '3 mxo n^n Lv 24, 'bo '3 ni^n rta Nu
6'6, i.e. fine flour (in the form) of cakes so made.
JJjp JOE'S "r&3 V' 9211 / sliall be (am) anointed
with fresh oil AV RV; vb. not elsewhere in
this sense; ® 23 Hup Che rd. 'itfa fr. ^2, inf.
cstr. sf., abstr. for concrete, my wasting = my
wasting strength, of declining age; Israel under
figure of old man ; this however is not favoured
by context. The passage is therefore doubtful.
Hithpo. Impf. y?i31V Ho 78; "» KV1 D'OJQ D^BN
Ephraim, among the peoples doth he mix him-
self; but Ew Now derive here fr. 773=1173 (or
733) waste away, cf. Hiph. Hiph. Impf 7331
Is 64s and we faded away, but rd. perh. 7331 fr.
733 cf. Di (De, less probably, derives from 773
— cf. Ew Now Ho 78— or 713 = 733).
t^3 n.m. ,l30M fodder (Aram.^2^»;
cf. Ar. Hi moisture of fresh pasture) — 7v3 Is
3024; sf. iW? Jh66 24*— fodder (strictly, mixed
fodder, farrago) Jb66; as growing in field 24'
cf. Is 3024.
til. [7^3] vb. denom. to give provender
—Qal Imp}. ?3J1 Ju 1921 Qr (Kt 7131) sq. )
give provender to the asses.
t?l V3!QJ n.m. snail (Shaph. form, causing
moisture, from notion of moisture or fluid in
773);— name due to slimy trail f 58', W#
TfSjV eon.
t "QFl »•["*•] confusion, violation of nature,
or the divine order— Lv 1823 2012 (H) cf. Di on
tTpSTl n.[m.] confusion, obscurity (on
form cf.Ar. conj. v. Inf. Sta'*7) Lv 2i;0 (II)
WJJ3 'n i.e. defective sight? cf. Di. (V??,
(33, p"!, Tf?T CI'""?, etc.)
t[D73] vb. curb, hold in (NH id., Aram.
B&f, ?&>)— Qal Inf. D^1) ^32', cf. Che.
D 7H (<* Eth. dM-.fig, Ar. JJJ a kind of
fig, cf. Lag"-'--1"1; hence following).
t [Dt3] vb. denom. gather figs, tend fig-
trees, sycairores ( © tcvifav, S3 vellicans, prob.
properly to ni}> the sycamore fruit to fit it for
eating, v. Tristr »»«■ nut. Bib. s» Boi1.cp.s9. p. sot.
Theodoret ap. Fi HM""- "* '<*• Theophrast"2)—
Qal Pt.o'tiZ, Am 7" D'Opt? '3.
t ^ 7 3 vb. swallow down, swallow up,
engulf (idea of quickness, suddenness) (NH
id., Ar. i£> swallow, Eth. A2vO: «a<, Aram. V?3,
>*i£a; As. fteZri, Pi. destroy ZimBF27)— Qal Pf.
V^3 Jb 2015, sf. *J*#3 Je 5 134 (Qr, cf. © Kt «-);
3 fs. nvb Nu 1630; 3 pi. sf. WTO V 1 24'; 7»rap/.
^1 Jb 2019, vb>l Ex 712, sf. T\yfcy\ Is 284; 3 fs.
sjoni Nu i632+2 1.; sf. »}l?J«a« V6916, uybn
Nu 16s4, Dvbrn Dt 116, iojtan Ex 1512; 3
mpl. sf. W$£ H087; 3 fpl. n^ini Gn4i7,
T|yb^». Gn 4124; 1 pi. sf. DJJOJ Pr i12; /»/ ySab
Jon 2 ' ; sf. ''J'?? Jb 7 l9 ; — 1 . swallow down, c. ace.
Jb719 Is284, subj. tt Jon2'; subj. B$0 Gn
4 1724; HBO Ex 712. 2. swallow up, engulf, subj.
H? Ex 1512 Nu 1630'3234 2610 Dt 1 16 f 10617; fig.
of greed Jb 2015 (obj. ?jn ; opp. N*p www'*); of
violence, extortion Pr I12 (P'Mj??); of devasta-
tion by enemy Ho 87 Je 5134 ^ 1243; over-
whelming by calamity 1^ 6916 (subj. nbfo);
of full enjoyment, profit Jb 2018 (no obj.)
JTiph. Pf. vby Ho 8s, V^J L3287;— swallowed
up, i.e. devastated Ho 88; engulfed by wine
(yet cf. Pi. Is 312) Is 287 (pvrp '}, || ^2 Wf),
Pi. Pf. vb Is 25*4-3 t.; SR» consec. Is 257;
3 pi. wb Is 312; 1 pi. «vb La 216, sf. «W$J
+ 35^;" Zmp/. "fa* Pr 1928, sf. 3 ms. Wfto Jb
8is Pr2I2o. by^a; v 2 110; 36. sf. 3ms. «q*p»i
Ec 1012; 2 ms. vbn 2 S 20", sf. '?vj>3™. Jb io8;
1 s. vb« 2 8 2020, VJ>3*< Is 1 a3; Imv. v£s V, 5510;
Inf. Vb Nu 420 Hb i13, ]?b La 28, sf. *ivb Jb 23;
P<. sf. 1R$30 Is 49";— 1. swaZZow Nu4M (V.b?
as a swallowing =for an instant) ; elsewhere
2. swallow up, engulf, usually c. ace, a. fig. of
destruction, ruin, Is 312 (obj. TJ^); (Ba from a
V II. vb confound, cf. Di ; v. also 915 193 28"
f 55'° 10727); subj. '< La 22"-8 Jb 2s io8 ^ 2110
(|| bx), Is 193 (obj. ns}1), i.e. confuse, con-
found/ so f 5510 D?<"2'^ 3k «J^J vb «m/M«e,
Lord, divide t/ieir speech (cf.?b Gn 1 i7-9 & v. De
Che); subj. wicked men,enemiesi/'35:5Is49,9cf.
La 216 (abs.) Hb i13; obj. reflex, in sense Ec io12;
= annihilate IS2578; b. \\t. = destroy 2S2019'2"
(|| n-n^n); i„def. subj. Jb 818 lopoo 'ffj c.
fig. for greedily (seize, adopt) practise Pr 1 928,
for extravagance, squandering Pr 2120. Pu.
impf. vb; 2 s 1716, rb; jb 3720; Pt. Epybt?
Is915;— be swallowed tip, i.e. destroyed Jb 3720;
cf. 0$ Vb;-I3 2 S 1716 (impers.); ruined Is 915
(yet cf. sub Pi.) Hithp. Impf. 3 fs. vbnn
^ io727(subj. nD3Pl) their wisdom is all gone,
' they are at their wit's end ' (cf. sub Pi.)
I I. V?? n. [».] swallowing, devouring,
thing swallowed. 1 . swallowing = destruction,
vb-nST ^, 526 devouring words (|| ncnp }te>b).
2. <Amgr swallowed IV.b, Jesi44 '3TIK 'rttfijrn
V9D and I will bring forth that which he hath
swallowed out of his mouth.
I II. jn£ n.pr.m. 1. vb Gn 36^= 1 Ch
i43; Vb Gn 36™= 1 Ch i44 a king of Edom,
-I1V3 P '3 (cf. Dvb & Di Gn 36s2). 2. vb
1st son of Benjamin Gn 4621 NU2638-40 iCh76-7
813 (V.b). 3. Vb a Beubenite 1 Ch 5s.
t V?3i adj.gent. of 2, 'JCT n. coll. Nu 26s8.
t in. V vi n.pr.loc. city ="lVs q. v. Gn 1 42 8.
■nyVa v. sub nb.
I. C2S*7S 11.pr.1n. Balaam (ace. to Sta » ^rr
Vb + D ; ' Nbr stud- Blb- '■ » prop, b = 7» + (god)
DV), son of 11V3, prophet fr.linS (q.v.): — Nu 22
5-7-8-9+ 47t. Nu 22-24 (all JE) 31816 (P) Dt 23"
(D) (cf. W> Jos 1 3s) Jos 24910 (E) Mi 65 Ne 1 32.
tn. DV^S. n.pr.loc. town in Manasseh 1 Ch
655; A I0\aafi, ©L Ic^Xaaf<=Dvb; (q.v.) Jos
17" + 2 t.; mod. Bel'ame, 6 hours N. of Nablus,
Bdp'1K8, so Survey"47.
•(■[p721j vb. waste, lay waste (As. baldku,
Pi. destroy, Lyon S""0" 61 ; cf. Ar. h^S_ a desert)
— Po. Pt. without D, sf. I^i IS241 (||Pi?.i3,
subj. ', obj. jnsn); — on form (which might also
be Qal Pt.) cf. 01 1264 Lag™1882'403; also pp2 Po.
Je 5 12, and intensive use of Inf. abs. Niph. Is
243; further Pu. (i.e. intens.) Pt. Na 211 (this
however perhaps largely influenced by asso-
nance). Pu. Pt. npTbo Na 2 " ('301 npntpi npa),
devastated, or as subst. a devastated city.
p72 n.pr.m. (devastator) king of Moab,
ites fa 'a Nu 22"r+ 37 1. Nu 22-24 (all JE)
+ J0S249 (E) Jui i55 Mi 65.
nsNttna,TStfNVa v. h sub bvx
T|tp73 n.pr.m. (=inquirert NH & Aram.
£93; cf. sub p) an Israelite wbo returned with
Zerubbabel Ezr 22=Ne 7'.
[rhi], *rhz v. sub ,-63.
T nOS ^ n.f. high place (-/appar. qu on
account of firm — ; cf. As. bdmdte ZimBF48,
Moab. no3 MI3")— Je 4835+ 18 1.; nncsn 1 g
913; pi. ni»3 Nu 21"+ 62 t.; cstr. W3 Jb98
Is 14" Am 413,; T% Dt 3213 Is 5814 Mi i3 (Ew
,ald Ges587,6 archaic fem. cstr. with retracted
accent before monosyl. in poetry, bdmo-the not
&wi);sf.,nb32S22:,4+3t.; ,niD3^I834+ iot.;
— 1. high place, mountain: 1^ l"liD3 forest
mountains Mi 312= Je 26'8; D^IJ? ni»3 ancient
mountains Ez 362; JJIN J11D3 Nu 2128 (E poet.)
2. high ])laces, battle-fields, the chief places of
the land giving possession, victory, dominion:
TJTID2 b]} on thy high places (Gilboa, the battle-
field) 2 S i19-26 (in v19 ® has a doublet T™? thy
dead, v. We Dr). a. of Israel: TID3 by 331
pK ride upon the high places of the land Dt 3213
& Is 58" Cf. ~Dt3f> ^l834=2S2234, Hb319.
b. of God : p« <noa by -JIT fr-ead wpora «Ae %/i
places of the earth Am 413 cf. Mi i3; D' TI03
Jb 98; 3J? TID3 b]l r\b$ (aspiration of the king
of Babylon) Is 1414. 3. high places, as
places of worship, at first on hills and moun-
tains, later on artificial mounds or platforms,
under green trees, and in cities; still later for
the chapels erected thereon, and once appar-
ently for a portable sanctuary (decked with
diverse colours) Ez i616. The ancient worship
of Israel was conducted on these high places.
In the times of Samuel and David they as-
cended to them, descended from them, and
offered sacrifices on them, 1 S 912"25 io513 (HD3D
for nrV3n We Dr). The custom continued in
the reign of Solomon, but Gibeon was D03n
rbrm i K32-4cf. iChi639 2129 2ch i313. High
places of Baal were also used Nu 2 241 (E) Je 1 gb
32"; of Moab ISI52 1612 Je4833(cf. MI27);
these must be demolished Nu3362(J). Solomon
built J1103 (platforms or chapels) to Chemosh
and Milkom on the Mt. of Evil Counsel op-
posite Jerusalem 1 K 11': Jeroboam made
temples on the ancient high places of Dan and
Bethel 1 K 123132 2 Ch u15; they are called
JIN m»3 Ho io8, pl-lb" H1D3 Am 79: the kings
of Israel built niD3 and niD3n TI3 in all their
cities 2 K 1 79, and the people worshipped there
2 K 17"; these were also used by the mixed
population after the exile of Israel 2 K 1 ?*■**:
these various idolatrous high places were first
destroyed by Josiah 1 K ttf-3*-* 2 K 23"° 2 Ch
343. The worship of Yahweh on high places con-
tinued in Judah until the exile 1 K 22" 2 K
1536; the sanctity code predicts that Yahweh
will destroy them Lv 2630; they were regarded
as the reason for the rejection of Shiloh \^ 78".
The compiler of Kings, writing from the point
of view of the Deut. code, complains ntosn pn
rq l6 2 K 12* 144 154* cf. 2 Ch i517 20» and
praises the few pious kings who destroyed them.
a. Rehoboam built ni»3 with ni3VD & Dnt?X
on every high hill and under every green tree
1 K1423. h. Asa did not remove the high
places 1 K 15" (2 Ch 1424 is incorrect unless
?V3 niD3). C. Jehoshaphat in his reform on
the basis of the covenant code did not remove
them 1 K 22M (nirarrnK Tpn liy 2 Ch 1716 is
doubtless incorrect, possibly rd. ni3SO); Jeho-
ram, his son, made high places in the cities of
Judah 2 Ch 2111 (@ $ j not mountains $);
and Ahaz sacrificed on high places on the hills
and under every green tree and in everv city
of Judah 2 K 164 2 Ch 28425; cf. Mi i5 (rd.
flNUn? so © @ X Che al.; yet cf. JBL18"0™')
d. Hezekiah removed them 2 K 1 8421 2 Ch 3 1 ' 3 2 l2
Is 36' ; but Manasseh rebuilt them 2 K 2 13 2 Ch
33319, and the people continued to sacrifice
thereon to Yahweh 2 Ch 3317. e. Josiah, in his
reform, based on the Deut. code, defiled them
and brake them down from Geba to Beersheba
2 K 23s-8-9; but subsequently there were D1D3
nann in the valley of Ben Hinnom Je 731, and
niD3 throughout Judah Je 173 cf. Ez 63' 2029
(questioned by Ew & Co). 4. funereal
mound(t) EZ437 (Thes, but in their high places
AV RV; in their death % Theod Ew Hi EVm),
Is 539 (Lowth Ew Bo Bodwell Orelli ; but in
his death A V RV, or martyr death De Che Br).
T]"n^3 n.pr.loc. (high place or great high
place) place in Moab Nu2i"-20=:?y3 J"liD3 Nu
2241 Jos 1 317 possibly on Mt. 'Affords cf. Di.
T7HCj1 n.pr.m. (='D~|3 son of circum-
cisionl cf. sub |3) descendant of Asher 1 Ch 7".
iQS. v. sub 3, p. 91.
JTIOS v. sub H03.
]2 ^n.m.son(MI Ph.p; so Sab. CI S^',
cf. ^3 DHM Bm- sp^worKh.e . At ^i . As Hn^
Lyon8*180091-67; esp. in bin-bin, grandson COT
Gl0M, cf. Dl infr.; Aram. 13, -J,, pi. pJ3, ^.la;
cf. Palm., esp. Vog ""• a- "• * * *'■ ; possibly orig. con-
nected with ri33 build, so Thes, cf. As. bdnu, be-
getter (Dl™* cf. BaZMH "".•«); but all traces
of this </ lost in Heb. form ; -/ perh. orig. bilit.
(», ») * I3 v. Sta * 183)— abs. '3 Gn 4» + ; fS Ez
i8»; cstr. }3 Gn 4922-22; -J3 Gn 5^+'; |3
Est 2* Ne 618, & c. prefix Gn 17" Nu 8s5 1 Ch
27* 2 Ch 25s 311617; to Nu 2318 24s15; "33
Gn 49"; J3 Dt 25s; 1? Ex 33" + 32 t. (29 t.
in combination jy~|3 (WSJ*, VBnn) J>B>in'); sf. '33
Gn2iI0+; 1?3Ex2o10 + ; ^ Dt73 iKii13";
}33 Gn3o14 + ; 133 Gn417+7 333 Gn2I»»+;
pi. D*J» Gn 3,6 + ; cstr. *J3 Gn 62+ ; sf. '33 Gn
3l*+;tt^| Jos 22* + ; Db'33 Ex 3H + , etc.;—
1. son., male child, born of a woman Gn42i 161115
1 719 cf. v16 1 81014 1 937S8 + oft., cf. F13B3-J3 Is 4 9'5 .
begotten by a man Gn 54t28 610 nllf+ oft.;
|| 03 (11133) daughter Gn 54'71" n»»«J»t Ex 2010
Dt 5" i6»» 1 S 3036 Jb i2 42>3 + ; of son as
desired Gn 302 (cf. 152 162 17" i810f- 1 S iM1)
2 K 41428 f 1 2 73 + ; rejoiced in Gn 306 + ; beloved
Ex2i52Si91-3-6 1K326; cared for Dti31; spared
Mai 317; disciplined. & trained Dt85 Pr312 1324
1918 2917; owing reverence, obedience, etc. to
parents Pre20 io1 131; jrtaa I?3 thy first-born
son, Gn 27s2; iban jan Dt2i15' cf. 1 S 82; iW?
bhfn A«r eW«r sow Gn 2716-42; ^Jn to 271; FI33
fttgn ;ier younger son Gn 2715'42. In partic. a.
to^n? son of his mother, i.e. own (uterine) bro-
ther Gn 43s9, cf. 27s9 Ju 819 V' 5020 699, & v. DN;
1'?? 'J!3 sons of thy father =hrethr en Gn498
(poet.) tb. (n'Tl >}* = cousins Nu 36". c.
^33 my son, as term of kindliness or endearment,
used by Eli to Samuel 1 S 3616 cf. 416 2417 2617-
2L2S, v. also Pr i810 21 + ; cf. *J33, used by Ben-
hadad of himself to Elisha 2 K 89; by Ahaz to
Tiglath-pileser 167; esp. to express intimate
and gracious relation with God : '' calls Israel
nba »3JJ Ex 422 cf. v23 Ho 1 1 », v. also ^ 8o16 (but
cf. Che); D3'ni>K mth QriK D'33 Dt 141; 'J?
fi'bj; V826 (|| dv6k); $-i$ ,?.3 Ho a1; cf. further
Dt325(pl.) v20(pl.) Isi24 3019 Je 31422 4s2 3120;
of future Davidic king 2 S 714=i Ch 1713 cf.
^ 27; expressly referred to Solomon 1 Ch 2210
28s; also of children (offered in fire) Ez 1621.
d. DTOKH '33 applied to supernatural beings
Gn624Jbi6 21; Crbtt '33 Jb 387; D'iw 'pa
^■29' (on which cf. Che's note) 89". e. 0"1N"f3
son of man, cf. 'N '33, v. D1K; t&"K VPVV
& (|| fflK '3a) 493 62'°. ' tf. *J33"f3 = % prawcZ-
«on Ex io2 Dt 62 Ju 8s2 cf. Je 27*; also pi. Ex
347 Dt4926 Jui214 2K1741 2Ch840 Jb4216
f 128" Pr 1322 176 Ez 3726; also f3 alone with
similar reference Gn 29s (Laban son of Nahor) ;
Laban calls his daughters' children his own
sons Gnsi28-43 cf. 321; so of Naomi Ru 417; *J$
D'V3! 2 K 1 o30 sons of the fourth generation, and,
in general, descendants Jos 2 2242527 + ; v. also
sub i. infr. g. constantly, as more precise de-
signation, added to personal name n3D'~fa 3^3
Nui43032123419-|-; |tt*f? ytPirn Nu ii28 I43"
32— 3417 + ; B33-f3 (jyarv j K i2215 + , etc.;
also without personal name (often with impli-
cation of contempt) E^i?"'3 1 S 10"; 'B>'"[3 1 S
2O27.30.3i 227.8.9.i3 25io 2 g 2Qi. n^ vj3 "2 SVi610;
Wjiffl-fl Is 7«* 816; ^.ao-ja is 7'«j Cf. also
T<! '33 Nu i678. h. designated as trj^JTf
i.e. born in old age of father Gn 373; opp.
Dnwari '33 sons 0f one's youth ^, I274; aiso
,JT3~I3 one born in my house Gn 153 (i.e.
slave) so Tt£ '33 Ec 27. i. in various com-
binations : (a) as expression of contumely, -f3
nvriisn nis» 1 s 2030; mn BjRIjrrjj 2 K 632 this
son of a murderer; cf. ^-PPS Jb 308; £3?'",r'3 '33
ib.; H33V ,3.3Is573(||«|K30jnj); cf. JTiriK n^STf?
Ju 1 12 (cf. v1); (0) as term of respect, dignity,
Qv^n"!3 son 0/ nobles Ec io17 (in Aram.=/ree
born); D'03rrj3Is i9»; Dlp-'abp-p*.; cf.^]b»"l3
+ 721 (ll^»); ^n»«-f3 ^ 86'6 in addressing ''
(Wy0) fcTW?.3 f 10229; of noble appearance
^J13? V.3 Ju 818. j . oft. pi. with name of ances-
tor, people, land, or city, to denote descendants,
inhabitants, membership in a nation or family,
etc.: (a)e.g."l35?-'33Gnio21; nrr'33 Gn233"10-
HuuMwa 25.o 4?M ^all pj . ^njH^ Nu 24,7 y_ gub
8); "iton-'ja Gn3319 Jos 24s2; VE'JJ '33 Gn3661519
Dt 24-812-2229; T*^ '33 Gn 362021; 'D3n('33)-f3
Jos i58+ (cf. sub *W); Ci^ '33 Dt 2919 V^9;
tip1!'-'?.!! (lit. Gn 4627 48s 1 Ch 51) Nu i32 26s8-37
34s3 366 (" '3 HBO) + 6 t. Jos, cf. V 7716; even
n$3D t33BJ 'Jtn '33 x CI1523; TIT '33 (lit. 2 S8,8=
1 Ch 1817, 1 Ch 319) 2 Ch 138 23s 32s3; t]p« V3
2 Ch 2913 Ezr 241 38 + (v. *lpK); rrib '33 in titles of
V' 42-49. 84,85,87,88; esp. (0) |toj>-'33 (stand-
ing designation of people of Ammon) Gn i938 +
81 t. (cf. fBg & NbZMQ1886',71Dr8m66); a'pj|' '33
(lit. Gn 34"WM7 35mui 492) 2 K i7=« ^'10^
Mai 36 cf. f 7716; & chiefly (y) ^^ '33 (lit.
Gn 42s 452' 465 Ex i1) Ex i7+ 613 t'., inch Hex
427 (of which 328 P, 49 E, 25 J, 25 D), Ju6i,
SK Ch 73 (23 in ref. to ancient history, 10 in
opp. to Judah); so also Vrss & var. sometimes
for IS* ri'3, e.g. Jos 21 «+ v. Di, Ez 3' + v. Co;
also the reverse Ez 23al.; note esp. Wlty '3 D5?
Ex I9; btpfr '3 ip| Ex310 74; ^"j'^ '33 nTJ|
Ex 1 612-910 i 71 Lv 1 66 1 92 Nu 1 263 89-20' 1 326 1 5*™
if 199 25" 26= 3i'2(all P); ^ 'a ntt"! Ju 32;
Dyn-b?l ty '3"!53 2o26; 'l;>n 'jM '(^'3 Ne io40;
also («)TJW NO (lit. Gn 4612 2619 i Ch 2310 41)
Nu i26+ 18 t. Nu Jos, Ju i8-,1,(so rd. ako v21!1
cf. Jos 1553 & v. sub |D'33) 2 S 1 18 1 Ch 4s7 + 8 t.
Chr, Je f° + 4 t. Je; Ho 2J Jo 46-819 Ob I2 (not
in K, of Judah or of any other tribe, except
*k ^» 1 K 1231) inch ffW »J| n»D Jos is120'21
2 11 1 Ch650; for usage with other tribes of
Isr., v. the articles; — but note (f) t*K '?.3 (Ht.
Gn46» Ex 616 Nu 317 1 CI1527 6' cf. 23") Ex 32s8
Nu315 1678 1821 Jos 2110 (as including sons of
Aaron etc.); *fc '33-^3 EX3226; 'b 'a I'TOrb
Nu 1610; 6 'a D'3nan Dt 215 319 cf. 1K1211
&Mal33; 1 Ch 2 s24'27 2 420Ezr8'6 (distinguished
from priests) Ne 1 2s3 EZ4046 (including pi"IS '33
the priests); also 'b '3 DiJnp 1 Ch 918; "^n »J|
1 Ch I227 Ne io40; D^n «JS 1 Ch 15" 2430 (cf.
also '£); (f) |*IE|» '33 (lit. EX2 81-40 1 Ch 520 241;
oft. Aaron and his sons lit. Ex 2721 28'-4 + ) Lv
35.8..367.ii 7 10.33 Jog 2 , >o j Ch 635.39.« 1 54( + Levites)
24131 Ne 1247; also D'3n'art 'K '33 Lv i5811 22 32
Nu33io8&Jos2i192Ch3i19cf. 26l82o21351414;
P3^ PnS 'J3 Lv i7 Jos 2 14 (as subdivision of
Levites) v13cf.Lv734; prv* *JfTI$ ROT '3na-riK
D^rn 2Chi39 cf. v'°; once in sing. PD$li ft3?
Ne io39; v. also sub pqs ; (,) fptt| '33 Ez4o26,
4416 prw *aa en^n owm ; 4811 ehpon twron
pHX '33D (® Sm Co join D of '33D to pre-
ceding word, making pi.); (6) *B with names
of peoples, lands, and cities, D'!?*3 V3 Am a7 ;
D^SfO '33 Ez 1 6s6; ■fiB'K *J| Ez ie28^7'912'23;
TV-!3? H? '3 Ez 305 (Co del. p«); ^33 '3 Ez
23i5.i7.23. d^t '3 Jo 46; J*| '3 Jo 2s La 42
^i492(cf. Zc913). Vid. further (•) 1»S '?3 Lv
i9'8cf. 2o,7Nu 225 Ju i4",-WEz3u33s-u-l7-!»3718
Dn 12'; IB? T1? 9? Dn II14; (<e) Dyn '33 T3JJ
2 K 23s 2 Ch 355-7'12; OR '33 '-pp. Je 26s3'; (X)
Dlp-'33 Gn 29' Ju 712 810 1 *K 5'10 Jb i3 Is iiM
Je4928Ez25410; t(f.)n3Htpn '33 Ezr2'=Ne76;
2. children (male and female) Gn 316 2 17 Ex 2 15
2 223; hence D'l3?? "^?«? '33 J0S172 male chil-
dren, "Ut |3 Je 2015. 3. youth, young men
(pi.) Pr 77 Ct 23. 4. the young of animals
Lv 2228 (HB' IK "M?) cf. Dt 226-7 1 S 6710 Zc 99
Jb4u28839416;— lpT3_f3 etc. v. sub 7binfr. 5.
of plant-shoots TTp J3 Gn 4922-22; also ?3 f 8016?
(|| H33 ; see Che trans. & crit. n.) 6. fig. of
lifeless things, *\f~j. '?.3 sj>arks Jb 57; stars Bty
n'33-^JJ Jb 38s2; arrows n'fPT'|3 Jb 412; '33
<nB^KLa3"; cf.'pr;3 i.e.cornofmythreshirig-
floorls2iw. 7. a. member of a guild, order
or class, +D'(*'3a-| '33 i.e. those belonging to the
prophetic order 1 K 20s4 2 K 2»«" 41M*5»6I91
As. mdr sipri (siprdlum), son of a messengers
messenger, and explains from the son's succeed-
ing to father's calling) & N'33-f3 Am 714; prob.
also+D^nan '33 1 Ch930Ezr2"1 io18; tC'IS^n '33
Ezr242; cf.iniin '33 2 Ch 25" men' of the troop,
v. Palm. Nm'B' '33 inen of the caravanV og*0-'*1 ;
sub nbi); further, in "I33_f3 = foreigner (only
P, poet., & late) tGn if™ Ex 1243 Lv 22s*
Ez 449-9; '3n-'3 fig 563; TJTSI 1 2 S 224S-4,=
+ i84M6 Ne 92 Is 6010 61s 62" Ez 447 f 1447",
'an-'sa Is 566; also D3E>y D'-13ri D'3B*inn '33 Lv
25°. b. of animals, I?3"'3 son of (the) herd,
i.e. young one of the herd, 1p3 '331 1p3 1 S 1 4s2
cf. "1PT3"!3 b)$ Lv 92 (P); then, in general, one of
the herd : fit for food Gn 1878 (J), for sacrifice
Nu is8-9 (P); '3n-p only Lv 12' (P); esp. 13
ip,3"i3 EX291 Lv4314 i6' 2318 Nu7"+i6 t.
Nu (all P)+ 2 Ch 139 EZ4319-23'25 4518 466; D^B
ipra '33 NU28111927 2913'7 (P); also Km '33 Gn
49r"(poem,J; ||ni'y); iKJT'ja^x^4-6; D1?KVf3
^296; D'3Bin '33 Est 810; lij^n) '33 Lv i14-|-
7 t. Lv + Nu 610 cf. n3V-[3 l'v 126 (all P); "^
"Wjl Pr3o17; 3-l.ir '33 ^147'. 8. r3 as n. relat.
followed by word of quality, characteristic, etc.
esp. t(a) b]nC)2)-\2 — mighty man 1 S 14" 18'7
2S27 1328 171010 1 K iM+ 7 t, Ch; 'n '33 D'B>3K
Jui82 2R2"; ^nn '330 B»'K t\b« Ju 2110; t(3)
n^'U Wtc/fc«rf »reen 2 S 3s4 71" 1 Ch 1 79 Ho io";
'y-ja ^'Sg23 (for by>b2 '33 v. ^3); i(y) *TR 'P.3
re6e/« Nu ^^(cf. >T»); +(8) ntol^M '33 aorw
of pledges— hostages 2 K 14"= 2 Ch 25s4; +(»)
njD '33 i.e. those deserving of death 1 S 26";
so niO"J3 2 S 125; nruon '33 appointed or ex-
posed to deathf 79" 10221; cf. t(f) ntan |3 one
worthy of smiting Dt 25s; +(,) if '33 Pr 31';
i{8) 1&q '33 Pr 3 18; +(«) fMV '33 Je 484S = «M-
multuous ones; so also ( = flNI?) HE' '33 Nu 2 417cf.
RVDi al.; t(«)"«J?!D "?.? Zc414i.e.anointedones;
+(X) P?'?"!3 Gn 152 son of possession, i.e. heir;
t^pDjrr3 -'7'n Is ' 413«o« of dawn; +(i»)ofani-
mals ynti '33 i.e. proud beasts Jb288 41s6; (£) of
Jonah's gourd H^"J3 Jon 41010; +(«) of a fertUe
hill ICtrta HP Is 51. 9. n. relat. of age: a. of
men, %> ' rfrtb »ton-|a ni >m Qn^ cf. 76+
Dt 3 12; also Ju 28 1 S415 2 S 44 19s336 1 Ch 2"
p 122 rw-p
2' 27s 2 Ch _24u 25s 3 11617 Ezr38 Is 65s0 M ^rrp n.pr.m. (son (man) of might) a
prince of Jehoshaphat 2 Ch 1 77.
TpiVlS n.pr.m. one of tribe of Judali
1 Ch 4=°.
T "ipn-'|3. n.pr.m. (son of mercy) an officer
of Solomon 1 K410.
"HSJ^'IS n.pr.m. (*on of my people) son
of Lot by his younger daughter, and ancestor
of the Ammonites (faiTI? v. ftej?) Gn 1938.
tp"^l"',23 n.pr.loc. city of Dan (in As.
Banai-barka COT Jos 1945) Jos 1945; — mod.
Ibn Abrak, or Ibrak, c. i\ hour S. of E. from
Jaffa, ScholzBe,,e256 Di, cf.Map BdPal & Survey
Je52'; +4it.SKChof kings at accession; note
esp. (inch in above) the phrase rOB* D,*)b'? I?*?
"^ Ex 30" 38s6 Nu i'+ 21 1. Nu 1-3+ 26"
3 2" 1 Ch 2 324 v 2 Ch 2 5s Ezr 38 ; cf. Lv 2 77 Nu 824
2662 1 Ch 23s & without rbyo Nu 8JS 18"; also
rue5 D'tfirp n$n nas* n-iby jap LV273 cf. v6-6;
rue5 DHStorrp nvi r6yoi rue5 Dt6tf pp Nu 4s-3
+ 1 2 1. Nu 4 ; n^vcta bub5 b^b5 pe 2 Ch 3 1 18
cf.v17; & n»o!a rue* cme-i; }apj> 1 Ch 2^. b.
of animals, (Hex all P, inch H) iUBH? Ex 126
29s8 Lv9s 2318" Nu 7" + 28 t. Nu 7,' 28, 29 ;
also Mi 66; irUBH? Lv 1 26 23'' Nu 61214 + 1 2 t.
Nu 7 ; also Ez 4613.
Note.- — p appears perh. abbrev. as 3 in a
few cpd. n.pr.; v. 1p"j3 (=np"rp?), fB/Sp, i^nps,
O^P, n?P, W}*, &$B (so MV after Schol.
Hamasa3 ed. Freytag ; 'RodeIlbr-hl,Un,<>ri''-Ar*bM'21;
but this is very uncertain, cf. Ol*227"-"-613).— On
Lag.'s explan.of UK in some n.pr. as for pt* = p
cf. LagBNTO & v. -onN p. 4, etc., but this is dub.
TjS n.pr.m. a Levite 1 Ch 1518, but del. ®
Be Ot cf. v20.
tnnraM"]! n.pr.m. (?) (son ofAbinadab)
an officer of Solomon 1K4"; but cf. 31J'3N p. 4.
T^D'IX'p n.pr.m. (son of my sorrow)
Rachel's name for Benjamin (cf. infr.) Gn 3518.
TlIlS"^ n.pr.m. (son of a man, or of
Geber) an officer of Solomon 1 K 413.
T^jTR'p n.pr.m. (?) (son of Deker) an
officer of Solomon 1 K 49.
T^n~p n.pr.m. (appar. son of (god) Ha-
dad= Aram! ??£ J>, <S ??i ii PS cf.Bae*"68;
As. Bir-Dadda COT 1 K 201 HptHbrl886224, but
cf. © vlhs'Afcp, & Dl^11-1885'16"-; v. also Schr
Kflj75ir.538f.\ name for king of Aram Je4927; in
partic. ; — 1 . time of Asa & Baasha 1 K 1 5*"=
2 Ch 1624. 2. son of 1. (cf. 1 K 2034) As.
Bad-idri COT (Bir-idri Dlu) jKzo1"""6* 2 R fi24 g;.., 3. gon 0f HaZael 2 K I 3
3-24a cf. Am i\— Vid. Tin.
TnniT"13 n.pr.m. one of tribe of Judah,
i Ch 420 nnirpi nnii ^ upi.
TTin~pl n.pr.m. (son ofChur) an officer
of Solomon I K 4".
t"i3B 1 Ch 242827 as n.pr.m. in AV RV, but
render: the sons of Jaaziah his son, & the sons
of Merari by Jaaziah Aw son, cf. VB & Be Ot.
t]pX?', "03 n.pr.loc. a station of Israel in
wilderness Nu 3331 32 (= fPP "« nhK3 Dt IO«
q.v., p. 92; cf. also JjjgL 1 Ch i42 = fPjn Gn
36", &DiNu3331)-
pQ^Sl Gn 3518+ ; usually !P^3 n.pr.m. ]s6
(son of (the) rigU hand) — 1. youngest son of
Jacob, so called by him, but by Rachel, the
mother, who died at Benjamin's birth, called
Uitf'P (q.v.) Gn 3518; own brother of Joseph
On 35" 42* 43" 45"; cf. 423845,6!M + ; name of
tribe of Benjamin Nu i11 Dt 2712 3312 Ju 514 +
23 1. Ju; 32 t. S K Chr; H058 EZ4823 Ob19
^68a8os; P»» P.3 (lit- Gn4621) of tribe Nu
x36 222 ^60 2638.41 Jos'l8».2> JU 2q3. 2 j 13.20.23 2 g 225 ^ 2j*> j Qfr g40 g3.7 j j31
i2,7li0Neii4-7-31 Je6'; Ju i2121 (but tTTIf «XJ in
|| Jos 150 cf. Bu*87); explicitly i»U3 nap Nui37
222i393421 Jos 2 14 iCh645 cf. Jos 21"; npp
'3 »J3 Nu io24 Jos 181121 1 Ch 650; '3 B3B5 1 S
io20-21 1 K 1 221; observe also '3 ,p3B'-^3 Ju 2012
cf. 1S921; |0;j? B5^ Ju2041 1S412 cf. E*K
pp;-pp 1 S 91; fpU3 p.S Ju2i21 1 S916 2 S 2 114
Jei'i72S324433133712 cf. 32s; '3 ^33 1 S 10s
EZ4822 (del. Co) v24; >pu? rrs 2S319; n»a
'31 flW iKi2232Chn1; in name of a temple-
gate li'fyn '3 nye5 je 202 cf. 3713 387 Ez 4s32 Zc
1410. t2. a son of Bilhan and great-grandson
of Benjamin 1. I Ch 710. +8. a Jew of Ezra's
time Ezr io32 cf. Ne 3s3 1 234.— pa »a ;D'J3 i Ch
94 Kt rd. with Qr * 'WW Kff.
tlpW-]^ adj.gent. from iP^? 1. 1 S 921
f 71; T^"?3 Ju 315 2 S 1 6" 1917 1 K 28; pi.
W p3 1 S 227 Jui916; "J^P; 33^ 1 Ch 2712 (Qr
Tp; pS); = ,,r^ (q-v.) 1 S94+.
tlj,32 n.pr.m. (our sonl 01,2"b'"-613) a
Levite Ne i oM.
i. Pa n.f. daughter (=*nJ3 fr. p. Ph.
n3, MI J153 pi. maidens, As. bintu "Winckler
8.r,on. oiom.9 Ar.oJj ; Sab. m, nJ3 DHMZMQ ,8Sl W1
CISiv.i.N».6.a. Ar-am IJ^L'j, ab8. Ex ,w + .
cstr. Gn n29 4- ; sf. *a Dt 2216 + ; in? Gn
z9" + ; UBS Gn3417 etc.; pi. nfoa Gn54 + ;
cstr. nta Gn 62 + ; sf. Tlla Gn 3 126 + ; *J*fof Gn
1 912 + ; Drt3 Gn 3 421 ; DITTOS Dt 1 231 + , etc. ;
— 1. daughter, female child, born of a woman
Gn3o21 341 Ex i16-33 214 Lvi2« Ho i6 cf. Gn 2012
Lv 189 Dt 2 7K + ; begotten by a man Gn 54-710
ii111315cf.Gnn29i9820l2282Lvi99Dt2722 + ;
oft. |[ i? son Gn 5t7 + (v. J3); cf. in allegory of
Jehoash 2X14'= 2 Ch 2518; note esp. ni33
Dn«n i.e. human women Gn 624; nJDjpn ^3
thy younger daughter Gn 2918 (cf. TVySri v26
opp. nT33n) ; rb'nirs <ra my eldest daughter 1 S
1817; ^(^-nz-princess 2CI12211 2K934Dn
1 16 cf. 2 S 1318 Je 4110 436 ^4510; cf. as term of
praise 3H3TI3 Ct 72; in partic. ta. girl called
Uns by father and brothers Gn 341' cf. D3n3 v8.
ih. of adopted daughter Est 2715. tc. used in
speaking to daughter-in-law Ku i111213 22-822
31161S. td.V3K-ri3=SJ-gfcrEz2 211(appos.ininN);
also half-sister Gn 2012 'WTta tb ^K '3KT13,
cf. Lv 189 & v11 T?? np-n3, 2017. te. il'vna
= cousin Est 27. +f. used in kindly address,
*I3 Eu 3101' (Boaz to Ruth), cf. + 45"; 'Tlin
in mouth of "> Is 43s (|| •»). fg. 1-33 n*J3 =
granddaughters Gn467 (P) cf. Lv 1810 & v17
(H); note also Gn373i, where vni33 must
include other than actual daughters, h. n[53"i
PN1D3TI3 (as more precise designation) Gn 2520
cf. 2423-24-47-47 also 2634-34 29'° + ; note esp. + _na
n'SHB (without personal name) Ex 25'-8-910 cf.
1 K 31 78 924 1 11 2 Ch 8"; J*> Wfl Vyp thfT9
Gn 382 cf. v12 (but cf. 1 Ch 23 sub V&T&
n.pr.f. infr.) ti. oft. pi. as designation of
women of a particular city, land, or people:
|i'S ni33 Is 31617 44 Ct 3" cf. Is 4912 604 La 361;
tfyprt ntos ct i6 27 3510 5816 84; ^eJ-rfaa ju
2 121-21; Din m33 Je493; observe transitional
phrase Tjh 'BOX n«3 Gn2413; further JWJ| ni:3
Gn 28168 3V (all P)'cf. 'iVm 'a Gn 243-37 (J)';
f$fn ni33 Gn 27* 341 (bot'hP); 3K1D ni33 Nu
25' Is 162 cf. Na 21s; nn '3 Gn 274<M6"(P);
&n&b& '3 Jui4'-2 2 Si20 || Q*^0gJ '3 v20 (poet,);
btc&) >3 Ju 1 140 1 Si24 (poet.); ffJW '3 ^ 4812
978;' ntf?D '3 Jos 1 f; ft '3 2 Ch 213;' cf. "&** or of 'its' gate, Ct f (\\ j'i3fn).
Ex 21 i.e. a woman of tribe of Levi ; also Tn$ '3
Ju 143; 1BJ? '3 Ez 1317.— finrna etc. v. sub 3
infr. t2. young women, women Gn 30" (J)
Pr 3 129 Ct 2269; nines nto i9 329; also na
D'B>|n Dn n17. t3. with name of city, land,
or people, poet, personif. of that city or inhabi-
tants, etc.: Jtaf~n3 Is i8 io31 161 62" Mi 1"
48.io..3 Je 4n 62.:3 Zp 3» Zc a,4 9, ^ 9„ Lft i6 2,.4
4s2; even p'HU *Jfl La 2'0; 'Jf '3 ntrin v»>»; also
'S-'3 n&WS 2 K i921=ls 37s2 La 213; 'r'2 nptf
Is 522; B&f** '3 2 K i92,=Is 37K Mi 48 Zp3'4
Zc 99 La 2131S; cf. frTIf Zp 310 daughter of my
dispersed ones; ~i'S"n3 ^4513; ?33'3 Je5o425iM
f I378; ^?? '3 "i"1"3 Is 471; v. further Zc 211;
also of Tarshish Is 2310, Sidon v12 (+ njiins),
Dibon Je 4818 ( + n3B*i^), Gallim Isio30; T\bv\2
rnWj-'S Lai16; cf. TTffa PiZ n.S3D 22; »Brn3
daughter of my people Is 2 24 Je 4" 6,4M 8"19-21-22-23
96 La34843-810, 'V '3 nJ>W| Je i417; D^VO_n3
Je4624; also 4611 (+ n^V13), v19 (+ Hjj*);
DilK '3 La42122; Dnf3 '3 Is 4715; note BWJ
PI33**1 Je3 1 ^(ll^lf : n|?VI3 v2,)494( = Aramon);
on DnB>'N-na Ez 27s v. sub D,")?iN p. 81; less
often in pi. D^J mi3 Ez 3 2 ,6 ; DTHK H '3 v18( these
perh.sub 1 i); D,n^ani33Ezi627(inallegory);
cf. also of Sodom, Samaria, Syria etc. Y«-4i-'<i«M- 23J 4- Tpl=villages, after name of
city, ITrta-brK fafyn* Nu 2iacf. v32 3242 (E)
Jos !&**" (3Et)+y* © Di, 17" (6t.) v'«(J)
= Ju i27-27-27-27 1 ,»•» Je 492 + 17 t. Ch + 6 t.
Ne ii25"31. On 1 Ch 181 & its variation from
|| 2 S 81 vid.WeDr. 5. in phrases denoting
character, quality, etc., "13?. •'KVIS daughter of
a strange god, i.e. idolatrous (woman or people)
Mai 21'; "IVljrns daughter of a troop, i.e. war-
like city Mi 414; y&n nfa3 Ec 1 24 the daughters
of song, i.e. songs, melodious notes; ->5f!p3"na
iSi'S. byiba sub nb. te. nay; n? = ostrich
Lv 1 i16=Dt i4l5; pi. njy: ni33 Jb 3oM Mi i8 Is
i321 34" 43s0 Je 5039 (v.'njy:)'; py-na ^^7 0/
</te «^e La 218 cf. Eth. -nit: 0A1: v. also |WH«.
+7. fig. nin 'Fl^ n^isy^ Pr 30" two daugh-
ters (i.e. She'61 & the barren womb, cf. Comm.)
t8. of vine = 6ra«c/t "WT^y nnyv ni33 Gu 49s2
cf. Di & v. sub |3. t9. as n. relat. (all P),
of age of woman njB> D'y^n-na Gni717; of
ewe-lamb nnj^Tl? Lv 1410 Nu 614; of she-goat
id. Nu 1 5s7. Cf. f3 9.— 11. n3 v. sub nn3 p. 144.
t D^TrQ n.pr.loc. (daughter of multi-
tudes) appellation of populous city of Heshbon,
sntf-ro 124
ti^C?Tl3 n.pr.f. (daughter of oathl cf.
IQB^N) wife of Uriah 2 S 1 13 f 502 ; after-
wards of David, & mother of Solomon 1 224 1 K
,n.u.i«4H 3«..8.i.. jQcrna i K i28; cf. also foil.
tyiCJTlS n.pr.f. (?) (daughter of opu-
lence V) — 1. wife of David, mother of Solomon,
etc. 1 Ch 3'= in^Via q.v.; We Klo JN^Tia cf.
Be; but prob. text, error v. Dr on 2 S 1 13. 2.
wife of Judah 1 Ch 23 rvjjtfan 'B'-'a, RV Bath-
shua but in || Gn 38212 not a n.pr. (cf. v2).
TrPPS n.pr.f. (=-I**J J13 i.e. worshipper of
Yaht cf. Ph. n.pr.f. ^nna) 1 Ch 418 wife of
Mered of Judah, called njr]S~ri3.
J7IQ 373 vb. build (MI, Nab. EutNo1 HJ3,
Ph. p, Ar. U5, As. &mm2 COTG,OM- cf.BaZMai8S7MO,
Sab. »» CIS1,I'I,oM, Aram. NJ3, |i», Palm. NJ3
VogNo:u)— Qal pf /3 Dt 205 + > nrija pr 0i I4i;
JTJ3 Dt 610, nnja lKgi; rn3>i consec. Dt2o20-f;
fW3 Ez 1 6s5; W» 1 K81S + ; pi. «3 Gn
ii5 + , etc.; Impf ni2) Dt 25' + ; juss. |3^ Ezr
13, njaS Jos 1950 + 2 t., f3>l Gn 2B + ; sf. *$$
Jb 2019; 3 fs. |?rn I Ch 7M Zc 93; H33S 2 S f + ;
pi. «3? Is 65s2 + , etc.; 7wn>. HJ3 Nu 23" + ; pi.
OS Nu 3224 + ; /«/ «6«- "i| i K813; cstr. niJ3
1 Ch 617 + , etc.; Pt. act. nj'3 (TOia) Gn 417 + ;
cstr. nj'3^1472; pi- O'Jta (D'Ja) ^4' + ; cstr.
"33 iK5M, etc.; pass. ^ Ct44 JU628; f.
n;«3^i223; pi. D^3Ne74;— build, 1. (lit.)
a. c. ace. (a) of city (Hex only JE) Gn 417 io"
n4-* (+ tower) v8 (all J & his sources); Ex
1" Nu 32s4 Jos 2413 (all E) Ju i26 1828 + 22 t.
K Ch + Je 32s1 V' 1223 (pt. pass.) cf. Hb 212;
of village p??n) Ne 1 2K; v. also sub rebuild, i.
infr.; (/3) house Gn3317(J), elsewhere in Hex
only Dt6108122O232282830; also 285" iK 22s9
1 Ch 141 2 Ch 22 Pr 24s7 Am 5" Zp i13 Is 6521
Je357-9 cf. ZC511; as sign of security Ez 28s6
cf. 1 13; of luxury Ec 24 cf. Je 2214; of perma-
nent residence 1 K 2* Je 2 9628; esp. of temple
1 K3153262 + oft. SKChr; fig. of wisdom's house
Pr 91; esp. build temple mn6 etc. 2 S 7M 1 K
6' (= began to build) + 13I Chr+Is66'; * De6
etc. 2 S 713 1 K 5'7+ 8 1. K, 13 t. Ch; ^Vpb W
2 Ch 208; Dp 'DE> nVnf> 1 K 8'6 2 Ch 66; 0*6
Op *Vp 1 K 93; obj. chambers, or stories 1 K 6610,
court 6M Ho 8" perh. of idol-temples ; cf. 1 K
16s2; V 78M °f Yahweh's building his sanc-
tuary, 1472 Jerusalem, ^127' a house; also
Am 9' his chambers in the heavens; of Sol.'s
palace 1 K7'-291-,0+; (y) of a fortress 2 Chi 7 12
274 cf. of Tyre Zc 93 pto); (8) of wall 1 K 31
Is6o10 Ezi310 2Ch3314 (cf. 27s) Ne446' + ;
(«) gate 2 K 1535 = 2 Ch 27s; (f) tower Is 52
2 Ch 269-10 2 74 cf. fig. Ct 89 & pt. pass. Ct 44 (in
sim.); +(17) siege- works against (6j?) a city Dt
202 pto), Ec 9" (Q'Tto), 2 K 25'= Je 524 Ez
42 (all PJJ), & so (without ^>J?) EZ1717 2127; cf.
ty rOS, abs. La 3s (in fig.); (0) altar Gn2 2l>
357 Ex 1715 2025 244 Nu 2311429 (all E), Gn 26*
Ex 325 (both J), Jos 2211 + 6 1. Jos 22 (all P)
Ju 6s8 (pt. pass.) 2 14 + 6 1. K Ch ; oft. sq. mn6
etc. Gn 820 1 2" 1 318 (all J), Dt 2 7s6 Jos 830 (E)
Ju 624M + 8 t, S K Ch; + («) high places (TO3)
iKn'if 2Ki792i32313 2 Ch 33319 JeV31
i953235; cf. 33 Ez i624-31 (both || dm) & ncn
v25; +(«) f*? Ez3916; also t(X) ftfif /lVj| Nu
3216 (E);- t(/i) ra^ri #D 2K1618. tb. c.
ace. of material Ex 2025 (E) 1 K 6M 1832 1522=
2 Ch 166 Ez 27s; c. 3 of material i K 61516 1517
2 Ch 166; cf. tc. npt6 vbxn-m fa;i Gn 2s2
and he ( Yahweh) fashioned the rib into a woman.
id. abs. 2S59 1 K6'6 Is 9" Je i10 189 22133i28
Is 65s2 + 12 t. Chr + Mai I4 Ec 33 (opp. pa);
also e. Pt. &ct.=builder 1 K8**+6t. Chr +
Ez 274 ^ 1 1822 1 271. ff. c. indef. obj. 1 K 919
= 2 Ch 86. tg. inn'D? I^bmJ Ae &Mtft on
the hill 1 K 1624. th. sq. 3 build at Zc 616 Ne
411 (cf. 3 I 2 b, p. 88). ii.=rebuild Jos626
1 K 1634' Am 914 Is 4513 + 6^ Ne 25 Dn 926 all
of city; cf. phrase dViV niain n33Is58,26i4
& Ez 36s6 Mai i4 Jb 314; of walls Mi 7" 2 Ch
32s Ne 217 f*™ 66 V 5I20 (act. of '-); of gate
Ne 311314'3; temple Zc 612'3 Ezr i3; altar 2 Ch
3316 (Qr W- so Bo < Kt ]y\, fr. pa, so Ot),
Ezr32; high places 2K2i3=2 Ch 33s; in some
of these apparently an idea of merely repair-
ing; so, sts. with added notion of enlarging
etc., city NU32343738 (E) Jos 1950 (P) JU2123
2Ki422=2Ch262, iChu8 2Ch82n6 cf. Mi
310; Mfflo 1 K gu 1 127; cf. house Jb 2019. 2.
fig. a. build a house (JY3) = perpetuate and
establish a family; subj. Leah & Rachel Eu
411; subj. a brother Dt 25s; subj. '' (promise
to David) 1S236 2S727 1K1138 iChi710 and
1 7s5; (to Solomon) 1 K 1 138; cf. further "I" n?D
Am 9" (rebuild, restore); = cause a household
to flourish Pr 141 cf. opp. 2718; also of estab-
lishing David's throne i^896. b. build up
Israel (after exile) subj. » Je 24" 314 33' 4210
cf. 454 & ifr 28*; obj. Zion f 10217. tWiph.
Pf. njaj 1 k 32 67, nrisa? Nu 1322 Ne 71, nroaji
consec. Je 3o'8+ 2 t.; 2 fs. n^jajj consec. Je3i4;
3 pi. U3J Mai 316; O^f] consec. Je 1216 Ez 3633;
7w;>/. na; Jb 1 2" +4 t.; 3fs. nian Nu 2i27+
3 1.; 2 ms. ruan Jb 22s3, njat< Gm62, ruato Gn
30s; 3 fpl. nrjan Ez 36'°; 2 fpl. nraan i8 44™;
Inf. ntani) Hgi» Zc89, "iniana /k.6"; Pd.
n333 iCh 2219;— 1. a. be built, (lit.) of city Nu
13"; of temple i K 32 (" B$) 1 K 67" (c. ace.
mater.); Pt. = do be built (gerundive) iCh2219.
b. be rebuilt: of city of Sihon Nu2i27 cf. Is 25s
4426, of wall of Jerusalem Ne 71, of Jerusalem
Je3o18 3 14-38 Is 44M cf. Dn925 r\m2:\ awn, &
Ez 26" (c. TO*), of ruinous places (J^nn) Ez
361033, of a devoted city Dt 1317 "(c. "W), of
temple Hg i2 Zci1689, indef. subj. Jbi214.
2. a. (fig.) of restored exiles, = established Je
1 216, of prosperous wicked Mai 315, of repentant
offender Jb 22s3. b. established, made perma-
nent, subj. iDn f 893 (c. ab\v), subj. rva pr 243
(by wisdom), c. of childless wife, by means
of concubine H3BD '"I33K Gn 162 303 I shall be
built up, i.e. become the mother of a family,
from or through her; cf. Qal 2 a.
■•2R3 v. ^3 infr.
T ""1 3S n.pr.m. 1. head of a family that re-
turned with Zerubbabel Ne 715 (="33 || Ezr 210
& perh. Ezr 1034 cf. SmL'""n"; but BeEy prop,
here ^33). 2. a Levite of Ezra's time Ezr 8s3
Ne io1'0 (prob.^33 87, <?» 94) 128 cf. 3* OH,
text. err. v18) v. BeEy; also Ezr 240=Ne 7* *J$
rd. perh. *K?|> cf. SmL"tra16 but BeBy otherwise ;
cf. further 'GrGMCh-"1!'38'. 3. Israelites of
Ezra's time, a. Ezr io30; b. Ezr io38.
T^ja n.pr.m. 1. one of David's heroes 2 S
2336 Tfb "33 ( II 1 Ch 1 138 has TpT?, but v. Dr Sm).
2. Levites, a. 1 Ch 631; b. Ne 3.i? cf. 87 (="«a
io10) o/-4 (repeated prob. by error, cf. BeBy) v5
io" 1 122. On Ezr 240=Ne 743 cf. GrGMOh"-2SS9;
he reads 133 btVKTIp for *sb btfnip, taking <33
as n.pr., as 3 Ezr 526 KaS/urjXov km Bai/»ou. 3.
a man of Judah 1 Ch 94 ( JO) ^3 Qr ( > Kt JEM3).
4. Ezr210 rd. ,!B3 cf. ||Ne715. 5. heads of
families of Isr. a. Ezr io29; b. Ne io15; c. Ezr
io34 but perh. rd. ^33 or 'ya cf. supr. 6. an
Israelite Ezr io38. — ('33 as n.pr. Palm VogNoS4.)
t^SS. n.pr.m. 1. Levites, a. Ne94, but rd.
perh. ^33 cf. BeBy & vid. io10 128 Ezr 8s5; b.
"31a (J3) Ne 11* but rd. perh. "33 JO etc. cf.
BeBy. 2. a chief of people Ne io16, perh.
repetit. of ^3 v15 cf. PeRy.
tn^S n.f. structure, building EZ4113, cf.
also £33.
125 /van
t^n^aSl, PPI3 n.pr.m. {Yah hath built up,
cf. i>t03\Sab.Vw3 DHM2*01883'15)— 1. one of
David's captains and heroes, son of Jehoiada,
1IT33 2S8'8 2120'22 t K I9'0'25-323638-44 225M-3o-30-34ai'46
44 1 Ch II24 18" 2756cf. Vs4 (v. Be); =,T33 2 8
2023 1 Ch 1 122. 2. one of David's thirty, irP33
2S2330=iT33 iChn312714. 3. a Simeonite,
TO3 1 Ch 430. 4. Levites, a. ffa 1 Ch 1 s1820-24;
b. (id.) 2 Ch 31 13; c. n>33 2 Ch 2014. 5. Is-
raelites, rWS, a. Ezr io25; b. v30; c. v35; ,d. v43;
e. Eziiu=WJ3 vl.
Tp2!21 n.m. structure (loan-word = J*is>
ace. to LagBX206) applied a. to enclosing wall
of Ezekiel's temple Ez 405; b. to rear-building
of same 41***, but rd. prob. HJ33 q.v. ; so Sm
Co; c. appar. to whole temple 42110 (Co rds.
HUH); cf. vs (del. Co);— Sm refers v1 to en-
closing wall, vid. a.
T7SCIT n.pr.loc. (El causeth to build, cf.
»», n33!)_l. town in Judah Jos 15" (®L
'Ia3>^X) = n3T (q.v.) 2 Ch 26"; =Gk. Iamnia,
mod. YebnaBd1"*1 161. 2 . town inNaphtali Jos 1 9s3.
Tn2^ n.pr.loc. (he causeth to build) a
Philistine city 2 Ch 266 ®L 'IajSi^B \fcwnp) cf.
'Uhva6 ®L Jos 1546 (A V<") \ =^3! 1, q.v.
1 1. ^,,^', n.pr.m. (Yah buildeth up, cf.
VTO3) a Benjamite 1 Ch 9s*® Bovaa/i, @L 'ufipaa.
fn. TVSS\ n.pr.m. (id.; al. HJ33? but v.
Baer's n.) a Benjamite 1 Ch 98b ® Bavata, but
®L 'If \ovtov.
t[rtnn] n.m. structure, cstr. ^JTmaoa
Ez 402 like the structure of a city.
t ^2i2"0 n.pr.m. one of David's heroes 2 S
23" rd! prob. *?3p ||i Ch 1129 cf. Dr8°\
t rMlH n.f. construction, pattern, figure
— 'fl abs.'i Ch 2819; cstr. Ex25994- 14 1. + Ez810
(del. Co); <m,?3Ti a K 1610, BTMan Ex 2540;— 1.
app. originally construction, structure, yet only
P & late: " nsfl? IWan Jos 22s8; cf.'f 14412 in
sim. byn 'n D\rono rfna vntfay carved ace.
to the construction of a palace, palace-fashion.
2. pattern, ace. to which anything is to be con-
structed (P & late), of tabernacle Ex 25', uten-
sils of tab. v9-40; an altar 2 K 1610 "W> W33F1
Vijlflp (disting. fr. IW^); temple 1 Ch 2 8" cf.
v12; chariot, i.e. cherubim 1 Ch 2 818; 'Wj ni3S<pn
1 Ch2819 i.e. objects of which the pattern is
given. 3. figure, image, Hex only D, of idols
in form of animals Dt416171718'8; elsewhere late
Is4413 Ez 810 (del. B Co) ^ 10620; cf. TJ 'n Ez 8*
io8 i.e. something like a hand.
&}2. (assumed as vV D33K, Tbes Sta*257).
t033N a.[m.J girdle— 'n abs. Ex 284 + ;
YJ>r2« Is2221; cstr.Ex3929; D'OJ.aK EX2840;—
girdle, of high priest Ex 2 84M $(f> Lv 87 164;
of priests Ex 2840 209 Lv 813 (all P); of high
official Is 2221. — Josephus1"72 dfiavrjd; cf. fur-
ther LagG"-Abh!l!l.
Whl v. sub [|J3].
Tfc$l%2!jl n.pr.m. a descendant of Jonathan
t n^lim n.pr.m. (1 in the secret of Yah)
Israelite in Nehemiah's time Ne 3".
T^pS. n.pr.m. head of a family of Nethinim,
'pa-'?? Ne f-='02-'2 Ezr 249.
")D 3 (^ to° early* A-T- J-A, of- Aram.
rrypa half-rip:).
t l^i n.m.l! 1"' 5 unripe cr sour grapes coll.
(NH id., Aram. ^1P13, )L'i«ii ; Ar.JJL> unripe
dates) —IDS Is 1 85 + 3 1., Vipa Jb 1 ^-—unripe
grapes Is 1 8s Jb 1 5s3 ; sour g. Je 3 12930 Ez 1 82.
*TtO (At. Ijo , Ijo Je remote, distant, Qpr
942, JLjJ distant; Eth. (10.C: <o change, ^33
title, •flO*^: different, distinct, HO-Cr: another).
"TV 21 subst. prop, separation, with a gen.,
in separation from, in usage a prep, away
from, behind, about, on behalf of (Ar. jJo,
of time, after) — abs. tCt 413 67, elsewhere cstr.
tya, with si. njp Ex 824 + , "3ip t^ 139";
liya Gn 2o7 + ; i'ljB etc.; 1 pi. anya, tAm 910
unya ; D3-iya 1 s 7'+ ; BTp Lv 97 + ;— 1. lit.
a. with vbs. of falling, letting down, leaning
forward so as to look out, through (lit. away
from) a window, etc. : Jos 215 and she let him
down by a cord P?DlI ">y? away from the win-
dow, i.e. out through it, 1 S 19'2 2 S 2021 2 K I2
and A. fell naa^ri lya 0ut through the lattice ;
Gn 26s Ju S28 out through the window HBP0
the looked forth (lit. leant forward), 2 S626+;
pregn. Jb 2213 will he judge PB^J! "iy? (looking)
ow< through the thick clouds ? Conversely Jo 29
ra through the windows they come (the locusts)
as a thief, to. idiom, with vbs. of shutting, esp.
"■y? Tp to shut behind or m^joji — whether one-
self, Ju 9" and they entered the tower ^5D^_
D"15?3 and shut (the doors) upon themselves (sc.
from the inside), 2 K 44UJB Is 2620; or another,
Gn 7" iiya "• -i:p>) and '» shut behind or upon
him (sc. frcm the outside), i. e. shut him in, Ju
32-1 (the sf. in 1^3 referring to Eglon), 2 K 4*
(but N.B. persons leaving a room shut the door
rJIJB themselves Gn 196 2 S 131718): see also
Ju'322 1 S i6 norn nya "> nap (cf. Gn2o18 isy
073 "•¥?), Jb 97' n$?3 Bnn to seal wp, r10 3*
"^3 (T]pn) ?]ie» to make a hedge about, La 37
"■y? "HS to fence about. Somewhat peculiarly
Am 910 (who say,) Evil will not draw near, or
come in front Wiy? so as to be about us (but
Gr «ny unto us), Jo 28 (of the locusts) ny3
VjjJ HpB'ri (prob.) m among the weapons they
throw themselves (i.e. they pass about and
between them without being injured or having
their course impeded), 1 S 418and Eli fell back-
ward ty^Li T ^3, i.e. (si vera I.) about the side
of the gate : but text dub. ; v. Dr. Without a
vb. Jon 27 the earth, '"$3 n,n,"13 her bars were
upon me (or about me) for ever, \^ 139'1 night
shall be the light about me, \jr 3* thou 'Ija }JD
art a shield about me. Hence c. after a vb. of
protecting, tZc 128 in that day 3t?V nya " J£
DPtrn' will '< give protection about, etc. 2.
metaph. on behalf of (yntp); very freq. after
PJHjnriGn 207 Nu2i7 1 S76 ^7216 + ; also with
other vbs. of entreating Ex 824 1 S 79, or con-
sulting {Vrn) Is819 2K2213 Je2i2; with "IB?
atone Ex 3230 Lv 97 1 1611 + , HB-y (= offer) fEz
45211: see also 2 S io12 1216 Is'374 Je716 n14
Ez 2230 Pr 2016 27" V 1388 Jb 24 "n» iy? "liy
(v.liy), 622. Almost =for the sake of, on account
of Pr 626 Je 1 114 (but ® @ 33 X and many MSS.
Dnyn riy?, cf. v12 1511). Is 3214 hill and watch-
tower niiyo lya rrn are come to be on behalf
of (i.e. take the place of, serve as) caves for
ever : but use is singular, and ly? is prob. only
dittogr. from lye in TinyD (so Gr). — With JO,
'j> nySO (cf. 'f» ^ytSD, ') nrWD); fCt 413 67 thine
eyes are doves 'HOBS? *iy3D from behind thy
veil. Cf. on "iy? GratzM°n*Uschrl't-1879-49ff-
-[[J""^^!] vb. inquire, cause to swell or
boil up (NH id.; Ar. ^Si seek, suppurate,
swell; Aram. Nya, ]^L-> seek) — Qal Imp/. 3 fs.
nyan 1364'; 2'mpl. jvyan is2i,2; Imv. vya
Is 2 112; — 1. of rising desire, seek, inquire, abs.,
of inquiring of prophet Is 21'212. 2. cause
to boil up, B>N-'3ri D?0 Is 641 (but gloss Che).
Niph. Pf. W33 Ob 6 searched out (|| ^Bm) ; Pt.
^J??? Is 3013 swelling, swelling out (of decaying
wall; Di swelling, enlarging, of crack in wall).
liJO {cfuicM cf. Ar.jjo swiftness (of horse)).
Tt^S n.pr.m. (quickness?) — 1. kinsman
of Naomi, who married Ruth Eu 21-3-4-6-8"-
, 32.7 a]g0 y21.21 , Ch jlMI (® B„of;
Hoof). 2. name of the left hand of two pillars
set up before temple (cf. also p3} sub p3) I K
721 = 2Ch317; (mng. obscure; MT appar. ref.
to 1, cf. 2l 2 Ch 317; Thes supposes name of
architect or donor; E\v perh. sons of Solomon,
etc.; rd. possibly ty? in strength, © 2CI131'
iVxus; Th thinks Tya ]>y a sentence, one
word being engraved on eacli pillar, he (God)
establislwth in strength; against him, however,
Ke Be; Ot thinks an exclamation, in strength!
expressing satisfaction of architect ; Klo prop,
for 1M, * TfiS (cf. B 1 K 721 BaXaf)).
t[^3] vb. kick (so NH, Aram. D$D,
£^=>)— Qal Impf. BJf^J Dt 3215; 2 mpl. «^J«
1 Sa229; — &k£ (only fig. of refractory Israel) Dt
32'6 (abs.); kick at (c. ?) 1S219.
"ra Jb 3024 v. t-
t /}J 3 vb. marry, rule over (cf. Ar. Jjo
= own., possess, esp. a wife or concubine ; Eth.
rtOrt: to be rich, As. M/m, rule COT Gl0M, Aram.
?SJ3 take 2>ossession of wife or concubine\ — Qal
Pf. Mal2" + 6t.; Impf. 7$£ Is 62"; Pi. sf.
^bp ls54»; pass. f. r^Jffl l8 54»+3t.;_l.
marry Gn 203 (E) Dt 2113 22s2 241 Is 5415
g2J.5.5 JJaJ 2U . gq_ 3 Jg ^14 2 j32 og 7^.^ (Jiusoaml^
over. 2. rw/,e ouer 1 Ch 4s2 (sq. ?) Is 2613.
Niph. Impf. by^Jjl Pr 3023 Is 624 6e married.
f 1. ,JQ]c6ii.m. owner, lord (Ph. i>jn; Palm,
id. Aitsoand Vog62 cf. BaeBel72ff-; As. 6^,CD1
Ar. JJu husband etc., v. esp. No
1886-174, Sab. 7JD CIS"1-2) — Gn 203 + 92 t. ;
sf. "ho Ho 218; i^ya Dt 244 + 5 1. ; pi. B^a Ju
2"+'i7 t.; cstr. \fe Gn i4]3+ 27 t.; sf. 1^3
Ex2I29+i4t.; n^V? Jb3i39+2t.; [n^SErt
ji7.2o. — j j_ owner (oft. pi. c. sf. in sg. mng.) :
of ox Ex 2 128-29'29 2210111314 (E); "tun 'a of pit Ex
2i3436(E), ofhouseEx 227(E)Ju 192223, debt Dt
152, the land Jb 3139, the ass Is i3, goods Ec 510,
riches Ec 512; 31Q '3 one to whom good is due
Pr327, gain Pr I19; ?3E> '3 one having under-
standing Pr 1 6s2; "intSVi '2 receiver of the gift
Pr 1 78. 2. husband Gn 203 Ex 2 i322 (E) Dt
22s2 244 2 S ii26 Jo i8 Pr 124 3I11-23-28 Est i1720;
YV3 Ho 218 (my 2?aaZ, reference to the divine
name used in the northern kingdom, here fcr
the first time forbidden). 3. citizens, inhabi-
tants: \!?ij3 of Jericho Jos 24" (E), of the high
places of Arnon Nu 2 128 (E), of Shechem Ju 9s
+ 1 2 t., of the tower of Shechem Ju 946,47, of
the city Ju 951, of Gibeah Ju 205, of Keilah
I ! 1 tin . Gloss.
1 S 23"12, of Jabesh 2 S 2 113. 4. rulers,
lords: Eft} \?g3 Is 168. 5. n. of relation:
a. 788: mo^nn '3 dreamer Gn 3719(E); '3
D,i3T whosoever hath cases, complaints Ex
2414 (K); ijrtp '3 an hairy man 2 K 1"; ncn 'a
wrathful Na I2 Pr 29s2; f|K '3 one given to
anger Pr 2 224; nosnn 'a one having wisdom
Ec 712; rvne>D 'a destroyer Pr 189; spa '3
winged thing, bird Pr i'7 Ec io20; c'b3 'a one
given to appetite Pr 23s; niOTD 'a mischievous
person Pr 24s; )lB9n '3 charmer Ec 10"; J)BH '3
one given to wickedness Ec8a; nVB'D '3 double-
edged Is 4 115; tiSBii '3 adversary Is 508; '3
mpS captain of the ward Je 3713; D^lpn '3
two-horned Dn 8620. b. \b}» : WT? '3 con-
federates Gni413; D'Xn '3 archers Gn 49s3
(poet.) ; D^BHBn '3 horsemen 2 S I6; iljn3B> '3
conspirators Ne 618; niSDS '3 members of assem-
blies; or well-grouped sayings; or collectors (of
wise sentences) Ec 1 211. — On 2 S 62 v. 11. n?J|3.
(78? in Hex not J or P; b]}2 Lv 214 © i^miva
- Jjfca Nu 420 : Di 73K3). Esp. II. lord,
specif, as divine name, tBaal. 1. without arti-
cle: 7J)3 niD3 Nu 2241 (poet, Balaam); 11513 b$'J
Nu 25" (E) Dt 43 (vid. below). This divine
name is not used elsewhere in Hex. It prob-
ably originated from the sense of divine owner-
ship, rather than sovereignty (IIS8"""92). It
seems to have been used in Northern Israel =
jns in the South. It was the special name
of the God of the Canaanites, Philistines,
etc., = Babylonian 73, cf. Schr 8K Wi- S86 "■ In
later times scribes substituted JIB'S, in n.pr.
(neaT = ?jj3"v, nwzunt = 'ftsthit, vid. nfe
Gei2*01862-728'), & also in the text for ?l>3
Ho 910 Je 1 113 (hence f, fiaa\ Je 2a f 1 11317 195
Ho 210 1 31 + ,Rom 1 14, see Di"**11"" ""'»>• *""""• MBA
i88i,jun.i6Dr2g44^ 2. cart.
78?n Ju
13 £25.2
30.31.32 , J£ j £31.32.32 j g j Q18 2254 2 JZ. 1
, j j 18.18 T ^16
I 2
2 Ch 23
3229-35 Ho 210 13
17'" 21
Zp i4. 3. D^Jjan emphatic
pi. (cf. Qini'Nn, D'jnNn) the great lord, the
sovereign owner Ju 2" 37 S33 io610 1 S 74 1 210 1 K
i818 2 Ch 173 247 282 333 344 Je 2s3 913 Ho 21S19
1 12 (or local special Ba'als, vid. DrSmpD0; pillars
of Baal MV). 4. c. attrib.: nna ?JB Lord of
covenant Ju 8s3 94 (cf. nna bx 946; 'N«jzmg 'm- m) ;
3131 '3 Lord of flies 2 K i***» Philistine god,
© BaaX fivXav (Beelzebub, Jit 1 2s4) cf. Bae Ee,2,s.
■fii. 7yH 1. n.pr.loc. city in the tribe of
Simeon iCli433="1??3 n?JJ3. 2. n.pr.m. a. a
Reubenite 1 Ch 5s; b. a Gibeonite 1 Ch 830 gM.
-U «W3 128
tl| 'jJO n.pr.loc. Jos ii17 127 138 (D),
where Baal was worshipped as Gad, god of
fortune, a city in the ni'i?3 of Lebanon, under
Mt. Hermon ; either mod. B&ni&s, Gk. Paneas,
NT Caesarea Philippi, where a grotto of Pan
took the place of the ancient worship of Gad,
RobBBUL«oTristrTp,!m. orHdsteyA BdPal297Di;
possibly =po-in b)12 cf. Thes RobBB"'-4°9.
* pT2H T'rd n.pr.loc. (possessor of abun-
dance; or is '3 here n.pr. diviii. l) Ct 8".
tpn 710 n.pr.m. (Baal is gracious,cL Ph.
^jnjn&(in As.) Baalhanunu) 1. king of Edom
2. a Gederite 1 Ch 27s8.
t"Ti!jn 7SO n.pr.loc. (possessor of a court;
or '3 n.pr. divin.?) city on the border of
Ephraim and Benjamin 2 S 1 3s3, prob. = "livn
Ne ii33; ?mod. Tell'Asdr (with y) RobBBIL264
doubtfully; cf. Survey"298 (after de Saulcy).
tp'S-in byS. n.pr.loc. Ju 33 1 Ch 5s3, a
city so named as seat of the worship of Baal.
'The crest of Hermon is strewn with ruins and
the foundations of a circular temple of large
hewn stones,' TristrTpg, cf.on sacredness,Euseb.
Lag0""""217: possibly =1J bjn q.v.
tp>'P Vyf n.pr.loc. Nu 32s8 iChs8Ez 25s
= T\yo *?V2 JV3 Jos i3I7(cf. MI30)= Ma'inTristr
M0.bS16 JJ^ral 192 gurveyEP176_
t-liyE *?J'£ n.pr.m.Nu253-6Dt43-3 V10628
B.ogw,Baal ofPeor(VB) i.e. worshipped at ">il>3
q.v.; or Baal-P. (whence Peor as n.pr.loc); cf.
Di Nu 25s BaudstudlL233 Bae8"114-210.
tD^inS ;V3. n.pr.loc. (possessor of
breaches; or Baal ofPerasimf) where David de-
feated Philist. 2 S 52020 1 Ch 1 41111 ; site unknown.
t^D2 bvi. n.pr.loc. Ex 1 429Nu 3 37, near
Red Sea in Egypt, prob. Mt.'Atdka, EbGB6M.
tn©W^?a-Pr-l0C- 2 K 442- Place in
Ephraim near Gilgal ; = Bai6<,aPicra6 Lag0nom299'
itoded.2w c jg m fr> Diospolis. (! '3 n.pr. divin.)
tlftn vj?r n.pr.loc. (]>ossessor of palms;
or .Baa?, of Tamar l) Ju 2033, near Gibeah.
fi. [nS'2] n.f. 1. mistress, TV^n n^jia
mistress of the house 1 K 1 717. 2. n. rel. 31N '3
necromancer 1 S2877; D^Sirs '3 sorceress, Na 34.
fn. nSy2 n.pr.loc. Jos is'-'""-29 1 Ch 136
= i'ja nr>i? Jos 1 560 1 814 {city of Baal, from a high
place of Baal there) = TTW \bjB 2 S 62 (We Dr
read?5)3; , added by dittogr.; so-called as seatof
Baal-worship in Judah, in distinct, fr. like places
elsewhere) = O^ Drip Jos 917 v. 1 5" I Ch 1 3" ; a
city of Judah ; tKirjat el ,JC^a6RobBE"- I1TristrTre.
tn^ya n.pr.loc. Jos i^iK 918 2 Ch 86,
a city of Dan, possibly Bel'ain Survey"'298.
t rrt7S*a n.pr.loc. pi. Jos 1 524 1 K416, a city
in the southof Judah, possibly the sameas ii.???.
TISjI n^y^ n.pr.loc. (mistress of a welt)
= ltamath Negeb Jos 198, a city of Simeon =
11. ?5?3 ; mod. Kurnub ace. to TristrTpe but dub.
typby2 n.pr.m. (Baal knows) son of
David 1 Ch 1 47, the original name changed to
JThd 2S516(cf.WeDr).
Trvbyil n.pr.m. (Yah is lord) one of
David's heroes 1 Ch 1 2s.
T v3. n.pr.m. a chief Babylonian deity (Bab.
Belu = ?JO, lord; Bel regarded as older form
than I'SB by HptHbrll78; BA8117) = Merodach
(cf. "pin), tutelary god of Babylon (to be dis-
tinguished from older Belu, one of ancient
Babylonian triad) Je 502 (|| TP®) 5144; Is 46'
( |p'33) — both writers of Babylonian period; — on
Bel v. COT Gn ii4 Ju 211; SayBolE">10S'U0 Jen
Kosmologie 2*. 1S1, 907, 391
t"l-5Jtt)«Va n.pr.m. (Bel-sar-usur, Bel,
protect the king COT Dn 51) Dn8'; represented
as king of Babylon, successor, and appar. son
of Nebuchadrezzar (51211 etc.); in cuneif. inscr.
known only as prince, son of Nabonidus (last
Shemitic king of Babylon), v. COT I.e.
tD^yi n.pr.m. /GrM°",,MOhr"*'1885'''71 rds.
D^ya ; =D\i>y-13 son ofdelightl cf. sub 3) king
of Ammonites Je 40'4 (Codd. & JosAnt-'x-9'2 rd.
t]y2 v. ;y» *;y3 n*3 sub rra.
Tt^SyS n.pr.m. (f^JV-!3 son of distress) —
1. name of two officers of Solomon, a. 1 K 412;
b. v16. 2. father (ancestor) of an Israelite of
Nehemiah's time Ne 34 cf. foil.
t PI j"3 n.pr.m. (? id!) — 1. a Benjamite, one
of the murderers of Ishbosheth 2 S 425-6'9. 2.
father of one of David's heroes 2 S 2329=i Ch
1 130. 3. head of a family of returning exiles
Ezr22=Ne77; perh. also=t"5» Ne 34. 4.
a chief of the people Ne io28.
-j- I. I^J/^l] vb. burn, consume (31 "IJ?3 burn;
;»v-» seek out, collect, (/lean; this apparently
earlier rang.) — Qal P/. 3 fs. rnjja Nu n3 +
2 1., rnujH consec. Is 1 o17 + 3 1., Vijja 'ju 1 514 + 2 1.
+ 2 S 2213 (but cf. De on + 1 8), ri**jM consec. Is
i31; Imp/. TJ$ Ex 33 + 212, etc.; Pt 1J?3 Ex 32
+ 6 t., rn?a is 34«, rnyia Ho 74, rnjja ls 30s3,
n^|a Je 209, rfhjja Ez i13;— 6m«i, 1. (intr.)
specif, begin to burn, be kindled yjr 1 88 sq. fO
(subj. D vTO) = 2 S 2 29 (in v13 text, error cf. supr.),
+ 10618 (subj. B>K); fig. ^212 (subj. teK) cf. Je446
(subj. ncn); is 3033 (c. a, Subj. ** noefo), ^ 394
(subj. B>X fig. of grief, distress) cf. Je 209.
2. Je burning, burn, Ju 1514 (subj. CRC'B, c.
*R*>), Ex 32 (njDn, c. B^B), v3 (subj. id.}; Dt 411
520 915 (all subj. in, c. tft?3), cf. Is 349 (m»3 71D1),
fig. of destruction Is I31 (subj. jbri & *i7j|9)j of
torch TB^ IS621; ofovenlWH Ho746(i.e.neated
by fire within it). 3. trans, burn, consume
(subj. e>K, TOfb etc., sq. 3) Nun13 ('*■ tirtt), Jb
■"(OTtS* tM«); in simile Ez i33 f* E>K *fK),
^ 8315(only here trans, c. ace; should lyan be
pointed as Pi.?); fig. (subj. wrath of '') Is 42s5
cf. La 25 (subj. fire = fiery trial) Is 43*. 4.
act. but abs., fig., subj. wrath of '» Je 4* 720 2 1 12
^ 80/7 cf. Is 1 o17 Vr 79s Is 3027 (iBK 1J?3 . . /* Dp)
Mai 319 (xa DVn); of human anger Est 1 12; subj.
wickedness Is 917. Pi. Pf. 1?3 1 K 2 247 2 K 2 324,
*fP consec. Lv 65, rny? 2 Ch 1 93, ^JRA Dt 1 3s +
9 1. in Dt; Ti$n* con's. Ez 399-9 (9» del. Co after
Vrss), etc.; Impf. TJ3J 1 K 1410; 2 ms. T&* Dt
2i', **$3* ez 39io. 2 mpL riyar, Ex 3.3; rnjn«
subord.' Ju 2013; Pt. &!&&} Je 718;— 1. kindle,
lit. c. ace. e>K Ex 353 Je 718 cf. Ez 39s (v. supr.)
v10; fig. of *> sending destruction Ez 214 cf. of
human schemes Is 5011; light, obj. lamps in
temple 2 Ch 420 cf. 13". 2. burn, lit. c. ace.
B*H Lv66, tyi dung 1 K i410; abs. Is 44" cf.
40'6 Ne io35. 3. fig. consume, utterly remove,
partic. of evil and guilt, c. ace, esp. in Deutero-
nomic phrase $trfa>a) 1Y\pa inn myai Dt
136 17712 i91319 2 121 cf. v9 2221-22-24 247, v. also
Ju 2013; further, 1K22" 2 K 23s4 2 Ch 193;
also of devoted (tabooed) things Dt 2613-14; of
persons (exterminate) 2 S 411; sq. *ins pregn.
1 K 1410 21 21; = devour, devastate, greedily
enjoy the fruits of, Is 314; abs. "^p W be for
destruction, be destroyed Nu 24s2 Is 5s 613; cf.
iy3 rjn is 44. Pu. Pt. rn yao je 36a -,—bum
(i.e. be supplied with fire), of fire-jar, n^n.
Hiph. Pf. 'n-iyarn Na 214; Impf. 15?3!1 Ju 15s
2 Ch 28s, -ijnVju 155; T^C Ez 52; Pt.f^O
1 K 163, *1V3?> Ex 2 25; — 1. kindle (c. ace. cogn.)
Ex 22s, cf. Ju 15s tmhi B>N '31 caused fire
to burn among the brands. 2. burn up, c.
ace. Ju 15' 2 Ch 2 83 (sacrifice of children #K3)
Ez 52 (-KK3 but cf. Co) Na 2U (|BT?3). 3.
consume = destroy (cf. Pi.) 1 K 16s (sq. 'TDK).
'•"^J?? **•£ burning, only '3n a8 ace.
cogn. with I'jnn Ex 2 25.
' rny3.Fl n.pr.loc. in the wilderness (burn-
ing, cf. Nu 1 13) Nu 1 13 Dt 93S.
t ["Vya] n.J»i. El22' 4beasts,cattle, coll. (NH
id., Aram, id., \L^>, Eth. -flO^'l.': etc., Sab. njn
DHM™"*" "•*■■; Ar.^J of camel; also
ass, etc., cf. Lane227*; connexion with above
V obscure)— sf. rh'ya Ex 224, «T?3 Nu 204,
B=?J>3 Gn 4517> DTV? Nu 208+ 2 t.;— beasts of
burden Gn 4517 (i.e. asses 443'13); elsewhere
general, cattle Ex 224 Nu 204JU1 + 7s48.
f II. ["$.'3] vb.denom. be brutish — Qal
Impf. Vljn' Je io8 (|| ^D3') Je «ft«pi<i, rfttZZ-
hearted, unreceptive ; cf. Pt. pi. D'HJP ^ 94s
(|| Dv'D3); of inhuman, cruel, barbarous men
Ez 2 136. Nipt. P/ 1J)33 Je 1 o14 5 1 17, VlJjaJ Je
io21; Pt. rnya? Isig11;— 6rt<<i«A,*<Mp'^isi9"
(nsy, || Six); dull-hearted, ignorant of God Je
io1421 5117. Pi. Pf -1})31 consec. Ex 224/eea*,
graze ("inx m'BO). Hiph. 7mp/ ~>^3: Ex 2 24
cause to be grazed over, sq. !VW.
Tiyan.m. brutishness (only poet.) — abs.
'3 ^49" + 3 t., "lys Pr 121; — in combination,
'a^X brutish man ijr 92' (|| ?'D3); elsewhere
'3 alone in same sense (concrete) V'4911 (II id.),
& as pred.=adj., ^ 7322 Pr 121 302.
tfcOya n.pr.f. wife of a Benjamite 1 Ch 88.
T"lil'a n.pr.m. (a burning; X torch) — 1.
father of Balaam Nu 22s 318 Dt235 J0S1322 249
Mi 65; 1V3 Nu 248U ('3 1J3). 2. father of
^3, a king of Edom Gn 36^= 1 Ch I43.
tn^ya n.pr.m. (? = n;b^lO; soThes; cf.
Dr8ml"lu) a Levite 1 Ch 6a;— cf. (*)rrt*>JjD sub
«tt?ya n.pr.m. a king of Israel 1 K rg»M'-"
+ i8Tt 1K15-16+2122 2K99 2CI1161"6
Je 419.
1 tmnujya n.pr.ioc. (? = mnw n»3 =
Aowse of Ashtoreth, cf. sub JV3) a Levitical city
in Manasseh Jos 21s7; =n<nn^J? 1 Ch 6s6
t[J"l^Il] vb. fall upon, startle, terrify
(Ar. i£»iS come or happen suddenly, NH n$)3
Hiph. startle ; so Aram, rt$» Pa. fcoSa Aph.) —
Hiph. (late prose) Pf nyaj'i Ch 2130, Tlffi Est
f; "im Dn 817;— 6e terrified, abs. Dn 8"; c.
*»0 1 Ch 2130 Est 76. Pi. (mostly poet.) P/
3 fs. sf. ^nrja Is 214, Wffl*» 1 S 16"; 3 pi. sf.
vuiga jbi8"; Impf 3fs. npan Jbi311; sf.
WJpf Jb9Mi3sl, ^nvan Jb 3V; 2 ms. sf.
^nsnn jb714; 3mpLrf. »JVl^3| ^i85 = ',anp:
2V226, innya^ Jb35i524;— 1." /aM upon iS
i614IS (only here in prose); overwhelm Jb 3s
(cf. npi> v6) 9« i3» (|| by bsi ins) v» (cf. ||) 1524
^ i85=2 S 225. 2. terrify Jb 714 (|| nnn).
1"njny3 n.f. terror, dismay Je 81S=I4U.
f [DVYiyS J 11.111.pl. terrors, alarms, occa-
sioned by God nibs vnj*? Jb64 (H^IPS);
ya v. pn.
T^]! n.pr.m. Ne 10" one of the chiefs of
the people; Ezr 217 Ne 7s3 '3 ^3 i.e. a family.
720 (*«>• *<«> <#> Eth. flRrt: 1. 2 ; Ar.
J-Ij, appar. denom.)
t^SS] n.m. onion (NH ^S3 or bs|, Ar.
j^., Eth. (MUV: Aram. K^ftt, |J,)--&^||
Nu 11s p^nn-nsi crnsaNn nw W&K n*?
D'WB'n-nw 'srmxi).
1 7N 7>!£l n.pr.m. (in tlie shadow {protec-
tion) of El; cf. cuneif. Sil-Bel, a king of Gaza,
COT Jos 1 i22) — 1. a skilled artisan of tribe of
Judah Ex 312 3530 3612 371 3s22 (all P) 1 Ch 220
2 Ch Is. 2. an Israelite Ezr io30.
TjTI72j1 n.pr.m. (stripping) — head of Isr.
fam. at return from exile; '3_,3a Ezr 262=Ne
7s4 Kt ; rvi>fn Ne 7" Qr.
ff^O] vb. cut off, break off, gain
by violence (so NH, Ar. iJL>, Eth. flR-0:
Aram. VS3)— Qal Impf Vffi Jb2f, K%$ Jo
2"; Imv. sf. tftna DJJS3 Am 9'; 7n/. JJX3 Ez
22s7; i^.psia Pr'1527 Je613,yS3^io3+3t.;—
cut off, break off(c. ace. capitals of pillars) Am
91(but LagPro,•,,•v, DyS3=Dyi3 Hb3,i! m wra</t);
so fig. Jb 27s vihen Eloah culteth off, drawe.th
out, his soul; obj. om. their course, i.e. stop
Jo 28 (cf. Hi-St); usually gain, by violence or
in gen. wrongfully Ez 22s7; Pt. abs. ^io3 =
greedy getter, robber; & c. ace. cogn. VS3 Pr I19
I517 Je6138u Hb2». Pi. Pf. 1TC3 La 217;
130 TJQ
Impf VS3^ Is io12; sf. *Wff>t Is3812 Jb 69; 2 fs.
4y?3rn Ez'2212; 3 fpl. njys3Tl Zc49;— cut off,
(dis)sever (i.e. from life) Jb69 cf. Is 10" (H^TO);
= finish, complete Is io12 Zc 4'; accomplish
( = carry out, fulfil) La 2 17 (obj. imDK); violently
make gain of, obj. pers. Ez 2212 (instr. pEty3),
TJ?!J3. n.m. gain made by violence, unjust
gain, profit— VS3 Gn 3726 + 7 1. (cstr. Ju 519 + );
VS3 Exi821+7t.; sf. 1W3 Je2217; W* Je
Si*13 Ez2 213; iyS3 Is 5611 5717; DVX3 Ez 3331 Mi
413; — gain made by violence (nearly = plunder)
Ju 519 Mi413; more generally, unjust gain Ex
51" Ez 2213 3331; as ace. cogn. c. VS3 Pr i19 1527
Je 613 810 Ez 2 2s7 Hb 29; profit (with selfish sug-
gestion) ,'3-no Gn 37s6 Mai 3" cf. + 3o10 Jb 2 23.
tD^^E!, D^y^n, perh. n.pr.loc. in
Naphtali : ' '3 p^K Jos 1 9s3 Ju 4". Cf. D'jyv.
t^S£3 ('°f- Ar. (J*? 6e jjaj, i.e. one soft,
tender, impressible in body, etc.)
tyi n.[m.] mire Je 38s2.
Tn*£3.n.f. swamp, Jb8" as place where
rushes grow, cf. 40s1; 1HKS3 (Co Vni¥3l) pl.sf.
T^JiS n.pr.loc. a rock by Michmash 1 S
1 44 ;— Boxrr/f Lag 0n<"I,• ■» 2nd «d- 2M.
tpi;n vb. swell— Qal J0/ 3 fs. n$Jj» Dt84;
3 pi. ^P^3 Ne 921 ; — swell, or receive swellings,
blisters* ot foot, Di Dt 84, Py Ne 9".
tp23. n.[ m.]„ dough— P*3 Exi2394-4t.;
sf. ipX3 Ex 1234; — dough, not fermented Ex
1 2s439 (E); no restriction ,2 S 1 3" Ho 74 Je 718.
tn,/!J3. n.pr.loc. (?cf. Ar. liJJ an elevated
region covered with volcanic stones) city of
Judah toward Philistines, rip^Q Jos 1539; npya
2 K 221 (home of Josiah's mother).
I ["^!J3 J vb. cut off, make inaccessible
(esp. by fortifying), enclose (NHi'd., Aram.ISS,
♦-» (Pa. diminish, subtract), perh. cf. Ar. l*»j
side, edge, !-<»j , etc., rough stone, il^i \J>S land
inwh.are sharp stones(cf. Lane)) — Qal/mp/^to?
^ 7613; 2 ms. isan Lv255 Dt 2421, ITffll Ju 927,
nXOTl Lv 25"; A act. I?rt3 Je 69, D,;)S3 Je 499
Ob '6; pass. m. l«3 Zc 1 12 Kt (Qr ■**»). f. n")^3
Is 2" + 3 t. + Ez 2 126 v. infr.; pi. f. rfnttra Ez
363S, nhxa Nu i3w+ 14 1., niisa Dt i28 Ne 9s6,
rhsa Dt369'; — cm« off, grape-clusters, D'SJJ?
Lv"256, cf. v" (obj. -TO), Dt 2421 JU927 (obj.
in both, ma) ; hence Pt. act. grape-gathering,
-gat/ierer Je69499 Ob5; fig. cut off (= take
away) ^ 7613 (obj. D»TM rm); most often Pt.
pass, cut off, made inaccessible, De Is 215=
fortified, always f.; generally adj. c.T>y, D'ly;
Nu^Dti^V J0S1412 2S206 2Ki813=
Is36' 2Ki925 = Is3726 2Chi72i953213314
Ne 9s5 Is 25s 2710 Ez 3635 Ho 8U Zp i16; rarely
c nmn Dt 28s2 Is 215 Je 1520; 'an -ijr Zc 1 12 (rd.
Kt); once, subst. of secrets, mysteries (= unat-
tainable things) Je333; — '3 Ez 2125 © Sm Co
naina, doubtless right. Miph. Impf. 1X3? be
withheld Gn 1 1 6 (One), Jb 4 22 0BQ). Pi. /wp/.
3 fs. ">»?n Je 5153 fortify; so irc/ "ixajj Is 22'°.
ti. [*fiQ] n.[m.]precious ore (AWl05Thes),
> gold, ring -gold HofFmZA1887'48CHlob70 (AW
Thes ore as that broken off; Hoffm comp. Ar.
_piu ring, Heb. nnXSmcfoguj-e, Talm. tr\d finger-
measure, etc. ; a -/n.ixa must then be assumed,
=j^>)— n>l? Jb2 2M(|p,BiX q.v.); Tlsa v2S
(Ih9?) possibly also *|D3 n.X3 ^6831 for MT
'a^ina, cf. Checrltn- NeJBL,ls91'151.
+n."W3 (fortress) — 1. n.pr.loc. city in
Eeuben (MI nsa) Dt 4" Jos 208 i Ch 6a. 2.
n.pr.m. a descendant of Asher 1 Ch 737.
ti. •"TjSSl n.f. enclosure, i.e. (sheep-)fold,
'a fsx Mi *»
fn. !T12B n.pr.loc. 1. city of Edom (for-
tress; (v. Palm. n.pr.loc. K1X3 Vog1'0-22 © /3o-
<r{o)oppa; cf. Poo-op; LagOn<>m-Sacr)02'2:(2-2l"Ie<i-137'247
=$oo-Tpa) Gn 36™= 1 Ch i44 Is 34" 631 (in both
II WW (pK)) Je 4 g"-22 Am 1 12. 2. of Moab Je
4824, prob.=n. "1X3 1;— on Mi 212cf. foregoing.
t jVYSG n.[m.] stronghold, '3i> Zc 912.
tjTIJn n.f. dearth (cf. foil.), '3 n?B> Je 178.
TrPIfi n.f. dearth, destitution (i.e. dimi-
nution, cf. J!.'©**p» PS 672; v. also vb. "0O X Pr
1428 ;>eop/« reduced) — dearth (— mva) '3 niny
f 9'0 io1; pi. nn»3 Je 141.
t*V23 n.m.Lv285 vintage (cf. *«#) — "*$|
Lv 266+4 t. + Zc 112 Qr (but rd. "11X3 Kt);
cstr. 1^3 Ju 82; sf. ?1TS3 3e^;— vintage, lit.
Lv 26" Ju 82 Is 3210 Je'4832; in simile Is 2413
Mi 71; Zc 1 12 rd. TIM (Kt) and cf. sub 1S3.
flO? n.m. «•»•' fortification— 1S3D Nu
3 271 + 1 8 1. ; cstr. "N 3D Jos 1 9s8 + 2 1. ; pi. DnX3D
Nu 1 3 >' Dn 1 1 24 ; nnS3D Dn 1 1 15 ; ,_!S3Q La 22Dn
n39; sf. 1,-3S3t? Ho io14+ 2 t.; ipVat? Na 312;
^nV3Q v14 Je4818; V-1S30 ^ 8941 La 2s; nnx3t?
Is 3413; Onnvai? 2 K 812;— fortification, esp. in
phrase ('on) '6 (ny) Ty= fortified city Nu 321"6
Jos io20 192935 1 S 6'8 2 K 3" io2 179 18" Je 4'
5,7814347f 108" CD-vy=-ti3rDT]J^6o"), 2Ch
1719 Dn 1 115 ('d in this connexion sing. exc. Je
517 & Dn 1 1 15 (nmao)); Je 1 18 fig. of prophet, so
without "Vy Je 6s7; fortress, stronghold, lit. with-
out "vy etc. Nu 13" 2 K 812 Je 4818 Is 17s 25"
(THDin 3JBT3 'D) 34" (llniDlK), La 226 (II td.)
f8941 Hoio14 Am 5* Mis10 Na31214 Hbi'»
Dnu24-39; sq.n.pr. 1ST '» 2 S 247 (cf. Jos I929
-is 'd -vy).
p13p3, p^ip2 v. sub pp3.
T"^j?2p3 n.pr.m. (form strange, mng. dub.)
a Levite 1 Ch 915.
i"Pp2p3. v. sub pp3.
J"7p^ (test, prove, cf. Aram. N£3).
+ r <
liT'pjl n.pr.m. (proved of"') Levite, son
of Hem an 1 Ch 2 54; son of Asaph (?) v13.
tlp2 n.pr.m. (id!) — 1. a Danite chief Nu
32s2. 2. a descendant of Aaron 1 Ch 5301
631 Ezr 74.
t.I' p21 vb. cleave, break open or through
(NH id., MI15 mntWI ypiafrom break of dawn;
Aram. yp3 ; cf. Eth. fl^O; profit, be useful,
orig. findere, aperire, Di) — Qal Pf. yp3 yf, 7813,
nvr?3 Is 3415, nypa Ne 9n ^ 7415, nygai Ez 29';
Twtp/ VBgi Ju 1 519 Is 4821, iyp3»l 2 S 2316= 1 Ch
n18, nWi??M 2Ch2i17; Jmv. VW$p Ex 1416;
/«/■ flrtr.rf. MP3 Am i13 2 Ch 321; >«. oc«. 3?pi3
IS6312 Ec io9, 5?p3 1^- 1417; — 1. cleave, cleave
open, sq. ace, Ju 1519 God cleft open the hallow
(tyPDBn), and water came out, cf. Is 4821 (obj.
TS), also ^ 7415 bring forth by cleaving, obj. )jyO
?-^J, all three of divine operation; cleave or
rip open pregnant women Am i13; of a broken
staff, tearing the shoulder Ez 297 (but rd. *)?
hand for 'IDS, © S3 Sm(?) Co); cleave wood Ec
io9 (|| D»M« y/DD); of ploughing (furrowing)
the earth ^ 1417 (|| D.?3; in sim.); esp. of
dividing the sea, Ex 1416 (P) Ne 9" ^ 7813, cf.
Is 6312, obj. D^P ; — in all these subj. '< exc. Ex
1 4 16 where he commands Moses; of hatching
out (a brood, but no obj. expr.) Is 3415, subj.
tiSp arrow-snake. 2. break through or into,
sq. 3 2 S23I6=i Ch ii18; sq. ace. 2 Ch 2i17
TO??!! '"I'7V1,^ &&', also 321, obj. suff. ref. to
cities, V^N Dyp3b nON»1 and he thought to break
into them and so bring them unto himself.
k 2
Niph. P/ Vp3J Jb 26" Zc i44(1 consec); WP3?
Gn7" Is 35e, WgJJ 2 Ch 25" Pr 330; 7m^/. yp3?
Is 58s, ypa? Jbpa»; 3 fs. Pgan is 59", Vgpfl
Nu i6s, + 3 t., Inf. cstr. yp3r6 Ez 3016;— 1.
be cleft, rent open, subj. the ground, rHOTXH Nu
16" (J), H?1? iKi^hyperb.); mountain Zc
1 4*; burst open, of men hurled from rock 2 Ch
25"; of cloud beneath its weight of water Jb
26s; hyperb. of belly full of words seeking a
vent, Jb3219 like new wineskins it mil burst
open; so of the water-receptacles (nwyD) of
the great deep, at the flood Gn 7 " ; of the water-
masses themselves, niDinn Pr 320, D^rai CD
18 35"; also of the Red Sea, tTDn WP3?1 Ex
14"; of light breaking forth Is 58s (fig.); of
serpent's egg hatching out as a viper Is 59*
n?BK JJpan rn*»n. 2. be broken into, of city
captured by breaches in walls 2 K 254= Je 52',
Ez 3o'6. Pi. Pf yi?3 2 K 1 5" Jb 28'°, V^
Ez 13", Wjj3 Is 595; Impf. »BJ V 78,s, PR*!
Gn 22s; 3 fs. ypan Ez 13", Dypan Ho 138;
2 ms. "J?i53J?i Hb 3', yp? 2 K 812; a fpl. naygarn
2 K 2s4; — cleave, cut to pieces, or re»w2 MWn (oft.
more complete or more violent than Qal), sq.
ace, of cleaving wood Gn 223 i.e. cut it up for
burning, so 1 S614; of ripping open pregnant
women 2K8" 1 516 ; of tearing in pieces
children 2 K 2s4 ; cf. also Ho 1 3" (fig.) ; of
cleaving open rocks, to bring forth water ^ 7815
(subj. God); of cutting mining-shafts Jb 2810
'3 an* nhwa ; r%&BZQ n™} Hb 3» into
rivers thou cleavest {the) earth ; break through
or down (a wall, but no obj. expr.), Ez 1311
yjMfi rinyo rvn (but Co ypsn), cf. v13 rrn "nyjpni
'flora nriyD ; of hatching eggs Is 595 ^iVBX «jpj
<vp>.3 (fig.) Pu. impf. Wjja; Ho 1 41; P*. nggap
Ez 26'°, D'V^D Jos 94; — be ripped open, of
women Ho 141 (vb. of masc. form); rent, of old
wine-skins J0S94; broken into, of a city in whose
walls a breach has been made Ez 2610. Hiph.
Impf. 1 pi. 8f. nsypaji i8 7*; inf. cstr. y'panb
2 K 3M; — break into, sq. sf. ref. to Judah, Is 76
yVS '331 let us break into it, lay it open, and
so bring it unto ourselves (cf. Qal 2 Ch 321) ;
break through (abs.) with sword, lTi?3np S'ln *|?fe>
Bh|j ^»"^K 2 K 3M. Hoph. P/ 3 fs. -i'yn .iypari
Je 393 the city was broken into, entrance was
made by a breach. Hithp. Pf. Wpann Jos 913,
Impf. WjpaTl? Mi i4; — burst (themselves) open, of
wine-skins Jos 9"; cleave asunder, of valleys
+ J*£2 n.[ia.] fraction, half, i.e. half-shekel,
a weight ; v^O yp3 Gn 24s2, cf. Hesychius in
LagG,,.Abh.i».i.i8j3a)tal.0>/ [Lag/fcW] /icrpovri;
v. also yp| Ex 38w(=^n rvsnp).
tnypB n.f. valley (cleft), plain— abs. '3
Gn ii2+8 t. ; cstr. nyp3 Dt 34'+ 7 t.; pi.
niyp3 Is 4118 V' 1048; titty Dt ii11;— 1. valley
(opp. T1 mountain) Dt 87 n11 cf. IS4118; also
6314 "HO nyj533 nona§ ; in creation-poem ^ 1 048
ttWfi rrv Dnn ^p. 2. jfefo (sts. valley-
plain, broad valley)' Gn 1 1!; also EZ32253 84 3712
('3n "JB^y) as level, opp. &02J1 Is404(|| TlE*!?);
elsewhere cstr., mostly with n.pr. Dt 34' VTV '3
(appos. i3?n), nsro 'a Jos 1 18, fta^n "3 1 117 1 27,
hjl? '3 2 Ch 35s2 cf. Zc 1 a", iJ'iK '3 Ne 62; 'JK"'3
Am i* plain of idolatry = Baalbek (Damascus,
ace. to "Wetzst in DejM3TO2; © j»'8<ok *Qk).
^DTj?^ Ti??] n-[m-] fissure, breach,
Am 611 Cyp?, into which the small house is to
be smitten (|| BW)); Tft-fy »|*^ Is 22s.
fl. [PP^*] v1}- be luxuriant (Ar. JJ be
profuse, abundant (v. esp. Conjj. 1. iv, Lane))
— Qal Pt. PP'3 luxuriant Ho io^fig. of Isr.as
fll. [PpS] vb. empty (cf. probably Ar.
j>j make a gurgling noise, of a mug dipped
in water, or emptied of water) — Qal Pf. 'np?*
Je 197, 1p?3 Na 2s; Pt. pjfa Is 241, D'pp.3 Na 23;
empty, lay waste land, ace, Is 241 Na 23, also
abs. v3 ; fig. make void (obj. nxy) Je 1 g7. ITiph.
Pf ngajj (cf. Ges »«•") Is 193; Impf. 3 fs.
p^3H Is 24s; Inf. abs. P^n Is 24s; — be emptied
(laid waste) Is 24s P^R pta", of land (|| fan
fa1!1) ; fig. of spirit, courage Is 193. Po. Impf.
'Pi??' Je 5 12 empty out (devastate) land.
Tp5jp2 n.[m.] flask (from gurgling sound
of emptying, cf. Ar. illiu gurgling sound; also
Syr. )-4>"-><ga5, cantfiarus, etc.) — abs. P3p3 Je
1910; cstr. id. 1 K 143 Je 191.
T p%3pQ n.pr .m. head of a family of Ne-
thinim ; 'a-'Ja Ezr 251 Ne 7s3.
trrjJ^a n.pr.m. a Levite Ne 1 117 I292S.
tpil^ n.pr.fl. (-/prob. pp3; so Thes after
Simonis, Sam. Di) pa'(n) iayo Qn^ (where
perhaps connected with p3K = p3X'); '3! 70?
Dt237, ^D|n 'a: Dt316 Josi25, pa! Nu 2124
(|| fi-]K, cf. Dt 316 Jos 122), P3>n Ju n13-22 (in
both, || J1J1K); it empties into Jordan from East,
in latitude of Shechem; called (southern)
boundary of Ammon Dt 316, and (northern) of
Amorites Jos 122; but some confusion (Di
Nu 2 i24 Dt 2s7);— mod. Wady Zerqa, Bd p*1181.
t[~lpH] vb. inquire, seek (NH id., Aram.
1£3, \r\~-; alto Eth. fl«M: in deriv.; orig. divide,
discern, cf. Ar. Jio slit, rip, split) — only Pi. Pf.
1 s. sf. O'1'?'!?' consec. EZ3411; Impf. ">i?.3* Lv
,3S6 2733; -jg^ Ez 34i2. jnf Cgtr.-\^ 2 K 1615
+ 2 t; — seek, look for, sq. ? Lv 1336; seek (to
distinguish) sq. SH? 31t3~|,a Lv. 27s3; see& (in
order to care for) sq. ace. |XV Ez 34" (|| BH"l)
v12, fig. of" seeking his people; contemplate, sq.
3 \)r 2 74 (|| 3 HTPI); consider, reflect, abs. Pr 2025
B*TB "IHK i.e. whether the vows were wise, or
should be kept (cf. Str ad loc. & reff.) ; cf. perh.
2 K 1615 consider (what shall be done with the
old altar); look at Klo, (so "lifOp 1 K 321 for 2nd
1J533), AV RV to inquire by, @ for praying ;
perh. denoting some religious service to be
performed by king himself, cf. esp. RS8™1-467.
(In 33. 10; Jbl,14cf.Dt32,H
2S17-29) cattle, herd, ox (Ar. 'pS, Aram. HTJIJB,
K9"P> ]iai (cf. also HomN8222fl); name from
ploughing, so Thes LagBNMal.)- — abs. '3 Gn
1216 + ; cstr. T?3 Nu 7s8; sf. T!P3 Gn 4510 + ;
T)PT3Ex2024Je517; iT» 1 Sn7'2 S 124; D31P.3
Dti'26; D^3 Je 324+ ; pi. °*1i?3 Am612 (ah rd'.
D* "fO) 2 Ch'43 (but rd. U"ypB v.' II 1 K 7M infr.);
sf. enjjB Ne io37; rd. nanpa for Damrn 1 S
816 ©We Dr; — 1. mostly coll. a. cattle, generic
(never pi. in form) Gn 1 26 1 3* 2014 2 127 24s5 Lv I2
Dt 813 ISn1 Ho 56 Jo i18 1 Ch 272929+ oft.
(frequently || |Nv) ; as grazing, 1 Ch 27s9 + ; in
sim. '33 Jb 4015 Is 1 17 65s5; as lowing (in 7ty
1 S 1514; ">p,3 rtipD possession of (i.e. property
in) cattle Gn 614' 4717 (both J); '3 n-$ Jo i18
herds of cattle; esp. TJS-ja son of cattle (i.e. be-
longing to the "Ip3), to denote a single ox, calf,
etc. ; as used for food Gn 1 87 cf. v8 (J); — in these
prob. = calf (v. also iSq" T*? »JM ^3);
usually for sacrifice (Hex only P) Nu 1589;
'3H-|3 Lv i5; appos. ^5> tLv92;— cf. "ty r%
tDt 213 1 S 162 Is 7";— mostly appos. 13 Ex
29> + 27t.; also pi. -pP3 ♦» D'-ia Nu 28111927
291317 (on all these cf. J3); also indef. cattle,
oxen, of a number not specified Nu 78788 (in both
enumerated as D^B); 2240 1 S I43S 15s" I K I9
729-29 (here of graven work) 8s I Ch 1 240 2 Ch 56
182 Is 2213 ^6615; also as beasts of burden
+ 1 Ch 1 240. b. a particular herd of cattle Gn
187 (J); cf. pi. WTSft, our herds, only Ne io37.
2. more individually, Aead of cattle, — yet alw.
of more than one (Hex mostly P; pi. only Am
612+ a Ch 43 v. supr.); of two Nu 717+ 1 1 1. Nu
7 ; tcf. also '3 IDS yoke (pair) of oxen iSii'
cf.v7, 1 K 19" cf. v21 (ploughing, cf. v19); also 2 S
68=i Ch i39(drawingacart,cf.Nu73t iS67'),
2 S 2422=iCh2i33, 2S24M24iKi920Am612
(pi.); 500 yoke of oxen Jb I3 cf.v14; 1000 yoke
42ls ; further, of four Nu 77; five Ex 2 137 (nrw
iWn); seven 2 Ch 29,a ( || DnB v21); eight Nu 7";
ten 1 K 53; twelve Nu 73 (singly called ite) cf.
v6; of the twelve brazen bulls beneath the sea
in Sol's temple 1 K 72S44=2 Ch 441' cf. 2 K 1617
2 Ch 43 (Dnp3 nW),' (but rd. in both D-ViJB,
as H1K724 cf. BeOt) v4 Je52J0; of twenty
1 K53; seventy 2 Ch 2 932; hundreds or thousands
1 K 8ra=2 Ch 75, 2 Ch 1511 29s3 35789 (cf.v12), &
NU3I33-38.44+ Note -|p3 nst?n Dt 3214 (poem),
o nis^ 2 S 1 729, 'sn ^f 2 S 2 4s2 1 K 1 921, "rapp
'sn Ju331, '3n »j»ipx Ez. 416 (opp. D"iNn \!£a).
n.m.denoin. herdsman Am 71
of Amos himself, cf. D'lm "JTW **■
-1,-£2U n.m.E,1°-13 morning (NH id.; from
spfc't, penetrate, as the dawn the darkness, light
through cloud-rifts, etc.) — '3 Gni6+(alw.
abs.) ; pi. D^S? Jb 718 + 4 t.; — 1. morning (of
point of time, time at which, never during
which, Eng. morning= forenoon): — a. of end
of night (opp. nW) Ex io13 (J) Lv 6s (P) Ju 19s5
Ru 31313 Is 2i12'cf. 1 S 1911 (|hno, opp. nW>);
opp. Tt&k f 923; also (opp. fty Ex 2318 3425
(both JE) Lv 19" (H) Dt 164; opp. niD^X
Am 58; cf. further Gn 406 418 (both E) Ex
1 2s2 34" (both JE) 1 S315 + - tb. implying
the coming of dawn, and even daylight Gn 29^
(E) 443 (J) 1 K 321 (but Klo here for 2nd "ip.33,
rds. tSf by looking at it v. T>3) Jb 2417 3812
(IpTO); 'Sn niJBi) Ex 1427 (JE) at the turn of
the morning, so Ju 1926 (|pD#n n^P v24; sq.
"lisrpj?, as something later, v26) ; vid. Ru 314
(||injn J"IK B*X t2* Dl"lt33 before men could re-
cognise each other) ; cf. 1p3 ^"D Jb 387 stars
of morning ; but also c. "rtK vb. Gn 44s (J)
TiK ipan; c. TIN noun, -\p2rt niK3 Mi 21; &
esp. ipan -iiK iy Ju 162 (opp. rb"b) so 1 S
14s8; also 1 S 2522-34-38 2 S 1733 2 K 79; cf.
1 S 2910 (|| B?^ "*Jp. tc. of coming of sun-
rise Ju 9ffl 2 S 23" 2 K 321 cf. 3-ijn '3 wto
\^ 6,59 i.e. places of sunrise and sunset (H1"1^?
i. e. ends of earth), d. of beginning of day,
nn$n$n '3? fB Ru 27 (cf. v14) vid. 2824" (but
deLTVe Dr) ; time of prayer, & praise ^ 544 (v. H u)
5917 88" 92'; Honnv noon 1 K 1828 Je 20"; of
three hours of prayer, rjnnvi np31 31U V' 551"
(cf. Dn 610U); cf. also c. S^f infr. e. opp. 3$
Gn 49s7 (poen. in J) Ex 167*1"* Lv 6" Nu 921
(all P) Dt 28s767 2 S 1 1" 1 K 1 f Is 17" Zp 33
Ez 241818 33M Dn 8M V. 306 9066 Ec 1 16 1 Ch 1640
2 Ch 2s 13" 31s Ezr 33 Est 214 ; opp. D'3iyn p?
Ex 29s*'" Nu 28" (all P) ; esp. 3-iymy "tparrp
= all day Ex 1 8ls & (without art.) v14 (both E) ;
■*3¥? "'P30 Jh 4a)=between morning and even-
ing; also1p>~l? 2?JX>=all night, Ex 2721 (P)
Lv 24s (H)Nu 921 & '3-1J? 31J?3 Nu 915 (both
P) ; note also the formula Tt» W 3nj> W and
evening came and then morning Gn 1 •****■■
(all P), i.e. the day ended with evening, and
the night with morning ; peculiar is Dn 8'4 of
om. of daily sacrif. rftttt? vhf\ D^K lp'3 Vjf 1$,
until 2300 evening-mornings,iprob.= 2300 half-
days (Ew Hi Meinh Bev Dr1^464, cf. v26 & 3 J.
times (years) 7s5 12"17). f. oft. (above &
elsewh.) c. prep. ( + art. exc. Jb 718); in the
morning, Ip33 Gn 1 9s7 + 1 lot., cf. also '3H nSl3
Ex 1 916; in (or at) the morning, '3? Am 44 + 7 1. ;
for (against or 6y) the morning, '3? Ex 34s cf.
■<//■ 1306 (cf. Che crit. n.); nearly =until ("^5?)
Ex 34s Dt 1 64 Zp 33 ; further '33 '33 morning
by morning, every morningf Ex 1621 307 36s Lv
65 (all P) 2 S 134 1 Ch 23s0 2 Ch 1311 Is 2819
504 Ez 4613-,4U Zp 3s also '3^> '3^, same sense,
ti Ch 9s7; tpl. D'Hp?? every m. afresh ^73"
Is 332 cf. La 3s3; aim. = continually ^ 1018 (cf.
Je 2i12); v. EHP,^ t Jb 718 (|| D'JW"!? every mo-
ment) ; also without prep, or art. in the morn-
ing H076 cf. i^54'4 ^ 5518, d. supr.,& sub 2. g.
fig. of bright joy after night of distress (poet.)
Jb 1117; cf. *3o6 46" ('3 Hfc$) 4915 5917 9014
1438. h. in phrases, '33 D\3B>n (D3E*»1 etc.)
he rose early in the morning tGn 1927 208 2114
223 2631 2818 321 Ex816 913 244 344 NU1440
Jos 31 612 716 810 (all JE) JU628 1968 1 S i"» 54
cf. 1512, i72o29,ol0cf.v11, 2K322 I935=ls3736,
2 Ch 2020 Jb Is Pr 2714 Is 5"; (lap* etc.) Qp"l
'33 tGn 24" Nu 221321 (all JE) Ju 1927 20"
2 S 24" 1 K 32'; '3H nnbB'K morning watch
tEx 1424 1 S n11. 2. morrow, next day (cf.
Germ. Morgen, morgen) without art. Ex 1619'20
Lv 7" 2230 (opp. wnn Qi»n) Nu 16' ( |pno v716)
cf. Ex i21010 Nu9'2; with art. Ex 162324 29";
'3^ EX3425 Nu2241 Zp33; '33 1 S919 (opp. Di>n
to-day) cf. 20s4; to-morrow morning '3n Ju 63'
(Stu); '33 Ex 7" Jos 714 Est 514; definitely
ninsp '33 1 S 54; '3HO 2 S 2"; adverb, use in
this sense (without prep, or art.) Ex 167 Nu 16s.
t [rn;?2] n.f. verbal, a seeking, nyi ni|333
i"l*l« Ez 3412 /?'£« a shepherd's seeking his flock.
TrnpS n.f. punishment after examination
(inquisition) Lv 1 920; (scourging 93 AV after
Jewish trad. Kerith11* Sifra Saad. AE Ki
cf. MalbimBlfr* Jastrow D,ct- 165.)
t[ttfj?3]«4 ▼*• seek (Ph. &'P3)— Pi. Pf.
^i53Dti3"T+ i5t.; nu>\>2 Ec 7 " Est 2 16; s£DO0j?
Ho 29; Vntfgact 3'-2cf. 56; Wȣ? Ezr262 + 12 t.;
8f. wpa Is 65' + 2 1; Impf.'vm*. Jos 22s3 +
37 fc; "B^ Pr i514+ 2 t.; nB»p3X ^i229+ 3 1.,
sf. V^py iS 23"+ 7 1.; 1^ i's i616+ 23 t.;
Imv. B*g3 1 S 93 + 3 t.; 1^3 1 S 287 + 8 t.;
/n/ K^ab 1 S ios + 29t.; Pt. t?g30 Gn 37"
+ 23t.; pi. Q^p30 Exiou + 38t.;— 1. seek
to find: a. abs. Ju 6s9 2 K 217 Je 51 Ez 34s Ec 3"
817 (yet v. Ew). b. ace. Gn 37 1616 Jos 2M (J)
Ju 422 144 1 S93 io2l4-21i616 1 S 231425 243 262
2 7M+2620 obj. a flea, but rd. "K*?? ® Th We
Kirkp Klo Dr; 2 S 17320 1 K i3240 i'8,02 K 2,6619
1 Ch 4s9 2 Ch 229 Ezr 262 ( = Ne 7H) Ne 1227
Je 22433 La i11 Ez 7* 2230 34416 Ho 29 Na 311
Zc ii16 Mai 215. c. with P Jb io6. d. ace. rei
i> pers. Ju 18' 1 S 1314 287 iKi'En 31 Est 22
ijr 1229 Is 4O20La i19Na 3'. 2. seek to secure:
a. ace. the priesthood Nu 1610 (P); David for
king 2 S317; in battle 2 S 517 (=1 Ch 148);
ifr 2 74 Je 45s (cf. v5) ; B>DJ B>p3 seek to take one's
life Ex419(J) 1 S 201 222323 2315 2529 2 S 48 16"
1 K 1 91014 f 354 3813 40,s 54s 63'° 703 8614 Pr 2910
Je430i i21 197'9 2i722263420!!1 38164430-30 4626 4937.
b. aim at, practise : n$TI Wpl seek hurt of Nu 35s3
(P)i S24102526(^)i K2o7V'7i13-24Est92; 3t3 '3
+ 43 cf. Pr 1 711, -\3B> Pr 1 719, pri Pr 1 127, H31W
Ne 210, ramvt Je 51, pnv, nuy Zp 23-3 01^^34",
no»i Pr i46Ec 725, rw>a Dn 816, nyn Pr 1514 1815,
mm Mai 27, nans Pr 179, mun 181 (? of dir.
obj.), mSMffrl Ec 7s9. o. /«/ Ex 4s4 (J) Je 262'.
d. ? & /»/ Gn 4330 Ex 215 10" (JE) Dt 13"
1 S 144 19"0 2310 2 S 2019 2 13 i K n22-40 Est
221 36 62 ^ S722 Ec 1210 Zc 67 12*. 3. seek
the face a. of rulers 1 K io24 ( = 2 Ch 9s3) Pr
2926. b. 0/ ^orf (from resorting to sacred
places) Ho 516 1 Ch 16" (=f 1054) 2 Ch 714
2 S 2 11 + 24s 27s-8; without "3? c. nirv Dt 4s9
Zp i6 23 Ho 36 56 Ex 337(J) 1 Ch i610 (=f 1053)
2Chn162o4Is5i,Pr285Zc821-22Je5o4; tpnbt*
2 S 12", cf. Ez 8s2 Is 45" 651 2 Ch 15416 Ho 710
Je 2913 Mai 31 V 4°17 7°5 W Dn 9s; '"> n3T
Am 812; four + 83". d. sq. Inf. c. p, of resort
to wizards, but obj. not expr. Lv 1934 (H).
4. desire, demand: a. ace. 1 Ch2i3. b. ace.
rei |t? pers. Ez 726 Dn i20. 5. a. require, exact,
ace. rei TJI? pers. Is i12; fD pers. Ne 512, ace.
rei v18. b. exact equivalent or penalty for, ace.
rei, TO pers. Gn 3139 43s (JE) 1 S 2016 2 S 4"
EZ31820 338, cf. ehl; no obj. expr. Jos 22s3 (P).
6. (late) ask, request, ace. rei Est215; ?5? rei
Ne 24; ^5? rei ft? pers. Est f Ezr 8ffl; i>$? rei ^J?
pers. Est 48; ace. rei ft? pers. Dn i8 (obj. el.
c. "»Bta), ty 1 0421; ft? pers. 2 Ch 204. Pu. 7mp/.
Bfe? Je 5er*,^l Est 2s3; «0p3Pj Ez 2621 6e «omS/i<.
t [ntTj?2l] n.m. request, entreaty, "He^S
Est57873; T]nB*i33; Est53912; ^3 Ezr 7s.
+1. "13. n.m. son (Aram. "13, Syr. jjs) only
in late Heb. of Pr 3122 (both cstr.), v2 sf. "13 ;
13 lpSO ^ 212 kiss the son, <S Modern Vrss
Ges De Pe et al.; receive instruction X ; bpa£aa6e
ncutlitas @; apprehendite disciplinam 33 Ew;
kiss purely, do sincere homage Aq Sym Jer
Br MP136; emend. Lag ("piD) ilDiO ipB>3 prf <m
his bonds (cf. v3) so Kmp Che 0PS81.
11. IS corn, in. 12 pure, ™fl, 1, n. ">3, v. TO.
tl. N H3 53vb. shape, create (cf. Ar. ijy,
form, fashion by cutting, shape out, pare a reed
for writing, a slick for an arrow, but also KJ,
create; Ph. Xilil CIS '• M7 incisor, a trade in-
volving cuttings As. bard, make, create, COT
Gic & Hpt KAT2Gi«»i but dub . gab ^2 found ,
build, DHMZMG1883tt3, synon. .133; Ba2*-1888'58,
comp. As. band, create, beget, with change of
liquid; Aram. «"}3, J £2,, create) — Qal Pf. Gn
i'+io. t.; /«$£ K}£ Gn i2127 Nu 1630; Inf.
*03 Gn5'; J**p. 103 V5112; Pt. *t& Is 42s
+ iot.; sf. 1^13 Is 431; T«lia Ec 1 21;— shape,
fashion,create, alwaysof divine activity, with ace.
rei, seldom except in P and Is2. 1. obj. heaven
and earth Gn i1 23(P) Is 451818; mankind Gn
,57.57.27 gl.J(p) 67(J) Dt 432 ^ g948 Jg ^H. the
host of heaven Is 4026; heavens Is 42s; ends of
the earth Is 40"8; north and south i/'So13; wind
Am 413; the D^Jn Gn i21(P). 2. the individual
man Mai 210 (|| father) Ec 121; the smith and
the waster Is 541616; Israel as a nation Is 4316;
Jacob Is 431; the seed of Israel Is 4 37. 3. new
conditions and circumstances : righteousness
and salvation Is 45s; darkness and evil Is 45";
fruit of the lips Is 57"; a new thing '"lean (a
woman encompassing a man) Je 3122; HK^S
(swallowing up the Korahites) Nu i6M(J);
cloud and flame over Zion Is 4'. 4. of trans-
formations : a clean heart ijr 5 1 12 (|| eNl); new
heaven and earth Is 6517 (in place of old);
transformation of nature IS4120; with double
ace. np'J DPBTV snu transform Jerusalem into
rejoicing Is 6518. Niph. Pf. 2 fs. 0N13? Ez
2135; 3 pi. ^33 Ex 3410 + 2 t.; Impf. fifTf.
+ 10430; Inf. sf. 1«12n Ez 2813; TftOBn Ez 2*8";
DK-]3n Gn 24 52; Pt. N"}33 + 10219;— Pass. 1. be
created: heaven and earth Gn 24 (P); creatures
i^io^30; mankind Gn52(P); heavens V'I48'-
2. with reference to birth: HX133 leta DlpB3
in the place where thou wast created (i.e. native
land) EZ2I35; "]tr\2n DV day when thou wast
created (king of Tyre) Ez 281315 (cf. ym'y DWl
^ 27); trja? ny ^ I0219 (|| ibi: ny + 22s2). 3.
of something new, astonishing : miracles Ex
3410(J); new things, niK^n Is 48s. Pi. Pf.
riXIS Jos I71S; tiHTffl Jos 1718; Inf. abs. tOS
Ez 2 124-24 2347; — 1. cut down: a forest Jos
i71518(J); antainsjnniK trail Ez2347. 2. cut
out: T, hand, as an index Ez 212424.
TrWHS n.f. a creation, thing created,
as preternatural, unparalleled; ace. cogn. '3~DK
"■ trn; Nu 1630, cf. JOS Qal 3, Miph. 3.
t iTfcOSl n.pr.ni. ('< hath created) a Ben-
jamite 1 Ch 821.
tii. [^1^1 ▼*• be fet (Ar- 4h &« /»•««
of a thing, sound, healthy; v. KID) — Hiph.
/n/1. DaK^Sn? 1 S 2W to make yourselves fat.
ttrnjl adj. fat— ^734 Ju317; pi. own?
1 K 53; cstr.TISDn i15; f. HKns Hb iw+ 2t.+
EZ3420 nns; Hi 01!m* nn3, <«rU; pi.
niX"13 Gn 4i6+ 3t.; nKn3Gn4i";— fat, cattle
ipa Gn 4I«^7-»« (E) 1 K 53; sheep Ez 34320
Zc ii16; food Hb i16; 'z B«N fat man JU317;
I'^l *n3 Dn i15; D^IN '3 </tet> body fat ijr 734.
P*?^ T^Q n.pr.m. v. sub TfBp.
^Nia v. ^sna nu sub n*3.
D","£T)21 v. sub ni3.
*y"^^J (cf. Ar. S^j 6e or become cold).
tT»3 n.m. El9-18 hail (Ar. ^S, Aram. T)3,
\'rJ>; aL Sab. ffTO, coM DHM **»*»«)_
TJ3 Ex 9W+ 28 1.;— Aat7, c. * Tt2»n Exp'823,
c."' jna 9"; also Exg"-22"25-3526 io612-15; ||nVp
<A«nder Ex 923-28»-33, || nVp & 1BO Ex 9",
|| eta lightning 9s4; all JE, Egypt, plague; cf.
ifr 7847-48 10532; another great hailstorm Jos 10"
(E), where '3? "P.aK; further, in theoph. f i813
(|| e'X'^ru) 2 S 2213 om. by error; del. however
in ^18" cf. De Che etc.; '3 nn*1K Jb 38",
nwpi ate '31 eta ^ 1488, '31 ppr Hg 217; b
sim. Is 28s -lye* '3 BTrt; fig. Is 2817 30s0 ('3 |3S)
— fig. of judgment of \
t~TO vb.denom. haU, Tfijn rn?? TOI
consec. Is 32" r'< s/wW /wi7.
T["V13] adj. spotted, marked (as if sprin-
kled with hail? soKicf.LagBN29; Syr. JJU, i.e.
grandinatus, grele, PS), mpl. of sheep & goats
D'TOI Dnpa D^pg Gn 31'012; horses Zc 63-6.
t TCI 1 . n.pr.loc. "HS Gn 1 6" near Kadesh.
2. n.pr.m. "H3 an Ephraimite 1 Ch 720.
tl. HIS vb. eat (As.-iard & deriv. Zim
BPS1)— Qaliy. 2S12"; /»»;>/ rrGK 2 S is810
eat irearf (D3p~V13 1 S 1 78 scribal error for yiro
133^ 1 K iS^Dr8""07). Pi. Inf. rfna\ La 4'°
for devouring. Hiph. Impf. l'?13FI 2 S 1 3s; Inf.
J"IV13np 2 S 335 cause to eat bread.
trP-Q n.f. food 2 S 135710; Ez 3420 v. «na.
t [j"Vn3] n.f. food; 'nrns ,/, 6022 m (or a*)
«iy food.
II. 7T13 (cf- As. hard,, bind, whence birttu,
fetter ZimBPMfB, & treaty, covenant D1K7).
jTP"G ^ n.f. covenant (|| Aram. B$, 8m-
tfijici;; constitutio) — '3 Gn o13+ 199 1.; sf. W")3
Gn618+5ot.; ^nn3Dt339; \nn3^44>8+ lit.';
nsrina i828>»; -inna Ezi661; inn3Ex224+
18 t.; — pact, compact, covenant. X. between
men. 1. treaty, alliance, league: Abraham and
Amorites Gn 14"; Edom and its allies Ob7;
with Philistines Gn2i2732(E) 26s8 (J); Jacob
and Laban Gn 3iM(J); Joshua and Gibeonites
Jos 9""1516 (J); Israel and Canaanites EX2332
341!15(JE) Dt f Ju 22; Ammonites and Jabesh
1 S 111; Solomon and Hiram 1 K 5s6; Ahab
and Benhadad 1 K 2034; Syria and Israel 1 K
15"= 2 Ch 163; Nebuchadnezzar and Zede-
kiah Ezi713"19; nations against Israel ^836;
nations with EgyptEz 306; Ephraim and Assyria
Ho 122; Judah and Israel Ez 16"; Judah and
Tyre Ami"; Assyria and Judah Is 33s; JTn3T33
a prince in league (with him) Dn 1 i22 (so He
Ew ; Hi Meinh Bev ref. to h. p. Onias III, &
translate prince ofcov't, cf. AV RV); fig., with
death Is 28'618; with stones of the field Jb 5™.
2. constitution, ordinance, between monarch and
subjects : David and Abner 2 S 3****; David
and the elders of Israel 2 S53=iChna; Zede-
kiah and his people Je 348"18; hostile prince
and Israelites Dn 9s7. 3. agreement, pledge:
Jehoiada and captains 2 K n'= 2 Ch 231 ;
with oneself Jb 311; with Leviathan to be a
servant Jb 4028; between man and man Ho 104
cf. TV-O hv3 Ju S33 94=nn3 bx Ju 946. 4. al-
liance of friendship between David and Jona-
than 1 S 183 208 2318 cf. ^ 5521. 5. alliance of
marriage Pr 217 Mai 2". — In all cases ma ma
is the technical phrase for making covenant
except Je 3410 nn33 1N3; Dn 9s7 *? nna TOM.
Various preps, are used, most oft. ? Ex 2^+ ,
butalsoDVGn2628+,n82S312-r,'p3 2Chi63.
XI. between God and man. 1. alliance of
friendship (|| *liD) yj, 2514. 2. covenant, as a
divine constitution or ordinance with signs or
pledges (vid. nSti). a. with Noah Gn 99-17 (P)
Is5410 Je3320S5; a divine promise that there
would be no other deluge, b. with Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob Gn i518(J) 172-21 Ex 224 64'5
Lv 2642 (P) 2 K 1323 1 Ch 16"=^ 105810, Ne
98 Je 3418; a promise to multiply their seed,
give them the land of Canaan, and make them
a blessing to the nations, c. with Israel at
Sinai=Horeb, with a covenant sacrifice EX195
2478(E) 34,0-27-29(J) 3i16Lv213(P) 24s 2691525-44-45
(H) Dt 413; renewed in plains of Moab Dt 28s9;
with blessings and curses Dt 2920; frequently
referred to in other books 2 Ch 3432 i/<- 2510
44>8 50516 7420 781037 10318 10645 in6-9 Is 56"
Je i2-3-6810 i421 229 3132 Ez i68Ma) 447 Dn 94
„ 28.30.32 Ho 6? 8i Zc 9n ! !io. a dlvine constitu.
tion given to Israel with promises on condition
of obedience and penalties for disobedience, in
the form of tables of the covenant Dt 9911-16, in-
scribed with theten words, placed in('<)jVO (TIN
the ark of the covenant Nu io33+40 t. (vid.
piN; in 1 S 43-4" om. m3 after }ViN ® We
Dr); set forth in TVQn n3T words of the cove-
nant Ex 34s8 (J) Dt 28s9 29s 2 K 233 ( = 2 Ch
3431) Je 112"8; written in m3n 1BD the book of
the covenant Ex 247 (E, cf. 34" J) 2 K 23221 (cf.
2 Ch 3430). d. with Phinehas Nu 251'--'3 (P),
a constitution, establishing an everlasting
priesthood in his line ; cf. D'oron JTH3 Ne 1 3M
& MPn ma Mai 24,8. e. with Joshua and
Israel Jos 24s4 (E), an ordinance or constitu-
tional agreement to serve Yahweh only. f.
with David + So4-29-34-39 1 3212 Je 3321 (cf. 2 S 7 =
1 Ch 1 7) ; a divine promise to the seed of David
of an everlasting kingdom, the relation of son-
ship, and the superintendence of the temple
(cf. \)r 2). g. Jehoiada and the people 2K111'
= 2 Ch 23s, a constitutional agreement to be
the people of Yahweh. h. Hezekiah and. the
people 2 Ch 2910, a constitutional agreement to
reform the worship, i. Josiah and the people
2 K 23s, a constitutional agreement to obey the
book of the covenant, j . Ezra and tine people
Ezr i o3, a constitutional agreement to put away
foreign wives and observe the Law. k. the
prophetic covenant, a divine promise through a
series of prophets to establish a new constitu-
tion nBHn J1P3 Je3i31, with new institutions
and precepts Is 42" 49s 553 5921 618 Je 313133
3240 506 Ez 166062 2037 34s5 3720 Ho 220. In Is •
the Messianic servant is DJ? JVO Is 42s 49",
cf. man lib® Mai 31. III. Phrases. 1.
covenant making: TV"I3 m3 Gn 1518 Ex 3410'27
(J) Jos 24K (E) Dt 5" 2809 29,3!!4 1 K 526 2 K
u'7i735-382 33 2 Ch2i723316 2910 3430 Ezrio3
Ne98 ^5o5894 Is5536i8 Jen103i31-32-333240
3413 Ez 342S 37M Hos 220; JTH3 D*pn establish
a covenant Gn 618 991117 17719'21 Ex 6" (P) Ez
166062, but confirm covenant Lv 26' ('! ; H)
Dt818; nnajw Gn 172 Nu25,2(P); nna Dt?
2 S 23s (poet.); JT-Q3 nay Dt 2911; maa N3
2 Ch i512Ezi68; ma m* V'111"; ma Ntw
"S ^V * 5016. (Cf. further on these Dr «■»"•«*•
210 fl) 2. covenant keejnng : on the part
of man JVO IDS? 1K11" Ne Is 9s2 -f 7810 10318
13212 Dn 94, rma -iw Dt 33' ^25'°, D^tno
ITVaS Is 5646; on the part of God TVQ "Df
Gn 91516 Ex 2s4 66 (all P), Lv 2642-42-42 (H; on sf.
cf. Di Ges»128,Rb) v46 (H) + io58io645iii5
1 Ch 1615 Ez 1680. Thus we have riJOtO
V'Sg29; D^y nna Gn916 i77i3'8.i9 Ex 3Ii«Lv
24s Nu 1819 2513(P) 2 S 235(poet.) 1 Ch i617
(=f 10510) Is246 553 618 J6 3240 505 Ez 1660
3726; nbo nna Lv 213 2 Ch 136 217 (a cov't.
with sacrificial meal and salt ; on cov't. with
salt in Arabia cf. We81"2*"1"1-124); ttbtf m3
Nu2512(P) Is5410Ez3425 37s6; nonm man
Dt 7912 iK8a(=2Ch 614) Ne i5 932 Dn 94;
vhp rtna Dn 1 128-30; man mDO Ez 2037. 3.
covenant violation: ma "Oy Dt 172 Jos 71115
2316(D) Ju2202Ki812Ho67 81; mo nan Gn
1714 Lv 26,5-44(H) Dt3I16:!0(J) Ju 21 Is 24" Je
j j 10 I4« 3j32 3320,21 Ez l659 I7M.H ^7 Z(, , , 10 .
nna ary i K 191014 Je 229 Dn 1 130; nna dno
2 K 1 715; nna nto V' 8939; nna &n ^ 89" Mai
210; nnaa npt? V-- 4418; wna nat? Dt423-31 Je 505.
tbi-ia, niin v. sub Bha.
rvna v. sub i. ma.
nr^-Q, Tha v. sub nxa.
^3 (? cf. Aram. P3 6cwe, pierce, or Ar.
JV>, appear).
*TTVPCL n.pr.f. (?) descend, of Asher (perh.
NT"!? foramen, Thes, or j'jlT woman whose
beauties are apparent) i Ch 731 Kt (Qr hj|l),
1 7p3n.ni. Dt 19, 5 iron(c. 7 afform.; fr.pierc-
ingl NH id., Aram, id., pT]S, Jl^a, Ph. $>P3,
As. parzillu COT01"", (Ar. J£j /e«er is loan-
word))—alw. abs. '2 Gn 422+ 74 t. (^13 Gn 4"
etc); — '1. iron, lit.: a. iron-ore, stone con-
taining iron, Dt 89 Jb 282; b. as raw material
(to be worked) Gn 4s2 1 Ch aa""1 29s 2-7 2 Ch
26.is 2^i2 jg 44U; 0. as article of commerce
Ez 271219; d. as material of furniture, utensils,
implements, etc., '3 Bny Dt 311, '3 33n Jos 1 7161s
Ju i19 4313, '3 fy Jos 61924 cf. 1 K 67 Nu 35",
'3-djj jb 1924 & fig. Jei7l, fan "inn 2 S iz31=
1 Ch 203, '3H ni"l]?p 2 S 1231 cutting instr. of
iron, vid. Am i» '3 ^33 f i49» (|| trfff,
'3 p^j Jb2024, '3 "pp_ 1 K 2 2u= 2 Ch l810, '3 -VJ3
& '3 rono Ez 43; '3 WIS, i.e. of Babylon, ag.
Cyrus Is 452; cf. 1 S 17' & Is 6o17-'7 (fig.)
2. too? of iron Dt 27s Jos 831 Pr 271717 Ec io10 Is
io34 (metaph.); head of an axe Dt 19' 2K6";
so weapon 2 S 237 Jb 4119; cf. also Nu 3122 Jos
2 28 where iron as spoil of war. 3. iron in
fig. of unwatered earth Dt 2S23; of Egyptian
bondage, 'an "W Dt 420 1 K Sil Je 1 14; of op-
pression '3 b)j Dt 2S48 Je 28" cf. v13; of strength
Je 151212; cf. T^V?1? '3 Dt ss25 & Mi413 '3 Qi?;
of prophet, firm through Yahweh's might, l^QJ?
'3 Je i18; of distress, '3 Tina f 10716 cf. v10 of
judgments oi \ & 10518; 'a bat? ^ 29; of evil-
doers, Je 628 Ez 2218'20; simile of scorching sky
Lv 2619; '3 i^OD of bones of hippopotamus
Jb 4018; '3 Tj of obstinate neck of Isr. Is 484.
T ^^^S n.pr.xn. (man ofiron)— 1. a Gilead-
ite 2 S1727 ig3233-35-40 1K27; ^pa 2 S1934; Ezr
261=Ne763 PV^n 'iT!? n"3'? "Pf1 '•?'*! ^D3 ,?.a
DDB'/J) t4~li5*1, where 2nd Barzillai=above, &
former is 2.apriestEzr26' = Ne 763,who adopted
name "'i'?"!3- 3. 2 S 218 a Meholathite.
tnn3 vb. go through, flee (cf. Germ.
durchgehen) (Ar. — S go away, withdraw, flee)
— Qal Pf. rna Gn 31"+ 9 1., vra Jb g25, vna
Is 223; /m;)/ nna^ Jb 2024, rn^ jb 27s2 Ne 6".
nl3!l Gn 3i21+ 13 1.; 3 fs. rnarn Gn i66, ma«
V, 1397, WTja; je 527, vryfa 2 S 43+ 4 1., nfn'a-i
2 S 1514; imv. ma Gn »7*+3t, inna is 48si);
7m/ a6s. nVia Jb^22; cs<r. n"ia i 823"+ 3 t.,
niia Jon i3; sf. 'rna 1K27, ^nSa Gn3i5, ima
Gn 35' + 2 t. ; — 1. go or pass through, of bar,
rhab . . . rnarrnx tojw Ex 36s3 (P). 2. /ee
Gn 3i20-21-22(E) Ex 145 (J) Ju 921 1 S 191218 2217
2 S 13343738 (del. Dr cf. We) 1514 Is 2 23 Je 4"
2621 394 527 Ne 6" ; fig. of days fleeing away
Jb 9B; of man, like a shadow Jb 142 ; c. ft? flee
from a place 1 S201 2 S io10( + ->yt? pers.) Is 4820,
a weapon Jb 2024; a person, c. HND 1 K n23,
usually c. "JBO Gn 1668 31" 3s1-7 Ex 2" (all
JE) Ju 11s '2 S 21" 1 K27 I22= 2 Ch io2
* 3l 57' (titles) 1397 Jon I10; *• I!? fig. Jb
27i2; fl& t0< e- acc- place 1 S 27* 1K11* Ho
12"; c. place & ? Ne 1310 ; c. place & H— loc.
Jon Is 4s 2S43; c. place & ~b» NU2411 Am?12;
c. ^>K & pers. 1 S236Gn2743 (J) 1 K 2s9 1 K 1 i40;
nnK & pers. 1 S 2220; flee, sq. inf. iKli"Dn
10'. 3. flee = hasten, come quickly Ct 814.
Hiph. Pf. VVian 1 Ch 813; Impf. U1T. Pr
1926; sf. wnnr jb4i20, inmasj Ne 1 3s8, WJ33
1 Ch I21S; Pt'. n-iap Ex 2628;— 'l. pass through,
lit. Ex 26s8 (P) cf. Qal. 2. cause to flee, put to
flight, animal Jb4i20, men 1 Ch 813 1216; drive
away Pr 1916 Ne 1328 (sq. V?5).
1 1. [iTna] adj . fleeing (= * n«ia) ! rn| tfn;
Jb 2613 of eclipse-dragon, 013 B>nj |n$ Is 2fi
(prob. fig. of Assyrians); as subst. 0'in,"!3 Is
43" as fugitives (for other views cf. Comm.) ;
so prob. also Is 15' HWIS, v. D1!?.
+ 11. rP^S n.pr.m. son of Shemaiah 1 CI1322.
' rTHS n.m. bar (cf. As. burAhu, spear-
shaft, spear, COTGlMS)— pns Dt 3s + 1 1 1. (cstr.
Am i5 etc.); *ina Ex^^g3* Kt (Qr both
VPI- needless) ; pL DTPlS Ex 2 6s6 +8 t., DW"ja
2Chi46, ,nn3 Ex3631'+3t., Ipnna Na313',
vnns Ex 4oI8+ 7 t ( + Qr Ex 35" 39"), 7^
Je 5 130 La29, n'rna jon27, nnna i8i55 but cf.
infr.; — 1. a. bar, of wood, joining boards of
tabern. Ex 2626-27-27-28-29-29 3511 g<jto-»-«— - 40"
Nu 3M 431 (all P). b. 6ar(«) of city-gates Dt 3s
Ju 1 63 1 S 237 2 Ch 85 1 46; id. of gates of Jeru-
salem La 29; also (|| ffinjjo) Ne 33-6""15 cf. V'
147"; cf. Am I8 Na313 Je 4931 Ez 38" Je 5130;
bars of city-gates, npru '3iK 4", i>P3 '3 Is
452 (of Babylon, broken bef. Cyrus) ; nn,-13 Is
1 55 rd. prob.c. X Di al/13 v. ETT| ; yet cf! Che's
crit. n. 2. fig. ?r)3 '3 of distress, etc. yjr 107";
of fortress, ftolK '3 in simile Pr 18"; fig. '3 of
earth (pictured as house out of which Jonah
is shut) Jon 2'. (Older usage sg. of bar of door
or gate, i.e. the great bar across the gate ; so
LH35 Jui63 Ami5 1S237 1K413 Je4931
Pr 18' Jb38,02Ch85 Ez38" Laterals 4 5s
La 2" 2Chi4« Ne 33-6-13"15 ^147", but also
t [n"»np] n.m. (flight) fugitive— Ez 1 72'
WTOO Kt coll., Vrnao Qr; Co rds. Qr, but del
as gloss; X @ Ew Sm rd. VjnaD.
"»QrTO 2 S 2381=,Win3 1 Ch 1 133, rd. prob,
"pnn? v.' sub "VO & cf. Dr.
^2 n.pr.m. v. sub 1X3 p. 92.
■na Jb37" v. P sub nn.
[na], i"P*»3 v. *T| sub 11. STI3.
□^a 2 S 2014 obscure, many after 33 rd
D*"jnS; Klo prefers Dnaan after ® & so Dr.
pi^v. sub 11. ma; v. also S>K 3, ^5?3 4.
n"1")^ v. sub TO.
vb. kneel, bless (NH id.; Ar.
cJjj ; Eth. fl«Jhl Aram. ?p.3 ^1=, [praise), Palm,
esp. in *xh& VS0 T"« Vogp*lm-'4t<*-94'144)—
Qal /»»p/ Tffi 2 Ch 613; rUTM + 95«; -pS (v.
Pi.); Pt. pass. ^113 Gn 9s6 + 70 1.;— 1. kneel
down (so Ar. Syr. Eth.): Va-Q-by ipjm awd A«
kneeled upon his knees 2 Ch 613; * ^B? n3!33
Ze< us kneel before Yahweh i/' 95s. 2. Mess
(only pt. pass.), a. of God: * sp"B blessed be (or
is) '' Ex 1810 (E) Gn 926 2427 (J) Ru 414 1 S
S 182
K 1
,26 ^27
-21 Q 15.56
io9 1CI11636
2 Ch 211 64 98 Ezr 7* ^ 286 3122 4114 7218
H912i246i3521i44' Zen5; B*f6tl '3
89M 106
>/r 6620 6S36; 'J1K '3 ^ 68M (prob. for an ori-
ginal nw); p^V h* '3 Gni420(E); »Ttt '3
2 S 2247 (= ^ 1847); fi ni33 '3 Ez 312; av '3
P133 ^ 7219. b. of men: Gn 27s3 (J) Nu 2212
(E) Dt 714 283G 332024 1 S 25s3 2625 Ju 172 1 K
245 1^ 11826 Is 1925 Je 177 2014; in3 -J313D
blessed be Hue one blessing thee Gn 27s9 Nu
249 (E); mmb '3 Ru 2,9-20310 1 S 15'3 2321 2 S
25 * 11515; jvby S>»6 '3 Gn 1419; "> SJffl Gn 2431
26M (J); * OT Is 65s3. c. things:' ^Si ^"13
"]3B3 blessed be the fruit of thy womb Dt 2 84 cf.
Dt 28s 1 S 25s3 Pr 518. ITiph. Pf. 0^3) Gn 1 23
1 818 2814( J) bless oneself {cULifhy.). Pi. 23SiP/.
^3Gn241 + 29t.; 1]t3V'io3Nu2320; ^llzCh
2026; Vrpi Jbi5; sf. ^nj, V?^?, etc., Gn2727 +
5 t.; ^fS8 Dt 27 + 9 t.; Impf. V?], T3f? etc->
Gn283+52t.; n3i2N Gn i23+ 2 t.; pi. W3^
Gn 2460 + 1 1 1. ; sf. 333) Gn 2 710 + 2 1 1. ; Jljro;
Gn 4925+ 2 t.; WanV Gn 1419 + 16 t. ; Djnaj
Gn4820+ 6t.; naanaKGn 277; 'W.-^ Gn 27'9'al;'
^n»n3^7215; n?*5rWJf 145* /TOv.'n"i3Dt33"
+ 29 t.; Inf. cstr. T3J Gn 2217 -)- 24 t. ; /»»/. abs.
^"na Jos 2410 (Ki, cf. Ko1-"1, Ew!aou 01 Sta);
Pt. ?p3D Pr 2 7 " + 4 1.; — l.bless God, adore with
bended knees: ace. "» 713 Gn 2448(J) Dt 810 Ju
5" iCh2910M 2 Ch20263i8 Ne95 V167 2612342
63s I0320'2'-22 11518 i34>2 135'^ 145™; vna
.„ I34M I35.9.M ^^.,0
nx <t?SJ ^ I03'-2'22 I041-35; DB> T13 W«*s *Ae
name of Yahwek Ne 9s i//- 96s ioo4 1451'21; "p3
JWlfr* Jos 2 233 V 668 68w (doubtless for an
original mrr), with b 1 Ch 2920; J1K ?p3D Is 663
(of idolatrous worship). 2. 6W blesses a.
w«w.- abs. Nu 2320 (E) ty 10928; with ace. Gn
32273o 48.6 Ex 2o24 Nu 24, Jos 24,0 (E) Gll I2
17 2413S 2612 302730 39s 492S Jos 17" (J) Gn
1s"8 5* 9* i716a,25n 26324 28' 359483 Nu 6s427
(P) Dt i11 27 713 127 142429 I5<-«-io-".w re1015 2321
24l31926152883016 Jui324 2S6ni272» iCh410
iS14^27 265 2 Ch3i10 Ne 86 Eu 24 Jb4212 f 513
28* 29" 4S367"7-8io73sii51213i285 i343i4713
Pr3!0l8i9JS5is6i9 Je3I23Hg219. T). «A%,.-
sabbath Gn 23 Ex 20" (P); field Gn 27" (E);
bread Ex 23^ (E); work Dt 2812 Jb i10 cf. Dt
33" ^65" 13215. 3. men bless men : priests
& kings "> 0V2 Dt io8 215 2 S 618 1 Ch 162 2313
^129"; MelchizedekAbrahamGni419; Moses Dt
33' Ex 1232 39*"; Joshua Jos 1413 226-7; priests
Lv 922-23 Nu 623 Dt2712 J0S833 2Ch3o27 ^1 1826;
Solomon iK81,B ( = 2Ch63); David 2 S 620
(= 1 Ch 1643) 1940; Eli 1 S 220; Balaam Nu 22s
23n.so.ss 24io. fathers, esp. on death-bed Gn 274
+ 12 t. Gn 27 (all JE) 2816 (P) 321 (E) 48s1
(P) 4815-20 4928 (J) 2 S 1325; in consecrating a
sacrifice 1 S 913. 4. salute, greet, with an
invocation of blessing (stronger than Dl^t?):
[•mfc* TOP 12 with thee will Israel bless Gn
4820 (E). a. in meeting Gn 477 (P) 2 K 4s9 io15
1 S 1310. h. in departing Gn 2460(J) 4710(P)
1 K 8<*. c. by messengers 1 S 2514 2 S 810 1 Ch
18°. d. in gratitude Jbsi20 Pr3o" Ne n2.
e. morning salutation Pr 2714. f. congratula-
tions for prosperity Gn 123 (J) 2 729 Nu 2 49 (E)
1 K i47 ^4919625. g. in homage 2S 1422 \f>
7215. h. in friendliness 2 S 213. 5. bless,
with tRe antithetical meaning curse (Thes)
from the greeting in departing, saying adieu
to, taking leave of; but rather a blessing over-
done and so really a curse as in vulgar English
as well as in the Shemitic cognates: 1 K 2110'3
Jb I6-11 259 + io3. Pu. Impf 713? 2 S 7a +
3t.; T>3n Jus24 Pr2o21; Pt. lRbONu 22s +
3t.; f. rvpa Dt 3313; VfpQ v'3722; — I-
pass, to be blessed, adored: '' DK* Jb I2' -^ 1 132.
2. prospered by God: a. persons 2 S 729 1 Ch
17W ^,3722 nz2 1284 Pr2o21. b. things Dt
3313. 3. have prosperity invoked, by Balaam
Nu2 2fi. 4. tw gratitude Fr 2 29 Ju524. Hiph.
D'ppsn ^1"13>1 aW fo mWe Ai's camels kneel Gn
24" (J). ' Hithp. 5p3nn Dt 2918 + 3 1. ; 7m;;/.
T^"! Is 6516 v 7217; P«. TO"? is 65";— &&»*
on«s«// congratulate oneself I33i>3 in his heart
Dt 2918; ijnr3 with or by (cf. 3 m. 2. d) thy
seed (invoke for oneself the blessing of the seed
of Abraham) Gn 2218 264 (J); by the Messianic
king f 7217; |OM \lfoa Is 65"; by * Je 41.
t^a n.f. I,-4*» knee (As. birku COT01-;
Eth. flCh: Aram, fjf, ^oU) Is 4s23; du. 0?3->3
Jb 3,s+ iot.; sf. '3-)3 etc. Gn3o3+ 1 1 1.;— knee,
knees: tKtt D"D water reachingto the knees Ez
474; '313 bv yjWn Dn io10; bv 1T1 pnBQ H33!
WW Dt 28s5; D'313 h> JH3 AneeZ on yfcneesin
worship 1 K 8" Ezr 9s cf. Is 4s23 1 K 1 9>8 2 Ch613,
in entreaty 2K1", to drink of a fountain Ju 76 6;
V313 p3 VJB DB> }mt his face between his knees
in prayer 1 K 1842; C3n3 bv upon the knees, Gn
303 (E ; on '3 ^ *6n v. pi0ssDMWelbAu":!»1«>,r-
Sta ZAW ***■ 143 «■) 5023 (E) Jb 312 Ju 1 619 2 K 4M Is
66'2; two DJJO N'XViGn 4812(E); knees as seat
of strength, weak from terror Jb 44 Is 35s Ez 717
2112 Na 2"; or fasting ^ 10924.
fi.n^S n.f.blessing(Ar.i^;; Eth.n^h^:
Aram. N3-Q, J^jaa ; NH as Heb.)— '3 Gn
I2J+ 39 t.; cstr. n?-l3 Gn 284 + 9 t. ; sf. taff]?
Gn 49™ + 7 t. ; pi. fftSyf f 2 17 + 4 t. ; cstr.
nia-is, nb-13 Gn 49s5 +5 t. ; sf. oyvfiyxf
Mai 22; — 1. blessing: a. of parent Gn 2712-"
49s8 (JE), of Moses Dt 331. b. of God Ex
32w (E) Lv 2521 (P) Dt ii26-27-29 23" (=Ne
132) 2 8283o119 Jos 8^(0)28 729^392i4i333
Is 443 Ez 3426 4430 Jo 2" Mai 310; 1W n3l3
Gn395 (J) Dti215i6,73323 V 1298 Pr io22;
'' n«D rcna f 24s; urnw nan3 Gn 284 (P),
the blessing given to Abraham. c. of the
people, in recognition of good men ijr 10917
Pr io6 n26 24s5 2820. d. 0/ a poor man, in
recognition of benefits Jb 2913. 2. source
of blessing: Abraham Gn 122 (J); Israel Is 1924
Ez 3426 Zc813; seed of the righteous f 37s6;
the king ^21'; memory of the righteous Pr
io7; new wine Is658. 3. blessing, prosperity :
D^B" 713133 by the prosperity of the upright
(the city is exalted) Pru11; nt3VH ni3"0 DJ
iTWO yea, the early rain covereth with blessings
^ 847 cf. Gn 49s526; D3T11313 nx ♦nVWI and
I toill curse your prosperity Mai 22. 4. bless-
ing, praise of God Ne 9s. 5. a gift, present
Gn 33" (E) Jos 15" (J) Ju 1" 1 S 25s7 3026 2 K
515; n?l? "^3 « liberal person Pr 1 125 (cf. Syr.
Jwaico, Eth. fl^h'T:). 6. treaty of peace 2 K
fn. n2~>3. 1. n.pr.loc. valley in wilderness
by Tekoa 2Ch202626; mod. BereikM cf. Be &
reff. 2. n.pr.m. one of David's band 1 Ch 1 23.
TTJVG n.pr.m. (blessed)
1. friend and
amanuensis of Jeremiah Je 32121316 364"324336
451J. 2. a priest, son of Zabbai (Zaccai) Ne
320 io7. 3. son of Colhozeh, of the tribe of
Judah Ne 1 i\
tnD"l2 n.f. pool, pond (nanan SI5; Ar.
i£>.J SabVna-a Sab. Denkm.73; Aram. *?Onj))
— 'i 2 S 215-13 4" 2 K i817 (=Is 362) 2020 Ne 316
Is 7s 22911; cstr. nana 2 S 213 1 K 22s Ne
2" 315 Na 2"; pi. ntona Ec 26 Ct 7s.
t^C^S n.pr.m. (El doth bless, cf. Ph.
i>y33-Q, Palm. "paba Vog117,Bab. Bariki-iliOpp
JA.1887K.,.-D«.,5»^ fother Qf E]ihu Jb 32".
t^rrytT n.pr.m. (=WJW s. Yah blesseth
Ges t27'3) father of a Zechariah in Isaiah's time
Is 82 ; usually in abbreviated form as foil. :
no-ja, 1. son of Zerubbabel I Ch 320. 2.
a Levite guard of the ark 1 Ch 916 1 5s3. 3.
father of Meshullam, one of Nehemiah's chiefs
Ne 3430 618. 4. father of the prophet Zechariah
Zc i'sWSJI v7; VTjarjf also 5. father of Asaph
1 Ch 6M 151'7'. 6. Ephraimite chief 2 Ch 2812.
rr?">|, ^fryja v. i^rna; supra.
D"!^ (cf. Ar. 1J twist a rope of two strands).
TCOhSL n.[m.] variegated cloth (Ar.
1j 1 J rope (or fabric) of two strands or colours ;
cf.As. birmu, akind of clothing COT0'0", burrnu,
iris, ZimBP82; on burumu cf. JenKo,mo,liff^ 'M
D'Oia Ez2 724.
yr>3 cf. 'a trip.
TJV\ji n.pr.m. king of Sodom G11 142 (V
unknown ; © BnXA<i).
* ny"^3 n.pr.m. 1. a son of Asher Gn
461717 Nu 26444i 1 Ch 730-31. 2. son of Ephraim
1 Ch 7ra (where expl. as if fr. nyta). 3. a
Benjamite njpa 1 Ch 813, nflf 1 Ch 816. 4.
a Levite iChz3,on.
t^ynS adj. gent. c. art. as n.coll. nnfiB>D
'an Nu 26".
tp"Q vb. flash, of lightning (Ar. ^
gleam, flash, lighten, As. bardku ZimBI>76,
Aram. p^a. j»U, Eth. (U+: Sab. pna Hal262 cf.
DHM 2M0'lm- OT)— Qal P/ PT8 so rd. after © L
2 S 22" & also in || f i815(cf. Klo Che crit. n.);
/»»». fnai/' 1446; — all c.acc.cogn. p")3, O'p"}?; —
flash, trans, flash lightning, subj. 'V
EzI13 lightning (chiefly in
poetry) (Ar. Jjj, As. WrJbu COT01"", ZimBP 7& ■
Aram. p!?, L^)_abs. 'a Jb 20B+ 7 t. + 2 S
22" (cf. infr.); cstr. p^a Dt 32" + 2 t.; pi. D-g^f
Exi916+7t., Vgna 1//974;— lightning, 1. lit.
mostly pi. = lightnings, liglvtning-flaslies Ex 1 916
■>fr 1815 (intheoph., on 2 S 2216 v. infr.) 7719 974
!357 Jb 38M Je io13 5116; so in sim. of swift
brightness Na 25, sg. only ^ 1446 2 S 2216 (where
however rd. P13 D'pia cf. P13_S0 @L Klo
Che, cf. his crit. n. yjr 1815), Ez I13 (in vision),
and in sim. of brightness Dn io6; swift destruc-
tion Zc 914. 2. fig. (always sing.) of flashing
arrow-head Jb 202S, cf. 3in 'a Dt 3241, mn 'a
Na 33 Hb 3n; cf. glitter of weapon Ez 2 1 **•.
Tp^2 n.pr.m. (lightning -flash, cf. Pun.
Barcas, surname of Hamilcar, cf. Nepos
H.miu»n.i. gab Dp^ DHM^W"; Palm.
pna Vog1'*""''6) son of Abinoam, & leader of
Israel Ju Afix^M-nMM-v'M^ ,-112.15
P"13. cf. (TO "ja.
T P p"^S n.f. a precious stone, emerald, ace.
to © 03 Josephus; (from flashing, sparkling;
Lag1""- Jur- Kccl- «■ comp. Skr. markala, Gk . ndpuySos,
^u>ySot) Ex 2817 3910 (both P).
tnj5na n.f. id., Ez 2813, cf. Ges i80R-2 Pinsk
* D*l,7"l3. n.pr.m. (>/ & mng. unknown;
Bab. BarMsu DlPr212) head of a family of
Nethinim, '3^33 Ezr 2M=Ne 7s5.
TQ',;p"l3. n.m. pi. briers (so Vrss Ki al.,
also Stu q.v.,Be, -/unknown; cf. yCSip; > J. D.
Michaelis, Thes al. threshing-sledges, furnished
with sharp (glittering) stones) Ju 87 ^Pl)
'an-rw lanan 'jrtpvi'g Da-iba-nx (^id. also
B*n) and I will thresh your flesh together with
the thorns of tin wilderness and the briers; v16
Vf\ 'an m\ nansn 'sipTisi Tyn 'Jprns ngji
niap ib'js ns Dna (rd. Bhjl for SH5! © BuB3114;
cf. Stu Be) and he took the thorns of the
wilderness and the briers and threshed, etc.
[ I jH] vb. purify, select (cf. As. bar'.ru,
be shining, in deriv. ZimBP4,-7S BelserBAS" 1M;
Ar. Jj, pious, kind, true; "3 he was pious, good,
virtuous, honest) — Qal l'f. 'Oha Ez 2038; Inf.
sf. D"o|> Ec 318, Ges}67a s; cf. tOJ 91 (si vera 1.)
as metaplastic form, but on text vid. "W3 supra
p. 101; Pt. pass. m. 1^3 Jb 333+ 4 t.; f. HfTTtt
Ne 519 Zp 3'; — 1. purge out, purify: ^Via*
DHlbn D3t? and I will purge out from among
you the rebels Ez 2038; 11*13 1?V a purified
lip Zp39; V?0 1113 w««r in a pure, sincere
manner Jb 33s. 2. choose, select, only JP<. and
in Chronicler : chosen, valiant men I Ch 740;
porters iCh9M; musicians 1CI11641; sheep
Ne 518. 3. cleanse, make shining, polish,
pt. pass. 1V13 J*n polished arrow Is 49s (cf. De
& Je 51" infr.) 4. test, prove Ec 318 D"}3?
D'l-'NI <^a< (rod may prove them (RV); — on 91
v. la.' Niph. nan Is 52"; P<. 13J 2 S 22s7
( = yjr 1 8s7); — purify oneself: a. ceremonially,
the bearers of the sacred vessels Is 52".
b. morally 2 S 2 2S7=V 1827. Pi. Inf. TS^ Dn
n35 jatrtfr (I1 1^' '^)- HiPh- 1- Inf-
13np Je 411 purify, cleanse. 2. /nte. n3H
D'Snn Je 51" polish arrows (vid. 3 above).
Hithp. 1. Impf. ni31V Dn 1 210 purify oneself.
2. li^PI \^i827 = 13nn 2S2227 «Aew oneself
pure, just, kind.
fii.~0 adj. pure, clean, Jb 1 i4i/'244; 13 Pr
144; pl.cstr. "13 ^j3»; f.nia ^.I9» Ct6810;—
1. ^wtre, clear: 33? 13 ^)Mre in foarf ^244>
33^ nn TJr 7 31 ; a pure damsel Ct 6910, man Jb 1 1 4,
commands of God ^ 1 9'. 2. clean: 13 M3K crib
iscleanFri^*. 3. perh. adv.13"1pK0 kiss purely,
of sincere homage ^ 212 but cf. 1. 13, p. 135.
•{"in. "13. n.m. grain, corn (cf. Ar. j wheat,
grain of wheat), f 7216 Am 5" 8M; 13 Gn 413649
42325 4s23 (E) f 6514 Pr 1 126 Je 23s8 Jo 224.
tl. 13 n.m. lye, potash, alkali used in
smelting metals Is i2" (see JV13).
tn. "13 n.m. cleanness, pureness : *TJ "w
cleanness of my hands 2 S 2221 ( = 1^ i821) 1^ 1825
( = ,1'3my cleanness 2 S 22s5); *]? 13 Jb 930 22s0.
111^3 n.f. lye, alkali, potash, soap, used
in washing Je 2M Mai 32.
t"l3 a.m. field (BAram. Nia, Syr. |U,
Ar. J o/jere country, land) — 133 13T <foy grow
up in the open field Jb 394 (Aram, usage).
tD'H3'13 n.m. pi. birds fattened for table
of Solomon 1 K 53; capons Ki, geese (from their
pure white feathers) 5'Jer Thes, swans Ew,
guinea-hens Th, /ow'.s Tristr. AV EV (n3l3 =
tp&y water-birds Lv n17 it8"").
JP^3 (■v'of foil., meaning unknown).
TUJVQ n.m.11"140 cypress or fir(As. burdht
COTQ,<,M ,Aram. Wfrtt, JI.0U cf. nil3 infr., v.
also Gr. fipddv, Lat. bratum, cypress, juniper
(PS); in favour of cypress, also © @ & so Thes;
in favour of J?r or jpiW, 33 Rob in KobGes
(because cypress not now indigenous on Leba-
non); cf. also RS1"™"""'"-20 who lays stress on
Ph. n.pr.loc. DB>3 ''K ( = 0 WJ'N) = Gr. n.rt/oOo-cu
i.e. isle of firs; — v. further SchroedFh0n-8pr"w
LowN°,M & Brathu as name of Hermon Philo
Bybl. in EusebPra",z"""IM)— B^13 Ho 14' +
4 1.; D^BTis 2 S 65+ 1 1 1., D'eha Na 24, v&ra
Is 37s4, VBh3 2 K 1 9s;— 1. (lit.) a noble
tree, usually ||nx (exc. 2 S 6s iK6" 2 Ch 3'
yjf 10417 Is 5513 Ho 149 Na 24); as standing and
growing Is 148 37s4 = 2 K 1923, Is 4119 55"
(|| D1H) 6013 (|| pail 1133 = nN) f io4'7. 2.
sim. of luxuriance, stateliness EZ318, produc-
tiveness Ho 1 49 (Now thinks cypress), fig. for
spear-shafts Na 24 Hi-St, but © €> D'BHS ;
fig. for mighty men Zc n2. 3. as material
(always pi.), for building temple ('3 'VJ?) 1 K
5s2-24 6M cf. 9" 2 Ch 27; '3 yv (sing.) 2 Ch 35 (cf.
Baer's n.); '3 nii>l>¥ 1 K 6"; for ships (no f$)
Ez 27s;— 0^13 ^ 5fc| 2 S65 appar. = unM. all
musical instruments made of fir, but || 1 Ch 1 3"
Dn/BCU tJT^S & so here © We Dr.
T [ni"l3] n.m. id. (Aramaic (prob. North-
Palest.) form of same) only pi. Wfetf || DTW
Ct 1 17; ref. to arbour of trees as their home,
cf. n.x.
Tyta3 n.pr.m. (•/ & meaning unknown)
king of Gomorrha Gn 14s.
^fchs, >iriii3, nrrn3 v. sub nnw, p. 92.
□tiO (have a sweet odour, cf. Aram. D'DB,
yxctt=> be sweet, pleasant, Pa. yimi to delight,
KD"D3, sw«e<; Palm. KDtO {xnm) Vog"'1883-
Aoot. s.Pt. ito 1. 12, m 1. is. 1*. zo .tc. g])iced (ot-n _ cf. Becken-
dorfzMG isss.^. As Ja^,„Mj pa. mate fine,
beautiful COT Gto").
Ota, [Ota] v. DB*3.
v v > L. T T J
' spice, balsam, balsam-
tctan.m. a
tree (Ar. 'L£j, Aram. NODB, I'rtmA, Gk. ^dX-
craiior; cf.Low^)— ,3ls3S4+, DHExSO^v.infr.,
'tpB-S Ct 51 (as if fr. QEB); pL OMfift Ex 25s +
18 1., VDE'3 Ct416; — 1. spice, perfume, sweet
odour Is324; D^-JtJJg Ex 3023 ('3 perh. so
pointed to distinguish it from) DBQ-njp v23 ; —
with this cf. Aram. Uuu) Uus, NCD13 »J|>; —
siiices as costly, token of wealth 2 K 2013 = Is
399 cf. 2 Ch 32s7; royal gifts 1 Kio21025=2Ch
91"-24; cf. sg. 1 K io'°= 2 Ch 9s; as article of
commerce Ez 27s2; burnt at burial 2 Ch 1614;
appointed for ingredient of the anointing oil
Ex 25" 358 cf. v28 (all P), cf. i Ch 930 (Palm. v.
supr.) ; stored in temple 1 Ch 9™; used for
purifying the women of Ahasuerus Est 212;
elsewhere only Ct 41014 spices, v16 balsam-juice,
gathered Ct 51; balsam-tree '3 Hfl Ct 8"; beds
of balsam 1 rwjj ct 62; cf. '3 n:r\y Ct 5" sim.
of lover's cheeks.
tjIQtoa n.pr.f. (jierfume ?)— 1. Hittite
woman, a wife of Esau Gn 26s4 (P); called
daughter of Ishmael, and sister of Nebaioth
Gn363 (but due prob. to R; this daughter of
Ishmael is rbrsp in 28s P); v. also 364101317 (all
P) (Sam. has r6nD throughout Gn 36). 2.
daughter of Solomon, wife of Ahimaaz 1 K 4".
TDttQ1] n.pr.m. a descendant of Issachar
1 Ch f. '
T DfeQO n.pr.m. 1. a son of Ishmael Gn
25" = 1 Ch i59. 2. a descendant of Simeon
1 Ch 4M.
T[ IlL'jJ vb. bear tidings (v rub, smooth
the face; cf. Ar.J-iJ remove the face or surface of
a thing, cf. Ar.^io be glad, joyful ; i^y**. sji-J
he rejoiced him with the message of the birth of
a son; Eth. Cltldl bring a joyful message, so
As. bussuru (Pa.) DP170, Sab. neon DHMMV,
also lea n.pr.dei,^-i-> DHM2"01883358, CIS
...Mi. >.s)_pi.p/.-|&a Je 2015+ 2t.; Impf-WZn
2 S iS^^- 4 1.; iTifpK 2 S 1819; Imv. «f| 1 Ch
i6n=f 96s; Inf-m) 1 S3i9+2t,; POEO?
Is 41s7 + 6 t.; f. rnipc is 4099; pi. rtntpae
^6812; — 1. gladden with good tidings: birth
of a son Je 2o's; victory 1 S 319 2 S i20 1 Ch
io9 f 6812; vryn "ifcaoa IWl he was in his eyes
as a bearer of good tidings 2 S 410. 2. bear
tidings 2 S i8192020-26; even of evil 1 S 417, and
so with ace. 31U ifea 1 K i42. 3. herald as
glad tidings: the salvation of God, preach
(chiefly exilic usage) the advent of '< in salva-
tion Na2' Is 40" 4127 52"; the praises of
Yahweh 606; His righteousness in the great
congregation y\r 4010; His salvation daily ^ 96s
= 1 Ch 1623; the Messianic servant preaches
good tidings to the meek Is 6 1 l. Hithp. Impf.
itaJV 2 S 1831 receive good tidings (so Kirkp.
Klo; cf. Ar. J-ij iv. x; otherwise AV).
"IC326, »•»*• flesh (cf. Ar.Jlj skin, Syr.
\laJ>, As. bisru, blood-relation, DJA.. stud. 1.143,
ctrr.™ Sab Qnin ^^ flesh of bulls)— Gn 221
+ 1 26 t.; cstr. "$3 Gn 1 711 + 40 1.; sf. nto etc.
+ 1 69 + 96 1.; pi. Dnfe-a Pr 1 430;— 1. of the body:
a. of animals Gn 412"19 Ex 2128 2 230Nu I212(E)
Nuii4-a3(JE)Gn94 + (P3ot.)Dti21B-r(D9t.)
Ju619-21 1S21316 1 K176 192' Jb3i31 4115 i//5o13
Pr 2320 Is 2213 441619 654 6617 Je 721 1 116 Ez 4"
+ 6 t. Dn io3 Ho 813 Mi 33 Hg 212 Zc n916.
b. of men Gn4019(E) 221 Ex47(J) Lv 123 ij
+ i6t. 26M(P) Dt 28MM 32
1K434 51014 630 9s6 Jb25 4
^20.22 „T6 oo21-25 ^ 272 384'8 *"2
**3 i^>2
42 ju 87 1 si?
61! 75 10
.. I3»
lo~— 21° 33""" f2>;' 38"° 79z I02" iog24 Pr
4s2 511 Is919 174 4926 Je 199 La 34 Ez325 376-8
391718 Dn i15 Zc i412. The flesh of the body is
contrasted with stone Ez n19 36s6. 2. flesh
for the body itself (esTp. in P) : "]D" N^> DIN "ifeO by
upon the body of man it shall not be poured Ex
3032(P); nba by Bf3^ 12 »D?8D Tircm drawers
shall lie put on his body Lv 63 164 (P); p'e> Db"l
ntea i>j> 1 K2127; rtoa nx j>m and fie s/wZ'.
iWfie his body Lvi49 is13-16 I624-26-28 1716 22s
Nui978(P); Da-ifeoa unn ab vzib crtoye shall
not put any cutting for any one in your body
Lv 1 9s8 cf. Lv 2i5(P); D-i'ea 5>a by nyn waym
awd </<ej/ shall pass a razor over all their body
Nu 87 (P). Ec. uses ~IB>3 only in this sense 23 4°
5° 1 110 1 212; elsewhere this usage only in poetry;
the body antith. to Bfa Jb 1422 Is io18 i^632;
2b V<-i69 84s Pr 1 430 (only here emphatic pi.
=entire body Bo'695, Leiblichheit De); ^V??
opart /rom «ty &otfy, in disembodied state Jb
1926; nb>3 "pITBO "YDD »»y Jody trembleth for
fear of thee fn 9120. 3. mai; org><m of gene-
ration (euphemism): D?nblV IZ'S Gn 1 y>"»«*»»
(P); lin» nba Ex 284S(P),"bufit?3 Gn 17" Lv
1 52-19 (P) Ez 1 626 2 320 447-9. 4. jfea& for /fcm-
dred, blood-relations : n'B'3»nB'31 •'DWODSV^owe
0/ jray 6one and flesh of my flesh Gn 2s3 (J) ;
iriN "YeOP Vni on<i </j«i/ sA«H become one flesh
Gn 224 (J); ntol nsjfj4 Gn 2914 (J) Ju 92 2 S 51
191314 1 Ch 111; "lira with sf. in same sense Gn
3727(J) Ne 5' IS587, for which MfcO ygf near
of kin, man or woman Lv 1 86 2 549 (both H ; 2 549
|| n?EfP, cf. ES K 149). S. man over against
God as frail or erring Gn 63(J) i/' 56s 7s39;
eyes of flesh Jb io4; arm of flesh 2 Ch 32s Je
17°; horses are flesh not spirit Is 313. 6. the
phrase lb'a-^3 : a. all living beings Gn 61719 72'
9n.«.i..ir Lv i?m Nu l8i5(p) Jb 34.6 y, I3625
b. animals Gn 71516 817(P). c. mankind Gn
e'^Nuid22 27"i(P)Dt5!3V'653i4521 Is 40"
4926 661623-24 Je 1 212 2531 32s7 456 Ez 2 14910 Jo 31
Zc 217; cf. ehti -1E>3 bl Jb 1210.
trnta n.f. tidings (cf. Ar. \\S+ v. Ba
NB61; Sab. pt?3 DrlM2"01876-672), 2 S 4,0 +
3t.; ."ni;«?a 2S 182527— 1. good tidings 1 K
■nton 148
79. 2. tidings, news 2 S I820-25; with miB
2 S 1 8s7. 3. reward for good tidings 2 S 410 1 82J.
TTMSS a.pr. of brook in Philistine terri-
tory; alw. "Wan btt 1 S 3o910-21; © Borop (v21
lUava, but ©L Boaop) ; mod. Wady Razze (Gaza)
ace. to Guerin,ud,!o"-213;— it empties into sea
SW of Gaza. (Connexion with above v^dub.)
1 7t£^21 vb. boil, seethe (intr.), grow ripe
(Aram. ^fVS» ripen, Nas.^'Joia boil, NSyr.
■^■ls be boiled,, cooked, cf. As. baSdlu (baslu,
cooked) ZimBP76)— Qal Pf. b&S. Jo 415, Vfa
Ez 24"; — boil, cook (intr.) Ez 24s; grow ripe
(of TSP) J0413;— Pi. Pf. 3 ms. sf. obf3 1 K
19"; ^^ Ex 2931 Dt 167, ^3 La 410+ 2 t.,
«^t« consec. ZCI421; Impf. 3 fs. bgbni 2S 138;
2 ms. W?ri Ex 23"+ 2 t., ^5) EZ462024, ^3^1
2 Ch 3513, *^^?n Ex 1 6s0, ^3?l 2 K 6W; 7wv.
!>& 2K438, 1^3 Lv831, £ga Ex 1 6s3; /«/
^3 1 S 213; Pt. vhfya Ez4624;-1. boil (tr.)
obj. om. Nu 1 18, 1ft 1 S 21S; '"13 Ex 2319 34s6 Dt
I421; THS 2 K 4s8; of offerings, obj. B»Vhpn 2Ch
3513; obj. DB>K Ez 4620, n3T Ez 4624 (no obj.) v24,
cf. Zc 1421 (no obj.); Ex 162323 opp. nBX 6afe.
2. cook (general), obj.->t?3 1K19" Ex 2931 Lv
831 (both P); obj. |3 2 K 6M cf. "fy La 4'°; hence
also of men Dt 167 (cf. Di; || Ex 1289 has ^S
*t opp. D:e3 5>p3D) 2 Ch 3513 (B>K3), cakes
(nm>n) 2 s i38. Pu. i3/ 3 fs. r6gs Lv 621;
7mp/.3fs.-^3riLv621; P^ !?#30 Exi 29 1 S 215;
— 6e boiled,sodden, D'D3 Ex 1 29cf. Lv 62121 (all P)
1 S 215. Hiph.. Pf. I^ean ry>en«rf, brought to
ripeness Gn 4010 (a vine, its grape-clusters).
T ,CQ adj. cooked, boiled (As. baslu, ripe
COTGloM)— Ex 129 D'DS ^3D ^3; f. r6tj>3
Nu 619, (both P).
tni7E?2Q n.f.pl. cooking-places EZ4623
(cf. tpbfb&n TV3 v24).
TQ Tttfe n.pr.m. (= e6f"|3 «on of peace 1
cf. sub p) a Persian officer in Canaan Ezr 47.
W2, (Voifo\\. = smooth, soffi cf. Ar.IH;,
a-I2j soft and smooth ground).
]\I?3 60 n.pr.terr.m. Dt3'3 (smooth (& fertile)
land) Bashan, first mentioned as kingdom of
Og,E.ofJordan,stretchingfrom stream Jabbok
(thus including northern Uilead) northward to
Sermon, between Gennesaret (W) and mts
of Hauran (E) ; cf. Di Nu 2 133 Wetzst H*ur»" a;
later a type of fertility ; — usually c. art. '3n
Nu 2 133-33 32s3 Dt i4 + 30 1. Dt Jos; 1 K 413"
2 K io33 1 Ch5"1216S3647-6l! Ne o22 + 68" 135"
i36=» Je 2220 50" (ptftK). Mi 7'4 (\\id.), Na i4
(|| id. ; personif., subj. of &M*), Is 33' (|| id.;
personif. subj. of "$); flft-ffl (i.e. range of
Hauran) f 68"U6 (called D,n^N-iri)_from a
sanctuary there? — & D'333r-iri many-peaked
mt.); of stately trees '3H »jiht Is 213 (still seen
on western slope of mts. of Hauran, Wetzst
*ur*n88) ; 3 'JVN Zc 1 12 (fig. of prominent men) ;
'30 DWN Ez 27s; of bulls '3 'T3« ^ 2213
(II D^l. %); so '3-^33 Dt3214 ( + t>£l«| D<"}3
also D'-Wiy, cf. n|53 & fxs v». vid j3 { j (,)j.
appar. more general is '3 *JJT}D Ez 3918 (ref. to
Db . . . Dna DHWyi nns B^J); once of kine
(fem., fig. of luxurious and haughty women of
Samaria) Am 41 '3n ni"13.
t]©22n.pr.loc. in south. Judah'SH Josis62.
!"CttH v. sub eh3.
t : t
t [Dt£Q] vb. Po. Inf. sf. D3DBn3 Am 5"
prob. yowr trampling (by dissim. fr. M3) sq. by.
nth v. sub B>13.
I. PS daughter v. sub J3.
II. D3. 6a«/i (a measure), nri3 v. sub nn3.
ti. TNfifia n.pr.m. (? = Wl» man of God)
Gn 2222SS a^1'-24-47-50 (J) son of Nahor, neph. of
2520 28" (P) Aramaean of Paddan-Aram.
tii. T'StinS n.pr.loc. in Simeon 1 Ch4J0=:
^V13 Jos 194; J*D| 1530; i'Kn'S 1 S3027 (v. p. 1 1 1
supr.); yet cf. LagBX64; site unknown.
'rira v. 11. ^nf
ri^PS v. r>3 sub |3, p. 124.
cris v. iv3.
7J7H (cf- Ar. JiT sever, separate).
tn7iri2 50 n-f- virgin (cf. Ar. J^j, jLo,
As. batultu (also bat&lu of young man) 5 E,
42" v. Jer2*1886'399; NH KJVfll, Jlofc^)— Gn
2416 + 19 1.; cstr. rWl3 Dt2219 + 12 t.; pi.
ni^vis Est 22+7t.; rnbra zc 917; n$vi3 Ex
2 2 ]6 -r 2 t. ; r6r,3 La 5" ; sf Vn^DS ^ 7 8ra + 3 t. ;
— one living apart in her father's house as a
virgin Gn 24,6(J) Ex22ls(E) Lv 2i3"(P) Dt
2219 Jui924 2S133 Jb3i'Is626 Je2323i13Jo
I8; r6iri3 mj?3 a virgin damsel Dt 2223'28 Ju
2 112 1 K i2 Est 23; rtami -y\m Dt 3225 2 Ch
3617 Je 51*2 Ez 96; personification of nations
btrto* rtana Je 1 813 3 i4-21 Am 5s; p-v na '3 2 K
19s1 (=Is37M; on double st. cstr. v. Ges"306
Phi8,c"tt°)La2ls; 'oyna'a Je i417; rrnmnali
La 1"; }1TV IU '3 Is 2312; 5>33 tO 'a Is 471; '3
Dnvo n3 Je46"; pi. ron/ins Ex2216 2 S 1318
Est2i171' ^4515 78ra Lai4 210 5" Ez 44M Am8ls;
nbva\ antra + ms12 is 23* Zc 917 La i18 2s1.
ta-,7;ina n.f. virginity, pi. abs. intens. Dt
22».i7.so. cgtr ,1^,3 Dt22isi7,all concrete, tokens
of virginity; abstr., sf. ytfia Ju 1 137; nyV13
Lv2i13 Jun38Ez238; jn^.bvif Ez 23s.
t[pJ"Q] vb. cut, cut off, cut down (As.
batdku, C0TGloB- ZimBP,w°-; cf. also Ar. &?
seeuit, amputavit) — only Pi. Pf. consec. 'HIprDI
Dnmri3 Ez 1640 and they shall cut thee to
pieces with their swords.
trHinS] vb. cut in two (Ar.J^j cut off
prematurely ; extirpate by cutting) — Qal Pf.
I"? Gn 1510; Pi. Impf. WJ Gn 1510 id.
t[im] n.m. Gnl6-'0 part, piece. 1. Vvo
Gni510; pi. sf. VjnaJe 3418, bjm nna Je3419;
always of halves of animals cut in two in
making covenants. 2. VI3 '"in Ct 217 moun-
tains of cutting, i.e. cleft mountains © Thes al.;
or of separation (between us) Ew al. ; ace. to
WeProi.«5. En,.Tr.39i *, _ mal0bathron.—Bether as
n.pr. AV RV.
t|i^na prob. n.pr.terr. {cleft, ravine)
E. of Jordan; /3rri>3 2 s 2s9.
J"1J"0 (' cut off, sever, cf. Ar. oJ, secwi'<,
resecuit, abrupii).
tn. m n.m. Sl,!-U (f.I>6'w) bath (Thes al.
fr. above v in sense of define, measure; cf.
r€>x<o; LagOr-"-10t makes=m3, = 13 + fem. D;
cf. Syr. f^, instrument for pressing olives ; cf.
Epiphan. fidSos = eXaiorptjic'iov; & /3d8os also
Hesych. Jos *■"•"«•« but ed. Niese jSut-ow,
/Mro*)— '3 abs. Is510+6t.; (03 EZ45") cstr.
Ez4510; pi. D-na 2 Ch 29-9 + 3 t.;— a liquid
measure = nD,S of dry measure, each being JW
ion (q.v.) Ez 45»»-»-><; also Is510 1 K 72628 2 Ch
29-9 45 + Ez 45"-14 (4 1. in this v., Co del. a & d).
EZ4510 P1XTI3 a righteous (right, accurate,
full) bath"{\\ ?~rfr\&X). The actual size of
bath ( = ephah) is appar. c. 40 litres (= Attic
metretesci. Jos An,Tl"-2-9; =39.39 lit. cf. Boeckh
Metrol. Untouch. 2»f.. y alg0 J BrandJs «ta«- ««,- u.
Gewlchuwesen 29 I gm;^n Diet. Bible, urt. Weights J, Me«ure» T>:
HWB934 ').—!. n? v. sub (3.
T [nri^J n.f. precipice, steep (as cut off,
abrupt) — JTW3n 'jrua Is 719 m the ravines of the
T nriS n.f. end, destruction (for nria, perh.
on account of difference of meaning, perh. fr.
analogy of n?3 with like sense; cf.Di) — WNf^tt
nna Is 56 o-ind I' wiU make it (the vineyard) a
destruction, a waste, or (Che) make an end of it.
y 3 Gimel, third letter; in postB Heb.=
numeral 3 (and so margin of printed MT); j =
3000 ; no evidence of this usage in OT times.
N2 v. sub. rata.
tJ"TNH vb. rise up (Aram. Pe. (X 1 S 26)
& oft. Ethp. 'K|riK, -L^J.^ &e boastful, proud,
cf. also NH)— Qal Pf 'j Ex is'-21, «0 Ez 47s;
Impf. nK?yb8"io16; Inf. abs. ?WB Exis"1;—
1. rise up, of waters Ez 47s. 2. grow up, of
plants Jb 8". 3. be lifted up, exalted, of head
Jb 10", of' in triumph Ex 15121.
T N3 adj. proud, scribal error for i"l83 Is 166
(as in Je 4829).
tnN2 adj. proud, Jb 4c-"-'2 Is 2" Je 48M;
pi. B'lU ^942 1406 Pris25 1619; cstr.'N? Vi234
Qr ffJV 'M (>Kt DWW), yet cf. De al.
tnMni. pride, Pr813.
t rT1N2 n.f.majesty, pride (cf. Syr. H'cu J^)
— Jb4i7+6t.; cstr. niNS Pr29a+2t.; sf. ViltM
Is 1 3s -f- 8 1.; — 1. rising up, swelling of the sea
yfr 46*. 2. majesty, of Israel Dt 33s9, Moab Is
i66= Je 48w, scales of crocodile Jb 417, of God
Dt 3326 V' 68s5. 3. pride, haughtiness ^ 102
31"24 361J 736 Pr i43 29s3 Is 9* 13" 25"; ^
'niNJ my proudly exulting one3 Is 1 33 cf. Zp 311.
t|iN3 n.m.1""1'5 exaltation— Jb4O10 + 5 1.;
cstr. \^i Lv 2619 + 3i t.; sf. 1?iW etc. Ex 157
+ 9 t.; 'pi. sf. l|#iq Ez 1666; — 1. exaltation,
majesty, excellence, a. of nations, their wealth,
power, magnificence of buildings, e.g. Egypt
Ez 32 12, Chaldeans Is I311-19 14", Philis-
tines Zc 96, Assyria Zc 10", Jacob -^ 47s Am
68 87 Na 2s, Israel Ho 56 710 (prob. appellation
of /,)J Na23, Judah Je 139, Jerusalem v9 Ez
1666; W fta? p™^ 0/ Aer strength Ez 30618
S328; B1J> |1WEa 724 (but © Ew Hi Co rd. Dry);
D3Ty JttQ Lv 26'9 Ez 2421; the fruit of land
of Judah will become mtttTlTl fWl? majestic
and beautiful Is 42; UV ^3 J1XJ <Ae majesty
of all the splendour (of Tyre) Is 23'; Zion is
to become D^15? JIM an everlasting excellency
Is 6015. b. of God Ex 157 Is 24" Mi 53; "ITTj
i3W Is 210-1921; WW ^2 DJT Jb374; «? TH!
POSj pK3 Jb 4010. c. JTW1 J1KJ majesty of tlie
Jordan, referring to the green and shady banks,
clothed with willows, tamarisks, and cane, in
which the lions made their covert Je 4919 5044
Zc 113, and therefore dangerous Je 125 (Ew
thinks of the swelling of its agitated waters) ;
fjl |iX3 majesty of thy waves Jb 3811. 2. pride
(bad sense) Jb 3512 + 5913 Pr 813 i6,s Ez 720
1649 Zp 210; of Moab Is i666= Je 4s2929.
t reH2 n.f. majesty, + 931 + 7 t.;— 1. lift-
ing up ]&V rflW column of smoke Is 917; EJl1 n,s?.
swelling of the sea ^ 8910. 2. majesty of God
^93' IS2610; nb»y rtHtj he hath done majestically
Is 126; nwa fncy crown of majesty Is 2813
(Samaria, on a round hill majestically com-
manding the country). 3. pride rKW3 Visn «A«y
speak proudly fjf; so for niN? 7420 Bi Che.
1"7N"lM n.pr.m. (majesty of El) the spy
of the tribe of Gad Nu i315.
tftYW] adj. proud, BVt»W+i*tf{K.ieL
Baer's note, yet rd. prob. O^KS; but Qr better,
tPfP Wi proudest op2>ressors, v. n83).
□<,2T','S3 V« foregoing, and also HS3.
mil n.f. pride (contr. for H1S3 Ew*62"-7"'
cf. Aram. Dn 4s4 & £)— 1. pride Jb 3317 Je 1317.
2. Z?7i!m# wp Jb 22s9 an exclamation, up! Ew
Di De al.; but 2>ride Hi Dr'154"(,id-S).
rrt">*a v. *i.
f I. 7K3 vb. redeem, act as kinsman (NH,
Niph. he redeemed} also 5m, "?*?)— QalP/
'3, etc. Is 44!3+ 14 1-5 /»»?/. *«£, etc. Lv25» +
1 8t.; Imv. ?*|, etc. Bu 46 + 3 1. ; Trc/. abs. 7N3 Lv
2 7,3+ 2t.; cstr3i^Eu44 + 2t.; sf.^K^Bu313;
Pi. ^3 Lv 2526+ 24 t, ty* Is 5920 ^ 1034; sf.
^N3 Is 48", Ha** Is 548 (sf- 19 *•); Pass- P1-
D^1K3, etc. Is 359 + 4t.; — 1. act as kinsman, do
the part of next of kin (chiefly inDHP Bu),
b*\ kinsman Lv 25* (H) Nu 58 3512 (P) Eu 220
3».12 41.3.«.8.H j K l6ll ft_ Jn taking ft k;nsman's
widow ii>N3^> pir t6 otn buy ma ipny en
TIvWI if lie will do thee the kinsman's part
(raise up children by the widow) well, let
him do the kinsman's part ; but if he is not
pleased to do thee the kinsman's part then I
will do thee the kinsman's part Bu 313; b. in
redeeming from bondage Lv 2548-49 (H); c. in
redeeming a field Lv is™*-* (H) Bu 44-6; d. claim
as kinsman Jb 3s; e. BflfJ 7$?3 the avenger of
Dt 19612 (D) 2 S 1411. 2. redeem, by payment
of value assessed, of consecrated things, by the
original owner Lv 2 j**»JM«(P). 3. redeem,
with God as subj. implying personal relation-
ship, chiefly in poetry: — a. individuals, from
death f 1034 La 368 Ho 1314, JH ^30 Gn 4816 (E
poetry), B>B3 V 6919 7214, orphans Pr 2311 Je 5034,
*bw\ un nan ^ 1 i9lbi, ^«3 Jb 1925, 'SjJ) T*
^ 1915. b. Israel, from Egyptian bondage
Ex66(P?) i513 (song) f 74" 77'16 78s5, 3>1K TD
^io610. c. from exile (chiefly Is3, the vb. not
in Is1) IS431 4422-23482052l!639 Mi410, TD ^ 1072
Je3in; Yahweh is 5$ Is 41" 4314 44654 41*
4817 497-26 545'8 5920 6016 6316; and the people
ff^WJ Is 359 5 1'» 6212 634 (cf. **3W| infr.),
fief. Nipb. Pf. bg$ Lv 2548; Impf W
Lv 2530+5 t.; vWFl IS523; — 1. refl. redeem
oneself Lv 2549 (H). 2. pass. Je redeemed,
a. field Lv2530(H), slave Lv 2554(H); b. con-
secrated things Lv 2 720-27-28-33 (P); c. Jerusalem
by Yahweh Is 52'.
tl^Nit Is 634, in '3 IW, n.abstr. re-
demption, ace. to @ © 33 Ges Hi De MV Che
Di BVm ; then either pi. abstr. sf. year of (my)
redemption (so most) ; or abstr. form, in » — ,
after Syr. analogy, Lag *-.u.i«t *-••»."■ »«
(© om. my); but < Pt. pass. pi. sf. my ransomed
(released) ones Ew Br Brd AV BV cf. sub
?N3 supra.
t JT9M n.f . kin(?), redemption— Lv 2 5"
+6 t.J est* r&Kj Lv 2 s32; sf. ^N? Bu 4',
in^Ka Ez ii15, inW3 Lv25M+4t.; — 1. Atn,
in|KS '•E'aK men of thy kindred Ez 1 1 1S, BV Thes
Hi al; but © © Ew Co "mhi '« thy fellow-
exiles. 2. redemption, of field Lv 25" (H) Bu
47. 3. right of redemption Lv 2529-31-32-48 (H)
Bu46 Je32s=n^X3n DDB'D Je 327. 4. price
of redemption Lv 25s6"-62 (H).
t /Na'1 n.pr.m. (7/e redeems) — 1. one of the
spies Nu 1 37. 2 . one of David's heroes 2 S 2 3s6.
3. descendant of Zerubbabel 1 Ch 3s2.
til. [7i<3] vb. defile, late (cf. bj?5)— Niph.
Pf. 3 mpl.^b3Is59sLa4",onform v.Ges*51-',
Ko1266; Pt. rb»ii Zp 31;— be defiled, hands with
blood D^3, Is 593cf. La 4"; pt. as subst. defiled,
polluted ori3 Zp 31 of Jerusalem (||ntO!p; appos.
njfti Tjjn). pi. pf t pi. sf. •fafa Mai i7
pollute, desecrate, obj.'' (desecrated in his altar).
Pu. Impf. njnan-fp fytSn Ezr 262=Ne y64 cstr.
pregn. and they were desecrated out of the priest-
hood, i.e. deposed, as desecrated ones; P<.7N3D of
bread laid on Yahweh's altar Mai I7; of Yahweh's
altar(table, inbe^v12. Hiph. Pf. 1 s.^MKIses3
(on Aram, form v.Kb127 Gesi53R-6but) rd.perh.
"ri^xa Pi.t v. GFM™*1887'292 cf. also Gesu"-
01 »25Sb Sta }lwb' 3;—I have polluted, i. e. stained,
all my raiment. Hithp. Impf. Pi*jri^ Dn i8;
iwiV yS'—drjile himself.
t[7N2] n.[m.] defiling, defilement, \!?S3
njnsn Ne 13s9.
22 back, etc., v. sub 333.
[23], D^v.aup. 155.
I. [23] locust, v. sub i133.
II. [22] pit, in. [33] beam, v. sub 313.
22, 212 n.pr.loc. v. sub 333.
^JUJ (cf- Ar. llJL, ^a. restrain or withhold
oneself; peril. = LZjl collect (water in a cistern,
also tribute), so Lane («Ji 1. ad fin., Fl NHWB
''"•j v. also NH *», H33, Aram. K33, J^
collect debts, taxes, etc.)
t«22 n.m. **•* cistern, pool (cf. Ar.
iljla. watering-trough) — 1. cistern N33I3 h^D
Is'3014. 2. J900Z, mar«/i W33 Ez 4711
^^J (prob. be curved, convex, elevated,
Aram. N333 Mil; be or make hollow, dig, Ar.
JUjL cut off or otrf, vjli., Aram. 33, Eth. 7-fl:
As. gubbu, — all = cistern; cf. e.g. As. gubbdni
sa me, cisterns of water, Asrb *"»*>» coi.tiii. 10^
KB,IK°;v. n.pr. 33 infr.)
ta| n.m.?rf-,!"43-,3(f.,t"-18) anything convex,
curved, gibbous, e.g. back, chiefly late; — abs.
3J Ez 1624; cstr.33 Ez431:,(rd.n33® EwSm Co) ;
gf.1l 1//I293, }33 Ezi631M; pl.cstr.naiLv^9,
'33 Jb 1312 1526; sf. BW3j 1 K 7s3, DH33 Ez io13,
1^33 Ez i18, Drf33 Ezi18;— 1. back, of man (fig.
of Isr.) if? 1293; appar. of cherubim Ez iols, but
II i Sm emend v. so that '3 ref. to wheels, rim
v. 6 infr. 2. mound, for illicit worship Ez
1 62431-39 (all || no-i) ; @ 33 lupanar, brothel, after
analogy of fornix, but this without sufficient
proof, & needless. 3. boss, or convex pro-
jection, of shield Jb 1 52li(fig.) he runneth against
him . . . with the stout bosses of his shields (i.e.
wicked against "'); so j^b in Ar. in similar
phrase ; cf. also Ar. ZJ^L , shield; also French
bouclier fr. boucle. 4. bulwarks, breastworks,
fig. for arguments r33',33 "Il2rn33? Jb 1 312 breast-
works of clay are your breastworks. 5. brow,
only WJJ ni| Lv 1 4' his eyebrows. 6. Wot
of wheel, felloe 1 K f33 Ez i1818; so perh. io12 v.
1 supr. — EZ4313; elevation, i.e. basement of
altar, Da after MT., but v. fi^b , cf. supr.
tail 2 S 2 118, 212 v19 n.pr.loc. (cf. Aram.
833 ten, and Jic^, Ar. J^, Eth. 7-fl: As.
g-M&Jw, weZZ, cistern, v. 333)— field of battle with
Philistines 2 S 2i18="l» in || 1 Ch 204 (so here
ThEw; cf.Jos io33),but=n3@(S2 S2i18(©L
Ta&6); 2 S 2i19(om. || iCh 205), ® Po/n, Poj3; Klo
Goth; in v16 We Dr (q. v.) rd. 333 for 333 ; site
of Gob (si vera 1.) unknown.
t V?D V5$ appar. n.pr.m. (cf. Aram. JIA^,
Talm. '33, tax-gatherer) a Benjamite Ne n8;
but text dub. cf. 1 Ch 98 & SmL1*',,7.
t)\n22 n.pr.loc. (mound, height, cf. $ K333
ridge) Philistine city 1K152727 161517; assigned
to Dan Jos 19", and to Levites 2123: site un-
known ; cf . Lag 0nom- 246' 2nd ed- ■*.
l"OJ (coiiec«,Ar.Ui (=tj»i, cf. K33 supr.),
NH 'M, .133, Aram. N33, ]^;' ||f0rm K33 q.v.)
t *• L-?. J n.[m.] locust (name from swarm,
collection, Eth. 7-OA.: cf. also Eth. A*}A«): Zocwsi
v =Ar. kli scaturivit, manavit), only pi. Q'aS
IS334 (in sim. of leaping). — 33 n,in, v.sub 313.
T2i3 n.[m.] locusts, Na 317; cf. *aa.
t->23, "Ofa n.m. *»****• coU. locusts
(swarm, multitude ; Aram. 5*353 , pi. 'iOU ; on
format, v. ODa6d), "33 symbol of Yahweh's
judgment on Isr. Am 71 ; in sim. of disappear-
ance of Assyrian leaders at destruction of
Nineveh '313 313 Na 317 (locust-) swarm of
locusts (|| n3-)S) ; but del. 3^3 as dittogr. We al.
tPOi) vb. be high, exalted (NH id.
(Hiph.), Aram. n33; cf. Ar. 1^1^. forehead, ilL
prominence of forehead; compare perhaps also
As. gabani, heights (?) Lotz TP,S3)— Qal Pf.
'i 2Ch 26"+ 5 1.; «n:;3 Ez 316 (x=n); Pirns Ez
sf. *lf£ Ez 3 114, WWjJ! Jb 367, VfflJB Je 13",
na'naan Ez 1660; Inf.nhia ^103", nna^ Zp 3" ;
— 1. 6« high, lofty, tall, e.g. tree Ez 19" 3. '•»»•»
heavens Jb 35s Is 55s ^ 103", man 1 S io23.
2 . be exalted, of man in dignity and honour J b 36',
of servant of Yahweh Is 5213, God Is 5", God's
ways Is 55'. 3. lofty w 333 ■ — a. in a good
sense, encouraged in the ways of Yahweh 2 Ch
176; b. elsewhere in a bad sense, be haughty
f 1311 Pr 1812 2 Ch 2616 32s5 Ez 282-51?, and so
without3^Is3,6Jei315Ezi660Zp311. Hiph.
Pf W9S1 Ez 1724; Impf. &$£ Jb 3927 Je 4916
Ob4 ; 'nrva^i 2 Ch 3314; irvar Jb s7; Inf.
riaan ufl Ez2i31; Pt.^ygpri^fn^;—
make high, exalt, e.g. trees Ez 1724, wall 2 Ch
33u> gate Pr 1719, nest Je 4916 Ob4, dwelling
yjf 103s, a request Is 7", the lowly Ez 2131;
spy VV'2y_make their flight high, soar aloft Jb 5',
without tliy Jb 3927.
tppi adj. high, exalted— 1 S 92+ 15 t.;
,Toa f 1386; cstr. aha 1S167; naa (Ewi21Sd)
^ioi5 + 3 t.; pi. 0,nSaEc57+5t.;'f. nnha Dt
3'+6t.; pi. nirus Dn83+2t.; n'rua Dt2852;
— 1. high, lofty, tall, e.g. tree Ez 1 724, tower
Is 2" Zp i16, mountain Gn 719 ^ 10418 Is 409 577
Ez 1722 402; cf. phrases nmj ny33 i>3 ^V upon
every high hill 1 K 1 4s3 2 K 1 710 Je 220; niJ)3J b]}
IWQ21 Je 1 72; aha "irrb|-^y Is 3025 Je 3"; man
1 S92; tree ncAp .133 Ez 313; horns Dn83; walls
Dt 36 2852; gallows Est 514 7"; gate Je 5168;
altar Ez 4122; high things Jb 4126 Ec 12s. 2.
excdted in station Ez 213'; IBfe* i?33 bye rl33 '3
E£\?$j DVJ3J& /or /it'jrA (me a6oi;« high one is
watching, $■ the Most High over them Ec 57 so
Ew Zo al., but Vrss De Now eil.higJier (earthly),
potentates over them. 3. haughty \jr 1 38s Is 515
io33 1 S 23; rW'jrroa ^ 1015; 3.b '3 Pr 1 66; PT1 '3
Ec 7s. 4. n.[m.] loftiness, incip FI33 1 S 167 ;
cf. bin? 10, p. 153.
tTOif n.m. height— Jb2212+9t.; sf. ^33
1 S i74 + 5 1.; pi. cstr. 'nsa Jb 1 18;— 1. Attpfe,
of buildings and trees Ez 1 18 1 911 3 1 1014 4042 4 1 8
2 Ch 34 Am 29; prob. also Ez 4313 (of altar), so
® Ew Co for MT 33 (q.v.); of man 1S174;
heaven Jbn8 2212 (D33 cstr. SI6 of rock). 2.
exaltation, grandeur Jb 4010. 3. Jiaughtiness,
JC4829; bjk 'a ^ i04; tab-'a 2 Ch 32M; mi 'a
trflr02 n.f. haughtiness, Is 21117.
tpRTSUP n.pr. (exalted t 01 »OTk-4) place in
the tribe of Gad Nu 32s5 Ju 8";—ffirbet-
Ajbehdt, NW. fr. 'Amman, Bd ™m.
7laa(n) Jos 1547 Kt; rd. fcrwj Vrss. Codd.
cf. v12.
PQJ (only in foil, derivatives found in P;
cf. also NH naa, giantY
TrQ3 adj. having a bald forehead, Mn '3
Lvi341(P||t«n mg v40).
t nnia n.f. bald forehead (NH id., Aram.
jL'c£»A^), only Lv 13 — abs. Lvi342(P; asson.
nnfaa In nmga); tanas v42-4,(both P& W^pj>);
in all, as place of appearance of an eruption ;
v85 (P ; || id.) = in its front, i. e. front of garment.
"O^ v. sub nai.
"»sa, -ho raa v. sub 333.
tTia n.pr.loc. v. sub 313.
7^J (ace. to Thes orig. twist, wind, whence
not only n?33, fvaj"?, but also btta (cord and
then) boundary, as determined by measuring
cord, or line, whence vb. denom. ?33 bound,
border, q.v. infr.; NH b33, Aram. ?3? mean
mix, knead; Ar. J->i, Syr. *Va^» create,
fashion; MV assume meaning massive, whence
Ar. Jiff mountain (cf. As. gablu HA48), and
?133 as originally earth-wall, etc., serving as
boundary; this explains !"l?33 etc. less well).
T"Q2 n.m. * ** 3 border, boundary, ter-
ritory (NH id., Punic gubulim (pi., Plaut
Poe°- ' 9)— i"i33 Gn io19 + 1 68 1. + Jos 1 547 Kt (but
rd. Qr !*»); b:ta Nu2i,s + 9t.; (both, in abs.
& cstr., e.g. abs. Nu 2 2s6 34s, cstr. Gn 10" 2 S
2 15) ; sf. \b«a 1 Ch 410, ipOl Ex 727, \ba? Ex
23s' + 3 t., etc.; pi. (8 t.) only sf. YjO) Jeis"
1 73, etc.; — 1. border, boundary, a. of a land or
people : Canaanites Gn io19(J), Edom Nu 2023
Jos is121 (all P) cf. Ob7, Amorites Nu 2i13(E)
Jos I34(D) cf. I25(D) Ju i36, Moab Nu 211315
2 236(E) 3344(P) Dt 218 Ju ii1918 2 K 321 Is 158,
AmmonNu2i24(E) Dt316 Josi22 i310(all D)
Am i3, Bashan Jos 124 (D), Egypt 1 K 5'=
2 Ch 926, Is 1919; esp. of promised land Ex 23"
3424(JE)Nu343+i3t. Nu34(allP) Dtn24
1220 164 Jos i4(D), cf. Ez 45'+ 10 t. Ez 45-48;
also of Israel 2 K1425 Am 62 Mai Is. b. boun-
dary of smaller divisions, e.g. Geshurites Dt 31*
Josi25 13" (all D), cf. Jos 1 6" (J) i912(P);
esp. of tribes of Israel Dt 31617 Jos 1330 (all D)
i316+6ot. Josi3-i9(P); — I547rd.bn3v.supr.;
Jos 22^ (P) & 178 18" 2430 (JE), cf. 1 Ch 63941
L 2
2 Ch 1 113 Ez 48'+ IS t. Ez 48 (incl. v2222 q. del.
Co);— iniSi3l8rd.fori'!aa,Wan©WeDr. tc.
boundary of territory belonging to an indivi-
dual,— of field, piece of ground, etc. G11 2 317 (P)
Dt 19" 27", Jos 2430 (E)= Ju 29 1 Ch 410 Pr 15-5
22ss 2giojj0 gio ^.^_ border of stream Nu 2 236.
te. limit to waters of deep ^104" cf. Je s22.
tf. a concrete object marking limit, (a) barrier
in Ezekiel's temple Ez 40" (del. © <S Co) v12;
(/3) border of altar Ez 431317'20; (y) surroundinj
wall of restored Zion Is 5412 (so © Ew Kn Che;
De Brd territory, Di undecided). t2. terri-
tory (enclosed wiihin boundary), a. of land or
people Gn 4721 (J) Ex f< (P) io414 (||px) v19
i37 (allJ), Nu 2o,617!!1 2i22(E; ||pt«)=Ju n20,
Nu 2i23(E) Dt 24 193 0riK 'i) v8 2840 Jos i85-6
(E) Jui i22 1929 2S215' 1 Ki3 2KioM iCh
Je 3 117 Ez ii1011 Jo 46 Zp 28. b. territory of a
city (or limit of such territory) Nu 3S26'27 Jos
1326 Ju Ii9-is->8Ez47"U6-17-17 (del.@Co) 481 Am62.
tc. territory about Ezekiel's temple Ez 4312.
td. pi. in like sense (only use of pi.), of land
Mi 5s Is 6o18 (|| pN) Je 1513 173, of city 1 S 5"
2 K 1 5 16 1 88 ; so Ez 2 74 of Tyre. te. fig. territory
(region) of darkness Jb 3820; territory of wick-
edness Mai i4 (of Edom); territory of his holi-
ness ^78" (of Canaan).
T[n-^Q2] n.f. border, boundary — sf.
irta? is 2^; PZ.abs.r6aa Nu 32s3, rffaa Jb 242;
cstr. ni^aa ,), 741?, r6iaa' is io13, r6aa Dt 32s;
sf. nvjiaai'joa 1820 i949,"nyi$aa Nu 34212;— 1.
border, boundary of the earth (poet.) \fr 7417; of
peoples Isio13Dt328 (poem) ; of land of Canaan
of territory about cities Nu 3 2s3 ( P 1) ; of a piece
of ground Jb 24' ; of barley-field Is 28^.
trta;! n.f. twisting- nba nkne> Ex 2s22,
'l rntpB* 3915 (both P), cords of twisting, i.e.
(well or tightly) twisted cords.
T rV722to n.f. pi. the twisted, i. e. cords,
Ex 2814 cf.Di (appos. anj rofw, || nhhyn 'e>).
1y22 vb.denom. bound, border — Qal
Pf &3M Dt 1914; Impf 3 ms. ^33} Jos 1820, 3 fs.
"Saw Zc 92 ;— bound, border, c.acc. Jos 1 8M(P) ;
c. a border upon, adjoin Zc 92 ; trans, set bounds
Dt 1914 (c. ace. cogn.). Hiph. Pf. 2 ms. set
bounds for, c. ace. Fyaam Ex 1912; Imv. id.
baanv23(bothJE), + P*.H?PEz4718©(Sa3Co.
1 7Q3 n.pr.loc. maritime city on the Phe-
nician coast EZ279; (Ph. i>3J=Byblus (Sm Di
Jos 13s); in As. Gubli COT0"""); mod. Jebeil
Bdr.is5s; y alsoFurrer^1"120.
' ^T'U? adj .gent, of foregoing, cart. = n.coll.
J0S136 ^aan p«m, but rd. 'an k», cf.Di.
1 K 532 D& aan (but prob. txt. err.; Th rds.
Ev33M and they bordered them, made a border
for tliem (the stones); © cfiakov, cf. also Klo).
17^3 n.pr.loc. (=Ar. Jll^-, lVflaXi/Ki;)
mountainous region S. of Dead Sea, X Seir, cf.
j0SAnt.n.i.2;i,.9,i. ^,83s p'jojn pejn 5j3J;_mod.
Jibdl; Seetzen"357 BurckhT™v'",,40l KobBB111S4.
7^ J (prob. be curved, contracted, coagulated;
Syr. Pa. *a^, coagulate; Ar. ^^L is be timid,
perh. from shrinking, cowering).
T1!l2 adj. crook-backed, hump-backed
(cf. Aram, p33 id., NH |23 highlander; also
NH paa, Aram. W3J, )uu=^, all = brow (eye-
brow, etc.); cf. Ar. ,%-r-^a- *&* of forehead) ,
trCOjl n.f. curd, or cheese (NH id.,
Ar. ^L, Eth. 7-Ott: Aram. KJMa, U=»c^,
cf. IVa^J— W*& "5,a?3l J1> io10 (II 3^0)-
t[l2n3j n.[m.] peak, rounded summit;
pl.O*J»j: ^6816 ifftHQ V\n f^'a-in tfribjfTnj
'a Dnn v17 (appos.', Thes Dr5 "» al. ; others adj.
many-peaked). Cf. Wetzst8""- Gteb,!,8,!b- 1884.
IOJ (corawea;, projecting, high ; cf. Aram.
Pa. Vaa «««W, swell up, U'aa hump-backed, Nfiyaa
A?'K; v. also 1. nyaa infr.)
tj^-2 n.pr.loc. — 'a abs. Jos 21"+; cstr.
Ju 20'°+ ; V?}r Jos 1 8" + ;— Levitical city, in
Benjamin JoSA2i17= 1 Ch 64S Jos 1824 cf. 1 Ch
8', 1 K 1522 Ne ii31; also 1 S 1316 & Ju 2010-33
MT, in all three rd. nyaa (njna), cf. context; -
northernmost city in kingdom of Judah 2 K 23s
from Geba to Beersheba, cf.Zc 1410; situated S. of
passof J/i'c/miasAIsio29 iSi4scf.i S133; men-
tioned also 2 Ch 166 Ezr 226 Ne 730 1229; in 1 S
1318 © We Drrd. Wan for MT ^aa q.v.; (2 S
5" rd. |lj?aa with © and 1 Ch 1416). — Mod. Jebd
tNl>23 n.pr.m. a son of Caleb 1 Ch 249.
ti. iTgaa n.f. hill— abs. nvaa 2S225 +
13 t. + EzT613 (del. Co q.v.) 1 S 71 2 S 634 (cf.
Dr); cstr. njna Jos 53+ 8 t.+ 1 S io5 (cf. Dr);
sf. Tijna Ez3426 (but del. Co), nnyaa is3i4;
pi. abs.' niyaa Dt i22+ 35 1.; cstr. niyaa Dt 3315
Hb 36, njn? Gn 49M; sf. TO*?* Ez358;— hill,
height, elevation, both high and low, cf. ^ 1 48°
mj?33 ^31 WM, 6513; — 1. in ordinary prose,
hill, lower than mountain Ex 17910 (E) 2 S 2K;
it may be n.pr. in 1 S71 io10 2 S 63,4 v. also sub
11. !"IJD3. 2. esp. as place of illicit worship
pm pi? i>3 nnm nro3 'r*>$ by i k i 4a 2 K 1 710
Je 2s0; cf. Dt 122 2 K i642 Ch 28* (these two
4- rrtE3); also Ho 413 Je 1 3s7 1 f Ez 613 (v. supr.).
3. very commonly || in in poet. & proph. Dt
331S f 72s 1 1446 1 48° Ct 28 4" Is 2214 3o'7!S 3 14
404 ,2 4115 4215 5410 5512 657 Je 3s3 424 1616 507 Ez
63 346 358 3646 Ho 413 io8 Jo 418 Am 913 Mi 41 61
Na i5 Hb 36; rarely in prose Dti22; sometimes
as high and majestic (poet.) n?W 'j Gn 4c;26 Dt
3315 Hb36(' everlasting hills ');cf. also Jb 1 57Pr
825 (with adj. high, cf. supr.); v. also Je 4916.
4. hills with special names, some nearly or
quite = n.pr.loc, which see under the respective
words: nib '5 Ju 71 teacher's hill, in valley of
Jezreel; J"li7iyn '3 Jos 53 hill of the fore-skins ;
D^NPI 'a 1 S 10s (a designation of Gibeah);
n^snn 'a 1 s 2319 261 3; ne« "3 2 S 224; Ptain^n '3
Ct46 (i.e. hill where frankincense is grown);
jEJ '3 Je3i39; fi^T '3 Is io32 cf. 3i4 (where
|| p>r-in), Ez 3426 (v. supr.) & niWan Zp i10 hills
on which Jerusalem stands.
11. mra n.pr.loc. {hilt)—'i Jos 15" + ;
nnv33(n) Ju2o4+5t.; ny33 Josi8ffl; cstr.
^5??? 1 S n4 + 9t.; abs. alw. c. art. exc. Jos 1557
iS^Ju^12 2031 iSio262Chi32;— tl. a city
of Judah Jos 1557 (perh. one of two villages
called Gabaa, Gabatha in Onom. v. Lag0"0"1-246"
lJ8i2Dded-2M-160). 2.cityofBenj.Jui91416+2ot.
Ju, lSl026I42226261 2S2329= 1 Chu31;
also H05V 10" (cf. Jui9,2ff) 2 Chi32; perh.
also 1 S71 io10 2 S 634 rd. also (for y33) 18 1316
Ju2O10-33; = ny33 Jos 1828; called also pr"? ny33
1 S 13216 1416, & W "5?33 1 S 114 1534 Is io29;
2 S 2 16 rd. prob. PV33, ® We Dr. 1 3. a city
of Ephraim, called bns'a ny33 Jos 24s3.
riSO? n.pr.loc. (Ges58ftR2) v. foregoing, 2.
tVWSS adj.gent. of ny33 of Benjamin (t)
1 Chi 2V
tjro-l n.m.Gn4412cup, bowl— '3 Gn 44,2 +
2 t.;~ cstr. r?3 Gn442; sf. V9| Gn 44s; pi.
QT3? Ex 2 534,D''V3a v3333 + 4t.; sf. rny/ria ^x
25" 3717;— <™p (of Joseph) Gn 442121617j pi.
cups (of golden candlestick in tab.) Ex 253133'33'34
37i7.».i..». howis j e35^r\Sab) p D^on^sa.
TfYiySiaO n.f.pl. head-gear, turban, of
common priest (conical ? cf. Di Ex 2840), Ex
2840 Lv 813; nS?330 Ex 29' 3928 ('QH 'IKB).
ijty3| n.pr.loc— '3 Jos 917+ ; c. n_ loc,
n3iV3a 2S212cf. 1K34;— Levitical city in tribe
of Benjamin; formerly inhabited by Hivites
Jos 9'7 ioUUD-,!" 1119 18"-5 2117 2 S 21213 (pool
of Gibeon) \'6 330 208 Je 281 41" (great waters
which are in Gibeon)vu 1 Ch 14"; vid. esp. '3 ,3Bn,j
'3 n?3K Jos 93 (called Hivites 97) ioM 1 iI9Ne 37,
so '3 '"33 Ne 725 ( = 133 '33 Ezr 220, v. 133); cf. aiso
as n.pr.m. 1 Ch 829 fiV33 'OK OB* ftos*^34;
cf. '3 13-1? 2 S 224, '33'PDy Is 2821; it wag the
site of a great Bamah 1 K 34-5 92, where was
'the tabernacle of Yahweh in the high place'
ace. to 1 Ch 1 6s9, cf. 2 129 2 Ch i313.
t"C&aa adj.gent.— alw. c. art. "#3311 Ne
37, 'aiyria'n i ch 124, D'sJnan 2 S 2i12"3-4-9.
t h$2Z n.[m.] bud (01 * »• ")— Ex 931 ^/az
teas 6wd(i.e. in bud Dr*188-'2'), cf. RS "'""•»».*»
t *"Q;) vb. be strong, mighty (NH id.,
— T
Aram. 133 ; Ar.JlIi. (conj. I. dial. ; usually in
derived conj.) compel, force ; Jb^li overbearing
behaviour, 'Z^. constraint; Eth. 7-(l& I, i,
subigere; II, 2, cogere; Syr.ti^./ playtheman,
is denom. fr. tinman)— Qal -/y. '3 \/<- 103" +
5 t.; "33 Gn 719 + 6 t. ; "33 2 S i23; Impf. 133?
1 S 29; "33^1 Gn 71824;— 1. 6e strong, mighty, abs.
yn V133 mighty inpower Jb 2 17 ; with |J? stronger
than 2 S i23 \|/ 654 ; with 3 mighty among 1 Ch 52.
2. prevail: — a. abs. e.g. enemies Ex 17"" (E)
1 S 29 La i16, waters Gn ^"••'"•"(p), power Je
92; b. with ?y prevail ower,sul>j. enemies 2 S 1 123,
blessings Gn 4926(J), mercy of God ^r 103" 1 1 72.
Pi. Pf. V)H Zc io6; sf. DWjJI Zc io12; Impf.
ISS' Ec io10 make strong, strengthen. Hiph.
Pi ? n,l? 1'33n confirm a covenant Dn 9s7;
Impf ^W7? ^,3?? we ict/i confirm a covenant
with our tongue Ew 01 Che (or, to our
tongue will we give strength Hi De) ^ 125.
Hithp. Impf. 13JJV Jhif- Is 42"; r^5 Jb
36s: — of '^ aAeif himself a mighty one against
(by) L34213; of wicked, behave proudly toward
(?X) Jb 15s5; of erring righteous (abs.) 36s.
"133 v. following.
1. 112 6g n.m. man (NH id., MI16 p33 (pi.),
Aram.133, »i^; As. gabru, rival is Akk. loan-
word ace. to Schr™1874-200 Dl8,208mCh*ld GeDffl6)
— Dt 226+39 t.; 133 Jb 33+i3t.; cstr. 133
* 18" (=2 S 22M 1133 but © @ rd. 133); pi.
D'133 Je4ils+ lot.; — man as strong, disting.fr.
women, children, and non-combatants whom he
is to defend, chiefly poetic Ex io" Nu 24s 15 (E)
Ex 1237 Jos 7"17-'8 (J) Dt22" JU530 2S231
1 Ch23s 244 26" Jb33+i4t. Jb; ^i826+8t,
f ; Pr6*+7t. Pr; Is 2217 Je 17'+ 8 t. Je; La
3i.s7.ss.59 Dn 8»i Mi 2* Hb 26 Zc ,37. also ! g ioji
© We Dr; =each (of locusts) Jo 28, cf. B»K.
til. "123 n.pr.m. an official of Solomon
1 K 4" (cf "Ijm v,s, p. 1 22 supr.)
T^Sa n.pr. (Aram. id. = hero) Ezr 220 prob.
=fW$ Ne 7*.
"I'lSa adj. strong, mighty (cf. Ar. jll^.
one who magnifies himself, behaves proudly, a
tyrant, who is bold, audacious)- — Gn 1 o9 + 58 1. ;
■S| Gn io»+2t.; 01133 1 S 17"; pi. LVtf*! Je
46»+27t. ; D*133 Jos 10s +2 1 t.; cstr. nte?
1 Ch 1 1s7 + 29 t.; *13| 1 Ch 9M-|- 4 1.; sf. Tl^?
Ho io13 + (var. sfs. 11 1.);— 1. adj. non33 Ttol
mightiest among beasts Pr 3030; 1133 t5"K 1 S
1 4M5 H?3 ""3? * 1 1 22; TS 1*133 m,j% m 'hunt-
ing Gn io9 (J); 1133 -^D Dnns; 1133 ^K the
Messiah Is 9s; attribute of God especially as
fighting for his people i/c 2 4s-8 Dt 1 o17JM e 9s2 Is 1 o21
Je3218 (cf. Ar.jCjJ'). 2. n.m. strong, valiant
man Jos io2(E) Gn64 io8(J) JU51323 iS^i
16 1. 1 K i8-10 2 K 2416 1 Chi10+nt. Ezr 7s8
Jb 16" V i96 3316 454 52s 78K 8920 1204 1274
Pr 1632 2122 Ct37J 4* Ec911 Is32 133 2117 4213
4924SS Je516+i?t. Ez32I2+5t. Ho io13 Jo 27
4...o.n Am 2m.i« 0b 9 Na 24 Zp ,h 3i? Zc 9i3 io5.7.
cf. phrases .'TllteS mighty man of valour Ju 612
111 1 S91 i618 1 K ii28 2 K 51 (lias rrn thm\
jn'SD 7"n so ® al. ; but @L 6 Svdpamos ?»
Xfn-pdf, cf. also Klo's dub. emend.), 1 Ch 1228 281
2 Ch 133 I71617 25s 3221; 7"n 1133 B*K Eu 21;
Sin H33 Jos 1" (D) 62 io7 (JE) 2 K 1520 24";
7'nn na e»N Jos 83; 7T1 '133 1 Ch 5s4 + 14 1.
Nen14; o^n ni3j 1 Ch 7s-7-"-40; D»Vnn noj
iChu26; na n3j\/'io320; norta maj 2Chi33;
Dnv'B*nn3j iCb.926; Dmawi JTO Ne316; «?s(n)
D'TOjn 2S107 1 Chi 9s; Bnaan "tWO iChu10;
nine'i' D1,33 valiant to drink Is 5s2.
t ITVCa f n.f . strength, might — Ex 32" +
l6t.;cstr.Hll33^i47«>;sf.imT133 + (sfs. 32 t.);
pl.rtl«3 Jb4i4'+3t.; 111133,/, 7 >; ^JTVOJDt
3s4-)- (sfs. 6t.); — 1. strength, of horse Jb3919
•^ 14710, crocodile Jb 414, sun Ju 531, body of
man ^ 9010 Ec 916 io17. 2. miglU, valour, of
warriors Ju 821 Pr 8" Is 3" 28s 3ols Je 922 2310
49*5i3°Ez32M-30Mi387"i; ni133 T\ty bSpnoise
of shouting in warlike strength Ex 3218 (E); nsj?
.11133* 2 K 1820 Is ii2 36s; cf. phrases of com-
piler of Kings 'imoa 73 1 K 1523 2 K io34 2020;
inii33i nbjfiB'K 1 Ki66!!7 2 246 2K138" 14"28;
cf. also irndsi in«?D 1 Ch 2930, 1011331 iapn
Est 1 o2. 3'. might of God Jb 2 614 V' 2 1 " 54s
657 667 7 118 803 8914 1068 1451' Is 3313 Je io6
1621; cf. phrases iTYl331 ri3 1 Ch 2912 2 Ch 206,
'31 nosn Jb 12", '31 astro Mi 3s, '3m ,i7i3n
iCh29n; nil133 mighty deeds of God Dt 324
^207 7116 1062 145412 1502 IS6315.
tTIia »■«*■ lord, Gn 27s9-37.
tiTV'O.a n.f. 1. lady, queen, 1 K n19; 2.
queen-mother, 1 K I513=2 Ch 1516; '3D rilD)!
he removed her from (the position of) queen-
motlver; cf. 2 K io13 Je 1318 29s.
trn!13 n.f. I. lady, queen, Is 47s7. 2.
mistress of servants, sf. ^133 Gn 168; 'H^l??
Gn 169; nni33 Gn 164 2 K 53 f 1232 Pr 30'23';
(pi. D133 women MI16).
T / M*rpa n.pr.m. {man of El) an arch-
angel Dn 8i6 921 (cf. Lui").
t£0 J (be firm, massive, cf. As. gdbdhi, be
thick, massive, ZimBP76, & deriv. ; cf. also Aram.
tJ>33 Pa. heap up, & »VB*IB>33 height, hill).
tttrna n.m. crystal (cf. &!$$ hail— on
relation of meanings cf. Gk. KpitrraWos, & Eth.
usage of Jiflf: M£; DilM-Aeth-769— Ar. J4*
gypsum, As. gibsu, mass, abundance, COTG,OM)
— B*-331 nto&l Jb 2818 coral and crystal.
ttt^aaO n.pr.m. Ezr 230 'O "33 @ May^mr,
etc., a family of returning exiles, om. || Ne 7s3,
but ©AX Mayf/im, etc., ©L Muy/3«t ; cf. Sm
Listen 15
pD3a v. sub 333.
taa n.m. roof, top (NH id.; Di comp.
Eth. PV: PP: vinculum (ferreum), jugo simil.
collar e ferreum ; vdub.; Thes prop. 333 ; perh.
333 (=J333) cover Bo'292 Sta*189* MV)— 33 Jos
26+9 t.+ 1 S 9s6 Kt (Qr H33), H33 Jos 26 1 S
926 Qr (Kt 33) ; cstr. Ju 9" + 2 t. + Ez 4013 (del.
Co v. infr.); sf. ^33 Dt 228, 133 Ex 303+2t.
+ EZ4013 (del. Co v. infr.); pi. T)Sii Is 3727 +
5 1.; sf. n-niaa isi53, onin'aa je 32M, on»nh je
1913;— 1. roof(o( house) Dt 22s Jos 26-6-8 1627
I S 925-26 2 S 1 12-2 1622 2 K i9M=Is 37s7, Ne 816
^ 1028 1296 Pr 219 2524 Is 153 221 JC4838; as
places of idolatrous worship (esp. of heavenly
bodies) Je 1913 32s9 Zp i5; so TriN D^J) 33n 2 K
2312, roof of tower Ju 9s1, over gate 2 S 1824, of
chamber Ez 401313 (but © Co -vp). 2. top of
altar of incense, in tabern. EX303 37s6 (both P).
n, na, -rana, m-na v. sub rn.
— 7 t ' t 1 • ' t : \
t[*7*T3] vb. penetrate, cut (NH id., cut,
cut out, Aram. 113, »4», Ar. 1^. cut, cut off; Eth.
IfiSi in deriv.)— Qal Impf. ^ 9421 B^P* wtfj
p^X <Aey attack (penetrate, make inroads upon)
</te life of a righteous man (01 prop. tW cf. 56'
594 where, however, Che WV j si vera 1., perh.
denom. fr. "W^ cf. Ho 69 & infr.; cf. also Tia &
Ko '• ■■). Hitbpo. Impf. Vgtfl Je 1 66; 2 fs.
HYann Mi 4", *TrtUvi Je 4 75 ; pi . vnarro r k 1 S28,
rrriarn Je 57 + Ho 7" v. infr., vnann Dt 1 41 ; i>(.
pi. D'TUnp Je 4 15; — 1. cut oneself, as religious
(heathen) practice I K 1 8s8 ; practised also by
men of Shechem, etc. in worship of 'i (late) Je
4 15; for the dead, forbidden Dt 14' Vnann 16
nob na^jj pa nrnpr wfcri i6»f je 166; cf. 47s
(subject Philistia personified); also for MT
rniun? Ho 714 Codd, they cut themselves, ©Gr
Che RVm, or perh. (cf.1'3) sub. 2. gather in
troops, or bands; go in troops or throngs,
throng; (denominative £r."W1| q.v.) cf. T^*™?
■WllTQ Mi4u (addressed to Jerusalem); Je 57
'ir\] ro1!! n*31 and to a harlot's house they throng.
I. "WT3 n.m.G"49,19 band, troop (as making
inroads; others, as a division, detachment (as
severed), but this usually later in Heb.) —
'3 abs. i S 309+ 19 t.; cstr. 2 Ch 25"; pi. BHVia
2 S 4J + 2 t. ; cstr. nna 2 K 6ra + 6 1. ; sf. 1Hna
Jb 1912 25s; — 1. marauding band (making in-
cursions, inroads, cf. Tlj) I S 308151623 cf. I Ch
1222, also 2Ch221 iKiim 2K52 6s3 132021
242-2-22 cf. 2 S 2 230=f 1830, & Gn 4919 (v. 13
3o") Ho 69 71 Je 1822; cnvia "ne> 2 s4J, cf.
inan SjNfftD DJJW i Ch 1 219 ; fig! of God's attack-
ing forces, his chastisements Jb 1 912(cf. 253infr.)
2. troop, of divisions of army of Isr. (late) 'TTia
non^piOX 1CI174, cf. 2 CI126"; band of Israel,
i.e. troop of mercenaries hired from Isr. by
Amaziah 2 Ch 25910; 1131 ^a i.e. soldiers of
the band 2CI12513; of army in general 'Hs'pa
11153 Jb 29s, in sim.; also Mi 414 "WTJ"nj of
Zion. 3. foray, raid 2 S 3s2.
* tn. ["Pn?, or n^na] n. [m. or f.] furrow,
cutting — 1. furrow, pi. defect. 11H3 ^ 6511
( || n'OPn). 2 . pi. n'TIS , cuttings upon hands, cf.
ma Hithpo. 2, sign of mourning Je 4837(|| yfo).
fi. 13 n.m. coriander (NH V|, Aram.
ttVi • connexion with above \/dub.; v. further
Low"0156)— 13 jnjEx i6slNu 1 17, sim. of manna.
f 11. [ia] 1. n.[m.] fortune, good fortune
(Ar. 1^. id., Aram. N13, Ji^) — Gn 3011 nj3 Kt,
i.e. 133 (13 N3 Qr), © «V rixn, by or urilh good
fortune. 2. n.pr.m. god of fortune (Ar.
11 We"-""""; 13 named often inPh.&Aram.
inscript., & found in Ph. & Aram, n.pr., Bae
M76,-NoZMG1888-479; v. esp. SiegfJPThM"'!",tt)— c.
|> + art. lab Is 6511 cf. Che.
in. 1% n.pr.m. (fortunatust perh. der. fr.
foreg. divine name Siegf"™875'364 Sta0"*-'-"8;
but v. also Bae1*" 1M l)— 13 Gn 3s26 + , as well as
13 Gn3o" + ; — 1. son of Jacob and Zilpah;
a. strictly as personal name Gn 30" 3526 4616
Ex i4 cf. Gn 49" 1 Ch 22. b. as name of tribe
Nu 1 " Dt 2 7 13 3 32020 Jos 1 87 Ez 4 8s7-28 ; cf. 13 jnK
1 S 137 v. also Je 491, 13 I^B* Ez 48s4, on Wl
13H 2 S 24s cf. We Dr; explicitly 13 HOD Nu
i25 214 1315 Jos 1324 208 2 17-36 1 Ch o4865; once,
irpa nap tax Nu io20; i; \3.a (MI10 -\i m)
Nu i'24+ 1 2 t. Nu; Jos 412+i4 t. Jos; 1 Ch 511
1214. t2. a prophet in David's time, called
*9J 1 s 226, but in njh K'aan 2 S 2411 & nth
TTJ II 1 Ch 2 19, hjhn ' 1 Ch^29 & T^an-mh
2 Ch 29s5.
ti.^a adj.gent. of 13 1, Gadite 2 S 23s6
(so perh. also || 1 Ch 1 138 where MT *l?n q.v.;
cf.ThBeDr); elsewhere as n.pr. coll.: soiChs'3
(only here without art., rd. perh. 13 so ©), Dt
312.16 4« 297 Jos jlJ J26 ,38 221 2 K ^33 j Ch 5M
tn. *12 n.pr.m. father of Menahem 2 K
151417 (cf. HJ (MJ) n.pr.m. EutN">!">-25; Palm.
NHJ n.pr.m. Vog110-32).
ma in 'a ixn v. sub ixn.
T —
T^a n.pr.m. {my fortune\ a man of Ma-
nasseh Nu 1311.
T 'SP"ia n.pr.m. (El is my fortune} a man
of ZebulunNui310.
"ia"ia, in '31 ~\h v. following & sub in.
. ■< <
Trnaia c. art.ll^an n.pr.loc. (mng. dub.)
station of Israel in wilderness Dt io7-7 (in || Nu
3332 IV??? "^ v. sub in).
tiiap and (Zc 12") JiTtt? n.pr.loc. (con-
nexion with above v not clear; ©May»8fi<a,M«f-
8<a, MaytSia, etc.; 33 Mageddo; As. MagadA,
MagidA, COTG1°" DF'287) old Canaanitish city,
assigned to Manasseh i K 4" 91S 2X9" 232930;
'D rfys Jos 1 2"; "Oty Jos 1 7"= Jui27; 'O'O
• J11519'; 'V T\m Zc 1 2" 2 Ch 35*;— mod. Lejjiln
(=Legio) Hob™"1-329'3" Bdp*la9.
)"7*7J1 (cut, cut or <«ar aicaylV
T |_m2] n.f. bank of river (cf. Ar. ixL, s\I»-
«., Aram^ ***, wall), Wnfrll Jos 315 418 1 Ch 1 2"
Qr (Kt fflm) Is 87.
Li- l*,^^J only pL sf. Is 87 Kt, v. foregoing.
tn| n.m.0""-9 kid (NH *&, Ar. £34,
Ph. K1J, Aram.NJ"!?, U.s^; cf.Aa.gadil,gadiia,
Meissner2A*1889'2s6' Zehnpfund8*81-505) — H3 Gn
38"+ i2t.(abs.Gn3823+,&(generally)cstr.Gn
38,7 + ); pl.tJTJ| iSio3, cstr. \H3 Gn27'16;—
kid, almost always On? '3 Gn 2fli 38"™ Ju 619
^""iS1 1S1620; abs. Ex 2319 34s6 Dt 14s1 (all
iom 3$>rn 'j ^an «{>), & c art. 'in Gn 38s3
Ju 146; abs. pi. 1 S io3;— cf. also Hj |f •
t[nna] n.f. only pi. kids sf. T|Tlh» Ct I8
f 7 |3 ,,-,vb. grow up, become great(Aram.
. - T m *
?"13 (Ithpe.), "^..^ <iot°«<, twine, Ar. Jjui. to'a£
a cord, make firm , strong, become strong, so N H) —
Qal Pf. '} etc. Gn 3814+ i4t.; sf. ^1? Jb 3118;
Impf. TV) etc. >|'3527+34 t.; — 1. grow up, a.
3?3 ,??'!]? Ae grew up to me as to a father Jb
3 1 "; b. lamb 2 S 1 23. 2. become great, a. in
extent, wealthy Gn261313 4iw(JE) JeS27; b. in
value," ^yVrjSE'BJ rb~\Zprizedby I S262424;
c. in intensity, grief Jb 213, mourning Zc 12",
punishment La 40, trespass Ez 9s; d. in sound,
loud cry Gni913(J); e. in importance, of a
king Ec 29 1 K io23 (= 2 Ch 9s2) Dn 891° (under
fig. of horn), chief Gn 24s5 4819 (J), Messiah
Mi 53, Jerusalem Ez 167; f. of God 2 S 7s2 ^
1041, his works yjr 92", his power Nu 1417 (J).
3. to be magnified, a. house of David Zc 127;
b. Yahweh ^ 35s7 4017 705 Mai i5, his name
2 S 7s" (=1 Ch 1724). Pi. Pf. h? 1, Jos 414
Est3'; biz Is4921; n<??l Is 5118, etc.; Impf. ^%\
Is44I4 + 8t.; Imo.tyl ^ 344; Inf. ^3 Nu
66+3t.; Pt. D^O 2 K io6 (ni^Jtp Ct 51S
@ 33 Hi Bo De); — 1. cause to grow, e.g. hair
Nu 6s (P), plants Jon 410 Is 4414 Ez 314 Ct 513;
bring up children 2 K io6 Is I2 234 4921 5ils
Dn 1' Ho 9". 2. make great, powerful Gn
I22(J) Jos37 4l4(D) r K i37-47 1 Ch 291226 2 Ch
i1 Est 31 511 io1. 3. magnify, a. man Jb 717;
b. God f 34* 6931. Pu. Pt. pi. B*^B
brought up yjr 1 4412. Hiph. Pf. b^:n ^ 4110
+ ,etc; Impf b^XIs42n Dn825,etc; Inf.V^n
iCh228Am86; Pt.b^yo ^i861 ( = b^iao in ||2S
22"); pi. O^iO ^352C;— 1. make great, e.g.
shekel Am 8s, pile for fire Ez 24°, joy Is 92,
counsel Is 2820, wisdom Ec i16, works Ec 24.
house of Yahweh 1 Ch 22s; the heel i|/- 4110
either lifted high (Ges), or (cf. De Now) gave
me insidiously a great fall; cf. 1*1 '3 Ob12 i.e.
utter proud words (v. 3m Iliph.) 2. mag-
nify, salvation yjr 18", mercy Gn 1919 (J),
teaching IS4221, the word of Yahweh ^ 1382.
3. do great things T\S\tf$2 ?'l'!!?n) a. in a good
sense, of God ^ 1 26" Jo 221, also pregn. without
Inf. 1 S 1 224. b. in bad sense, of 'the northern
one' Jo 220, also pregn. without Inf. La i9 Zp 2810
Dn 84-8n K; with by, of enemies + 35s6 38175513
C. also, with Inf. implied, wept greatly 1 S2041.
Hithp. Pf. ^hi?™ Ez 3S13 I will magnify
myself shew myself great and powerful (of God);
Impf. slVy., with ?y in a bad sense, magnify
oneself against Is io15 Dn n36; T'JSJT Dn n37.
■"•T^ pt.m. or adj .verbal, becoming
great, growing up, Gn 2613 (J) 1 S 226 (cf. Dr)
2 Ch 1712; also great, pi. cstr. "fy$ \b"]3 Ez i62«
great of flesh.
TTH2 n.m. greatness — Dt 32'+ St.; sf.
Sbli Dt 521 + 5 t.; fa]& + 15011;— 1. greatness,
magnitude, tree Ez 31', arm of God ^79",
mercy of God Nu 1419. 2. magnificence, a.
king Ez 31218; b. God Dt 324 52' 926 n2 32s
yjr 1502. 3. in a bad sense, 33? 5"J3 = pride,
insolence of heart Is 9s io12.
taiTH2 n.[m.]pl. twisted threads (NH
?,1?, Bab. gidlu, cord on which onions were
strung, a string of onions, ZehnpfundBAS1MI;
Aram, 'v'"!?, I^X-Z^ thread, cord, rope, also
plaited locks, JjOj^i'd.) — 1. tassels Dt 2212 on
border of garment (||nrst Nu I53838). 2.
festoons, on capitals of columns 1 K 717.
THU adj.great— '3Gn413+ 279T.; ^3Dt
T622 l. l,
268+ 22 t.; cstr. 71*14 Ez 1737, 7*13 Ex 1516 Je
3219, 'by Pr 1919, -bH f 1458 Nai!; sf. oM"I3
Je 6,3+ 2 t.; pi. D^Plf Ex 74+ 1 1 t., D'j>*U Gn
i217+ 22 t.; cstr. ^'I? 2 K io6; sf. 1^*14 2 K 10"
Jon37; n^fts Na3,<;; f. nbh? Nu 2218+96 t.;
nSh3 Gn i512+3i t.; pi. nb'TIi Ne926 1231, n^hji
Dt2 72 + 3ot, nVn? Nu 1 3s8 + 7 t. ; — area*, 1.
m magnitude and extent, e.g. seaNu 34s, rivtr
Gn 1519, wilderness Dt i19, rain 1 K 1845, moun-
tain ZC47, city Gnio'2, house Je5213, altar
Jos 2210, throne 2 Ch 917, sea-monsters Gn i21,
fish Jon 21, eagle Ez 1 73, terebinth 2 S 1 89, sub-
stance Gn i514, wealth Dn ii2, victory 1 S 195;
1 S 1922 ^"»n "to rd. fjin '3 ace. to © We Dr.
2. tn number, e.g. nation Gn 122, congregation
Je 31s, camp 1 Ch 1222, army Ez 1717, sacrifice
2 K 10", slaughter Dt 28s9 1 S 417. 3. in
intensity, fear Dt 4s4, weeping Is 38', power
03 Ex 3211, joy Jon 4", anger Dt 29s3, indigna-
tion Je2i5, sin Gn 209, iniquity Gn 413, evil
Gn 399, trespass Ez 97. 4. in sound, loud
voice Gn 39H, cry Ex 1 16, shout Jos 65. 5.
in age, elder, eldest, son Gn 271, daughter Gn
2916, brother Gn io21, sister Ez 1646. 6. in
importance, a. things + ?"l3(n) "^(l1) an im-
portant thing or affair Ex 1822 Dt432 1S12"
2 K 513 813; rW DV Je 3o7Ho22 Jo 2" 34 Zp i14
Mai 3s3. b. of men, great, distinguished, Moses
Ex ii3, David 2 S 5'0, Job Jb I3, Mordecai
Est 94, kings Ec 914 Je2 77; esp. of king of
Assyr. bh«1 T]ben 2 K 181928 =Is36413, = As.
sarru rabbu, sarru dannu, e.g. KB '■*4* L1; f^an
Ifaqn the h.p. Lv 2 1 ,0+ 2ot.; ?H| B*K(n) 1 S 25s
2S 1933 2 K 51; r$ftj n#K 2 K 48; t^a a orea<
mam 2 S 33S Mi 73; 9m "33 "WSJ «!> </wm s/<afe no<
honour (favour) <Ae person of a great man (opp.
^) Lv 1915 (H); tB*^>f(n) the great 2 S 79=
iChi78NenI4(vid. infr.)Pri8162 56Je55(2K
io11 ®L ayxiortlovras, Klo vSs'a); further \bna
*tfn 2 K io6; 1^3(-b) 2 K io11; Jon 37; ^3
n^ina Na 310. o. t of God, himself 2 Ch 24
Ne 4886 1/. 8610 99s 1356 1475 Is 126 Je 10s;
b\1i(n) ^N(n) Dt 721 io17 Ne i6 932 V. 77" 95s
Je3218 Dn94; Vfbm bo i>nj Exi8";
itm y?TKt\ Wn 1 Ch 16s5 ^ 48s 964 1453;
bn3 "]i>D ^ 473 953 Mai 1"; ihis works Dt 1 17
Ju 27 ^ in2, t glory \^ 216 1385, iname Jos 79
1 S 1 2W 1K8" 2 Ch 632 + 762 993 Je io6 44s6
Ez 36ra Mai 1"", mercy 1 K 36 2 Ch i8 ^ 5711
86'3 1085, goodness Ne 9s6, compassion Is 547.
7. in phrases f->i"l3 QVn "ity A is ye< AigrA day
(Fr. grand jour, Germ, hoch am Tage, the day
is at its height) Gn 297; + >13? Jbi?3 (or reverse)
as iceK «wia/Z as great Dt I17 I Ch 25s 2613 2 Ch
3iis; tbiianjj"! Ibi?0(b) (or reverse) fromsmall to
great Gn i9"'i S s^o"' 2K232 25s6 2Chi5'3
3430 Est i5-20 Je 6'3 810 3134 421-8 4412 Jon 3\
8. cstr. D^B33(n) in? great of wings Ez 17", so of
anger Pr 1 9" (Qr) ; usually of God, in power Na
Is, counsel Je 3219, mercy yjr 145". 0. as subst.
concr. tniina n'B>y do great things, of God's great
acts of redemption and judgment Dt 10" Jbs"
910 375 f 71" 'O621; of the miracles of Elisha
2 K 84; of things too great and so presumptuous,
haughty "j typan Je 45s; 'i mmo ^ 124; vb
'33 Wn V 131' (cf- BAram. Dn 78"20; also
Kev 136). 10. tas subst. neut. greatness of
arm Ex 1516; cf. I?33 4.
t il "7TTil n.f . greatness— 2 S 721 + 3 1. ; n^na
1 Ch 29"; 'cstr. nfcnj Est io2; sf. "inWia Est I4;
^nh? * '453; W$ f7i21; W8 f h«^
pi. intens. Tliha 1 Ch 17 1921;— chiefly late Heb.
a. of Psalmist^ 7121, Mordecai Est63 io2, king
Est i4; b. of God's greatness, as an attribute
1 Ch 29" V 1 4536, or of his acts 2 S 721 (cf. Dr)
v23=i Chi7'919-21.
tD^iian n.pr.in. father of Zabdiel Ne
ii14 (RV & so most; but ® RVm al. the
T 7H5 n.pr.m. (very great) — 1. head of one
of the families of Nethinim Ezr 247 Ne 749. 2.
head of one of the families of Solomon"s ser-
vants Ezr 2m Ne 7s8.
Tn,7l3 n.pr.m. (Yah is great)— 1. go-
vernor of Judea appointed by Nebuchadnezzar
Je 4058 4116. 2. son of Amariah, a son of
Hezekiah Zp I*. 3. priest of the sons of
Jeshua Ezr 1 o18.
1PP773 n.pr.m. (Yah(u) is great) — 1.
governor of Judea =n»rU 2 K 2S22"25 Je3914406-'6
411"18 436 (24 t.) 2. son of Pashur, one of the
chiefs of Jerusalem in the time of Jeremiah Je
381. 3. one of the sons of Jeduthun, in the
time of David 1 Ch 25".
•VlT^S n.pr.m. (/ magnify [God)) son of
Heman 1 Ch 254 (cf. on this remarkable list of
names Ew^274" We RS0™"422.2""-*145) v29.
tin,7TT31 n.pr.m. (Yah{u) is great) a pro-
phet of the age of Josiah Je 354.
tbl^Q n.m. tower, Gnii'+n 1; cstr.
^3p Ju 817+ 21 1.; pi. ta-b-jao 2 Ch 269+6 t.;
n<^3t? V4813 Ez 264; pl.f. nihst? 2 Ch 32s +
2t.;T'cstr. ni>l3D Ct 5,3(1); sf. Ig^R? Ez 26"
2711;— 1. tower Gn n45 Ju89 9<->-5<«2-52 2 K 917
i79i88 iCh272i 2Chi46 26910-15 274326Ne
g25.26.27 Jg2lS 30263318 Ez 264.9 ,jll ^48'3, watch-
tower in vineyard Is 52; fig. of God as refuge
^6 14 Pr 1 810; beautiful neck like towerof David
Ct 44; an ivory tower 7s; breasts 810. (Cf. MI22
nnPIJO, Sab. (more precisely Lihyan) JiWIJD,
Eut, v. DHMIt*r-1>M*--4-1-B). Special towers
mentioned on Lebanon Ct 7s, Penuel Ju 817,
Shechem Ju g*647*'- and at Jerusalem, the
tower of David Ct 44 (the arsenal), HND Ne3',
^?n Ne3' 12s9 Je 3138 Zc 1410, Dnun Ne3n
1 2s8 (tower of the furnaces). 2. derated stage,
pulpit of wood Ne 84. 3. raised bed || HJ^nj)
Ct 513, but © 33 Hi Be ■ De rightly rd. ni^lSD.
t J N"TH3Q 11. pr. {tower of God} stronghold
in Naphtali Jos 1938 prob.=May8aXd Matt 1539
= Mejdel in the plain of Gennesareth Rob
BR Hi. 298 "gJFaliffi:
t"ia ,^pto n.pr. (tower of Gad} stronghold
in Judah Jos 1537;— cf. Magdala, Lag0nom-,S9'12-
2nd ed. m. p0ssibly Mejdel, eastward of Askalon,
Guerin '""* "• 13° * cf. Bd F" 162.
I "Y137"712?D n.pr. (flock-tower) shepherd's
watch-tower near Bethlehem Gn 3521 Mi 4s.
t'rraTp n.m. tower, 2 S 2251 Qr (Kt {jHJO
I'b^SO n.pr. (bVWO only Je 4614) fortified
city on the NE. border of Egypt Ex 1 4s Nu 33'
Je44I4614Ez29103O6; Copt.»n«scA<6i(Champoll.
LigJpt«.omi=.rh.n1oI.»ii.79^ Egyptian makBel EbGS522.
IjJ J 3 vb. hew, hew down or off (NH id.
(rare), Aram. JH3 Ithp.; Ar. &li cut o/f hand
or other member, mutilate} — Qal Pf. V13 La
j»; Wpi] 1 S 231; Impf. VVffi Zc II1014; Pt.
pass. nyvi3 Is 1 52 (so many edd. but) Baer W"13 ;
cf. infr., D'JH? Is io33 ; — hew, cut in two, a staff
Zc 1 11014; metaph. hew off, an arm 1 S 231; horns
La23; hew down, trees Is io33; if in Is 152
then = shave off (object [pt, beard), but no other
indication of this meaning, and true MT n^Via,
cf. Baer's note & Je 48s7; v. IPS. Niph. Pf.
J«» Ju 2i6, Jn» Je 5023; 3 fs. nV^r Je 48s5,
nVi^lconsec.Is'2226; 2 ms. J?y^lVi412; 3 pi.
tyTOl consec.Ez 66 Am 314; — be liewn off, of altar-
horns Am 3", of idols Ez66 (|| "OB*j); of sever-
ance of a tribe from nation Ju 2 16; fig. of king
of Babylon Is 1 412 ; of Babylon as hammer Je
5°a (ll'^EO); of a minister, under fig. of secure
peg or pin Is2225; of horn of Moab Je 48-*
(|| -Otw). Pi. Pf Vli 2 Ch 347, 3"? 2 Ch 344
* 10716, V$§ 2 Ch i42, jrp5 ^75" Is 452, W^?-
2 Ch 3 1 ' ; 3 mpl. J'TWI Dt 7s 1 23; — hew off, down,
in two (cf. Qal) of Asherim Dt 7s 2 Ch 142 311,
of idols Dt 123 (D^pB) 2 Ch 344-7 (D^O);
fig. horns of wicked ^ 75" ; bars of iron (i.e.
of Babylon's gates) Is 45s, cf. \^ 10716. tPu. Pf.
VJ^IS Is g* hew down (of trees).
pJHil n.pr.m. judge of Israel Ju 611131,+
36 t. Ju 6-8;— called also }%&* (q.v.) Ju 632 71
etc., & JIBtoT (q.v.) 2S1121.
t^piHa n.pr.m. a Benjamite Nu I11 2s2
7».65. -Jiv-ia 1024 (always /j-f2 JTOj»).
T OJH? n.pr.loc. marking limit of pursuit
of Benjamites by rest of Israel Ju 2045.
'[ I "] v^- on'y ^*" revile> blaspheme
(NH IIS eut, wound, then (esp. Pi.) revile;
Ar. <__»jLi cut, cut off, 11. dewy a favour, be
ungrateful, etc.; Aram. Pa. T31, >S«sL, revile} —
Pf 2 ms. F1S131 2 K 1922 = Is 3723; 3 pi. W$
2 K 196 = Is 376; Pi. ^;» Nu 1530 Vm417;—
1. revile, between man and man, (abs.) bip
TO** el~l.n» VM417 the voice of (him that) re-
proacheth and revileth. 2. blaspheme, sq. ace.
*» Nui5»(P); 2 K 1922 = Is 37a (|| TO; obj.
*9r^l^ , ref. to 'i as above) ; Ez 2027; 2 ace. DP?!?
»nk -ruste *^o njn 'j -ib»k ... 2 K 196 = Is 37s
the words with which the servants of the king
of Assyria blaspheme me.
tnBVfa n.f. taunt, only Ez 515 nfinn IWI)
Ertab TOBta 1D» « and she shall become a
reproach and a taunt, an admonition and an
astonishment, to the nations.
T CDT*© n.m. pi. revilings,reviling words
— 1 Is4328; cstr. »{W| Zp 2s; sf. DrUM? Is5i7
between men, Is 4328 (|| DID); 5^ Zp 28 (both
II nB™)-
I 1 3 vb. wall up or off, build a wall
(denom. ? NH id., Ar. .ii and v. "H3 infr.) —
Qal Pf. "H? Jb i98+ 2 1., vr™ Ho 28 Am 91';
Impf. 2 mpl. WTiril Ez 135; Pt. T$i Is 5812 Ez
2 230; pi. DT* 2 K 1 213 2 2';— wall up, shut off, lit.
only Pt., ahs. = masons (wall-builders) 2K 1213
226; alsoIs5812 (obj.H?); fig. of Yahweh's deal-
ings with men, obj. rnfc Jb 198, 7T1 La 3'; cf.
Ho 28 (ace. cogn. VU), in all = obstructing path
of life, cf. also La 37 (c. ,|1J!1); of restoring fallen
booth of David Am 9" (obj. CVis) ; of repairing
fortunes of Israel, a work neglected by prophets
Ez 1 36, and by all in power 2 230 (both c. ace. cogn.)
t-na n.m. E!42'7 wall (NR "113, Aram.
NT1?> TH?, -^r. JjLi , jXa. , and more com-
monly Jlio. enclosing-wall cf. Heb. 111? infr.)
— abs. th Nu ■a*"' + 5 1. + + 624 (rd. rma cf.
infr.) + Ez 13s (Co rma cf. infr.); cstr. TJ| Pr
2431 Ez 4210 (Co del.); sf. t*n> Is 55, WVTj Ho 28
(cf. Baer, note); pi. sf. *|*/T1| Mi 7", nnna'f 8013;
• — «/aM, fence, bordering a road Nu 224'24 cf. Ec
io8; connected with Ezekiel's temple EZ427;
city wall Mi 7" cf. Ezr 9'; fig. of Yahweh's
vineyard Is 55 i^ 8o13; of fortunes of Israel Ez
2230; so also Ez 136 (Co rvri? cf. rrvjf); of
hindrance in path of Israel (fig. as woman)
Ho 28 ; of man beset by enemies yfr 624 ('a
rwn^l, but rd. '1 rma 01 De etc.)
T"H2 n.pr.loc. Canaanitish city Jos 1213.
Tafcp A & @L also Euseb Lag°°on,M42n,1,,da4=
ina 1 Lag BST6 ; cf. TI| infr. ; possibly = 113 TV?
iCh251(v. p. in).
1 1. iTTTa, rnna n.f. wau— nvu i ch 4a
+ ij, 624 (MT T*| q!v.), n-i-l? Ez 135 (Co, cf. © ;
MT -na) 42»2 (del. Co); pl.'ni-na Na 317+ 2 1.,
nhia Nu 32*; cstr. nWia Nu 32s6 + 2 1., rrna
Nu 3216; sf. Vriiia ,/, 8941;— wall, hedge I Ch
4s3 (or is this n.pr.loc. 1 cf. Ot) Na 31' (where
grasshoppers alight), Je 49s; wall, connected
with Ezekiel's temple Ez 42l2(del. Co) ; defences
yjr 8941; elsewhere ;XS '} sheep-folds Nu 321636
1 S 244 Zp 26 cf. Nu 32s4; Ez 135 Co tff§ after
@; V'oV MT rmrrtn -na, rd. 'i rma cf'.'-n?-
t^JTHS adj. gent, of 11. rma; vmarj iCh
1 11. i"P~T2 n.pr.loc. a city of Judah i"m3n
Jos 1 5s6; © TaSrjpa, ©L r<i8ipa ; % cf. TfSovp
T ajr 0nom* m 2nd ed- 2s4
iffrVTSl n.pr.loc. in Judah J0S1541; '|n
2 Ch 2818. '
TD^rrriil n.pr.loc. in Judah Jos 1536; perh.
del., so ©; whole number too large, cf. Di.
"h-nil adj.gent. of TJ3 (q.v.) so Lag8"17;
cf.MVal.; others fTTH; but © r^tir^s, ®L
r«88a>P.Ti)r;— mjin 1 Ch 27s8.
t^Vtt, I'"!? n.pr. (Ar. jtf* waS);— 1.
n.pr.loc. city of Judah "ii"l3 Jos 1568; also as
n.pr.m., under fig. of genealogy "na son of Penuel
1 Ch 44, "fria Bon of Yered 1 Ch 418; also "liiari
1 Ch 127 v. d. H.; 1*yp Baer, cf. his note. 2.
n.pr.loc. "na 1 Ch 439, but read Gerar, ace. to
© Ew Hi Be al. 3. n.pr.m. ~»i~l? 1 Ch 831
9" a Benjamite, of Gibeon.
I. t£H3 (NH E'*1-?' Aram- *tyt heaP UP'
cf. also Ar. ^SJ ).
ti. BJna n.m. ■""sa6 heap, stack (NH id.,
Aram, t'd.) — K,,"I3 Ex 2 2'+ 3 1. ; — stack of sheaves
Ex 2 2s Ju 156 (|| noj> in both) Jb 5M.
11. tf"f3 (=6A>»; exact mng. unknown).
ftt Xi?"~Tll n.[m.] tomb (Ar. 1>1L id.) Jb
, j 32 . J),. } 178. * S. ,. 229 suggestg reading (^ .
tra Ez 4713, rd. m © X93 & all moderns.
+ [(1/13] vb. depart, i.e. be cured, healed
(subj. wound) (cf. Aram. ]o»^ be freed (from
guilt, pain, disease, etc.), A ph. set free, also
become free) "lite D3t? nWT6l H0513.
Tnnj n.f. healing, cure — nnj pr 17s
'a anpw tjgp a*) cf. Now.
t["irTil] vb. bend, crouch (so Vrss) —
Qal ImpfW\ 1 K 1842 sq. nriK Elijah, with
face between knees; 2 K 434135 Elisha, over dead
boy, sq. vb]} (|| 33E*1 v * cf. 338*).
12, 13 v. sub nu.
sta, ■a'ta v. sub ma.
+[^3] v^- dl8 (cf. Ar. Jjli pierce, bore,
hollov) out) — -Qal Ft. CSa diggers or pkmgh-
men 2 K 2512 Kt; but cf. Qr D'33* as Je 52" (v.
ay), and v. 23 infr.
fn. [22] n.[m.] pit, ditch, trench (Ar.
til*, hollow, depression; Syr. joo^ cistern) —
only pi. tr33 Je 143; in 2 K316 D'3J p'3J, i.e./i*M
0/ ditches ; further, cisterns (ace. to Klo 2 K
25'2) Je 3910 D,33,l (r<3. D'331); cf. also || 2 K 25^
(DW1 Kt, BrOff^ Qr)=Je5216(D,3a\^; both
c. D'OIS) ; Klo prop, to emend these, so as to
rd. in all D*3J) D^t?")? Orh fFM and gave to them
vineyards and cisterns ; another view in Th ;
cf. further 313, 3J*.— I. 33 v. sub n3J.
"t"Q^22 n.pr.loc. (trenches)^ . fr. Jerusalem,
c. art. '3? Is io31; site unknown.
fin. [32] n.[xn.] beam, rafter? (Thes sub
313, but mng. & V dub.), D,33 iK6»; but Lag
Armon. Stud. J199.M 1.212; BN155 r(]g_ Q<13J (PerS- \ . : f"
Armen. ypjicd) vaulted roofs.
T2C\Z n.pr.m. (-y/unknown) — 1. 1 Ch 54 a
Reubenite. 2. Gog of the land of Magog, prince
ofRosh, Meshek, and Tubal, *ty 3laD )nK 313
^)3ni T$0 tfih Ez 38s3 (om. jiJO '«)' 391 (om. id.)
cf. 38"1'6 (del. © © Co) v18 391"1111 ('3 ficn N^3)
v15 (id.); cf. As. Gdgu, chief of a mountain tribe
N. of Assyria DF*247 COT on Ez 38*.
ta\3F2 n.pr.terr. (=land of Gogl cf. Dl
p.*«Lelloriu.«5)_ EZ38239«; inGn io3= i Ch i5
a son of Japhet, him jn HW Jto 1D3 ns11 »JS
DTni.T|^;= Scythians? cf. Jog*"""; Lag
GM.Abh.i58 refers name ^ mountainous region
between Cappadocia and Media; cf. Di Gn io2,
KiepMBAkF.b.ua.jo: (N> & E Armenia), Len
(SE. Armenia), v. esp. Len0"11'411"76.
t^1)-)] vb. invade, attack (cf. TIJ, whence
1JJ etc. actually derived by Ki Bo Ko1S5eq.v.;
SS, perh. better, denom. fr. ina) — Qal Impf.
Taj Gn 4919, ITWJ v1', ttTJJ Hb 316; VW V 942'
Kt (v. YU); — attack Gn 4919, allit. c. "13 n. pr.
& "in?, :3ry tj» wn] ut«j toj "« gw, a <roop
s/ta/7. troop upon him, but he shall troop upon
the heel (i.e. pursue them in their retreat) VB;
Hb 316 1"?; mb nib}£ cf. VB & Comm.
1. n12 v. sub nxj.
m^I (project, be convexfi.
t[ia] n.[m.] back— only sf. «|W 1 K 149, tfl
Ez 23s3, DJ3 Ne 9s